HomeMy WebLinkAboutTRUSS PAPERWORKRFCEIVEO SOUTHERN MAR 131018 TRUSS perrnittin - -- - — — COMPANIES st• cu9'cou tyent Southern Truss 2590 N. Kings Hwy Fort Pierce, FL 34951 (772)464-4160 ' Fax: (772)318-0015 Prniccf Infnrmafinn• ` bo-00 r6 Job Number. J1900331 Customer: Name: VanWal - Smith SCANNED Address: BY St. Luce Coiinhf City, ST, ZIP: ' —General Truss Engineering Criteria & Design Loads Building Code and Chapter: ComputerProgram Used: FBC2017frP12014 I MiTek Version: 8.23 Aua 2 45.0 psf ROOF TOTAL LOAD N/A Wind - - I Building Authority: 160 mph from MWFRS(Envelope)/C-C hybrid Wind ASCE 7-10 1 1 PE7605 No. Date Truss ID# 1 09/13/18 T1 2 09113tl8 T1A 3 09/13/18 . T1GE 4 09/13/18 T2 5 09/13/18 T2A 6 09l1al18 T2GE 7 09/13118 V4 8 09113118 V8 9 09/13118 V12 10 09/13/18 V16 This cover sheet is provided as per Florida Statute 61 G15-31.003 in lieu of signing and sealing each individual sheet. An Index sheet of the truss designs is attached which is numbered and with the indentification and date of each drawing. Engineer of Truss Design Package Brian M. Bleakly FL Reg. Eng. No. 76051 2590 N. Kings Highway Fort Pierce, FL 34951 FILE Copy Page 1 of 1 TYPICAL DET NOTE. NDS=National Design Specifictions for Wood Construction_ 132.51 per Nail (D.O.L.Factor=1.00) rids toe nails only have 0.83 of 'lateral Resistance Value. .<<. 12 -- M � �n MP GIRDER CORNER JACK GIRDER IL-9-CORNER - HIP ALLOWABLE REACTION PER JOINT UP TO 265# m 2-16d NAILS REO'D. Q UP TO 394f — 3-16d NAILS REO'D. M J3 J5 toe na11 ® % A TO k BC. Typical jack 45' attachment toe nm7 A 7MCAL CORNER LAYOUT k ?-16d Typical Hip —jack' attachment CHORD HANGERS FASTENER GIRDER JACK J1=0 TO HIP JACK GIRDER TC — — — — — — — 2-16d nails — — - — — BC ——----— 2-16dnails ————- J5 TO HIP JACK GIRDER TC — — — — — — — 2-16d nails — — — — — BC — — — — —— — 2-16dnails ————— J7 TO HIP GIRDER TC — — — — — — — 3-16d nails — — — — — BC ---— --- 2-16d nails — — — — HIP JACK GIRDER (CJ7) TO HIP GIRDER TC — — — — 3-16d nails — — — — — BC — — — — — —— 2-16d nails — — —— MOUTHERN GRADE OF LUMBER LOADING (p5}'1 6ia NCR Oax MIIT.r-2<4 SYP {2 L 1) 2i4 EYP /2 7D? 2a 2n4 SYP Na3 BoTMLd Go 10 SPACWG ZV a.G TRUSS. Fort Pierce Division 2590 N. Kings Highway, Fort Pierce, FL 34951 -- - C O M PAN I E'S- - (800)232-0509 (712)464-4160 -- — Fox-(772)318-0015 Bncn M. Bleakly Str ct Eng #76051 2590 N. Kings Highway. Ft Pierce, FL 34951 772-454-4160 TYPICAL DETAIL @ CORNER - HIP NOTE NDS=National Design Specifictions ALLOWABLE REACTION PER JOINT for Wood Construction. 132.5# per Nail (D.O.LFactor=1.25) ®UP TO 265 2-16d NAILS REO'D. nds toe nails only have 0.83 of 0 UP TO 394J = 3-15d NAILS REQ'D. lateral Resistance Value. .�.. 2 J7 - CORNER JACK GIRDER use 2-16d toe naH TC & BC. O O I n Typical jack 45---"------- N —I attachment %use 3-16C toe nail 9 TYPICAL CORNER LAYDUr P 2-16d Typical Hip —jack' attachment CHORD HANGERS FASTENER GIRDER JACK J1—J3 TO HIP JACK GIRDER TC — — — — — — — 2—led nails — — — — — BC — — — — — —— 2-16dnails —- -—- J5 TO HIP JACK GIRDER TC — — — — — — — 2-15d nails — — — — — BC — — — — — —— 2-16dnails — — ——- TC —————-— 3-16dnails — — —-- BC — — — — — —— 2-16dnails —-—-- HIP JACK GIRDER (CJ5) TO HIP GIRDER TC — — — — — — — 3-16d nails — — — — — BC — — — — — —— 2-16dnails —- -— MNIMUM GRADE OF LUMBER LOADING (PSI-) INCH.: 25z 2a4 SYP }L a G FBC2a17 ELM 2:4 SYP 20 10 WEBS 24 P Nei SOAOa SPCNG 24, O. � 4SOUTHERN TRUSS COMPANIES- FortPierce Division 2590 N. Kings Highway, -(800)232 O9 S e (772)464-4160— — -- ht1F//W___A rtr_ Fox:(772)31 B-001 6 Brian M. Bleakly Struct Eng #76051 2590 N. Kings Highway, Ft Pierce, FL 34951 772-464-4160 m c S HmVm Face Mount Hanger Charts _ -_ Joist�e _ __ :.r _ - 57orJC Nn.5 t _ - 'X�Nu'. _ _.f�_.__�;. �.-iY4.. '�3•'~1' (IA� _n' '-�.;C:"<Pa5161C5d�ulax%•.1 :.' ':DF/SP'i : Ana" Lnads CL-ii - - `-o.'v°�', J:n.X[2ELC:• JntA - W . - X 0 . A ..'1� ':Jia'0 .r • "-']1ag`' _,' RnmIbde."- tm% 115% 125'X 01G 16 JL24 =4 20 1-9/16 3 1-12 15116 _ 4 10d 2 10d x 1-12 ::CO..540 :380 HS, F2 4 t6d 2 10dx1-12 568 640 '69S": 32D 18 1-M6 3-1/8 1-12 - _ 4 10d MG 2 10dx1-1206 .4M 535:1 WO: 280! 31. X1, F32- 4 16d HDB 2- 10dx1-12HDG .559' 615- 615: -280: 2x4 JU524 111524 18 1-9116 3-1/8 1314 1 4 1Dd 2 10d '675' 775. 83S AO 510124 l24 16 11Jli6 3-1/4 2 1-3hfi _ 4 10d 2 10dz1-12 508 .560V 60i. 380 . 5, 4 16d 2 10dx1-12 '•SM I 665-J 720 1 380 HD26 H1126 14 1-'YI6 3-12 2-12 1-1/8 N(m A 16d 10dx1-7R 6T5 695 745 .365:: 115, F2 Ma 42 .615 6951745 595 :.6: :5:Uld.d�:= .: 111dxV-112 718 90.1 M 1 650 . ':x15d:o'4.1' 70di 1-0T!`% B40' 960. 1045- 650, JL2MF--Z �' -_ - 111C1R-: 18�;=,T 91J:.%-?4-1t2 :k'IT2 _ ..=•`;'_;•: - - "6 '1mHD6 .4_ loe x%12HD616951600 97O' 730. 31, X+, F32 6 i6d HD6. `4 1i3drT12HDG 93D..950 1035.1 730. .1?Y1 473716 .7 V4 :, 1'.. ' -.' 't +c 10d :4 :c •'.:10d :r:: aM- 10M 1080:] ills .