HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVALFlorida Building Code0fdire m� 7. fir. MIS Home Log In User Regisnation Hot Topics Submit Sun]rarge Stats a Facts PublimDans FM Staff MIS Site Map db M prodOL:tApper _ FILE COPY SCANNED ���USE0.: Public User "'FF' �Q`��` �10 Z'-p,�717- St. Lucie Couniy PmduR-voy val Menu > r li on ea > e olica Hon List > Appacaibn Dania FL# Application Type Code Version Application Status Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/Errol CONCEALED FASTENERS OR ATTACHMENTS ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE (RINOVICTOFIGIRRECORD Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Ertel Category Subcategory Comlplance Method Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Evaluation Report Florida License Quality Assurance Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Validated By Certificate of Independence FL1654-R22 /1 Revision 5"-r' P—U e"- 2017 T. LU✓CIE COUNTY EUIU5ING Approve YtEVIEWED FOR COMPLIANCE, PLANS AND PERMIT MUST BE KftPTON JOB SITE OR NO INSPECTIONS) IL E MADE POLYGLASS USA , 1111 W. Newport Center Drive Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 (954) 233-1378 Ext 242 ale-nder@polyglass.com Ariel Lender alender@polyglass.com Maury Alpert 1111 W. Newport Center Drive Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 (912) 429E PLANS AND ALL PROPOSED WORK MAipert@ UBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT Ariel LendWr.�AYr.,,�BIE NERC7E�SiSSLALRY IN ORDER L ODES. TO 1111 W. NenpOft� 4ti!'f'frDrrve Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 (954) 233-1230 ALender@polyglass.com Roofing Modified Bitumen Roof System Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Liters Professional Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Robert Nieninen PE-59166 UL LLC 10/06/2018 John W. Knezevlch, PE Validation Checidist - Hardcopy Received F11654 R22 COT 2017 01 COI Nierrfnen.gdf Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard ASTM D6162 ASTM D6163 ASTM D6164 ASTM D6222 htlps:fwt'mfloddaW1dng•orgWpr apP_dtl.aapr(7paralrFtSCaEVXOt+tDQWgi2vi/o26nF0UPrQrA6qCxAlIdIUICZfBdIP/o26ct%2FY41IFl6rjA-A3d%Wz Year 2008 2008 2011 2011 .514/20f8 Florida Building Code Online ASTM D6509 2009 FM 4470 2012 FM 4474 2011 UL 1897 2012 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 09/14/2017 Date Validated 09/15/2017 Date Pending FBC Approval 09/22/2017 Date Approved 12/12/2017 F16-14. Model, Number or Name Descripti�,=Idifld Polyglass SBS and APP ModiFled SBS and on bitumen roof systems bitumen Roof Systems Limits of Use Installation instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL1654 R22 11 2017 09 FINAL Al ER MO Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes R22.Rdf Impact Resistant: N/A Verified By: Robert Nieninen PE-59166 Design Pressure: +N/A/-622.5 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Other: 1.) The design pressure In this application relates to Evaluation Reports a FINAL.Ft on vn. ncc MnnR one particular assembly over concrete deck. Refer to the ER F "" ^ 22 Appendix for other systems and deck types. 2.) Refer to ER, B22.9ff " w c '^ Section 5 for other Urrits of Use. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes EE 0 Canto US:: 2601 BlairSton, Road, Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone: 850.487-1 S24 The State of Florida Is an Av/ employee C.,yriaht 2007-2913 St t of Florida :: Pd Statement :: A eibll�x p N stateyent:: Refund untler Flanda law, email addresses are public records. If you do not vent your a -mall address released In response to a publlurecords Mques electronic mail M this entry. Instead, contactthe office by phone or by tradidonaI mail. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.139 section 455.275(1), Florida statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Depaament wlth an they have one. The emails provided may be used foroffidal communication with Me Ilmnsee. However email addresses are public record. If yo supply a personal address, please pmvide Me Department vain an email address web can be made available te Me public To determine if yo under Chapter455, F.S., please dick hem Product Approved Accepts: Credit Card Safe httsJAvmxfloridabuilding.ag/pr/prapp O.a5p(7pwamxGEVXCMDgWqu2v//o2bnFgUPt4n6pKOhdN%CZfSdha/o2bny-ZYWF)&Ap/a2d%3d 212 TRINITY - ERD Table Deck Appncxuon -Tw ..