HomeMy WebLinkAbout2525 JET CENTER PAPERWORK.--. tea... .. J0" I r C PHONE NO. : 4621148 :QUEST FOR 30 DAY TEMPORARY POWER RELEASE DATE: July 14, 1999 PeRMrc NUMBER: PRoPERTY ADDRESS: Lot 27 Block 40 6618 Nuevo Lago St Lucie County Comm. Devel. Dept. Code Compliance Division 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 Ph. (561) 462- 2165 Fax (561) 462-1735 THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REQUEST RELEASE OF ELECTRICAL POWER TO THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY, FOR A PERIOD NOTTO EXCEED THIRTY (30) DAYS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF TESTING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT IN PREPARA- TION FOR FINAL INSPECTION. IN CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF THIS REQUEST WE HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE. AS FOLLOWS: 1. This temporary power release is requested for the above stated purpose only, and there will be no occupancy of any type, other than that permitted by construction during this time period. 2. As witness by our signatures, we hereby agree to abide by all terms and conditions of this agreement, including Building Division Policy, which is Incorporated herein by reference. 3. All conditions and requirements listed In the attached document entitled "Requirements for 30 Day Power for Testing" have been fulfilled and the premises is ready for compliance inspection. We hereby release and agree to hold harmless, St. Ode County, and their employees from all liabilities and claims of any type or nature which may arise now or in the future out of this transaction, Including any damages -which may be Incurred due to the disconnection of electrical power in the event of violation of this agreement ,;� Wynne Development Corporation Joe's Electric AVG 12 1999 Zu ie County Public Works Whole Building Performance Method for Commercial Buildings Form 40OA-94 ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING C,ONSTRUCTION...._ Florida Department of Community Affairs FLA/COM-94 Version 2.1A PROJECT NAME_ST. LUCIES SPEEDWAY PERMITTING OFFICE: ADDRESS: _2525 CENTER ROAD _Fort _FORT PIECE, FL. CLIMATE ZONE: _6__.__.........__.....__ OWNER: _ST. LUCIES SPEEDWAY PERMIT NO: _...._._...__...... ...... _........... AGENT: JURISDICTION NO:_661100___._ ,. BUILDING TYPE: _Service Establishments CONSTRUCTION CONDITION: New construction DESIGN COMPLETION: _Finished Building CONDITIONED FLOOR AREA: _1008_ NUMBER OF ZONES: 1 MAX. TONNAGE OF EQUIPMENT PER SYSTEM: 3 COMPLIANCE CALCULATION: METHOD A DESIGN CRITERIA RESULT ----------------- A. WHOLE BUILDING 47.18 100.00 PASSES PRESCRIPTIVE REQUIREMENTS: LIGHTING LIGHTING CONTROL REQUIREMENTS HVAC' EQUIPMENT COOLING EQUIPMENT 1. SEER 10.00 HEATING EQUIPMENT 1. Et 0.90 AIR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM INSULATION LEVEL 1. Unconditioned Space 6.00 WATER HEATING EQUIPMENT " 1. EF 0,"88 PIPING INSULATION REQUIREMENTS. Non -Circulating 1.00 •1:` COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION: PASSES 10.00 PASSES N/A 4.20 PASSES 0.84 PASSES --------0-66PASSES ----------- - I hereby :certify t'a.,the 'l.ans and Review of the plans and specifica- specifications covered by this`ca u- ons covered by this calculation lationiare:in complianc ith'th indicates compliance with the Florida Energy".Efficie c' Florida Energy Efficiency Code. PREPARED BY: Before construction is completed, DATE: ro -7-1 '�M4 1 this building will be inspected for compliance in accordance with Iereliy certify that t is; building is Section 553.908, Florida Statutes. in.compliance•wi:t.h• th Florida En�r,gy- BUILDING OFFICIAL: ...... Efficiency Code. DATE: DATER/AGENT'''' DATE: � �/ZSF-91 I hereby certify(*) that'the system design is in compliance with the Florida 401.------GLAZING--ZONE Elevation Type South Commercial East Commercial 402.------WALLS--ZONE Elevation Type North South East Adjacent L & Hvywt L & Hvywt L & Hvywt L & Hvywt 403.------DOORS--ZONE Elevation Type BUILDING INFORMATION 1------------------------------- U SC . VLT Shading - ---- ---- ----------- .8 ".8 '.8 .8 None .8 .8 .8 None Total Glass Area in Zone 1 Total Glass Area 1--------------------------------- U .Added -------------- �_---- Concrete Bloc • 8 Li 0.294 Concrete Blo . 8" Li 0.294 Concrete Blo k: 8" Li 0.294 Concrete B1 ck: 8" Li 0.294 To al Wall Area in Zone 1 Total Gross Wal'l.Area 1--------------- ------------------ - ----------------------------------- North 1-3/8 Wood Door -Solid core flush South 1-3/8 Wood..Door-Solid core flush Total Door Area Total 404------- ROOFS --ZONE 1 Type ------------------------ 1" Wood with 1" Insulation 405.------FLOORS-ZONE 1- Type ------------------------- Slab on Grade/Uninsulated Color Dar k Total Roof 0.170 Area in Zone 1 Total Roof Area Total Floor Area Total 406.------INFILTRATION -------------------- R 3 3 3 3 U COMPLIANCE CHECK ------------- V- Ar ea(Sgf t) ; ----------; 60 20 80: 80; -----------'--- Gross(Sgft) ----------- 324; 324; 252: 252; 1152: 1152: ' Area(Sgft )I ----------I 0.39 42: 0.39 42: in Zone 1 = 84 Door Area = 84; -------------------------I--- U Added R Area(Sgft) ----- ------- ----=-----I 19 1008 10081 1008 ------------------------- t --- R Area(Sgft) I ------------------ 0 1008: in Zone 1 = 1008: Floor Area = 1008: -------------------------I--- CHECKI Infiltration Criteria in 406.1.ABC.1 have been met. i ! 407.------COOLING SYSTEMS --------------------------------------------------- Type No Efficiency IPLV Tons: ---------------------------- ------------- -------=-----------, 1. Split System 2 10 0 2.50: 408.------HEATING SYSTEMS -------------------------------------------- ---- '--- Type No Efficiency BTU/hr 1. Electric Resistance 2 .9 250001 409.--- --- VENTILATION --------------------------------------------------- I--- Ventilation Criteria in 409.1.ABC.1 have been met. 410.-----AIR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ---------------------- CHECK: -------I-----'--- AHU Type Duct Location ------------------------=---------- -------------------- 1. Split / PTAC Air Conditioner Unconditioned Space 411.--..--PUMPS AND PIPING -ZONE 1 ---------------------------- Type R-value/in Diameter R-value; 61 __ _ Thickness; ,CHECK; Metering criteria in 413.1.ABC.1 have been met. Transformer criteria in 413.1.ABC.2 havebeenmet. ----- MOTORS ------------------------- =-------------------------'-----'--- Motor efficiencies in 414. 415.-----LIGHTING SYSTEMS -ZONE Space Type No Control Type 1 Kitchen 1 On/Off Reading, T 1 On/Off Lighting criteria in 415. ----------------------------- ..:.� .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----:------------i 1. Non -Circulating 4.66 1 1 412.-----WATER HEATING SYSTEMS -ZONE I ---------------------------------- Type Efficiency StandbyLoss InputRate Gallons, -------------=---=------------------------------------ 1. <=12 kW .88, 0 10 65 4f3 ------- ELECTRICAL POWER DISTRIBUTION---------------------------------- I--- 414 1.ABC.1 have been met. ; 1--------------------------------------- --- No Control Type 2 No Watts Area(Sgft) ----------------- --- --------------- 2 On/Off 1 550 600 2 On/Off 1 400 400; Total Watts for Zone 1 = 950 Total Area for Zone 1 = 1000 Total Watts = 950; Total Area = 1000; !CHECK! ABC have been met. -----------------------------------'-----'--- 16. HVAC load sizing has been performed. (407.1.ABC.1) ; 17. Duct sizing and design have been performed. (410.1.ABC.1.2) ---------------------------------------------------------=--------'-----'--- 18. Testing and balancing will be performed. (410.1.ABC.4) 19. Operation/maintenance manual will be, provided to owner.(102.1); ------------------------------------------------------------------- ' SYSTEM SIZING SUMMARY System Name : SPEEDWAY(CONCESSION) 10-29-97 Location : FORT PIERCE, Florida Block Load v2.12 Prepared By : E.