OR BOOK 4141 PAGE 100, Recorded 06/06/g018 09.:09::.57 AM Doc Tax:
Warranty Deed'
This Indenture, made, Mey. - 2018AD,
Tons", Plats LLCa.FIOM ani ted liability taryrny. Mose part oRRe
m ones is 277 Royal PolrclmnWay 1156;Pdm Beatl1 Florida 33e90. Grantor
and Chefs LADeisaod Ila D.J. Alberp husband sad ntfe, vdwea poaiomce
eddies iz:IM RmgingOak& Drive, MOkmille, darybsA?I Ig wilmd ty.
St. Lucie County
Witnessets, that ties Wd Orogor; for and In camidaanion at Na rum ofTen and No1100 Dolleie (SI0.D0 ), tatt in head
Dim bitssald t]ramx, the reoelpl MitmepfsledyycBrpwltdsW, W Igelued:6'DtSrircdend wW to On said Grates forever, the
feRoNmjdmm'kodiMd,.AIOA-yiogeoih lMbocou ayofstLtd?. 9lateo rtorlde.towle -
10132, TARPON FLATS SUBDIVISION, according to tie map or plot Mercer, recorded in
Flat Buok 69,.Page(s) 27;: Pubilo Reoordsof St. Lubin County, Florlda
Subj." mtu u'r" & "mew yem, mremma, swula oar end easements orre ant [raw.
Parisi IdemtlFagon Number. 1/7356&003400WS
And themld Gramordo,s mcty fdiy aaamuttz.Ilga to mkt 1at4 uA wlp defend toe seen eeeina maIaviW cshmoral)
persons T&MI!oewr. _
In W7ltress Whereer;.ge said Orarrm hoecatni4 this Imtnaeem w be m2mtkd In at nmety itaduty authorized oil=
and esusN Its Wlpomte=1 to beeinaed the day sod year Mt above wrlaer. - .
iLtpoo Pap LLG r Ptorloa half W IlrDims;armaq
IIn Minnie
*CommmlaaeKPirw:: Z•21•ZDz!
Pfepaw by: .
-'Pamela A. HoIR in employee of
PabielsA.[Ion e301OceetertDrive
YenBnab,S7dd.;3296File Number HIS0e017AIt