HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOAREM01 1 a 200 MW -00�S DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES (RER) BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) James Hardie Building Product, Inc. 10901 Elm Avenue Fontana, CA 92337 MIA IT-DADVE COUNTY PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION 11805 SW 26 Street, Room 208 Miami, Florida 33175-2474 T (786) 315-2590 F (786) 315-2599 www.mi a mi dade.govleco nomv BY St. Lucie County SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami -Dade County RER-Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction, (AHJ). This NOA shall- not be valid after the exTiration date stated below. The Miam_t-Dade County Product Control Section (In Miami Dade County) and/or the AH1 (in areas other than Miami Dade County) reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction_ RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami -Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone. DESCRIPTION: "Hardie", "Cem" and "Prevail" Planks and Panels Fiber Cement Siding and Soffit APPROVAL DOCUMENT: Drawing No. PNL, PLK & SOFF, titled'`-lardiePanel, CemPanel, Prevail Panel; HardiePlank, CemPlank Prevail Lap Siding, HardieSoffit, CemSoffit Panel; Installation Details Wood/Metal Stud Construction", sheets 1 through 12 of 12, dated 04/24/2013, prepared by the manufacturer, signed and sealed by Ronald I.Ogawa, P.E., bearing the Miami -Dade County Product Control revision stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and expiration date by the Miami -Dade County Product Control Section. 1A SSILE IMPACT RATING: Large and Small Missile Impact Resistant LABELING: A permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, Plant City, Florida. and the following statements: "ASTM C 1186 Type A compliant' and "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved" is to be located on each siding plank or panel and per FBC 1710.92 and 1710.9.3 on soffit panels. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words btiami-Dada County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. if any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shed be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA revises NOA # 17-0406.06 and consists of this page I and evidence pages E-I and E-2, as well as approval document mentioned above. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Carlos bL Utrera, P.E- NOA No-17-0821.21 Expiration Date: May 1, 2022 Approval Date- November 30, 2017 /! r71V1*7 Page 1 . -1 - JamesHardieBuilding-Products, Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 1. EVIDENCE SUBMITTED UNDER PREVIOUS NOAs A. DRAWINGS "Submitted underNOA # 13-0311.07" 1. Drawing No. PNL, PLK & SOFF, titled "HardiePanel, CemPanel, Prevail Panel; HardiePlank, CemPlank Prevail Lap Siding; HardieSoffit, CemSoft Panel; Installation Details Wood/Metal Stud Construction", sheets 1 through12 of 12, dated 04/24/2013, prepared by the manufacturer, signed and sealed by Ronald I. Ogawa, P.E. B. TESTS "Submitted underNOA # 13-0311.07" 1. Test reports on 1) Uniform Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC TAS 202-94 2) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 along with marked -up drawings and installation diagram of HardiePlank, HardieSoffit and HardiePanel, prepared by Intertek Testing Services NA LTD, Test Report No. 100733361COQ-004, dated 08/24/2012, with revision 1 dated 04/25/2013, signed and sealed by Rick Curkeet. P.E. "Submitted under NOA # 02-0729.02" Laboratory Report Test Date Signature 2. ATI-16423-1 PA 202 & 203 03/18/96 A. N. Reeves P.E. 3. ATI 16423-2 PA 202 & 203 01/18/96 A. N. Reeves P.E. 4. ATI 16423-3 PA 202 & 203 01/18/96 A. N. Reeves-P.E. C. CALCULATIONS 1. None. