HomeMy WebLinkAboutSURVEYno NOT PLATT VACANT 725' TER SECTI01 ABBREVIATIONS: A/C - AIR CONDITIONER (C) = CALCULATED CBS = CONCRETE BLOCK STRUCTURE CMB = COMMISSIONERS' MINUTES BOOK CMH = CONFLICT MANHOLE CNF = COULD NOT FIND CONC = CONCRETE CLF = CHAIN LINK FENCE DE = DRAINAGE EASEMENT DEP = DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DB = DEED BOOK DIP = DUCTILE IRON PIPE FH = FIRE HYDRANT FND = FOUND FPL = FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT IP = IRON PIPE INV = INVERT IRC = IRON ROD WITH PLASTIC CAP LB = LICENSE BUSINESS LS = LICENSE SURVEY (M) = MEASURED MHWL = MEAN HIGH WATER LINE MON = MONUMENT ORB = OFFICIAL RECORD BOOK (P) = PLAT PB = PLAT BOOK PG = PAGE PL = PROPERTY LINE SYMBOLS: POB = POINT OF BEGINNING E— =GUY WIRE ANCHOR POC = POINT OF COMMENCEMENT = CABLE TELEVISION BOX PRM = PERMANENT REFERENCE MONUMENT R/W = RIGHT-OF-WAY I7 = CATCH BASIN RC = RAISED CURB ® = CLEANOUT RCP = REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE = ELECTRIC BOX RGE = RANGE [D - SOUTHERN BELL BOX RPB = ROAD PLAT BOOK 0 - MANHOLE FIRE HPORANT SEC = SECTION # = LIGHT= SLP = STOP LIGHT POLE Q = POWER POLE SMH = SANITARY MANHOLE 0 = SPRINKLER HEAD SBTMH = SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE MANHOLE = WATER VALVE STMH = STORM MANHOLE Q = WELL TB = TRAFFIC BOX = WATER METER TLP = TRAFFIC LIGHT POLE = WOOD POWER POLE TV = TELEVISION —X — = CHAIN LINK FENCE TWP = TOWNSHIP —GRGUARD RAIL UE = UTILITY EASEMENT 0 = SET 5/8" IRON ROD WITH PLASTIC WP = WOOD POLE CAP PSM#6330 WHITE CITY SUBDIVISION LOT 220 (PB 1, PG 23) VACANT DATE: MIN. SETBACK R FRONT SIDES_ CNR SIDE TECH REVISIONS: FILE COPY ALEXANDER J. PIAZZA PSM, INC. Surveying " Mapping " Consulting 4P 619 SW Biltmore Street RID® Port St. Lucie, Florida 34983 AJP Phone: (772) 340-7770 BY: LBf7280 Fax: (772) 340--2250 A ti o W N Z W feJO a Wm I M zX0 c� o Q>� W J 0 kLl 0 CZ z� TWO W N 0 N M A LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATE IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 36 SOUTH, RANGE 40 EAST, ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 36 SOUTH, RANGE 40 EAST, ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA. LESS THE WEST 264 FEET OF THE SOUTH 165 FEET OF THE EAST 297 FEET, AND LESS THE EAST 33 FEET FOR ROAD RIGHT OF WAY. CONTAINING 164,268 SQUARE FEET, OR 3.771 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. FILE COPY SURVEY REPORT: 1. THIS IS A BOUNDARY SURVEY AS DEFINED IN CHAPTER 5J-17.050(10)(a-k), FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE. 2. SURVEY BASED ON ST. LUCIE COUNTY SECTION DATA. 3. LEGAL DESCRIPTION WAS FURNISHED BY CLIENT. 4. GEARING BASIS: S89'45'35"W ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SE 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 36 SOUTH, RANGE 40 EAST, ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA. 5. NO UNDERGROUND UTILITIES OR IMPROVEMENTS WERE LOCATED UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. 6. THIS SITE LIES WITHIN FLOOD ZONE "X", ACCORDING TO THE FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP, COMMUNITY PANEL N0. 12111CO277 J, EFFECTIVE DATE 2-16-12. 7. FLOOD ZONE SHOWN HEREON IS AN INTERPRETATION BY THE SURVEYOR AND IS PROVIDED AS A COURTESY. THE FLOOD ZONE SHOULD BE VERIFIED BY A DETERMINATION AGENCY. 8. THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL EASEMENTS AND/OR RESTRICTIONS NOT SHOWN ON THIS SURVEY THAT MAY BE FOUND IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY. NO SEARCH OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS HAS BEEN PERFORMED BY ALEXANDER J. PIAZZA PSM, INC. 9. THE EXPECTED USE OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS FOR MARKING THE PROPERTY LIMITS AND FALLS WITHIN THE SUBURBAN CATEGORY AS CLASSIFIED IN CHAPTER 5J-17.051(15)(b)(ii), FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE. ALL FIELD -MEASURED CONTROL MEASUREMENTS EXCEEDED 1:7,500 FEET ACCURACY REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS CLASSIFICATION. 10. SURVEY MAP AND REPORT OR THE COPIES THEREOF ARE NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF A FLORIDA LISCENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER. 11. ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS TO THE SURVEY MAP OR REPORT BY OTHER THAN THE SIGNING PARTY OR PARTIES IS PROHIBITED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE SIGNING PARTY OR PARTIES. 