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ST. LUCIE COUNTY PERMIT APPLICATION PERMIT NO. v y ( CODE SEWAGE PERMIT NO. 23118 ' APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT Concession & Bathroom JOB LOCATION/ADDRESS: center xoaa Lanau I I LEGAL DESCRIPTION See Attachpd ROAD IMPACT: DISTRICT ZONE FEE S/D MAP # 178 FLOOD ZONE LEV LOT BLOCK UNIT SEC N§ of 31 TWP 34S RGE PROPERTY TAX ID # 1431-130-000-010/0 ZONE GMPP LOT SIZE/DIMENSIONS 972' x 1162.93' �j q EST COST M00.00 SET BACKS: FRONT 4793.93 / REAR L/ s r SIDE / s r SIDE %/ Z r a .,- SQ FT BUILDING: LIVING AREA ACCESSORY 392 sq. ft. i ARCHITECT: NAME PHONE ADDRESS CITY ST ZIP CONTRACTOR: STATE REG/CERT # CK022708' %.': COUNTY CERT # fa S +< NAME Paul Jacguin & Son Inc. ADDRESS P.0_ Box 4343 CITY Fort Pierce STATE FL Zip 34948 PHONE46522475 OWNER OF NAME City of Ft. Pierce PROPERTY: ADDRESS 500 Boston Avenue PHONE 464-5600 CITY Ft. Pierce STATE FL Zip 34950 STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF ST. LUCIE q Before me, the undersigned authority, personally appeared Paul Jacquin who upon being duly sworn, deposes and says that the information contained i foregoing application is true and correct. Applicant I 21st day of March Sworn to and.;sufiscribed�before me this y 19.88-- SCHOOL IMPACT FEES Required ❑ Yes ❑ No Notary Public tate of Florida's Large Amt. Pd My Commission 'expirgs:. •,3/17/90 Date Pd Posted Commencing at the Northeast corner of the SE '/, of the NW %, of Section 31, Township 34 South, Range 40 East -of St. Lucie County, Florida, thence on an assumed bearing of N 894 00100" E along the South, line of the NW '/+ of the NE '/4 of Section 31 a distance of 795.10 feet to'a point, which point is on the easterly property line of Center Road Landfill property extended northerly, thence S 0'45'39" E along the said easterly property line of Center Road Landfill property extended northerly, a distance of 50.00 feet to a point, which point is the North"east corner of Center Road Landfill property and being the point of beginning; thence continue S 0'45139" E along the said easterly property line of Center Road Landfill property a distance of 1,167.50 feet to a point, which point is the butheast corner of Center Road Landfill property, thence S 89016111" W along the southerly property line of Center Road Landfill property a distance of 972nn feet to a point, which point is the Southwest property corner of parcel being described, thence N 0045'39" W along the said westerly property line of parcel being described a distance of 1,162.93 feet to a point, which point is on-, —f-F—e— northerly property line of Center Road Landfill property and being th.e Northwest corner of parcel being described, thence N. 89' 00'00" E.along the said northerly property line of Center Road Landfill property a distance of 79? -0 feet to, a point, which point is the Northeast corner of Center Road Landfill property and being -the point of beginning. All lying and being within Section 31, Township 34 South, Range 40 East of St. Lucie County, Florida. ST. LUCIE COUNTY PERMIT APPLIC N PER IT NO. (CODE # ) EWA PERMIT NO. 7-31)8 6CPPLICATION FOR PER T TO CONSTRUCT—� ` VVV�o W vp�gLOCATION/ADDRESS: i LE AL DESCRIPTION See Attached O�AD IMPACT: (STRICT D AP # FLOOD ZONE ELEV �OT BLOCK U T SEC N of 31 T�n/p 34S RGE 40E PP�>_OF ROPERTY TAX ID _1 ONE i-om�ppy �`+ I SIZE/DIMENSIO +V �a• 93 EST COST4,50 •• ET ONT 182' � � R _ ' o is $���J$' o2�J•S '�77�' ..7.Z,1• S • �t�e c c Tv Cor/rC�9croe 3/s SO FT BUILDING: LIVING AREA ACCESSORY 1017 f _� m ARCHITECT: NAME ADDRESS CONTR CTOR: STATE IRa / NAME V CITY OWNER OF NAME PROPERTY: / STATE OF FLORI being CITY E ZIP CGCO22708 COUNTY ER:## v Y10:p ac uin &Son A D S' P.O.Box 4343 Pierce ST Zlp 34948 PHONE 465-2475 �FW,�E"Pi�et`ce '%/'" oron Ave/ PHONE 464-5600 r,. Pier e STATE FL ZIP 34950 CIE ' / EbvARD t r• pe nally appeared ✓ Paul Jac uin who upon ,e iformation contame�" in th oing application is tru and correct. Y iff / / Applicant p o subscribed be re me this day of Notary' P#ic, State of Florida at Large My Commission expires: >' t SCHOOL IMPACT FEES Required ❑ Yes ❑ No Amt. Pd Date Pd Posted 0 ST LUCIE COUNTY ROAD IMPACT FEE CALCULATION FORM Name of Feepayer 2 � — — Address Jr��_i------_---_— Date �_�-�� _ _ _ Permit 0 _P%���_Q%2l Road Benefit and Collecticn Zone 0- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The impact fee calculated herein has been determined based on the fee schedule adopted in St. Lucie County Ordinance 85-10, effective February 1, 1986. , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IMPACT FEE CALCULATIONS LAND USE - TYPE ... ✓.�.