HomeMy WebLinkAboutGENERATOR PAPERWORKIBUILDINQ DIVISION REVIEWED REWEW FOR R COL1pt l NCE DATE Z 2L IIiUST N8Be AND PERMIT NO INSPECT oN W1LL g D OR E MADE GUARDIAN@ SERIES Iential Standby Generators Air -Cooled Gas -Engine INCLUDES: AEI SUBJECTTQANY COMECTfON6 E) True PowermElecbicalTechnofogy,REOUIREDEYFIELD INMCTORSTHAT Standby Power Rating INORDRIdelsG007 O Two Line LCDMuldlfngualDigiaMAY Ea NECESARY �Mdel G007035-1. (Aluminum - Bisque) -16 kW 60 Hz Evolution° Controller (Enggsh/Spanl jPjy�� �P,PPL0PrnMj&U70s&'I,G007038-1(Aumtnum- Bisque) -20kW60Hz French/Portuguese) Models 600704342, G007042-2 (Aluminum- Bisque) -22 kW Go Hz M Two TransferSwitch Opgons.Avaifable: 200 Amp, er ice R Snitch or sz#CEALED FASTENERS OR ATTACHMENTS, 20D Amp Service Rated Smart See Page 5 for Details. A of TH O Electronic Governor O Standard Wf-Fl- Remote Monitoring E RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR OF RECORD O System Status & Maintenance Interval LED Indicators ® Sound Attenuated Enclosure ® Flewble Fuel Una Connector ® Direct To -Dirt Composite Mounting Pad ® Natural Gas or LP Gas Operation (11 5 Year limited Warranty ® Listed and Labeled by the Southwest Research Institute allowing Installation as close as 16' (457 mom) to a structure.* *Must be located away from doors, windows, and fresh air Intakes and in accom'ance WM local codes. h4n-11assej6.%W.orglGbrdn7OGecforyOBistoo73odoctsl Qmswc?onlrrdrAey/973 OaC 200 13POF01.01 Rsvapd! QUI e Note: GUL certification onryappriesto unbundled units and mim paclragedwgh limited d¢uitswifches. Uniispaclmgedwiih MoSmdSwitch are UL walled In Ne USAmIY• SCANNED BY St. LUC12 Cnru fir FEATURES 0 INNQVAFUEf6'flbYEDESIQfI@RIQQRQUQTESTINQaeatgeheadotGeneac's success in providing the most reliable generators possible, Genemc's G-Fome engine lineup offers added peace of mind and rellabifity for when you need it the mosL The G-Force sodas engines are purpose built and designed to handle the dgars of extended run times in high temperatures and aNeme opetaiing conditions. D WE PQ W IUM OAL UGH110L06Y: Superior harmonics and sine wave fors produce less than 5% ToW Harmonic Distortion for ugln,qualify power. Thfs allows confident operation of sensitive elechonlc equipment and micro -chip based appliances, such as variable speed lNAC systems. , tr PROi07YPE TESTFJ7 i ,j NEMRMSi-22 EVALUATION if SYSTEM TDRSIDNAL T51B) V MOTOR STARTINGABILITY 0 b§ OU LEXY RlQSQTE W'00 YG+ HE with every Guardian Sorter Home slandbygenerator. Allowsyou to monllortheshtus ofyourgeneator!turn where in the world using a smartphone, tablet or PC. Easily access Information such as to current opeating status and mandenance alerts. Connectyouraccount toyouravnodred service dealerforfast fdendlyandpmactivesen'fce. With Mobile Ltnik youam taken care ofbefore ihenmilpaweroutage. 9 SQLIQATAT�+fREatIEPiCYCOP:TPFN$ATE6111QLTAiEREQUTATIQii: This state- cf-the-ad powerromdmfang regulation system is standard an all Geneac models. It praddes optimfad FAST RESPONSE to changfng load conditions and MAXIMUM MOTOR STARTING CAPABILITY by electmnfcalty torque -snatching the surge loads to the engine. Digital voltage regulatfon at td%. 9 SIALESOME Affiv EREBPM.fromGroomesextensivedealer network provides parts and service Imow-how for the entire unit from the engine to the smallest electronic component 0 QENERAQ TRANSFER SWITCHES: Long life and reliability are synorGlmous with GENERAL POWER SYSTEMS. One reason for this confidence is that the GENERAL product line Includes Its own transfer Systems and codmis forfohal system compauldifly. .. E • r c5 ISO GMISE FILE l N- NO I I res 16/20/22 ftW featwas and benefits v s,1na 0 Generaca-Force design Maztmizesengine "breathing"for increased fuel efficiency. Plateau hOnEd CY11rderwElls andPlasmR MOlYrIngs helps the engine