HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING SITE PLANSPECIFICATIONS --- - .' 1. These sreP drawinN resent an overall design concept. They are prepared with the intent to demonstrate the overall design, arrangement and method of assembly of the various components. The drawings do not Indicate extensive it. Do not backflil until walk have cured orare properly braced. details. The contractor Is assumed to having reviewed these plans, having seen the subject property, and is capable ofetecutingthe detall worknecessary to achieve the intended result Ina mannerconsistenf with quality 12. All slabs on grade shall bear on mechanically compacted crushed stone capable of supportin93,000 p.s.L. workmanship within the region. It is Incumbent upon thecontractarto report In writingtothe Architect, prior to submission of bid, any questionable errors oromissions, Intent, or method of construction. 13. AIIreinforced concrete shall be furnished and Installed In accordance with the current ACI-318"Building Cade Requirements for Reinforced Concrete." By submitting a proposal to perform work, the comractoragrees that he is skilled and experienced in the use and interpretation of plans andspedflotions. He has carefully revlewedthe plans and specifications forthe project and 14. Concrete shall have a minimum 28 days compressive strength of3,000 psi. has found them sufficientforbld and construction Purposes. He has Mrefuilyeonshied the she of the work and from his observations, has satisfied himself as to the quality and quantity of materials; the difficulties likely to be is encountered, the job and therefore agrees there will be no extras due to the failure of the contractorfs)to read the .` contract drawings and specifications. 2 F(OlZfOA FLo YA 2. All workshall comply with the'elwaealeagOnlform Code,"Me.Regulations of thdealenergUniform Construction Code; tool ordinances, and utility companiesregulatlons havinglurisdictlon. 3, Alfcodes havinglurlsdlction shall be observed sisterly in the construction ofthe project, Including all applicable state, city, and county building, Bonin& electrical, mechanical, plumbin&and Ore codes, Cnnbedorshall verity all code requirements before commencementofconstruction. Raportany code discrepancies to Architect, in wrlun&prior to submission of bid or start of any work. 4. All contractors shall maintain contractors'Liability, property Damage Insurance, and Workmen ComPerletlan Insurance. All operations shall conform to aft federal and State Safety Cade Regulations. S. The Architect/Engineer shall not be responsible for the safety and construction procedures, techniques, or the failure ofthebullder to marybutthe work in accordance with the drawings ofthe required codes. The builder agrees to 'hold harmless the Archltect/Engineer. A. Contractor shall obtain and pay for all necessary building permits. 7. Contractor shall comply with Sall Erosion Control Agency requirements and obtain approval if locally required. 8. Presumptive Sall Bearing Capacity is 3,000 p.s.f. on undisturbed soil. All concrete footings shall bear on undisturbed soll or engineered fill. Bottoms of footings shall be minimum 3'-W belowfinish grade. S. concrete footings and slabs shall have minimum ultimate compressive strength of3,000 P.S.t. after 28 days. d*M* 10. All hackial atstructure, slabs, step s, and pavement shall be clear granular All. Place In 8- layers and compact to 95% maximum dry density determined In accordance with ASTM D-1557. Building site shall be kept dry so that erosion will not occur In the foundations. 16- All block shall be waylRe concreteIn slreas Indicated. Beam, girder, and other concentrated loads shall bear on solid masonry or filled cores of block, per IRC Code. 17. All hollow load -bearing block to conform tOASTM C90. All solid block to conform to C145. MinlmumnetcompmssNe strength (fm)'shall be 1,000 ps1. Use tlusstyPe galvanized horizontal reinforcement(2) N9 gauge bass (min.) In alternate courms where noted on plans and specified. 