HomeMy WebLinkAbout350 MORTH ROCK ROAD PAPERWORK 2SYSTEM DESIGNER REGISTRATION/STATE ARCHITECT : MECHANICAL: PLUMBING ELECTRICAL: LIGHTING (*) Signature is required where Florida law requires design to be performed by registered design professionals. Typed names and registration numbers may be used where all relevant information is contained on signed/sealed plans. BUILDING ENVELOPE SYSTEMS COMPLIANCE CHECK 401------- GLAZING --ZONE 1------------------------------------------------ v- Elevation Type U • SC VLT Shading ---- ---- -------------- Area(Sgft) ---------- ------- ----------------- ---- South Residential 1.16 1 1 None 27 East Residential 1.16 1 1 None 27 Total Glass Area in Zone 1 = 55 Total Glass Area = 55 .402------- WALLS --ZONE 1------------------------------------------------ --- Elevation Type U Insul R ----- ------- Gross(Sgft) ----------- ----------------------------------------- North Mtl Bldg wall/R-11 Batt .084 it 396 South Mtl Bldg wall/R-11 Batt .084 11 396 East Mtl Bldg wall/R-11 Batt .084 it 225 - Total Wall Area in Zone 1 = 1017 Total Gross Wall Area = 1017 403.------DOORS--ZONE 1------------------------------------------------ --- Elevation Type U ----- Area(Sgft) ---------- --------------------------------------------------- North 1-3/4 Steel Door-Fiberglass/Mineral woo 0.60 41 Total Door Area in Zone 1 = 41 Total Door Area = 41 404ROOFS --ZONE 1------------------------------------------------ --- ------- Type Color U Insul R ------ ------------ Area(Sgft) ---------- ------------------------------------ Mtl Bldg Roof/R-19 Batt Medium .051 30 1100 Total Roof Area in Zone 1 = 1100 Total Roof Area = 1100 405FLOORS -ZONE 1------------------------------------------------ --- ------- Type Insul R ------- Area(Sgft) ---------- ------------------------------------------------ Slab on Grade/Uninsulated 0 1100 Total Floor Area in Zone 1 = 1100 Total Floor Area = 1100 406------- INFILTRATION -------------------------------------------------- --- Infiltration Criteria in 406.1.ABCD have been met. (CHECK MECHANICAL SYSTEMS ------------- CHECK - ---------------------------------------------------- ---- --- 'HVAC load sizing has been performed. (407.1.ABCD) 407,: ------ COOLING SYSTEMS----------------------------------------------- --- Type No Efficiency IPLV Tons '---------------------------- ------------- ------------------- 1:,,Split System 1 10 .83 3.83 408------- HEATING SYSTEMS----------------------------------------------- --- Type No Efficiency BTU/hr -------------------------------- --------------------------- 1. Electric Resistance 1 10 34000 409.---'--- VENTILATION --------------------------------------------------- --- I Ventilation Criteria in 409.1.ABCD have been met. I CHECK 410------ AIR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM---------------------------------------- --- CHECK -------------------------------------------------I----- --- AHU Type r ----------------------------------- 1. Air Conditioners Duct Location R-value ----------------------------- Unconditioned Space 6 CHECK - PLUMBING SYSTEMS 411.' ---- PUMPS AND PIPING -ZONE 1 --------------------------------------- Type R-value/in Diameter Thickness --------------------------------------------------- 412.