HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL(IS \ Product Approval trs¢a: weuc use S, (�NN � ProductAooroval Menu > Pmduct or Aoollcatioa Search > AODII[atlon list > Appll®tlan Cell St.47? �'D fL10674`dt13 . Uc�� C�Un Application 1. pe;_„ , Revision RECEIVED gge �`�-c.�.. { Version 17 Application Status Approved JAN 2 2 2019 Comments ST, Lucie County, Permitting Archived — i;.>-._ Product Ma0ufacturer Owens Corning —`—c-` Ad r /ess Phone/Emafl One Owens Coming Parkway Toledo, OH 43659 _(740)'404-7829 g reg. keeler@owenscorning.com '.,Authorized Slgnature` Greg Keeler, . greg.keeler@owenscoming.com Technical,Representative Mel Sancrant Address/Phone/Email- _ 1 Owens Coming PON - - - - - Toledo,,OH-43659 (419)376-8360 mel.sancrant@owenscornfg.com Quality Assurance Representative B f! t Address/Phone/Email tegory�— Y ' oflr g S tegorypJnglesY.. d� . Compliance Method : Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or; . Professional Fngineer Evaluation Report- Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Robert 3.M. Nleminen Evaluatlon Report Florida License PE•59166 Quality Assurance Entity ; . UL LLC Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 05/16/2020 Validated 8y John W. Knezevich, PE !C Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL10574 R13 COI 2017 01 COI Nieminen.odf Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) 15=11951 YN ASTM03161 201 ti Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By , Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Date Submitted Date Validated Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved J AST14 D3462 ASTM D7150 201 Method 1 Option D 10/10/2017 10/11/2017 10/15/2017 12/12/2017 F�L btodet; Number or Name � Vescrfption, ,. 10674.1 Owens,ConNng Asphalt Roofing 3 iab; 4-tab, 5-Fate; laminaDed, starter and big Shingles and Starters Limlts of Use 1 Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: No FI-10674 R13 fI 2017 10 FINAL ER OC A� Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes SHINGLES PL10674-R13.Ddf Impact Reaistanti N/A Verified By, Robert J. M. Nleminen PE - 5916, Design Pressure: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Other. Refer to ER, Section 5. Evaluatlon Reports Ii 2017 10 FINAL ER OC A SHtNGLF5 FL10674-1113.odf Created -by -Independent Third Party: Yes 7 L Nast Contact Us:: 2601 Blair Stone Road. Tallahassee EL i ac9 Pim,a'950,4117-11E12A The State of Florida Is an AA(EEO employer. Covenant 2ab7-2013 State of Florida.:: dmeflt Under Florida law, ema0 addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released In response to a public -records requesp mall to this entity. Instead• contact the office by phone or by traditional mall. If you have any questions, please contact SSOA87.1395. "Pt 45S,275(1)0 Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F,S, must provide the Department with an emal one. The smalls provided maybe used for erticial mmmunlcatien with the 0censee. However small addresses are public record. If you do not We .ad please provide the Department with an email address which on the made available to the public. To determine If you are a licensee un please dick here .'•, 1 . - . - Predud Approval Accepts: us t. . .,q t scis !tome I Login i UW ft1S"Wn trot Topics 1 SUbmR Surcharge i Stab a Fads PUW atland I FeC Stag j BCLSSftMtj _ >� � PR.�X4 Jippruival _ iLian:.RubiteU^,er l+?r lrj' qo' SCANNE13- Patduct Aoarovel Menu > PIDS(urt er Aooaeation Search > Application U > AnUcatlon W tia BY St. Lucie Count` pL .:n�- a Fj�6g27=R2 �y Application Type Revision Code-Versidn <;F' 29E7� RECEIVED ffwtion stales Approved. JAN 2 2 1-319 Comments Archlved ST. Lucie County, Permitting ?ectturrr uPi�rod�uct�Martu.