HomeMy WebLinkAboutPROPERTY RECORD CARD WITH WARRANTY DEEDSSt. Lucie County Property Record Card Pagel of 3 St. Lucie County Property Appraiser Qgpgraphic Information Services Real Property Record for Parcel Number: 230933300040005 Record Number: 1 of 2 Location: 984 COKER RD CTY ##1# Section: 09 Township: 35S Range: 39E �C'9 Show Location Map co Owner, Legal Description, Deed & Total Assessment Uny Name: PEAVY, LL Legal: 9 35 39 FROM SE COR OF SW 1 Name: PEAVY, VIRGINIA W SW 1/4 OF SW 1/4,TH W 201 FT FOR Address: 984 COKER RD POB,TH CONT W 217 FT, TH N 180 FORT PIERCE, FL 34945- FT,TH E 73 FT,TH N 45 FT,TH E 0000 144 FT,TH S 225 FT TO POB (1.05 AC) (OR 893-1147:899- 2528) Book: 0893 Page: 1147 Sale Date: 19940329 Sale Amt: 30000 Sale/FT: 24.04 SgFt. Insp. Date: By: jDateValued: Permits: Exempt.: 16240 Land:9450 Improve.: 790 Class:0 Total: 16240 Taxable:0 iNelghborhood & Use No. ear Built: Imp. 1ype.Mll Class: MiI Stories: 1975 Eff: Baths: 0 Bedrms: 0 Pool: N Air: Y 1 1975 Living Area: 1248 SgFt. Under Roof. 1248 SgFt. Building Perimeter Sketch and Photograph i .`C:�u'+2'.^I..YS. S .'�"}• F.: k'..4 � ;r�:.x➢Y+^�. B i.. �.' ,� Improvements Improvements / Extra Features No. Area Act FCTR YR FRG Rate Val 00 1248 00 0.1 25.11 3130 —00' Code/Cat Size YR ®Rate Value 0� CBA 21 019 5®5 15. 1540 0 H&A 00 0.1 1.94 240 L:� OPA 20 019 5 0.45 4. 5 370 Cost Calculation this Record CL Units: 0 CNST Units: 0 SP Units: 0 Tot Units: 0 Base Rt: 25.11 APR Rt: 25.11 SQFT Rt: 4.22 Imp Val: 0 EXF val: 240 Phys Dep: 0.75 Obsol Dep: 0 Tot. Imp. Val: 5280 http://I O.1.28.101/webmap/scripts/prc.pl?10142778,230933300040005 5/31/00 St. Lucie County Property Record Card Page 3 of 4 St. Lucie County Property Appraiser Geographic Information Services Real Property Record for Parcel Number: 231611100030008 Record Number: 3 of 45 Location: 11050 PICOS RD CTY ### Section: 16 Township: 35S Range: 39E CAY g NE® Show Location Map St �uCie CoUht�' Owner, Legal Description, Deed & Total Assessment Name: SCHOOL BOARD OF ST LUCIE CO Legal: 16 35 39 ALL -LESS CANAL & RD FL RS/W- (624.02 AC) Address: Book: Page: Sale Date Sale Arot 0 Sale/FT: 19000000 0.00/SgFt. Insp.Date: By: Date Valued: Permits: Eaempt.:2411700 Land:2236090 Improve.:175610 Class:0 Total: 2411700 Taxable:0 Neighborhood & Use Imypp. ss: P Stories: Year Built:Baths: 1988 Eff• 0 0 Bedrms: 0 Pool: N Fplc: N A r: N Living Area: 320 SgFt. Under of: 320 SgFt. Building Perimeter Sketch and Photograph N� SKETCH "AILABLE AT' THIS TIME St. Lucie County Property Appraiser Geographic Information Services Real Property Record for Parcel Number: 231611100030008 Record Number: 4 of 4 Location: 11050 PICOS RD CTY ### Section: 16 Township: 35S Range: 39E Show Location Map http://l O.1.28.101/webmap/scripts/prc.pl?10148726 6/23/00 St. Lucie County Property Record Card Page 4 of 4 Owner, Legal Description, Deed & Total Assessment Name: SCHOOL BOARD OF ST LUCIE CO Legal: 16 35 39 ALL -LESS CANAL & RD FL RS/W- (624.02 AC) Address: t Book: Page: Sale Date: Sale Amt: 0 ale/FT: 19000000 � 0.00/SgFt. Insp. Date: By: Date alued: Permits: Exempt.: 241 7700 Land:2236090 Improve.:175610 Class:0 Total: 2411700 Taxable:0 Neighborhood & Use Built: Imp. Type:RS Class: gD Stories: 1988 Eff: Baths 0 ����❑ Bedrms: 0 Poal: N Fplc: N Air: N 10 976 Living Area: S64 SgFt. Under Roof: 995 SgFt. Building Perimeter Sketch and Photograph .No SKETCH AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED TO BE CORRECT AT THIS TIME BUT IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND IS NOT WARRANTED You may email John F. Bausola for further information regarding Geographic Information Services at the St. Lucie CountyProperty Appraiser's Office. All Rights Reserved 1997, 1998 St. Lucie County Property Appraiser 6/23/00 m m STAU BOUD OF XDUGMON OF 3'-UWVA jig. 1150-8-A NaA8DOW EM ALL MW Dr. TMZ pRCSEMI' That !gw tate Board of Zdm"t1on or Florida, with Its omalax rgaidence'la the OLty. of Tallahassee" Lam Oo%unty*.blondes in 'mm1davau" of the, CC 411114 DOU&I"(111,00) and'.0ther Valuable oomIdersinous left" ro"lpt of Walsh U hereby &Oka= 4o*u lumby NSM ...... that the Width of the zvlot%ot, MiV In tku urx4aln, ltlgh0 or Florida POWSPAI VA4,ilfb Way susmat Asre.qmmt�to oil )CIA the atate scaft or XftoafACn Or4loftdas dw-Mld Om Polio IWD rGoorded In Pe" Book 234. at. Page ArjnK pt t1* ftoords or, at, zuose oomtyl,, nividas Whom, 11414-not of Y. W"wq& over and Above "a unlersig"Cip w tuale Oomty& Florida, desaftbed, an rol2aqji; r Ruilwilillmin ME'; ftotion.16, ftftumjpY35 3outhm lumcs, 319 Vawfj"4 h*"*"" �by the addition or 60'rewip an the t 91 low" t.z Z • Of Md bong a0isomt to a", Parallel wn IN is "I r4ght at ,,111191411 addition" VIGht of WW'kamprislas 3.154 or lease IN TL4r1N011! Le Vzffm�, "Igie.40mbers OV w4:11441 80ard have their nMX0s-&Md:&fZ1Z*d the1g,'@611U. and ed, 9►-Al oraw!RnwAmum (V"Aavt9Qu1mK of pumma; cr FxW= be hwvmto lat,ft=d, At; th*win the Olt L�Oltol' orTs22&ha"e% '�_"M thia the I@tft_or a NMI'% I N `i• LU[li CUU41t, FLA. i ]:Alh &JAKD Cr aDWATION STATE 1p FLORIDA a DEDICATION . ,.r.w .ul. NUN III nJLSH M(SkINTS: That the State Board of Education of the State 1 - , „I. I put.nau.t of aPI[1lcation by the tR1ARD OF COUNY CO/MISSICKM tip ST. '1L ,t Nil, Used the !l !t .Y of tta: /f r 1962. for a puhl is road ":ht "a_wal +Muss 1a106 told by said State Board of Education. oral said requeat ". u•, i•.