a run cooler, redeaing oil cansumptlon resulting in longer engine life. 0 °Spiny-lok"cast iron cylinder walls Rigid construction and added durability provide long engine fha. o Electronic lgnitior/sparkadvance These features combine toassumsmooth, quick starting every time. 0 Full pressure lubrication system Pressurized lubrication to all vital bearings means hailer performance, less maintenance and longer engine life. NGw fisitur- Ing up to a 2year/200 hour oil change interval. Y� 0 Low all pressure shutdown system Shutdovm protec0on prevents catastrophic engine damage due to low air. 0 Nigh temperature shutdown Prevents damage due to overheating. i�3rs;�irar 0 Revolving field Allows for a smatter, lightweight Unit that operates 25%moreefficientiythan arevolving armature genemtor. 0 Simwedstator Produces a smooth outputwavefamefor compatibility with electronic equipment 0 Displaced phase excitation Mazimizesmotorstarfingcapabifity. 0 Automaticvoffageregulation Regulates the output volfageto±q%prevpntsdamaging vollagospikes. 0 UL2200listed Foryoursafety, tl`�PiYtlSW if Of appif - Fhltyautomatic Transfers year vital electrical loan to the energized source of power. , 0 NEMASR Can he installed inside or outside for maxfrmrmflexibility. e Remote mounting Mounts near your existingdisfibuffenpanel for simple, low-cost Installation. Evaluvorj" C a¢t tra7® ® Auta/Manual/CffIlluminated buttons Selects the operating mode and provides easy, ata-ghncestatus Indication inany condition. O Two-Qne LCD multilingual display Provides homeowners easily visible fogs of history, maintenance and events up to 50 occurrences. ® Sealed, raised buttons Smooth, weather-reslstautuser interface for programming and operations. e UOlftyvoltagesensing Conslantlymongersu0lityvoffege,selpolids66% dropout, 80%pickup,ofslandardvoltage. a Generatorvolfagesensing Conslantlymonifins generator voltage to ensure the cleanest power delivered to the home. e UIRRy Interrupt delay Prevents nuisance slart-ups of the engine, adjustable 21500 seconds from the factory default setting of 5 seconds by a qualified dealer. 0 Engine warm-up Ensures engine is ready to assume the lead, setpoint approximately5 seconds. 0 Engine cool -down Allows engine to cool prior to shutdown, setpofntapproxfmately1minute. E• Programmableexercise Upeatesengine toprevent all seat drymijand damage between power outages byrunning the ginfumdorfor 5minutes every other week. Also offers a selectable setting for weekly or monthly operation providing flexibility and potentially lower fuel costs to the owner. ® Smarthaherycharger Delivers chaps to the bafteiyonlywhan needed atvarylog rates depending on outdoor air fempoodure. Compatible with lead acid and AGM-slyle batteries. 0 Mafnffnecircuithreaker Protectsgeneratorfromoverload. ® Eleclronfcgovemor Maintains conslant60Itfregdency. Val o SAE weather protective enclosure Sound attenuated enclosures ensure quiet operation and protection against mother nature, withstanding winds up to 160 mph. Hinged key locking mofpznel forsecudly. LIO-0ut front foreasyaccess to all routine maintenance items. Electroslat Icallyapplied textured epoxypaintforadded dorabllily. o Enclosed critical grade muffler Quiet, critical grade muffler is mounted inside the Una to prevent Injuries. ® Small, compact, attractive Makes for an easy, eye appealing installation, as close as 182 away from a building. ® 1fr(305mm)ffw''blefuel line connector Absorbs any genemtorvibratfonwhen connected toright pipe. O Oiroctlo-dfrtcomposilemounting pad ComplexlatticedesignpreventsselSingorsfnkingofthegeneratorsystem. ® Integral sediment ban Prevents particles and moisture from entering the fuel regulator and engine, prolonging engfnslife. LMMITIRkXI 1, 10/29/22 kW specifications Modal Baled Maximu m Continuous power