& E. CONSULTING ENG. Page 1 of 2 TABLE 1. SIZING DATA -- COOLING Totalcoil load - 29,914 BTU/hr Load occurs @ July 1600 Sensible coil load = 16,407 BTU/hr Outdoor-.:_Db/Wb_ ---- _- 91.6/ 79.9 F Total zone sensible= 11,281 BTU/hr Coil Conditions: Supply temperature = 57.0 F Entering Db/Wb = 82.1/ 71.6 F Supply air (actual)= 580 CFM Leaving Db/Wb = 56.0/ 55.6 F Supply air (std) = 580 CFM Apparatus dewpoint= 54.6 F Ventilation air - 250 CFM Bypass factor - 0.050 Direct exhaust air = 250 CFM Resulting zone RH = 55.7 % Reheat required - 0 BTU/hr Floor area (sqft) = 600 Total coil load = 2.49 Ton Overall U-value - 0.125 Sensible coil load. = 1.37 Ton Vent air CFM/sqft = 0.42 SQFT/Ton _ 240..69 Vent air CFM/person = 62.50 Cooling BTU/hr/sgft = 49.86 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cooling CFM/sqft = 0.97 TABLE'2. SIZING DATA -- HEATING ---------------------------- Heating coil load = --------------------------------------------- 13,619 BTU/hr Heating BTU/hr/sgft = 22.70 Ventilation load = 6,478 BTU/hr Heating CFM/sqft = 0.97 Total zone load = 7,141 BTU/hr Floor area (sqft) - 600 Ventilation airflow= 250 CFM Overall U-value = 0.125 Supply airflow = 580 CFM Vent air CFM/sqft = 0.42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vent air CFM/person = 62.50 TABLE 3. INPUT DATA -- WEATHER ------------------------------------------------------------------------- City = FORT PIERCE Summer dry-bulb = 92.0 F State = Florida Coincident wet -bulb= 80.0 F Data Source = User Modified Daily Range = 15.0 F Latitude = 27•.3 deg. • Winter dry-bulb - 44.0 F Elevation = 10.0 ------------------------------------ ft 7------------------------------------ Atmos. Clear. Num. = 0.90 TABLE 4. INPUT DATA -- HVAC SYSTEM ------------- -------------------- System Type : Clg & Warm 77-------------------------------------- Air Htg THERMOSTAT SETPOINTS System Start B00 Cooling (Occ) 75.0 F Duration 12 hrs Cooling (Unocc) : 75.0 F Heating 68.0 F SIZING SPECIFICATIONS FACTORS Supply 57.0 F Coil Bypass 0.050 Ventilation 200 CFM Safety (Sens) 5 % Exhaust 250 CFM Safety (Latent) 5 % Heating Safety 5 % FAN RETURN AIR PLENUM : N Configuration : Draw-Thru Static Pressure : ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.50 in. SYSTEM SIZING SUMMARY System Name : SPEEDWAY(CONCESSION) 10-29-97 Location : FORT PIERCE, Florida Block Load v2.12 Prepared By : E.& E. CONSULTING ENG., Page 2 of 2 TABLE S. TOP TEN COOLING COIL LOADS Sensible Total Sensible Total Time Ton Ton Time Ton foil ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) July/1600 1.37 2.49 6) Aug/1500 1.35 2.47 2) July/1700 1.36 2.48 7) July/1500 1.35 2.47 3) Aug/1600 1.36 2.48 8) June/1700 1.32 2.47, 4) June/1600 1.33 2.48 9) June/1500 1.31 2.45 5) Aug/1700 ------------------------------- 1.35 2.47 10) ------------------------------------- July/1800 1.33 2.45 TABLE 6. ZONE SIZING DATA --7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Maximum Design ; Maximum Design Cooling Airflow Design Heating Flow Sensible Rate Time ; Load Rate Zone Name (BTU/hr) (CFM) i (BTU/hr) (CFM) SPEEDWAY(CONSESSION) 11,549 594 @July 1800 ; 7,141 --------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILED SYSTEM LOAD REPORT System Name : SPEEDWAY(CONCESSION) 10-29-97 Location : FORT PIERCE, Florida Block Load v2..12 Prepared By : E.& E-. CONSULTING ENG. Page 1 of 1 TABLE 1. LOAD COMPONENT ------------------------ Load Component ; ------------------------ Solar Loads Wall Transmission Roof Transmission Glass Transmission Skylight Transmission; Partitions Lighting Other Electric People Infiltration Miscellaneous Slab Pulldown/Warm-up Safety Factor ; ------------------------ Total Zone Loads SUMMARY for July 1600 ( 91.6/ 79.9 F) -------------------------------------- Design Cooling Loads; Sensible Latent, Details ; (BTU/hr) (BTU/hr) ; -----------i--------------------- 40 sgft, 488 - 950 sgfti 2,309 - 600 sgfti 3,158 - 40 sgft; 301 - 0 sgfti 0 - 0 sgft; 0 - 1.50 W/sgfti 2,573 - 0.05 W/sgfti 94 - 4 people; 783 820 538 1,292 500 Soo 600 sgft; - - 0 5/ 5/ 5 0 537 131 11,281 2,742 ---Design Heating ( BTU/hr) --------- 2,326 1,930 509 0 ' 0 777 1 - i 1,260 340 --------------------- - ventilation Load i 250 CFMi 4,480 10,765 ; 6,478 Supply Fan Load ; 580 CFM; 645 - Plenum Load Thru Wall! 0 e; _- 0-. Plenum Load Thru Roof; 0 %: 0 Plenum Load - Lights ; 0 C 0 - - ReheatLoad ; ; 0 - ----------------------------------- : Total ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coil Loads ; -------------------------------------- i 16,407 13,508 ; 13,619 TABLE 2. WALL AND GLASS BREAKDOWN ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Cooling Cooling Heating Net Area Transmission Solar, Load -Transmission ' Component (sgft) (BTU/hr) (BTU/hr) (BTU/hr) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walls : NE ; 0 0 - 0 E ; 270 911 - 661 SE i 0 0 - 0 S i 140 277 - 343 SW i 0 0 - 0 W 270 619 - 661 NW 0 0 - 0 N i 270 502 - 661 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Glass : NE 0 0 0 0 ' E ; 0 0 0 0 SE i 0 0 0 0 S i 40 301 488 509 SW ; 0 0 0 0 i W i 0 0 0 0 NW i 0 0 0 0 N ; 0 0 0 0 ___.___ Hor i _ __________ O. _ _ ____ ___ 0 _ _____ ____ __ _ __ _ _ _____ _ 0 O - - DETAILED ZONE LOAD REPORT System Name : SPEF_DWAY(CONCESSION) 10-29-97 Location : FORT PIERCE, Florida Block Load v2.12 Prepared By : E.& E. CONSULTING ENG. Page 1. of 1. TABLE 1. GENERAL INFORMATION Zone Name : SPEEDWAY(CONSESSION) System Name : SPEEDWAY(CONCESSION) Design load B July 1800 Db/Wb temp. : 88.8/ 79.2 F TABLE 2. ZONE LOAD COMPONENT SUMMARY ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Design Cooling Loads; Design Sensible i Heating Load Component i Details ------------------------------------------------ i (BTU/hr) (BTU/hr) ------------------------- Solar Loads ; 40 sgft; 230 - Wall Transmission i 950 sgfti 2,653 ; 2,326 Roof Transmission i 600 sgfti 3,361 ; 1,930 Glass aTransmission! i 40 26 509 Skylight sgft; 0 Partitions ; 0 sgft; 0 ; 0 Lighting ; 1.50 W/sgft; 2,638 ; - other -Electric ; 0.05 W/sgfti 95 People 4 people; 808 Infiltration ; ; 447 ; 777 I Miscellaneous ; ; Soo - Slab i 600 sgfti - i 1,260 Pulldown/Warm-up ; i 0 - Safety Factor 5/ 5'%; 550 ; 340 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Zone Loads -------------------------------------------------------- ; . ; 11,549 i ---------------- 7,141 TABLE 3. ZONE WALL AND GLASS BREAKDOWN ----------------------------------- Total 7------------------------------------- Cooling Cooling Heating Net Area Transmission Solar Load Transmission Component ; (sgft) (BTU/hr) (BTU/hr) ------ ------------------- •(BTU/hr) ------------------- Walls NE i ------- ---------------------- 0 0 - 0 E i 270 869 - 661 , SE 0 0 - 0 S ; 140 310 - 343 SW i .,. 0 0 - 0 W ; 270 905 - 661 NW i 0 0 - 0 N i 270 569 - 661 -- ---------------------------------- Glass : NE ; 0 ------------------------------------ 0 0 0 E i 0 0 0 0 SE ; 0 0 0 0 S 40 268 230 509 SW ; 0 0 0 0 W i 0 0 0 0 NW ' 0 0 0 0 N 0 0 0 i O, Hor ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0 0 1 � S SYSTEM SIZING SUMMARY System Name : SPEESWAY (OFFICE) Location : FORT PIERCE, Florida Block Load v2.12 Prepared By : E.& E. CONSULTING ENG. Page 1 of 2 • TABLE 1. SIZING DATA -- COOLING Total coil load = 16,668 BTU/hr Load occurs a June 1700 Sensible coil load = 11,506 BTU/hr Outdoor Db/Wb = 89.5/ 79.6 F Total zone sensible= 9,773 BTU/Fir Coil Conditions: Supply temperature = 57.0 F Entering Db/Wb = 77.2/ 66.4 F Supply air (actual)= 503 CFM Leaving Db/Wb = 56.0/ 55.5 F Supply air (std) = 503 CFM Apparatus dewpoint= 54.9 F Ventilation air - 75 CFM Bypass factor - 0.050 Direct exhaust air = 75 CFM Resulting zone RH = 54.0 Reheat required - 0 BTU/hr Floor area (sqft) = 400 Total coil load - 1.39 Ton Overall U-value = 0.145 Sensible coil load - 0.96 Ton Vent air CFM/sqft = '0.19 SOFT/Ton = 287.98 Vent air CFM/person - 35.63 '.Cooling BTU/hr/sgft = 41.67 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cooling CFM/sqft = 1.26 TABLE 2. SIZING DATA -- HEATING ------------------- ------------------------------ Heating coil load = 7,702 BTU/hr Heating BTU/hr/sgft _ 19.25 Ventilation load = 1,943 BTU/hrl Heating CFM/sqft = 1.2.6 Total zone load - 5,758 BTU/hr Floor area (sqft) - 400 Ventilation airflow= 75 CFM Overall U-value = 0.145 Supply airflow _ 503 CFM Vent air CFM/sqft = 0.19 ------------------------------------ Vent air CFM/person ------------------------------------ = 35.63 TABLE $. INPUT DATA -- WEATHER City State Data Source Latitude Elevation --------------------- = FORT PIERCE = Florida = User Modified = 27.3 deg. 10.0 ft --------------------- TABLE 4. INPUT DATA -- HVAC SYSTEM -------------------------------------- System Type : Clg & Warm Air Htg System Start 800 Duration 12 hrs I SIZING SPECIFICATIONS Supply 57.0 F Ventilation 75 CFM Exhaust 75 CFM FA4 Configuration : Draw-Thru Static Pressure : 1.50 in. ----------------------------------- --------------------- summer dry-bulb = Coincident wet -bulb= Daily Range = Winter dry-bulb = Atmos. Clear. NUM. _ --------------------- 92.0 F 80.0 F 15.0 F 44.0 F 0.90 ------------------------------ THERMOSTAT SETPOINTS Cooling (Occ) 75.0 F Cooling (Unocc) 75.0 F Heating 68.0 F FACTORS Coil Bypass 0.050 Safety (Sens) 5 Safety (Latent) : 5 % Heating- Safety 5 RETURN AIR PLENUM N SYSTEM SIZING SUMMARY System Name : SPEEDWAY (OFFICE) 10-2.9-97 Location : FORT PIERCE, Florida Block Load v2.12 Prepared By : E.