18. 19. Minor and gioutshail meet requirements of ASTM C270 and requirements specified herein. TyPeMmortarshalibe -usedfor extedarwalls below8nd e; type S mortarshail he used for walls and partitions above grade. 20. 21. .4011 Vol 23. geeerlstegRg� 24. The contoctorshali make no structural changes without written approval of the ArchiteWEnglneer. 25. Structural Design Loads Roof Rafters=30 tbs. LL+ 10 tbs. D.L. =40 tbs. T.L. 4Ifeteeeln..ee ref elrl eeeeerrr+eft.+e� 401bs,L.L,+15 tbs. 0.4.=55 tbs. T.L. - - - ---"'. 34. Provide and rbait with an insulatbnonlyvatue of R-3 nrdaf,�'-'- -26.All structumi'lumbet shallbe damped in aaordahcavijtisthe Amefiron Institute of Timhertonslructlan's raw] sp�'thlikkraRfaceAzated onwingswta[Iran telling, and crawl space floorjolstsasmdleated on dmwingz ` "Construction Manual." 27. framing lumber fjolsts,girders, offers, plates, studs, sills, headers,tdmmen,ridges, and valleys) shall boDouglas Fin. 35. Provide and Install gypsum wall board in accordance with -Accession Standard Specifications for the AppllnUonand... Finishing of Gypsum Wallboard, As.approved by the American Standards Association, latest edition, applicable parts' 75%constructbn grade no.1, 25%construction grade nol (ektreraefiber In bending =1200 P.S.I. modutus of _ . thereof are hereby made a part ofthkspecUbaOonexcept where mom stringent requirements; are calledforIn this ilas8dty-1,400,OOoj. specificatlon;In total codes orbyther mmnutacturerof the gypsumwaliboerd, whose requirements shall be followed.` Wood sills on masonry shall be "waimanhed." Anchor bolt 6'.V or - install pressure treated lumber when 1pmberis In contact with concrete. " 36. Gypsum board shag be fastened withapproved screw$ spaced perlRC Standards, Roo, and walls separating garage from dwelling areas Of bonne shall have g hour fire rating. Do 6ou studsat olio nits s supportbeademon studs support headers longerthanY-0" ontwo studs each end.. u P PB g, 37. Provide W thserspace attop,end, and sidesofwood girders beams; on masonry. - - CUtthlg, notching and driliingofwood, joists shall be per IRC Code. - 38. p Identification Intlex42/30. Provide fire3topPmg Per IRC Code. 2& Plineglessroofshingles shot; he'ClassC,'35yeamorketter. MA16W EXIST 29. Enclosedaftic spaces and roof rafters shall have am ventilation for each separate space bysedlatingopenings pratecest agalnstthe entrancoof rain. The netfree vemth ring areasshall notbe location 1/150 of the, area to be ventilated, exceptthe minimum required area shall be mdhced to 1/300oftheare s to beventilated where at leau5o pereentof the required verellatIngarea is providedbyvehUhlors located In the VPperPOdbn of the spaceto be ventilated. Ventilation shall be located atfunthmefeet IT-W)above eavear.eom]esvenn with the balanceof required ventilation providedby save creosotes vents. Vents shall have insectscreens provided. 30. AMcwm6wam6mpa hallbeventedwkhapprovedventing,netsma0f.0033xdwrarea. 32. Enclose entire living envelope with a vaporbarder and fiberglass.bentlnsulatlon ofthlckneu Indicated. - Provide sill Insulation. Insulate all overhangs andgaragbwall adjacentto living area. 33.Provide and Inst" 5-1/2'thick kraR:faced glassfiberkaKmsuladon:with.aD1p4u1z4n7pnlyvakm of R-19 in exterior' walls of tad construction oral indicated ondn"1014. I Ptl r +1 T-- 39. Glaring In ]*Milan which maybe subject to human Impact sudhastramelessglass doom, glass entraposand evil tloon; fixed glass psneless silding glass dozen, shower dozen, tub enc is am% assistance doom shall meet the requirememssetforth in the BulldingCodeand the5afety5tandard forGlaxing Mptedals(16 CFR 1201). ABglazed panels located withlnlr ofa door, whichmay be mistaken foropanings of human passage, shall belempem l glass,' 40. Windows xsepectfied on drawings with losulatingglass full somen"rul muntins. - 41. Exterior entry doors shall be 1-3/0 thick insulated memtdoais andshall menthe following requirements. Air ln01totion:AS A4 E'7g9-Water resistance: ASTM E331 Aeoiispcal Performance:R.15.49(Mkulated). Doomshollbeprovldedwithfactorptiakedan prime paintflmsh. Sidelights shall betempers dglass and stood as Indlotedon drawings: Manufuctureras selected by Owner- 42. All Intedordnors shall he manufactured inaaordanae with Basic Hardboard Product Standard MS1/4MA 135.4d982 - an, NWWDAI.I-86,See 3.73(B), andshell,be manufactured by Masonfla6rp.prArch]tedappmwed equal. iShesas Indicated on drawings,colorand style selection byArchitectand/or Owner. 