� S, H5, F2 5b11626 .,I -18JT:I-M6- -1116 -�2.: :t':: -r'.6- :'IOd'L r6. .. .l,.IQd.._. .. 1285 1475 1605 �' 80. 97, R1. F32 _ - SI812b.:,.i :MC-6_'.r 1 :_ .'.76� - i `.}+Y7 .A°.` : S)ld• ":. •,Z: '2: •.r� 73116 :. :-- -.10i it-1 . 7SU &B. 910: .7i5: i6 :•v:76d '4- '-1Dda T-12:=1 SM 100011080 .755 �. 40 MB: _`: <1462G.- fK: 1-5/Bt �711fi' •:..3 f'Y2Y . _ J4 ':. .JF :6 .: ..'.16d 2766 3140 3345 ism H026''i7N; `dIQB'-.:'1!-1-971 .. J-9ri6 ..3-V ... 2-112 ._ ... R win.:.... 4' glad . .:2. ,. 4.J I. :10dx 1-1/2 - 615 65 745. j : 365. 5, R5, .U,- 619 6� 745 1 So Jim-.' f 'S11A'.41-1R '7-018 AQn . �. B .'.' T7fid'' 4 6. I -- 10dx1-12.; .,. ;,•. 1230 1390 tA9D780 : F2 12361390 1490I MS. - 226 L713 20 1-116 434 1.12 ISMS - 6 10d 4 1 10dx1-12 � 710- 8%� 8701 650. fi 16d 4 1 10d x 1-12 840 1 960 J M45 650 IMF-TL 111f2R 18 1-616 4-12 1-112 - _ ,6 10d HD6 4 110dx1-12HD6 695. � BOOJ F70:' '730. 3i. 8t, I F32 6 16d MG 4 �10dx1-7/2HD6 830 550 1MS .-in ' an Um 20 1-9116 6-N 1-12 15/16 _ 10 70d 6 10d x t-12 1186 1295 .1285 j -ass. S. � � 10 16d 6 1Dd x 1-12 1400 1800 17401 855: .L2BIF-R - 18 1-8H6 6-1/B 1-12 _ 8 10d HDG 4 10dx1-12 HD6930 loss ITim IAmv8 16d Lm6 4 10dx1-12HDG 1505112SI121532 Jim VMS 18 1-9ri6 4-13/i6 1-Y4 1 - 4 10d 4 10d :mtam 1p80��JUS28 UJS28 18 1.9116 6-0 1-34 1 6 10d 4 lod ltle 1270 1375 2x8 M11526 MI@6 18 1-9h6 5-1/I6 2 1 - 6 10d 6 10d 1285 r 14251 ISM, R1, MUS28 YDS28 18 1-9,16 7-1/I6 2 1 - 8 10d 8 10d 1710 1970 M40132 SUR26 026 16 1-'M6 5-118 2 13116 _ 6 10d 4 10dx1-12 -.750- B40 1 910•1 755' 6 16d 4 lDd x 1-12 880.1100L1 1080 j 755. SDt28 - 16 1-9116 6-SM 2 13/16 _ 8 10d 6 I 1O1x 1-12 1001 1120 =0 I -am 8 16d 6 1 10dx1-1R 1175 133511440 S00' 1 HUS26 HUS25 16 1 1-5/e 5-7A6 3 2 - 14 160 6 16d 27H1 31401 3345.1 1925 HL628 Ix678 16 1-51B 7-3116 3 2 - 22 16d 8 16d 4i7II 434.5 4945 1 2570.0F2HD28 � HI28 14 1-9116 5-1/4 2-12 1-tAl 8 IN 10dz1-1R 1 UmtUm a 1390 B25 HD210 H02f0 'I 14 1-LI6 7-3/I6 &12 1-1/B Uhl 104 16d 10dz1-12 Yas tl , $12410 ?610 1178 11UQXtlmdshaveheenilceuee60%tarvdMQaelsnicia3d;mfir0a'inoeasesha0beperMifai 2)16d shdms (0.148 da:3-1/4- � maybe used at 0Jt4 ufft able load vitae 16d mmmus am gxdw 7Ms dms mt applyto JIIS, HIS, MI6 stardna0 han9a- 3)FVJ16,1A6, and MI6 hmV= Nalh mutbe&men eta 30'to 45'am* LLejoist ortam bdo Me headerta addeve the table loads. bj NAeS10d x 1-12' na0s are A.148' ft x 1-12' kxg,10d nags M 0.148' dia.x3' bn0,16dna05 are 0.162' diz x 3-12' fig. New pmdnCs or updated pmdo7i darm flan am de%gnated In bBetmL ODvustan Finish ESbinlaw Steel IIGOId Coat WMG NT*Ie Zmc 4 �q� A w 4 �D 112 Conftjpd on net page Hangars .t_ 4 �4' •. n4i'14P :p .. Nr.. N.. N. `II N LV N NN�tN N N NN.:'111r :�N N'V 11)�yN N Nii'I 1 rrN..N� .,IN:.. /4f �. � . %a a�..•p'' �, ,.��. � �� j!�'�y�j"� � '�. p�p �.IIL. +I'�1 ��� 1��^�$ � � � {��L � � C � � � �.•. �' j(qS��{' �� 'bhp'? y�C�{ � � �..'; ,�� �,. 1• ''1 4 N � N, e •: T N 4 N N i' N N N N j��T�j T' N 1 N N '. . N :. N r[{a�G. ..�}' ; �. �'. 1 1 ' � N p',. � �:?' �' � A •' A' A' A A ,.A' A A Ilk g��w1 V V w w R:=:•:� A A BD a, A S A A gG m m I, of m ` .,''• �N�•j'N�N� W '' CNN �'I •Q �IsN NNNN N N NN � W'NN ,N�'hiNN N NO';r� ��^•' � ,_� 1�.�;���1��1:�����!'.i:.::'c:ri`�:''li:l:•gg� §�����1 ! ! I 1 ! 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TNmI'..--- - ?: %Na8 ~.] Flom ": Noof. - 10041159 125YG t6111G SM4 1C314 16 2-9,16 10-M6 2 1-118 _ 18 10d 6 1Bd%1-112 r 22501 MM 2TLi 1135 18 16d 6 10dxl-12 2645 33Z 36la 1. 1135. t0)314 HLM14 14 2.9/I6I 11-916 2-12 1-1/8 is led 10dxl-1/1 2465 SSW M 41M 4M 12 3z16 H0314F Rli=4 14 2-9/I6I11-Sms 2-12 - WR is led - lOdKI42-�. 27W 41m 29m 4435 :12eo (. 2136 Ala 24 HD316 ' Lr31H6 14 2-M6 13-MB 2-12 1-1/8 min Na is 26 led 8 10dx7-12 'ZM' 4®5 3125 4435 3353 44351 110 206 12 HD315ff H=S 14 2-9/I6I13-516 2-112 - Ml2 Na iB 26 led 8 10dx1-12 3m 3351 15m.' 12 4005. 44M 4d35 ZO45. . • •. :.-.:..-.r: .: 1 .. i"... ... .._.. _ ::':..... _ .: - .. ... .Nfn .:10:' 14'. .f6d - '•_.: '4 6: .:•;:=1 pd `,' .... 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". lEd... d - �, :. 1od:", i39B 7490.. 780 RSv wax ]850 may 2235 nm A626-3 1 W526-3 18 4-5/8 4-12 2 1 4 led 4 led 1040. 1185 1220 lam, J1528-3 I WS23-3 18 4-SM 1 6-318 2 1 6 16d 4 led 1325 1510 1645 130 SLM26-3 025-3 16 14-,% 15-114 2 1 - 8 led 2 10d IOBB 11m 1165 . 380' B I 15d 2 10d 1165 1165 11651 am . (3) 2 %8 HD26-3 HL126.3 14 4-5/8 4-12 2-12 1-118 Mn a 16d 4 led 12301 139D 14M1 780 Na 12 6 1850 1 M 2235 (. 1170 HD26-MF HHD26-3 14 4-518 4-12 2-12 - M 8 led 4 lad 190 1390 1490 780. Na 12 6 1850 7ai 2235 1170 HB28� - 14 45/B 6-318 2-12 1-1/8Aba min 10 16d 4 10d 15d0 1735 1865 = 14 6 2155 2430 2610 1170. - HD1&31F I tt - 14 4S41I 6-31e 2-12 - hm 10 tfi0 10d Na 14 a 21SSS 243(T 2fi10 11m JIS28-3 .'. LLS2bi-'.-18:- 4-sm 6-3/8'_ ' T :'1 :.' =. r6, .16d-' -4'I-`:'46d 1329 Isla 4645 1355 ` JI51163:^' C11S21p-3?.