& E. CONSULTING ENG. Page 2 of 2 ************************************************************************* TABLE 5. TOP TEN COOLING COIL LOADS Sensible -Total Sensible Total Time Ton Ton Time Ton Ton ----- 1) ------------------------------- June/1700 0.96 1.39 - ----------------------------------- 6) Ju1y/1500 0.94 1.36 2) July/1.700 0.96 1.39 7) July/1800 0.94 1.36 3) July/1600- - 0.96 1.38.. 8) Aug/1600 0.93 1.36 4) June/1600 0.05 1.38 9) June/1500 0.92 1.35 5) ------------------------------------- June/1800 0.93 1.36 10) 7----------------------------------- Aug/1500 0.93 1.35 TABLE 6. ZONE SIZING DATA ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maximum Design ; Maximum Design Cooling Airflow Design ; Heating Flow Sensible Rate Time ; Load Rate Zone Name (BTU/hr) (CFM) ; (BTU/hr) (CFM) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPEEDWAY (OFFICE) 9,773 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- .503 @June 1700 ; 5,758 - r r DETAILED SYSTEM LOAD REPORT System Name : SPEESWAY (OFFICE) 10-2.9 97 Location : FORT PIERCE, Florida Block Load V2.12 Prepared By o E.& E. CONSULTING ENG. Page I of 1 TABLE 1. LOAD COMPONENT ----------------------- Load Component Solar Loads Wall Transmission Roof Transmission Glass Transmission Skylight Transmission; Partitions Lighting Other Electric ; People � Infiltration ; Miscellaneous Slab Pulldown/Warm-up Safety Factor SUMMARY for June 1700 ( 89.5/ 79.6 F) ------------------------------------------------- Design Cooling Loads; Design ; Sensible Latent Heating Details i (BTU/hr) (BTU/hr) ; (BTU/hr) ------------------------------------------------ 82 soft; 1,338 - - 638 sgfti 1,646 - 1,562 400 soft; 2,187 - 1.286 82 soft! 550 - 1.043 ! 0 'soft; 0 - 0 ! 0 soft; 0 - ! 0 ! 2.00 W/sgft; 2,317 - - 0.05 W/soft i 63 2 people; 393 253 ; 313 911 i 51.8 ; i Soo Soo 400 sgftl - - 1.,075 ' 0 5/ 5/ 5 %1 465 83 ; 274 ---------------------------------------------------------------•-- Total Zone Loads ; ; 9,773 1,747 , 5,758 ----------- ---------------------------------------------- Ventilation Load 75 CFW 1,174 3,415 ; 1,943 Supply Fan Load ; Plenum Load Thru Wall; Plenum Load Thru Roof; 503 CFM: 0 %; 0 %; 559 - 0 0 - - Plenum Load - Lights ; 0 %; 0 - - Reheat Load i i 0 - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Coil Loads I 11,506 5,162 ; 7.702-------------------------------------------------------------------- TABLE 2. WALL AND GLASS BREAKDOWN --------------------------------------------- Total Cooling Net Area Transmission Component (sgft) (BTU/hr) -------------- Walls NE E SE S SW W i NW ! N ------------ Glass c NE E SE S SW ; W NW N Hor ; ---------------------- - -__-----eat.ng' CoolingHi! Solar Load Transmission (BTU/hr) ---------_( BTU/ht- )-- 0 0 _ 0 196 630 - 480 ! 0 0 - 0 ! 124 229 - 304 0 0 - 0 ! 216 582 .... 0 0 - p 102 205 - 250 ------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0 0 I 20 134 289 254 0 0 0 0 ! 20 134 186 254 ; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 42 282 863 •534 0 ------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0 DETAILED ZONE LOAD REPORT System Name : SPEESWAY (OFFICE) 10-29-91 Location : FORT PIERCE, Florida Block Load v2.1.2 Prepared By : E.& E. CONSULTING ENG. Page I of 1 TABLE 1. GENERAL INFORMATION ----------------------------------------- Zone Name c SPEEDWAY (OFFICE) System Name : SPEESWAY (OFFICE) Design load @ June 1700 Db/Wb temp. 89-.5/ 79.6 F TABLE 2. ZONE LOAD COMPONENT SUMMARY Design Cooling loads; Design ; Sensible Heatina Load Component ; Details i ( BTU/hr ) ; ( BTU/hr) ' -----=------------------------------------------------------------------- i Solar Loads 82 sgft; - 1,338 Wall Transmission ; 638 sgft; 1.,646 ; 1,562 Roof Transmission ; 400 sgft; 2,1.87 1.,2.86 Glass Transmission ; 82 sgft; 550 1.043 ' Skylight Transmission; 0 sgft; 0 ; 0 ' Partitions 0 soft: 0 C1 Lighting i 2.00 W/sgftj 2,317 Other Electric i 0.05 W/sgft; 63 - People 2 people; 393 - Infiltration 313 518 Miscellaneous Soo - Slab 400 sgft; 1,075. Pulldown/Warm-up ; 0 - Safety Factor ; 5/ S =; 465 274 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Zone Loads ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9,773 5,758 TABLE 3. ZONE WALL AND GLASS BREAKDOWN ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Cooling Cooling Heating Net Area. Transmission Solar Load Transmission Component (sgft) (BTU/hr) (BTU/hr) (BTU/.hr).! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walls NE ; 0 0 - 0 E 196 630 - 480 SE ; 0 0 - 0 i S i 124 229 - 304 Sw 0 0 - 0' W ; 216 582 - 529 NW ; 0 0 - 0 ' N i 102 205 - 250 ' --=---------------------------------------------------------------------- Glass NE ; 0 0 0 0 E i 20 134 289 254 SE i 0 0 0 0 S ; 20 134 186 254 SW i 0 0 0 0 W i 0 0 0 0 NW ' 0 0 0 0 i N i 42 282 863 534 ; Hor ---------i - -o -- ------- - ----o--------- -o -.- 07/27/1999 14:55 4074893603 STARLING ELECTRIC PAGE 01 FOR 30 DAY TEMPORARY POWER P ELRASE PERMIT NUMBER: 97os o 7a v PROPERTY ADDRESS: p25a5 Cen-ker St. Luce County Cc m.'Devel. Dept. Code Cc pliance Division 230 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 Ph.: (561) 462. 2165 Fa* (561) THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REQUEST RELEASE OF ELECTRI CAL POWER TO THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY, FOR A PERIOD NOTTO EXC4ED THIRTY (30) DAYS, FOR THE PURPOSE. OF TESTING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT IN PREPARA- TION FOR FINAL INSPECTION. IN CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF THIS REQUEST WE HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. This temporary power release is requested for the above statepurpose only, and there vrill be no oocupa ricy of any type, other than thatlpermitted by cons"cdon during this time period. 2. As witness by our signatures, we hereby agree to abide by'all terliis and Conditions of this agreement, Including Building Division Policy, which is incorporated herein by reference. 3. All conditions and requirements listed In the attached documeAt entitled "Requirements for 30 Day Power for Testing" have been fulflllea and the premises is ready for compliance Inspection.., We hereby release and agree to hold hamlless, SL Luce County, and !their employees from all liabilities and calrhs of any type or nabire whidh• may arise now or in'theYnture out of this transaction, including any damages which may be incuired due to the disconnection of electrical power in the event of violation of this agreerpenL BVTTZ9h : 'ON 3NOH4 L d Wdaa:£ 666T'9Z "nr ' IF= OVA t 1 S : I408,:1 ST. LUCIE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE FT. PIERCE, FL. 34982-5652 ' 561-462-1553 DESIGN CERTIFICATION FOR WIND LOAD COMPLIANCE This Certification is to be completed by the project design architect or engineer. This Certification must be submitted with all applications for building permit involving the construction of new residence (single or multi -family), residential addition, any accessory structure requiring a building permit, and any nonresidential structure. This Certification shall not apply to interior renovations (provided that no structural walls, columns or other similar component is being effected) and certain other minor building permits. For further assistance, please contact the Building Inspection Office at 462-1553 or 462-2172. II PROJECT NAME I GOSSIU.N ��GL% `'�' IG ILOFFIGEUSEONLY !JG<✓III STREET ADDRESS az;� PERMIT NUMBER CST.TYPE 1 CERTIFY THAT, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS HAVE BEEN DESIGNED TO COMPLY WITH THE APPLICABLE STRUCTURAL PORTION OF THE BUILDING