43. Exterior E.LF.S.Veneershall bethe-Infinity` pressure equalized exterior insulation and finish systemsas manufactured by Dryvitsystems Inc orapprovedequal: Provide and Install E.I.FS. Veneer In strictaccvrdance with manufacturer's recommendation and application procedures. Colorand finish, to be selected by owner 44. AN'extedorand interlorsurfaces shall receive thepaintels finish excepteolorcoordinatedfatmryfinbh surfaces: 45. Provide cemmlctile, marble tileandaaeuorlescomplyingwlthVe Council OfAmedcaSpecmMUon 137.1In colors andpattemsmlectad by the ownerfrom stapdardcolor"rut paUgmsapproved manufacturer. Manuhctdmr elm. American Oleanforceramktileano MarbleTechma tal Eormarkletile orequak 46. Provldeend install pre -finished hardwood floors atimmicalledforonpians install as per manufachsrei's- recommendations. Material to be cak:tongue andgroove, jrx2'). 47. The serving umitywNl provide and install all primiryservire, rocudbgeonnedbnsto theslde ofall bufifingnuin disconnects. 17 1�72 R .VrL -LI_uX __:_ 110.2 48: All elecMcalwork shall complywith the National Eletvkal Code.:E4gDk'al.servlce shall be 200A 2tlVoverhead. Contractorsholleonnect all appliances and equipment. provide Urculpngper Code to wire all devices shownof Code required. All allemtion and additions shall extend from existing service. Upgrade service as required. 49. Rllhadeeelw111Yerey. So. Contmctorshall provide and install all labor, matedalsand equlpmentnemory to bang wiring and relatedfixhrres andegnbal. Ali work shall complywithimtlonal ElectdcCade, state and loco codesendardfnancea. Subcontractor shalicogrdinate work with all othertmdes. 51. Ughtdreuhs shall be 15 amp with g14 AW5copperconductors. 52. Recepeacedmuits shall be 15 amp with 014 AWS copper conductors. 53. • 54. Electrical system layouts are generally dlagrammatlt location of outlets and equipment Is approximate. Exact muting alfwidng and locations of outlets shall be governed by structural conditions and obstructions 55, 5r, "1r♦r♦OWANWF WOob1hdi%-ft 57. 58. All healingandair conditioning equipment shelf be designed by the insolllngcontractor in conformance with the BastemechanlMl Code. Heating shall be capable of malmalNng 72 degrees; aircondltioningshall maintain a 15 degreedrep.'Allappliances shall conform to Energy Code, Boilers to be Hydmtherm, furnacesto he Carrier, eondensen to behigh efilciency Canier. Allatteration and additions shall extend from exlstingservice 59. Methanlodmwings to be prepared by Mechanical Contractor. 60. Energy Code Compliance This building complies with the Code The window area is not more than 15%of wall area Thewailshive a minimum ofaMNhmpleilon --- The callings have aminimum ofReseInsulation:_. f�T - TAl6non6obwee* Slab on grade of habitable rooms shall have pedmetecoialig- ,-. 1LAO - If walls contain more than 15%glass cribs roof has skyligius, the insulation has been increased to provide envelope compliance. 