HomeMy WebLinkAboutMISC LETTERSST. LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COlvMSSIONERS CHRIS DZADOVSKY CHAIRMAN DISTRICT I TOD MOWERY VICE-CHAIRMAN DISTRICT 2 LINDA BARTZ DISTRICT 3 =RANNIE HUTCHINSON DISTRICT 4 LATHY TOWNSEND DISTRICT 5 HOWARD N. TIPTON COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR DAN MCINTYRE COUNTY ATTORNEY MAILING ADDRESS 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE FORT PIERCE, FL 34982 PHONE (772) 462-251 1 TDD (772) 462-1428 FAX (772) 462-2363 E-MAIL thotta karab(iilstlucieco.org W EBSITE WWW.STLUCIECO.GOV PUBLIC WORKS Water Quality Division December15,2017 SC Via: Emil and nail A By NF� Randal Roders, P.E. 1Engineering & Surveying, LLC. St I U Vel onCie CGUn ty 702 SW Port Saint Lucie Blvd, Port St. Lucie, FL 34953 Ref: American Concrete Industries, (Addition of 10,000 sq. ft. bldg.) SLC Stormwater Permit #17-15 Dear Mr. Rodgers, The Water Quality Division has reviewed the revised plans, calculations and the response to RAI 01 and has received the Stormwater fee for the above referenced project, h S. rrmvater penult app lcation for the above referenced project is hereby deemed complete tid is ap roved subject to 1 e fo lowing conditions: Please provide notification to the County when the pre -construction meeting is scheduled so that we may attend with the contractor and other parties. Upon completion of the Stormwater improvements and prior to requesting a Final Paving and Drainage Inspection, please submit three (3) copies of "as -built" record plans signed and sealed by a professional land surveyor licensed to practice within the state of Florida. A signed and sealed letter of completion from the Engineer of Record shall also be required. This letter must outline any and all substantial deviations from the approved set of plans attached to this letter. The. plans must depict, at a minimum, the location and finished grades of all building corners, critical pavement: spot elevations, and changes in grade or slope. The location, type, size, material and inverts of all drainage structures and pipes, the top of bank, toe of slope and detail of control structure(s) for any and all Stormwater treatment facilities shall also be depicted. Sufficient elevations for all accessible routes shall be provided to demonstrate compliahce with all applicable regulations. Please be advised, operators of construction activities that propose to clear, excavate or fill 1.0 acre of land or more over the life of the project are required to obtain coverage under the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System "Generic Permit for Stormwater Discharge from Large and Small Construction Activities". The Notice of Intent (NOI) to use the generic permit requires a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) that must be implemented to show compliance. Elements of a SWPPP include Best Management Practices that will be utilized to minimize soil erosion and sedimentation from degrading the water quality of downstream water bodies. For more information, please contact the FDEP NPDES Stormwater Section and refer to section 1-7.7 of the Code of Ordinances. of St. Lucie County, Florida. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the directly at (772) 462-2097 or email me at thottakarab@stlucieco.org. stlucieco.org. "ESitcer y y ottakara, P.E. Civil Engineer, Water Quality Division it�TORMWAT R/AyP�ry+�tpy�1/�, pp \lBoccB02\slcout5\CMPDtgroup\R&B\COMMOMwater Quality\Developmen[ 12eview onnt`91er'PlAtlrls�ilp�vals\17-IS American Concrete Industries\17-15 ACI Stormwater Permit 20171215.dbex Cc (email only): Don West, P.E.— Director, Public Works Kimberly Graham, P.E— County Engineer Patrick Dayan, P.E.— Water Quality Division Manager Rod Reed, PlS—County Surveyor Selena Grifrctt, P.E. - Civil Engineer Sr. LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIISSIONERS FRANNIE HUTCHINSON CHAIR DISTRICT 4 LINDA BARTZ VICE CHAIR DISTRICT 3 CHRIS DZADOVSKY DISTRICT 1 ANTHONY BONNA DISTRICT 2 CATHY TOWNSEND DISTRICT 5 HOWARD TIPTON COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR DAN MCINTYRE COUNTY ATTORNEY ..; MAILING ADDRESS 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE FORT PIERCE, FL 34982 PHONE (772) 462-2822 TDD (772) 462-1428 FAX (772) 462-1581 E-MAIL O LS O N L@ ST LU C I EC O.O R G March 16,2018 Richard K Davis Ann. Roger A Priest Post office Box 186 Fort Pierce, FL 34954 RE: Finished floor waiver Dear Mr. Priest: PLANNIV AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Planning Division SCANNED St CuBy Cie Coun hv Please accept this letter in response to your written request received March 16, 2018 to waive the finished floor elevation of 18" above the crown of the road. The waiver request is for a proposed addition to an existing commercial building at 350 Rock Rd, Fort Pierce. Pursuant to Section 7.04.01(C-3 & C-4) of the St Lucie County Land Development Code, the Planning and Development Services Director has the authority to grant administrative relief, when topographical conditions are such that compliance with this subsection