CODES CURRENTLY ADOPTED AND ENFORCED BY ST. LUCIE COUNTY. I ALSO CERTIFY THAT STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS DEPICTED ON THESE PLANS PROVIDE ADEQUATE RESISTANCE TO THE WIND LOADS AND FORCES SPECIFIED BY CURRENT CODE PROVISIONS. DESIGN PARAMETERS AND ASSUMPTIONS USED: (please check or complete the aooroorite box 1. STANDARD BUILDING CODE 1997 EDITION ASCE 7-95 V OTHER (SPECIFY) 2. BUILDING DESIGN IS (CHECK ONE) ENCLOSED PARTIALLY ENCLOSED _ OPEN BUILDING 3. BUILDING HEIGHT: �A�� FT 4. WIND SPEED USED IN BUILDING DESIGN: I. I O MPH 5. WIND EXPOSURE CLASSIFICATION (REFER TO EXPOSURE TABLES IN BUILDING CODE IDENTIFIED IN LINE 91): C 6. AVERAGE WIND VELOCITY PRESSURE ON EXTERIOR FACES OF STRUCTURE: 13A 5 IG- Z1, Z7,- PSF 7. PEAK WIND VELOCITY PRESPURE ON EXTERIOR FACES QF STRUCTURE: PSF 4ucsf :IL-:wc— . Fc...3c f'5r 8. IMPORTANCE/USE FACTOR (OBTAIN FROM BUILDING CODE): 1.0416 9. LOADS: FLOOR O PSF ROOFIDEAD: I PSF ROOF/LIVE: PSF 10. I WERE SHEAR WALLS CONSIDERED FOR STRUCTURE (CHECK ONE) YES NO _ If NO, why? (attach explaination) G)M— - m co -Tu `o r l?L-`i' 11. IS A CONTINUOUS LOAD PATH PROVIDED (CHECK ONE) YES ,'� NO— If NO, why? (attach explaination) 12. I ARE COMPONENT AND CLADDING DETAILS PROVIDED (CHECK ONE) YES NO _ If NO, why? (attach explaination) 13. MINIMUM SOIL BEARING PRESSURE: t l _ 2 SU PSF C/\ SSVM(=V) AS WITNESSED BY MY SEAL, I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION INCLUDED WITH THIS CERTIFICATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. NAME: c) — 5L-1+L%LTz— CERTIFICATION NO: F- C-7 U [SEAL HERE] DESIGN FIRM: �S • SC U ��1��I DA E: �7 L`u f SLCCDV FORM NO: 020-00 I / z 1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS November 30, 1998 J�'�E:COG COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT P DIRECTOR �OR10 Frank DiMaria St. Lucie Speedway and Motorsports Park, Inc. 2525 Center Road Fort Pierce, FL 34945 Dear Mr. DiMaria: RAYMOND L. WAZNY PTL op.�, C� q#e 3 1�9 15 grws)�� Thank you for your letter of November 30, 1998. Under the provisions of the Standard Building Code, your permit nun. er 1?(13 7 is xtcnded to March 1, 1999. Please call me at 462-1590 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Inl Ra W ny Co unity De opJ nt Director lc\wp\wp\di aria cc: i~d Ayold Jan Urso JOHN D. URUHN, District No. 1 • DOUG COWARD, District No. 2 • PAULA A. LEWIS, District No. S • FRANNIE HUTCHINSON. District No. 4 • CLIFF BARNES. District No. 5 County Administrator - Douglos M. Anderson 2300 Virginia Avenue • Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 Administration: (561) 462-1590 • Growth Management: (561) 462-1553 Planning: (561) 462-2822 • Fox: (561) 462-1735 Code Compliance: (561) 462-1571 • Fox: (561) 462-1148 11/30/.1993 17:20 19549412751 MONTAGNA INC 4 of , , %. PAGE 01 Frank M Mena Owner 561-46647746 2525 Center ROW - Fart P+erce Fbnde 349445 O\3Aalk\% i �`� �-`nSp�. 4•h- Wes`\ �\mob �Y.- c�o•� ���..'� i HP OfficeJet Fax History Report for Personal Printer/Fax/Copier/Scanner St. Lucie County Florida 4621581 Nov 30 1998 4:39pm Last Fax Date Time Twe Identification Duration Pages Result Nov 30 4:38pm Sent 819549412751 0:52 1 OK Result: OK - black and white fax OK color - color fax FRASER LNGINEERING AND TE'oTING, INC. 3504 INDUSTRIAL 33RD STREET FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA 34946 CLIENT: St. Lucie Speedway CONTRACTOR: Client SITE: St. Lucie Speedway P.C.F. Dry Weig Report of MOISTURE DENSITY ASTM 1557=78 Moisture % of Dry Weight .4 g-1-2-o3-77 DATE: 11/23/98 Test Test Optimum Max. Dry Soil No. Method Sample location Moisture % Density- P.C.F. Description 8159 B Composite 11.0 112.6 Brown, slightly silty, slightly clayey, fine sand. ' Respectfully submitted, FRASER ENGINEERING t1ND"'A!91�4G, INC. Alexander H. Fraser, $.E., Florida Reg. No 16178 6.4 GEOTECNNICAL ENGINEERING FOUNDATION INVESTIGATIONS CONCRETE, SOIL AND ASPHALT TESTING m 14".1JA�1 11JA11A—ALJM1.1\•lA A1\L 1L 111\t/511\li• 3504 INDUSTRIAL 33rd STREET FORT PIERCE FLORIDA 34946 ~ VERO B!ACH (561) 567-6167 FORT PIERCE (561) 461-7508 STUART (561) 283-7711 FT. PIERCE 1-800-233-9011 Report of DENSITY OF SOIL IN PLACE ASTM D2922 CLIENT: St. Lucie Speedway DATE: 11/23/98 CONTRACTOR: Client SITE: St. Lucie Speedway Concession Stand - Foundation Fill DENSrrY TEST DATE MOISTURE -DENSITY RELATTONSDIP IN PLACE DRY PERCENT TEST MAX. NO. TESTED LOCATION ELEVATION NO. DRY WT. DENSITY COMPACTION 8160 11/23/98 N.E. Comer 0-1' 8159 112.6 113.0 100.4 8161 N.E. Comer 1 - 2' 111.1 98.7 8162 N.E. Comer 2 - 3' 108.5 96.4 8163 Center 0 - 1' 110.8 98.4 8164 Center - 1 - 2' 109.9 97.6 8165 Center 2 - 3' 108.7 96.5 8166 S.W. Corner 0 - 1' 111.0 98.6 8167 S.W. Comer 1 - 2' 107.4 95.4 8168 S.W. Comer 2 - 3' 107.7 95.6 ALL ELEVATIONS BELOW SLAB GRADE Copies: Client - 2 Respectfully submitted, FRASER ENGINEERING P ND TESTING, INC. Alexander H. Fraser, 11E.Fla. Rej: No.:16178 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING FOUNDATON INVESTIGATIONS CONCflETE, SOIL. AND ASPHALT TESTING 1 \ ST. LUCIE COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT BUREAU OF FIRE PREVENTION a 2400 RHODE ISLAND AVE. TELEPHONE (561)-462-2312 FT. PIERCE, FL. AVE. FAX NO. (561)-462-2323 PLAN REVIEW JURISDICTION: St Lucie County OCCUPANCY: St Lucie Speedway ADDRESS: 2525 Center Rd CONTRACTOR: Vitale and Manganiello Builders CONTRACTORS ADDRESS: 2851 S Ocean Dr 5B ARCHITECTIENGINEER: J S Shultz & Associates BUILDING OWNER: Frank di Maria OCCUPANCY TYPE: Business GROSS SO FT: 1874 sq ft OCCUPANT LOAD: CONSTRUCTION TYPE:( NFPA-220) Type: F.P.B. B-99-30 BUILDING DEPT: 99050720 NUMBER OF STORIES: 1 PHONE NO: 561-394-6647 CITY:Boca Raton, FL ZIP: 33432 PHONE NO: 964-752-0306 REVIEW DATE: 6-15-99 AUTOMATIC SP'KLRS: No_. r NET SO FT: BASED ON: SBCCI: Type: New Construction: X Automatic Sprinkler. Contractor. Tenant Improvement: Fire Alarm System Contractor: Shell Only: Fixed Fire Suppression: Contractor. Addition: Hood & Duct System: Contractor. Renovation: Fuel Storage: Contractor: I. All revisions must be in compliance before the final inspection, or so noted. 2. The Fire Marshal requires 24 hour notice on all inspections. 3. The Building Department schedule all final inspections by the Fire Marshal, 4. A copy of the required revisions has been mailed to the Architect: _ Contractor: Yes No X tcequrrea tcevisions: 1. A separate permit is required for the fixed fire protection system. 2. See attached HVAC requirements. V. Reviewed By: Lj�,� Date: June 15, 1999 Tony Liento 2400 Rhode Island Ave. Saint Lucie County Fire District Telephone (561)-462-2312 2 Ft. Pier�e, FL. 34950 Schedule of Fees Fax No. (561).462-2323� qq ' 7lo Occupancy: f)T-• LLAc t e ��ee dt .,.� Date: Co- I S'99 ' Address: —?S'.2S' Contractor: U, rAi-i.' P MA.vG,vvieCLc New: v Addition:_ Renovation:_ Tenant Improvement: _ Shell Only:_ +, Hotel: Motel: _ Apartment Condo: _ Room & Boarding: _ Assist. Living Facility:_ Dormitories: _ High Rise Building: _ No. Of Units: Y Fire Protectlon Automatic Sprinkler System: New:— Addition: _ Type of stem: NFPA 13: _ 13R:_ 13D:_ 231: Standolge System: Number of Risers: _ Fire Puma: Size: gpm. Fixed Fire Protection System: Hood & Duct: _ Spray Booth: _ Other: _ Fire Alarm & Detection; Fire Alarm System Detectlon System; VolceAl:u Fire .: .. omen � •r New: _ Renovation: Addition: New: Renovation:— Addition; New: _ Renovation: _ Addition: _ New: Renovation: Addition: New: _ Renovation:_ Addition: Hazardous Liquids Gases and Materials• Storage Tanks: Above Ground: _ Underground:_ Number of Tanks:_ Containment: _ Dispensers / Plaina: Number of Dispensers : Piping: Tank Removal or AIP: Number of Tanks: Removal: Abandonment in Place:_ L.P. Gas Storage: Number of Tanks: _ Removal: Tent Installations Number of Tents: For Profit: _ Non -Profit: _ Fire works Display Public display: _ Private Display: Permit: Dollar value: i 00 Residential: Apartment:_ Hotel/Motel: _ No. Floors:.Fee: $_ No. of Units: Fee: $ Assisted Living / Rooming & Lodging _ No. Of Bedrooms: No. of Floors: Fee::$. Automatic Sprinkler System: Base Fee: $ Plus: $1.00 Per Head: $ Fee: $ Standpipe System:_ Number of Risers: @ $ 25.00 Per Riser: Fee: $ Fire Pump: GPM: @ $ 0.25 Per GPM Fee $ Foam System: Base Fee: $ Pius $1.00 Per Head: Fee: $ Fixed Fire Protection