--" T37]Miierials4GrauP�_LCC Addrt2ss/PitoneJEmaO PO Sax 7C ` Ruthetiord, N3D7070 (800) Slf-4485 david.rulz®trlbuiltmg.com Authorized Signature David Ruiz david.rulz*tribulitmg.com Technical Representative David Ruiz Address/Phons/Eti180 ZW Route 17 Nbr tt East Ruthetfbrd, NJ 07073 - (201)842-2449 davld.rulz@tribuiltmateNaisgroup.com Quality Assurance Representative C Richard Schurman �4 Addness/Phone/Emall 9050 Louisiana Street Merrillville, IN 46410 " y Iridhsc.Rtorman@Alietiboiiding,00rn uP � Category,�� �RooAn '� 9ubcatt9ory,"r ' -- ModlPl;=RoofSy_siem�,y„"-�'--- Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or i professional Engineer Evakiatiort Report - kiardoopy Received �♦ L, Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developeofthe Robert Nfeminen Evaluation Report Florida license PE-59166 Quality Assurance Entity UL LLC Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 10/06/2018 Validated By John W. Knezevich, PE 'r Validatbn:Checkgst - Mardcopy Received Certificate of Independence Referenced'Starldard'ar)d Year (of Standard) 6YandarQ' p-% ASTM D6163 200 ASTM 66164 201 ASTM 06222 201 FM 4470 201 FM 4474 201 Equivalence of Product Standards Certifisday sectrorls from the Code Product Approval Method bate Submitted Date Validated Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved Method I Option D 09/ZS/2017 09/30/2017 10/08/2017 12/12/2017 ;F:. � 'slodel, Namber:or'N>im® t=crilpYlon 16027.1 TRI-BUILT Modified Bitumen Roof SBS and APP modified bitumen roof systems Systems Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved far use in HVHZ: No FLi6027 R2 II 2017 09 FINAL Al ER TRI Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes BUILT MODBrr FL36027-R2.12df Impact Reolslanb N/A Verified By: Robert Nleminen PE-59166 Design PresStlrer+IVA/-622.9 Created'by Independeol: Ihird P2rtjr: Yes' t7tfterr 1.1 The Design. Pressure Hated In this applfcattott refers EvafueOTon Reporter to one system. Refer t0 ER Appendix for all systems and -max. • Al 27 R AE 0f7 Da FINAL ER 7RI- design pressures. 2.) Refer to ER Section 5 for Limits of Use. BUILT MODSIT FL16027-R2.ndf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes B9clt w.Y, Contact Us ;; 2MI Bleb Stone Rod, Talleheisa, FL 332399 one. B' j - The State of Aomda is on AA/EEO employer:^&owrlaM 20d7.2013'Sratdof-.. itlo.::':RIv�rS=r?mam ;; AcosalblllNSgtamem :; Q4! Under Florida law, email addresses am public records. If you do not went your e•msll address released In response to a public -records request, mail to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mail. If you have any questions, please contact BSOA87.1395. eA 455.275(1), Florida Statutes, effective October t, 20120 0censees licensed under Chapter 455, PS, must provide the Department with an emal one. The emeils provided may be used for official communlradon with the licensee. However email addresses arc public record. If you do not wh address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public. To determine if you am a 0censee un please dick here . Product Approval AccepW ®®WERE \�Q TRINTY 2A-2 Wood NeW, Remof fTeorOlf) or Recover A-2 Mch.AtadhedAnrhor5heet, Banded Insulation, Banded RaofCdJer -' S 38 Wood New, Remof (Tear-M or Recover - B Meth.Attarhed Base Insulation, BondedTaR emulation, Bonded Robl Caret - 5 1C Wood' `' Neat,Remofffear43ff)orRecover' C Math. Attached Insulation, Banded Roof Cover 6 1D. Wood New. Remofrfear-CM or Recover D PrelIM.Attached insulation. Mach. Attached Rase Sheer. Bonded Roof P,bva B 1F Wood New oriteroof(Tear-OR) F Non -Insulates, Banded Roof Cow ': R 2A Steel of 5tmituml conaete New, :Rerbof frear-M orReoover B Meth:Aihaihed Base Insulation, Bcnh d?op Ravlatlan, Bonded Roof. Cava 9 10 Staelo'r Structural concrete New, Reroof.