�':�as........ 0 UNITS ................. 0 Sp FT (1000)........... 0 PARKING SPACES ..SO.... 0 STUDENTS ............. FEE PER UNIT TOTAL IMPACT FEE (x) a : s laoo, y L•JiL'Jit.t; i'LA'� R�V1�W _ tvu\-���i._'v�. Type of use as defined by Zoning Ordinance. ,0tAe- L R a-tio - —-Ij -- -- - -- Number Required S b *(AS Number Provided S U Handicapped Required Handicapped Provided / Offstreet Loading Area? Y:_ v b.) Landscape: Approval Disapproval ° c.)= Signs: Indicateo / Not Indicated t� Note: Separate Permit Required �a.) Setbacks: Approval Disapproval Base Building Line Compliance Y: N: Building Spacing Formula Used Y: N: e.) Driveway Compliance - ReferOrdinance87-0 Approval !/ I - J, Disapproval_✓— Note: Driveway Permit Required m 3.) Roaa Iaspact FPe Y • n.)- Comments:_ C LI ----------------------1-------------------------------------------- Datel In: W Date Out: Reviewer: - c iy p BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR J. GARY AMENT March 24, 1988 Mr. PaulgJacquin R:W2:8 Paul Jac uin & Sons, Inc.P.O. Box 4343 Ft. Pierce, Florida 34948Subject: Ft. Pierce Speedway LOPMEt.Dear Mr. Jacquin: . FL This office is in receipt of your recently submitted development plans for the Ft. Pierce Speedway Track and Support facilities. Please be advised that at this time, no building permits can be issued for any part of this development, since the c proposed development plan is not in compliance with St. Lucie County Zoning Regulations. Specifically, the following items need to be corrected: 1. Under Section 3.2.640, St. Lucie County Zoning Ordinance, all of your standard sized vehicle use areas, must be a minimum of 10 feet off of the property line. You may not have a vehicle use area within this required 10 foot landscape strip. 2. This plan indicates that you will have a total of 250 parking stalls. Please note, that equates to a required road impact fee payment of $5,520. Do you need 250 spaces, or would 50 be more realistic for the purpose of this project? 3. Please note, that no structure may be within 10 feet of any side lot line. Please address where appropriate. please let me know. these items by amending your development plan If you have any questions on this matter, S'nc rely Dennis J. urphy Planning dministr for DJM/meg HOSKINI(B25) cc: Zoning Administrator file: CU-87-020 HAVERT L. FENN, District No. 1 • JUDY CULPEPPER, District No. 2 • JACK KRIEGER, District No. J • R. DALE TREFELNER, District No. 4 • JIM MINIX, District No. 5 County Administrator - WELDON U. LEWIS 2300 Virginia Avenue • Fort Pierce, FL 33482-5652 • Phone (305) 466-1100 Director: Ext. 398 a Building: Ext. 344 • Plonning: Ext. 316 e Zoning: Ext. 336 • Code Enforcement: Ext. 317 Q STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEA�I _T AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES ONSITE' SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION PERMIT Authority: Chapter 38'1,,'FS' Chapter 1 OD-6, FAC Applicant L '1. ? 1, ;;"" /, . Permit Number ............... PART I - SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS AND CONSTRUCTION APPROVAL --- -------- Treatment, Tank. Septic tank ov e,- f• aerobic unitIL!LL gallons Septic tank or aerobic unit gallons Graywater tank gallons Laundry Grease interceptor gallons Dosing tank gallons waste tank _. gallons '*" f"f Jt ,c OtherRequirements', Minimum.Draintrench OR, Size Square Feet Square Feet Square Feet Square Feet Minimum Absorption Bed Size r�- Square Feet Square Feet Square Feet Square Feet (a) Installation must be in accord with requirements of chapter 1OD-6, FAC!. (b) A system construction permit is valid for a period of one calendar year from date of issue. (c) Final installation inspection and approval is required before the system is covered. (d) 'Invert of stub -out for _'r . ,. to be r r f •• r_:%. r benchmark. Invert of stub-outfor to be benchmark. Invert of stub -out for to,be — benchmark. Invert of stub -out for to be benchmark. (e) Fill quality and quantity.':*�' "A (f) Other: I ,`�. i:�...I'1'. �i �'Y.,fi', i,' i rI`�r'-t e^�. l ",r,'j ,• "F.f n System design and specifications by: '-'Title , Title Constructyonallthorized by: - f Date = '" County Public Health'Unit Note: Completed copies of this form will be provided to the applicant, insfellcr and the building department, AUDIT CONTROL NO. HRS-H Form 40i 6, Feb85 (Obsolete DrevioliS editions which may not be used] lStnnFmd Ni,bar 4794 nimAnlfl-m 01 ^` 6 1 i I '•n.•lsletiWien t �9.