•ru approved on Q(�� ♦ z , 19...L1�r have dedicated.. and f • 1•, herrby ded:.ate the following described lard. In Sy, Lucie County, rt„i l,t.•, t,..wl tt 1'I16' h,•nt •lo 1 t, of the NNj of Section I5, Twnehip 35 South, Rariie J9 l.,.st + AND for Usst au It. ut the NIj of N'Citon it., T.muship 35 South, Range 30 llsst, ,.'opt ing lheretrum n,;ht _uf _way for North St, Lucie River Drainage District cauals numtvr 46 a.ai 47 I r AM A triangular parcel of lanl lying in the Southeast corner of the N:lj >f :+teti oq It,. Tuviwhip 35 South, Range 39 But described as follows: Frog the East quarter corner of Section 16,run North 000 32- 00" Elit along the Section line 128.50 ft. to a point on the North right -a!' -nay linelof Ficus Road, thence run South h90 53t 15^ Nest along said r.®ht-of-tey linel'a distance of 40,00 ft, to the point of beginnigt, thence contilste South 890 53t 15^ Nest along said right -of -ray line a distance of 45.00 ftp thence run North 100 092 08" Bast ad istance of 269.29 ft; thence run South 0 00 321 00" Nest a distance of 265 ft, to point of beginniuge AND a The East �100 It. of the Southeast quarter of Section 16, Twnahip 115 Smith, Range 39 Bast excepting therefrea right -of- ay for Morth St. Lucie River Dxnitaga District camels Number 67 and 68. for public road purposes, under :upervfsion and oanagesnt of tba Board of County C... esissiwvrs of St. Lucie County. Florida. subject to the follwLn( prowisiotta, via, �1 K ,- r .1 d', 34 y01;405 .uC)C C.vNi), f(A ,. lnat this•dedlcatwb ud the authority heleao extended to U,r hoax) w Cooney )Cosso siouera of St. Lucie County, Florida, shall raters ut, .,d Include the State Goad Department of Florida, and the Uuatv.l stag,.. of Aaeiiea.aa its inlere.t in said road ally appear. S 'Ihal Lai the evcul file said land nhall tc abaNurled ud not ,.rtl and ,..Intallcd for public road purpoaes for three (d) consecutive yearb tlw dedication hereby matte shall, at the option of the State Board ,d ululation. because subject to revocation upon slaty dap notice In .ra Its% by the Slate Board of Education to the Board of County Camm.>.,,on- en ul StI Lncle County, Florida. 114 '1' UIMMY *WRL(7P, the mmbels of stud board have hereunto off ixrtl their na„na .uxl .Ill..d lllefr seal and have i.treed flat, until of the WU•µfNBrr ll' h:RICUI:ILIIB 1 IN' 11W SUAlll (l� PLMIDA to be hereunto affixed. at .the Capitol, In the City of '1'allahasser, of. thin the, 12=+ Jay of / adpla; f S1'AL) G (S". t* DIWf. till AGRICULTURE) (SISAL) • }�7!_!_^"'�•�NMJ �Yv� (SEAL) ttorney Gercral Yam. (SEAt7 CZEC er (SEAL) 4� open ntel elrt (}iiQ Ioet ruction u'a►1': 6 �AM15miaw as a roRM�sac u t c4wi/+� LFM Q/'a✓,eLL { if All I a ek STA "$I OkIr -*qv MUM= A go. t wo-state bout of ftvv�t�. a, of Ste of "Sam Stan Wfift 11�w V cqq�S Or.a. wig Cmn, dated - at PFW by. SSIA'Stotp Book 0 14mort"OvesmA - a" "Wm% NqvUW Wop, Saj ty tbogo.,.,r. mol'ta"as feet OVI J60228.50)at of., The the aft at the 94, '*ad: Itbe IN the 3outbtua-5, wet'ot t of, thit. the' west-40 feet Mast,60 06t Of the vwt or 300110D r 300110D a Ilathi How X Most. ly for! 002 to•WCOA, pSFPQI at Of tho.'acard or,,Ccumtr Comatt6r, ZROM Clantwo.no"" ,,Smbject WOO foll"Ing Pr".SOLQ"�. Tftt this tdsd"Ip&tIom'=t",*UtbQTl. bol�,*In extemded:to the Boaft-OVC0102tY C Sol cc t. x4mle County.1PUM141., 'StLite R"O. Levowtoont of ob&21 eztwA"to and IWIVA&I tb* F2nrUA'SM'tbw QuItOCOtstes hamrie-kow Its IvtPr*StIP- rn" Say. Sqp"r.'• tbol 61dz-12mmd�,-sbaU be rAval4ogai..'and•got-. JI and, malotalmod fCuP pub2ld Vold VmrPOAIOS I Or. tbrMi conswoutive'Yearn'tbe dedidatlimd havelty. Note Aban, at, tb*' option or,the State Dcard,-Qr Zdanation, beisow subject to fl�'rwce - Ste &Qstlign W�cg Sixty 4s" notice in wrltljW by -%W to Board of WA-im td jtbg`,I Doarg'ot.CCIMMW ati; Tmoli• Ampo, narl" .1 'I L - -eel .1ok"FM or. THE :their news -a of tvis MWAM '10"unto 'W14 this wo •2a 46 � tn-!� �m = 1, UUi •.,w,niw., I aU. Iwll �030 f STATE BOARD OF {`F§/ QUITCLAIM No. 3B51-A I KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, I. EDUCATION DEED •� That the I 19'26U2 State Eoaad of Education, a body corporate created by the Constitution of the state of Florida, for and in consideration of the sum of%915:00, p to it in hand paid, has remised, released and quitclainva and by J� churn peasants does remiss, release and quitclaim unto I:¢,idTRAL I,ANK AND TRUST COMPANY, Miami Beach, Florida, a Florida cor oratio ,a au Truatou, its successors and assigns, all of the right, title, ,t interest, claim and demand arising out of the following reuerva- 1!.4 Co Lions, -wit, "SAVININD RESERVING unto the said Board of;!Education of the 4 State of'Florida, and their successors, the right at any time..^.Y" yg �•ti to enter upon the said lands and make or cause to be made.arid'•' 11! constructed thereon such canals, cuts, sluice -ways, dikes and I1', other works as may in the judgment of the said Board of. Eo�ica'ion of the State of Florida, or their successors; be neces3ary and needful:for the drainage or reclamation of any of the lands granted to the Stale of Florida, by Act of Congress, aporv.ed 7�.