HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCJOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF TH) IRCUIT COURT — SAINT LUCIE �'Orv)NTY FILE # 4522418 OR BOOK 4224 _AGE 2609, Recorded 01/22/2C '11:20:34 AM Peflnit No, Staleafflalda Ccumyte SLWde NonceOF eonuineNCF�rieNr JTaxFoifoNo 2420-801-003"00-7 [—c7 LuMitting The undersigned heft elves notice thatlmprove rwU will be madetoaert2ln real property, and In amordanwwhh dhapter 713, RoddaStatutm, the followhghdo amfadonnelsspyroddedlntNs Hake of CommenweauL LeIWDftffWon2 f4B P oe, Lai981 F�aNaddressc=SMMX22LOTSflAM18(o.32Ac)(ORS904s95:1sw-rfa) SC By ED Gaamldesay+nanaTrmwoaena reoof St Lucie County Name Gael ANBier Sc NdlcheleMlUer' Address P.O. Box { 3208. Ft Ptetrx FL 349 9 IrtterestinpropertVr. Nameandaddnessoffeesimpielftleholdei6fd0fereabarn Ownelkred above): CenhartalsName:_Trade 1>rmde Rapfing I= ContredorAddress: Y.o.Box L32DR,FGft Pteee FL34979 Phone Numbs: Suety(if apPI1C2b , a CM01the payment bad N atMthad):AMMUd of bond:$ Name and oddres& Phone number. Lander Name: Phorc Number; tender's address: Persenswid the SttdeafRorNadtlp¢adbyOwneropalwhomriotloeseroWsdoamwamaybesevedaspnwkiedby Sardan 713.13t1) (Q)Y. Rmfda Statutes: Name: Ph" Number: Address: In addition ve hbraef orberself, Owner deslewW tovecal. acapyotthe Ue or'sNodre asprmxded asSectloaZiILM11 (b), Fladda Staaxen. Phone number of Person orett" deslena mi by owns: Etryllmtiondateafnalx�ofcmmidttemet: (theexploson date may not be beforelhe mmplotlMofcombruttion aM Ord payment to the mmnaor, butwll be 1Veafrmnthe date ofremrdhg unless adiBeventdate Is spedfled) WARNNNGTO OWNER:ANYPAYMFNTS MADE WHE OWNERAFTER THE OMR47ION OFTNE NOIFICE OF COMMENCEMEYTARE CONSIDERED IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CHAPTER 713, PART I, SECTION MM, ROFIDASTATU TES,ANDCAN RESULT N YOUR PAM67WKE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TOYOUIR PROPERTY. ANOTItE OF ENITNAIST'GE ISJWRDEDAND POSTE GMTHEIDB SITE REFORETHE FIRST INSPECTION. IFYOU INTEND TO OBTAIN RNANCING CDNSULTWfWYOUR(ENDER ORAN ATTORNEY MFORECOMMENCING WORD OR RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OFCOMMEN CEMENF. red the fwegWm nodce of commencement and that the fads stated therem we true to the bed of (SlenaNm a Owrrerar Lessee, or Ownelsar LeZWSAUUWdZed OIRW/Dbeder/Pamrraf/hft=W (Lenatays TME/OfOre) TheforepirlgirsmlmedwasadmWedgedbrdoramthis;V Aayo/W� lok'a' {2019 L 1 eY I Ff 166CU) 1 / fl ) GLP' as Ili f'1LJ�.1 t` vV for & f C)1jUq M r I U,4, IameofPerso Type ofaudiaRy y(eofficer, tnetee) Party on Mldfofwhom insaumem was executed t-/NLiTL•1Jr` Personally tapwn vorproducedldeailleallon_ re (SWvrDveof NotngP ile-StateofRorhfa) (print,Type, or -Stamp Conalsslaled Nam of Nanny Public) Type of ldentilkation produced rr: Sign In both pleas in front of notary reyda Lyrevwbll NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA . COMMOGGIO38W E*Ms 9142021