�.,..,r.,..,• 5 1A Wood New of Reroof (rear -Off) A-1 Bonded Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 19-1 Wood New or Reroof (rear-" A-2 Mech.Attached Anchor Sheet, Bonded Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 5-9 I3-2 Wood New, Reroof (Tea r-Offl or Recover A-2 Mech. Attached Anchor Sheet, Bonded Insulation, Banded Roof Cover 10-11 1C Wood I New, Reroof (Tea r-Of) or Recover B Mech. Attached Base Insulation, Bonded Top Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 11 ID Wood New, Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover C Mech. Attached Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 12.13 lE Wood New, Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover D Prelim. Attached Insulation, Mech. Attached Base Sheet, Bonded Roof Cover 14-15 Wood New or Reroof (Tear -Off) E Non -insulated, Mach. Attached Base Sheet(nails), Bonded Roof Cover 16-18 SF-1 '- 1F-2 Wood New, Reroof(Tear-Otf)or Recover E Non -Insulated, Mech. Attached Base Sheet (screws & plates), Banded Roof Cover 10-21 1G Wood New or Reroof (Tear -Oft) F Non -Insulated, Bonded Roof Cover 21 2A Steel or Structural concrete New, Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover B Mech. Attached Base Insulation, Bonded Top Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 22-24 2B Steel or Structural concrete New, Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover C Mech. Attached Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 2S-28 2C Steel or Structural concrete New, Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover D Prelim. Attached Insulation, Mech. Attached Base Sheet, Bonded Roof Cover 29-31 3A Strocurel concrete New or Reroof (Tear -Off) A-1 Bonded Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 32-40 3B Structural concrete New or Reroof (Tear -OH) F Non -Insulated, Bonded Roof Cover 40 4A LWIC New or Reroof (Tear -off) A-1 Bonded Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 47.42 48 LWIC New or Reroof (Tear -Off) A-2 Mech. Attached Anchor Sheet, Bonded Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 43 4C LWIC New or Reroof(Tear-Off) E Nan-insulated,Mech. Attached Base Sheet Bonded Roof Cover 4446 SA CWF New or Reroof (Tear -Oft) A-1 Bonded Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 41 511 CWF New, Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover A-2 Mech. Attached Anchor Sheet, Bonded Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 48 SC CWF New, Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover B Mech. Attached Base Insulation, Bonded Top Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 49 SD CWF New, Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover C Mech. Attached Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 49 5E CWF New, Reroof (Tear-Off)or Recover E Non -Insulated, Mach. Attached Base Sheet, Bonded Roof Cover 49 6A Gypsum Reroof (Tear -Off) A-1 Bonded Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover SO-52 60 Gypsum Remof(Tear-Off) or Recover A-2 Mech. Attached Anchor5heet, Bonded insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 52 6C Gypsum Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover C Mech. Attached Insulation, Bonded Boof Cover 53 6D Gypsum Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover E Non -insulated, Mech. Attached Base Sheet, Bonded Roof Cover 53 7A Various Recover A-1 Bonded Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 54-58 7B Various Recover F Non -Insulated, Bonded Base Sheet, Bonded Roof Cover 58 The following t s pn2tIE to the systems outlined herein: 1. The roof system evaluation herein pertains to above -deck roof components. Roof decks and structural members shall be In accordance with FBC requirements to the satisfaction of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. Load resistance of the roof deck shall be documented through proper codified and/or FBC Approval documentation. 