HomeMy WebLinkAboutFAX FROM HARRY BLUE PLASTERING06/23/2000 14:07 15b133b9107 HARRY ELUL F'LASTERIN VAlat U1
d. a
Harry Blue Plastering, Inc
1748 A SW Biltmore Street
Port St Lucie, Florida 34953
-- 1-56-1-336-3024 _
1-561-336-9184 fax BY
St. Lucie County
Feu Poye.:
(Pa --(-i 3.5 DOW (.0 IaN CD -
Re- 7T�u p ,4 L CC:
o urgent ❑ For Revbw ❑ Pies" Comment O Pleeso RePly ❑ Pioo■o Recydr
t Commentu
I�th��-nay 3` b -5 i a i iN ST die
l NC ,-Cq
&��j S of eAA 5-treeT q-6 tiA-k�-
06/23/2000 10:07 15613369187 HARRY BLUE PLASTERIN
OB,^3; 200? 13:00 .,SE_I �!1C��5Y' ALEN E BECK
PAGE l73
f aeefff fffeff ff ffeafffafaffAfffffaf ffff
AL6ass------------- 10
Alaska ----- -- ---- ---- 7
Arizona -<-- --10
Arkaneas -------- -- 7
California ----------- S
Colorado -------------- 15
Connecticut ---------- 15
Delaware ------------- 20
Diatrlct of Columbia -- 15
Florida --------- 7
Georgia -------------- 20
Hawaii --------------- 20
Idaho ---------------- 5
Illinois -------------- 20
Indians --------------- 10
Iows----- ------------ 10
Kansas ----------- --- 15
Kentucky -------------- 15
- ------ ---
-- Loulalana --__-------' 30
Maine --------------- 20
Maryland -------------- 20
Massachusetts -------- 20
Michigan -------------- 15
Mlnnesots-^---------- 15
Mississippi ---------- 10
Missouri ----- -------- 10
Montana --------------
Nebraska ------------
--- Nevada=-------__--
S -
New Jersey -----------
Non Macico ----------
Now York ------------
North Carolina ------
Hocch Dakota --------
Ohio --- -------------
Oklahoma -------------
Oregon ------------- 10
Pennsylvania --------
Rhoda Island --------
South Carolina -------
South Dakota20
Tennessee -^--------
Texas -- ------------
— 25
Virginia -----------
Washington ---------
West Virginia ------
Wisconsin --^----^--
Wyoming ----______—..—
NOTE: The statutory periods given above ace the maximum periods required
for transfer of title. In many cases. the normal period of possession is
much less. In most cases, the period required when possessing under
color of title is less than that shown, and/or the other requirements are
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calla wan included in ask Bond v. eroMhold, II ILev.
Se,, sea Fad 717, 791.
/! Aroma 67 Pvmr4PWm A sons of a"ulring an new
3 eeni In ptapatty by' Immemorial or Wetoaatineed an.
loyao"'mul'.ta/aea-to Personal rap restricted to
clalsont and his amwtwe or 4MUM Ttm uninter-
ruplod use of the kart must Som"Hy be for the lame
WOMM period of doe r for ad am gnertso.
Ferment mtia poK Aft eeeemept N gem i sot appurt►
out to any rash In lead at does cot belay to soy
- -Pw m-h Hrtw of ownataWP of weft in other land yut
is mra personal lotaW In or right to see land of
anwbw; It IN purely Personal and usually sods with
death of anntee.' Sbhyleun V. Star, M N.O. sal, 133
B.B9d 16g. 156.
lsersrwr of assess. R*bt of ingr esa and ar e o to and
hale the Pranlese of a lot ovmr to a stroet oppur4asot
ta tbo loud at Ur lot owase. .
'Eirtceswrt o/ceeDwtiwae Ooe which increases Use rabb-
it,?. deefwt, or•oatveoisooe of the atjoyment of the
demisatt. at le, ar. td mars right connected with it.
Xcsveaat of notaral ruMpt. Wwmont which mice
rytu ca lateral soppolt to lend in Its natural Dominica
soeUbng the.loldor tMnof to haw has land held In
ploce,trem the dldea by neighboring lard, .
lmretent of nommW. Otte In which the swemant Is
- _-lndipDneeWe_to_rate.gjoyreat e!_tba-dard"at r4fa:
Ileteb allow by operation of law wbon laud conveyed Is
completely. shut of Irma cocoa to any road by land
retained by psotar or by land at ranter said that o! a
sbrampr..Toer.Y..Walk1M IN CalAppM M. a Col.
hou.9W:.9W,. J.
Xquitame commence. "The apwial eromanr t*ealed by
derivstion of awcanhi! d adjacent Dromistan halm a
ceemon source. with epesinuIptentlaw as to buildings
for uriala purpoese, or with Implied Dtivilges In teg"
to certain us; on earmUmr'so called. A name h►
qunrtly aligned to building roverialorse in a dead,
6taelwies aoesnlrnl. Oruht of "rclrin sescmant" can.
vorelrshtteeed rights to owner d moment to use that
wrmat hr Porpoises ePeCRed in Sant to eecluslon of
all othwa Lire Y. Garner, 105 Wain She, 673 P.94
1011K IOW. .