��t1�l11i1�i�, Made this, loth day of November J. D. 1950 Between JOSEPH 6APP ru:d AIKA SAPP, hie vdfa, I of the County of Saint Lucia and State of Florida ` part San of the first part, and, CITY OF FORT PIERCE, ,munioi 1 a/corporo�on eriatinj under the laws of the State of Florida hnving its princlyal place of business in the County of Saint Lucie and State of Florida party of the second part, WitneSSW4 that the raid port lee of the first part, for andin consideration of the sum of One Dollar (Y1.00) and other valuable consideratij"ars, to them in hand paid, the receipt whereof to hereby acknowledged; have I, (ranted, bargained, sold, aliened, remised, released, atJeoffed, conveyed and con- i' flrm.d and by these presents do so grant, bar n,.ssti,•�alisis, remlre;;nlease, enfeoff, convey and confirm unto the raid party ohs second frart,tasd;itt;skeoss- sore and assigns forever, all that certain parcel of land lying smut bsin/ in 9"' County of Saint Lucie and State of Mrida,,m iwpa►Qkials7. described as follows: The South 583.8 foot of the Rorth 633.8?feot of the Bast half of the SE} of the P.l',a of Seatlobt�,%P;� Township l64; 'rfc;t. South, Range 40 Sent, excepting tba2pf ,,the We,et-26 mi,. feet for road'ri,ht-of-way; containing `0(4aroa, more •R.�:yy, or lose. The South 563.a feet of the north 1217:6 feet of the Last half of the SEJ of the 164 of Section 31, Township 34 South, Rance 40 East; containing 9.0 acres, more,or less. b.. Togyether with ati-ths tansmante, hersdita wary yr ffiale, right, We,intir#st and #state, daft 'nrnaindar and eas#rnent thereto belonging or in, a To Have'llfd to,.Hol/dtumnsm infesi .9nd the said park l61of, the first port do I Lhe second hurt t7aat .they. are tawlWlrt ssW3 of i I t -1 I y � 4 � I 'I the Mis to said, Tsnd; diW" util dsfs4d Ohs sanw ajabut the lswfai� peiionr #Mrasosoq; TI{ •W1tRdp;:Wltereof,-tM said 'p6rt line of'the ftntiisrt have kwisVb". jl j tit itheir �- ttsnandiaml# the dsy_and year above writts+s` , },„lo Slpisi,.eseLi sidVat r" in our w�i �; t, , II Ij t. f. ;. l � I 1 � 'I • ! T7 ;; I w,rsrr v�rssm_ '�Y li{* 151 ea187 .Vase this /.a day of Aug1et' 8. D. 19 49 Between Roy L. Altman and Lary Alioe Altman, hie wife, of the County of St. Lucie and State of Florida part See oft the first part, and City of Port Pierce, Florida, a municipal corporation taasrpena&aezialing under the laws of the State of Florida having its principal place of business in the County of St. Lucie and State of Florida party of the second part, Witnesseth, that the said part lea of the Pat part, for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar(".00) and other valu%ble zonafdp�ti to them in hand paid, the receipt whereof is here y ac •now ` ve granted, bargained, sold, aliened, remised, released, anfeoffed, conveyed and con- .4rmed and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell, alien, remise, release, enfcoff, convey and confirm. unto the said party of the second part and its succes- sors and assigns forever, all that certain parcel of land lying and being in the County of St. Lucie and State of Florida, more particularly described os follows: The Weat half of the Southenat ; of the Northeast a of Section 31, Township 34 South, Range 40 East; e:cceptin^ therefrom all riChts of way for drainage canals and Public roads. `tit 00 U�'!'s'• { t Together with aft the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances, with every privilege, right, title, interest and state, dower and right of dower, reversion, remainder and easement thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining: To Have and to Hold the same in fee simple forever. And the said part lea of the first port do covenant with the said party of the second part that they lawfully seized of the said promises, that they are free of all inaumbrance, and that they have good right and lawful authority to sell the same; and that said part See of the flat part doth hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. In Witness Whereof, the said part See of the first part have hereunto set their hands and seats the day and year above written. Bested ssd 4 Oor lieseaeeMON ra� a I I� I , I I ', 1. nrl,A Mfwl1!/Y�Y��.r/fir �n65 M���u��. � r Note ehls sl■t de/ of ?:ay 1. D. I! 51 ' I �_ ep hBtRiY.h. Od'sli and RII9PI:'*.i CA;'.' ; his Wile, - I .' ,of the Gbttney of Saint 1,uole to the State of ?ljrldn , I. prvt lea oft Jlnt,part, and 01;y 0; .spy;` p1.:3CS, v.uurScinal cornorn-� tionr L, of Cho County of ' Snint Lucie in the State of 71oI ysrty of the second part, ' - IlVit - negged4 eheE EAe ea(d part Leo of, the fine port, for and in consideration. I of the sum of One Dollar (;1,00) and otter valuable co:.ale:oratlYJin, to than in hand paid by the said part; 'of the second port, the receipt . I whereof is hueby aaknowled(ed, +love granted, barjui and sold to the add party of the second .port., Its lccesoors *&Wand anima forever, the following described land, situate, lying and beinl in the County of i Snint,Iucie. State plarvia, to wit: �� li 'Fria ilestr7v5.1 to'at Di, t1•.n 5 •::t., 110.5 fe>t i oP tao ::ort:t•10-1'/.;, ."Oct o: t IsScvt r"..:Ozt cuat•tor of the : or: tecar• Ou• rtcr ( J., I i of Sect' -on al, Sornu tin 3., t,at:t t, .tm: O 4C , ..at, contain!.". 