HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCJOSEPE E. SMITB, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT — SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4533829 OR 130OR 4235 PAGE 946, Recorded 02/22/2019 12:30:21 PM . paaa,nuc am- - L: nusao�..v,..w.w her dwt„g u,r SCAN NONCE --.OF COM MNCENENT StLu in 1LaundurlBOW hereby gives nodee mat impmvemrnt wID Dn emao m redalo eml P�P�Y. Vad it accosda,va with CTeptcCYli;COUnty Florida anmtes the following!us.%o atioa is ptovidrd in thn NodwDf wmmenrement 1. DFSCRIPI MOPPPOPERj'y(Lagal des¢ipdon andstreet oLdeees) TAX POLIONOMBEA:_j_3D6-11 —0001 —moo/A SV DMSZO[�'karw�yrgBL(ic��TRAGY' LOT -BLDG LPII1' 1L2`14%-1'��l\ers'2ass<-\ 6/7 34 39 all that part: lying northeast of 95 2GENPBALDFSCRIPTIONOPI OVPMRMT- singlefamily residence: a interest in G+cPntO' S. SDRETVS NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONENUbMiZ AND BOND AMOUNT: 6. MMER S NAME, ADDRESS AND PRONENUAMER: - 7.Pcsmu within me sum of Pfedda designated by 0. upon wboesncd. orodxrdecv uu-1 bece:,.redu —dod by Seedoa913.13 (1)(U 7.. I9atida Snedem: �,, ,--� _ � • 'a.Ieadd'dlov to himself or b=qX- y13.13'O)(S). Florida Surfers: NAa1E, ADDR3355 AND mom 9. aspired.. dam ofeodc ofeota OtficerMirecum/Partuce/ManaZer e o—l'o a espy date from the date of teeeNing uNeas,a Aiv..1 taco iz 201- 0590 ..' Matthew L B e vlce—Prenldent Print Name and Provide Wenotorys Tfde W. OoupH of at-_ r...ri-e• •the faugoing {ns4umeot was ar3a.Ovledb'rd brlem ue mis 3QaY of't9++�t-7 _ _ 201 9 By Matthew .Lyle Wynne -or. 4V CP P.eC3 rD115wrV (Namn.ofperaon) — of ou"okY...e.S, oweer, olneer; tnutrn, at wy in'racO Foe Wyllne•Buildin❑ Corooration �(N�se orpaesy en n�Ugai[erwtam:netrumenewas eareuma) Pvsonedy lenown �ue taoauvG,ow' fonew:ng eypa am:� `✓oitoMY I/Tr'.`��ASG.� �4 7a�.�s� r-: +. .X.^' R GOROINYAtiNE0.51GN r taYWWnL4910NDGG pieeee. (Printed Napm urNotuy Pnblie) (SignatumC N Public) - ( FXPtaFS:OdoEm2.103a i BwadTNtiRatM'PuWeWdeMm Underpenalder of pc4ury,:I drelam dual have read the foregoing =it that the farts in it arc ,hueb ou, D=. of reY Anowle Se an beGefUenlon 9ieae, Plodder St+mees): Witeaturc(s) of Owner(s) or Owner(s)9 Authorized Olfrrer/Dlrectar/Partnr:/Nfanager who signed above: Ww.OYJMON(Qevmdy) .. • .Digitallyy siggnaed byy The Honorable Joseph E. Smith ;Date: 2019,02.22 12.44:39. -05:00 "?t^^s7/'^'^'^"""•r *a •u+wte nn mao.ar �t -i Reason: Electronically Certified Copy Location: 201 South Indian Rives Dr, Fort, Pierce, FL 349SO