HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIELD - LAB REPORTl cw? '-00 91 U V E R S A L Typedt No.: 1 M rch 10, 2019 047 Date GTI�TE ERTNTG S CTEFTC �S cFrvFD CO."ItantS ln: Geotechnical Engineering •Environmental Sciences Geophysical Services • Materials Testing • Threshold Inspection MAR I Building Review 31018 Code Administration, Compliance Inspection&Plan Per i. St 820 Brevard Avenue, Rockledge, FL 32955 - P: 321.638.0808 - F: 321.638.0978 h".9 an Construction Materials Testing Services nls �vvyfy nr FIELD AND LABORATORY REPORT COVER PAGE Client: Ryan Homes SCANNED 1450 Centrepark Blvd Suite 340 BY West Palm Beach, FL 33401 St. Lucie County Project: Oakland Lake Subdivision Lot 41 5365 Oakland Lake Circle Permit 190100 1;,_Ft. Pierce, St. Lucie County, FL As requested, Universal Engineering Sciences, Inc. (LIES) representative(s) performed construction materials testing and/or field inspection services on the above project. Testing results and/or inspection observations are reported on the attached sheets. The contents of this package are summarized below: Scope of Work Work Order No. Date Type of Report 107622-1 02/28/2019 In -Place Density Test Report w/Activity Record We hope this information is sufficient for your immediate needs. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Attachments (1) Sincerely, Universal Engineering Sciences, Inc. Certificate of Authorization No. 00000549 l\.1unu rrr,J ,f���� . Richard E. 410EtVs� Hoaglin, P.E. •.Z= % ���£ 2019.03.13 N9.48796 10:58:46 STAT�bF�-04'00' .` A_ 3 Richard E. Hoaglin, P.E. FLORIDA Professional Engineer No. 48796 This item has been electronically signed and sealed by Richard E. Hoaglin, P.E. using a Digital Signature. Printed copies of this document are not considered signed and sealed and the signature must be verified on any electronic copies. ICC Email: cbugg@nvdnc.com; rhager@nvrinc.com; sign/seal MAIL to ryan homes at 5369 Oakland Lake, Ft. Pierce, FL 32941 Revised May 2015 . 251.0 310.1747 N' "' RSAI—' 11FS 107622-00ARC -! --, RO nrtNN� n42! tiENGINEERING SCIENCES On -Site Time (hrs): 1 .00 Consultants In: GeotechnicalEngineering sEnvironmental Sciences Lab Time (hrs): 0.00 Geophysical Services a Materials Testing • Threshold Inspection Travel Time (hrs): 0.50 Building Code Administration, Compliance Inspection Vlan Review Total Time (hrs): 1.50 820 Brevard Avenue, Rockledge, FL 32955 - P: 321.638.0808 - F: 321.638.0978 Activity Record Client: Ryan Homes 1450 Centrepark Blvd Suite 340 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Project: Oakland Lake Subdivision Lot 41 5365 Oakland Lake Circle Permit #1902-0091, Ft. Pierce, St. Lucie County, FL Date of Activity: Thursday, 28 February, 2019 Technician: Cliff Cherrnav As requested, a Universal Engineering Sciences Technician was present at the above referenced project site for the purpose of earthwork testing for the House pad # 41. While on site, the technician observed the general condition of the areas to be tested and performed 4 density test(s) for House pad # 41. All test(s) were performed in accordance with the ASTM D-6938 Nuclear Gauge Method and were found to meet the project compaction requirements of 95% of the maximum dry density per ASTM D-1557. The Contractor was notified of the test results or a copy was left for their records. U N I'ViE RSA L -ENGINEERING-SCIENCES- Consultants In: Geotechnical Engineering • Environmental Sciences Geophysical Services • Materials Testing • Threshold Inspection Building Code Administration, Compliance Inspection & Plan Review 820 Brevard Avenue, Rockledge, FL 32955 - P: 321.638.0808 - F: 321.638.0978 In -Place Density Test Report uc Project No: 0310.1700251.0047 UES DOCS No: -UES-Report-No:-107622-1-DT-022819-- -- Client: Ryan Homes 1450 Centrepark Blvd Suite 340 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Project: Oakland Lake Subdivision Lot 41 5365 Oakland Lake Circle Permit #1902-0091, Ft. Pierce, St. Lucie County, FL Area Tested: House pad # 41 Type of Test: Field: ASTM D-6938 Nuclear Gauge Method Date of Test: 02/28/2019 Lab: ASTM D1557 Modified Proctor Technician: Cliff Cherrnay Requirements: 95% of Proctor maximum dry density. These tests apply to the fill and/or surficial soil conditions only and do not address the condition of the underlying soils below the tested depths. Test No. Location of Test Range Depth (inch) Proctor (2) Field Dry Density (PCF) Field Moisture % % Compaction Comments (3) 1 NM test 0-1 ft 12.00 23343 105.6 11.9 96 A 2 SM test 0-1 ft 12.00 23343 108.6 11.4 99 A 3 S/E test 0-1 ft 12.00 23343 105.6 12.0 96 A 4 N/E test 0-1 ft 12.00 23343 107.0 11.6 98 A (1) Ref. Datum: 0 = Top of Final Grade (3) Comments Key (2) Maximum Optimum A. Compaction meets min. requirements Proctor Dry Moisture B. Compaction does not meet min. requirements # Density Content C. Moisture does not meet requirements 23343 109.5 12.5 D. Recompaction required E. Recompacted, Retested, Meets Requirements This test was performed without deviation from ASTM procedures. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of Universal Engineering Sciences.