21.J r J i rt /nd the said part lac of,ihe/lrst rt do • hereby'fully warrant the title to said lead, and ,will de/end the some aL the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. ii in Whnelb WhereoA the said part iO:: of the fret part ho - hereunto act their hand and Real the day and ymr/:nt above written. ! Seg.., Scelei Dell•ssr 1. Der Preeree t '0111 .: _�->- IM L E A S E A G R E E M E N T THIS LEASE AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 2aL day .of ��. �,�1987, in duplicate, by and between the .CITY OF FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA, a Municipal Corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Lessor", and FORT PIERCE SPEEDWAY, INC., a non- profit corporation existing under the laws of the State of Florida, with its principal place of business in Fort Pierce, St. Lucie County, Florida, hereinafter referred to as "Lessee", WITNESSETH: That Lessor hereby leases to the Lessee, and the Lessee hereby hires from the Lessor, all that certain lot, parcel or piece of land situate, lying and being in the City of Fort Pierce, St. Lucie County, Florida, described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of the SE 1/4 of the NW '/, of Section 31, Township 34 South, Range 40 East of St. Lucie County, Florida, thence on an assumed bearing of N 89' 00100" E along the South line of the NW '/, of the NE ''/,• of Section 31 a distance of 795.10 feet 'to a point,"which point is on the easterly property line,of,Center Road Landfill property extended nortli'erl`y„.thence S 0045139" E along the said 2`a,a'erly. :pirope'trt,y,.1•ine of Center Road L'an dfl,ll° "proper'ty extended northerly, a distance of 50.00 feet to a point, which point is the Northeast corner of Center Road Landfill property and being the point of beginning; thence continue S 0045139" E along the said easterly property line of Center Road Landfill property a.distance of 1,167.50•feet to a point, which point is the Southeast corner of Center Road Landfill property, thence '.S ,89016'11" W along the southerly property 11ne.of Center Road Landfill property a distance of.,972.00 feet to a point, which point is the Southwest property corner of parcel being described, thence N 0045139" W along the said westerly property line of parcel being described a distance of 1,162.93• feet to a point, which point is on the northerly property line of Center Road Landfill property and being the Northwest corner of parcel being described, thence N 890 00'00" E along the said northerly property line of Center Road Landfill property a distance of 972.00 feet to a point, which point is the Northeast corner of Center Road Landfill property and being the point of beginning. All lying and being within Section 31, Township 34 South, Range 40 East of St. Lucie County, Florida. TOGETHER WITH all the improvements and appurtenances thereto appertaining located on the above described land. 1 �, i 4 t U TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said demised premises unto the Lessee for the term of ten (10) years commencing November 23 1987 and running for a term of ten (10) years ending on November 23 , 1997, both dates inclusive, at the annual rental of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) per ,year, payable in advance. This Lease is upon the following express conditions, each and every one of which Lessee covenants with the Lessor to keep and perform: 1. Option to Renew. Written notice shall be served by the Lessor on the Lessee six (6) months prior to the expiration of the term of this lease notifying the Lessee of the intentions of the Lessor to renew said lease. The Lessee shall have thirty (30) ddays after said written notice to exercise said option to renew. The value of any facilities constructed or r :1'co'ated on the premises will not be considered in arriving at a {ate, anew tenta'i price, or' -,the purchase price of said property. 