HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCMAR 18 2019 JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT — SAINT LUCIE cotn TSff. Lucie County, Permitting FILE # 4533830 OR BOOK 4235 PAGE 947,. Recorded 02/22/2019. 12: PM ' :POtMTenruww- I :• Y1deSjuwLmgwG TurawNeyfNo 1�d3ICE OF Corti mgCEMEIVT Sc N c cr•rise mdadgned hr+eby Aver noDre m tint iprovement win be eato do certain red property. pod in actd oaece.w•ith (Tapter.713. !�D Flmidasmtufm the Aonowing infomution is provided in lbe NodeeoCw®omcement [VS I. DESCIt]P'IION OF PFDPt7jTy((.egd desedpdon and rued eEdmss)TA7CFOLIO NONBFA:-7306 777 OO m96 SUffDrvwc, 9FLKCk TEACT• LoT BLDG UNIT G_DIJ 'SS\g ';Z—k ¢S. o5/7 34 39 all that Part lying .northeast of 9S`Y 2.GEaRi ALDESC:RXpTMNOPLHPROVIUIENT: single family residence 3. OWX1RINPORMATtONr� dN.ras ems.. sa :ii at ag rR"ora ti.riri h.AdOrtsr 8000 S. Osl. .Suite 402 SsSL. FL 34952 aintcrost is proyusy d. NarmaM addmss of Cee mmyle dddioWcr (if other than oe� 4. CONP1tACTOR•S NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONENUMBEIt Wynne nevelopme aboo s. 'Os1. Suite a _ 5. SURETY'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NOMBEIH AND BOND AMOUNT: 6. LENDER'S NAMEp ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: . 7. SPeetirsoen ;7.23.13 CI XSa7tu7n-. Florida dStaNroo-)sgn: IVA ¢ADDnusuPUC*Gt arod try Owperapon whom noriccsoremc 2oeareew may beservrd ssyroviJr3M �•c•��oStCa+^'Panish Lakes Hl ad. Ft.. Pi oven._ FL. 201— S.In3dditien m himsetfor hetsgl£Ow7:ef drnparrs thdfdIlowing to receive a copy of the Lieoces Notice as provided in Section': 0590 .. 713.13 ())ro).mans�,.re,: NAJLCI6DDRP4SAND P80NRN(Ih108A - 9. Expirmm date oPiwdre of eoaimcvmoem (dre eapttation dates l yeaz tram the date oPtecord(ngrmtess a dlKcmnt dvre is / .Matthew Lyle WynVi,-,—P,saild_ent Si(mamie1(o[Owner�1• 7'rlo[Name and Provide St¢vtorye 29dd0(nrx Owner's ArrdrosizeA: 010cce/Director/Pettaer/Mannger tbunry oil er._ r.n.-ie. Ii,e iorrrioe tunurmaew.r .anowledgm befa.e me th:r dey of '1.y-sou'7 .so f 8 ey Matthew Lyle Nvnn.e .oz. t7t C' .P71C=erne-'N re (Namc.ofywon) efluthodt)•... a., Ownee, ofbev, orn. ; atmmey fn Des), y„rNynne•13uildina .Corporation ,- . (Novo olparty on behollet whom lvntmmmt was exeeutrd) ear,...i(y Xnew/Jn ��arpraduW tM1a FOMwing type o[ID:_ /1 Q ,Qh �r•wf We?•vs QFa.C: f 00aDTNYANN 2,21M M'r ('AMN6SION6e60.7f1145 (PdvtrdN;me oFNotary Paine) (Stgratutr af`N Peril.) eedm pTvuE1NaarYPUN'<dbwwiNes. Undarpenal6es of pepu y. I declare thatI have teal dte foregoing and that the fatils:initace dcum the best of my : 3oowirdg6 and belief (asr(en 9]325. Fler(de Subtev). - Slgc4ftwe(s) of Own") or Ownwo)• Avtborized ONur/D)rerYar/PartnerMlanages who signed above: I By. By: neaoedanao)araww .. . Digitally sighed by The Honorable Joseph E. Smith nor wns//mr®rvam./ m vumrn.wr 000war - Date: Z019.02.22 12 45:40 -O5: DO Reason:. Electronically Certified Copy Location: 201 South Indian River Or, Fort Pierce, FL 34950