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami -Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER) E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. None- F. STATEMENTS "Submitted under NOA # I S-0122.04" 1. Statement letter of code conformance to the 5°i edition (2014) FBC issued by Ronald I. Ogawa & Associates, Inc., dated 10/26/2014, signed and sealed by Ronald I. Ogawa, P.E. /t l�Zy�2017 Carlos M. Utrera, P.E. Product Control Examiner NOA No. 17-0821.21 Expiration Date: May 1, 2022 Approval Date: November 30, 2017 E-1 - , - James -Hardie -Building Products, Inc. - NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 2. NEW EVIDENCE SUBMITTED A. DRAWL IGS 1. None. B. TESTS 1. None. C. CALCULATIONS 1. None. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami -Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER) E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. None. F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of code conformance to the 6 h Edition (2017) FBC and of no financial interest issued by Ronald I.Ogawa & Associates, Inc., dated 07,130/2017, signed and sealed by Ronald I.Ogawa, P.E. !1 22 J2c17 Carlos M. Utrera, P.E. Product Control Examiner NOA No. 17-0821.21 Expiration Date: May 1, 2022 Approval Date: November 30, 2017 E-2 WALL HEIGHT WALL LENGTH ---=--- Stud SpaGng et i6" D.C. Mot i ` ��• .E ase lvmaa ! F3,ph'dtea tfi,dmi r adc 'al ,xJ I �l - 17 m —' 1 n �•{ a i< f"t $xlK)F I. •..�.. -i% �.. n ,I�Lt-���y�� t;t. �5�� Ll•� "�//d Ti6H RENEWED with the Florida 8'<J Nails at 16" O.C. (typ.) 17-0406.06 3/8" Minimum Edge Distance 0510.112022 W P" Sheathingfastenar, as dasaihed in Ttict Control _ _ Note 1 PRODUCT REVIS1113 ec complyyingg with tho Florida 9alldlna Codo NOA-Na. 17-0621.21 Expiration a e 06/01/2022 ey MIamT-b ro uct Contro 11 Panel fastener, as described in Note 2 HardiePanel, Cempahal, Prevail Panel Siding Water-rosistive barilerpar Florida Soloing Gode Section 14012 5/8" thlolc / 5 ply APA rated plywood sheathing fastened 16 accordance %(Ali Florida Building Code Sedlon 2322.3 21,X 4" .s-P-F Wood Studs The wall and sOTt formes are to be designed by the Architect or Engineer of Record In compliance with the Florida Building Code SEE DSTAIL.A fda"ildcic/ s plyAPA rated plywoodsheirttdngln accordance vAlh Florda Building code Section 28223 Water -resistive barrier per Florida BWdbrg Code Section 1404.2 2' X 4" S-p-F Wood Studs f HordiaPanal, SES�TIC Imo_$ Cempanel, Pmval Panel Sitting PrtOu424 =`Lffi% r I-oN HardiePanel�, Cempanel®, & Prevail® Panel Siding materials are nonasbestas fiber -cement products tested In accordance with ASTM C11tl6 Grade It, Type A and meeting. the regwraments of the Florida Building Code. PANFL—DJU s SJO Width Length Thickness 4' 8,9,1q' 5/16" A_F,5MLM' €A �siaM EATING Installation Design Pressure Wood Studs -76 psf Impact Resistant — Planks Installed over Filly'thick I5 ply APA rated plywood sheathing N.I.L'C�l. pg!. 7�,.0 MPA�fL F!$JslA1-PAUt_l VLflVLt IIv��Jr.M 1—y iti..x All Installation shall be done In conformance: with this NMca of Acceptance, the manufaolurees instalrabon recommendations, and the applicable sections of the Florida Balding Code. " Mail studs where Hardieleanel, Cempenel, Prevail Panel Siding will be installed shall he I designed by an Engineer or Architect: per the Florida Building Code and the requirements of this N.O.A. • tNola 115/8" thicicf 5 ply APA rated plywood sheathing shall be attached to the studs In accordance with Florida Building Code Section 2322 3, • The siding panels shall be installed over Sib° thick / 5 ply APA rated plywood sheathing suppode by a minimum of 2"X4" S-P-F wood studs spaced a maximum of 16" 4-C. • [Note 21 The Siding panel fastener shall be a 2" long, 0223" head dt2meter, 0.002" shank diameter, corrosion resistarrt siding nag; the fasteners shall be spaced at 6" O.C. at panel edgoa and intermediate studs; the fasteners shall be driven through the 516" thick 15 plyAPA rated plywood sheathing into wood studs located at I&10-0. • Fasteners shall have a minimum edge distance of 3/6" and