Capacity (LP) Rated Maximum Continuous Power Capaclly (NG) RuIeayolhage - - Rated Madmum Continuous Load Cunenl-240 Vults ((PING) Total Harmdnic brstodion Maln the ClmuitBreaker Phase. . . . Umber of Rotor Porn Baled AG Frequency PawerFactor Bagety Regafreinent coal included) u6tWeighloafia) Dime6siods (CxWxfg ir✓mm t23R (1m) with generator operalingatnamed toad" a123 R (Pm):wilh gaheatorin Quiet Tasf" low -speed a anialse mode" Typeof Rine Ngmhmol LyMdea Oisplacemen! ly7inde[;Biock, UahreA�rangemerd Igni6onsystum Govemorsyslem Cpmpression Aatho Shder Oil BairIM&WRIding filler operating rpm FudCogsimpgon Nemrdl Gas Viladd Propane G007036-0, 0607036.0, 0007038.0, 6007039.0 GOD7042.1, 6007043-1 G007037.0 (16kW) (20 RIV) (22 kW) 16,060111ads°' 20,09DWals• 22,000 16,00o Walls° 18,00012s° I%SDD - 240 240 — 240 --- 66.8/66.6 83.3176 91,6/81.3 Less than 5% Less Than 5% Less than 5% 70Amp 100Amp 100Amp 1 1 1 2 2 2 60 Hz 60112 6DHa 1.0 1.0 1.0 12 Volts, Group 26R 54Q GOA Minimum or Group 35ASM 650 CCA Minimum 4061186 4481203 46BI211 48 X26 2 29/121B x 638 X 732 66 66 67 58 .58 58 MEMO G-Force 1000 Series 2 2 2 999 cc 9990 999 cc Aluminum w/ Cast Imn Sleeve Overhead Valve OverheadValm Overhead Valva Solid-shiew/Magneto Salld-stalew/Magneto Solid-slatew/Magneto Electronic Eectmnia Hoobanlo 9.5:1 9:5.1 9.5.1 12Vdc 12vdc 12Vdc Approx 1.9 gVi.S L Appmx 1.9 gV1.B L Away. 19 gV1.e L 3,5DO S,60o 3,600 Ra/hr CirPAr) 112 Load 218 (6.17) 204 (5.78) 228 (6.46) FullLoad 309 (8.75) 361(8,52) 327 (9.26) Ra/hr (9a o M11 1/2Lsad 91.6 (Z52) [9.531 86 (237) [899) 92 (253) [9.571 Fall Ladd 105.8 (Z94)111.111 129.6 (3,50)113.481 142 (S.90) 114.77L 241nePlain TeatMuNfingua(LC9 Display Simple am Infedace forme of apmd hon. MddoRudnns.Aufo Automatic Slad Do UN(tyfailme. 7 day exerciser. Manual Start whitslartarcordml unit slays on. If utility dfs. Irmlierto load takes plan. Off . . Slops uniLPowerlsmmoved Conlmland charger sNl operate, AeedyfoRwoMamfeneace Messages Standard FngineAun(fours IM1caDon standard Pmgammable startdelay hefween2-150Rseconds S(anda�d (pmgrdmmahle hydealeronty) Ufirdy7o11ag�ssQiefmn totNlRyAOJuslable (B7awnoutSet6ng) From 140-171 V/199-216V Future Set Capable 5mrWamino Standard BoNAlarililIftionanae tngs' 5DLVanIsFach Engine Shrt54gvence Cycrm cranking: 16sec on, 7 rest (90 ssomaximum duallon). 'ShdefLnck-0uF starter carnal re-engago unD15seea0erenglne hass(opped.' SmartBalIvyCloliff . Standard I;Wsr;FauIVlldiss(dgAC Wamk y Standard LawBa6ery(ndae Problem Protection and Battery Condition lndimdon Standard AutordaticVoltagelieegulzfon MM Overand UnderVoltaga Protection Standard Under-Frequency/Overload/SlepperOvercunard! Protection Standard Be*Fdsed(Frse Pipbtem PAD Won Srandard Automatic Low Oil Pressure/H(gh0(1TempeaWreShuldowe Standard IlvercrdOk/¢yerspeed_(�a 72 ffr)/rpmsense lissShuldawn Standard - f8BhEngine TempsaMeShuldown Standard Mental rzulVNwrmctWnng:Proleegop Standard Common OdemalFault CapabdtH , Standard Feld Upgiada6l;Fm wam standard 'Boundleeisarefal¢alromlryehoold0egmeralm.SowAlentrhkendom oMwsidesofU¢gmeraWmay6ehtghndepmdogwNshllnlionp�nelas.6aGngEerwTims-51aMbyAppnrahlefvsupplyuryepnu9girypwurforIDedura0on nleg. !MHM uhAeNufflulk d ineW mddwadiaor,ehVng.(h0aru�gsNaccm abouiBp=j.I5D3D46apWDW5t11i.'M mon6ilmvgmnpsandunrMaresuSledNMennani weach G0071aboeW*0(so a cmaeN.amdriltempeaAae,al0lude,mginePewerandmad�➢w,ele MadanimPowetd¢oeasssaboda5peaenirorearht.nngfee(I304emefps)a6wesealeretaodalroriWde4emeahmdlpantNMea¢A fi'C(f0°F7a4ove16°C(an°q. 100 - 400 Amps, Single Phase Q0cLus m� •CUL onty applies to non-solce rated switches Description Generac Automatic Transfer Switches are designed for use with single phase generators that utilize an Evolution'" or Nexus Controller. The 100, 200, and 400 amp open transition switches are available in single