61 62. The se plamshould not be accepted bythe Building Departrnentforlsmance of a Building Permit uniesstinsmare, two CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS INFIELD AND REPORT ANY DISCREPENCIES PRIOR TO SUBMISSION OF BID OR START OF CONSTRUCTION. ALL NEW ELECTRIC, PLUMBING AND HEATING TO BE EXTENDED FROM EXISTING EQUIPMENT, CONTRACTOR TO REPORT ANY DEFICIENCIES TO OWNER AT TIME OF BID. F-L0 NEW YORK NEW JERSEY NEW JERSEY NEW JERSEY D K L E N K JOB u 11 ARCHITECT ARCHITECT PROFESSIONAL PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER PLANNER 684 Route 208 - Franklin Lakes, N.J. 07417 5 a� Phone:201-848-8844 a Email: FRED@KLENKARCHITECT.COM a �) Fax: 201-848-9174 7 ll 304 9894 4697 20412 1142 ARCHITECT e ENGINEER e PLANNER 201 SHEET OF - SPECIFICATIONS -- --- _ L These drawings representan overall design concept. They are preparedwith the Intent to demonstrate the overall design, arrangement and method of assemblyof the various wmponents. Thednwlnesdonotindlcateextenswe 11."Do not backfill until walk have cured Oran properly braced. details. The contractor is assumed to having reviewed these plans, having seen the subject property, and Is capable of executing the detail worknecessary to achieve the intended result, in amanne ixeralsteat with quality 12. Allslzbs on grade shall bear an mechanically compacted crushed stone capable of supporting 3,000 p.s.f. workmanship within the region. It is Incumbent upon She contractor to report In wri ingto She Architect, prior to submission of bid, anyquestlonable errors or omissions, Intent, or method of construction. 23. All reinforced concrete shall be furnished and Installed In accordance with the current AC1318"Building Cade Requirements for Reinforced Concrete." By submitting a proposal to perform work, the contractor agrees that he is skilled and experienced In the use and Interpretation of plansandspeNWtlons. He has caretully reviewed the plans and specifications forthe projectand - - 14. Concrete shall have a minimum 28 days compressive strength o(3,000 psi. has found them sufficient far bid and construction purposes, He has carefullyexamined the site of theworkand Flom his Observations, has satisfied himself as to the quality and quantity of materials: the dlfficuDles likely to be - is.. encountered the job and therefore agrees there will be no extras due to the failure of the contradorls) to read the contract drawings and specifications. l FLD7T lOri FLo PA 2. All work shall comply with the'%MmMoleel111nlfarm Code,""The"Regulattons of theflgniame"Uniform Comtmcdon I& All block shall be waylge concrete In size as Indicated. Code; local ordinances, and utility companles regulations, having jurisdiction. Doom,girder, and other concentrated loads shall bear on solid masonry at filled cores of block, per IRC Code. 3, Alf codes having jurisdiction shall be observed strictly In the constrodlon of the project, Including all applicable state, 17. Ali hollow load -bearing blockto conform to ASTM C90. All solid block to conform to C145. Minlmumnetcampressive city, and county building zoning electrical, mechanical, plumbing, and fire codes. Contractor shall verity all code strength (rm)'shall be 1,000 PSI. Use truss type galvanized horizontal reinforcement(2) 89 gauge ban (min.) In requirements before commencementofconstruction. Report any code dkaepancles to Architect In wrlUng prior to alternate courses where noted on plow and specified. submission of bid or start of any work. - 4. All contractors shall maintain Wntrad0fe Uability, Property Damage Insurance, and Workmen; Compensation 18' . Insurance. All operations shall conform to aft Federal and State Safety Code Regulations. 19. Mortar and grout shall meet requirements OfASTM C270and requirements specified herein. Type M mortar shallbe S. - - The Architect/Engineershall not be responsible for the safety and construction procedures, techniques, or the failure - used for exterior walls below grade, type 5 mortar shall be used for walls and partitions above grade. ofthe builder to carryhutthe work in accordance with the drawings of the required codes. Thebullderagmesto 20 ... assax c"ev hold harmless the Architect/Engineer. G. Contractor shall obtain and pay for all necessary building permits. ' 21 r h f • h=ne.r",.LaF,a"". - - ....... -- n..Hnne.Aaa An Mnn 7. Contractor shall comply with Soil Erosion Control Agency requirements and obtain approval if locally required. 