System: Total Lbs: Lbs. @ $1.00 Per Lb. Or $ 50.00 Min. Fee: $ otal Combined Fee: $ m r Fire Alarm System: Base Fee: $ Plus $1.00 Per Control Device: $ Fee: $ Detection System: Base Fee: $ Plus: $1.00 Per Detection Device: $ Fee: $ Voice Evacuation System: Number of Floors: _@ $10.00 Per Floor or Max. of $150.00 Fee: $ Fire Department Communication System: Base Fee: $ 50.00 In Addition to Alarm System. Fee: $ Fire Command Station: Base Fee $ 50.00 in Addition to the Alarm System Fee: Fee: $ Total Combined Fee: $ hlamn-dComb. Liquid storage tanks: S 60.00 for One Tank $25.00 Ea. Addillonal Tank # of tanks Fee:$ Containment: Tank RemovaVAbandonment: # of Tanks: Fee: $ Dispenser& Piping: # of Dispensers: _ @ $30.00 per dispenser. Piping:_ Fee: $ Tents, Number: _ Fee: $ Fireworks Display: Fee: $ Total Combined Fee: $ RECEIVED PAYMENT: BY: ti BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS August 31, 1998 Mr. Frank DiMaria, Owner 3428 E. Atlantic Boulevard Pompano Beach, FL 33062 Dear Mr. DiMaria: J�' E CpG COMMUNITY .F DEVELOPMENT �OR1�P DIRECTOR RAYMOND L. WAZNY lz�-, Thank you for your letter of August 31, 1998. P As provided for under Section 104.6.1 of the 1994 Standard Building Code, your request for extension of Building Permit number 977120377 is granted. This permit will expire on November 30, 1998. 1/ Please call me at (561)462-1590 if you have any questions. • I, ' — - _sL 16 ator H:\WP\DiMaria.let cc: Code Compliance Manager Zoning, Supervisor d JOHN D. DRUHN, District No. 1 • KEN 5ATTLER. District No. 2 • PAULA A. LEWIS. District No. 3 • GARY CHARLES, Disrricr No. 4 • CLIFF DARNES, District No. 5 County Administrator - Douglas M. Anderson 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 Adminisrrarion: (561) 462-1590 Growrh Manogemenr: (561) 462-1553 Planning: (561) 462-2822 • Fox: (561) 462-1735 Code Compliance: (561) 462-1571 • Fax: (561) 462-1148 3 DEvtd=�--O us 'LreIFC-T�12 .�ST.>E ou 17 Cn�ucrzsATe'ai -rotfzggfu_faSi',Nc� r}n,J F TEx�s.oA] e5F 7i4� Win* �D�us� a /�.r/ hLZE E�cc� -Fc, of ,aoE�c.if. L ALL-""nsS L, c-LL ,-.6 5,.�Lgj-�o5s wcv 45�,wjLu �Jl ooK >y S o n ll T/ f, I i.-> ca c rz L�� ,�/.> �j � c .� �� L R � �iy �G Jsr 'CP "A., kE- r-e-fi :-,-L. Lok t9 , r L"L� l cl7-- T Iw u-S T, -L-, iI- b T4. F To ['aC 5if ELL o :�= L J .� c .t up Ca.�i�LI T L one Lac 7'G_ bt/oxxE t� S .EuD A-CEiU /s To, LET- J_oo.�-L �.tciLiTl�5. �,E/E�i�v9 T}f�' Ce-->,u L'.Essio i -- a�} 2-8 c, 0LaD0 E=-2� ice,#�s�-ass-Jµto 9_y/_-z7ri y S T. L U C I E C O U N T Y 2300 Virginia Avenue, Room 201 Ft. Pierce,, Florida 34982 Growth Management Division PERMIT Permit #: 97120317 Type: BUILDING COMMERCIAL Issued: 02/13/98 Job Location: 2525 CENTER RD / FT PIERCE' Jurisdiction: ST LUCIE COUNTY Lot: Blk: Subdiv: Parcel: 1431-130-0000-010/0 Owner's Name: DIMARIA, FRANK Project: Job Description: CONSTRUCT CONCESSION, RESTRO -Applicant Name: GEORGE P VITALE Contact Phone: (561) 394-6647 Flood: Double Fee: Y Page 1 Insp Area 1 Master Nbr. 97120377 , & OFFICE BLD Type: Contractor Name: VITALE, GEORGE P Cert Nbr: 17175 Business Name: VITALE AND MANGANIELLO BUILDERS INC Elev: Setbacks Left: 658.10 Right: 397.62 Front: 50.00 Rear: 1077.00 Fire Marsh Nbr: Stub Out: T-Pole: Utility Cos: SUB -PERMITS PERMIT # STATUS PT CERT # DBA JOB DESCRIPTION 97120377 ISSD BC 17175 VITALE AND MANGANIELLO BU CONSTRUCT CONCESSION 97120378 ISSD EP 5084 STARLING ELECTRIC INC ELECTRICAL SUB FOR C 97120379 ISSD PP 8352 MEEKS PLUMBING INC PLUMBING SUB FOR CON 97120380 ISSD ME 8314 DODD ENTERPRISES INC MECHANICAL SUB FOR S 97120381 ISSD RP 4981 CANNON JOHN G ROOFING SUB FOR SFR INSPECTIONS - For Req Description Pr Date 425 (PL) SEWER CONNECT 0 104 (ST) COMPACTION TE 1 105 (ST) FORM BOARD SU 1 115 (ST) SLAB 2 121 (ST) TERMITE SPRAY 2 125 (ST) TIE -BEAM 3 137 (ST) STRAPPING 4 140 (ST) CONR/FRAMING 4 238 (EL) ELECTRIC ROUG 4 Res , uaii: Insp Date 7 Y S T. L U C.I E C O U N T Y 2300 Virginia Avenue, Room 201 Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 Growth Management Division (561) 462-1553 P E R M I T Page 1 of 1 Permit #: 97120377 Conf #:563 Type: BUILDING COMMERCIAL Issued: 02/13/98 Job Location: 2525 CENTER RD / FT PIERCE Lot: Blk:, Subdiv: Parcel: 1431-130-0000-010/0 PROP. NAME: Owner: DIMARIA, FRANK Flood: Elev: F1 Map: Project: Job Description: CONSTRUCT CONCESSION, RESTROOMS, & OFFICE BLDG Appl Name: GEORGE P VITALE Appl Type: CONTRACTOR Appl Date: 12/16/97 Contact Phone: (561) 394-6647 Inspector Area: 1 Work w/o Permit Fee: Y Contractor Name: VITALE, GEORGE P Cert Nbr: 17175 Business Name: VITALE AND MANGANIELLO BUILDERS INC Business Addr: 2851 S OCEAN BVLD 5B CSZ': BOCA RATON, FL 33432 Setbacks Left: 658.10 Right: 397.62 Front: 50.00 Rear: 1077.00 Square Footage: 1,874 Zoning: IL Job Value: $59,968.00 Number of Units: 1 Floors: 1 Buildings: 1 Minimum Floor Elevation: Add'1 Information: Item Description Quantity Cost VALNU VALUATION - NEW CONTRUC * 1 $337.34 TRUST INSPECTOR TRUST FUND 1874 $9.37 RADON DBPR RADON FUND 1874 $9.37 Permit Fee: $674.68 Addit'l Fee $18.74 Plan Rev Fee: $150.00 Total: $843.42 Permit holder'acknowledges through acceptance of this permit that separate permits must be obtained as required by the Standard Building Code including those for all electric, plumbing, mechanical, roofing, and Structural work. Further he/she acknowledges responsibility to comply with all requirements of the standard Building Code. Notice : In addition to the requirements in this permit, there may be additional restrictions applicable to thin property that may be found in the records of this County, and there may be additional permits required from other governmental entities such as water management districts, State agencies, or federal agencies. at553.79(10),P.S. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEHENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEHENT. e.713.135, F.S. Building Official Date Received By Date For Automated Inspections, Call (561) 462-1261 For Questions, Call (561) 462-2172 t ST. LUCIE COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT BUREAU OF FIRE PREVENTION P.O. BOX 3030 TELEPHONE (561)-462-2312 FT. PIERCE FL. 34948-3030 FAX NO. (561)-462-2323 2400 RHODE ISLAND AVE. FT. PIERCE FL. 34950 PLAN REVIEW JURISDICTION: St. Lucie County F.P.B. #1006 OCCUPANCY: Saint Lucie Speedway BUILDING DEPT. 97120377 ADDRESS: 2525 Center Rd. NO. OF STORIES: One CONTRACTOR: Vitaje & Manganiello PHONE NO: 394-6642 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: Joel Schultz PHONE NO: (964) - 752-0306 _ BUILDING OWNER: Frank Dimaria REVIEW DATE: 1-27-98 OCCUPANCY TYPE: Business/ Mercantile AUTOMATIC SP'KLRS: NO jGROSS SQ FT: 1874 NET SQ FT: OCCUPANT LOAD: llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll BASED ON: lllllllllll sq ft. P/P. CONSTRUCTION TYPE:( NFPA-220) Type: III-(000) SBCCI: Type: V - Unprotected New Construction: X Automatic spklr: Contractor: + Tenant Improvement: Fire Alarm: Contractor: Shell Only: Fixed Fire suppression: Contractor: Addition: Hood & Duct System: Contractor: Renovation: Fuel Storage: Contractor: 1. All revisions must be in compliance before the final inspection. 2. The Fire Marshal requires 24 hr. notice on all inspections. 3. The building departments schedule all final inspections by the Fire Marshal. Required Revisions: 1. Provide a 3A-40BC rated portable fire extinguisher for the kitchen and a 2A-10BC rated fire extinguisher for the office. 2. Though not a requirement, I suggest the masonry wall separating the concessions area from the office be extended to the underside of the roof deck of provide a gypsum partition from the top of the masonry wall to the underside of the roof deck. 3. Exit signs are not required in the rest rooms. 4. 1 suggest that emergency lighting with a 90 minute battery back-up be provided in the concession area and public restrooms. 5. A separate permit is required from the County Building Department and fire Marshal's office for the installation of the hood and duct A separate permit is also required for the installation of the fixed fire protection system. Installation of the fixed fire protection system shall be by a licensed extinguisher contractor. r Speedway, Concessions and office. January 27, 1998 Page 2. 