2. Insulation / base sheet fasteners shall be of sufficient length for the following deck engagement: D Wood: IMInImum 0.75-inch penetration. ➢ Steel: IMinimum 0.75-Inch penetration and engage the top flute of the steel deck. ➢ Structural concrete: Minimum 1-Inch embedment into pilot hole in accordance with fastener manufacturers published Installation instructions. 3. Unless otherwise noted, thsulation may be any one layer or combination of polylsocyanurate, polystyrene, wood fiberboard, perlite, gypsum -based roof board or mineral -wool roof hoard that meets the CA requirements of F.A.C. Rule 61620.3 and is documented as meeting FBC 1505.1 and, for foam plastic, FBC Chapter 26, when installed with the roof cover. Exterior Research and Design, LLG d/b/a Trinity IERD Evaluation Report P9290.02.08-R20 for F31654-R22 Revision 20.09112/2017 Certificate of Authorization k9503 - 0 EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVM2 EVALUATION Polyglass Modified Bitumen Roof Systems (570) 364-IBO Appendix 1, Page 1 of 58 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 TRINITY ERD 4. Minimum 200 psi, minimum 2-Inch thick lightweight insulating concrete may be substituted for rigid Insulation board for System Type D (mechanically attached base sheet, bonded roof cover), whereby the base sheet fasteners are Installed through the LWIC to engage the structural steel or concrete deck. The structural deck shall be of equal or greater configuration to the steel and concrete deck listings. Roof decks and structural members shall be in accordance with FBC requirements to the satisfaction of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. Load resistance of the roof deck shall be documented through proper codified and/or FBC Approval documentation. S. Preliminary Insulation attachment for System Type D: Unless otherwise noted, refer to Section of FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-29 (January 2016). 6. Unless otherwise noted, insulation adhesive application rates are as follows. Ribbon or bead width is at the time of application; the ribbons/beads shall expand as noted in the manufacturer's publishedlnstrucdons. D Hot asphalt (HA): Full coverage at 25-30lbs/square. D Dow INSTA STIK Cluik Set Insulation Adhesive(0-IS): Continuous 0.75 to 1-inch wide ribbons, 12-Inch o.c. D Millennium One Step Foamable Adhesive(M-OSFA): Continuous 0.25 to 0.5-Inch wide ribbons, 12-inch o.c. ➢ Millennium PG-1 Pump Grade Adhesive (M-PG3): Continuous 0.25 to 0.5-Inch wide ribbons, 12-Inch o.c. ➢ OMG OlyBond 500(08500): Continuous 0.75 to 1-inch wide ribbons, 12-inch o.c.(PaceCart or SpotShot).Note: OlyBond Green may be used where OlyBand 500 is referenced. D OlyBond Classic(OB Classic): Full coverage at l gal/square. >ICP Adhesive &Sealants CR-20: Continuous 2.5-3.5-Inch wide ribbons, 12-inch o.c. D Note: When multiple layers(s) of lnsulaaon and/or mverboard are Installed in r bbonapplledadhesive, boaMJolntsshall be staggered. D Note: The maximum edge distance from the adhesive ribbon to the edge oJthe insulation board shall be not less than one-half the specked ribbons spacing. 7. Unless otherwise noted, all Insulations are flat -stock or taper board of the minimum thickness noted. Tapered pulylsucyanurate at the following thickness limitations may be substituted with the following Maximum Design Pressure (MDP) limitations. In no case shall these values be used to'Increase the MOP listings in the tables; rather if MDP listing below meets orexceecis that listed for a particular system In the tables, then the thinner board listed below may be used as a drop -In for the equivalent thicker material listed In the table: D Millennium One Step Foamable Adhesive(M-OSFA): MDP -157.5 psi (Min. 0.5-inch thick) D Millennium PGA Pump Grade Adhesive(M-PGI): MDP -157.5 psf (Min. 0.54nch thick) > OMG Olyeond 500(015500): MDP -45.0 psf (Min. 0.54nch thick Multi -Max FA-3) D OMG OlyBond SDO (O0500): MDP -187.5 psf (Min. DS-Inch thick ISO 95+GL) ➢ DRAG OlylJond 500 (00500): MDP -315.0 psf (Min. OS -Inch thick ENRGY 3) > OMG OhBond 500(OB500): MDP -487.5 psf (Min. 0.5-Inch thick ACFoam 11) > ICP Adhesives &Sealants CR-20: MDP -117.5 psf (Min. 1.0-Inch thick) 8. Bonded polyisoryanurate insulation boards shall be maximum 4 x4ft. 9. For mechanically attachedcomponents or partially bonded Insulation, the maximum design pressure for the selected assembly shall meet or exceed the Zone 1 design pressure determined in accordance with FBC Chapter 16, and Zones 2 and 3 shall employ an attachment density designed by a qualified design professional to resist the elevated pressure criteria. Commonly used methods are ANSI/SPRI WDL FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1.29, Roofing Application Standard RAS 217 and Roofing Application Standard RA5137. Assemblies marked with an asterisk- carry the limitations set forth In Section of FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-29 (January 2016) for Zone 2/3 enhancements. 10. For fully bonded assemblies, the maximum design pressure for the selected assembly shall meet or exceed critical design pressure determined In accordance with FBC Chapter 16, and no rational analysis is permitted. 11, For mechanically attachedl components over existing decks, fasteners shall be tested In the existing deck for withdrawal resistance. A qualified design professional shall review the data for comparison to the minimum requirements for the system. Testing and analysis shall be In accordance with AN51/SPRI Fx-1 or Testing Application Standard TA5105. 12. For existing substrates in a bonded recover or re -roof Installation, the existing roof surface or existing roof deck shall be examined for compatibility and bond performance with the selected adhesive, and the existing roof system (for recover) shall be capable of resisting project design pressures on its own merit to the satisfaction of the Authority Having Jurisdiction, as documented through field uplift testing in accordance with ANSI/SPRI IA-1, ASTM E907, FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-52 or Testing Application Standard TA5124. 13. For Recover Applications wing System Type D, the insulation is optional;however, the existing roof system shall be suitable for a recover application. 14. Lightweight Insulating Concrete (LWC) shall be cast in accordance with FBC Section 1917 to the satisfaction of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. For systems where specific LWC is referenced, refer to current LWC Product Approval for specific deck construction and limitations. For systems where specific LWC is not referenced, the minimum design mix shall be 300 psi. In all cases, the minimum top-coatthickness Is 2-Inches. For LWC over structural concrete, reference is made to FBC Section 1917.4.1, Point 1. Exterior Research and Design, LLC d/b/a Trinity IERD Evaluation Report P9290.02.08-1120 for i11654.RZ2 Certificate of Authorization H9503 lin EDITION 12017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 20; 09/12/2017 Prepared by: Robert Nleminen, PE-59166 Polyglass Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (570) 384.1230 Appendix 1, Page 2 of SB gniity ERD (r5T11294) ERD (TST6049) ERD(TST6049) FM Approvals (TST1867) FM Approvals (TST1867) FM Approvals (TST1867) FM Approvals (TST1867) FM Approvals (TST1867) FM Approvals (T5T1867) FM Approvals (TSr1867) FM Approvals(TST1867) FM Approvals (TST1867) FM Approvals (TST1867) FM Approvals (TST1867) FM Approvals (TST1867) FM Approvals (TST1867) FM Approvals (TST1867) FM Approvals (TST1867) FM Approvals (TST1867) FM Approvals (TST1867) FM Approvals (TST1867) FM Approvals (TST1867) FM Approvals (TST1867) FM Approvals (TST1867) FM Approvals (TST1867) FM Approvals (TST1867) FM Approvals (TST1867) PRI (TST5878) PRI (TST5878) PRI(TST5878) PRI (TST5878) PRI(TST5878) PRI MS878) FRI(TSr5878) PRI (TST5878) PRI W5878) Miami -Dade (CER1592) Miami -Dade (CER1592) Li (QUA962S) 4. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Examination FM 4474/UL1897/TA5 114 FM 4474/UL1897 FM 4474/TAS 114 FM 4470- FM 4470 FM 4470 FM 4470 FM 4470 FM 4470 FM 4470 FM 4470 FM 4470 FM 4470 FM 4470 FM 4470 FM 4470 FM 4470 FM 4470 FM 4470 FM 4470/4474 FM 4470/4474 FM 4470/4474 FM 4470/4474 FM 4470/4474 FM 4470/4474 FM 4470/4474 FM 4470/4474 Physical Properties Physical Properties Physical Properties Physical Properties TAS 114 TAS 114 TAS 114 TAS 114 TAS 114 HVHZ Compliance Proposal for Review Quality Control Reference PLYG-CrIL13945.05.17-3 PLYG-SC13945.05.17 PLYG-SC15760.09.17 2w7A7.AM OD3A3.AM 2DOAO.AM 2DSA9AM 3006646 3001334 3001334 3000857 3004091 3006115 3012321 3014692 3014751 3007170 3019317 3020703 3019332 3023368 3024594 3023458 3030669 3032172 3049631 3057029 PUSA-062-02-01 PUSA-061-02-02 PUSA-064-02-02 PUSA-062-02-02 PUSA-188-02-01 PUSA-188-02-02 PUSA-188-02-03 PUSA-202-02-01 PUSA-202-02-02 Various NOAs 10-0823 Service Confirmation, R14571 TRINITY ERD Date 05/30/2017 05/30/2017 09/11/2017 08/04/1994 04/04/1997 12/23/1998 06/22/1999 01/04/2000 01/25/2000 02/15/2000 01/12/2000 01/12/2000 OS/02/2001 07/29/2002 08/05/2003 08/27/2003 01/13/2004 06/30/2004 07/30/20M 01/31/2006 03/20/2005 05/23/2006 07/18/2006 09/12/2007 06/12/2009 04/21/2014 02/02/2017 12/04/2007 01/28/2009 02/27/2009 12/04/2008 02/O8/2D17 02/08/2017 02/08/2017 05/17/2017 05/17/2017 Various 10/12/2010 Exp:10/06/2018 This Evaluation Report covers Polyglass Modified Bitumen Roof Systems installed in accordance with Polyglass USA, Inc. published installation instructions and the Limitations / Conditions of Use herein. The following Polyglass mr.o ma4aun the suhiprt systems. TABLE 1: ROLL -GOODS FOR POLYGLASS MODIFIED BITUMEN ROOF SYSTEMS Type Product Specification Reference Grade T e Base Sheets Polyglass G2 Base ASTM 04601 N/A 11 Polytiex SA Base ASTM D4601 I N/A II Polyglass APP Base ASTM D6509 I N/,4 I N/A Exterior Research and Design, U.C. - Evaluation Report P9290.02.08-R20 Cearlkate u/Authodrotion p9503 e EDITION (20171 FBC NON-HWZ EVALUATION FL7654-R22 Polyglass Madi led Bitumen Roof Systems, (S70) 394-MO Revision 20:09/12/2017 Page 3 of 6 TRINITY ERD TABLE 1(CONTINUED): ROLL -GOODS FOR POLYGIASS MODIFIED BITUMEN ROOF SYSTEMS' Type Product Spedffmtion Reference Grade Type SB5 Membranes Polyglass HT Base 650 ASTM D6162 S In Elastobase ASTM-D6163- ElastaflexV - ASTM D6163 S I _ EI se ASTM D6163, Table 2 S I tElattofleXSAVFR;Base� ASTM D6163, Table 2 5 I ASTM D6163 _ 5 I Elastoflex SA Plus FR ASTM D6163 5 I Elastobase Poly ASTM D6164 5 1 Elastoflex 56 ASTM D6164 5 1 Elastoflex SBType 11 ASTM D6164 S II Elastoflex VG ASTM D6163 G I Elastoflex VG FR ASTM D6163 G I SBS Membranes Elastoflex S6 G ASTM D6164 G I Elastoflex 56 G FR - ASTM D6164 G I Polyfresko G SBS (sand orpoly-film backed) ASTM D6164 G I _ Polyfresko G SRS FR (sand or poly -film backed) ASTM D6164 G I Elastoshield TS G ASTM D6164 G I Elastoshieid TS G FR ASTM D6164 G i Elastoflex SA P ASTM 06164 G 1 Elastoflex SA P FR ASTM D6164 G I Polyreflect ASTM D6164 S I APP Membranes Polyflex ASTM D6222 S 1 PolyflexG ASTM D6222 G I Polyflex G FR ASTM D6222 G I Polyfresko G ASTM D6222 G 1 Polyfresko G FR ASTM D6222 G I Pol bond ASTM D6222 S I Pol and G ASTM 06222 G I _eoweiSA$'"^:. Polyfley SkfTR ASTM D6222 ASTM D6222 G G I I Polyfresko GSA ASTM D6222 G I Polykool ASTM D6222 5 I 5. LIMITATIONS: 5.1 This is a building code evaluation. Neither TrinitylERD nor Robert Nieminen, P.E. are, in any way, the Designer of Record for any project an which this Evaluation Report, or previous versions thereof, is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically forthat purpose.. 5.2 This Evaluation Report is not for use in FBC HVHZ jurisdictions. 5.3 Refer to a current Approved Roofing Materials Directory for fire ratings of this product. 5.4 For steel deck installations, foam plastic insulation shall be separated from the building interior In accordance with FBC 2603.4 unless the exceptions stated in FBC 2603.4.2 and 2603.6 apply. 