8. Presumptive Soil Bearing Capacity is 3,G00 p.s.f. on undisturbed soil. All concrete footings shall bear on undisturbed 22 .40 soil orengineered fill. Bottoms of footingsshall be minimum WV below finish grade. 9. Concrete footings and slabs shall have minimum ultimate compressive strength of 3,000 P.5.1. after 28 days. digodir 23. 10, All back011 at structure, slabs, steps, and pavement shall be clear granular fill. Place In 8• layers and compact to 95% maximum dry density determined In accordance with ASTM 0-1557. Building site shall be kept dry so that erosion will not occur in the foundations. 24, The mntradorshail make no structural changes withoutwdtten approval of theA(chitecr/Engineer. 25. Structural Design Loads Roof Rafters- 30 lbs. LL+10His. D.L=40Its. T.L - YartlaaelYlrrriri� . "26.''All 'he . 34. Prevldeand lnsnfl.wj,,.. thick kraR (aced gtessflbe b ttiwzslatlortwith aislnwlaUononlyvalue ofR-3 proof,, shall stamped in accerdaiicawjththeamerkan Institute ofTlmberConsUudlon's calling, and crawl space floorjohts,asindicated on drawings 'Construction gtazwal." Constructio Mara 27. Framing lumber gobts,girders, rafters, plates, studs, sgis,headers,tdmmers,ridges and valleys) shag be Douglas Flr,. 35. Provide and install gypsum wall board In accordancewith 'American Standard Specifications for the Application and., Finishingof Gypsunf Wailboard asapprov¢d bytheAmerlwn StandardsAssociatlon, latestedittoru applicable paru 75%wnst ctWp grade no.1, 25%comtmaion grade rm2 (e)tsama fiberin bending =1200 P.S.I. modulus of - thereof an harebymade a partofthissp"Ohortlonexceptwhen more stringent are calledforin the elasti-. rys on masonry wood sills on masonry shall be'wolmanhed.•Anchor bait6'-O'tK - Wood specifcation,.lnbcal codes, orb the manufaaturerofthe y. gypsum wallboard, whoserequlrements shall befdfowed: '` Provide H' dearspace masonry. 28. FiberBlassroofshing lets shall be'Class C,"35years arbotte. MA16W EXiST . 29. Enclosed atdcspaces and roof rafters shall havecross ventfladonfm each separate space byvenUlating openings protectedapinstthe entrance of rain The netireeventliating areasabali notba less than 1/=ofthe area to be vamnated, exceptthe minimum requiredarsashall be redgced to 1/300of the area to bevenBlated where at least So percemof the mqulredventisdngarea Is pmvidadbyaudilators located In the upper portlonaf the space to be ventilated. Ventilation shall be located atlesstthree feet (Y-W) above eavemcomice vents with the balance of required ventilation provided Weave or cornice vents. Vents shall have Disintegrating provided.. 30.. Attic bevented with approved venting net area of.O033 x fioorarea. 31. Inclose entire living envelope with a vapor border and 0berglass,tratxInsulation of thickness Indicated Provide SRI Insulation, insulate all Overhangs. andpregewail adjacentto living area. 33. Provtdeand Imtall5-1/2'thkkkraR:facedgiaaflbwbaltMsustionwith.an,insldaygn-qnlyvaseof R-19mexterior walk of 2xgcons®mcUw oral esdlcatedun dnwinge.'. N J TO F-LOCz-1 Q 36. Gypsum board shall be fastened withapprovod screws spaced periRCStandanls. Floorandwallsseparatinggarage from dwelllog areasOfhame shall have l hourfire rating 37. 38. 39. Glazing In locations which may be subject to human impact such ASframelessglass doom, glass entrances and Selz doom, fixed glass paneless,sliding glass Boma, showerdoors,tab end0sures, andstorm doors shall meet the requireinenissetforthlnthe Building Codeindthe$afetyStarrlardforGfazing Materias(36CFR32d1). Allglazed . Funds located withlnl2" of a door, wNdr may be mistakenforopenfirp of human passage, shallbe tempered glass. 40. Windows as speciftedon drawings with imulatingglass, fulisoneeay and muntins. ' 41. Exterior entry doors shall be 13/4"thick insulated metaldoan andshall meetthe following requirements. Air hdlitratkms ASTM 6283-Waterteektance: ASTM 1331 AwiMkal Pedorman .R.IS.49(mleulated). Daam$hallbeprovldedwithfactorytiskedanpdmepaintanbh. Sidebghtsshail betempered glass endsimd as indhateden drawings: Manufadurerasselected by Owner. 