HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLOWER DOOR TEST FORM CERTIFICATEBuilding-&'Co'de ltiguiatioia bMilon WkPid L$4Q821 21216S FaX, 17i464-6-44" BLOWiwoaq , SCANNED . R-TESrf0RM By uc House Infiltration Test Cbftffication St. L Method ie County Pate-:-- 'Permit,* lj&� JobtAddress: 777- 'Cidnitructionn )�New.-C- o.wru,cUlon 7:��,ompje &fStIng— ift& Ad'ditidn iiouse ln'MtMtion,-Tett fttijjt$' - SMICUrnaite Zone-2 Ii F, M, (5, Oj -= - , Z� Test6ate.1, Zv V61UM.9= ACH,(50)CFM,(50)ii:.60/V�lurhe= 490 -�, - 41 'Megfianiqal Ventilad6n required fess� -0a.0 SIACHI Passing results must be &,AC-H(50):br'less_ Fail +B C Energy, The,,bujldl*or dwelllng'uqlt.shaill bjetested and verified as having --an air leakagerate of notVexteeding lair'chang Od hour in'Climate Zone1,2and -3air changgsper .kqL;r11,i' h blower door at a,pressN tof 0.2 inthesv g, (so:pas " Tgtfno.rsh-�libi�e66dude-d,,iWihLai daft). T6skingshaliberond6cte�byehherindividuals asdLiifirii!diii SecfiohSS3.993(5)bf'(7);.F[6rida,SiaiLteSor, individuals licensed asset fbrth:irrsection 4MI05 (3f(f), (g) of (i)�&Sft approved thil . rd " ' ' qqq of 'h , -- .. .... party.t A.Written're t -4 10 of the testshall be the party cond in"' e­ resu uct 90 test and Provided' to'the 6odeoffichal. Testing shallbe performed at any .time after creationof-ail penetrations oft' - -' ' ffikbuildifid thermal -envelope., 'BrP'-'e,"de]ntW' Where the air infiltration rate of a.dwellifig unit is ess.than 3 air cbpriges.per thseciion R462.41:,2of the Florida guilding Code,,.LiergyConservaiiam the dWelfifig6iiiCshall beprbVidecl,with<whcl&house:meelianicalveneilaetorijrraccordince with SectionI . - 11 M1507.,3. Comdanv. CompanyNa me. - , ro-Ductservices — Address: '1915'koVjstafar-'rortFii6rcCFI,.34949 I hdreby ceffify thzifthe above Rouse Infiltration results demonsfratecomplianxe with'Ilb EfigirgVCongwatidn reqpiiemenisinaccordance with,SectionR4 4-.1.2Climate ZondI. 51griatUref Printed Name: MiOPPI If PrPf Ucense/(ffertffjcaiion* W9 4