a minimum clearance of 2" hom comers. HARDIEPANCL, CEMPANEL, PREVAIL PANEL INSTALLATION DETAILS WOOD STUD CONSTRUCTION James Hardie Bulding Products, Inc. 10901 Elm Avenue Fontana, CA 02337 PNLrPLK-,30FF Creator! E. Gonzales IaCAl 1fd"=1ko" I Dat6:4/2412013 Isnesr 10F 12 Fastener Spacing per Florlda Building Code,Sectlon 2322.E PRODUCT REVISED C g as com lyyleOGppe with lho florlde eulitllu NOA-No. 17-0821.21 PRODUCraBvMD 0 ooNviyifh With droyiixida odwas CQ& •Armpiemeh4i 12. E .Df iintklet aF PRODUCT REVISED • W eomplyinsivkl dlo ikx+a. AeeePQn Nu la-0?!1•G'7 .1 • Mmn.i ProMctCe+dro1 • rastenerSped�ngper Florida I•! Bulding Code Secllon 2322.3 I PRODUCT RENEWED as complying with the Florida Building Code NOA-No. 17-0406.06 •I Expiration e0610112022 By I•I •I Mlaml- a duct Control • , . EBAMaq NOMINAL 2" X 4" S•P•F WOOD STUDS 16" O.C, FASTENED WITH 3-1/2. 18d COMMON NAILS (2 PERTOP AND 607TOM CONNEOTION) • THE WALLANO SOFFIT FRAMESARE TO BE DESIGNED BY THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDING. CODE NOMINAL 5/8" THICK /5 PLY APA RATED PLYWOOD 814EATI LING FASTENED IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA BUILDNG CODE SECTION 2322.3 ' Sc1.A�AIfYSx • THE PANEL IS FASTENED WITH 27 LONG, 0.223" FI -AD . DIAMETER, M09Z SHANK DIAMETER, CORROSION RESISTANT SIDING NAILS, PLACE NAILS 8" O.C. AT PANEL EDGES AND INTERMEDIATE STUDS Cladding i Framing / Sheathing' i k - STAS . O,� �•.FCO _ { FOR METAL AND WOOD STUDS, PROVISIONS FOR DIAPHRAGM ACTION AND GRAVITY LOAD ARE NOT PART OF THIS APPROVAL (MUSTPROVIDE ALTERNATE PROVISIONS FOR THESE LOADS) HARDICPANEL, CEMPANLL, PREVAIL PANEL INSTALLATION DETAILS WOOD STUD CONSTRUCTION James Hardle Building Products, Inc, 10901 Elm Avenue Fontana, CA 92337 Fax909-427.0634 A I I PNL-PLK-SOFF J+ Creator E. Gonzales IsuLe I • Datc! 4124/2013 18WET 2 OF 12 WALL. HEIGM PRODUCT REVISED as complying with tho Florida aulhling Code NOA-No. 17-0821.21 m------- WALL LENGTH -- St ud Spacing at 16" U.C. ,,rJJJ{I l� h Flodrit I t`ittlr l I retdu! tl1,17 N0. 1 .i •'' • n i I ` '� STATE �} rr w rood PlSA4.A PRODUCT RENEWED as complying with the Florida Building Coda NOA-No. 1 y-0406.06 Vd8 Mlnlmum Edge Distance Na4s at 6" O.C. (ryp,) Sheathing fastener, as described in Note 1. Panel fastener, os described in Note 2 HardlePanelO Siding Water-Ieslstive barrier per Florida Building Code Section 1404,2 518" titlok / 5 Ply APA rated plywood sheathing fastened to metal studs as described in Note I. 20ga, 3-5/8"X 148" Metal C stud The waif and soffit frames are to be designed by the Architect or Engineer of Record In compliance vlth the Florida Building Code. SEE UETAILA —T` L13P2JQLDX-,.SSd31P�iQ)N HardlePanelO, CempaneIM, & Ptevaft Panel Siding materials are noneshestos 5/8'thlck/5 ply APA rated fiber -cement products tested In accordance wIth ASTM C1 168 Grade 11, .� plywood sheathingfadaned !e metal studs as described Type A and meeting the requirements of \ the Florida Building Code, In Note i •. = P}�NE4�9bN�.NSLON& )'� Lbarderpar WeteDresisrNe Width Length Thlydmess Florida q� 8,9,10' 5116" auliding Code Section'1404.2 kE51C1N�@ES&1.1S�J}9.TJ1'Lp i �• ;/I Installation Design Pressure /)111 2oga, 3.5/s" X 1.616" Metal Studs •104 psf Metal C stad IAdll Hardiepenel, Impact Resistant— cempanal, Panel Installed over 8/5"0dck/5 ply, ,SCQTaO1Ll3_8 Prevail Panel APA rated plywood sheathing Siding j3&gDLq_? ¢"I.yEjll(tPA,�I PREVAIL,.P1N.FJ_ IDIh jMUA I A1lP DETAIL • ' All Installation shall be done In oonfomlance with this Notice of Acceptance, the manufacturer's Installation recommendations, and the applicable sections of the Florida Bullding Code, • Metal studs where HnrdiePanel, .Cetnpanel, Prevail Panel Siding will be Installed shall be designed by an Eiglneer orArchitect per the Florida Bullding Code and the requirements of this N.O.A. • [Note 1] 5/8" tfilc k / 5 py APA rated plywood sheathing shall be attached to metal studs