6. The hood exhaust duct shall extend a minimum of 40 inches above the roof 7. The hood and duct shall have a minimum of 18 inch clearance to combustible construction. 8. This clearance may be reduced to a minimum of 3 inches if the wall construction in the rear of the hood is covered with 5/8 inch, Type X drywall and the duct chase is (covered with the same material on the duct side of the chase. 9. The air intake duct shall be provided with a fire damper located at the top of the hood. Reviewed By: rrC . Date: January 27, 1998 John K. Halt) ay n L STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES ONSITE SEWAGE. DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Authority: Chapter 381, FS:& Chapter 1OD-6; FAC'. PERMIT` DATE PAID .FEE PAID RECEIPT # CONSTRUCTION PERMIT FOR: [3{] New System ['. '] Existing: System [ ] Holding Tank [ ]. Temporary/Experimental. [ ] Repair '[ ] Abandonment [ ] Other(Specify ) APPLICANT: ( � { f"'�, 14 � , , AGENT:�ii PROPERTY STREET 'ADDRESS: .. G LOTS BLOCK: ., 'ESIJhDIVISION• ,. 'PROPERTY ID #; [SECTION/TOWNSHIP/.RANGE[PARCEL NUMBER]. I I [OR TAX, ID .NUMBER] H `SYSTEM MUST BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH. SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS OF CHAPTER 1OD-6', PAC ,REPAIR PERMITS AND HOLDING TANK PERMITS EXPIRE 90 DAYS FROM THE. DATE OF ISSUE:. .ALL. OTHER PERMITS EXPIRE ONE YEAR FROM THE DATE OF ''ISSUE. :HRS APPROVAL OF SYSTEM DOESNOT GUARANTEE SATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE ,FOR ANY SPECIFIC PERIOD OF TIME.. ANY CHANGE. IN MATERIAL FACTS WHICH SERVED AS A 'BASIS FOR ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT, REQUIRE THE APPLICANT TO MODIFY THE PERMIT APPLICATION. SUCH MODIFICATIONS MAY RESULT IN THIS PERMIT. BEING MADE NULL AND VOID. SYSTEM DESIGN AND SPECIFICATIONS T [ ""1) [GALLONS.,,/ GPD] SEPTIC TANK/AEROBIC UNIT CAPACITY MULTI-CHA14BERED/IN SERIES:[ j A [. 60 ] , ;*{GGA_LLONS „+/ GPDj [ �..c ��rFi Ff.. CAPACITY MULTI-:CHAMBERED/IN SERIES:[ ], 67M-rdNS GREASE INTERCEPTOR CAPACITY [MAXIMUM CAPACITY SINGLE TANK: 1250 GALLONS] fJ'GALLONS PER DOSES DOSING TANK CAPACITY DOSE -RATE [J] PER 24. HRS NO. OF PUMPS: [1,, I SQUARE FEET PRIMARY DRAINFIELD SYSTEM ] SQUARE'. FEET SYSTEM A TYPE SYSTEM: ( ] STANDARD [ ] FILLED [ ]. MOUND [r:] I CONFIGURAATVN, : - ar [ ] TRENCH [>e] BED F' LOCATION OF BENCHMARK: I ELEVATION OF PROPOSED SYSTEM SITE [, .,] ['INCHES/FT]:'[ABOVE/BELOW]',BENCRMARK/REFERENCE POINT E BOTTOM OF'DRAINFIELD TO BE [ ] [INCHES/FT] [ABOVE/'BELOW] BENCHMARK/REFERENCE POINT L D FILL REQUIRED: [ INCHES EXCAVATION REQUIRED::, [ ..fJ INCHES Tfi �. �It </('trc7'.yM AA) 111P itE.","v fd rt = Gau SPEC:IFICATIDNS 8Y: TITLE. f" 3.P APPROVED BY: i _"TITLE:-* a CP.HU DATE%SSU'ED i "' � EXPIRATION DATEi ,, HRS-N 'Form. 4016, Mar 42 (01asoLetes previous editions whi0 may not be used). Page 1 of 2 (StMk Number: 5744•001-4016-0) BUILDING DEPARTMENT INSTRUCTIONS �, rc PERMIT NUMBER: Permit tracking numb" by CPHU.. APPLICATION. FOR: Cheek type of permit;. if "Other" specify type in blank.: ,I APPLICANT: ,Property owner's fullname'. i 'TELEPHONE:. Telephone, number for applicant or agent i AGENT: Property owner's legally authorized representative. MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. box or street mailing address for applicant or agent. I y LOT, BLOCK, SUBDIVISION,or 4 PROPERTY IDd: 27 character ID number :for property. (CPHU may require property appraiser IDNor sectionhowusbip(range/parcel nuanber.) . SYSTEM DESIGN AND 'SPECIFICATIONS: TANK: Minimum specifications from Chapter I013-6, FAC. DRAINFIELD: Minimum specifications from Chapter IOD-6, FAC. OTHER: Other specifications, such as operating permit requirements, low volume. Hush toilets, variance provisos,. " SPECIFICATIONS BY: Name of individual providing specifications. If designed by a registered engineer must be scaled.. tI APPROVED BY: County Public Health Unit (CPHU) personnel reviewing and approving permit. DATE ISSUED: Date permit is issued by CPHU. I I EXPIRATION DATE: One year fromdate issued if the system has not been installed.. Permitsfor system repain become void 90day$ from the. date issued': . A i , � I f i II i � cUt f� - . :.,.1,FERMrT4 STATE- OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH,.. DATE PAID ONSITE'SEWAGE DISPOSAL'SYSTEN Pw vA16 APPLICATION FOR CONSTRUCTION PERMIT RECEIPT Authority: Chapter 381,.'FS'& ChapteiFaIOD'=Vf' APPLICATION FOR: "A ­a7 [_\<j.New.System Eicistizi4�'Sk'dtd Tank' -I'Temporry, I Repair I j Abandonment Other(Specify). mi OLDa. '. .2 td ZM i,r. d - S APPLICANTi' AOW111f;1& 0 ADDRESS: rg- -- ---------------------------- — -------------------------------------- TO: .1 dH'. I... � -z-11 .. . BE`COMPLETEDF�BYtAPPLICAN� OR'APPLICANT'S�AUTHORIZi:]Y;;XGkNT.-�T--AtTA 'BUILDING -PLAN ANVrW-SCALE ,-,.-SITEkaPLANPgHOW,INGwP.ER'I!INENT"PEATUitES4"REdUIRED'�EY--tE[APTElt.-.'I(JD4i$-;''j#'i'dRi]6 %iWMINIS'±R;dIVff,-CODE:- 77 ----------------- PROPERTY-INFORMATION ,[IF' 0 IS NOT IN A;.PECORDED SUBDIVISION-i-ATTACH"LEGAL DESCRIPTION.- OR -DEED]. -Se ,-�TO- 0-eoj -q-A--r veut -7 - LOT: BLOCK:, SUBDIVISION: DATE OF. -SUBDIVISION: • rS-: tr -PROPERTY. maz V�C?g �Z=uLni rgzOfS_u _,q ew '43 (:.g 1.*�ACP . ES. ScIft -PROPEATr" ii WATE J;SUPP .-PROPERTT SIZE:� Vm PROPERTY"'_STREET ADDRESS' -.­�., . DIRECTXdXW.iiO! PhOOEiTYS44aqy-r � Ulf RESrDENTiA.11-7­nu�' 1 BUILDING; INFORMATION MMERC Unit-. Tkpeesbf.l*ztqczz."?!.,:,.��-.A.t;ise.:--.i;Nbi�.r,.df..:j".-,r-,Ild,13uildi-li§f k 8 . B iness- Adtivitjr r. No Establishment _;,Bedrooms, ,.Area Soft Served ..:-For- Commercial only 2 .3 4 - Garbage"Gri:nders/ sposala- Altra-lovi Volume-, Flush-'T6ilata Loor/Equipment Drains p APPLICANT'S 'SIGNATURE ,i-u'n �5 DATE LO"'s Sit.A pf, I A ,(Swck Numbw.-5744-0"-4M5 .......... r• STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REEK ONSITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM SITE �E+VALUATION AND SYSTEM SP: C're Jt�PeJpr CjLtAl2'.t_ / -`I 1 r_ LOT: PERMI7; E SERVICES l �: • 1_' f DNS AGENT: -Ve PROPERTY ID #: [Section/Township/Range/Parcel No. or Tax ID Number] TO BE COMPLETED BY ENGINEER -HEALTH UNIT EMPLOYEE, OR OTHER QUALIFIED PERSON. ENGINEER'S MUS4 P174VIDE REGISTRATION NUMBER AND SIGN AND SEAL EACH PAGE OF SUBMITTAL. COMPLETE ALL ITEMS. PROPERTYISI2E CONFORMS TO SITE PLAN: [af] YES [ ] NO NET USABLE AREA AVAILABLE: ACRES TOTAL ESTIMATED SEWAGE FLOW: GALLONS PER DAY [RESIDENCES -TABLE 1 / OTHER -TABLE 2] AUTHORIZED SEWAGE FLOW: S GALLONS PER DAY [1500 GPD/ACRE OR 2500 GPDJACRE] UNOBSTRUCTED AREA AVAILABLE: SQFT UNOBSTRUCTED AREA REQUIRED: -r SQF4 . BENCHMARK/REFERENCE POINT LOCATION: 2S Aa in2d GL{- earn er jar ifoneref e P; ELEVATION OF PROPOSED SYSTEM SITE IS [ NCHE,S/FT] (ABOV�/BELOW] BENCHMA�R/REFERENCE POINR THE MINIMUM SETBACK WHICH CAN BE MAINTAINED FROM THE PROPOSED SYSTEM'TO THE FOLLOWING FEATURES: gURFAICE WAT�EIR: 75 PT DITCHES/SWALES:: IS FT NORMALLY WET? [ ] YES PC] NO WELLS:-EUffi.IC: � O() FT LIMITED USE: f U� FT PRIVATE: % S FT NON -POTABLE: J�O FT BUILDING FOUNDATIONS: i FT PROPERTY LINES: fl FT POTABLE WATER LINES: P7 SITE SUBJECT TO.FREQUENT.FLOODING: [ ] YES [SS] -NO 10 YEAR FLOODING? [ ] YES [$<NC 10 YEAR FLOOD ELEVATION FOR SITE: FT MSL/NGVD SITE ELEVATION: FT MSL/NGVE SOIL PROFILE INFORMATION Texture USDA SOIL SERIES: LLt i_fRS No SOIL PROFILE — I4i8/5 X, to to to to SITE 2 IMunsell #/Color Texture- Denth (USDA SOIL � to _ to _ to— to - to OBSERVED WATER TABLE: O , INCHES [ABOVE / BEL 4M E TING GRADE. ERCHED / APPARENT] .ESTIMATED WET SEASON WATER TABLE ELEVATION: 1y NCBES [ ABOVE ] EXISTING GRADE. HIGH WATER TABLE VEGETATION: [ ] YES [ ] NO MOTTLING: [ ] YES [ ] NO DEPTH: INCHES , SOIL TEXTURE/LOADING RATE FOR SYSTEM SIZING: DEPTH OF EXCAVATION: INCHES DRAINFIELD CONFIGURATION: [ ] TRENCH [ ]B9D[ ] OTHER (SPECIFY) REMARKS/ADDITIONAL CRITERIA: IT Q o P "f?S nro✓ini1.0 wr.,, , �' i's4Yrrk /l-ate- !