HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENTSPERMIT# the to L lee.T For the project located 1 ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building &-Code Compliance Divvisiolr} — BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT FEB 1-2 2019 St. Lucie County have agreed to be Sub -contractor for 64-) i* n n -c U2e,,e- %uf✓�h �.� %Cc s/j (Prim Contractor) Z (Project Street Address or Property Tax 1D #) { It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACi'ORSIGNATORE (Qualifier) COONTY CERTIFICATIONNUMBER State ofPlorida, county&-�SE The foregoing instrument was signed before mn thiZ d `ay of ate. .Z0A by i�$�:3i q70"-P, who is personally imawnY—or has produced a asidewMation. €�A t t E u 2: STAMP S�igoature fNolacyPubuc _ /C 0�z F.l E b PriaMwe of Notary public n. �Moiarf public5W44 Fbnda Kerd sudke $ My commission-pF V78643 Revised 1111612016 as �d Empires o5Y151?A?A O RA 0RSIGNAT (Qualifier) PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County The foregoing instrumene was signed before me thisadd yof "Sc117-\ 1A ,by OWVQV�C41�5 bc� who is personally known jLor ban produced a as identification. STAMP `SCUc re ofNofary Pubit d 0. 0� - s �aef�a Q PrmtName of Notary Pounc ''"�' ""a. LAt1FtARCU68EDQE _� .; Cammissidn#GGtY12876 � �DbesOct6ber21,2020 �a.1�G;BonQeEhtaTt�iFaNlMutaag8pD985.70t9 , P LO Y E -9V9 MWT'ffi-RV I M . ��. �-. I . fels Do COO p1japef VIONJOU BMW Amolf" 6@0109, 1% voiffig,pn9j"t 1@;Wj at Now Wlo Wynng 1p =Ml -1 Mfg divionh, copm §TAW -Asc e ROTHY.ANNBASXIg Myc MMISSI.ON#GGO3Oi46 EXPIRES: October2,2020 - V, Onded-ThmmdtsryPibUndeWM RECEIVED FEB 12 2019 im Lucie COUAPIW b9VOMMIONcie County f@r Wynna Paplopftnt' lem f TJw 0 aeft dw� k UAW ftwt ivilm plfing Now OrmolgrIAO& PERMIT* ISSUE DATE FLUNTY o .n I v A PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES building & Code. Compliance Division rt Control of St. gT)wm� G PERMIT 9IM-CONTRACTOR AGREMUNT C. FEB 12 20t9 ST. Lucie CoUnty, Permitting SCANNED BY have agreed-WbLUoie'County the HVAC Sub-contfaetorfor Wynne bevelonment Corp. (Type ofTrade) (Priam Contractor) For the project located at Z It is understood. that, if there is any change of status. regarding our participation with the above. mentioned, . project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St Lucie County will be advised pursuant.to the Ming of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTOACrOR SRVATM(QuaBffer). Matthew Lile Wynne PRINT NAME 08898 8288 COUNTY CERTincATION NumtA COUNTY CERTMCATWNN NUMER State orriorlda, county Stat2�of Florida. County ot!z—z'c 2 The fot'�oinginstrnmEntwassigtcdbetoremethi —dayof The'fQreSoinEivatntmentwassigoedbefarewethis� 'day of �Cit 1 w\.�,y�MQ t, e cc� .zo� by�USF*l who is personally mown V//or bas prodnced a who A personally lmown ✓r has Produced rs identification. Sl STAMP' ure ofNota ablic DOROTHYANN BASKIN MY COMMISSION # GG 030145 EXPIRES:October 2, 2020 Revised It/15f1016 s9 tdenn6tanot4 �� pp %%%% �l.L4t to (ifivv✓r STA1tfP Signature ofNoury Pnbi• , �o go-rx y lq"Al '1614ce.IV Print Name of Notary Pubae ,'�', DOROTHYANN BASKIN �F FMY COMMISSION # GG 030145 ; t ,tp- "NEXPIRES:October2, 2020 •'%%p,'p���R"•`' Bonded Thm Notary Public Undewiffem , L66-J Z000/7,000d tL0-1 999L8L83LL d.Ioo Suipjing euuAM -WOUA 9L=ZL 9L' 60-3L RECEIVED MP.Rm FEB 12 Z019 slime, s-r. Lucie county, Permitting SCANNED By ViOdSteetA . ..... . ... St.Ll.1oiecounty DOROTHYANN BASKIN MY COMMISSION # GG 030145 EXPIRES:Odtober2,2020 - . tho 1,206 AM4�� pl�� '6 Si\ogale DOROTHYANNSASKIN My COMMISSION# GG 030145 EXPIRES. OctoberZ2020 ' = NOtOlYftbUndwift