at 6"dc at panel edges and all Intermediate, supports using a No.8-18, 0.316' heed diamoterx 1-114" Inng bugle head screw + The sld(ng panels shall be Installed over 6/8"thick /5 ply APA rated plywood sheathing supported by a minimum 20ga, Nominal 3-SW X 1510" Metal 0-studs spaced a macdmum of 16" O.C. ' + [Note 2.1 The siding panel fastener shall be a minimum No. 8-18, 0,315" head diameter X 1-5}6" long` ribbed bugle head screw (*or straw shall have at least s full threads penetrating rnetal framing); the fasteners shall be spaced at W O.C, at panel edges and Intermediate studs; the fasteners shall he driven through the 5/011 thlok /5 ply APA rated plywood sheathing into metal studs located at 16" O,C. • Fasteners shall have a minimum adile distance ofVll" and a minimum clearance of 2" from comely. HARDIEPANEL, CEMPANEL, PIILVAIL PANEL INSTALLATION DETAILS METAL$TUD CON$TRULTION James Hardle Building Products, Inc. 10901 Elm Avenue Fontana, CA 92337 PNL•PLKSOFF ()rector; E. Gonzales SCALE, 1/2" -T-0" I Date:4/2412013 Jansar 9 OF 12 0.0oin. 3 IRODUCI'RENEWED is complying with the Florida Wilding Coda tOA-No. 17-0406.06 T 6.ODin. vttoiwcraEvi�ra h1hcFltsi� Accptmmt3a 1' ''I/If ,y sy Miwna edc ProdaetCwhot II I' I II TII 6.O01n. I I I� . II II LI II t'ReDt1CC REVISED ' a maly{ylrg with the F4rilu tt.pt� Dam Dr noaala M • NOMINAL20 GAUGE 8-SW X 1-5f&' STEEL STUDS 16" O.C. FASTENED WITH 5184 WAFER HEAD SCREWS (2 PCR TOP AND BOTTOM CONNECTION) • THE WALLAND SOFFIT FRAMES ARETO BE DESIGNED BY THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE sJdFAIJ:I • NOMiNINAL51fl THICKl6PLYAPAIiATEDPLYW000 SHEATHING TO METAL" STUDS AT 6" DD AT PANEL EDGES AND ALL INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS USING A Nali-18, 0.315' HEAD DIAMETERX 1-IN LONG BUGLE HEAD SCREW D ADTZJNA • THE PANEL IS FASTENED WITH NO.8-18, 0.315" HEAD DIAMETERX 1-518" LONG CORROSION RESISTANT RIBBED BUGLE HEAD SCREWS (SCREW SHALLHAVE AT I"FAST 8 FULL THREADS PENETRATING THE METAL FRAMING), PLACE SCREWS 6" O.C. AT PANEL EDGES AND INTERMEDIATE STUDS Cladding PRODUCT REVI�ED uc complying with t m Flotltla aalldlna Bode NOA-No, 17.0821,21 ExpI tin Dal 05101/2022 miamFiJ y act r.mrol j � Framing li I' I Sheathing II II I�I II I I,I LI I I f l ill l r 0CYA • 0. 1�( � i i ' � .o-� S?ATE OF ;'� �,• FOR METAL AND OD STUDS. PROVISIONS FOR DIAPI-IRAGM rlOm AND GRAVITY LOAD NOT PART OF THIS APPROVAL (MUST PROVIDE ALTERNATE PROV E SIONS FOR THESE LOADS) I HARDIEPANEL, CGMPANEL, PREVAIL PANEL INSTALLATION DITAI(S METAL STUD CONSTRUCTION James Hardie Building Products, Inc. 10901 Elm Avenue Fontana, CA92337 =none;ava-aao" — PN1-PLK,6OFF -Y�? Fax 909-427-0634 A Creator: E.Gnnzates sau.E 1"„1'-0� Date:4124/2013 sl+eiT40F 12 WALL I ICT REVISED Ivinn with [,n nhorlda 17-0821.21 No PRODUCT RENEWED as complying with the Florida Dullding rode NOA-No. 17-0406.06 Eupiralion 4pte05/01/2022 314" Mlnlmum Fjorift Distance Nails at IS" Sheathing fastener, as described In Note 1 Siding fastener, as described in Note HardiePiank, Camplank, Prevail Lap Siding Waterteslstive barrier per Florida Building Coda Section 1404.2 61W thick 15 ply APA rated plywood sheathing fastened in accordance with Florida Building Code Section 2322.3 2" X 4" S-P-F Wood Studs The wall and soffit frames are to be designed by the Architect or Engineer of Record In nn,on1innr2 with the Florida DuIlden Code. DETAFL A T' �` Sid, tNdk 16 ply APA ) rateA plywcod ` sheathing In accordancewith ploaida Building Coda �••• �_ $ecllon 2322'2 Water-rosisitve - barrier per Florida Building Colo -k I section 14042 II V X 41, SP„F Wood studa P"��uGs D;ss�st r�.N Hardeplank®, Cemplarikeh, & PrevallO Plank lap Stang materials are nonasbestos fiber -cement products tested In accordance with ASTM C1186 Grade 11, Type A and meeting the requirements of the Ficrlda Building Code. 3 SSlONAL� r� Lap SidIna (ryP.)wYy%�.iiinntrtiC�O 1-914'IaI1X6fi6" thick slartetaa7p