42:. All lntedordoomshall be manufactured inaccordance with Basic Hardboard Pruduct5tandard ANSVAHA 135.4-1982 and NWWDAIA-g6, Sec 3.73(g), andshatlbe manufactured by MosonRecorp.orAtchitectapproved equalfSfiesas Indkatedondmwlnp mlorands4lem1me onbyArchltectand/ciOmer. - 43, EdedarEl.F.S: Veneersholl be the'InfinlW pressure equalized exterior insulation and finish system as manufactured by DPywTsystems, Inc. orapproyad-equal. Provide and Instal 6.I.FS. Veneeirin strletaccordancewith manufacturer's recommendations and application procedures. Colorandftnishtobeselectedbyowner 44, Ail exterlorand Interlorsudaces shall receive the painters firwh exceptcolur coordinatedfactoryfinsh surfaces; 45. Provide ceramic tile, marbletile,andaccessmlaswmptyingwbthTUeCouncilafAmeTIMSpedHw8on137.11n colors and pattemsseleded "a owuerfromstandurd colorsand patterns approved manufacturer. PAanuhcturerto be - AmerhomOleanforceramlcUleandMarble Terhnksthl Formorbletile erequal. 46. Provide and Install pre -finished hardwood floors atareasaffeefforms plow.installaspermanufacturers - recommendations. Material to be oak:tongue and groove, frx2'). 47. The serving utility will provide and install all pamaryaervbe, MckrdingconnecNons to the side oEall bulldingrteln disconnects. 48; All electrical work shall comply with the NatbnalisectrasdCade.:Elechkai.serolCeshallbe2g0A11422OVwerhead. Convadorsha iconnect all appliances and equipment Provide dreuitingper Code to wine all devices shown or Code required. All attention and additions shall extend Iron existing service. Upgrade service as required. 50. Contmctorshall provide and install all tab". matedakandequipment necessary to Install widngand related fixtures andcontrol.Allwerk shall complywlth National EkctdcCode, state and loalcodesand ordinances. Subcommittees shall coordinate work with all othertndes. 51. tight circuits shall be 15 amp with#14 AW5 copper conductors. _ 52, ReceptacledrcuRs shall be 15 amp whh A 14 AW5 copper conductors. 53. 54. Sectrlalsystem layouts are generally cilegrammatf0matign of outlets and equipment is approximate. Exactnoumrg ofwidng and locations of owlets shall be governed by stnxturaf conditions and obstructions SS. - 56. owagogial 57. 58, Ali heating andalrwnditloning equipmentshall be designed by the lmtalllngcontracwr in conformance withthe BaslcMecbanlcal Code. Heating shall be capable of malntaiNng72 degrees, air condltioningshali maintain a 15 degreedrop. Allapplionces shall conform to Energy Code. eollen to be HydrmherM Nmamsto be Carrier condensers to be high efficiency Carrier. All afteration andaddltfonssball extend from existing service 59. Mecbenicaldraeringsto be prepared by Mechanicaltontractor. 60. Energy Code Compliance This building complies with the Code The window area is not more than 15%of wall area The wails 'have a minimum ofJMinsolatlon --. Alst1111@. ... The miUngs hwe a minimum of MO insulation: . Slab ongrade ofhabinhle roams shall have perimetefof\7l�.. If wags contain more than 15%glass orthe mot has skylights, the Insulation has been increased to provide envelope compliance. 6 .62. These plamshould not be accepted bythe Building Departmentforlsomnca oft ga0din. N rmknw.a.M,. �..,,.,... CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS INFIELD AND REPORT ANY DISCREPENCIES PRIOR TO SUBMISSION OF BID OR START OF CONSTRUCTION. ALL NEW ELECTRIC, PLUMBING AND HEATING TO BE EXTENDED FROM EXISTING EQUIPMENT. CONTRACTOR TO REPORT ANY DEFICIENCIES TO OWNER AT TIME OF BID. NEW YORK NEW JERSEY NEW JERSEY NEW JERSEY D K L E N K JOB ARCHITECT ARCHITECT PROFESSIONAL PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER PLANNER 684 Route 208 - Franklin Lakes, N.J. 07417 �% Phone:201-848-8844 - Email: FRED@KLENKARCHITECT.COM a Fax: 201-848-9174 -- �f �f 9894 4697 20412 1142 ARCHITECT- ENGINEER a PLANNER 201 SHEET OF CI