+ March 3rd, 1845, and to take from the said lands herebyronveyed ^ --•- ------ and to use such gravel,— tone-or_sarth as may, in-tha judcpn�n�'o£ the saidi'Board of Education of the State of Florida, or t1i4ir• ••successors, be necessary to use in the making; and constrre-=.ion s E Hof said 'canals, cuts, sluice -ways, dikes and other works upon said lands for the purposes aforesaid." f' "AND FURTHER SAVING AND RESERVING unto the said Board a, Educations Hof the State of Florida, the right to the exclusive posues--don, +h� occupation, use and enjoyment of a strip of land running acrossq the above. described premises, one hundred and.! thirty feet or. it each side of the center line of any canal, cut, sluice -way;.! 14€i • fI or dike thallaay be made and constructed on said land b_i the said l Board of gEducation of the State of Florida, or their successors, for the purpose aforesaid and the exclusive right to take, cam•}e,; ?• ,i sell, dispose of and enjoy any timber, earth, :stone, ro44c a:•' I, jfyI ;gravel, in or upon said tract of land." 33 insofar as said reservations affect -the following described lands dying an being in St. Lucie County, Florida:; ' North half -of the Southwest quarter of ion 16, Township 32 South, Range 39 East. MIN ►NOW4 4 r. t p t { No. `f851-A Page 2 I` r x IN TESTIMONY W1O:REOF, the members of said State Botird Educdtion have hereunto subscribed their names and. have cy the-0f-ficiifl Goal -of the State of Florida BOardjof Trust rb the Internal Improvement Trust Fund o be hereunto aff• ad the City o 111 e0, Florida, is tho / day of i , A.D , i ' C R6kb/W1P.. VZQRIDA BOARD T TGFA',OF 171E INTERNAL • t,, 14btgIwr fM10 ;TRUST FUND �'•, I��_ •r,;'=�;. Secrota o Sta o •rl I 'I.�.1� ,o ''I G of , 117 -- omm a onar or Agriculture- F. mm I' is oner O. Education i } As and Constituting the ; 33 STATE BOARD OF -EDUCATION a? THE STATE OF FLORIDA .. _ APR 3 3 lyr APPROVEDAsro 'j , FILED AND RECORDED ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLA. R{f,COAr VFRIFIED AA 121,92 H u9 3 } 'I ROGER POITRAS t CLER VCIRCUIT COURT .�I• St. Lucie Coiinty Property Record Card Page 1 of St. Lucie County Property Appraiser Geographic Information Services Real Property Record for Parcel Number: 231611100030008 Record Number: 1 of 4 Location: 11050 PICOS RD CTY ### Section: 16 Township: 35S Range: 39E SCANNED Show Location Map By St. Lucie countyOwner, Legal Description, Deed & Total Assessment Name: SCHOOL BOARD OF ST LUCIE CO Legal: 16 35 39 ALL -LESS CANAL & RD FL RS/W- (624.02 AC) Address: Book: Page: Sale Date: Sale Amt• 0 Sole/FT: 19000000 � 0.00ISq t. Insp. Date: By: Date Valued: Permits: Exempt : 2411700 Land:2236090 Improve.:175610 Class:0 Total: 2411700 Taxable:0 Neighborhood & Use Built: Imp. Class: Fto9e80 1980 Eff: Baths: 0 Bedrms: 0 eooi: x Fpla N A r: N Living Area: 2440 SgFt. Uuder Roof. 2440 SgFt. Building Perimeter Sketch and Photograph O S.KETC',:H AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME Improvements No. Area Act FCTR YR RG Rate 0000�000 Val No. CodelCat Size YR RG Rate aloe 000 — — 0 BAS 2440 �� 0.82 14.8 29690 � EXTRAS 34 � 0.82 8.1 2300 - Cost Calculation tmS Record CL Units: 0 CNST Units: 0 SP Units: 0.73 Tot Units: 0.73 Base Rt: 20.33 APR Rt: 14.84 SQFT Rt: 15.99 Imp Val: 29690 EXF val: 2300 Phys Dep: 0.82 Obsol Dep: 0 Tot. Imp. Val: 31990 http://l0.1.28.101/webmap/scripts/prc.pl?l0148726 6/23/00 a •f A ;IAit at- FLOP,O<• �' +.p •! a-r� _ n This Immn iru,nt was Pgand hyi ; Printed for Ian t„ _ '''h ' 1.= :47 J Q Q u •h.'_�._ _ul MCDONALD, KENNEY i RU5SAK13 — Scott M. Kenney, Esquire nr. g ■ID%MK urano�PCd (STATUTatr f01a—SEQ10N N9.02 F.S.) 1600 Sella F.A.1 t� � � i ( aolrl' Fuels. Fn.>,acuia�a Ne �� •{ O;gla 3a ndure. Mode nde 28th day of February 1979 ..$stoma ELEE }KIT DUMM STOREY and LINDA ANN STOREY, his wife ;h,* + ( more. and 4 of the Coamy of St. Luc1e , state ai Florida �. IFra ' LAMY; K, HI4IN60TNAM and ELLEN M, HI®INBOTHAM, his Wifs SCANNED whom pats otfka addrn, Is 0, box 163, Fort Pierce, Florida 33460 BY state of Florida St. Lucie County""t" " of the County of 3tr Lute "laneaa9lh, That mid gMtor, kr and in conddoaeon of the ram of r M Tan and no/100 Dollars ''($10,00) owlar% and other goad and olualtWi ntlderationt to mid grantor In hand paid by mid grantee, the molns flspo#reweehethe »of lies hereby acknawisdud, but granted, bargained and mid to the mid worries, and Omni Cwmq Florida, to•wlt,,' fdbwl�. Nurlbed land. silmht, Mew end losing in St, Lucia ' •.':i' The South 16D feet of the En! 270,E fast of the Mnt 316 fast o1 the North 4 of the Scuth"'It 4 of the South"It 4 of the Southwest 4, less rtOltt-0f. y far Gnat, all In Section 9,'TNil lMp 36 South, Range 39 E�etiv St; Lush COun Ploride. rIIED'A:1D REDORD�D _a I} fLARI u,SURTAX � itr COUNTY. MA., 1, ;d:CQ: �� 9r ct , «arse � a 9 3. 0 0 _ 179 MNt'.. 3 J ipar } ( CcLL,r_, nCl COURT Subject to,,,tixN for tte, Current year, easewntae t:erq Onl, roe atrictIW3,l nd reservations of record and zoning, y emmo,il tlr title to said land, .and will dated the man, against the lowliest dnime of aN k? a'A mid grantor does herel; ItAy r . parmm whommmr. •'YarcNor' and "grantee' am used for angular or plard oa conW'r„ynra �u �uurfn 304matF• , Grantor ha, h.rnmto mt grantees handnd a»al the day ad Year 1' . 