phase in both service equipment rated and non -service equipment rated configurations. The 150 and 300 amp open transition switches are only available in a service rated equipment configuration. Standard Features Service rated (RXSM Generac Automatic Transfer Switches are housed in an aluminum NEMANL Type 3H enclosure-, with electrostatically applied and baked powder pa!oL The Heavy Duly Generac Confactor is a UL recognized device, designed for years of service. The controller at the generator handles all the timing, sensing, exercising functions, and transfer commands. All switches are covered by a 5 year limited warranty. Non-sendce refed (R)(SC) switches are housed in a steel enclosure. DPM Technology Through the use of ftiial power technology. (DPM), these switches have the capability to manage up to 4 individual HVAC (24 VAC controlled) loads with no additional hardware. When used in tandem with Smart Management Modules, up to 8 more loads can be managed as well, providing the most installation efficient power management options available. is 100-490 Amps5 Single Phase - — ......x c--2F Momaguc Swart Transfu Switches All timing and sensing functions adginate in the generator controller Utildyvollagedrop- out ... ................... . ................. .... ........ _.__.......... _.................................................... ......... ..... .................. - ....... <65% Timer to generator start .............. _.._.................. ........................ - ............. - ............. 10 second factaryset, adjustable between 2-1500 seaands by a qualified dealer' Enginewarm up delay ..... ....... ...... .................... .... ............................ _.................. ..................................................... _....... _..... _.._.- ........... ................. 5 seconds Standbyvoltage sensor ...................... _.............................................................................................................................................................. _.......... 65°% for 5 seconds WHYvoltage plclalp_._..-.................. -................... -.................................................. -.._-.._._.......................................................................................... _......... >00% ._ . Ae-tansfergmedelay........................................................................................................_.._._.............-..........................................._..............._._..............15seconds Enginecool -down Omer ..................................... _.... ..... .:................................................ _.-............................................. _........ -............. -_... ...... ............. 60 seconds Exerciser ............................................ _...... _._...... .............. -...................... _... ........................................ ...... 5 or 12 minutes adjustable weekly/8l-weehfy/Menthly,< The transfer switch can he operated manually without power applied. `When used in conjunction with units u0lizing Emfvfian' controls "Adjustable via the con roller P -ffi '�` ���d'�uss Model I RX56100A3 I HXSMOOA3 HXSW15OA3 HXSCHOA3 HXSW20OA3 HXSWSDOA3 HXSG40OA3 HXSW40OA3 Amps 100 1 100 1 150 1 200 200 300 400 400 Voltage 12W240, is 120/240,1e 1201240, ie 120/241% in 120/240, is 120/290,10 120/240,1n 120/240,10 Load Transition Type (Aatonlage) Open1misition Openirmistdon' SarAce tied Open Transition Sea ice nated OpenTransitian Open Transition Service Hated Opan Trunsitian SaMce Rated Opaniransition Oponimnsitlon Sendce Hated FnclosureType NE1'AM1LSR NEMtWL3H NEWAM3H NEMA/UL33 NE WISH NEM IL SR 14MANLSR NEMMILSR UL Hating UUCUL M UL UL/CUL UL UL U11CUL UL Withstand Rating (Amps) - 10,000 10,000 22,000 10,000 