would be impracticable or cause grade level conditions detrimental to adjacent or nearby property, consistent with the intent of the Flood Protection regulations and any other applicable portion of this Code. The Planning and Development Services Director has granted your request for administrative relief of the finished floor elevation based on the following determinations: 1 The proposed addition is in Flood zone X. 2 The Proposed finished floor elevation will be 21.07' NAVD which is 0.99' above the center line of the road. 3 The proposed finished floor elevation will be matching the existing floor elevation and is based on storm water calculations submitted and approved by Engineering Department. This approval does not in any way constitute authorization to begin construction. Prior to the commencement of any construction on this property, an application for specific building permit must be obtained from this department. Please feel free to contact me at (772) 462-2822 if you have any questions. Leslie Ol Trace ly, i son, CP Planning and Development Services Director cc: Monica Graziani, Building and Code Compliance Manager Carl Peterson, Building Official Debra Zampetti, Zoning Supervisor WEBSITE I A. 3 www.fLUCIECO.GOV d� . • CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION CGC013084 � CCC053a53 March 16, 2018 Ms. Leslie Olson Iso2 o 13L{ We do more than building buildings, , we're buiIdingS6btildns. Director St. Lucie County Planning & Development 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 RE: American Concrete Industries 1802-0134 Dear Leslie: Please accept this letter requesting relief from the St. Lucie County Development Code chapter 7.04.01 finished floor requirement. In that code the finished floor elevation is apparently required to be 18" above the crown of the road. We will be constructing an addition to an existing building where the finished floor needs to match. The existing building does not currently meet the County's code requirement. The crown of the road is at elevation 20.08' thus requiring the building finished floor elevation to be 21.58'. We will be constructing the building addition to match the existing building finished floor elevation of 21.07'. Might I also suggest that the County consider addressing finished floor elevation issues such as this through the site plan and particularly the civil construction drawing review process? We are very appreciative of the cooperation afforded by County staff in expediting these permits. Sinc rely, ger' . Pfiest r' Vice resident PAUL WELCH_IN_C._ Mechanical Electrical Civil Engineering— -- —_- 1984 S.W. Biltmore St. Suite #114LAUG ECEIVED Port Saint Lucie, FL 34984 Phone (772) 785-9888 2 8 2018 pwelchinc@aol.com County, permitting August 24, 2018\ Re: AMERICAN CONCRETE INDUSTRIES SCANNED PERMIT NO. 1802-0134 BY To Whom It May Concern: St. Lucie County Please be advised that we have personally reviewed all of the bolted and welded connections for the above reference Butler Building and find that all of the connections meet or exceed all of the requirements of the manufacturer's approved erection drawings, and find that the installation meets with the FBC-17 (Ga' edition), ASCE7-10 with our Plan and Engineering requirements for this project. Thank you for your attention to this matter and please do not hesitate to contact our office if you should have any questions. Submitte by: PAUL WELCH INC Paul We h, E. Fla Reg .29945 PW:ns QPU1111111C.111111 ,',, F . >}: No 29945 ' �01•, STATE OF .:g ivAo�ENG%`%� PAUL WELCH INC. 19845.W. B/LTMORE ST. su/76#114 PORT sA/NT LUC/E; FL 34984 (772) 785-9888 PWELCH/NCPA0X .COM PAUL WELCH, P.E. FtA [rC No. 29946 August 31, 2018 Mr. Joe Cicio Plans Examiner St Lucie County Building Dept. 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 Re: American Concrete Industries Plant Expansion Bldg. Permit No. 1802-0134 Dear Mr. Cicio: RECEIVED ST. LUCIe 1im"I 1.1 Please accept this letter as certification that all Butler Butlerib II wall panels, Butler MR-24 standing seam metal roof panels and trims for the Pre-engineered Metal Building addition under the above referenced permit were thoroughly inspected by Paul Welch, Inc. All roof and wall panels were installed using clips and fasteners as required by the metal building engineer's signed and sealed erection drawings (drawings on file). All gutter and gable trims are complete. Thank you for your attention to this matter and please do not hesitate to contact our office if you have should have any questions. by: INC. Paul P.E. Fla Reg. o. 29945 PW: us a ... 17--17 71 X15 R1 N { �:4 •g3� �. V 1l 8�S t �- L 1. r Y�" y It � 0 tl • C :1 ,i • _yt r T - 4 } • • 11 Inl 1 1 r S :,33 • e Y _- `� 1 12i , fli'f 'y_ t A. Y� v r �•i.1 .y he '.x„ .. 1. s i 4 'Y i t rt.�1l F C �•v t p ! ♦, lr Y i r.y .. <¢ 1 n x +G � 1 ' `. ' R,.�Ii�I vi\ y . tirJ I rac: n' Gti/. ) .�•��. ♦:N 4 I .Ir 11 vrr� ♦❑ n �/ I, II •III. .:,;` ' }�ti.y .M �I. `"�'�11�J `I ry �;F I(I %k1F 1 _�`'r ' •; 1 1,,: =1 � _,� .� —..�� r _lL. '•1 J fly , `9,. _ _ OPERATING DA Welding Pass Sequence r _