4 w rrittm .. $ignd, reo ad d.l...d'in D,me„ce' (Saab ELEE KIT DURAN STOREY' INDA ANN STONEY yrl .,'VSTATIEFLORLD41",,UC ry.I HEREBY CERTIFY tl,gt on thH;rlay lesion me, an chive duly qualified to tab admossriodillesev,;P, !t?nONY apM1 d i• ELEE KM 00 STOREY and LiMDA ANN STOREY. Afe ttlfA nx�f4i��, 1,. to also known to be alive Pont . desalbed in and whe.nacesd Ihe farepdrp;kaelehNPt, :" Were tee the >` they saeaded the,ome.. — \wRNESS my hand and Wool ill in the County and Stc» last gloreaW thHy •+i0t�,,c1�e)ja1 1rr;.. � 1v 79. „1 , • ? FAy wnad"I*" "takes tft:ro. e�t+ri''" nwe 6, %We - 3 A iiP r t"4 �Its '�l IFebh Gaud° ant i Itrd,l nr+rtii w nyv t ad St. Lurie County Property Record Card Page 2 of 4 Land Market Value No T Meas Measm — T ADJ Val Land Use Value 5 5 ACR 24.02 �� 3500 218 070 F615 LI IF 5403 0❑ T❑ 5❑ 27020 ®° Crop Acres TP YR YLD Use V Total = 0 3 1❑ 615 FIN 5000 �❑❑❑ 0 T 5 25000 al= 0900 St. Lucie County Property Appraiser Geographic Information Services Real Property Record for Parcel Number: 231611100030008 Record Number: 2 of 4 Location: 11050 PICOS RD CTY ### Section: 16 Township: 35S Range: 39E Show Location Map Owner, Legal Description, Deed & Total Assessment Name: SCHOOL BOARD OF ST LUCIE COLegal: 16 35 39 ALL -LESS CANAL & RD FL RS/W- (624.02 AC) Address: Book: Page: Sale Date: Sale Amt: 0 Sale/FT• 19000000 0.00/SgFt. Insp. Date: By: Date Valued: Permits: Exempt.: 24 17 00 Land:2236090 Improve.:175610 Class:0 Total: 2411700 Taxable 0 Neighborhood & Use Imypp. Class: Ftries:Year Built:pAir: N1988 Eff: 0 Living Area: 4080 SgFt. Under Roof. 4080 SgFt. Building Perimeter Sketch and Photograph N� S'KETC AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME Ol/webmap/scripts/prc.pl?10148726 6/D/00 r" " ` :; I — — — — -a9II _ �aaua _ �tw1L — — (,�yA/llttM/L.11_ — — — — _ I 171.75 121.75 293. 780 72. 9 16 168.54 168 y m x r � , o � I 7s I - rX x x a I 1332.O 2— " I I f2J � X . AC cow r X L 21 23 2.52 Ac 2.51 Ac 'G_/& _ 1 x x x Ile 0.65 Ac !?---x 1�.,�-,�.�yY�.� �, ' I I 11665 o - - I I I 175.5 ' t33r• n I I o 11B 6.15 ( \ l S 5.85 Ac OW2' ww- r342 QA02-000/9/i 542,Mf OW/5) /81 4.01 AC --x I i 17 e — — — n 2.50 Ac 2.50 Ac L i I 2.86 0e 1 e•Y� r N �I I �O'�� 180 x x O.B c —x- C 356. 4 442 m 336.944� 517.95 1 629.37--T-------- x � 1 -- ---- -- ---- al '"2'9 x4.93 Ac 11 X W-000r•000/21 "� i 13 I —— _ • -� 5.00 Ac% �'� I 0.93 � � A � x 1 ICJ � I (3340000OQ 1/0) �X--X-t343 Jgp x N %-270;5-X d�i'"1 x X I O rJSJ/r rI � x X 10.4 Ac 517.95 I 'I — ly 10r — Ac I II x x i x /pWp�t . N I 1I �� #• b r N 000/21 1 7t� 26025 r C i' i 1 it St: Lucie County Property Record Card Page 1 of 3 St. Lucie County Property Appr0ser Geog phic Info rntatfoit Services Real Property Record for Parcel Number: 230933300010004 Record Number: 1 of 2 Location: 752 COE3;R RD CTY ### Section: 09 Township: 35S Range: 39E Show Location Map SCANNEDBY Owner, Legal Description, Deed &Total Assessment St. Lucie COun _ ty Name: STOREY, Legal: 9 3539 FROM SW COR OF SW 1/4 OF BEATRICE SW 1/4 OF SW 1/4 RUN E ALG S SEC Address: 752 COKER RD LI 44.5 FT,TH N 48�.46 FT TO FORT PIERCE, FL 34945- POB,TH CONT N 189A6. FT,TH E 0000 629.37 FT,TH S 453.31 FT,TH W 345 FT,TH S 45 FT,TH W 73 FT,TH Book: Page: Sale Date: 19000010 ISale Amt: 0 Sale/FT: 0.00/SgFt. Insp. Date: By: Date Valued: Permits: C98-030318 Exempt.: 25500 Land:39790 Improve.:38240 Class:0 Total:78030 Taxable:52530 Neighborhood & Use Built: Imp. Class:0 1956 Eff:Bedrms EdStories: 0 Pool: N Fplc: N A r: Y 1 965 Living Area: 1297 SgFt. Under Roof: 1385 SgFt. Wall: Aluminum Siding Building Perimeter Sketch and Photograph 3 N. TOTO 0 C BPB a A UL ABLE AT THIS TIME a „ a oP, a Improvements Improvements / Extra Features fK71MflPct 7MWR7 W7 Rate Val BAS 1297 �� 0.65 21.59 18200 No. Code/Cat Size YR RG Rate Vatue 0 OP3 88 0.3 0 0.65 6.48 370 � H&A �� 0.65 3. 5 3080 Cost Calculation this Record CL Units: 0.08 CNST Units: 0.94 SP Units: 0 Tot Units: 0.86 Base Rt: 25.11 APR Rt: 21.59 SQFT Rt: 24.05 Imp VaL 18570 EXF vaL 3080 Phys Dep: 0.65 Obsol Dep: 0 Tot. Imp. Val: 21650 http://lO.1.28.101/webmap/scripts/prc.p l,,42745,230933300010004 6/8/00 ✓/�� - SW _5 ),A J55-3 5-5515 p ~'��-� -��- 1-�-~ -������ u ^----- �-��----- �ri ' !�` -�-�-,�-��-��� r-�`�-��� _______--______' ______'� - - � --------- -------- ___---- � � � � r ' - -�----------------�---------------�---------� ---- ----------- " � � � --------------- " � �� � ` /�D --------' ------- -dik � DESC "AC ` '- ------------` � �m6-z�n� ___~_��_______________ �o�o�o� -���- �- ---==�`=�---^onor-�- _ L � '-1-----------:��------� z'",�,, ` � � - -- ___--------------------------- ---��v4-�nvmU8c- '--------------- -------u��----:�w;v-aLo��,rL&«u . � � ---------------- '------------------------�-`--------- ---------------------------------' ------------------------------------------------- ' -- ----------------' '------------_------ '-�--------------------------------7--------------------------^-----' -\ -------------' ,�=�����--------------------------------------------------------------'-- ' ' -- \ --_--------' ---�- '--�--'--_��� � ��r������a�� -----nn�c-�------------------------------' ' ' u� STOREY" ERRA&M ----- ----------- c . - _ � --------------- � 10 vld ----------------'' IT LAND ^�SHORT� -��y�II'��I�'r»�DIZ��czF'c«�"'","-n�'��-------------- ' 'n�--o��c.��� o�"�����,." .,`.^ '- �— ------------------_______ �- 5000 2� ______________-- On ' � --------' "VA ---------E---------------------------- � '---' � ����---''`,=-�.~�-�---����-'--------------------------=--------�--�------' ----------------- '------------------�` '---------------- --------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- '-------------�------------------------------------------------------ ' � ' - ' ---------------- '------------------------------------------------`------------------ ----------------' '------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- � ----------- ----------------------------------------- ' '--------------- ^---------------' o�o�f'�KYwTD��-�-----rA-T ---------------- -------------- -� '---------------- r-x��l'��p-s�1'���sW1/�O��W1/4'LcSs-c�w--------------------- ------- - '`�3��J'�o§�7i'��7a7---� � ________----,- N 1 i• ) 1 US warrARly 1Wd Nnd.• dee loth Joy u1 July :1. I) 1'3 77 by :S CECIL W. STOREY and LIND,A R. STONEY, his wife I'0. h.n uwllrr .ullril'Ihr urunlw. le 0 if ROSWELL L. STOREY and DONNIL LEE STOREY, his wife,- V16 • rD ud.u..• 11•..1.,Ilna mLLr.. I. V/S 150,A. 7'2 & l ....annlb+ . ullerl'Ihr umntr. F. 3 9 y 5-0 b"., 1 M.m ,6 ., uJ .d nY rl• 1i �..wuJ w.0 •ol 'uP•,tlw.. y,, .M `o I..J ,.r••+.,.uv. red �...... ,d ub�WJ.. Wltnissi41: 77w1 Ih,- ururdnr. lur m,d In rundrlrrnlmn nl the goal of $10.00 • 'und ulhn wrl.whle r.vuldfyellun.. .eqn n4 ..n•.1 1. lu•n•hy ur6Wu.1-411d, he,elq amnl., h.aaapu, elk 011nu. m mar.. ml.•mn,.,tnnarp and canlualu undo the O,anbe, all lhul n•rluin laud dluale it, St. Lucie C ituoy. Plwlda; Wit. --- - - S- srl °21 Tho North 150 feet of the West 315 feet of the �GC, e�2 Sj of the SWj of the SWj of the SW} of Section NCO I), Township 35 South, Range 38 East, -St. Lucie County, Florida. �rliS , LESS AND EXCEATINO'TIIEREFROM the West 44.5 feet 4 for Canal No. 52 right of way. o DFUMENTABY .�tUitTAX p /�1 a =1 nr6 JYL25'1f Rl maul I0e3Y 3L TCgtbltt' WIIII all the ImemenU, hendllrlmmll and oppurlenanrn Ihrnlo helnlpin0 ay In en/. TO �pCr�d�IW 10 T1YIYr the gun. In tw Mimpl. jonwr. ;. 711td the Vlw hrhr aowllanll with wd p.nf« that the O•e••my 4 t3Wjugr rt.e.l of ead I.SId in lee simple; 16 fAte iminfor has aoad right and lawful owhney to rU and Iwnan ,ad lad: Ihd 16 Omnf.r Mrehr laUy wonente the fu4 to and land and Will de[e d the sane apafnlf the IaW J claims of allperenw WhlMlera,r, and that sad Ind if free of all .neuln6nne++..ex,ew man n .euincw u6rqueed to I)eemehr 31';' 076. �OC q Go I olt" T�IIAimd' du rid WWw hm.wa..d red raw 16" fsernh air 4" an 7er 'l jlnl .haw WrOps ii 7 '. -. � .' SI¢,�raW�wddellaaed�// //d / /' [�•�' .j �.!_� l STATE OF .Florida CouNTv or •)jtSt. Lucie I HIMES 311T1FY ,m, an e►iW dq. 6r1a. r, an dfm duty 's.dwrued i. Jyvww dwr.,id sad in 'be coway elYyrid W.a� ' uY.o.n • pn.r,0y ppra .rtd . Q coRp�� .: CECIL w. S1'tI1REY and LINDA R. STOREY, hie [l[1! 6yRydl�rly�tC.1 qqqgj ' SF11e ' i� ' ,�m 7ety/ p►Cojyat"[e W ar Faoee Why tk waaaa drei, ie ,ad eb YnuW •� ti thJUL js lmnmm In,n.lW rut they YFaoorkdod Fdan r d3Y e . al ,rel I. Id i '. . ItWY Yr tri201; U; r Cess,ir lri.r fMy 17. I I pqwdbl3,, .y.MY.hYM.t..II.H1•• 1 I IYYHI yIIrMIO �y r10q.•rI 4IA301 S. IL 166271 tw.lM =� I This ivarraaty I lARL C. S1M•LUt1S- a I.-." ... 11.11 , "11.4 11..• w PIIdNI D&CINT ,h..n.uwlb. ud.beu 1........... p,•, vlLvf IL.. m ealuuLl.. mranleruuont. IIIIIIIIIIIIII rPr..•. rY1........ tu.:e.•Y. 1 Fay O'� C..... . 19o,nlu. nu. tr ( fltad(ll at thu b1i N 1110 root oloW th �S�A 111 fi0uth IN runt to a teen voint of 0ogi f 'tom •L� I II1 containing a 1973 jell 9t,Odl', I A lip t yYYlll ll' Together with w •i wLu np/,nlundng. To Haut and w TMIIR IkP glanlw ino ��•8 nr in fee ample: that the ,�✓d , aranlw hen•l" fully un 1 ' YII persons WhnINOIPPI It � 1 :. ' .i to Denrmhrr M. 19 71 I Ili fi" `Y f �4� S III r i Itill, h In �lhle5f L i.l 5 , 6 6 py;.lint shows written. Sienrd, sealed and del i. .......... 1 STATE COUNTY OF Sf. UX t f{ 1 HEREBY CERTII 'r authorized in the Stan ahrorkdRmenu, prsuaa y" CAIM C- SM018 I M y $ ^ 4 to im aoinR krorn Ee n • �� '� foreRnumenl and �'t' r• ' esetwrd the uwr. 1' WITNESS 'K .SWe 1.1 ,J,1t i r •�i += � h 7lle lrplru ui neaau aaYCO YOPY OI ed Alud.. d..• , /d `4r I.Y'uf Septarber A. 1). 1070 by IF!•rluar E. SDESOM, his wife t0 y�r !i lbws) 5, Box 775, Fort Pierce, Florida 33450 Or d.+•: Now J.. ✓. o.l "n �� :da dl dr Mnin m �Aulmwm +M ppr.ruumu ..J �...0 ul �aJn WaA� •W rb .w.r.w •W ...... tarp..✓uul i lhr.prre,l••r.. fully .. I In rmbidnufill" of ILY mm u( 510.00 and nlluv i nlpl minvP..l 1• Lvrvhy ar4uuwkrhpvl, hrrchY nro,ll•. ba,BOhO, tells. alien.. rI' rill tenf6m+ unlu 11m gmnlrP, all 11401 ce'wn hold nllwle In St. IACie trrtar of the Sy7111 of the SA of the SWR, 7t1OI10O DIDt't11 blurt wational linter 7hatK`e Fast 242 fosp Thevece / to South nnctianal lira, The= Woot 242 fact to 4M, LkW rood and caltal right-of-IlWa. 9-35-39 , ygle piatfil® Mare I.D. #651222471 1114 In a,tI I .. , I::R usmind in )h, .Jn...m: Ike ixlsmmls hnedllomwMs and oppurtmanen therslo belonging In to 6w•- 1 OW, the some in lro l-elle forever. - bY Moments week sold pronw time the-Branlor Is "fully sired of sold land deer " gaajT right and lawful oulha111Y 10 sell and cortwY said land: I;,at A - is the title to sold land and well defend that sgme agnpKt The lawful Ala ' of ' d that Sea land is lose a( all 1cv mbranaet, except tomnrnuing. sa4re,p:wf Wife Ike said grvnlor has signed and tSled Iketa pnamis Ike day men ?lute I In ow petemor: an on,this ,day, rsfore M. or officer duly aid sad in tell County'af.,naid to. take :peed L+AICI E. S1 am, his wife o.f3 cintribed .n and rho eutuud the Y ac4aorledaed belon tees that they Mad and of ids ral,•\1gv16t Ctiwary'�sod icij V..1 � —_ _KKA KIOM Im tKO1mK u $7.11'101[ II COUNTY f tR• ITHAS cl %G IBCUIT COBR SeP 12 :2 s� PM'19 W t to c - 6-� +y . � .. � � 1� a `� .. .. n IIooaatu.. A 0 4 1• I. C:Izel:' y Ar t}:.il ;Vet I RAMCO FORM e 7�' APR Ie- yetd Eserutsd This b.