HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOC0 l� JOSEPE E. SMITHr CLERK FILE # 4522720 OR 3300 x OF THE CIRCUIT COURT — SAINT LUCIE COUNTY 4225 PAGE 46, Recorded 01/22/2019 02:03:08 PM • _ SC r •PPRMRM1MaER• I Tdab}ncvu t,tirvea tu. reondirytiara {�,� • St ; I el�/v�� i 'f T`74 NOTICE.OF COMMENCEMENT C%(? C+ opnt , 7be undordKoed hereby given notice that imptovelssont will be made to certainrcel property, and in accordance with Qapter 733. Florida statutes the following information is pm:dd" the Ncdceof eommeticemeaL ' 1..DESCRIION OF PFnP6Ray (TA94 description and street address) TAXFOLIO NUMBER;..t 3 06-1-000 t'—N D 01.0 all 2. GENWEAr DESCRWHON OPEdFROVEMFSn. northeast of 95 3. OWNER DWORMA110N:•a .a Name w n..e nu,•ia jg Co--Arai'-xi b.Addreas 8000 S. USl. Suite 402 .PSL FL 34952 e.intmstispmpcty. _ d. Name and address of fie simple Wchold r Of other am owns) 4. CONTRACTOR'S NAN%ADDRESS AND PHONE NU)vn;RR _ Wynne Development Corporation DAAn o, oua Ar'b rvAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER AND BOND AMOUNT- 6- LENDEB•S NAM ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: 7. Persons within the State of Floddadedpoted by Owdrt.upcn whom necks or other documentsmay be served as provided by Section 7i3.13 (1)(a) 7., Florida StaWtes:-''[� NAW ADDRESS AND PHONENOAfBER•tbM rj�O 5Pdn1'Sh Lakes Blvd. Ft. Pierce F] S. In bddidoA to himself or herself.- Ow er designates thefdllowing to mczIvaa wpy of the 13ecoes Node, as provided in Section 713.13 (1)(b), Florida Smtu=: NAM.ADDUSSANDPHONE NUMBER 9. Exphtion date of nodes of wnamcoc®ent (the ezpicuion date is I year from the date of rrsording unless a differenedue is spec35541— _;20_. 201- 0590 .. �- Matthew Lyle WVnne, Vi —pre -`bent S3gn¢ture of Owner or Print Noose and•Provide Signatory's.TlUdOffiee - Ownces Authorized 05mr/Directot/Parmer/Mamager - State ofIftorida County of 5Z, L.LLc i.e_ The lotagbing inFmmeut was aelmowledged befon> me this _day of :! Aiu t.s. AtGY 20 i 4 BY. Matthew Lyle Wynne as (Name of person) of authority...ag,bwner. officer, 4ustee. attorney in fee0 For Wynne• Building Corporation (Name ofpadyon behalf of whom instrument was executed) Pemonally.ICaow ✓"produced thefollowing type ofM:_ 3 nRe'sreY iY'KN /JASGN '^yr, +�"'N 's5y: DOROtMfONNBASgM rd Nome.ofN R1'COMNIgNON6GG0701a5 (NAr otary Public) '(Signasdre oft, Public) q :.:f Fid•IHES:Oemaa2:4trld. Under des of `+;r godeatMutsoarypuGSetanuua'a�s pe tad perjury. I declare That Ihave-read the foregoing and that the latss edict (tnetim92.525, Florida Statutes). Signatire(s) of Owners) or Owaer(s)' By: as,. atOtD Wtptw&os3 ..