HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIBERGLASS DOORTHERMAITRU' FI LE COPY RECEIVED JAN 18 2019 T H E R M A T R U DOORS ST. Lucie County, permitting 1 78 INDUSTRIAL DR.. ED BERTON, DH 4►/EN31J)517 30 1 // 1 II��II X68 "FIBER CLASSIC" FIBERGLASS SINGLE DOOR INSWING / OUTSWING -imwrr GENERAL NOTES 1. This product has been evaluated and Is in compriance with the 61h Edition (2D17) Florida Building Code (FBC) structural requirements excluding the "High Velocity Hunicane Zone" (HVHZ). 2. Product anchors shall be as listed and spaced as shown on details. Anchor embedment to base material shall be beyond wall dressing or stucco. 3. When used in areas requiring wind bome debris protection this product complies vilth FBC Sections 1609.12 & R301.2.1.2 and does not require an Impact resistant covering. This product meets missile level'D" and excludes Wind Zone 4 as defined in ASTM El 996 and FBC Sections 1609.1.2.2 & R301. 4. For 2x stud framing construction, anchoring of these units shall be the same as that shown for 2x buck masonry construction. S. Site conditions that deviate from the details of ft drawing require further engineering analysis by a licensed engineer or registered architect. TABIEOFCONTENTS SHEET# DESCRIPTION I Typical elevotiam. design pressures &general notes 2 Doorponeldetak 3 Horaontal cross sections 4 Vertical cross secibns 5 Buck and frame ancho(ing- 2X buck masonry construction 6 Fame ancho4ng-1X buck masonryconshucton 7 Birof MatetlaB BComponems 37.59' MAX. OA. FRAMEWIDTH �/j,�� 36W MAX. SO4AI) -PANEL WIDTH ` `1 g 9YE 1 T z 0 ' W1 EDIE] go 010 efulmll-U." -1 111" r— T—M @ HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION EXTERIOR INTERIOR (VERTICAL CROSS SECTION 1-1/4'Ma EMB. (IYF.1 1 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION 9 iraMg configlnotion TERIOR TERIOR INTER EXTER 3 j Inswing configuration 1-1/4'MIN. EMB. (TYP.I INTERIOR " "'%/.... EXTERIOR 1 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION q MFRlg confBuOSS. • e 3 VERTICALCROSSSECTTON q Intwing conflBumllon INTERIOR r������/A EXTERIOR 2 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION q Shown w/7Xwbbuck EXTERIOR INTERIOR eVERTICAL CROSS SECTION q Ouhwing conVgumtlon 17 BUCKANCHORING STRfKEJAMB CONCRETEANCHOR NO 1. Concrete anchorlocations at the comers may be adjusted to maintain the min. edge distance to mortarjoInts. Z Concrete anchorlocations noted as"MAX. ON CENTER" must be adjusted to maintain the min. edge distance to morforloInts, additional concrete anchors may be required to ensure the "MAX. ON CENTER"dimenslon are not exceeded. S. Concrete anchor table: ANCHOR ANCHOR :;..:MIN, %1 MIM CLEARANCE . I . MON.CLEARAN" :.Tm: EMBE DMtw MASONRY � ::TO-Akctfott% TO ADJACENT .SIZE q: . EbSE::d. "W 1/4" 