� day al >� A.U. 14 79 FlMq R. BAR[iOW, his wife; and EDWIN FFAU and KRY PFAU, bit , S_5 his wife,,, first party. tpf .. FjL4.s W SIM'M4 and BE1V SUM1S, his wife, whose itmolfice address is Route 5, Box 775A, Cokes; Road, Fort Pierce . �la • ,rrw.d parlyep 444444/Wyn. r." a, a,u. ••ei.n cure^ itch "...•.na ' .M ua... tad. site..1 averawa. t.br. a di-emua, as sian. e.'r.w•.•al itilfLSfil, '11w It.. said liras purly. fur and in mnsiderallon of de sum of $ 10.00 In hand liability the sad ."and party. the receipt whenol is hereby acknowledged, dtvs haeaby moose. re - Issue and gYilmlalm urea the said second poorly farovar, all the right, alb, intense. claim and demand which the said ligt(parly, has in and to the following described lot, pleco or parcel of land, situe lr; Dying and being In the Count ul St. Lucia State of Florida , w-weft bus Tat the SE comer of the SW k of the SW k of the SW k, Section 9, 110w6hip 35 South, Range39 East, theme proceed West along said.aettion lino 201 fact for point of beginniensi thence Proceed weaterly 217 feet to a points thane proceed north at right angles to said section line s distance of 180 fast to a point of intersection to tyi thence proceed 73 Punt ,to a point; dialects proceed north feet; diance proceed aut tly 144 fast to a point; thence south 225 fast to point Of bsgirlaing, 7Ms D1lsdlis inttnfad and shall act all a conplote satisfaction Of a xarohsae money gaetgago almouted by the grantors herein to the grantees harel.1 seas byy accoptanca of this Dead, grantees acknowledge that grantors rev no longer obligatsed�to grantetsrr s in any ensiaarising out of said purchase assay centgag411. 71iis Dtrdlis tandarad as a omvaYwm of title end not as further sui ty for the bsforadoscribed plydwill mintsy mortgage which eemmbea'd 44 !m'ainsb rn deacribod'real property. on .Aug -i lit 1: 09 To I belonging server of. I second law ]A t fine above STATE d COUNTY officer dud icm P his Wi on roe War lidos ono ' ST.IIKIr VIUIfa}ABerm vwx R PDTAA ��J ``-- 7��e��'�JJ Y'1�WiD any to 'folic the same together with all and singular the appuetenancea Ihesessnto • anywise appertaining.. and all the estate. right, title. Interest, lien• m ildboend cbdm whal- I first party..nher In low or equity, to the only proper we, benefit 6.1i WWI of the said eSS ?BherMof, The said fist party has signed and reeled these7 pnesonu the day and year ton. , /lit I/ and d�lloend In presence of: �.y rrn,t:s•,,.r_ L.S. .! .. ................... .... .._..............._.. .. S. RIDA. 1 Maim J 1 HEREBY CERTIFY that an this day. When me, an tired;. the State asorepid and in the County afeesaid to take rhnoscledgment., pervnaay spwAmd. B;DW said E[MA M..BAMM, his wife; and EDWM PFAU Rod Mi,RUt.-vAU, be the th'Fe . edeusihed in and. who esecuted the fvu oregoing lumcnt and th%y umr kledged they eeacuted the.Yme. .(� my hand and aaicimt sat in the County and Stem lint ofo rsaid this d1'+ day of I L A. D. 1979 . Iptligl' N<K VAte OF MMIM At 1A0 0'/ /T-O?/ MVID F. ILU M. ESQ. 3300 Iilverriery, Blvd., p200 !J It = lab;; Iaudabill. Florids 33319 8 This Indenture, $etween is F Of Ilse Cmudy of parInca of the whirr mailing ad a/ Ilse County of parltaa of tiff I,, rmaideraliva h nail valuable cast edged. huVu b gain, sell, ruauell and nuitpu fared odd Stale of this 7u, STANLEY FRENCH and ELIZABETH DALE FRENCH, his wife. Lucie and Slate of Florida art. and }4]IN #,%,EI'H SHIPLEY and SHEILA MONTEEN SH,IPLEY. is Route 3, Box 534 Ft. Pierce, FL 33450 '„ucle and Slate of Florida' fit part. WitlleSSeth, that the said parties of the firat part, for find - Built . of y10. W Dollars, mid allies, gaud limo to theta In hand paid, the rrreipf aJmrrof is herebp ackowol. J, burguiaed, said and conveyed, and by these presrnls do 'groat, bar - of unto the said pltrQue of life second purl find their heirs chill rerfaitf panel of land lywg and be 17In the 1,ouufy of $t. Lcrae do , inure particularly Jravribed its fullunlsl ''f IWghulhng ut tAaySE earner of the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 4, 'Ibwosltlp 35 South, Range 39 East, go thence West along the I/4 Section line if distunco of 201 Wet (+or -) to a point; thence run North at right angles to said Suction lino a"distancw of 225 fuut Of or-) to it point; thence run East u distance• of 201 tout (+ oei •) to thu 1/4 Section lice of the heroin described property; thcam rut South u dlstancu of 22S foot (+ or •) to point of Iwginning, 1 Thu above del corner of the Said parcul s 3 � I r� A I Yf1 Q N 1 Ik�0eeblel� with a title. interest and belonging or in m And the said I sermnd part that all enrvunbrances Jul authority to se the till,, a, xnid tat In Wlti w hands and i property constituting 1.04 uerus, atom or leas, In the 113 dascrihod property. to uasull;unt an the South Boundary for Lug room and ugrr+e. .yrnt 0Lt.Ll v u e, tenements. herfdifaments and appurtenances• with edery site, cut I hereto right• e, dower and right of doower• revreversion.1reemainder mad rasein ��h,, rc appertaining: 3O JWC and t0 Moldhie same in fee simple forever." „ as o/ the first part Jo covenant with the said par{ea / the ey lawfully ,,eked of the said prrmires• #hill they are ,frre from . and that good right Gild laav i - r r nand-, find the xnid parties of the first part Jn hereby fill!)