• '-Is-. 43R: --93= .Z -. I.. e,. .96dt .6' f .16d - 1845 21115 2m 1980': . - suH270-3:7. - • -¢" ..1IZ70-3 :. -.' .I-.::. . s..-.. 76.: ' •FS!8 ' 8-318.: 2�: •. �; 5. +'...•'.: ." . -10d- - 6: lod f 1750 I665 2120 1135'. 141. . -.6?: '..tOd .: 2060 '935 25m . 1135 ... z:2'4-719 Nn> _ 10 r::, ... • 18d :.k:-. _ ._ -:fOd:_ . 1540 1735 18✓u 78U.. 2155 24� 2610 11m f0128-3�sj.k ._498.' - E3R - 2-2 =;.. •: 11N..: 70:• .,: •. 16d iy : 4.1 .. a. jOd_-' ': _ ,i. 1540 1735 leas-780 . •blmr '1F. `.6-: 2155 24M 2610 117W :..:. - =- HD270-3 _ - .. 'HOZ1Q3" :. �.. ... ., 14r ., ... _ 448 '.8-111. .-.., 2-112 '7.c718 '1GT, �!1l.'-.:"' : . Yed ,� 6 . . _.:~:.. .} lad'f 2155 2436 2610 1Y7p 30M -3474 3L25 185p. 1i0,210-3ff. .; ;; F01(Zi0-3 •' = 14; 2il �•.'-,+. jam;,. :6.: �:.� '. 2155 240 2610 :1170: - 3080 MS.. 3M 1450 HDOZIa31F..' j'HLIW2ID.3 I'14::� 4341 :.9 - ..3.' 1= �'i:�: :12 'W53 .'6_ -..WSs :' W15 5590 55M 2M'j I 31,N7•Fa 1) Upmt mm bme EslealfiUm9arsch rofmtherinummslagbepnnfe4 2)led gdms(0.148 dfa.x3-1/4' long) may be used at 034 afthe Uk bad iM1ae 16d m/m/a6 arespecified. Tidy does rd applym JIM, Hlls. NUSsfardmg tmi9e<s 3)%WWoodS a me1/4'x3'bmgandmb=hA v&HDOhw ms 4) NABS IOd naft are a148' era %3' hg 1fid halls are 0.16T da x 3-12' bM New podutls orupddFd podusi bdmmffiro are deslgW m bluetmd. Cormsloe Finish NStabilm Sted RGDZCoat OHDG Wripie Zlne W �p� Con&med on ned page 117 42 Hangers film, MEN ,ri-ORMIRW Sm slim —,19 1J. 1"A a m pplo8N70 ;M, W., M.- SWS N NN ;8 'a '8 8 w M C4. j A Jim Ail OMON e2 Uj IE! fe 14 12 pomosou oj4Bj9 pv -oul Isoplanpul qUVj otoz o lqdpAdo3 N MINIMUM GRADE OF LUM13ER ' Top Chard 2x4 VP J2 BPC $1/J2 Dr t;ll.r BDU Chord 24(4) OR 20 SP #2N OR BPP 11/12 or WWI WPbq 20 0YP #S or boUer (1)•na MAY Pt MUTED FROM A YE. (PRTOH13) OR POUMFa V-) ffli- M EAaR VALLEY To EVERT PUPPORRNO TRUSS_ VIM IOd BOX (0,100' P UA NAILS OVE-M UP Fan no AM ARE 749 NOW ROCHr. W�BNLOWO. Exr. D. REPIOWOAL. YRNO is DL-S PSP. Ip '6RSA7 �LAUIHEO i r� i W-0"Max 201--Or' Max 5 AT 24" 0. SPACING. IUiNNLESS 9PFEDIFIEDyON DINUR'S �SEALEO DFSIaN. APPL 1x4 'F-BMC[ dDR WRII Od0B0 �I 73 II,E _I�AILB ATS1' 00.80R ODMIHUN7 0 AOHEDO EQUALLY BpAC Fan aW YAl WEEP ORNTER TFW1 iTT F. IN MAW)IUN Yaw YERRDAL Hem MAY NOT OIOSOI 11'-0'. TOP nIORD���Dr. TR B DENFATH VALLEY SLr UUSr BE DRAOID W1HI ' D p 11111 1uA ID, RATO MAMHO APPUEO PRIOR 'TO VALLtY TRUE! PeUNS AT 244 00.Oft AS OfAERWOC SPECIFIED ON EHOIRMS' SEALED DESION Bt VAIIEEyY TPUS86P USED W UEU Or PUnUH EPAAn10 AS SPEQIOES ON OIOOIEC�AR7Bry' O[AVpD AUENSION. S� �v,DR{y THE lop p 7N l,..Mtl UTN 7HC� VALLFTR IS YWVRj[D FCSHO THc SLOP4 DP 7Nt IOPPCHORO pUO9 (FF) IAROER SPANS I AI, 9E BLUT AS LONO AS T. I[ VERTICAL NOW DOES Roy ExORO 12- . BOTTOLI 64010B MAY BE SOUME OR PRONED CUr AS SHOWN. 12d :nEl axCUoRo o/pn/D�la: 5577UUe END VERT10 • n T rr F of bun dNhi on II JOINT DETAIL �[7 TO LL 20 20 IpSF TO OL 10' 'PSF 10 �116 sF BOOC LL 00 60 PSF Tom LOAB 40 46 1 PSF fABICIOI ACRB 1.28 1.28 I i i i t 0 �33 z`oX to I �N Z 0 * fRE 4P== i Asa 5 na'�69$ s s� a a N a 6 O m C] O N a R -E r- 5. 'C. 1 .'G Y 1111-111 VERNIER WHO Z)ical Ria rur INIMUM GRADE OF LDbtEl CIUM Sx4 DE IP1 ll chord 2x4 9YP j2 o W.be 294 OYP %J " REFER TO SEND DESION TOR DASHED PLATES UP= PIOO(a4CH %VnlCN.S AT 4' Do WOL ISPNOr DIHE0ILY CHIC µ5m DES MVSST BE SFMOERED So THAT ONE SPUCE v ORD. IF PIOOYMOK FNY D APPLIED BB ToIIP JORD Wsup ilmiOumna"Nuss. R@VI To ENPMEM 901" DEMON FOR REOM11M) PURUN SPACING. 7em����PG:��x�%Mv� w AppucaLL FGR THE ruun INo wm CONPRIONsr JU'upH YANG, Ja' MFAN Nor. ASCE 7.10 CLOSED BLDG. LOCATED ANYWHERE IN ROOF, 1 W. FROM Cal9r WN I. GfP 0. WeR WE OD �W. WIN010o 0U. Per /� ED79. BLDG.L-a P �� B FTiC2R ROOF ®b-ack ®ED�taiiI WEB BRACING CHART WEB LENGTH REQUIRED BRACING 0' TO 7'0" NO BRACING 10 'T" BRACE. SAME GRADE; Sp LIES AS WEB 7'9" TO 10' MEMBER, OR BETTER AND BOY. LENGTH OF WEB MEMBER. ATTACH WITH 5d NAILS AT 4" 0/C. 2x4 "T" BRACE. SAME GRADE, SPECIES AS WEB 10' TO 14' MEMBER, OR BETTER AND BOY. LENGTH OF WEB MEMBER. ATTACH WITH 1 Bd NAILS AT 4" O/C. JOINT SPANS Up TO TYPE 30' 34' 35' 52' A 2x4 2.5x4 2.50 ;3x5 El 4x6 5x6 5x6 5x6 C 1.50 1.5x4 1.5x4 I1.5x4, D 5x4 5x5 5x5 5x6 *ATTACH PIOGY13ACK WRH 8"xBx1/2" COX PLYWOOD WITH 4—#6d NAILS IN EACH BOTH FACES 0 '4'-0" O.C. MAX. Fo VY cd r F"I 1 Teecllan bmdny Is ml IM1e rnpomRAy of bme avr Imn lobWor, penaa cncVoyy Imml m oddce repoah enclion brudng EMch h de071 and damHoln damp erect vM vummad bro ewdllo oppkou m. use 'a -01 Sanmop ehnl oVom for bway. b 9cuhly k bmehlq meld pMe Trwen on to be mled and fwbned to Iadmad h Ibm no a h %9W dh%W to The Iop Ih IPldlhd an the I dutyn Imam Ihab bE tad ,mum to xnml &MogL ...