HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENTSRf MUM ti'w�y�\.�; J I��Y,�T L 45�yiv�.J?,s� ; ,' � 1 1 � �. 1 1� .. 1 •I 1 - I. .. �9� �7 �.1 I I �REEWNT Slis the ir For the project located Sub -contractor for (AJ �,z (rMarY Contractor) Street Address It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the Ming of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. . CONTRACT SI6NATI=(Qualifier) PRINT vas � Q COUNTY CERIWICATIONrMMER Stets Ormorida, county , The foregoing instrumeenttWAsigned Wore* M thi9syef �cok who is personally known—y—or has produced a asidentiStaGoo. . STAW SigaaLlre NoteryPahhe - A-1 Erz,2r fi 6 rti� tc PriatName ofNomry Pnb)m - �,otan����rr�ywwww�IHolm PINIO (aklt$6bdda aT K43nMY CiB ketoBudka . 3 - g7043 Revisedil/10016 00s E*cires1512512dPA r9WILIONTRALC (Qualifier) - PRINTNAXE COUNTY CBRTIFICATION NUMWR State of Florida, County of��Q, The foregoing insirumentwas signed before me this_ day of who is personally imown jLor has produced a p�asss iiddenfirmafion.SCAMP (� p Slgoatnre oYNofaryPabfie PnntName "NotaryPabne �::1 "'', LAURAR.CU68EDCiE ?`'?;Cdinml9stitn#GGt1220T6 : tig'� Expile9 Gctcber 21; 2920 +?3,''P,(��I;`�. BoaQediNuLg'FBNGvidaneeL9938S7019 low 4 C60-progilp fthign SCqV, ry St. zt,,ie S�� - Cot/17& Ing, *vc-a by ,T71T.F. awn hmproomog IOAQn�y- ANN 06.AQ:(A) DOROTHYANN B.ASKIN A *-.'s'myCOMMISSI.ON#GG030j45 EXPIRES: j)cjobdr2.2020 BMW finO6 son wl vAjbjhg #toy@ mmma PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT S Building & Code. Compliance ST7ErMI*6 PERMIT STl$=CONTRACTOR AGREMUNT SCANNED tucieCDunt Comfort Control o•f St. Lucie County_, Iris. haveagreed•to'be (CompaxW NameAm1ividW N=o) the HVAC Sub-contrdotOrfor Wynne Development Corp. (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project Weated at M'%gCES Division It is understoodthai, if there is any.change of status regarding our participation with the above.mantibned.. . project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie'Coumy will be advised pursuant to the Sling of a Change of Sub-coiiiractor notice. Co�A (4rf E Ualift) Matthew Lile Wynne PRINT NAME 08898 8288 COUNTY CERMWATION NUM33 COUNTYCERTII+ICATRINNUMSER state ormorlda, Coamy or •Lie,\ scat �ofi•Tortaa.cam�oe���•-V C-�-� . g: ThehNipbs1"trwattWASdEtedbetoremeea k day Of ThefurePoinEiuskamentwas 1q aigaedbeforemethis%i dayof �p�. .zo�b�y�Ri��•e �an- .zo.�ny�?Q��*.i ��.ea.���'wl4.C� w1bolspersenanylmow7_ . erbasprodaceda who ispetsomilylmown ✓rImprodaceds ae idewwwatiUM�6/� //p� XAIOA(�liAli STAMP' ofNota abac RO*W 11II6/2016 asidentiEcadow n(lw (/>✓WY� �C.[n�i�_ STAMP $L-witorearNoteryP TI Do KOMJ y /I A(A/ Print Name MNomty PahBe DOROTHYANN BASKIN ' MY COMMISMON # GG 030145 cs;= EXPIRES:Odober2,'1020 BondedThm Notary Public Undwat M ' L66-.d Z000/ZOOOd tiLO-1 999LSLSZLL dio0 suipiing auuA -WO ad 9L=ZL 9La-60-ZL D4QFAZ&r� A^rYJ 614.S.Je1.00.. '000y,b." DOF07TANNBASKIN '" 41' MY COMMISSION# 00 030145 Z 2020 ba "awo St. 4ucie DOROTHYANNBASIGN I COMMISSIONOGG030145 :0010barZ2020 SadtY(71uuNmzrypuhGC:Unya