22,000 22,900 22,000 22,000 WgHange 1/0-#14 250MGM -#6 SOOMCM-Nor1/0-250MCM � 1 iR- 09NERAC` Generac Power Systems, Inc. - S45 W29290 HWY 59, Waukesha, WI 53189 ^ generac.com d52a17Gemrdc PouerSysf=, Ina All 69hISMserved. AOspeci6wgons are 5DbIn11ochvg0WM0U1 nonce. au0egn10000013459-A 04j24117 LT avaalabic mcfgia _i - ProOuat. Oescripliori The Wf-FI enabled LP fuel level monitorprovldes constantmonitating ofthe connected LP fuel tank Mon- 0907005.0 Wi-HLPFuel Level Monitor ItodngtheLPtank'sfuellevelisanimpodantstepinmakingsureyourgenamierisreadytorunduringan - - - - - unexpected powerfagure. Status alerts areavailablethroughafroeapplication tountifywhenyourlPtank is in need of a reOO. Genemc's Mobile Link allowsyau to check the status of your generatorfrom anywhere that you have ac- 0006463-4 Mobile Lnk" cess to an interest connection from a PC crwith any smart device. You will even be notified via a -mail or text message when a change in the generator's status occurs. Available In the U.S. only. 6005819-0 2611 Wet Cell Battery Every standby generator requires a battery to stadthe system. Generac offers the recommended 26H wet cell battery for use with all air-cooled standby product (excluding Powedlact®). G007101-0 HattetyPadWarmer Thapad warmerrestsunderthebattery. Recommendedforuseifthetempemiureregularlyfallsbelow 0'F. (Not necessary for use with AGM-sfyfe batteries). 0007102-0 OIIWarmer Oilwarmerstpsdirectly overtheoil fliterRecommended foruseifthe temperature regularly faffsbelow 0°F. 6005621-0 AuxiilaryiransferSwitch The auxiliary transfer switch contact kitatows the transferswitch to lock out a single large electrical load Contact IGt you may nut need. Not compatible with 50 amp pro -wired switches. Fascia Base Wrap Fascia Base WraplGt The fascia base wrap snaps together amund the bottom of the now air cooled generators. This offers a :GO07027-0-Bisque rd on 22 kW (Standholes sleek, contoured appearance as wall as sharing protection from rodents and Insects by covering the lifting located in the base. If the generator enclosure is stretched or damaged, it Is Important to touch-up the palntto protect from •GOD5703-0-81squa Pant Nit future corrosion. The pant kit includes the necessary pahltto properly maintain or touch-upa generator enclosure. '6006485.0 Scheduled Maintenance kit Generoo's scheduled maintenance kits provide alltho hardware necessary to perform complete routine maintenance on a Genemc automatic standby generator. 'GOO887M Management Modulo Smart Management Modules am used In conjunction with the Automatic Transfer Switch to Increase its .Smart (50 Amps) power management capabiGdes.ltprovidesadditional powermanagementflexlbilitynotfoundtoany other power management system. ItFrmoev niwdarsslwhn emappfaaele [War tolnsheaiun reamdfar e dzkeasiom.DoNOTUSEVOEDWSIONSFOR OWAHAMPMOSES. rssw FAowrV1EN Model UPC G007035-0 696471070354 0007036-0 696471070361 G007037-0 696471070378 G007039-0 696471070385 G007039-0 696471070392 G007042-0 $96471070422 6007043-0 696471070439 OENERAC® Generac Power Systems, Inc, a 845 W29290 HWY.59, Waukesha, W153189 o generac.com ®20170eneme Pmver9yslems, Inc. Ad 99W msened.AO specl0ca1ions amsubleclin change sslNoutno0ce- Pan No. 10000000194-F513111 Smart Mangemen] Modules (SMM) FEATURES n 1` 1 C�.'t�E�C ��CC�SSt�FfES Model C-007000-0 UPC 696471070002 Generac's Smart Power Management System is designed to optimize the performance of a standby generator. The system can consist of up to 8 individual Smart Management Modules (SMM). Unlike other load management systems that depend on another control device, the SMM modules are actuallyselfaware and operate autonomously. Frequency is the true measure of generator engine performance and does not need to factor in increased ambient temperatures, elevation changes or