HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENTSthe PERMIT# — ISSUE DATE t For the project located at PLANNING & REVEL ®P1ViENT SERVICES Efuiid g &-Code Compfianee DIvblen BUE IDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEWNT eG 74r r < X7:4 a have agreed to be ldual Name) ea Sub -contractor for t'etJ _4 n n -e eve- P..2-7, -e-esie (� y Coldracior) � {Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building alid Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the Ming of a Change, of Sub -contractor notice. . CONTRACTOasIGNATORE (QaaBrer) rXIINA COUNTY CERTIFICATIONNiIMBER . S� ofPlonda, Comfy If�2. , i - ThelbregoiughUdrumentwa.§�sipgneddbeforenne,ft� ayof whofspersonsfiylmown-Y—m'hasprodumda .. asidentification. STAMP SfgWWa of Notary range ]<� e—Put e , 6 PnatName ofNotary Public - . .. ,.o��s �NotatY PubRc�eSe of FbtEda aF K9n1 Budke • a° KO Oolnmisal4tt 979543 Revised11/10016 OF EXPIMSO 25i2020 i MflMMNTRACTOR (Qualifier) L a •-✓t^ Y n e -e hs PRINTNAME .. e2 9 ey COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER Stateof Florida, Conniyof.] %-e- The foregotoginstrmnentwas signed before me thisale�day Of who is Personally imowaJL/—or has produced 4as ideniiiicadon. am. YP, .D nQt3n STAMP ture of NotaryPohfic Prmtriame orNotaryPubtic :-� UUIRARCUBBEUfiE f. � Commission#GG B22B78 RExPIfesQctobei2l;aozo `•w�G Bon�tlhtuLgiFafiLuorants®069837019 Comfort C PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division St 13MONG PERMIT SM3-COMACTORAGRFUWNT F, the HVAC Sub-contraotorfor Wynne Development Corp. (Type of Trade) (Primary Contactor) For the project located at It is understood that, if there is any change of status. regarding our. participation with the above. mentioned.. . project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St Lucie Comity will be advised puisuant.tc the filing of a Chang's of Sub-coixtraotor notice. CTURE (Quariser)• Matthew Lille Wynne FAINT NAME 08898 8288 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUNWR . smcaorato>7aa,uaacyor�.L�1C�-� � stat2�orF�miaa.canotyoeS��--yG`-� 4. TheroregorngiesRuniftilwass4bcdbeforemetbiza� dsyof Thefaregaiue �druma°iwaseJgnedUeloreatethie%� day of wpo is personalty iuDows �Ar ho pradaced a who is perEonelly lmown Zor has prodwed a . as Ydetififieaftom as identification. 2Mt &4L STAMP- 46 3TAMF S%astareofN J uUnc �dNotsrypabl tint NameofNniarypublic DOROTHYINNSASKIN ' " MYCOMMIS§ION#GG030145 s.1 br EXPIRES:Ocrabet2,2020 Bonded'Thlu Notary Public Underwillaw . Revised 11/166016 L86-d 3000/3000d tiL0-1 999L8L8ZLL d.100 suipiing euuAM -Woad 9L=ZL 9L,-60-3L Banding a f.ZG ..... ..... .......... ...... AWMA—M . g . qjpsW"wR9fy . -1A) ANNBASI(19 DOROTHY. w COMMISSION It GG 030.146 EXPIRES: 00101)(If 2,2020 - d-ThlufIdtsryFu-bXUndefWm ,T1777-N Rhonda. Wff@Ay.:. 7 err limm.. woo>" sC9 St �4��eyNF4 CoUnfL a s x su ao%ram : x n: DT m s ark.: k4WOO. ' ..... . 3 � %:>:exs�F'•�'i�t��i� a>a�'stai�s�egt,�.a�it�i'C�i�i � abair�,�(�' Ow a•= .eta; a e,�„ =k Qr2n- L.UCr \ 'W#S4.1p''IAStFnme,Altw85,5,!g?e�':b'2FO;C:Miaf jsY'o ' Vo�-— mnow. Nall�fuf-�dtOty.F+tb'Rd �y. DOROTHYANN BASKIN WCOMMI8810MG030145 EXPIRES. O@ober$2020 lbrt Cgofat}EPgbfwU,02 :. L3O_t}p1�F.WinNdJi�' h� I�.tE�!P0�'"'[t�t4�YeoY44,ggcd IRfutcdi'b'lS��D£ :Whh'£Pt'�oila'tuiv�- �.6r �5�1kY�8ii"cETsd` aY4:�€4fiG'C$libtri .. . , tuCm 4 0'9�&Zea DOROTHYANNSAWN 5« a WCOMMISSIONI#GG030145 EXPIRES; OOtober2, 2020 : g�?p;t?�.'B?�?dTluuNotary3obGclingltnvrikgs.