- warrant hill. td will defend the stars,e against the lawlal claims of sill pwrsena'Ahnmaoever. lrjh I,W t their ' Ile,, eOtr the quid parties o/!he [;ref part have hereunto set_ µ. the day and year above written. • - ,livered in our presence: }t Frederick 5ta a rut mnc ..... ____ .......... ................... _.......... ........ _.._..._..._...... ........... __..�.�r�_ f•`, .:l t. .. 2' 534 {its 2211 a'; Stilt¢ Of I-LUutnn COanty Of s-r. LUCII: �I I hereby Certify, T ,aid tend fit the County afro Staaluy French and I It, nle known to be Shot perm tlwy ,wknowladgotd 411hUSS my bond ui dayot Nuvumbur � r to °rid/ PiiejbJ i t t f Shia dui. belo re nw, on of firer duly outharirad in the Star uforc to take ucknowledgawnu, l,enunully uppeared Frederick eth Dale French, his wife described in and who executed life Juroguing instrument an e too Ihut t buy executed the same. ciul out in the Counly and Stunt lust alurwaid the ,7th 1. D. 10 73 0. alter Public At . uortdssion exld ra I • •? • %G ... o at ? rd P6 r L!D RMD RECORDED 0.;'LaDl( COUNly PUTRRDµ Cl[0.R CIf.;BIT DDaRt IIFCORD VfRIrICD , �y� II 06 •. i 297903 "+ If i� V .• M 1972 St. Lucie County Property Record Card �i GC/ gage 1 of 2 . i ��(� 1 St. Lucie County Property Appraiser Geographformation Services Real Property Record for Parcel Number: 230933300020001 Record Number: 1 of 1 Location: 850 COEER RD CTY ### Section: 09 Township: 35S Range: 39E SCANNED Show Location Map BY Owner, Legal Description, Deed & Total Assessment St. Lucie County Name: FERRELL, JERRY E Legal: 9 35 39 N 150 FT OF E 270.5 FT �! ��� Address: 850 COKER RD FORT PIERCE, FL 34945-0000 OF W 315 FT OF S 1/2 OF SW 1/4 'g 6, qq OF SW 1/4 OF SW 1/4-LESS CANAL R/W- (0.93 AC) (OR 802-2292) Book: 0802 Page: 2292 ISale Date: 19920805 Sale Amt: 48000 Sale/FT: 55.5 /SgFt. Insp. Date: By: jDate Valued: Permits: Exempt.: 0 Land:.13410 Improve.:15670 Class:0 Total:29080 Taxable:29080 Neighborhood & Use o. Built: Imp. Type:RS Class: HD- Stories: i 1962 Eff: 1970 Baths: 0 ❑���� Bedrms: 0 eooi: x Fpla N Air. N Living Area: 864 SgFt. lUnder Roof: 1104 SgFt. Wall: CB Stucco Building Perimeter Sketch and Photograph Cost Calculation this Record CL Units: 0.04 CNST Units: 0.92 SP Units: 0 Tot Units: 0.88 Base Rt: 26.49 APR Rt: 23.31 SQFT Rt: 20.28 Imp Val: 15670 EXF val: 0 Phys Dep: 0.7 Obsol Dep: 0 Tot. Imp. Val: 15670,230933300020001 6/8/00 31us lllarranty D ,�I i CEC1LI I ........ Ibe all ROSWI ...1.,,.. p..dYU...• YJdrei1 L.".. ,.Ill.•. Yllyd d1.• g{ iRlitneuelh: •rho I 1'..IU..1.11• aYlnld.'rYIlU11,3 mite.. rrl.•wr.. runvrYr 1•III 1'Llddu, Was CD t The n . Sil CI:I J••�.nnr.� M1 COY LES! tore ,�7.�'�tr'�.'•.,' 16 ,. UP, r Iti? , IIII r, Iulrj Alhln!Ill I ttgoa '(Il'1, creep (ynn Ypprrrialln�lnp. •• i . �J Tnn0��,��ilYYi AIW I �! Had the gran 4 i. In I" simple: that the? i i oruniw hereby lay is; all actions whoms" I allto [Number 11. I978 SI •• L r i �:i !�Z. (inl above urdllm Sig sealed and del i. .� STATE OF Florl COUNTY OF St. 1� y, II I HE CE.T 1i IlryNlll t i. We .mm.urd Slrle .ch.kdx.a% p[nm1A.. CECIL W. STORM r Inc kmvo to tr`t'h�e r •..w•TNFSe I I 3'7X�4 eed m... I.. d loth Ny .,1 July A 1) la 77 by W. STOREY, and LINDA R. STOREY, his wife ...J.". lit 00 ILL L. STOREY and DONNIh LEE STOREY, his wife Ytry•to i2f. g_ 130x 77(0 - �� 2 ..Wrve..nr ...J ,.mru. •d dn.JUJ.. ,W .!. .. Ihr• nrm.h.r, lac mul In ..... rrdim. el lln• mm of $10.00 and a!her nu'Ipl u•Invrul 1, IY•rrby urinu"J'411.4. h,•rrl.y am,,U. bnmulru. ,rile, ahrar, 'r- and .vn(irm, unlit Il.r gmnlrr. ull slml arrlubl loud slluale In Rt. Louis i SCgNNE € st ey � North 150 feet of the West 315 feet of th(Die .f the Sri'} of the SW} of the SW} of Section C007 •ownship 35 South, Range 39 East, St. Lucia ty Ti sty, Florida. I AND EXCEPTING THEREFROM the West 44.5 feet Canal No. 53 right of Way. all Ike im menls, hersdllammis and eppurts—imm #bento belenging or m tiny 0 Mde the came In IN simple (omw. • ruby sollmanls with sold won," shot 16 imenlor 1s lewfuUy soled of la!d I" nmlor hes hand right and lewd awharer to sell srj' c mvey said land! 16aI Ike one she Rile :o sold lied end udU dclend 16 wile eednsl slit lowld rlekw of end that sad lend in Is+ d all mcumbmni:sv, except lam emutng enbn^nsrnl A Go 1_ itFre9fe Ike cad a enlat has signed and slaw 16" preserna the clay cni year 1 Cie Wet oo Wit d.y, bet. M. sn Ilk. duly utuid sad in the cattily dortseid m ale iipptiud and LINDA R. STOREY, his wife a„caa drnritrd is sad nho cvaued the hey e&+m I,4vd hdm me eut they in Ike MF G 'k, �rt4 @oh271 rha12% 1 r 1050118 nt•...