-----WATER HEATING SYSTEMS -ZONE 1------- --------------------------- Type Efficiency StandbyLoss InputRate Gallons ---------------------------------------------------------------- ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS CHECK 413.-----ELECTRICAL POWER DISTRIBUTION---------------------------- ----- Metering criteria in 413.1.ABCD have been met. 414------ MOTORS --------------------------------------------------- ----- Motor efficiencies in 414.1.ABCD have been met. 415------ LIGHTING SYSTEMS -ZONE 1 --------------------------------------- Space Type No Control Type 1 No Control Type 2 No Watts Area(Sgft) ---------- ----------------- ----------------- --- ------ ---------- Reading, T 3 On/Off 2 948 529 Recreation 1 On/Off 2 156 156 Conference 1 On/Off 2 400 400 Total Watts for Zone 1 = 1504 Total Area for Zone 1 = 1085 Total Watts = 1504 Total Area = 1085 CHECK Lighting criteria in 415.1.ABCD have been met. ------- '----------------------------------------------------------- ----- 16. Operation/maintenance manual will be provided to owner.(102.1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIN RNW21393 RIGHT-NZONE SUMMARY Units: U.S. customary (I—P) May 11, 2001 For: AMERICAN CONCRETE INDUSTRIES By: Job #: Zone: ONE COOLING LOAD 1. DESIGN CONDITIONS at Inside: 75 OF Outside: RH: 50 % Moisture: 3PM Peak load at 3PM 90 OF TD: 15 OF 61 qr/lb Mult: 1.0 Sensible 2. SOLARRADIATION THROUGH GLASS 2542 3. TRANSMISSION GAINS Sensible 5921 Walls: 1026 - Glass: 420 Doors: 336 Partitions: 0 Floors: 0 Roofs/Ceilings: 2473 Return Air Ceiling. 1665 4. INTERNAL HEAT GAIN Sensible Occupants: 3245 Lights: 5904 Motors: 0 Appliances & Other. 0 5. RWILTRATION: Outside air cfm: 6. SUBTOTAL: Space load 7. SUPPLY DUCT 8. SUBTOTAL: Bldg comp's and supply duct Actual cfm: 1600 at Supply TD: 9. VENTILATION: Make—up air cfm: 10. RETURN AIR LOAD: Lighting & roof (net) 11. RETURN DUCT 12. TOTAL LOADS ON EQUIPMENT HEATING LOAD 13. DESIGN CONDITIONS Inside: 70 OF Outside: 42 OF 14. TRANSMISSION LOSSES Walls: 1708 Glass: 784 Doors: 627 Partitions: 0 Floors: 2513 Roofs/Ceilings: 882 Return Air Roof 882 15. INFH.TRATION: Outside air cfm: 16. SUBTOTAL: Building components 17. SUPPLY DUCT: 18. VENTH.ATION: Make—up air cfm: 19. HURUDIFICATION 20. RETURN DUCT 21. TOTAL HEATING LOAD ON EQUIPMENT Ins.wb 63 °F Latent Latent 9149 2615 2615 - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 17612 2615 881 - 18627 20 - - 160 2640 6682 4578 528 - 26238 9297 Mult: 1.0 TD: 28 OF 7396 49 1511 8907 891 160 4928 2530 267 17523 Manual N: 4th Edition Right-N: Ver.3.0.04 Certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual Form N SIN RNW21393 RIGHT-NCO1"JMRCIALf INDUSTRIAL LOAD CALCULATION May 11, 2001 For. AMERICAN CONCRETE INDUSTRIES Zone: BREAK ROOM Page: 1 Job #: City: Fort Pierce, FL, US By: LWH: 13.0 x 12.6 x 9.0 ' Units: U.S. customary (I-P) 1. DESIGN CONDITIONS - COOLING ( 3PM , August ) DryBlb RH Moisture Range WetBlb Outdoor