HomeMy WebLinkAboutCERTIFICATE OF TITLESmal;t_6n satisfaction to: Dept of Highway safety and Motnr vehicles, Nag Kirkman Building, Tallahassee, FL 32399-0500 A08418 Identification Number , year Registered Owner: WM1L-BHP Vessel Regis. No. Title No....o. 56r 6039223E Date of Issne 11/15/2011 LINDA. LOUISE NILES OR GILDA M'TURNER 6472 ALEMENDRA FORT PIERCE FL 34951-4313 - RECEIVED Mail To: FEB 1 1 2019 LINDA LOUISE NILES ST. Lucie County, Permitting 6472 ALEMENDRA FORT PIERCE FL 34351-4313 SCANNED Irrllrrl,rllrlrrrlrlrrrrllrlrrlrrllrrrrllr,llrlrrrlrrlrllrrlrl BY St. Lucie County Lien Release Interest m the described vehicle is hereby released IMPORTANT INFORMATION ' 1. When ownership of the vehicle described herein is transferred, the seller MUST complete in full the Transfer of Title by Seller section at the bottom of the certificate of title. 2. Upon sale of this vehicle, the seller must complete the notice of sale on the reverse side of this form. 3. Remove your license plate from the vehicle. 4. See the web address helowfor more information and the aro pppdale forms required forthe purchaserto he and registerthe vehicle, mobile home orvessel: http,.Il n.hsmv.state.fl.usfhtml/titlinf.htmi .. "acuvn to: uelu at Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, king Kirkman Building, Tallahassee, FL 32399-05o0 Identification Number Year BotlY I7— WGL-BHP —r Vessel Regis. No. Tdla AL;__; FFLHFLHMBSP40532191B 1992�MERI HS 56 Registered Own r 6039223 Date of Issue 11/15/2011 LINDA LOUISE NILES OR GILDA M TURNER 6472-ALEMENDRA FORT PIERCE FL 34951-4313 AOS417 Use Release Interest In the described vehicle is hereby released Date RECEIVED nWORTANT INFOR10 I0N 1. When ownership of the vehicle described herein is / transferred, the seller MUST complete to full the Mail To: FEB 11 Z019 Transferof Title by Sellersection at the bottom of I the certificate of till I e. 2. Upon sale of this vehicle, the sellermu5tcomplete LINDA LOUISE NILES ST. LUCIe C0Ufi6y, p@Pfiil€Elt g the notice of sale on the reverse side of this frm. 6472 ALEMENDRA ---- - 3. Remove your licenseplatefrom the vehicle. FORT PIERCE FL 34961-4313 4. See the web address belowfor more Information and the appropriate forms required for the purchaser to II I Il I II III _ title and register the vehicle, mobile home orvessel: II p u r r 1111111. ' id mrII n IIrI nr' u111 r 11 I I r httpY/www!hsmv.state,fl,usihtmi/titlinf.htmi SCANNty BY uy err INKNkR t �'t �r x.. r cx ✓ -i I�•:pZ$�RC�3�>''FL13495j�43J13�t� � `�,. a£s !k;' �:. z ,.: €cc'.:t tih � d �V� X'•..alt� L sv P P S.s.. Y��3 .R � Cwv� f"� �c "`.: