HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCJOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4522717 OR BOOK 4225 PAGE 43, Recorded 01/22/2019 02.03:08 BM ale -MMMMIMPEa• - �' 1bkS'pace-snsravulfwrivadha;lydu �(i Guy- C0U/1fy f NOTICE OF COMNIENCEIIRENT The undersigned haseby given notice. dust improvemmfwill he made to certain real property, i nd in accordance with Chapter 713. Florida statutes the following information'is provided in the Notice Of commencement '.I. DESCRIP'ROri or.PpnPERTy ((pgal dV=ipdon aqd stieeteddress) T'AxP0UO'NUM=R:•1 30 &-1 1.1-0 001 —m o0 /A 1 3i0WNERINFORMA1ION:'r- a. d. Nameand address <�• uJie OuiLC 4U 6• YA K - 'i4�1. 7�f7—RiR—SSl7 5. SURETY'S NAME, ADDRESS:AND PHONE NUMBIER AND BOND AMOUNT:. 6. LENIM S NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE :NUMRER:. T. Persons within theStaie of Florida designated by Career upon whotn outlets or other docotmnts may be i. rd as providedby, Section 713:13 (1)(a) 7., Florida Smw'=:.�, 8. fn'addition tohimselfor herself, Owum detipatw the followiagto mceivca copy of the LfencesNoCaas;proNded in Semen 713.13 (q(b), Ptorida Statutes: treaffi. ADDkESSAND P80NEli(J.bawL -9: Expiration date ofWtim of c?mmatamco[ (the uPiiation date is} year from the date oftecpntiag unless a different dare is 20_ Sigruture of 0weer or Ownce's Authorized O( cermirectormartaer/Mannirr 95. 201— 0590 -• Matthew. Lv1e Wynne Vice—arPeident Print Name and ProrddeSignatory's Title/OtTee State of iludda - - .Cotmtyof Rt'- T:nrie- Tie foregoing iostaumeot wasaclmowledged before me this �% day of : 7 14 N K tRt� "1 20��. (Nmwofpasey oobeha{f,ofwhom indrvmeaiwas exewted) PessonaAy Y"',_orpreduord Ow follow' w OOROi4YPNtIrOM M ^ Q MYLOMMt520 510Ni0007�i<5' /t iJ - � �s N,PAES:OMaer W. oRa'(%fY hFNH RSr6ns; _ � �<• dydtdTt�NtmmriRassrl . (Printed Notes of Notary Public) _(Sigaatureof Public) to Ucclupwaldes of perjury, I dierjam that t hue read the fotagoing sod that. the faeta'in it are hue to the :tiestof my knowledge and WiU.(aeaion 92575, floridestatutes).. %g1aiare(5) of Owm(S) or By aax.detionomiruony ..