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April 3, 2012
Mrs. Ila Jones
Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation
Codes & Standards Office
2555 Shumard Oak Blvd.
Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100
RE: Plan Review
DCA Approval
South Country Sheds —Gable Style Shed
Dear Mrs. Jones,
St. Lucie County
Pursuant to the requirements of the Florida Department of Business and Professional
Regulations, the above referenced documents have been reviewed for compliance with:
2010 Florida Building Code
These plans comply with Florida Product Approval Rule 9N-3 (FAC)
A signed and sealed set of plans are maintained on file in the Third Party Agency office
of PSI.
All mandatory comments have been satisfied and plans are approved for construction by a
modular building manufacturer that is currently approved by the Department of Business
and Professional Regulations.
If you have any questions or require my assistance in any way, please do not hesitate to
contact me.
Respectfully submitted, b
� -
William E. Neary, I
Department Manager
Modular Facilities Division
Copy to: Mr. Orlando Penner, South Country Sheds
Professional Service Indushies, Inc. • 1748 33" Street - Orlando, FL 32839 - Phone 4071304-5560 - Fax 4071304-5561
FL Engineering Business 3684