12. THIS SURVEY IS PREPARED ONLY FOR THE PARTIES LISTED BELOW AND IS NOT ASSIGNABLE. (� PREPARED FOR: NICHOLAS & HEATHER TUBITO o yU\ 13. (cl �\ COPYRIGHT 2013 BY ALEXANDER J. PIAZZA PSM, INC. qD �SHE SKETCH OF SURVEY AND SURVEY REPORT COMPRISE THE COMPLETE SURVEY. THIS SURVEY IS NOT VALID UNLESS THE SKETCH AND REPORT ACCOMPANY EACH OTHER. REPRODUCTIONS OF THIS SURVEY ARE NOT VALID WITHOUTTHESIGNATUREAND ORIGINAL RA SEAL OF A FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER EMPLOYED BY ALEXANDER J. PIAZZA PSM, INC. ALEXANDER J. PIAZZA PSM, INC. DATE OF FIELD SURVEY DATE OF SURVEY: SITE PLAN 1-03-19 a'°sa�r�MI" J. 1-03-19 FORMBOARD SURVEY OLEANDER AVENUE SEC 9, TWP 36S, RGE 40E AS PREPARED 1:0R NICHOLAS & HEATHER TUBITO ALEXANDERIJ. P YAZZA PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR AND MAPPER FLORIDA-,CCRTIFICATE No),6330 CAD K: \BUILDERS\DWG2013\DWG\13-16(79sr€ill1.k%,,� REF K:\ FLD CJM/AJP FB. PG. JOB 13-1609 OFF RP DATE 1-03-19 CKD AJP SHEET 1 OF 1 DWG D-0846 GENERAL FOUNDATION NOTES Concrete shall have at minimum compressive strength of not less than 3000 p.s.i. All 90% hooks are to be extended 10" minimum beyond the turn Field bends are to be done cold and the diameter of the bend, measured on the inside of the bar, is not to be less than six bar diameters. Minimum coverage for rebar shall be 3" in footings and 1 1/2" in bond beams. Hooks may be rotated horizonitally if required to achieve minimum coverages. Rebar overlap shall be 48 bar diameters. 30" for #5 rebar The foundation design assumes that the soil has a minimum load carrying capacity of 2000 p.s.f. In the event the soil bearing capacity falls below 2000 p.s.f. This foundation plan may be superceded by Foundation Design Engineer. Satisfactory compaction test of fill does not verify lower soils are adequate. All specifications and dimensions to be verified by contractor. All exterior slabs shall slope a minimum 1/8" per foot for drainage FORMWORK & SHORING No structural concrete shall be stripped until it has reached at least 80% of the 28 day design strength. Design, Erection, & Removal of all formwork, shores, & reshores shall meet meet the ACI Standards 347 and 301 Contractor to verify all building setbacks prior to the start of construction. A formboard survey shall be submitted to the building department for approval prior to pouring concrete. SOIL STATEMENT: Foundation has been designed for a soil bearing capacity of 2000 p.s.L Fill shall be laid in layers of b". Each layer to be compacted to 95 /o compaction. If the contractor encounters, while digging the foundation, any discrepancy to suggest the soil may be inadecuate, he must immediately report it to the owner and the Architect or Engineer so as to order a soil boring test. Dowel Rod Repair Note In the event vertical steel has been omitted from the down pour locations, drill 5" into concrete (no closer than 3 3/4" from edges and 5" from ends of cap walls) Remove dust per manufacturers instructions and use Tw x anchor the #5 rebar in place. Use either "H COPY Simpson Epoxy -Tie. corner bats at beam (outside only) (2) corner bars at footing (min.) - vert. dowel lapped with wall reinforcing, all laps 25" (min.) in grout filled cell all corner bars to be the same size, number, and spacing as horizontial bars in footing, beams, and walls Corner Reinforcing Detail 4•: STRUCTURAL NOTES: All reinforcing steel shall be high strength billet steel and shall conform to ASTM A-615 grade 60 specifications. Lap continuous reinforcing 48 bar diameters or 30" in beams and in slabs. Lap bottom steel over supports and top steel at midspan. Hook discontinuous ends of all top bars. Reinforcing steel shall have a minimum of 1" concrete cover, or as follows: BOTTOM TOP SIDES Beams: 11/2" 11/2" 11/2" Slab on Grade: 1 1/2" 1" Structural Poured: 3/4" 3/4" Poured Walls: 3/4" Slabs exposed to the weather 3/4" 1" Reinforcing steel shall be detailed and fabricated in accordance with the "Manual of Standard Practice of Detailing Reinforcing Concrete Structures" and the current "ACI Building Code 318' All structural steel shall conform to current ASTM Specification A-36 All wood in contact with masonry shall be pressure treated or approved seperating material. All dimensions shall be verified in field by the contractor. If there are any discrepancies the Architect or Engineer shall be notified before proceeding. No slump over 5" shall be permitted for any structural concrete without the Architect or Engineer approval. All Design and Construction shall be inaccordance with the current American Concrete Institute (ACI). and the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC), The Florida Building Code and all applicable local codes. Structural Concrete shall attain a minimum ultimate compressive strength (Fc') in 28 days as follows: Column Footing and Wall Footing:. 