Flougpr WeewrneCommon law right of lower Wed to
allaw'water from higher Wad to now ams it
. lmpked foerment One which CM law imi"m by Infer-
ritry tarn parties to a tranenotica intended that result.
although.they dW nd`eapnw t 7cbwob v. Orion,
lows,1115 NAM W. 967. An element resting open
the Principle that wto! Use Mawr of two or neon
edjaoant bon one a pee theaod. Inc Pont* by Impllee-
tien to the grantee all these apparent and visible Sam
. caste whirhave necessary far tM reasonable ate or the
p v*ly panted'which at the time of -the pant are
and by the awass or the sattroW for the bandt of the
Pam fronted.,: One lot at~ by parer in writlrq
but rev out of wlems" of certain new implied from
rH= n4
Fat,'E 03
Ufe transaction. Wagaw v. FWrlaab,181 Oda e01, 370
pAd M, 161.
Intermithwt wwmwtt Ono which to Name or used saly
at tuna% and net rmaUouovaly. .: .
Light and air mu mint . An mooment obtained from an
adlofnine )and owner to protect against the observation
of light and air which would result if a building or
structure, wea aunstruttad on .the paator's.pmpaity.
Avatar eaument Than whom the owner of tM mr-
vlont soma o p_"Wbittd from. do[ManwhBy Abut -
win lawful um his se a% because R. will affect the
dominant estate (w lowiupting tho light said air tram
the lacer by bildby on the fwtnorl. An to Jkownea l
a0alhw mortant sea the" title bobs
Maser or Pudlk seamen& A prtvat* wseseot Is ono
in whkh on enjoyment is rumricaed to am or a he,'
iced W"k while a public "Most; Is sae Cho debt to
the wjoyeent of which Is weied Is the public pnorauy
or in an akin community{ hick as an ssamout or'
pump on the public streaks and hghways or of navigr
den on a stwm.
Quasi ®..teat. An „remelt," In the Dmper saw of
the word. can only most in respect of two nuoWag
pieor of land mppeed by different pormew and m
only ImPeee a negative duty on the owner of the cervical;
tenement. honor an obligation on as owner of land to
_ repair the heft between his and his nods" land it '
not a me mawneaR but in oetmtfmas sled a "hued
Aecormwi negative maarnt It the owner of two or
mom late, so situated am to bear the relati^ eUle out
with restrictions of benefit to the land tadamed, the
servitude becomes mutual, and. during the prod of
restraint, the owner of the tot or Iota totalacd' can do
notbtty forbidden to the owner of the lot cold; this
Nina Lawn to the doctrine of "Mciprecal negative
Fond srpura An sommeat riot d by tho grantor
of proprty, booplittinii ens retained property arrd bur .l
dealng the gnnl st pnrp".
Semdmy torment One which is app irdonant to eke
primary or annul mamont Every sorest lacitdes
such "nsoatdwy so emot ," that is. the eight to doarb
things as on necessary for the full enjoyment of car'
cement half.
Most. In the absence of other wars qualifying its men-j
ins. the word 'earl" decofhhIS bsoaderir msom dal`.
saw. [dvlogstan 00 At On Co. w. ifhaets Oil Oa, 7Ya
CIv.App..114 &WJd 975, 361. Do pnwal ItreeUee ca.
e ewim. Point directly opposite to weer Sr do
twig. .. ..,.
Costar. A haul of the Christian church hold In messy.
or the Sovbur's rseurreetion. The Oresbs and IAUM
call it ^probe" tpwoverl'to which dewish'fral
Batter answers. The feat but bssn annually aeleirah.
d alone the ttas or tho apostles. and to are of Us moA
Important hwlvals In the ChriWn calendar. biag thin:
06/23/2000 14:07 1bb133by1tl/
M/23/2M 13:00 561:+4]4552
Xis 1,q-W
NPKKY 6LUt rLHnILK1N rmu] oar
' Income:,: 7Ut which i. sarmid; I.a., motuy
Special purpose not Wneoseblent with a pgeal NaWib
ham parforsoseoo of labor, services, tole Of
in the OWMr. '
At. Rvvseus served by en Individual or Wei.
An ietona which me peso has In the tend of
min'tawtWy' include but an not Ilrelted m.
and MOM I&MMOt and dividends cad Income
acwYar, A pilmary cbwaNeelatk of act seruset to
fanpk9rrst TWU is broader in craning
I dot is burden hob upon the poi serer of the lead Goa
whim It (rued and that clwaol rWlo b seN'rad IN
afea CarargYoma; COntpte"ISOM'
the statementthat the land neelwtw . acrobat tear
9M" semings:' tncomi. Prwrlkani Real earn.
m c bad the a semont a dominant tenement. Piston V.