-•-- and tae ME Maximun Loading 55paf at 1.33 Duration Factor 50psf at 1.25 Durollon Factor 47psf at 1.15 Duration Factor SPACING AT 24" G.C. SCAB -BRACE -DETAIL I ST-SCAB-BRACE Note ScalrBracing to be used when wntinuous �teral bracing midpoint (or T-Brace) is 'unpractical. Scab must cwjer frill length of web +P S". THIS DETAIL 1S NOTAPUCASLE WHEN BRACING IS REQUIRED ATV3•POINFS OR I -BRACE ISSPECIMM.• APPLY 2x SCAB TO ONE' FACE OF WEB WITH 2 ROWS OF 10d- 3-X 0.131') NAILS SPACED E'O.C. SCAB MUST BE THE SAME GRADE. SIZE AND , SPECIES (OR BETTER) AS THE WEB. " ' 1C\ MAXIMUM WEB AXIAL FORCE = 2500 ms MAXIMUM WEB LENGTH=•12'-0" SIZE SCAB BRACE 2x4 MINIMUM WEB MINIMUM WEB GRADE OF413 n NaSs� � Sec9on DefaH ®� Scab -Brace Web Scab -Brace must be same species grade (or better) as web member. L-BRACE DETAIL Nailing Pattern. L_-Brace s¢e Nail S'ae . Nail Spacing U4 or 10d 2X4, 6, or 8 16d B• D.C. Note. Nail along entire length of L-Brace. ' (On Two�Vs Nail to Both piles): ; ' '. �1 u� Web L-Brace must be same species grade (or better) as web member.. Note: L-Bracing tD be used when continuous literal bracing Is bnpracticai. L-brace must cover 90.%of web length: • L-Brace Size for One -Ply Truss Specified Continuous stows of Lateral Bra ang lNeb S¢e 1 2 2><3 or 2z4 U4 �• 2x6 iR6 �- 2� 2X8 «. __. nut l S SSTTTLMON NOTAPLICABLE, L-Brace S¢e forTwo-plyTruss Specified Continuous Rows Of Lateral Bracing WebS¢e 1 2 2uGi or2x4 2.x4 2x6 yxB «. 2u8 2xB «. — DUUiCT SUBSTMMON NOTAPLICABLE T-BRACE / I -BRACE DETA1t Note: T-Bracing / I -Bracing to be used when continuous lateral bracing is Impractical. T-Brace / I -Brace must cover 90% of web length. Note: This detail NOT to be used to coiWert T-Brace / 1 Brace webs to continuous lateral braced webs Nailing Pattern T-Brace size Na1SzL- Nafl Spacing 1x4 or 1x6 tod S' o.¢ 2x4 or 2xS or 2x6 16d B' o.c Note: Nail along entire length -of.-T-Brace l I -Brace• (On Two-Plys Nail to Both Plies) .: alternate position W® Nail Sec ft Detel T-Brace web alternateposition Na's Web (-Brace Na'Ls SPACING T•BRACE Brace Sim for One -ply Truss Specified Continuous Rows cf Lateral Bracing Web Size' 1 2, 2x9-or2x4 tx4(7T-Brace lx4(71-Brace 2x6 US (7 T-Brace W I -Brace 2x6 2x6 T-Brace 2x8 I -Braga Brace Si7e for Two-ply Truss Sparliied Continuous Rows of Lateral Bracing WebS' 1 2 2x3 or 2x4 W T-Brace 2x41-Brace 2x6 - 2x8 T-Brace 2xS I -Brace 2x8 2x6 T-Brace 2x6 I -Brace Brace / Mace, must be same species and grade (or better) as web member. - (q NOTE 9 SP webs are used in the tnuss U4 or 1x6 SP braces must be stress rated boards with design values that are equal to (or better) ttre truss web design values br SP buss lumber gales up to #2 with 1X bracing material, use IND 45 for T-Brece"race br SP truss lumber grades up to 41 with 1)_ brachv material, use IND 55 forT-BraceA Brace Job cuss HissType My 4503 T1 Common 4 1 Joh Reference (optional) soumem rtuss w., ran ne,m, r� scum 4x4 = 4 Dead Load Daft. - 118 in 3Y5 - 1Y4 11 3115 = 3Y0 = 1x4 11 105W/-2959 LOADING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 125 TCDL 15.0 Lumber DOL 125 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Inv YES BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017frP12014 LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No2 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 BRACING- TOPCHORD Structural woad sheathing directly applied or 2-7-0 oc purins. BOT CHORD Rigid ce0ing directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS. Qb/size) 2 = 1055/O4--0 (min. 0-1-8) 6 = 105510-4-0 (min. 0-1.8) Max Hom 2 = 61(LC 14) Max Uplift 2 =-295(LC 6) 6 =-295(LC 7) Max Grav 2 = 1055(LC 1) 6 = 1055(LC 1) FORCES. (Ib) Max CompJMax. Ten. -All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2.3=19OV441, 34=1380/405, 4-5=13801405, 5-6=1904/441 BOT CHORD 2-11=274/1724, 10-11=274/1724, 9-10=274/1724, 8-9=274/1724, 64-27411724 WEBS 4-10=244/868, 510= 658/182, 5-8=01303, 3-10=-6581181, 3-11=GM03 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof five loads have been considered for this design. 105541-295# CSI. DEFL in poc) Udell Lid PLATES GRIP, TC 0.74 Vert(LL) -0.10 2-11 >999 240 MT20 2441190 BC 0.72 Vert(CT) -025 2-11 >950 ISO VB 0.33 Horz(CT) 0.06 6 n1a n/a MattxS Weight 90 lb FT=10% 2) Mit ASCE7-10; VuIr160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=S.Opsf, BCDL=5.Opst h=18it CaL 11; Exp B; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) and CC Interior(l) zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;CC for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psi bottom Chord five bad noncencunent with any other five loads. 4) • This truss has been designed for a Me bad of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-5-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of buss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 @ uplift at joint(s) except 014- b) 2--295, 6=295. LOAD CASE(5) Standard \CE Bs ,-! /poi 41 �-0-1--- STATE S 1 11111E1\G�� Job Truss I Nss ype y 4503 TIA COMMON 1 1 Job Reference o 'onal o...u....,............e6..S.