HomeMy WebLinkAboutROOF INSPECTION AFFIDAVIT02/21/2018 14:23AII Area Roofimg (FAX)7724646600 P. 001/001 Re: Permit # t -t Qoj- DOr Planning & Development Services Building & Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982 772-462-2165 or772-462-2172 Fax;772.462.6443 - SCANNED ROOF INSLPECrTION AFFIDAVIT By St. Lucie County I, 4rldro-0 GQ4Sllcensed as a( ontractor /Engineer/Architect (Please print name & circle license type) •F6468 Building Inspector *General Bullding, Residentfal orRm ing Cnnteaetar or any Individual eerdjled under 468 F4 to make such an fnspecrfan. On or about Q-o2I - 12 1 did personally inspect the roof deck nailing (Date) work at: /8010 (Job site address) Based u that a urination l v/dermrd the Installation was done according to the current editio the FI Ida Existing ildad Section 708 or the product approval submitted (whichever is m t trigen . �-- CEC /3�oloUq Signature and Sea License # STATE OF FLORIDA P. COUNTYOF 52k'"el L Sworn to and subscribed before me this � day of Iraeb�V 20/f, by1+-��" $ Who is personalty known to me or who has produced as identlflcaUon, Notary Public, State of Florlda Signature of Notary: Commission Number. (Seal) En �✓+`i ao FAITH MASON r y MYOOMM""ONMGGtao ,A3A `,FYIFJTIRE6:Jwex mo 0rM dMyadpclNa tySm It