p�NI�L PJJd€N%LOKq Width Length Thickness so-1/2" IT 5116, MUjJ0�N Ptie5-ZW3.jM:[1Na I Installation Design Pfe3sure Wood Studs -92psf Impact Resistant — Planks Installed over 618" thick / 5 ply APA rated plywood sheathing HABRIkPLLtHK�c4nlaLnn 1_Z�JUI tA�SJA1l JW�TAL A-TJ_WX--JAW3, • All Installation shad- be done In conforinanoewith this Netice'of Acceptance, the manufacturers Installation recommendations, and the applicable sections of the Florida Building Coda. • Wood studs where HBrdlpPlank, Cemplenk, Prevail Lap Slding will be installed shall be designed by an • [Nate 116/8" the chitk 5 per APA rated plywood sheathing hall be attached to the stud n axogianoe with Florida SUllding Code Section 2322.3. • Planks shall be applied horizontally commenning from the bottom course of the wall with 1-1/4" wide laps at the top of the plank such that the exposure area of each plank Is 58-1/4" vertically. • LNoto 21 The siding fastener shalt be a 2-1/2" Iona, 0.223" head diameter, 0.092" shank diameter, I corroslon-resishmt siding nail; The siding Is fastened s 8-114" O.C. vertically and 16" o,C, horizontally; fasteners are driven into wood studs through 518" thick / 5 ply APA rated plywood sheathing, fasteners are placed in the overlapping area approxdmately 814" from the bottom edge of the overlapping plank • Vertical joints shall be placed over studs. • the planks shall be Installed over 613" thick 16 ply APA rated plywood sheathing supported by a minimum of 27X4" S-P-F Wood studs spaced a maximum of i8" O.C. • Fasteners shall have a minimum edge distance of 3/81. HARDIEPLANK, CEMPI.ANK, PREVAIL UaP SIDING INSTALLATION DEPAILS WOOD STUD CONSTRUCTION James Hardie Building Products, Inc. ' 10901 Elm Avenue Fontana, CA 92337 m PIXK $017F Creator; E. Gonzales �eoALe �^ I' 1@" n 11-0" Dale; 4i2412073 Istissr _oFl 72 fFastener pacing Building Code Sec PRODUCT REVISED as 1hil.9 ylnpp wllh the Plorlda aullding Gode � NOA-No. 17.0621_21 Lsplrallon oho 0510112022 PRODUCT RENEWED as Complying with the Klorida Building Code NOA-No. 17-0406.06 7 Expiration 0 e•05/01/2022 r By_ vk. Mieml-lYudfi Product Coptral� av �15mryT w>lblfm.t+AoridE In Fas.... — spat C g per Ronda Building Code Section 2322.3 58,2� adc Prad4ct n ti FRAMING NOMINAL 2" X 4" S-P-F WOOD STUDS 16" O.C. FASTENED WITH 3-1W 16d COMMON NAILS (2 PER TOP AND BOTTOM CONNECTION + THE WALL AND SOFFIT FRAMES ARE TO BE DESIGNED BY THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE SI-412MBLke,, NOMINAL 618" THICK16 PLY APA RATED PLYWOOD SHEATHING FASTENED IN ACCORDANCE.. WITH FLORIDA BUILDING CODE SECTION 2322.3 &L/_iD.CIIAG PLANKS•OVERLAP 1-114' THE EY.POSURE IS 158-19' THE PLANKS ARE FACE NAILED WITH 2-112" LONG, 0.223" HEAD DIAMETER, 0.092" SHANK DIAMETER, CORROSION RESISTANT SIDING NAILS,•PLACEO 3/4" UP FROM THE BOTTOM EDGE OF THE. PLANKAT EACH STUD LOCATIOp REVISED FOR METAL AND WOOD STUDS, PROVISIONS FOR DIAPHRA( NOT PART OF THIS APPROVAL (MUST PROVIDE ALTERNATE Cladding Priming Sheathing FL/ R 121 ` STATE OF .•'o ,�� ,p/.ORTO l J��(i1'iAV�rLOAD ARE FOR THESE LOADS) HARDIGPIANK, CEMPLANK, PREVAII. LAP SIDING (NSFALLATION DETAILS WOOD STUD CONSTRUCTION James Hardla Building Products, Inc. _ ® 10901 Elm Avenue Fontana, CA 92337 �hMe:909-356-6$00 s¢e rsaMlm mnnu0 a Fax0000.4 7-0634 A T PNL-PLK-S Creator: E. Gonzales SCALE 1' i'-0" Dale; M2412018 ISHEET 6 OP 12 1 r WALL. PRODUCT REVISED es eomPIKy.Yo. wnh the PloNaa ehlltlnea Cedo NOA-No. 17-0621.21 AW w1nimum Edge Distance Florin Sheathing fastener, as described In Note 1 Siding fastener, as described in Note 2 HnrdlePlanl<, Csmplanl4 Prevail lap Siding \ / Water -resistive barrier per Florida Building Code Section 14042 6/8" thick / 6 ply APA rated PRODUCT RENEWED plywood sheathing fastened to as complying with the Plorlda metal studs as described In Building Code Note 1 NOA-Ho. 17-0406.06 e-uphatlon 0510112022 209a, 3-518" X 1.5/8" Metal C-stud The walland soffitframes are to be designed Fly_ - by the Architect or Fngineer of Record in Miami-D d Proirtnct Control compiiance with the Florida Building Coda, SEE l!W-Q! YPM 1PT (1N ETAILA I HerdieNwidD, OamplankO, and .'