� NO. / 1S w. SITE EVALUATED BY: -+` DATE: If NRS-N Form 4015, Mar 92 (Obsoletes previous editions which ma/4;,µsiH) Pa a 3 of 3 (Stock Number: 5744-003-4015-1) ST. LUCIE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF commUNfTY'DEVELOPMENT 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE, ROOM 201 FT. PIERCE. FL 349112-5552 DESIGN CERTIFICATION FOR WIND LOAD COMPLIANCE This Ceriif=tbn is to be completed by the Project desig<iiiiiwor engineer. This Certifration MUM be submitted went all appliations for building permit wwohring the cm ucbon of new residence (single or mtdti famiy), residential additim any 5=ez=y structure requiring a building permit. and any nonresidenlial structure. This Celtificabon sham not apply to crterior renovabons (Promed that no stnxxurel watts, columns or other similar components being aff ed) sad certain other manor bubdrng permas. For turther assmIanre, phase contact the Building Inspection Office at 462-ISM or AM-2172 PRO.IECT NAME GES�$'(01.�...O�F:'(c,� fLc57-!/1eOh .. .' .. 'DFFTCE USE ONLY STREET ADDRESS I Z S 2 $ G LF jF%Z /1sA/% PR NUMER j LAC Ls' FL PERILQr NUhMER i ' OCCP. TYPE CST. TTPE CERTIFICATION STATEMENT: I CERTIFY THAT, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS HAVE BEEN DESIGNED TO COMPLY WITH THE APPLICABLE STRUCTURAL PORTION OF THE BUILDING CODES CURRENTLY ADOPTED AND ENFORCED BY ST.LUCIE COUNTY. IALSO CERTIFY THAT STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS DEPICTED ON THESE PLANS PROVIDE ADEQUATE RESISTANCE TO THE WIND LOADS AND FORCES SPECIFIED BY CURRENT CODE PROVISIONS. DESIGN PARAMETERS AND ASSUMPTIONS USED: weaw e*ck or on=kte the aooro ns" lox) i. BUILDING CODE EDITION USED (TFM SBCCI ASCE 748 OTHER (SPECIFY) 2. BUILDING DESIGN IS r--EcK owi ENCLOSED PARTIALLY ENCLOSED OPEN BUILDING 3. BUILDING HEIGHT: 3 HF,410 FT 4. WIND SPEED USED IN BUILDING DESIGN: Il— wpm ID C 5. WINEXPOSURE CLASSIFICATION (REFER TD t TAKES N KAM CCCE CXNTW FD N LPE Ir): ON Z2'PSF 6. AVERAGE WIND VELOCITY PRESSURE EXTERIOR FACES OF STRUCTURE 7. PEAK WIND VELOCITY PRESSURE ON EX7ERJOR FACES OF STRUCTURE PSF G v(-ST VE!-o J 10190JSC)4r �7G . 3 0 .3-7,1101 !. (.f IORTANceusE FACTOR rOarAN FRou mLx-,c Coco: . 9 LOADS: FLOOR '% PSF ROOFIDEAD: PSF RDOFAJVE D. WERE SHEAR WALLS CONSIDERED FOR STRUCTURE mice C E) YES � NO _ M.NO. wr+y1 tsueh m eanmon) peeEof vw ?a c o rf/" ` Tt. IS A CONTINUOUS LOAD PATH PROVIDED (OEOC OPC YES NO azowru'oon) _ If NO, why? (near» 12 ARi COMPONENT AND CLADDING DETAILS PROVIDED to*= Oro YES ✓ NO amtar�Cth) _ If NO. wny7 (such J o 13. WES NIMUM SOIL BEARING PRESSURE, ? WC PSF - AS WITNESSED BY MY SEAL,, I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION. INCLUDED WITH THIS CERTIFICATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND B7;2—HERE] NAME` OLL S C(W CERTIFICATION NO: �L 6707 DESIGN FIRM: r/_f SusvraL i}rtG/f DATE (012/ 97 mmo-m System Name : SPEESWAY (OFFICE)SIZING SUMMARY 10-29-97 Location : FORT PIERCE, Florida Block Load v2.12 Prepared By': E.& E.-CONSULTING ENG. Page 1 of 2 TABLE 1. SIZING DATA -- COOLING -------------------------------------- Total coil load = Sensible coil load = Total zone sensible Supply temperature = Supply air (actual)= Supply air (std) _ Ventilation air - Direct exhaust air = Reheat required = Floor area (sqft) Overall U-value Vent air CFM/sqft Vent air CFM/person 16,668 BTU/hr Load occurs @ 11,506 BTU/hr Outdoor Db/Wb = 9,773 BTU/hr Coil Conditions: 57.0 F Entering Db/Wb = 503 CFM Leaving Db/Wb - 503 CFM Apparatus dewpoint= 75 CFM Bypass factor = 75 CFM Resulting zone RH = 0 BTU/hr = 400 0.145 = 0.19 = 35.63 - TABLE 2. SIZING DATA -- HEATING Total coil load Sensible coil load SQFT/Ton Cooling BTU/hr/sgft Cooling CFM/sqft ------------------- -------------------------------------- Heating coil load = 7,702 BTU/hr Ventilation load = 1,943 BTU/hr Total zone load = 5,758 BTU/hr 'Ventilation airflow= 75 CFM Supply airflow = 503 CFM TABLE 3. INPUT DATA.-- WEATHER ---L---------------------------- City = FORT PIERCE Stalte = Florida Data Source = User Modified Latitude = 27.3 deg. Elevation = 10.0 ft TABLE 4. INPUT DATA -- HVAC --------------------------- SYSTEM System Type : Clg & Warm System Start 800 Duration 12 Air Htg hrs SIZING SPECIFICATIONS Supply 57.0 F Ventilation 75 CFM Exhaust 75 CFM FAN Configuration : Draw-Thru Static Pressure : 1.50 in. ------------- June 1700 89.5/ 79.6 F 77.2/ 66.4 F 56.0/ 55.5 F 54.9 F 0.050 54.0 % = 1_.39-Ton 0.96 Ton _. 287.98 41.67 1.26 --------------- -------------------------------- Heating BTU/hr/sgft = 19.25 Heating CFM/sqft = 1.26 Floor area (sqft) = 400 Overall U-value = 0.145 Vent air CFM/sqft = 0.19 Vent air -------------------------------- CFM/person = 35.63 ----------------------------- Summer dry-bulb = 92.0 F Coincident wet -bulb= 80.0 F Daily Range = 15.0 F Winter dry-bulb = 44.0 F Atmos. Clear. Num. = 0.90 THERMOSTAT SETPOINTS Cooling (Occ) 75.0 F Cooling (Unocc) : 75.0 F Heating 68.0 F FACTORS Coil Bypass 0.050 Safety (Sens) 5 % Safety (Latent) 5 % Heating Safety 5 % RETURN AIR PLENUM N SYSTEM SIZING SUMMARY System Name : SPEESWAY (OFFICE) 10-29-97 _ Location : FORT PIERCE „Florida Block --Load v2.12 Prepared By : E.& E. CONSULTING ENG. Page 2 of 2 TABLE 5. TOP TEN COOLING COIL LOADS Sensible Total Sensible Total Time Ton Ton =------------------------------------= Time Ton Ton ----------------------------------- 1) June/1700 0.96 1.39 6) July/1500 0.94 1.36 2) July/1700 0.96 1.39 7) July/1800 0.94 1.36 3) July/1600 0.96 1.38 8) .Aug/1600 0.93 1.36 4� June/1600 0.95 1.38 9) June/1500 0.92 1.35 5) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- June/1800 0.93 1.36 10) Aug/1500 0.93 1.35 TABLE 6. ZONE SIZING DATA -------------------------- --------------------------------------------- Maximum Design ; Maximum Design Cooling Airflow Design i Heating Flow Sensible Rate Time ; Load Rate Zone Name (BTU/hr) (CFM) ; (BTU/hr) (CFM) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -SPEEDWAY ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (OFFICE) 9,773 503 @June 1700 ; 5,758 - DETAILED SYSTEM LOAD REPORT System Name : SPEESWAY (OFFICE) 10-29-97 Location : FORT PIERCE, Florida Block Load v2.12 Prepared By : E.& E. CONSULTING ENG. Page 1 of 1 ************************************************************************* TABLE 1. LOAD COMPONENT SUMMARY for June 1700 ( 89.5/ 79.6 F) ---------- 7-------------------------------------------------------------- Design Cooling Loads; Design Sensible ' Latent ; Heating Load Component ; Details ; (BTU/hr) (BTU/hr) i (BTU/hr) 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- i Solar Loads ; 82 sgft; 1,338 - - Wall Transmission ; 638 sgft; 1,646 - ; 1,562 Roof Transmission i 400 sgft; 2,187 - ; 1,286 Glass Transmission i 82 sgft; 550 - ; 1,043 ' Skylight Transmission; 0 sgft; 0 - ; 0 Partitions ; 0 sgft; 0 - 0 Lighting ; 2.00 W/sgft; 2,317 - - Other Electric i 0.05 W/sgfti 63 - People i 2 people; 393 253 Infiltration 313 911 ; SIB ' Miscellaneous i Soo Soo ; - Slab i 400 sgfti - - 1,075 Pulldown/Warm-up ; i 0 - ` Safety Factor ; 5/ 5/ 5 %; 465 83 ; 274 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Zone Loads i ; 9,773 1,747 ; 5.7SB ' ---=--------------------------------------------------------------------- Ventilation Load i 75 CFMi 1,174 3,415 ; 1,943 Supply Fan Load ; 503 CFM; 559 - - Plenum Load Thru Wall; 0 %; 0 - - ' Plenum Load Thru Roof; 0 %; 0 - - ' Plenum Load - Lights ; 0 %; 0 - Reheat Load -------------- -- ------------------------ 0 - - ------------------ ---=------------------------ ----- Total Coil Loads i ----------i----11,506--- ---- -5,162-'-----7_702-_ TABLE 2. WALL AND GLASS BREAKDOWN ---L--------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Cooling Cooling Heating ; Net Area Transmission Solar Load Transmission ' Component ; (sgft) (BTU/hr) (BTU/hr) (RTU/hr) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walls = NE i O 0 - 0 ; ' i E ; 196 630 - 480 SE i 0 0 - 0 S i 124 229 - 304 SW ; 0 0 - 0 W ; 216 582 - 529 ' NW ; 0 0 - 0 N i 102 205 - 250 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Glass : NE ; 0 0 0 0 E i 20 134 289 254 SE i 0 0 0 0 S i 20 134 186 254 SW ; 0 0 0 0 W 0 0 0 0; NW i 0 0 0 0' N ; 42 282 863 534 --=---------------------------------------------------------------------- Hor ; 0 0 0 0 DETAILED ZONE LOAD REPORT System Name : SPEESWAY (OFFICE) 10-29-97 Location : FORT PIERCE, Florida Block Load v2.12 Prepared By : E.