0)pt1'on1'to oRurchase. The Lessee is hereby granted an i 4 4 4 y Q!?tion 6o p!lr;Aasa. tfie iprpperty'}'described�herein during the term kit +• ` � .; this'Tease.''on+te'rIms and '"conditions to be agreed upon between the parties. The Lessee shall notify the Lessor in writing of their desire to purchase said property and shall set out in said notfce the terms and conditions upon which they wish to make this purchase. The'•Le-ssor shal'1 then negotiate the terms and conditions until. an',.agreement is reached or until the negotiations break off. 3. This property is being leased to Lessee for use as a recreational go-cart racing facility. The Lessee agrees to move onto the property and to commence construction of the facility, including a red clay track and bleachers and a fence. If the Lessee fails to construct said facilities within twelve (12) months from the commencement of this lease, then this lease shall terminate and be void. If during the period of this lease, the Lessees should terminate their activities on the premises and not I operate said racing facility for a six (6) month period, then this Lease shall terminate and be void. 2 9 5 4. The Lessee shall and will well,, truly and promptly pay to the Lessor the rent herein reserved on or before the 30th day of November Lease, commencing with of each year during the tenure of this November 30 1987. 5. Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, the Lessee shall use and occupy the demised premises only for a recreational go-cart racing facility and any alloted purposes. 6. The Lessee, at its own expense, in addition to the annual rental shall be responsible for all maintenance, upkeep and repairs, both inside and outside of all buildings now located on the above described lands, and any other structure or buildings erected thereon during the tenure of this Lease. 7. At its own cost, the Lessee for the purposes of this Lease, may construct at any time or times during the continuance of this Lease and maintain a building or buildings or other improvements upon the demised premises, and may make alterations or improvements in any building or buildings so constructed, but before Proceeding with the constructionlof any such building or buildings, or such alterations or improvements, the Lessee shall, if required by the Lessor, furnish to the Lessor a bond satisfactory to the Lessor as regards form, amount and sureties, indemnifying the Lessor against.loss by reason of mechanics' liens or liens for work, -....labor or materials. Also buildings and improvements constructed by the Lessee on the demised premises shall be part of the demised premises and become the property of the Lessor at the expiration or termination of this Lease, whenever terminated under the provisions hereof. 8. The Lessee will not suffer or permit, during the term hereby granted, any mechanic's liens or other liens for work, labor, services or materials to attach to the demised premises, or to any building or improvement constructed thereon, and if any such lien shall so attach the Lessee shall, within thirty (30) days either pay the same or procure the discharge thereof by giving security or in such manner as may be prescribed by law. In default thereof the Lessor may, at its option, cause the said lien 3 to be paid or discharged and the amount thereof with interest shall become immediately due and payable by the Lessee to the Lessor as additional rent, and in default of payment thereof by the Lessee, the Lessor shall have all and singular the same rights and remedies as in case of a default in payment of the rent reserved herein. 9. The Lessee shall provide and maintain fire, lightning, extended coverage, vandalism and malicious mischief insurance, and in addition thereto, bodily injury insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 per injury or per person with K & K Insurance Company of Fort Wayne, Indiana, and copies of said policy shall be delivered by the Lessee to the Director of Finance of the City of Fort Pierce. 10. The Lessee shall indemnify and save harmless the Lessor from any and all liability, damage, expense, cost of action, suits, claims or judgment for injury to person or property of any ,and every nature arising out of the construction, repair, or alteration of any building,on th.e demised premises. The Lessee shall indemnify and save harmless the Lessor from any and all liability, damage, expense, cost of action, suits, claims or judgment for injury to person or property of any and every nature arising out of the use, occupation, management or control of the demised premises d•r,out of the business carried on upon the demised premises which is caused by the negligence or carelessness of the Lessee, its officers, agents or employees. The Lessee shall, at its own expense, defend any and all suits and may be brought against the Lessor or in which the Lessor may be impleaded with others upon any such claim or claims, and shall satisfy any judgments that may be recovered against the Lessor in any such suits; and in the event of the failure of the Lessee to defend any such suit or to pay any sum for which the Lessor may become liable, then the Lessor may defend such suit or may pay such sum and expenses of such suit and the amount so paid with interest shall become immediately due and payable as additional rent hereunder, and upon default by the Lessee in payment of the same, 4 the Lessor shall have the same rights and remedies as in case of a default in payment of the rent reserved herein. 