1-1/4' 4 TAPCON' 'LCO 1/4' 1.1/,r 4" ULIRACON® I I I.Maink ), V'end distance,& I"o.c. spacing of wood. 61 so MASONRY OPENING FRAME TYP. HEAD & JAMBS e Q 0 2XBUCK FRAMEANCHORING Masonry 2l(buck construction HINGE WAIL 0 HINGEJAMB LATCH & DEADBOUIDErAIL A M 6" 6 MASONRY OPENING FRAME J ��sggg?ttt TYP. HEAD 8 JAMBS P 0 ^O I I• F WWW • L SWKEJAMB TRAMEANCHORING Masonry IX buckmnshudion CONCRETEANCHOR NOTES: i 1. Concrete anchorlocaHons of the comers maybe adjusted to maintain the min. edge distance to mortarjoints. f 2 Concrete onchorlocallons noted as 'MAX. ON CENTER"must be adjusted to maintain the min, edge distance to mortarjoints, additional concrete anchors f may be requlred to ensure the "MAX. ON CENTER" dlmension are not exceeded. 3. Concrete anchor fable: ANCHOR ANC HOR NCHOR MIN. MIN. CLEARANCE' PTO MIN. CLEARANCE. TYPE' SIZE .` EMBEDMENT:. MASONRY �`.TOADJACENT. ., .. . .1.1/4' EDGE .. ..... .... ANCNOR'�'." ITW 1/4" 2" 4" TAPCON•®: ITW e TAPCON 3 16" / 1-1/A' WOOD SCREW INSTALLATION NOTES: didnm-o 1"and dielnnGP. R I"n.G. mnClno AMInINn n minimum S/A^ndnn NINGEJAMS LATCH A DEADBOLTOETALL HINGEDETAIL BILL OF MATERIALS ITEM DESCRIPTION MATERIAL A I BUCK SG>=0.55 WOOD 8 2X BUCK SG>=0.55 WOOD C MAX. 1/4'SHIM SPACE WOOD D 1/4" X 23 4" PFH ELCO OR ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL E MASONRY -3AW PSI MIN. CONCREFE CONFORMING TO ACI 301 OR HOLLOW BLOCK CONFORMING TO ASTM C90 CONCRETE G 3/16"X3-1/4'PFH ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL H 1/4"x3-1/4"PFH ITN CONCRETE SCREW STEEL J 1/4"X33/4'PFH ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL K #8 X 2-1 /2' PFH WOOD SCREW I.1S' MIN. EMBEDMENT STEEL L #10 X 2'PFH WOOD SCREW STEEL 7 SHORT REACH COMPRESSION WEATHERSTRIP FOAM 8 LONG REACH COMPRESSION WEATHERSTRIP FOAM 9 4"X 4" HINGE.097"THK. STEEL 10 #10X3/4"PFH WOOD SCREW STEEL 17 KWIKSET SIGNATURE SERIES PASSAGE LOCK STEEL 18 LOW PROFILE OUTSWING BUMP FACE THRESHOLD ALUM./WOOD 19 HEADER JAMB PINES.G>=0.42 WOOD 20 1 SIDE JAMB PINE, S.G>=0.42 WOOD 21 1 KWIKSET SIGNATURE SERIES (7801 DEADBOLT STEEL 27 LATCH STRIKE PLATE STEEL 28 DEADBOLT PLATE STEEL 32 DOOR BOTTOM SWEEP PVC 33 SELF ADJUSTING INSWING SADDLE THRESHOLD ALUM.COMP. 50 FIBERGLASS DOOR PANEL -FIBER CLASSIC 51 PC DOOR SKIN.070" MIN. THK. FIBERGLASS BY THERMA-TRU WITH YIELD STRENGTH Fy (MIN.) = 6,000 PSI SMC 52 TOP RAIL COMPOSITE 53 LATCH STILE LVL WOOD 54 HINGE STILE WOOD 55 BOTTOM RAIL COMPOSITE 56 POLYURETHANE FOAM CORE -1.9 LBS. DENSITY FOAM 57 LOCKBLOCKREINFORCEMENT WOOD NOTE: WOOD/LVL COMPONENTS (PINE SG>= 0.42) .UT n �Mi* K@gym ^4.56'� :NY> �i �.......... .4 Emn y II II�F l N� C UN•; Z r I2 O W \V` 19 20 HaEMAD 6510E g P` z � �$ � �� I �Wj ✓:lg � o0 p m j1 LOW PROFILE OUISWING BUMP FACE_ 5.75' 53 L - 1 r JS SEIFADJU GSADDLETNRESNOLO