-.......-r......,..._,.-._.es.. _ _ ID:y1�UEeN7Euk916raHeT?ye0&-G4v�LpeIVUDYCCjSMs?x30xeOCUNrvFeI5K07yBye0ld_ _ 7£0 12W 12-1--0 20J-0 7.b-0 24f-0 2-e-0 7E-0 4x4 = 3 9=)L1789 Dead Load Ded. = 118 in 900G-1788 LOADING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in Doc) I/deft L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.39 Vert(LL) -0.10 1-9 >999 240 MT20 2441190 TCDL 15.0 Lumber DOL 125 BC 0.74 Vert(CT) -0.25 1-9 >957 180 BCLL O.D Rep Stress Ina YES We 0.36 Hom(CT) 0.06 5 r1a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017/rP12014 MatdxS Weight 84 lb FT= 10% LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP M 31 SOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 BRACING- TOPCHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-10-1 oc pudins. BOTCHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 8-5-13 oc bracing. REACTIONS. (lb/sae) 1 = 900/0-4-0 (min.0-1-8) 5 = 90010-4-0 (min. 0-1-8) Max Hom 1 = -51(LC 15) Max Uplift 1 = -17MC 6) 5 =-178(LC 7) Max Grav 1 = 9DO(LC 1) 5 = 900(LC 1) FORCES. Qb) Max. Comp./Max Ten. - All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOPCHORD 1-2--1974/570, 2-3=1437/484, 3-0=14371484, 4-5=1974/570 BOTCHORD 1-9-475/1814, 8-9�475/1814, 7-8�475/1814, 6-7=-475/1814, 5-6=475/1814 WEBS 3-8--350/942, 4-8--7n/248, 4-6=01310. 24i=7171248, 2-9=01310 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been Considered for this design. 2) Wmd: ASCE 7-10; Vult--160mph (3-second gust) Vastl=124mph; TCDL=S.Dpsf, BCDL=5.OpsL h=181L CaL It; Exp B; End., GCpi=o.18; MWFRS (envelope) and C C If terior(1) zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;GC for members and forces 8 MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord five load noncancurrent with any other We loads. 4) • This truss has been designed for a Me load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members 5) Pmvide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 Ib uplift at jomt(s) except al -lb) 1=178. 5=178. LOAD CASE(S) Standard f7 PE7 1 f ---- - — --- ------ ---- ------ r. __.STATE. /. ��: 3��•1� �vy� //J/SS10 A KAN O Job ILLSSTruss ype , T1GE GABLE 1 1 Job Reference (optional) soumem 1 toss w., ten n... rl »acid 4A = 8 9 3x4 = 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 3x4 = 314 = LOADING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in Ox) I/de8 LJd TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 125 TC 0.35 Vert(LL) -0.02 15 n/r 120 TCDL 15.0 Lumber DOL 125 BC 0.12 Vert(CT) -0.05 15 n/r 120 BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress Inc- YES VJB 0.03 Horz(CT) 0.00 14 r9a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017rIP12014 MatuS LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 OTHERS 2x4 SP No.3 BRACING- TOPCHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 64-0 be purls BOTCHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 1 G-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS. AD bearings 204-0. (to) - Max Hom 2= 61(LC 14) Max Uplift All uplift 100 lb or less at joint(s) 23, 24, 25. 26, 27. 21. 19, 18, 17, 16 except 2=167(1-C 6), 14=176(LC 7) Max Gmv Ali reactions 250 lb or less at joint(s) 22, 23. 24, 25. 26, 27, 21, 19. 18. 17, 16 except2=329(LC 1), 14=329(LC 1) FORCES. (Ib) Max. CompdMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wrict ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (&second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=S.Ops ,, BCDL=5.0ps ,, h=1811; Cat II; Exp B; Encl., GCpi-0.18; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Interior(1) zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind (nomal to the face), see Standard Industry Gable End Details as applicable, or consult qualified building designer as per ANSMI 1. 4) All plates are tx4 MT20 unless otherwise indicated. 5) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 6) Gable studs spaced at 14-0 oc. 7) The truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom - chord five load noncancu ent withany other live loads. - 8)' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle a-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 9) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 to uplift at joint(s) 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 21,19, 18. 17. 16 except Ot- b) 2=I67, 14=176. LOAD CASE(S) Standard PLATES GRIP MT20 244/190 Weight1011b FT=10% PE7 1 ---------- - ---- - �'0 - STATE --r a— n SS10 III II��G - 3 ion Truss russ lype 4503 T2 COMMON 2 1 Job Reference (opfi.rati =� ,Nw w., .o,. 1-. 