�5/8"thick15 piyAPA PrevallO Plank Lap Siding materials rated p ad are nonasbestos fiber -cement shrathlne fasWned products tested In ocoordance with to tommetal studs as ASTM C1188 Grade II, Type A and tal In Nate t meeting the requirements at the I Florida Building Code, welaPrcaisuva barrier per Florida ptLNI<DIAAENRII 4 00clIngCode Width Length Thickness section 1444.2 !a9-1YL' 12' BMW, vet : \20ga, 348" X 1z/e" l CWd a�16N PRt'�al1RE N9 F �_ `` R Metal Installation Design Pressure HardieFiank, Metal Studs -92psf �Gemplank, Prevail -SS��NAI Lap 91ding Impact Resistant- 16" 6.C. (lyp.) 1.1/4" tall X 5110" Planks Installed over 9/8"think 16 ply think starter strip APA rated plywood sheathing HARDIr,_f?i�ux cEMPtaJ�J��YAU�4�PP�t�o�TA>nLATL��d��tl-t; • All Installation shall be done In conformance with Ifils Notice of Acceptance, the manufacturer's Installation recommendations, and the applicable sections of tie Florida Building Code. • Metal studs where HardlePlank, Cemplank, Prevall Lap Siding will be installed shall be designed by an Fngineer or Architect per the Florida Building Code and the requirements of this N.O.A. • [Note I 5/6'thick / s pry APA rated plywood sheathing shall be attached to metal studs, at 6"oo at panel edges and all Intermediate supports using a No.B-18, 0.31S" head diameter 1-1/4" long bugle head screw • Planks shell be applied horizontally commenting from the bottom course of the wall with 1-114" wide laps at the top of the plank such that the exposure atom of each plank Is 68-1/4" vertically. • [Note 2] The siding fastener shall be a minlrnum No. 8.18, 0,315" head diem star X 2-114' long' bugle ]lead screw over metal studs ('or screw shall have at least 3 full threads penetrating metal framing); The siding is fastened s 6-1/4" O.C. vertically and 16" O.C. horizontally; fasteners are driven Into metal studs through 6/8" thick / 5 ply APA rated plywood shaathing,'f-astanem era placed In the overtopping area approximately 3/-V from the bottom edge of the overlapping plank, • Vertical joints shell be placed over studs. • The planks shall be Instaifed over 5/9' thick 15 ply APA rated plywood sheathing supported by a minimum toga, Nommal3-5/8"X 1-518" Metal C-studs spaced a maxlmiml of 16" O.C. • Fasteners shall have a minimum edge distance of 318", HARDIEPLANK, CEMPLANK, PREVAIL LAP SIDING INSTALLATION DETAILS METAL STUD CONSTRUCTION Jaynes Hardla Building Pfoducts, ]no, 10961 Elm Avenue Fontana, CA 02337 PNL-PLI<SOFF 'Creator:F.Gonzales IwAta 1/VN1Iw" I Date;4/24/2013 IeHsa, 7OP12 0.751n. Bon -No. 17-0321,21 Expiration DAts 0510112022 6.001n. -I PRODUCT RENEWED no complying with the Florida Building Dodo NDA-No. 17-0405.00 Expiration t)ixtOO510112022' By MIUMI-lyndb Product Control wu F1sM1NS, • NOMINAL20GAUGE 3.518"X1.&/B"STEEL STUDS 16" O.C. FASTENED WITH 518" LONG RIBBED BUGLE HEAD SCREWS (2 PER TOP AND 90TTOM CONNECTION) • THE WALLAND SOFFIT FRAMES ARE TO $E DESIGNED BY THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE R 140MINAL61WTHICK15PLYAPARATEDPLYWOOD SHEATHING TO METAL STUDS AT 6" OC AT -PANEL EDGES AND ALL INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS USING A NOXAS, 0.315" HEAD DIAMETERX 1-114' LONG BUGLE HEAbSCREW �ADDUMO PLANKS OVERLAP 1-1W • THE EXPOSURE IS S 8.114' • THE PLANKS ARE FASTENED WITH No. 8-18.0.315" HEAD DIAMETER 2-114' LONG CORROSION - RESISTANT RIBBED BUGLE HEAD SCREWS (SCREW SHALL HAVE AT LEAST FULL. THREADS PENETRATINGTHE METAL FRAMING), PLACED 34' UP FROM THE BOTTOM EDGE OF THE PLANK AT EACH STUD LOCATION ��-481n.00-�._ Gadding Framing 6.00In-OC Sheathing I -I -� I•� I �� diuiirrii �� i i it" GGVM AW a UCCRFVISED &a F'kwid� pmlptNQWhhuw Flair ` F;,•-. Coft 9 o. 121 ,L 's iGt7o�o1 rnawdc TRTE OF ;•' <r � 1� I FOR METAL AND WOOD STUDS, PROVISIONS FOR DIAPHRAGM ACTION AND GRAVITY LOAD ARE I NOT PART OF THIS APPROVAL (MUST PROVIDE ALTERNATE PROVISIONS FOR THESE LOADS) I i I HARDIEPI,ANK, CEMPLANK, PREVAIL LAP SIDING ISINSTALLATION DUAILS MECALSTUD CONSTRUCTION James Hardie Building Produats,.lnc. 10901 Elm Avenue li + ° Fontana, CA 92337 °hone: 809358.6300 sur FscM,xa DAG xn aE FaX A PNLPLKSOFF 1 Creator: E Gonzales srvae 1"y 1'-0" Date:412412013 15HEEr s OP 12 a a WALL LENGTH Stud Spacing at 16" O.C. B•t-- ._4 HT ! .