(Tear•OR) or Retmra C Merh:AMadhed Insultion, Bonded Roof Laver - 9 2C SteelorStructuralconcrate Newlgeroa/(rear-Offl or Recover D PMhMtarhed Insulation, Mach. Artached Base Sheet, Bonded Roof Cover - 10 3A Structural concrete New of Reroef(rear-Olt) A-1 Bonded lnsutallon, Bonded RoofCAyer 31-14 38 Structgral concrete NewbrRembf(Tear-ON) F Non-Iidulated,BondeciRoof Cover _ 14 4A LWIC - Newbrlterobf(TearOff) A-1 Bandedinsulation,Bonded RoofCavei 25-16 4B LWIG - New SCRerobl (rear-0Ifj A-2 Mefla.Alla " Anchor Sheet Boigted Insulation, Bonded RoOtZ 16 4C LWIC New tir Reioof(Tear-off) E NoMisulated, Meth Attached Batie Sheet Bonded Roof Cover - 17-19 SA CWF NeW6rRaobf(Tear-OM A-1 BondedtrouhNon, Bonded RoofCavei - .. .. 20 5B CLVF New, Reroof(Tear-Off) or Recover - A-2 Medh.Att3cMd Anchor Sheet Banded insulation, Banded Roaf Cover 21 Sc CWF New, fleroof('rear-OR)aRecover 8 McBn.Attadhed Base lnsulaWn,8ondeMp imadadon, Boded RoufOuver 22 SD CWF New,Rereofjfear-OR)orRemver - C MedLAttaciedmsulatlon, Bonded RoofSover " 22 5E CWF New,,ReM"ear-OMa Recover E Krvi4mulated,Mech. Attached Base Sheet, Bonded Roof Cover _ - 22 6A Gvosum NewerRernnffl'Ear-OfFI Mt Mrvi.d Imulatien_&v.dad R..Fe it ` 1a bB Gypsum - New. Remarffear-CMa Remover A-2 Meth.Atlldhed Anchor Sheet Bonded msulatlon, Bonded Romltbvec - 24 6C Gypsum ` New, RaocMear-M or Recover C MddLAf#edlnsulatioh,BondeditoofSover • 24 60 (WPWM New, RemoMearOff) or Recover E wrwhsulated, Meth Attached Base Sheet Bonded Roof Cava 24 26 I. The roof system evaluation herein pertains t6 abova-deck roof componen% Roof decks and structural members shall be in accardanon y4th FBC requirements to the Satisfaction of the Autbority Natrlr1g AoisdC9on. Ldad resistanop ot:fft® rooldecc shag be daarmentetf through proper oadi to and/or FBC Approval documentation. Z. Insutatlah/ by;,e sJIeet fasteners shall be of sufficient length for mefiRhmring deckengagemenC ➢ Wood: Minimum 0.754ah penetration. ➢Steel: Minimum 0.754rich perimlion andengagethetppilyte of thesteeldeck- ➢SWXhHaIWncrete: Ml Imurn 14ndh embedment Into pilot hole In accordance with fastener manufachner's published installation Irstpicliens. 3. Unless otherwlse,goted, insulation may be any one raver or mmbMatiah of ppiyisntppumm, polystyrene; wood fiberboard, perBte, gypsum -based roof board of *ur,&al-woal roof board that meet; the OA requirements of F,A,C, Rule 61G2a3 and Is documented as meeting FBC 1505A and, for team plastic, FBC Chapter 26.when Installed Wlththe roof coiner. ExteriorResearch a0d Oos.Psn, LLC. d/b/a TdnitylOb EvaluaRo"n ReportA42970.10.112-Rt(pr.Ft36g27•R2 '�' Certifaate afAuthorFration 19503 eEDMON 12011) FBCNON40AREVALOATION Revision 2:09/25/2017 Prepared by* Robert-N!eminen, PE-59166 Till-BUItT Modified Bitumen Roof-Systems,(800) 516-1405 Appendix 2,,page 1 of26 1 % Q TRIM. Ty IERD MWmtm 200 pal, minimum 2-kxh thick lightweight insulating concrete may be substituted for d9ld Insulation board for System Typo D [mechan" attached base sheet, banded not carer), wherelA'the base sheet fasteners are Installed through the LWIC &-engage the structural steel or concrete deck The sDJctuml