HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENTSr PERMIT— 7�1887UEDATE (Co aftyName c the ,: LfGGTr, (TypeofTYade) For the project located at PLPTNMG & DEVELOPWNT SERVICES —RECEIVED BHHdi A9 & Code CoIllap1i =. DJd.J. BUILDMGPEWff FEB 112019 SUB-C®NMACTORAGAEEMENT 5T. Lucle County, Permitting SCANNED BY r St. Lucie County ideal Name) ec ��' �� have agreed to be Sub -contractor for 4,1 s eve %Coif (Primal r Contractor) �rau�cua weer A ucirMs or Property Tax ID #) A It is understood'&& if there is any change of status regardingour participation with the above mentioned 5 P'j." the Build ng:aud Code Regulation Division of St Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change;of Sub -contractor notice. COIVTBACft)R 3IGNATORE (QoaliEer) rw.a.� iWw1C �— stzn�� CoU TYCMLwxk;ATIONNOMBER Statee0brida, County 'TbakregoitghwMam°Mwadsigned before MeIbZZ , `dwaf who is #Mon* tmown—Y-01 has produeed a asidentin"ou. l,QA u OU, 3TAlYIP Stgoatare NotarYPnb4c _LO)ezi 6az>r-A PrmtNameofNotaryPuhae .. Revised 1ll162t116 o RncroR BIG NATUn (QuatiGw) 14- -k"i--- PRINT NAME LUUNTY CERTIFICATION N[TMBER State ofFlodda,County of 1,1L•tQ. The foregoingtostrumentwdssigued befommethts d yor who is personattyrmownlor has produced a asEdeutirca0on. u` dA SUMP Prmt Name of No�ty Public allolm PUM MPOIFOrM8a a "' LAURARCU6a myid audka mmldsttta#G©tY120y6 a Comad3s1o0.FF . ti7854S=CO ESE °�iFapd� E+4+Iiea,0512572o?A.. 4+ �E?ip1►esCctbber21�20ZD yO.✓<G'�' �nde7tblihbyfEhtHy�,OV•385a70f9 SCANNED BY ?� t. St. Lucie Count ear :,._. Ovb=Es Ya96r-for.4�!YMM.:9s�OPMOM Y ' X'BiFAIEAE$A'RFl: YFR55 F•JF�FAAf.FiA'�?X:I`T� ➢' """'4 robap dot NOW Lyle "nili mw �tasF'�isil9s,.�nu�af�®F<1C.��2 ,.... 9ivaiCvrag�inginsgara�ufsva�filgnsAgl!faFRme!fihis�oF . . R41�d8AljPer56i4R, ' pg UAW • Slgae�a!r�y/ l� �rp33o�amsn >3'Publ DOROTHY.ANN6ASK19 IJII' GGMMISSION # GG 030:145 o' EXPIRES:bntabdr2,2020 �a9.WIMAAJO . " p `:•` Bonded-TwMarYF61100ndelwli m 1as" Aataaf�tdFi9��e,,,dALvrfa '811.4fffigo.Bg.JJVIFIPWBRERR.e3%9BAA€fBFB.DlS.!@�9�` f vr�.v�spsxssa4aAri�xve»'e�,yi�asgFsw . ieetadewsef�aF�ry�+e As _ . 7�] PERMIT# ISSUE DATE SOU NT e L o=R I_D A -. PLANN-MG & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES $wilding & Code Compliance Division r 13=DlNG P.ERMr1' smKo1V'TRAcrORAI REUMNT FEB_ 11 2019 ST. Lucie County, Pi?rmitting •..., .I eCL/ BY 'St. Lucie County Comfort; Control o'f St. Lucie Caunty, Ige. haveagreed't9le (Compancy. Nruae/rndividualNeme) the HVAC Subwontraotorfor Wynne Development Cora. (iypoofTrade) Cam! Contractor) Forthe project located at \ - �C1 It is understood that, if there is any change of statiis.regarding our participation with the above.mentioned.. project, the Building and Code Replation Division of SL Lucie Cowq will be advised pursuant.to ft filing of a Change of Sub-contrgam notice. CONVACrORS ATUIIE(Qna ficr} Matthew Lyle Wynne PRINT NAME .51==� —1 COUNTY CERTnWATION NUM`ER Smte ofFtomda, Coo* of � . LVe. Vp__ The fotrogoinginlRnmenlwassiEnedheforemeth dayof 20\.% n//r�4 wpoispersonaaytmown \/orhmpmdaceda as tdeatl5eaden COUNTY CERTIFiCATIONNUMBER Stat�;ofFlarrda. Coaatyof�^l ��iG�� . The ure>:ornpiusfrumeatwas slgoedbeforemetht� dayof ricer zo�`1 by�Q�M �G:sea.���'w1R,C, who is personalty lmown ✓r has producda . as idendawdon. 4iL STAW�Qa Art1.0 L,a..LSTAM' `• D_ L • , �, , ,.• K, ;"'., - DOROTHYANN BASKIN - . . MYCOMMISSION #G0030t45 • •v.Y,s, DOROTHYANNBASKIN .. ;.y EXPIRES:October2,2020 „ MYCOMMISSIOUGG030145 ; `'•,y�i�g:'_Bonded ihiuNot* P,0 .UndeWters i M. EXPIRES:Octoher2,2020 B?ndedThm NotaryPublRUndenvdl m Revi!!d 11/164016 LW-d Z000/3000d tiL0-1 999L8L8ZLL dio0 Suip11ng auuAM _W08d 9L=ZL 9L.-60-3L 'li ITtssit FEB I 1200 Sr. Lucie rbf-*i. 'Wil M.-,.;a W".4. ipltiltil "lay: Am —. 7� 1. 0 A Too VIM 1—/,macpgy- - DOkOT .,s My COMMISSION# GO 030145 o IRES:OdtDber?, 2020 'Mar : 0;. • ois-')6. ... t r. W. 0 it W.. U SIPed 19 ra A Sio lfiiafmwav�fa�3!p`bh BY Cie C0017