generator fuel type. The medulas monitor the frequency (Hz) of the power being produced by Generac's standby generators. If frequency falls below a certain threshold, the module will automatically follow a power management algorithm to reduce the chance of a generator overload condition. The modules can be set to a load priority between 1-8, or be set In a lock -out only mode for loads that just simply do not need to run in an outage. This reduces the minimum size of the generator for a more cost-effective solution. SMM SPECIFICATIONS Power Supply Source Contact Voltages....... Contactor Coil Valtagr Coil VA Inrush........... Coil VA Sealed.........., Poles ......................... Resistive Amps .......... F/L Inductive Amps .... Locked Rotor Amps.... VAC (from Line input) ............ 220/240 VAC ................... 240 VAC 180 ,.LW ...... ................................................. ..... I ........................... ._-- Enclosure Rating............................................................................................................................................................................................................." 50 . Frequency Selectabili 50 Hz/ 60 Hz GENERA I +�'��(�,( Management �ti1�.,.eJ (J.ilii:) Dimensions d rt� ��li I W1 Model G007000-0 Height [Is/mm) H1 6.17(156.8 H2 236/6D Width C HI-) W1 7.06/179.4 W2 4.72/120 Depth Plane) 3.7(94 Weight (th/19) 2.06/0.94 Shipping Weight (14/kg) 2.44/ 1.11 UPC Code 1 696471070002 0 SMM Controls (located behind the modulo cover) LED ON=LOAD CONNECTED LEO FLASH 7S= LOAD SFIED PRIORITY I LOOKOUT LEDFLASH39=30MIN LOCKmfi s LOAD 01N LED FLUSH 6s=SEN LOAD LOCKOUT l LED OFF =N➢MODULEPOWER ® ® O O TEST I D LOCKOIrr DISABLE PriorityDial(A) Sets module priority Lockout Switch(0) Prevents load from operagng when system is operating undergeneatorpower. Test 6uDan(C) Disables contactoroulputfora specffiedgme. LED(D) Provides module status with easy viewing through the eidemalviewing window located in the upperr(ght comerof the module. GE ®! ER ACO Generac Power Systems, Inc. • S45 W29290 HWY.59, Waukesha, WI53189 • generac.corn =MEP99g9a,76 02018 Genwo Prover Sysfms,Inc.Alinghts reserved. AB spffsaions are sublectto changejyhhout nofice. Pad No. 10000029407MV B (11114118) Site Beftcub a 5n(1.52m) ED 8 ft (U.a1 m) awwall, MIAMI V— M 3-1 InSW4,290n Ck mwew #O 9osartpffon comments A 'fopnfgeneretor — Front andend olemmoo Wartmurfrekardfslancesc mo#incWdeshmbs,$ushes,or-gees. C RPard�rua 78s,{as.7an)rranlrrnnr, ofezianoeperNFPft �sBng, raUenfig, era lfsahg, lIIikiSssWteOrlGGal apR2g dicEafeo#hen+rise. D Windows and openings No upera blavdacl=s, doors, or openings in tha%djare WM11 ad wdhtn 6#(1.52 fn) from any point of Me geneador. F Mxmngwan One-hourfirereietiw>'sallows(w,erplacemet¢afthegenera(orsef.ConilrmheforefnsFallattora , F Removable fence Removable lance panes farserviefgg cannotbe placed lass ffM a tt (0,91 m) in front piula generator. G I Overheadolearanae 6t#(i.52m)mirfimvmc9staneefrom any stmak,e,overhang,orprojeafionsfinm#bev+ali DO NOTinstanonderw6den decks orsinrc#tnes unfess this disfance is maintained, r.� m U- Ain P-An.a n..--a-.-- - 11 Site Satection "and Preparation Indf-n the generator set, in its prctectfve enclosure e The generator rnu5t be installed on a level au� cu�ocrs where ad€guate coding and ventilaiing alp is a le OWlys available (fit nj _ 3.1). Conskler these factors: face, iheratorMtormustbelevel e g.uin ° The fnsfalletlon of thecomply (93 mm) all arounrZ strictly With The generator typically placed on pea gravel, FOG, NFPA 37t NFPA 54 NFPA crushad A 7 �a, and NFfA 5fl standards. ompacfed sA stone, or a concrete ° instan the unit where air inlet and outlet openings required.Checkcal code s to see what tyc �pplt- wilf not became abstrucfed by