deck shag be of egaal orgmater configuration to the steel and concete deck listings, pouf decks and s1mctaral members shag be in acoordance Wth F9C requirements to the satisfaction of that Audwdry loving Jurisdiction. lead resistance afthe roof deck shag be dommemed through proper codified amVorn: Approval documentation. ' S. Preliminary insulation attachmentfor SystemTypeD: Unless otherwise notediekrto Section2. loss Prevention Data Sheetd-29(lamaary 201Cd. 6. Unless otherwise noted, Insulation adhesive4pplication rates are as folicom Mbon or bead width is attire Ume'ofapplication; the rihbgnt/beads shall expand as noted In the mmufactunees published instructions, D NA (NA): Fug coverage at 25-30Ile/square. D Dow INgA SRK lluik Set Insulation Adhesive(WSY. Continuous O75 to 14nch wide ribbons, 124mhoe D PAUenniumgneStep FoamableAdhest,*(tXOSFAY. Cantkwor+s 0.25 to 0-9-Inch wide ribbant, l#-inch o.e ➢ OMG Oh @ond500 (OB500): Contbwou; 0,75 to 1-inch wide ribbonsrii-idih o.e (PaeeCarto Spotilwt), Note: OlyBwrdGrrurmbP'bcfiled whrm OlyBand50p k(eferenced. D Olyeond Classic JOB Classic): Fug coverage at 18aVsquam, D ICPAdhosfve&Sealants CR-20: Confiniaus wide ribbons, 124ach b.c. D Note: When nwiNple lopers(5) of rnsuloNon OWOrcoverboardare mslalled ur ribbon-oppW afieft adhesve WhI ra s shag be sWpF rVfrarrs layer -ro-lalera d3tu"Waf ormhaythe ribbon spucing, D Note; The moHmum edge dktarxefrord Md bdhes)veribbon to theedge of the insuWm board sirodbeliotless Men epe-1mythe spedfled dbbens spacbg. 7. Unless othergdsa;n,o , all insulations are flat skkk or taper board of the minlm0rrt thickness noted. Tapered PDlyrsocyanumte at the InIIPMna thickness limitations may be substituted with the fo0pwing Maximum Design Pressttle_(MOP) limitations In no case shall these values be used to'Increase' the MOP fMngc inthe table, rather if MOP listing below meats "exceeds that fisted for a particular system in (he tables, then thethhmer bQard;listed below maybe used as 6 dropan For the equivalent thicker material listed in the table: ➢ MigenNgmgrre Step FoarnableAdhesive (Mv OSFA): MOP 457.5 Psi (MIn.OS-Inchtbkk) D OMG OtyBonklSOO(OB500): MOP h.45,6 psf (Min. 0.5-inch thick Mulfl-Man FA-3) D OMG OwrB (1500(D(L500): MOP -107.5 psf (Min. OStindh tMtlk ISO SS+GL) ➢ OMG OWnd:SOD(OBS00): MOP .415.0 psf 1101n. OS -inch thRkENRGY3) ➢ Oh% OIy"sOOD(OB500j. MOP 4875 Psi IMm. OStinch thigh 4CFWM 11) D ICPAdkzlve BlSealants CR-20: MOP .}}7Spsf 1Min. 104nch thW 8. Bonded polyisocyamu rate insulation boards shall be`maximum4 x4 tL 9. For mechankglly.attitthed components or Ortialljr bonded Insulation, the maxmum design pressure for the selected assembly, shag meet.or rimmed the Zone 1 desib lirentma determined in accordance with FRC Chapter 16, andZomes 2 and 3 shall employ an attachment density designed by a gvagfW design prbfesslanal to rust the elevated pressure aiterla. Commonly used methods are A?SVSPAI VVDi, FM Loss Prevention Dap Sheot 1-29, Roofing Application Standard RA9117 and APogah$ Application Standard RAS 137. Assemblies marked wit h art asterhk• may the limitations set forth In Section Z.2.19.1 of FM toss Prevention Daly Sheet 1-29 panuary 20161 fet&ni! 213 enhancements. 10. For Fully bonded assemblies, the maximum design pressure fortheselected assembly shall meet or exceeciaM s( design paesnme detemn0!n aorordancewhh FBCChapler 16, and notational anelysis,ls permitted. 