11.,.,o, ID.y7nIgUEeNTEuk916raH8T?yeUfx-�S25EIUmY9Tuz1VJE7L5UO3VXCW60NB1C6ZeuD14ye016 --2-00 174 r d-d 8450 tt4-0 0 _ 19d0 r 2-0-0 6-0-0 I 2$0 I 2A-0 I rs0-0 9170/-5070 LOADING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 125 TCDL 15.0 Lumber DOL 125 BCLL 0.0 • Rep Stress Ina YES BCDL 10.0 Code FBC20171TP12014 LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No2 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 BRACING- TOPCHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-4-7 oc pudins. BOTCHORD Rigid calling directly applied or4-6-14 oc bracing. REACTIONS. Qb/size) 2 = 917/0-8-0 (min. 0-1-8) 6 = 91710-M (min. 0-1-8) Max Horn 2 = 55(LC 6) Max Uplift 2 = -507(LC 6) 6 = -507(LC 7) Max Grav 2 = 917(LC 1) 6 = 917(LC 1) FORCES. (to) Max. Comp./Mac Ten. - All forces 250 0b) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=1512/1598, 34=1102/1220, 4-5=110217220, 5-6=151211598 BOT CHORD 2-11=137511357, 10-11=1375/1357, 9-10=1375/1357, 8.9=137511357, 641--1375/1357 WEBS 4-10=-691/571, 5-10�4561509, 5-8=320210, 3-10=4561509, 3-11>320210 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. lx4 II 4x4 = 4 319 = CSI. DEFL in Qoc) Waft Ud TC OA9 Vert(LL) 0.13 2-11 >999 240 BC 0.48 Vert(CT) -0.11 2-11 >999 180 VJS 022 Hou(CT) 0.04 6 n1a We MatrlxS 2) Wmd: ASCE 7-10; Vuh=160mph (--second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=5.Opsf, BCDL=5.Opsf; h=1511; Cat II; ExpB; End., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) and CC Interior(1) zone; nntllever left and right exposed ; porch left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shovm; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psi bottom lard We load nonconcurnem with any other We loads. 4) • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas when: a rectangle 3—" tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of witostanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) except rib) 2=507, 6=507. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Dead Load Defl. =1/16 m - 917,I 5070 PLATES GRIP' MT20 244/190 Weight 77 In FT=10k F N \^� PE7 r * K A * M ice\ g.$•ty--i(v� w d JOD Imes NS$ lype y 45M T2A COMMON 1 1 Job Red...o 'onal ..=wa6irt,6r��.,. rc.Hewy�owio mire.. ��a.�amo. nua uwaeV +m.r,.,ocu Z4ag ID:Y1�IcIeMEuk916raHeT?ve0fx-hfeTR9Jib_nph3gZG2htvRy6e3knitln2Vvye0la17-4-0 Dead Load Dell. =1116 in 4x4 = 3 tr e e tr n �d 7 tr tr 3x4 = 9 1x4 II 8 34 = 3x4 — 6 1x4 II t 4 3x4 = 750A41496 750W-149d 6-0-0 8-60 114-0 174-0 6-0-0 2A-0 l 6-0-0 LOADING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (roc) I/deft Ltd PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.56 Vert(LL) -0.05 8 >999 240 MT20 244/1`90 TCDL 15.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.52 Vert(CT) -0.13 1-9 >999 180 BCLL 0.0 • Rep Sbesslna YES W3 0.25 Hom(CT)- 0.04 5 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017/TP12014 Matm(S Weight 71 It, FT= 10% LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No2 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 BRACiNG- TOPCHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-7-5 oc pudins. BOTCHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 9-4-14 oc bracing. REACTIONS. (Ib/size) 1 = 7501041-0 (min. 0-1.6) 5 = 750/0-8-0 (min. 0-1-8) Max Horz 1 = 44(LC 11) Max Uplift 1 = -149(LC 6) 5 = -149(LC 7) Max Grdv 1 = 750(LC 1) 5 = 750(LC 1) FORCES. (Ib) Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 Qb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=1625/470, 2-3=1173/388, 34=1173/388, 4-5=1625/470 BOTCHORD 1-9=39011487, 8-9=390/1487, 7-8--39011487, 6-7=390/1487, 5E=390/1487 WEBS 34l=223/657, 4-8=.541/190, 2-8=541/190 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wnd: ASCE 7.10; Vutt=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=5.Opsf, BCDL=5.Opsf, h=18fk Cat. II; Exp B; End., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Interior(1) zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 pat bottom chord We load nonconcurrerd with any other live loads. 4) • This truss has been designed for a live Ioad of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 Vida will tit between the bottom chord and any other members. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) except rib) 1=149, 5=149. LOAD CASE(S) Standard (/ PE 71W 0---STA3'E�, f-�C O N55 rnss ype y 45 T2GE GABLE 1 1 Job Reference (optional .,-...�„,...�...., �..... ...,�.., rtun. _--__ s] mwiarnnmUJD.yupUEeN7Euk916mTeDfxAOe74njdmme7sewplJa m:ar19lad2-0g1Pagel -9buWr8nuOxNK5yye01Z 2bs-" 17-4-0 28-8-0 8$U �1 4x4 = la .1 la 1D 14 3xa= 3x4 = t d 174-0 LOADING(pst) SPACING- 2-0-0 CS]. DEFL in Qoc) Udell Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 125 TC 0.35 Vert(LL) -0.02 13 Mr 120 MT20 244/190 TCDL 15.