Conditions > 90 59 15 78 ' Indoor Conditions > 75 50 63 TOD Correction > 0 . Difference 15 61 2. GLAZING SOLAR BEAT GAIN ( Lat = 27.00 ON, Coast Wt = M ) Type Dir Shad Tilt %ovr Area Sfact Shgf Shad Sens GLAZ 1 s N 90 0.0 0 0.89 38 1.0 0 3. TRANSMISSION GAINS Type Du GrArea NtArea Uval Grp CLTD Shad CIr Sens GLAZ 1 s 0 0 0.500 15.0 N - 0 WALL 1 N 117 97 0.067 E 10.3 N L 67 DOOR 1 N 20 20 0.560 15.0 - - 168 FLOR 1 - 13 13 0.810 0.0 - - 0 ROOF 1 - 152 152 0.030 RC-1 78.5 - D 358 RARF 1 - 152 152 0.030 RC-1 73.5 - - 336 RACL 1 - 152 152 0.300 5.0 - - 227 4. INTERNAL BEAT GAIN Sens Latent People 3 x Perperson: sensible 245 Intent 155 735 465 0 x Perperson: sensible 300 latent 300 0 0 Lights Incandescents in RA Ceiling 0 x 3.4 x 60% 0 Fluorescents in RA Ceiling 300 x 4.1 x 60% 738 Incandescents other 0 x 3.4 x 100"/6 0 Fluorescents other 0 x 4.1 x 100% 0 Motors Nmbr Power Gain Load Fact Usage 1 1 0.00 0 1.00 1.00 0 2 1 0.00 0 1.00 1.00 0 3 1 0.00 0 1.00 1.00 0 Appl. Nmbr Type Sens Latent Usage 1 1 0 0 1.00 0 0 • 2 1 0 0 1.00 0 0 3 1 0 0 1.00 0 0 ,{ 4 1 0 0 1.00 0 0 1 5 1 0 0 1.00 0 0 Other 1 0 0 1.00 0 0 5. INFILTRATION Sens Latent 0 cf m > x db Temp Diff 15.0 x 1.1 0 > x Moist. Diff 61.4 x 0.68 0 6.1 SUBTOTAL COOLING LOAD FOR SPACE 2293 465 Manual N: 4th Edition Right-N: Ver.3.0.04 Certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual Form N Job #: Page: 2 7. SUPPLY DUCT HEAT GAIN Gain factor 0.05 x Line 6 Sensible Gain 115 9. 1 COOLING FAN SIZING Sum of Duct Gain (7 ), Line (6 ) & DmwthruFan = 2425 (L 8 Sens ) / (1.1 x Supply TD ) = cfm Est Cooling cfm = ( 2425) / (1.1 x 20.0 ) = 110 Actual Cooling Fan > = 206 9. VENTILATION 20 cfrn > x dbTempDiff 15.0 x 1.1 330 > x Moist. Diff 61.4 x 0.68 835 10. RETURN AIR LOAD FROM LIGHTING AND ROOF Incandescent Lights 0 Watts x 3.4 x 40% 0 Fluorescent Lights 300 x 4.1 x 40% 492 RA Roof Load fromLine 3 M 336 RA Ceiling Load Credit from Line 3 (-) 227 11. RETURN DUCT HEAT GAIN Gain factor 0.03 x Line 6 Sensible Gain 69 12. TOTAL COOLING LOADS ON EQUIPMENT (Btah) 3424 1300 SPACE HEATING LOAD CALCULATION 13. HEATING DESIGN TEMPERATURE Heating TD = (Inside DB - Outside DB) _ ( 70 - 42) = 28 [ Mult = 1.0 ] - 14. TRANSMISSION LOSSES Type Expos GrArea NetAtea Uval HTD Loss GLAZ 1 a 0 0 0.500 28.0 0 14ALL 1 N 117 97 0.067 28.0 182 DOOR 1 N 20 20 0.560 28.0 314 FLOR 1 - 13 13 0.810 28.0 295 ROOF 1 - 152 152 0.030 1 28.0 128 15. INFILTRATION Loss 7 cfm x dbTempDiff 28.0 x 1.1 227 16. SUBTOTAL HEATING LOAD FOR SPACE 1273 17. SUPPLY DUCT HEAT LOSS •Y Loss factor 0.10 x Line 16 Loss 127 18. VENTILATION 20 cfm x dbTempDiff 28.0 x 1.1 616 19. HUMIDIFICATION Inside RH desired 40.0 (Max = 32.0 for 1 pane ) # of Glazing panes 2.0 (Max = 52.0 for 2 pane ) 1 27 cfm x 3.20 g/100cfm/d = 0.9 gpd 331 Manual N: 4th Edition Right-N: Ver.3.0.04 Certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual Form N Job #: Page: 3 20. RETURN DUCT HEAT LOSS Loss factor 0.03 x Line 16 Loss 38 21. TOTAL HEATING TOAD ON EQUPMENT (Btuh) Manual N: 4th Edition Right-N: Ver.3.0.04 Certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual Form N 2386