2L For medhanimily.attached components over existing decks, fasteners shall be tested in the existing deck for viehdnwal resistance. A quaOBld design pro, fessias+al Shall review the data for iAtnparison to Me miNmurrm negolrements fortlm system. Testing and analysis shall be In accordance with AMVSPRI FX-1 orTdsting Application Stwuhud TAG.105. 12. Forexislingsubstraws Ina boarded recoverar re-roollssmilation,the exbdngfoofsurfacearerlsting raofdeckshaibe examinedlermmpatUltyand bond pecormaricewglh theseieded adhesive, and theextstkmg roof system (for recover) shall be capable of teslstitig project design pressures on Its own merit to the satisfaction of the Auhority Na" Jurisdiction, as documented through field upi6t testing In accordance with ANStfSPRI1*c; ASTjy E907, FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-52 orTesting Apopllon Standard TAS 12A. 13. For RecoverAOpfnaO.pns usf system Type[),the insulation Is optional; hcevever, theexisthrg roof system shall besuitable for a murverapporation. 14. UghlwdeM Inhulatipa Concrete [LWC) slag W cast In accocodance with FBCSecUon L917 m the satisfaction of the Authority Baying luafldlctipm. For systems where specific LWC is referenced, refer -to current LWC Product APprgvai for, specific deck construction and limitations. For systenri where specific LWC is not referenced, the minimum design miK shall he 300 PSI. In all caws, thentinimum op -coat fhkimess Is 2-Inches. For LWC ever Mucturml concrete, reference U made to FBC Section 1917.4.3, Pant L bderor Research anti Detign. LLC dfbfa TdnitylEAD Evaluation ReportA42970.10.12-R2for Ft160ZTat2 ! tlati8000iAutlrorluton A9503 eEDITION 12017)FBC NON-MG!EVAWATIDN RevLslon 2:09/25/2017 Prepaledbr: Roberti eminen, PE-S9166 TRH=TModRled Bitumen Doot5y3WC; M 51f>_1485 Appendb 1,.Page 2 of 26 T ri PJNrrY ERD IS. Unless Otherwise noted, refertothefollavAng reierekuxslor handed base, plyqrcalasheetappkatom Refer� Law Material Application SP-AA (fiase and Ply sheetsAsphalt-AppW Base Ply FOC Approved ASTM 04601, Type 11 'HA at 20-0Olhs/squarc Ply FKApproved ASTM D2170, Type IV 6T V1 SOS -AA (SSS, Asphpti-Appfied) Cap PIV TollultS85(imutar IMat20,40lbs/squane SBS-TA (Sas, Torch -Applied) Cap Ply TnBtdk SBS Granular Torch-Appi[ed SBSSA Self-Adher;ng) llasel)ty Cap Ply 'TOBUMSASGSBasa . iriBullt $A SB5 Cap S&:Adhwtng APP-TA (APP, Tamp- ppW) Base Ply or Ply I tOWIjAPPSmooth -Trod!-Applied Cap Ply 100ugLAPP SmoathTfflWHtAPO Granular APP-SA JAPP, Seff-Adherir4 cap Ply TSSulltSAAPPCap S&-fliditaring 16- Vapor banter 9Ptl9nS for Use OW strUchOW vom&eto deck followed by agreredinsAmon carry the following Maximum Design PtesSM (MPP) limitations. The -IqIW of Ike MDP listings below m'"q in Table 3A applies: . . . . . . . . . . 2 Poster vitimiBarrill r Insulation Adhalial MOP (Psf) I lvpe Attx% TdBuInSA&Mflaise Self -Adhering Inta-Stilt or &M lj-iacha -60.0 Vii-2- 'ASTM D41 Tr,Bu3tSAS6SCary self -Adhering Insta-Stilt 12-kh 0.E. -75.0 NiB-3- ASTM D41 TrilluiltSASOS CaO Saff-Adhering i 3le AdhesIM 12-imll &c. ji -157.5 VRA �1 D41 TitBuHt SA IiRS C* CR-20, 12-inch o.c. VD-5. AST�, D41 TWBuHt SA SOS Base Self -Adhering Millennium One Step Foarnable Ad heshre, Millennium MI Pump Grade Adhesive, OWnd 5W or CR-20, 12-inch =., -2W.O 17. Dens Deck shAll be field -primed with P6100 PricWti) self -adhering membrane applicatimLlteferta tables herein for otheriadminif requirements. 18. 