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.12 Vert(CT) -0.05 13 n1r 120 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stre55lncr YES WB 0.03 Horz(CT) 0.00 12 n/a Ma BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017rrP12014 Matrix-S Weight 82 lb FT = 10 LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOTOTHERS 8) •This toss has been designed fora live load of 2x4 SP No.3 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a BRAGG- rectangle 3140 tall by 2-D-0 wide will fit between the TOP CHORD bottom chord and any other members. Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-D oc 9) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to pudins. bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at BOT CHORD joint(s) 20. 21, 22, 23, 17, 16, 15. 14 except gt=-Ib) 2=170 Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. ' 12=178. i REACTIONS. All bearings 174-0. (lb) Max Horz LOAD CASE(S) 2= 5(LC 6) Standard �. Max Uplift All uplift 100 Ib or less at joint(s) 20, 21. 22, 23, 17, 16, 15, 14 except 2=170(LC 6), 12=178(LC 7) Max Grav I All reactions 250 lb or less aljoings) 19, 20, 21, 72, 23, 17, 16, 15, 14 except 2=326(LC 1), 12=326(LC 1) FORCES. (Ib) Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. ' NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for _ this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vuh=160mph (3.seccnd gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=S.Opsf, BCDL=5.Opsf, h=1 sit; CaL It; F-V B; Encl., GCp'r-0.18; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C ( Interior(l) zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Truss designed for wind bads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind (normal to the face), see Standard IndustryGable End Details as applicable, or �.� S� �`•t- // _ consult qualified building designer as per ANSI/TPi 1. 4) All plates are 1x4 MT20 unless otherwise indicated. 5) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 6) Gable studs spaced 1 7) This truss has been designed fora loth psf bottom de fora designed five loatlnonconwrteM-wfth % --drortl any -other rive loads. _ ---�-----.--.,-` .___ ______. __. �-p.—._-STA-{E 1 I LOADING(psf) SPACING- 24)-0 TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 125 TCDL 15.0 Lumber DOL 125 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Inc YES BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017RPI2014 LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.3 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.3 BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-" oc pudins. BOTCHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS. (Ib/sim) 1 = 9914-0-0 (min. 0-1-8) 3 = 9914-0-0 (min. 0-1-8) Max Hoa 1 = 6(1-C 14) Max Uplift 1 = -20(LC 6) 3 = -20(LC 7) Max Gmv 1 = 99(LC 1) 3 = 99(LC 1) FORCES. Qb) Max Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 cab) or less except when shown. NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2)1Mnd:•ASCE 7.10; Vulr160mph (3- acond gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=S.Opst BCDL=S.Opsf, h=18R Cat. II; Exp B; End., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Interior(1) zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psi bottom chord live load nonconc ment with any other five loads. 5) • This truss has been designed for a rive load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 24)-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4.00 12 2 3 2x4 � 2x4 C CSI. DEFL in Qoc) 1/defi L/d PLATES GRIP TC 0.04 Vert(LL) n/a - We 999 M1720 244/190 BC 0.11 Vert(CT) rda - Na 999 NB 0.00 Horz(CT) 0.00 3 n1a n/a Matra-P Weight 9 to FT = 10 h 6) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) 1, 3. LOAD CASE(S) Standard PE 7 1 f -0-1— -STATE. G���\� - /�'////S10NA 11EN1���\ ion Truss ' russ lype Y 4.A3 Ira Veky 2 1 Job Reference .2' .. soumem cuss w.. ran ne,rc. r� e+wi �.� ..,....,,..... ., .. �.. � ..,...,....., o...,,-.. -...............__a....�...._ ...-.,...._ ._._..._ -_ •_ • "'- -.— ID:ytnlg EeN'TEuk916raH8T.?ye0lx-d1kEsMMig4dlgDFpoUeBeh75DjD2eM1F66ue0ye01Y 4.00 f 12 2x4 2 4 4x4 = 1M II 2A LOADING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSL DEFL in Qoc) Well Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 125 TC 0.32 Vert(L-) n/a - Na 999 UT20 244/190 TCDL 15.0 Lumber DOL 125 BC 0.16 Vert(CT) We - Na 999 BCLL 0.0 • Rep Stress Ina YES VO 0.04 Horz(CT) 0.00 3 n/a Tda BCDL 10.0 Code FBC20171TP12014 Mabix-P Weight 23 lb FT =10% LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.3 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.3 OTHERS bA SP No.3 BRACING- TOPCHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc pur ins BOTCHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS. (lb/sae) 1 = 13518-0-0 (min. 0-1-8) 3 = 13518-0-0 (min. 0-1-8) 4 = 28718-0-0 (min. 0-1-8) Max Hom 1 = -15(LC 15) Max Uplift 1 = 38(LC 6) 3 = -40(LC 7) 4 = 34(LC 6) Max Grev 1 = 135(LC 1) 3 = 135(LC 1) 4 = 287(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live bads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7.10; Vu"- 60mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=5.0psf; SCDL=S.0psf, h=I M Cat It,, Exp B; End., GCpr-0.18; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Interior(1) zone; fanhlever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces & MVJFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcunent with any other live bads. 5) • This truss has been designed for a five load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-64 tall by 2-04 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)1. 