11. Although any building or improvements upon the demised premises shall be partially or completely destroyed by fire or other cause, there shall be no abatement of the rent, and the rights and duties of the respective parties hereto shall in no way be affected. Throughout the term of this Lease, if the demised premises or any building or improvement now or hereafter erected thereon shall, during the term hereof, be destroyed or damaged in whole or in part by fire or any other cause, the same shall be promptly repaired, rebuilt and replaced by the Lessee at its own expense. 12. The Lessee shall comply with all requirements of all laws, orders and regulations of the federal, state, county and municipal authorities, with any direction of any public officer or officers, ,pursuant to law, which shall impose any duty upon the Lessor or Lessee with respect to the demised premises, or the use or occupation thereof or with respect to any building or improvements thereon erected by the Lessee. Portions of said property were used as a City landfill and the Lessee will comply with any requirements of the Department of Environmental Regulation (DER). In the event'th'-at the Lessee fails to comply with all of the requirements or laws, 'orders or regulations of the federal, state, county or municipal authorities, or specifically with the DER requirements in reference to this property having previously been used as a landfill, this Lease will immediately terminate and the property will revert to the CITY OF FORT PIERCE (Lessor) and the CITY OF FORT PIERCE or its employees or agents shall have the right to immediately go onto the premises and this Lease shall have no further force or effect. The Lessees will obtain whatever permission is necessary from the DER for the lcoation of any facility on said property and will also be responsible for obtaining any necessary permits. The Lessees will also place any necessary wells 5 required to monitor the conditions of the property•. 13. The Lessee may not assign this Lease or sublet the whole or any part of the demised premises without the written approval of the City Commission of the City of Fort Pierce, Florida. 14. In the event that the Lessee shall construct any building or improvements on the demised premises, the Lessee will at its own expense make all interior and exterior repairs to the same, it being the intent that the Lessee shall assume full and entire responsibility in respect of any such building or improvements, and the repair and upkeep thereof and the provision hereof in regard to repairs to buildings shall also apply to the buildings now located on the demised premises. The Lessee shall be responsible for and shall pay the cost of all utilities consumed or used by the Lessee. 15. (1) If the Lessee shall make default in payment of any installment of the rent, or of any sum hereinbefore referred to as additional rent., as and when the same may become due, or (2) if the Lessee shall make default in the performance of any covenant or condition of this Lease on its part to be performed, then, in either of said events, the Lessor shall have and is hereby given the right to terminate and end this Lease and the term hereby granted,,, and all right and interest of the Lessee hereunder, by giving td' the Lessee fifteen (15) days' notice in writing, and upon the expiration of the time fixed in said notice, if such default had not been fully rectified, this Lease and the term hereby granted shall at the option of the Lessor wholly cease and expire with the same effect as if that date were the date originally fixed herein for the expiration of the term; and thereupon the Lessor shall have the right to re-enter or repossess the said demised premises, together with all buildings and improvements thereon, by force or otherwise, and to dIispossess and remove the Lessee and all occupants of the premises, by summary proceedings or in any lawful manner. In the case of any default, re-entry and/or expiration the rent shall 6 t9 fi ® © . , become due thereupon