HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCJOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LVCIE COUNTY - FILE # 4522719 OR BOOK 4225 PAGE 45, Recorded 01/22/2019 02:03:08 PM I--PHtdm'NUMaDR• �' 7hie5WaCvnsvwdrurrcendfgt t.do ��� r NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT /e00 4 htic etmderedped hereby given notice,, that improyuamt will be made to certain real property, and in 30eOrdattce with Chapter 713. Florida statutes the following information is provided in the Notice of commencement ' 9 1. DESCMPTIOri OF PIMPERT7f(1,egal dpsodinion and stmuaddress) TAX FOLIO Nvldmltr-1306-111-0001-w00 SUBDIVISIO) )`tv ay0 CIf TRACI`_LOT BLID Ut'II7' 6/7 34 39 all that part lying northeast of 95 I n 2GMgEMI)FSCItirnoNOFiA pROVEM Sir: - 82ngle .family residence j 3.OWNERIIiFOBMATION:•� a. Nate W}rmno al; i rl; v,g CnraO=dt].nT1 b.Addms 8000 S. USI, 402e FSL FL 34952 c;nterct;nproprry - ' `J ! d: Name and address of fee simple dUrhoNer(tf other thanowoer) ; 4. CONTRACTOWS NM ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: Wynne DeVelOoRlent Corporation 5. SURM S NA&M ADDRESS AND PHONE-WM*ER AND.BOND:AMOUNC: - • D 6. LENDER'S NAME; ADDRESS AND PHONE M/MBER:. - 7. PatSnot within the Slate of Florida designated by Owner upon when notices or other discus maybe served as Provided by Sectioti713.13 (1)(a) 7., Florida Statdtes: aWaP AnDRYSSA M8 NnadagR \M 1G2S panish Lakes Blvd. Ft. Pi c- ' FL- 201— S.fn'sdditina bhimaelfor herself,•Owner designamthefollowimg to seceivcacopy of the iimot's NOticeaS provided in Section . 0590 .. y 713.13(1)(b)• Florida Sransres: - / NAMgr ADDRESS AND PHONE NIJMB - 9. E. p don dam of notice Dfeommmm W (the eapiretion data is 1 yeae from the date of iaWdiag Volts a different daw is specified). 90_ WARNING TO OWNER: ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY M OWNER AFMR 3MIRA710TI',Q IAE ND7ICE NCPMFM ADp PQESOFARO nfPROPPR PAYMPNTC SWrIDR C.`NAAIWRAt D I P ONE 1 A A NR T IfLY4L0t PAYING 7WIrE R]II rarDROVPaanms57Yl YOrm PROPDtTY `NOTCCR OP'^OMN(EN WEN1'MU HHRPf'ORI)MAND' POSTED QN TnF .t08 SrtF HEPORn •Ilm FIIt.Ss' pt$PE^*^N 1F YO:t rh^ TJ OBT sA ENANVING. CONSULI! VWIM YOUR R Matthew Lvle Wvnne. Vic—PrPeiAent Sigtmtnre of Owner or Print Name and Mvide Signaatory's Tide/Office Owner's Authorized OiricedDirectorMartuei/Manager State of111orida ' County of Rt_ 111 e- Theforegoing instrumentwas aamow!edged befom nm this-2y%'day of NL. f+R.`; .. 20_Lf)—.. gy Matthew Lyle Wvnne as VY cG �RE3rD&7fT (Name of person) - �y)•pc ofauthodry..:ag,Owner. offica. wsuzi Raorney in fact) iorWynne•Building Corporatidn (Name ofpa:iy on behalf of whom instrument was eaeeuted) PersOnzlly Known ✓or produced etore ingtype atID:_ ,/� R Q !' :.q t coROTNYANNBASEIN LOtQ.gT7•t� Aviv fr$�CjrJ e�%Aq �i A `t MY CAMMIS510N 9GG03�145 E%WRES:Ogober2,2b20 (Printed Name of Notary Public) (Signature of 't .Public)gpMeelaNtmaryWNlcUMasslmis Under penalties of perjury, t declare that T have read the foregoing and that the facts in itare true to the best of my knowledge and belief (section 91!.525, Flodda Statutes). .Signature(s) of Owner(s) or Owner(s)' Anthorized Officer/Director/Partner/Manager who signed. above BY: Ace ®nNNAi(Wcv6vd ..