3, 4. LOAD CASE(S) Standard "IE c ress cuss ype Y �Y 4503 v12 Valley 2 Job Refererrce (optional) Y_9_bOzLR ____._.....___�_._e�__.__... _.._____.._ ---. - - - -- - - -- ID. tnl U N7Euk916mHeT_?yeDfz_SEIUhMHNg7MB9DBvg9eNsJ1tlBTFsRAryeOIX - 6410 4X5 = 2 4 3X4 tX4 II 3X4 C LOADING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (loc) Well Lid PLATES GRIP, TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 125 TC 0.66 Ved(LL) n/a - Na 999 MT20 2441190 TCDL 15.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.45 Verl(CT) We - n/a 999 BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress Ina YES VJB 0.07 Horz(CT) 0.00 3 n1a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017r1P12014 MatrbrS Weight 36 to FT =10°h LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.3 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.3 OTHERS 2c4 SP No.3 BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-04 oc pudins. BOTCHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 1011-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS. OWSIZa) 1 = 197112-0-0 (min. 0-1-8) 3 = 1971124)-0 (min.0-1-8) 4 = 525112-M (min. 0-1-8) Max Hoe 1 = -25(LC 11) Max Uplift 1 = -52(LC 6) 3 = S5(LC 11) 4 = -79(LC 6) Max Gray 1 = 203(LC 21) 3 = 203(LC 22) 4 = 52WC 1) FORCFS. (Ib) Max CompJMax Ten. - All fonts 250 0b) or less except when shown. WEBS 2-4=372/183 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult-160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=S.Opsf, BCDL=5.0psf, h=18fF Cat It Exp B; Encl., GCpi=0.18; WERS (envelope) and C-C Interior(1) zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate gdp DOL=1.60 3) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom —chord live load nonconcument with any other Me loads, - 5) • This buss has been designed for a We load of 2O0psf w the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of buss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb upfift at joint(s)1, 3.4. LOAD CASE(S) Standard — — -----���-= ATE. -7- `-_- — r o cuss mss ype $503 V16 vdO 2 t Job Reference ipgonah SOMM Toss Co., Fort me=. FL U951 R�B3aos nu mi0iB rn�B230 sAup 28201E A4Teklnbustnes, loci Trw Se 1315:41'1]201B Pape% _ _IDy1nIgUEeN7EulOI6nWi-e e0&-2Or H1NVMi5C3XOC.Wvhgj6DPRXv82V8Kvb-iHyeOR 841-0 sa-o 4x4 = 3 3x4 a a 7 6 3x4 a 1X4 II 1x4 II 1x4 II LOADING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in pco) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 125 TC 0.33 Vert(LL) n/a - Na 999 MT20 244/190 TCDL 15.0 Lumber DOL 125 BC 0.19 Vert(CT) n/a - n/a 999 BCLL 0.0 • Rep Stress Ina YES WB 0.05 Horz(CT) 0.00 5 n1a n1a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC20177rPI2014 MatrocS Weight 52 Ib FT=10% LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.3 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.3 OTHERS 2x4 SP No.3 BRACING- TOPCHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-04 oc pudins. BOTCHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 104)-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS. Aft bearings 16-0-0. Qb) - Max Horz 1= 35(LC 14) Max Uplift Ali uplift 100 lb or less atjoint(s) 1, 5.7 except 8=111(LC 10), 6=111(LC 11) Max Grav A0 reactions 250 lb or less at joint(s) 1, 5 except 7=326(LC 1), 8=378(LC 21). 6=379(LC 22) FORCES. (ib) Max. CompdMax Ten. - All forces 250 Qb) or less except when shown. WEBS 2-8=297/170, 4-6 -297/170 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wnd: ASCE 7.10; VuIr160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=S.Ops(; BCDL=S.Opsf, h=1lift CaL II; Exp B; End., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Interior(1) zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces 8 MWFRS for reactions shcvm; Lumber 1301-=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 4) This buss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord five load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5) • This buss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-04) tall by 2.0-0 wide w01 fit between the bottom chord and any ._othermembers..—. 6) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of buss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) 1, 5.7 except (1t=1b) 8=111, 6=111. LOAD CASE(S) Standard �N�� \GENS' - <�/� -PE7 /S QNA,IENG\\\\\\