and be paid up to the time of such re-entry and/or expiration, together with such expenses as the Lessor may incur for legal expenses, attorneys fees and for putting, the demised premises in good order and condition. In the event of a breach or threatened breach by the Lessee of any of the covenants or provisions hereof, the Lessor shall have the right of injunction and the right to invoke any remedy allowed at law or in equity as if re-entry, summary proceedings and other remedies were not herein provided for. The Lessee hereby expressly waives any and all rights of redemption, granted by or under any present or future laws in the event of the Lessee being evicted or dispossessed for any cause, or in the event of the Lessor obtaining possession of the demised premises by reason of the breach of violation of the Lessee of any of the covenants and conditions, in this Lease contained, or otherwise. 16. No act or thing done by the Lessor of the Lessor's agents during the term hereby granted shall be deemed an acceptance of a surrender of 'said premises or shall be valid unless the same be made in writing and subscribed by the Lessor. No provision of this Lease shall be deemed to have been waived unless such waiver be in writing signed by the Lessor and the Lessee. The mention in this Lease of any particular remedy shall not preclude the Lessor from any other remedy the Lessor might have, either in lair or equity, nor shall the waiver of or redress for any violation of any covenant or condition in this Lease contained prevent a subsequent act, which would have originally constituted a violation, from having all the force and effect of an original violation. The receipt by the Lessor of rent -with knowledge of the breach of any covenant in this Lease contained shall not be deemed a waiver of such breach. 17. A bill, statement, notice or communication which the Lessor may desire or be required to give to the Lessee, I including any notice of expiration, shall be deemed sufficiently given or rendered if, in writing, delivered to an officer of the Lessee personally or sent by registered mail addressed to the 7 Lessee at Fort Pierce, Florida, or left at the demised premises addressed to the Lessee, and the time of the rendition of such bill or statement and of the giving of such notice or communication shall be deemed to be the time when the same is delivered to the Lessee, mailed, or left at the premises as herein provided; likewise, any notice by the Lessee to the Lessor may be delivered personally to the City Manager of the Lessor, or may be served by registered mail addressed to the Lessor at Fort Pierce, Florida. 18. The Lessee leased the demised premises after examination and without any representation on the part of the Lessor. No representative or agent of the Lessor is authorized or permitted to make any representation in reference thereto or to vary or modify this Lease. This Lease contains all the agreements and conditions made between the parties hereto. Any additions hereto or alterations hereof, in order to be binding, must be in writing signed by both parties. 19. The Lessor covenants and agrees with the Lessee paying the rent, and the sums described herein as additional rent, and performing all the covenants and conditions aforesaid on the Lessee's part to be performed, the Lessee shall and may peaceably and quietly have, hold and enjoy the demised premises for the term aforesaid. 2.0. In the event of the breach of any covenant or condition herein to be kept or performed by Lessee, the Lessor shall have all and singular the same rights or remedies as in case of default in payment of the rent provided for herein. 21. The covenants, conditions and agreements contained in the within Lease shall bind and benefit the parties and their successors and assigns. 22. On the last day of the term hereby granted, or other sooner termination of this Lease, the Lessee shall and will' I and peaceably quit, surrender and yield up the demised premises, with the ordinary wear and tear excepted, in good order and repair into the possession of the Lessor without fraud or 8 e 23. In the event that the Lessor needs to. terminate this lease because of legal requirements imposed by any other governmental body, including the DER, the Lessor shall furnish sixty (60) days notice to the Lessee in writing and the lease shall terminate. