HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENTSPERMR# I I ISSUEDAIE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SCANNED sUB-CONTRACTORAGREEMENT BY St. Lucie Counik Comfort Control Services (Company NamPAndIvI ual Name) have agreed to be the Electrical Sub -contractor for Renar Guilders, LLC (Type of Trade) (PnmaryConlractor) For the project located at J j� 1 I It is understood that, ifthere is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. %—'. k &aQ=' — CONTRACTORSIGN ' Qbuaaer) Glenn A Davis II PRINTNAME CBC 0.1228 COUNTP CERMICATION NUMBER. State of Florida, County of Martin The foregoing ldstramentwas Signed before me this —I— day of p who 19 personally rmowk er has producede SU&CONTRACrOPSIGNA771rt¢ (Qdaw,r) Wayne Ztmmennan PRINT NAME 28767 COUNTYCERTUIC TI0NNUMBER $fate orPlorlda, Caualyor St. Luole 1 _r/-'( Tbeferegolga tastrumlbt///w���eJJJselgned heforenre thLv! / tdayof ��It y IN14Y/li�Zrf7Lj1t A&-Aj wbolspersamnysaaxn orhosenedureda mid reUan. asldenU aatied* �, 1 AMP Sign reoel`1//� 1 re rNomry Pabllc fNolerypuPu60e W� STAbo? Pr nt NemeofMary Pablk PHnt Nemc of Nalnry Pabac 0631 svu 04666 RHONDASROWE otrR ^;`.'✓4 •• B(/o Notary Public Slate of Florida ! Commisslon AA. 1nnnn7 C I ull a J Simone Revised 1111620I6 m� Av Expires Mey 19,2�i �e Y :; •.;Jgg,v,� My Commission FF 981331 /EaFFLap ByggdlMlBYd9alN4.bjh urr4rs a� EKplree 05/18/2020 PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BRVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BIIIIAINGPERMIT SIMCONT]RACTOR AGREEMENT Preferred A/C & Mechanical, Inc have agreed to be (Company Nameftrilvldual Name) the Mechanical I HVAC Sub•contract?orfor Renar Builders, LLC (Type offrade) (primary Contractor) For the project located at (Project street: Address orPrppergfTQxID#) ' It is understood that, if there is any change.ofstatos regarding our participstion with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the hiiing*JJ—JM—k of a Change of.Sub•contractor notice. caNTrtArfORSICNATtalEjQaoti6er) - Glenn A Davis tl CBC 1441228 COLNfYeERT1SfCAT[ONNnemBR Statedibrids,Coentrof Martin Thafongolasinstmmeotwxaatgoedha[oreace Ibis n� dgpar OCR 2o,?djiw od, ZA_ !k_ Pto who Is Personally Imam or has prodacma a9 d 611atiom STAMP fboe mic PrlalmmeorNotaryrume a"rvu�G ,..., RHONOASROWE Commission0 Rovimd uneaars i Expires MSY 19, 2021 NJ'el; 8,d dTnm audeotNAM SOMrea astctradvRz (Qonuaerl Dan3td W..MA O'Bryon Ab1E 28497 Corn9TPCERTazCeTmxsoo-msR St1te6rP1Mw4LTw*d Fafm9eaoh �-IoIIJ Ga,��i21( Pe INamoorNoleryeah4c SC�Vfv�C St. Lucie cauq, ,a•�;4n, '.;HOLLY GABRIEL s Notary Public- Stile of Florida •= Commission Y FF 926942 My Comm. Expires Jan 31. 2020 BondedrtxouphWonalNotary Assn. PERAMT# COUNTY e.n I. o It I o .�.• the ISM DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division Inc BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CON"I'RACTOR AGREENFNT Sq St4uce)' . n�, have agreed to be Subcontractor for Rener Builders, LLC (PAW Comraolor) For the project located at (PcojxCSimi Addr asor NmpcnyTaX ID Nt —�'— — It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding ourpatticipation with the above mentioned project, the Buildingand Code Regulation Division ofSt. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. COYTRACTORSI(:NA CRE (QP®11 tt) . Glenn A Davis, II pRl\T NAME CBC 1261228 CpUNrY C ERTIFICATHIN NU]IBER Slmeotplodde. Counq•er � LuG2 Theforegoing lnurumrnlaar dgned DePore me lhp r day of pltP fspeneeallyknaoo �erherprmlurede t[a "item SlSn�olp�rYote�pmypuphtle Prinl Nente of�Ip p�p�__ SUnCpNTR,tCI09 SiGAATURF (Qmll0eel Ronnie Burkhalter ealnTlmhra 21272 St Lucie County CFC057974 State of Florida 01141TT CI:RTIFICATIa% NIUIaP.R smleafmo lde,couwyrr Palm Beach T,he�jregelB IramrnrlrudgnMbeluemenir 5 dryer 40"0 roffhy Ronnie Burkhalter oho t. pemnoa➢Fnmm,�urecsproduerd n u Id(m��dn\m]l��kppn. SUMP Stgprmre otAelrry PoM1ne Dolores A Price MAINrmeor*m yPue'Ile ..• —•.- 2osrR;?eerk RHONDASROWE , OOIORESAPRICE � � Commisslon#GO104656 k CommtsslcoOFF34303 ang,Ilulen_aItt,� PPr EzplresMeyt9,2021 wn.rUAhra�wmg,ml "OF FCO BmEeATluu Budpot Notary Servkm PERMIT# I I ISSUEDA19 PLANNING & DEVELOPMlGNT SERVICES Building & Code Complitince Dhd.4lon D BDILDIVGPERMIT S U 1311 SUB.CONTRACTORAGRBEMM LUCie C0unty Cardinal Roofing & Siding, Co., Inc ha (CompagyNemdladhldnalNmtre) ' the Roofing Sub contractor for Renar Builders, LLC trypeofTmde) For the project located at to be It is understood that; ifthere is any change of status rbgerding ourparticjpagon with the above mentioned project, *8 Building Ed Code RegUlatioaa Division At Luck County will be advised pursuant to the filing ofa Change of Sub-contractornotim Glenn A Davis II PRINTNAW irBC12&12�8 CERTIF[ TION ER &%IedfRDV1dMCom*ot SLWCle ThermegoU,glmlf�eotme¢Ilned bof�o ow Oe � daof slot by C-ie >n ika-Is who topermnnay lmowa.116rhadproduadda dondtkntlon. ill i STANF ureotNotaryPd Ik Print Name of Notary MUG WYOW� ' RHONDAGROWE e • ComnOfaionitGSt04050 s 'V EVIMsMBy10,2021 Rdaked iLld@016 Bw�tldeTmveoOpYtbiufea,kea 80B(iONT _. $Gr Hi9 Brad Hagan FFXfrNAM 9072 Cj;R1�'rCATR) GlataNFloetdo,Sormprdt. SLLude T'hefaieS4ln8tmtrmmntwas el2nedinNmmesie 1 dayor OC4 mJnr 13rc'd 14� ai" RHONDAS ROWE . „ Commission#GG104656 • Expires May 19, 2021 �OF Roo- Bonddd Thru Butlgel Notary Sarviwa