� J_ •_ _.�I. ii f l • �, L F : i,i p I I, D�TA1L-A as complying with the Florida Building Code NOA-No. 17-0406.06 Expiration pge05/01J2022 SEE 'Lr3QA11S'rLMMIPT R DETATLA Hardiegoffit®&Cemsofflt®materlafsare nonasbeston fiber -cement products tested In /�— accordance with ABTM 01186 Grade 9, Type A 1 and meeting the requirements of the Florida Building Code. 50FFIT_PIM6NSION4 2"X4"5P-F wood &lode , Width Length 7hlckness A' 8' 114, A�&t�.N�R.�ssu�E�gTJ.Nd HardieSoffit, IrMallatfon Design Pressure Oemneffit -Wood Studs 40 psf ttti rfl/I/fI/1//<<4 ro' (t.�.oGAWA, Neils at O.C. (iyp.)ptiBUUCr REVISEDPAooucrsEvitsm `d1 3/8" Minimum Edge Distance ee avr�iyt r,r wMrrkc Fladd. pwr ' h'hO we- � -0r .,�r�Nar-03rr,o No.F421. Sap retf� i gy ` -a �. 5TA7E OF Productcoaebt �`-�0� ...... y{�I�Rf)ysoFfL?,_AEM&oEEIL>1�NrtJ.NSr�f.LpTJRN.R�7AlJ-� ..,... Soffitfastanar, as . All Installation shall be done In conformance with this Notice ofAcoeptance, the manufacturer's described in Note 1 Installation recommerldations, and the applicable sections of the Florida Building Coda. t Wood studs where HardieSoffit, Cem.'toiFt will be installed shell be designed by an Engineer or Architect per the Florida Building Code and the requirements ofthis N.O.A. - HardleSoffit, Camsoffit o The sofil shall be Installed oval, mlrilmum 2"X4" S-P-F wooSl studs spaced a maximum of 15' O.C. [Note 11 The soffit fastener shah be, a 2" long, 0.223 head diameter, 0.092 shank diameter, corrosion reMstant siding nail; the fasteners shall be spaced at 4" O.C. at panel edges and Intermediate studs; the fasteners shall he driven Into wood studs locatpd at 16, O:C. Fasteners shall have a minimum edge distance at 30 and a minimum clearanoe of 2" tram comers. ' HARDIESOFFIT, CEMSOFFIT PANEL INSTALLATION DETAILS WOOD STUD CONSTRUCTION Minllaum 2" X N" S-P-F Wood studs The wall and soffit frames are to be designed by the Architect or a James Hardle Building Products, Inc, 10001 Elm Avenue Fontana. CA 02337 Engineer of Record In compliance Phone: 9D9.356.6300 s¢s PSGM No bm No with the Florida Building Code. F 809-027- 34 A PNL-PLK•SOFF Creator: I- Gonzales scu.s 112" n t'-d' I Date: 412412013 191cer 9 OF 12 PRODUCT REVISED dS=lylnp with tho Ploddo Hulldlna Code NOA-No. 17-0821.21 explmtmn Voila 051D112022 BY_ Miami-e tl OF- P....t Control PRODUCT RENEWED its ComPLYing with the Florlda . Building Code NOA-lap. 17-0406.06 Expiratlon DidpOSIO112022 By 4.00lILI , Miami- • Product control pRobucram.%FD ' mowlcr$T:we, rl a ctugilytpg wdh dw plori la nt YLV with dre Flarfda 6ttlldmg ur& Dmldimcaft - AcOvptmw.(S�Mn A=P1ftbWrr6 f 4311.67 -0 Afesri F+ R.venI Gxrhol rrtata' cWk rrow,ct canep: ER-AMtNQ NOMINAL 2" X 4" S-P-F WOOD STUDS 18' O.C. FASTENED WITH 3-112. 16d COMMON NAILS (2 PER TOP AND BOTTOM CONNECTION) ' THE WALL AND SOFFIT FRAMES ARE TO BE DESIGNED BY THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE �l,a_4�INC THE SOFFIT IS FASTENED WITH 2" LONG, 0.223" HEAD DIAMETER, 0.092" SHANK DIAMETER, CORROSION RESISTANT SIDING NAILS, PLACE NAILS 4" O.C. AT PANEL EDGES AND INTERMEDIATE STUDS FOR METAL AND WOOD STUDS, PROVISIONS FOR DIAPHRAGM ACTION AND GRAVITY LOAD ARE NOT PART OF THIS APPROVAL (MUS'T PROVIDE ALTERNATE PROVISIONS FOR THESE LOADS) HARDIESOFFIT, CEMSOFFIT PANEL. INSTALLATION DETAILS WOOD STUD CONSTRUCTION James Hardie Bullding Products, Inc. 10901 Elm Avenue Pontano, CA823W FroE800427-0634 A PNL-PLKSOFF I '1 Creator: E Gonzales 9ME 1'=11.0" Dale!412412011 wiser 10 OF?2 .