& E. CONSULTING ENG. Page 1 of 1 ************************************************************************* TABLE 1. GENERAL INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Zone Name : SPEEDWAY (OFFICE) System Name : SPEESWAY (OFFICE) Design load @ June 1700 Db/Wb temp. : 89.5/ 79.6 F --------------------------------------------------------------------- TABLE 2. ZONE LOAD COMPONENT SUMMARY °------------------------------------------------------------------------ Design Cooling Loads; Design Sensible ; Heating Load Component. ; Details ; (BTU/hr) (BTU/hr) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solar Loads ; 82 sgft; 1,338 Wall Transmission ; 638 sgft; 1,646 Roof Transmission i 400 sgft; 2,187 Glass Transmission ; 82 sgft; 550 Skylight Transmission; 0 sgft; 0 Partitions ; 0 sgft; 0 Lighting ; 2.00 W/sgfti 2,317 Oth6r Electric ; 0.05 W/sgft; 63 People ; 2 people; 393 Infiltration ; ; 313 Miscellaneous i Soo Slab ; 400 sgft; - Pulldown/Warm-up ; ; 0 Safety Factor i 5/ 5 e; 465 ---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- Tot I al Zone Loads ; ; 9,773 TABLE13. ZONE WALL AND GLASS BREAKDOWN ---------------------------------------------------------- Total Cooling Cooling Net Area Transmission Solar Load -Component ; (sgft) ----------------------------------------------------- (BTU/hr) (BTU/hr) Wallls : NE ; 0 0 - E i 196 630 - SE i 0 0 - S i 124 229 - SW ; 0 0 - i W i 216 582 - NW i 0 0 - N ; 102 205 - ---------------------------------------------------------- 1 Glass : NE i 0 0 0 E i 20 134 289 SE ; 0 0 0 S i 20 134 186 SW i 0 0 0 W i 0 0 0 NW i 0 0 0 N ; 42 282 863 ---------------------------------------------------------- Hor ; 0 0 0 1.562 1,286 1.043 0 0 518 1,075 274 ; 5,758 ' -------------- . Heating Transmission ' (BTU/hr) -------------- 0 480 0 ; 304 0 529 0 250 ' -------------- 0 254 ' 0 ; 254 0 ' 0 0 534 0 I wholeBuildingPerformance Method for Commercial Buildings ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Florida Department of Community Affairs FLA/COM-94 Version 2.1A PROJECT NAME_ST. LUCIES SPEEDWAY ADDRESS: _2525 CENTER ROAD_ _FORT PIECE, FL._ OWNER: ST. LUCIES SPEEDWAY AGENT: BUILDING TYPE: _Service Establishments CONSTRUCTION CONDITION: New construction DESIGN COMPLETION: _Finished Building CONDITIONED FLOOR AREA: _1008 MAX•. TONNAGE OF EQUIPMENT PER SYSTEM: COMPLIANCE CALCULATION: Form 40OA-94 PERMITTING OFFICE: _Fort Pierce CLIMATE ZONE: 6 PERMIT NO: _ JURISDICTION NO: 661100 R. NUMBER OF ZONES: 1 METHOD A DESIGN CRITERIA RESULT ----------------- -------------- ------ A. WHOLE BUILDING 47.18 100.00 PASSES PRESCRIPTIVE REQUIREMENTS: LIGHTING LIGHTING CONTROL REQUIREMENTS PASSES HVAC'EQUIPMENT COOLING EQUIPMENT 1. SEER 10.00 10.00 PASSES HEATING EQUIPMENT 1. Et 0.90 N/A AIR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM INSULATION LEVEL 1.IUnconditioned Space 6.00 4.20 PASSES WATER HEATING EQUIPMENT 1.IEF 0.88 0.84 PASSES PIPING INSULATION REQUIREMENTS 1. Non -Circulating ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.00 0.86 PASSES COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the 'lans and Review of the plans and specifica- specifications covered by this ns covered by this calculation lation are in complianc ith th indicates compliance with the Florida Energy Efficie c' Florida Energy Efficiency Code. PREPARED BY: Before construction is completed, DATE: id t?,-M4 this building will be inspected for compliance in accordance with .I hereby certify that t is building is Section 553.908, Florida Statutes. in compliance with th Florida Energy BUILDING OFFICIAL: Efficiency Code. DATE: OWNER/AGENT:-- DATE: / �9 I hereby certify(*) that the system design is in compliance with the Florida BUILDING INFORMATION 401------- GLAZING --ZONE 1 Elevation Type --------- --------------- South Commercial East _ Commercial U SC VLT Shading ---- ---- ----------- 402.------WALLS--ZONE 1------ Elevation Type North L & Hvywt. Concrete South L & Hvywt. Concrete East L & Hvywt. Concrete Adjacent L & Hvywt. Concrete .8 -.8 .8 None .8 .8 .8 None Total Glass Area in Zone 1 Total Glass Area ---------------------- ------------ Block: 8" Li 0. Block: 8" Li 0. Block: 8" Li 0. Block: 8" Li 0. Total Wall Area Total Gross 403------- DOORS --ZONE 1 ----------------------- Elevation Type --------- ------------------------------------ COMPLIANCE CHECK --------------- v- Area(Sgft ) - ----------I 60: 20: 80 80 -------------'--- Gross(Sgft ) - -- - -- - -- - - ' 324; 324; 252; 252; 1152 1152 -------------'--- U Area(Sgft ) - ---------- North 1-3/8 Wood Door -Solid core flush 0.39 42: South 1-3/8 Wood Door -Solid core flush 0.39 42 Total Door Area in Zone 1 = 84 Total Door Area = 84 404.------ROOFS--ZONE 1-- Type -------------------------- 1" Wood with 1" Insulation U Added R 294 3 294 3 294 3 294 3 in Zone 1 = Wall Area = -----•----------------------------------�--- Color U Added R Area(5qfti ------ ------ ----- ------- ---------- Dark 0.170 19 1008 Total Roof Area in Zone 1 = 1008 Total Roof Area = 1008 405.------FLOORS-ZONE I ------------------------------------------------I --- Type R Area(Sgft) -------------------------- Slab on Grade/Uninsulated 0 1008 406.--i---INFILTRATION---- Infiltration Criteria 407.--_---COOLING SYSTEMS - Type ---------------------- 1. Split System Total Floor Area in Zone 1 = 1008 Total Floor Area = 10081 ---------------------------------------------- ' --- CHECK in 406.1.ABC.1 have been met. No Efficiency IPLV Tons; ------ --- ---------- -------=-----------, 2 10 0 2.50 408.------HEATING SYSTEMS ----------------------------------------------- Type No Efficiency BTU/hr, ------------------------------- --------------------------- 1. Electric Resistance 2 .9 25000 409.------ VENTILATION -------------------------------------------------- --- CHECK Ventilation Criteria in 409.1.ABC.1 have been met. 410.-----AIR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ----------------------------------------- AHU Type Duct Location R-value; ------------------------=---------------------------------------I 1. Split / PTAC Air Conditioner Unconditioned Space 6 41f.-----PUMPS AND PIPING -ZONE 1--------------------------------------- I -- Type R-value/in Diameter Thickness; ---------------------------------- 1. Non -Circulating 4.66 1 1! 412.-----WATER HEATING -SYSTEMS -ZONE 1---------------------- --=---------l--- Type Efficiency StandbyLoss InputRate Gallons; ---------------------------------------------------------------- Y' 1. C=12 kW .88 0 10 65! 413.- ---- ELECTRICAL POWER DISTRIBUTION----------------------------------l --- !CHECK Metering criteria in 413.1.ABC.1 have been met. ! ! Transformer criteria in 413.1.ABC.2 have been met. ! ! 414.-----MOTORS ---------------------------------------------------'-----'--- Motor efficiencies in 414.1.ABC.1 have been met. ! 415.-----LIGHTING SYSTEMS -ZONE Space Type No Control Type 1 ---------- --- -------------- Kitchen 1 On/Off Reading, T 1 On/Off I 1--------------------------------------- '--- No Control Type 2 No Watts Area(Sgft)! --- - ------------- - - - - - -- -- - --- - -- - -- ' 2 On/Off 1 550 600'I 2 On/Off 1 400 400! Total Watts for Zone 1 = 950! Total Area for Zone 1 = 1000! Total Watts = 950! Total Area = 1000 !CHECK! Lighting criteria in 415.1.ABC have been met. ! ------------------------------------------------------------------'-----'--- I I 16. HVAC load sizing has been performed. (407.1.ABC.1) ---------- ----- - --- - ------------------------ - -- -- - - --- - - -- - --- - -- -_.- 17. Duct sizing and design have been performed. (410.1.ABC.1.2) ! ------------------------------------------------------------------l-----l--- 18. Testing and balancing will be performed. (410.1.ABC.4) ! ! ----'--------------------------------------------------------------l-----1--- 19. Operation/maintenance manual will be provided to owner.(102.1)! ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- OW>OOKAMP 65.00' 6500' 114 swnw 1.E BOWYMM r Aga® a CENTER ROAD A• ww 114-114 SMM LM — 2 RMPS-ALMOP7E DOSM EACH • 2M GAL o Awmnyw CWA" n zlao ay. sErnc 1w1 GgMw 1ww 1.= GAL aL J�j /' CQVC lr 1AWW naorfan LOW m Co RAF61D 102 a awvs>Elo 1 '" S.F. lax 10.00• Fmwmv fax q amvssO Lzw sF aawarE TO 6E 1rEMMW M7W CORM E M E REMMW >111cE RAct ARE4 120, a • h • a C • St. Lucie County Health Unit Environmental Health Site Plan App); cved For Construction Su"arcecfes Ali Rio s Site Plans Eor o -13s: 2 Reviewer r VELCON GROUP, INC. a"'`'"'a"`' REVISIONS M. DE3CFVFTBM a- '1n t� HAS UP a pa.._ -. 718 S.W.PORF Sr.. LBCE BLYA % -- ". SUM - PONF Si. LIVE;fLORldI 30DS.T (my) 335-I.188 (.'"ief) 878-0/71 4 "- (681) 871-66M (FAX) rraa ..".aster+ eti