'MDP` = MaXimurq Design Pressure is the result of testing forwind load neshianee based an allowable wind loads. Refer to FEC IW9 fordeter , initiation of design wind toack. -Exterfatile9earchapulDRilipt,LLC d/b/aTrInhVIEM) Ealuation ReportA4M70.10.12-Ri for F.U6027-RZ Certificate afAuthadwilon 99503 eEDlTl0N(2M7)FSCN0N-HMEVA=7IGN Revisioni 7: 09J25r2017 Preparedbr. RobertUasaine%PE-S9IK Tf.4304LT Modified Bituarevi Real Systams; (liall) 51g,1M Appendix: 1,'P;x;e 3 of 26 D \J TRINITY ERD I 'TABZIE1 WOOD DECKS—�NEWCONSTRUCf1ONprhREFODF jTFAR OrF y( "tz „. ,r<< �c�,..:y ,; xf} ,,*� *,-. fltcn :SYSiENITypt,E..(�(�1.INSULATED7IVIE�HANILALLY,ATTA System Deck Base Sheet Roof Cover (Note 15) MDp No. (Note 3) - - Base Fasteners Attach Base Ply ; Capply (psO nch MG.7od 9-Inch o4 at 24nch lap and Minch o.c. In two, (Optional) BNAA Jr SBSAA, SBSTA W-14 at mms.24 Inch Polyglass Elastobase Simplex MA%X Cap equally5pa<ed, staggered cents rows APPTA � orAPP TA -454- Spdat inchspans Min. 15/d2-Inch 94nch O.C. at 2-inch lap and 12-inch o.c. In two, (Op0onall BP-AAAr SBSAA, SBS-TA W-15 plywood at max. 24- Polyglass Elastobase Simplex MAXXCap equally spaced, staggered centerrows APP-TA orAPP-TA -5245 2-Inch PolyglassElastobase,PoI lassEftobasPol (Optlonal)Onedrat max. of R YBlassG2 Base, rta Teed Gla a AmstoneMB 's M erma• 32ga.,1-5/8-inchd(ametertlncaps with 11 annular ringshank nails 8-Inch o.G in 4-Inch lap and 84nch o.0 In three, equally spaced, staggered center rows more BP-AAor SBS- sB� - TA, ABTAans -60 pinchspam , ga. APP-TA2-inch(OptionaQ ply`28ink`o Glass Base or GAFGLAS H#5 Polyglass Elastobase or Polyglass 32 ga., 1-5/8-Inch diametertin raps 8-Inch o.t: In flinch lap and 8-inch o.c. In thee,W-17at One d"r SBS-S0. APP- max. - Elastohase Polywi[h poly [op surface with ll ga. annulaf ringshank nails equally spaced, staggered center rowsans more SBS-SA or SA, SBS-TA or -60.0 APP-TA APP TA W-38 Min. 15/3 plywood att max - Polyglass Elastobase Simplez MAXXCap 6-inch o.6 at 2-Inch lap and 6-inch o.c. in two, (OptionaQ BP-AAnr SBS-AA, SBS-TA A0.0 Inch spans equally tpaced; staggered cemermws APPTA or APPTA Min. 19/32-Inch - Po tyglassElastobaseorPolyglass 32 ga., 1-5/&inch diameter Un caps 44nch o.c. In 4-Inch lap and flinch o.c, In fggr, (Optional) One or SBSSA,APP- W-19 plywood at max. Elastobase Poly with poly top surface with 11 ga. annular ring shank nails. equally spaced, staggered center rows more SBS-SAor SA,SBS-TAor -97.5 24=Inch spans _ APPTA APPTA W-20 Min. 15/32-inch plywood at max. 24. Poyglass Clastobase Simplex MAXX Cap 6-Inch o.t. at 24nch lap and 6-Inch c.c. in three, (Optional) BP -AA of SBS-AA, SBS-TA _SO5,0 inch spans equally spaced, staggered center rows APP-TA or APPTA Min. 19/32-inch - Polyglass Elastohase or Polyglass 32 ga.,1-5/8-inch diameter tin caps - 6-inch oa. lii flinch lap and 6-inch o.c In four, (Optional) One at �S-AA S� W-21 plywood at max. Elastobase Poly with 11 ga. annular ring shank nails equally spaced, staggered center row$ more BP -AA or APP-TA -112.5 24zIInch spans APP-TA I bliwoodn. inch � 32 ga.,1-5/8-Inch diameter tin caps - SASS W22 plywood t max. Polyglass Elastobase prPolyglass with ll ga.annular nngshanknails. Sinch o,t. in4-ind�lap and 6-inch o.c. In tour, (Optianal)Oneot SBS-TA o 50. SBS-TA or -1125 241nrh spans pa Eia$tohasp Poly with poly top surface Note: Tin caps are to be primed with equally spaced, staggered center rows - more APP-TA APPTA ASTM D41 primer. Exterior Research and Design, LLG d/b/a TrInINIERD Evaluation Report A4297010.12-R2 for FL16G27412 Certificate:of Authorization 89503 Ern EDITION (Z017) fBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 2:09/25/2017 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 TRI-BUILTModiOed;Bitumen Roof Systems, (800) 516-1485 Appendix 1, Page 7 of 26