Issues, glass, snow, etc. If prevailing winds will cause blowing or cable codes should be followed. dri; Ing, consider using a windbreak to protect the unit. Il SMIa-" tion Ouldeiitt@5 sr an�Aee�C�® �ertal�tor� ° lnsfan the generator on high ground where water levels will not else rlt. bean NFrA 87 Is the The National Fire protection Assoeiatfon's O This un t should e s net eperate in or be subjected to standing water. standard for the fnstaQation and use of stationary combustion ° Allow suffloient room on aff sides of the generator fiat maintenance and servicing. This engines. Its requirements limit the spacing of an enclosed generator set from a structure or wall (FVUJq-9-1). unit must be installed in accordance with any local slate_ or narao'nal cadea for mintmum 018iRMS kom der Structures. NV A 37, Scotian 4.1.4 Engines Loci#ed outdoors: Engines, and their w� jlergYOdf ° Clemnce from the ends and front of the .'ceflsings If Provided re , that ainstalled outdoors shalt be located at least 5 (1,62 � m) from shhav< roe generator muse be 3 it (o.ill m). This includes shrubs bustles, and trees. Clearance from structures blustfble5 and atwalts Aleast 6 ieminiI.5r2 separaffon ambuad minimum from the back of the generator must be a minimum of 7S in (457 mm). Clearance at the top should shall not be where the Conditions extsc be a minimum Of 5 ft (1.52 m) from any structure, overhang, or Projections from the MIL The adjacent Wail of the structure has a fir® resfsiance rating of least one hour ° DO NOT install under woodenures unless theta fs at least 2. The weatherproof enclosure is constructed of noncombustible materials and it has 5 ft (1.5j o clearance above the generator. been demonstrated that a ftre within the enclosure win not ° Install the urat Where rain Gutter s � sure. combustible materials outside fhe enclosure. run sum -off' landscape irr{ga#fon, pouts, roc, p pump discharge does not flood Unit or ar n spray the enclosure, including any air Inlet orouttef A4' 1 openings. mean ° Install the unit where services will not be al;ecfed aecau or obstructed, Including concealed, underground, availab or covered services such a$ electrical, fuel, phone, exeepti alit conditioning, or irrigation. This could aired and co warran4Ycoverage manufa ° Where strong prevailing wfncfs blow from one direction, face the generator air Inlet openings to the Prevailing winds. ° Install the generator as close as possible tothe,uel supply to reduce the length of piping. REUEMLiER THAT I M OR CODE'S MAY REGULATE Ti4E DISTANCE AND LOCATION. in the absence of local codes regarding placement or clearance, we exA — E'pIanatory i rlat 4 (2) fL"1 of demonstrating compliance are b s of fu11 scale fire iestor by calculation Procedures y se of the limited spaces that are frequenfty le 'br Installation, it has become apparent that on (2) would be beneficial for many residential tnmercial instaiiafions. With that in mind, the oturer contracted wiiil an independent testing labolratcry to run full scale fire tests #o assure that fire the enclosure. enclosure will not ignite combustible materials outside N Southwest Research Institute &sifng approves 18 In (457 mm) instalfafion minimum from structure (F" -1.1, C). Southwest Research institute Is a nationally recorgifzed third parfy testing and listing agency, recommend f0497ving these gnldelinas. The witerla was to datermine the ,alotst case bite scenario =inStallthe g@neretoras class aspossible fothe within tha generator and tc defermine the fgnitabliny of usnsferswitch. PA-WRlAaER THATLAWS OR items outside the engine enclosure at varrous distances CODESiMIAYREGUtATETHE DISTANCE AW The enclosure is constructed of none . LOCATION rrraierfafs, and the results and conclusions from the it 0pentfant testing lab Indicated that any lire within the 12