—WAIJ.. LENGTH Stud Spacing et't9" O.C. .I � ��,,...._... j ,• � S � ---- -_fir.__—._I I (PRODUCT RENEWED I�os complying with the Florlda� ],;Building Code ! NOA-No. 17-D406.05 WALL 1E1GH7'i II , 1 ,I IEnplratlon riafpD5/01/2022I SEE L'3-oP_U�CT o�,q�1i;IQpQTy, DE?AILA HaldleSoffil:0 & Cems*W materials are nonasbestos fiber-cementproducts tested in aceantehce with ASTM 01186 Grade II, Type and meeting the (, requirements of the Florida Building Code. Zags, 3.513"X 1-518" 'FOR-ntL''IJ�lt�s ' stet C Slud Width Length Thictmess 4 V %" HscdleSotrtt, pESjGPI PREBS,I,I-@U RA' — Cemsofla Installation Design Pressure Metal Studs -5.5 jnf . . Lj <- �ernoN 8-_e 1'RODUCf11SvisEA REVISED Nails at S" O.C.(typ,) PRr9lltlCC liLY1SU'7 M aAAAyioyMa wtho Ytodds will, the Fiends - - fir a,oOyial Widl tut. F'tmritm flhlldlna Colo 17-0821.21 WIT Minimum Edge Distance Oogding Cow%S Acoepteea+No (,fir_ '- rl . ,4oae0ltoe X31?&VM4—d �05101/202T.04 °dc ProdadCudmt Soffit fastener, as described In Note 1 Hardle•Soffit, Cemsotfit 20gn, 3.518" � 1-6/8" Metal C-stud The wall and soffit fmmas are to be designed by the Architect or Engineer of Record In compliance with the FlodO Building Code. STATE OF' sr " All Installation shall be done In conformance with this Notice of Acce0tan56ine'Ma1nu1fta0turel'� Installation recommendations, and the applicable sections of the Florida BUlldlhg Code, • Metal studs where HardieSaffit, Cemsoftitwtll be Installed shall bedesigned by an Engineer 0 Architect per the Florida Sullding Code and the requirements of this N.O.A. • The WIN: shall be installed over minimum 20ga, Nomin®I 3.5/6" X'I.5/8" Metal C studs apasm a maximum of IV' O.C. • [Note 11 The soffit fastener shall be a minimum No. B-16, 0.315" head diameter X 1-114° long, rlbbed bugle head straw ("or screw shall have at least 3 full threads penetrating metal ' framing);the fasteners shall be spaced at &' O.C. at panel edges and intermediate studs; the fasteners shall be driven Imo metal studs located at 16" O.C. • Fasteners shall have a minlmum edge a fstance of 3/3" and a minimum clearance or." from corners, HARDIESOFFIT, CEMSOFFIT PANEL INSTALIATION DETAILS METAL STUD CONSTRUCTION James Hardle Building Products, Inc. 10901 EimAvenue Fontana, CA 92337 PNL-PLKSOFF Creator. E. Gonzales Aso" '12"n1W" I Dale;A24=i3 Istear 11 OF 12 6,Oein.� Claddlhg Fmming Ir PRODUCT REVISED I' as com 1yyln g, with the Florida Building Code 6.00In• NOn-No. 17-0821.21 Expiration pift 06/01/2022 MlamanaProduct Control) 1'aWUCr REVISED'*e' PRODUCT RENEWED lyjnE"phux Pml;ak tit [ILEt>ISED as complying with the Florida OOlding O.daBuilding �,Dlyipg r�htlnFlBrldn gyry• 1miso Mo J l NOA-No. 17-0406.06 ENO f'J�--DM-4 mpi,atianyT'I�n1i�j7"�'fvi�Jf illilillrr�A GAWq I• Expiration D5l01/2022 a Dy r�pttrd - C , I B fllrx�dd By MIBmi-D d Produtk CBnirol By ylnclfc Pn,dou o of ��`/ ' _ �. ` *,Q•'�. 2� • t -{( 1`I 4 i • � t � PL FLMiti ) fit,) • NOMINAL20 GAUGE3.518"X 1•S18"STEEL STUDS IWO,C. FOR METALAND WOOD STUDS, PROVISIONS FOR DIAPHRAGM ACTION AND GRAVITY LOAD ARE FASTENED WITH 5/8• WAFER HEAD SCREWS (2 PER TOP ' NOT PART OF THIS APPROVAL (MUSTPROVIDEALTERNATEPROVISIONSFORTH ESELOADS) AND BOTTOM CONNECTION) • THE WALL AND SOFFIT FRAMES ARE TO BE DESIGNED BY THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE `HARDIESOFPIT, 0.0-130-q CEMSOFFIT PANEL THE SOFFff 1S FASTENED WITH NO.8-18, 0.315" HEAD INSTALLATION DETAILS METAL STUD CONSTRUCTION DIAMETERX 1-1/4 0 LONG CORROSION RESISTANT RIBBED BUGLE HEAD SCREWS (SCREW SHALL HAVE AT LEAST 3 James Herdle Building Products, Inc. FULL THREADS PENETRATING THE METAL FRAMING), PLACE 10961 Elm Avenue SCREWS 6" O,C, AT PANEL EDGES AND INTERMEDIAI•E Fontana, CA92337 STUDS hone: 909-35G.0300 SIZ6 Faxg09-427-0634 _ A F6aU N0 DW6 No REV PNL-PLKSOFF 1 • Creator,E,Gonzales SCALE — I V-1W, I Daie:412412013 1WEa 12Or12