3000 p.s.i. Footing sizes and reinforcing are based on allowable soil bearing capacity of 2000 p.s.i. All footings shall bear in virgin soil. If this is not the case, the Architect or Engineer shall be notified before proceeding with the work. Timber (Heavy Timber Construction) 3000# Fibermix Conrete Foundation (a) Wood rafters to have a Stress Grade of Fb=1200 p.s.i. (b) Roof members should be secured to the beams or other THESE PLANS AND ALL PROPOSED WORK ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS structural components with hurricane anchors for wind uplift. REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT MAY ORDER All wood members shall have a minimum fiber stress in bending To COM PE WITH ALL APSARY PLIICABLE ODES. of 1200 p.s.i. with 1/360 max. deflection. OONCA�.� RSTEHERS OR ATTACHMENTS MWRACTOR OR RECORD GENERAL REQUIREMENTS All work to be as per the current edition of the Florida Building Code and meet or exceed all applicable local requirements. General contractor is responsible for all labor, materials, utilities, �� COPY waste removal, storage, securing of site, accomodation, transport/ and all other cost related to the completion of this project., unless a li 1 identified here. Owner is responsible for all municipal related charges such as impact fees, and water connection, except building permit fees, which are to be included in the construction bid. General contractor to check all drawings for errors and ommissions and bring them to the attention of the architect prior to starting any work, or ordering any materials of the respective division of work. If such errors and ommissions are not reported in writingto the architect, any resulting damages or costs shall be born entirely by the general contractor. Architect is not responsible for the contractors method or means of construction. General contractor is to keep the site in a clean and safe state through out the course of construction. On building turnover, general contractor to clean all surfaces so as to be free of dust, grease, stains, scuffs, etc. Unless otherwise noted, the installation of specified hardware shall conform to the manufacturers instructions and standard practice. All plans and drawings are not considered complete until they have been reviewed and approved by the Building Department and the building permit has been issued. rL---------- 1 I III I Al I 1I 91 16" Bond Beam II with (1) #5 in each I III course filled with 3000# grount. Use I Cast Crete Lintels I I I above openings II 1 t 8" #5 Vert. rebar in 8" poured cell from I 1 I bond beam and hooked into ftng. I I I 11 II I Fill Center Core �1 I Solid with Grout I I II II I III II it 10 1/21, -=====----------------------=---- S-4" Stucco Bands - _ - Top of Beam - 5-0" 8x16x8CMU with Two Coat Stucco Finish on Exterior Face Top of Foundation- 4„ Top of Pavement 3" ------ 0.00, min. (1) #5 rebar Each Way Top Bars 10 1/2"o.c. Bottom Bars 12"o.c. Typical Cross Section PVC Conduit for scale: 3/4" = 1'-0" Light & Receptical 5'-4" T-4" T-0" 2" #5 Vert. rebar in poured cell from bond beam and hooked into ftng. See Section for Foundation Steel Requirements a 4" TT ❑1 ❑e ti Foundation Plan 3000#Fibennix Conrete Foundation scale: 1/2" = V-0" North Elevation scale: 3/8" = I' 0" ST. LUCIE COUNTY BUILDING I REVIEWED � FOR PLIANC DATREVFi} v 1 /l� i PLANS AND PERMIT MUST BE KEP O IOB SITE OR NO INSPECTIONS) WILf BE MADE Lig,_. n - Light Te; Finisl'i St 0.00'-�°p of Pavement FILE COPY East Elevation scale: 3/8" = 1'-0" 16' Pavement Location Plan 04 scale: I" = 20' 4 0 z T-0" T-8 Concrete Noundation Plan View scale: 1/2" =1'-0" South Elevation scale: 3/8" = I' 0" W Scope of Work Driveway Entry Columns BuildinLy Code 2017 Florida Building Code 2014 National Electric Code Design Loads Wind Speed: 150 MPH (3 second gusts) Wind Importance Factor: 1.0 Building Category: I Wind Exposure: C Soil bearing capacity: 2000 p.s.f. Proposed Columns FILE COPY CONCEALED FASTENERS OR ATTACHMENTS ARE WM4C OR OR LRy�. RECORD 05 Vert. rebar in poured cell from bond beam and hooked into fing. Li t Fixture with a Dusk to Dawn Photo Cell FILE COPY 00 00 w z a 00 a r • ~J G.a Cl] r z b Q o � w C7 �n +; rC�l - A O O CCj j 4 Q� ct b —n N • l-0 O OHO �3 r- M 00 `- n/ � M Fri � F" • r-i w � Q Q � z � O O U z � w a 6CABY' St. Lucie Count\, Ca date revision Noted Elect. S� 2/7/19 Conduit (\ drawn s.l. checked s.l. date 1/18/19 scale as noted job number 19005 sheet A-1 LL C a