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Lessor and the Lessee have caused these presents to be executed in duplicate in their corporate names and their corporate seals to be affixed by their officers thereunto duly authorized, all the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: APPROVE AS TO FOM AND CORRECTNESS: BY: ' City -Attorney Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: D CITY OF FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA A Municipal Corporation By mayor- mmi i ner `r ATTEST: i y er< FORT PIERCE SPEEDWAY, INC. By: � r� President ATTEST: Secretary ADDENUM TO LEASE AGREEMENT THIS ADDENDUM TO LEASE AGREEMENT made and entered into this day ofL—���/�, 1988, in duplicate, by and between the CITY OF FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA, a Municipal Corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Less•or" and FORT PIERCE SPEEDWAY, INC., a non-profit corporation existing under the laws of the State of Florida, with its principal place of business in Fort Pierce, St. Lucie County, Florida, hereinafter referred to as "Lessee", WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Lessor and the Lessee have prev iouslyentered into a Lease Agreement for the property described in said lease on November 23, 1987, and WHEREAS, the Lessor and the Lessee wish now to make two slight modifications to said Lease Agreement; one -.modification dealing with the insurance coverage and the other modification incorporating a diagram of the area that will be fenced in by the Lessee. IT IS HEREBY AGREED by and between the Lessor and the Lessee for $10.00 and other valuable considerations that said Lease Agreement be and the same is hereby modified and changed as follows: A. Paragraph 9 shall be modified to read as follows: 9. The Lessee shall provide and maintain fire, lightning, extended coverage, vandalism and malicious mischief insurance, and in addition thereto, bodily injury insurance in the amount of $300,000 per injury or per person. Said insurance will be with an insurance company authorized to practice or to issue insurance policies in the State of Florida. On days when the actual racing occurs, the Lessee shall provide and maintain insurance to cover any injuries, bodily injury or property damage, of a higher amount, if available. Copies of said insurance policies shall be delivered by the Lessee to the Director of Finance of the City,of Fort Pierce, Florida. B. Paragraph 24 is a new paragraph which will be added to tie Lease Agreement and shall read as follows: 24. The Lessee agrees to construct and maintain a fence around the property described in the original Lease Agreement. A copy of the diagram showing the layout of the proposed property is hereby attached and incorporated by reference herein. Said site plan is designated as Exhibit "A" to this lease agreement. 1 0 na: IV" C. All other paragraphs and all other terms and conditions set out in the original Lease Agreement are and shall remain the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Lessor and the Lessee have caused these presents to be executed in duplicate in their corporate names and their corporate seals to be affixed by their officers thereunto duly authorized, all the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: s to Lessor CITY OF FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA j A Municipal Corpoption Y Mayor -Commissioner I/ ATTEST:\ citC er< APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: BY— I CityAttorney Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: -As'to Lessee 2 FORT PIERCE SPEEDWAY, INC. M. u Presioent ATTEST: Gh ��H(z����un...'✓ r /. Secretary �7 e W. REQUIREMENTS FOR PUBLIC WATER SUPPLIES An examination and review of your plans has been initiated by.this department and we have determined that, the following criteria (marked "X") shall be mot: 1. (X) well shall be located 100 feet from any sanitary hazardfrom any _- 2. (X) well shall be centered in a 6 foot by 6 foot concrete apron tapered away from the well 3. ( ) four (4) bacteriological well survey samples 4. (X) twenty (20) bacteriological well survey samples 5. (X) a scale drawing of the well location, 6. (X) chemical analysis for: (X) nitrates (as N) ( ) hydrogen sulfide (field test)' (X) other bename C�Ioro6PhcPne, e�iylbPhePr,e, �Ye�'y16Paz-�PNe, f Cyf . '+e, •�r(Ylye o, 7. (x) automatic chlorination 8. ( raw water sampling tap 9. (X) D.P.D. test kit 10. quarterly bacteriological - samples 11. (,X) system shall be enclosed 12. (X) chemical analysis every five years 13. ( ) engineering plans of the well, pumping facilities, and distribution system signed by n Florida Re/rec�,Engi eer 14. i�) no food or drink served t the pu 1 c 15. ( ) other 16. (.X).This system may never be expanded unless #a 3 above are also met. 17. ( ) Comments 18. (><) Two copies of Well Completion Report 19. (x) Main Clearance