"olditmbvK Baler. W"". � i
Northam Natural Can (b., MI Kan. W. dal Pal WIN,
wlga - Teel rotors (tom all soured without
MS. An Interest In load In and over which It to to be
4 doductlane, parsenal-aaemptbr; or other
e*yod.-and-bdistiryuiNrabb fma a "linase•'.whieh
a of Iseoms in order to arrive at tasabli in.
momlr confer* personal privilege, to do some at me the
W aim on" kmorrw. .. '
ludo lagse v. McOoo. Miss., dgD Bc.2d 70% M.
bye, � Nn serelnp (income) Is the secw of
fan ebo AMrmtiaave euernant Non.pentirW0lia seer
one now espanam Incurred in connection with
ROM; PmKrWse essamont
x"aft of curb iacoma. For tern purposes. not
Aame Wemeat Sea Access.
it'tlr numbiw used to determine taxable In.
or am ung puryons, net oo reings lax gamral•
AJ/Irreodew eowmene. One when the vervient estate
kind after deduction of Income taxes- Son abo
must permit something to he done thereon, es to pan
era , _• .: ;...
over IS, W to dfrbarp water so It
srmims So Surpom.
Apparear sowmont One the ethtenco of which appear.
have the anstractlon or condition of care of the lowson0epi
hod Iieoek A psorrWr to eeepo
ments, eo a to be gpable of being men Off kPOWe Oft
cysts which. mwurse amaode aP CItY to
Lpitulbn to d a bold m that is not a return
0. Buch's distribution will result In dividend
Appondeet eoameni. Sr Appurtenant soermc74 boluw
r thi .}unbolders to do eatont of the Oorymr
ApDlirteanag sommrat An iOOorparwal right 'which is
:vent cad accumulated earnings and profile.
attached te a cop dor right and inheres in laird to
Apcurrallatad tasabig
which it is dttadmd and Is In the eatuve of a oovsmaot
rumaing with the land. Fart Dodp, 1). M. So B, Res, v,
per sham Ono comptmt monies ofthe value
Amsrtae Community, Stereo Corp, =0 lowa I84a, 131
in sank. ' 7% nitre Is ampited by dividing
N.W.M Ong. M. 4fien mart be a dumtiml. astate and
MTMW for the year (after Interest and prior
servient edsta.' An torment interest which allmhoe te
it bj the number of sham of common stock
the land sad paaase with it PGot NaL hock of Amarll-
to v. Amailb Nat. B=L Tw.OavApp" 081 LWSd t106,
�.Buainrese' etetemamt of pnht e,nd
Don. An -InaQpomd AgbV .soles Is Mi"bld to and
belongs with some geaefef and superior right our some-
monoWood 0umrtarb' by DublWallphold ocm•
Wg u"=d to another thi4 more washy and which
paesa a Incident to It and Is incalpolds of oalstoase
Al of all kinds, IndWinF gravel, clay, kern, and
separate and apart from the paAieu m land to which It
�m. dLtipstlm ham the firm rock , . ..
is arittased. .
nnv•;Irvtho law of evidsem area whe'stlawa or
DicuHnviV sonscvrt Dismntlmtwat em►dootivu-
�smythimg a bard by, bi®olt Bea ofso Valor
our, or ntmapperedt sssemoite an than Of ardoymont
Of which an be lad only by the anted erwve of taco, o,
>mfort.'soraolAtiwn,'asntmtment, arformont.
a right of way or a right to draw water.
e plsAser% setbfaaNnn
fSoaawrwt by rtwwel 1Summunt which is aaaw wbav
Lv4 r(fht of in Over the proin y of another,
landlord voluntarily imp000 appoent MmUlde an hot
icllj the permitted kinds of uses wen limited.
➢rOPOM and another poison, Acting rwommbly. hall"=
i� impoilant'bdng-rights of way •and rights
that eorvttuds is permanent and in reliance upon that
inewin wrtan: 'Ibs asa cant was normally
belief don scr othhq that he would tot have done
iwwEte'of adjoiubog lando. no matter Who the
otherwise or rofrains Rem doing ocasiblu'that he
r`(au"saamant eYgvrtanmtX rather them for
would Iavv moue otherwise. U. S. v. 7Sampsun, D.C.
It of a specific imdnvidual (easoment In gran).
Avis, 272 r.9upp. 774. 704.
havkrg the right d u. a w sDPurtaeana u
®oveatenr k i» tpfkarbn. $ago ml created by law and
l fb.dcokant tsaemam ermd via Lod which Is
grwnadad is court's dodsbn In sufersnae to 9MUWAar
iwiv:saaafaat Is known r this verviaat ten►
transaction in -lend who ovnwr of two p cola tied so
Nl!LIF•.L .. . _ .
used care pw ovi to ills boadt of other parcel that va
an the'mneer of no parcel of land. by remove
$ailing the bend lid parcel purchn"'could cseeofuWy
wrarakfia. ac ge the land at another tar s
have, sepetd. wetheo further inaulrir, that ebees ban.