5.5 The roof system evaluation herein pertains to above -deck roof components. Roof decks and structural members shall be in accordance with F8C requirements to the satisfaction of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. Load resistance of the roof deck shall be documented through proper codified and/or FBC Approval documentation. 5.6 For recover installations, the existing roof shall be examined in accordance with FBC 1511. Exterior Research and Design, U.C. Evaluation Report P9290.02.08-R20 CertdkvW Of Authorimrion#9503 e EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL1554-R22 Polyglass Moddied Bitumen Roof Systems; (5701384-1230 Revision 20:09/12/2017 Page 4 of 6 `.`I TRINITY ERD TABLEIF-2: WOOD DECKS— NEW CONSTRUCTION, REROOF(TEAR-OFF)OR REMOVER SYSTEMTYPEE: NON -INSULATED, MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE SHEET (scams &PLATES), BONDED ROOF COVER System Deck 1) Base Sheet ove RMICr(Note15) MDP No. (Note Type Fasten Attach Base Ply Cap (Psf) SEIF-APHRIINGBAfEPLY:: �I, . ... " ,. - • •• •.... W-136 Min. 19/32. Elastobase, Elastobase P Dekfast Hex (aka, Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8) with Dekfast#14 12-Inch o.c. In 44nch lap and lDinch o.c. in two SBS-SA, APPSA, SOS. inch plywood (poly lm tap) orTlufast 3" Metal Insulation Plate with Trufast HD (2), equally spaced, staggered center rows S9i9A TA, APP-TA dL5• W-137 Min. 19/32- Elastobase, Elastobase P Dekfast Hex (aka, Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8) with Dekfast#14 124nch o.c. in 4-inch lap and 12-Inch O.C. in two polyflex SA ease APP-TA -52,5• Inch plywood (poly -film top) orTrufast 3" Metal Insulation Plate with TrufastHO (2), equally spaced, staggered center rows W-138 Mtn. 19/32- 1I811(poly base, ElastobaseP CRAG Flat Bottom Plates(square) with Roofgrlp#12 12-inch o.c. In 4-Inch lap and 12-inch o.c. in two SBS-SA SBS-SA,APP-SA, SBS- 600• Inch plywood (poly-Blm top) (2). equally spaced, staggered center rows TA, AP -TA W139 Min. 19/32- Elastobase, ElastobaseP OMG Flat Bottum Plates (square) with Roofgrigl2 p 12-Inch o.c. in 4-Inch lap and 12-Inch o.c in two palyflex SA Base APP-TA -60.0• inch plywood (poly -film top) (2), equally spaced, staggered center rows TABLE 16: WOOD DECKS— NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REROOF(TEAR-OFF) SYSTEM TYPE F: NON -INSULATED, BONDED ROOF COVER System Deck (Note l) primer Roof Cover (Note 15) Joint Treatment Base Ply Ply Cap Ply MDP (psf) NO. ifG''2'403'th A 15/33i "'I N one ' + x ^i -t: p ^None r,.SP ram ` sw�,,[,�• f' .� J rid` 'f-S ''i SBS' ., 4(OPt(orid))S8%W SBS, .• SBSSILAPA3A:5>)S`a' J"'.a.�:iAch plywood -....iti:f.�x..«..,-. ly...-._�,. .lY••Y.'FnY�"'".. 1.v w -. .tr.1 TA: APP-'<A._."J .. TA, AP,0. W-141 Min. 25/32- Inch plywood D tional ( P ) PG100 None Pol Y flex SA Base (Optional)APP-TA APP-TA -90.0 W 142 Min. 15/32- PG300 None SBS-SA (Optional) SBS-SA, SBS. SBS-SA, APP-SA, SBS- g75 Inch plywood TA, APP-TA TA, APP-TA W-143 Min. 15/32- I (Optldnal) PGI00 Plywood joints are covered with 4-Inch wide strips of Elastoflex SAV Plus, rolled into Elastoflex SA V Base or (Optional)SBS-SA. SBS- SBS-SA, APP-SA,SBS- inch plywood place to create continuous bond. Elastoflex SAV FR Base TA, APP-TA TA, APP-TA -97S W 144 Min. 15/32- inchplywood WB-3000 None SBS-SA (Optional) SBS-SA, APP-SA,SBS- -105.0 I TA, APPTA Min. 15/32- (Optlonal)PG100 Plywoodjolnts arecovered vdthb-Inchwide strips of Elastoflex SAV Plus, rolled Into Elastoflex SA V PI sor (Optional) SBS-SA, SBS- SBS-SA, APP-SA, SBS- Inch inch plywood place to create continuous bond. Elastoflex SA V Plus FR TAPAPP-A TA,AP-TA -135.0 W-146 Min. 15/32- Plywood joints are covered With 4-inch wide strips of Elastoflex SAV Plus, rolled Into 'Inch plywood (Optlolnal)PG300 place to create continuous bond. PolyflexSA Base (Optional)APP-TA APP-TA -135.0 Exterior Research and Design, I.I.C. d/b/a Triaityj ERD Evaluation Report P9290.02.08-R20 for FL1654-R22 Certificate of Authorization p9503 6rx EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVH2 EVALUATION Revision 20:09/12/2017 Prepared hy: Robert Nleminen, PE-S9166 Polyglass Modified Bitumen Roof Systems (570) 3841290 Appendix 1, Page 21 of 58