HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCn JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4533822 Olt BOOK 4235 PAGE 939, Recor,deC 02/22/2019 12:30:21 SCgyN&D Sr Lucie oun ty .�:- Sh1aS UrarsrOea fw - I - Pam avovalra afo + - J NO�TCEAF CbI4IIl'4ENt'Frvfn:N'ia The undersigned hemby given notice that hoptovement will be made to =resin real property end in accordance with Chapter 713, - Florida#edtee the[-new•mg mformsdom iaprovided to thb Nodoebreo 000emone I - 2•DYSCRiPn Q`FYRt=PER geldvaiDddv mAd atiev addreas)SAX FOLxo NO EEa301-117-0001-000-57 SVBDIVISO�OT" LOT�LDG DDax y2 IE CVQe�r�T C l0 East § of aertYon .��shd 4 R 39E n 2- 3 aNn!mi6),}..... y. t• b. Addmsc 8000'- S_ OS1 u't 402 OPSL �495 o, ioterrs in prdperp• t- d. Namcxrd"^^-^••offaslmpin tidNolda (Itodfu char oawrM - a.CO[VS'itACi'OR•S NA3YSE,ADDRESS AND P80NE NVMBER: Wvnne D 1 m ti n 8000 S_ USZ Su't 40 •7 3. SORETY'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONENUbIBER /11PD BOND AMOUNT: 6. LENDERtS NAVE, ADDRESS AND PHONENRMRER 1 7. Pcrsonalwithie the Stare ofYlvdda deaigvatMbyOwev�nvdrem netieea ar ediv decvmrnta mey beaervrd ss provided by Seetioa.70.33(1)(a) 7- M dit Smh1h-: JO n.. ri nnan NAD'lGAIN)1iE93 AND PE03'�NDNffiraRt - 1 T.a�Ca;_i_t•-s. Ft_ Pi u�-ru .. n,1 14951 777-nc,F-I.S4a m vmuar �cne6rxf,•t3wee[drsigvates[hefa3lowivemmseive a eopy of the lieooes Notion PprcAded in Section 713.13 (1)(b). PLodda SGdvs: NAbIS.Ii(DDt[SSSAND Y80NE tlflAf specified) aFn- 9.Lov dnm of soda ofeemmenttmvo[(th esylrm[tao dam(3 tYrar from thedare vfr?cmdiv8 unt crediKertotdete it wRe cons TOReo ran63=2=0_ _ IN YOUR PAVLYG TVILC OyEly N ON rOH rTH v • H �— Matthew L IO - ent / Ownotmotwor I Pr Name end Provide Signatory% MtWOW. Owtrv's Ar4horiZod O�eer/Dlrertor/Pertnvlblaalger 5<ate of)Ilddde ;Covntyof,l St _ r.n,-ie. ' The &-going mawmoot wan a 7mawl,Lyrd bcfi, :me this 3� -woY oP 1 rT N u A-i�Y 20 1 9 Dy MaC tfi av Lvla W '✓�,c QR.rs' p �.>r '(Name ofDermn) ss (7ypn efaodrorid•-•�8` v. ofnan Mrstee,avomryln fav) F*rWnr!e Suilcl.:Ln D Coraoratio _(Name dCDartY en behalf ofwhoothu"meatwas.tacd) Perrella3(Yxfnowti✓erprodueed the followingpyv af=D AA /� ��nn�� /J ,,00 ,,,rrr�yi. WOORO7NYANNttC&SGG= �OLOi"y l4NN $a:ar+ 'f"^:1'L(/aua {�Yte.Br.� MYCPIREt-S10Nir2;2=0.4 (Pdntrd Name of No E%PIKES Oeloaer2;2px0 tmy Public) (Signehrte of Feblie) (� + SMedltuvNODryWeaCUKvaa'eb Under paaltiet o! pmd ry I declare that I have mad,the foregoing and that the fiefs in it are Dee to the best of my 3mdw1edge nod "batl,l(r,sdl 92523, Florin. SUWtc). ' Sigmtefe(s) o[Owberr or-Owoer(a)•Auduori=d O0cerMhectcr1FartneWXanzgri who signed above-. Dy: ay uaomvrmit?m+M1`wD .. '^dy}Digitally Signed byy The Honorable Joseph E. Smith Date:. 2019.03..22 12.37:07 -OS:00 vmr xny/mrc®mrta(Imvumam not ooturoo ` Reason: Slectzoaically Certified Copy Location: 201 South Indian River Dr, Fort Pierce, FL 34950