� .a .nni.4 1 l�Qrd •M...h. the 30 th Joy u( April This illarranty ROSWELL L. STOREY and SONYIE LEE STOREY, his wife, P ..... ..... it., alhd II... nmllhw W TIIOHAS H. COSS, an unmarried adult, ..•!..�.. I• •I••III. udd. lees. •,...Ill.•.. I� IL,1 111,• Iww,. n.. �iIlII1Q55¢I�l: 1 rnlnubl.. rnn.idrmlloi nu.••• oh•n.r.. rnnw The North 150 of the SW 1/4 39 Rout. St. LESS AND EXCE right-of-way. 1. 5500 Orange Avenue, Fort Pierce, FL •.. 10 ,.h... A. U. 10 90 LY Iwi II. al ' I Y iI.— .`M+', IuIII a W.I.. ewnl I In:. a m.. .,+I �.•e,e• of .dnl�h ud :W .M refer- J tape I dd•vgrmd..r. lu, •....J hl run darrnlleu uJ Ile .um of i 10.00---- nr,a ulhn ranlo � alm. sells, al1l1 ahrm..rn rrrripl u•Inrru(h hrrrhy er4nm butl nrtrin t, hrte6 �d dw llSt. Lucie nml ,wdiml. mega ILegegnlm. Ihg t of the Nest 315 feat of the S 1/2 of the'SW '1/4 the SW 1/4 of Section 9, Township 35 South, Range a County, Florida. C THEREFROM the West 44.5 feet for Canal No. 52 Rom roe I ."DOUNM DIMM Add haI B1LWaMAW I •' I Dw77sa� Y�idf2d�YgIQ1wDOwB 3 0U i WITam 1 �10.•F��' 'n�I.la1.�b1aQ... • 709QUIQi wadi Of Ike Im.manU, hmdll.mrnlm and opvurtermem0of thr^lo,+ ud.r nkpnrlolnhla. ' 'fro Hot and to -Vold, the settle In I" simple [archer. find the gganlor hereby cou.nanb with gala gnat" 'hot 16 amrsos 1e 6lwfdb at" of o"o lalri to. .PnPlr: Ihel Ibe praNm hm good right o.d 6-1-1 oulhorhY to cell end eonq usad Irld: ibw d,+ gronlor hereby fully P.u" 16 Mlle to eold lord a.d w U defend the onou, agrlml 16e lowtul c6m, of nU penoru whamorw..; rid Ihe1 nia told 4 (rw of rU ennr®bsrrst.. ernW Oar. Wff Lng arbaetprnl to [),,ember 31• IQ 89.r7 ,i . yt ,,,,,,,� �Il �ItnEif fVllttcVf, the gaid g•vdor ha+ signed .rd .@Ld thw mamasIAr tLY rid your, chows written. 11 . I Signey sealed and &6yrid IQo''w-e presence: Q Q...... .r•�':K�sA/................._. .o foes.-7... ._. t� .............. nee er 'STATE OF Florida 1 r.a agar roe COUNTY OF St. Lucia y0 JUN 11 P2-51p�[ 1 HEREBY CERTIFY 14t oo Wh d.,, hl>e r. u dlim duly 1050118 (✓q .uthori.,d in the Sur .Iaerid rid is the Cowry darald r aye FILED ANO NECORO• .,kneewd[ornw, perennial oiq u d DOUGLAS DIXON C: i Roswell L. Storey and Boonie Lee Storey, Sl. LUCIE COUNI 7.r his wife, •� to ow inloeo to he lb. p„ .9 dnne.d I...d Wile erenrd the unt.tn[ mou+••ms .ed they orwrdnd echo m riot they ,,mood do roue. N'ITN[[a N hs.d e.d dI4W eel Y lag fwtlN eu ....q:, f ,. � '•' 'a . Bur Wt iduremid " 30th la A. D. V' 1 t<(�'•,�:1 M April ii �3 90• WM JJ ///,our garIMOTAff Wk '4. ta0ti. may, 7hb llwlw„ant PnN"'l F : DNiARO W. rtBCRr, P. S Ioab Offfea Bog 1746 %ov+..✓ vSJdn'+I ton Ilagga, Ile 949p•r r�lA1{`� ` - OnA Y r�[6*1 Mfi St. Lucie County Property Record Card h Cost Calculation this Record Page 2 of 3 lee CL Units: 0 CNST Units: 0 SP Units: 0 Tot Units: 0 Base Rt: 25.11 I APR Rt: 25.11 SQFT Rt: 6.44 Imp Val: 6180 EXF val: 0 Phys Dep: 0.75 Obsol Dep: 0 Tot. Imp. Val: 6180 Land Market Value No Meas Measm R JJ Tye ADJ Val Elmo FRONT 189.4 X211.0 00 7 .5 14490 QUANNED By Land Use ValueSt. Luce CoU No Crop Acres TP YR YLD Use V Total= 0 otal 14490 11 St. Lucie County Property Appraiser Geographic Information Services Real Property Record for Parcel Number: 230933300030008 Record Number: 2 of 2 Location: 976 COKER RD CTY ### Section: 09 Township: 35S Range: 39E Show Location Map Owner, Legal Description, Deed & Total Assessment Name: DUPONT, PIROM Legal: 9 35 39 FROM SW COR OF S OF Address: 976 COICER RD SW 1/4 OF SW 1/4 RUN E ALG S SEC FORT PIERCE, FL 34945- LI 44.5 FT TO POB,TH N 189.46 0000 FT,TH E 211.06 FT,TH S 189.46 TO S SEC LI,TH W 211.06 FT TO POB (0.92 AC) (OR 294- 400:1155-73) Book: 0294 Page: 0400 Sale Date: 19780901 Sale Amt: 27000 Sale/FT: 18.75/SgFt. Insp. Date: By: Date Valued: Permits: 0000280 Exempt.: 23610 Land: 14490 Improve.: 9770 Class: 0 Total:242 0 Taxable: 650, Neighborhood & Use 0. Built: Imp. Class: S 1 1974 Eff: 977 Etories: Living Area: 1440 SgFt. Under Roof: 1440 SgFt. Building Perimeter Sketch and Photograph http://IO.1.28.101/webmap/scripts/prc.pl?10142760,230933300030008 6/8/00 . Yuuo This Warranty CARL C. SIMUM I.....•Illydt., sidled the PI" D JPLM Ir•Lr4,• „adallir l• uddrY.. ...........lWor ,1111e.1 the lit rM1'Ln by fitJilnesseth� 7710 IrY14YIdY LW IIIIIII'I4t1411I: /IIII,•.� IeIYIrIL'I. ..... rey. (buoy, 17wldu, Id:: lisr�3� H � weuco rowu of d PIYJY lie , /,�, "6, duy, 41 supttmthor %. U. IB 7a Iv MAW E. SIM•LW, hie ,,,,ice SCANNED u 4.. a. BY sl' �0 St. Lucie County route 5, Box 775, Fort Fierce, Florida 33450 YI•: la IM. Imuum.nl .M .t iYrrvm �... .•�rJ 'myu .d Idi..J.d., .la IM ,.,Y.. • . lu• It.,. tar and ,n rwu,deratlun of the nlm of $10.00 and other nip,-mbe....f is-bere6y-arkrluu'l-litde-IIY,eby-pranb, "alrYr 11e11" ahelu._rs- J canllrm. wllu the granlnl, all that certain fund siluate In St. Lucie B0 facttalollg thli.Wet oItectiontil line, g wr4ao Feet 242 fee4 That= south 160 foot to the South Sectional lira, 2mlce Weat.242 feat to the saint of Sag l IM mad old awl sight-of-w4ya., 9-35-39 Oontnlnia9 a 1973 N7hile Haler I.D. #651222471 GDY Together Ww. --� ' u16p nppequlning. To But and Rod site pronto, hFI T f In It. simple: Iho, the I_ 1" ryV. ' „ •.� mm�,hereby fully WI W I(1. '�; hr5yn, tl all permits whomsoewl to ()emm6er SI, Ig n 0 111..IW v I WN f A A!, IIII 1. r w m°iolll;u� ;� �n;iUitness � 1 1 S rJ 6,,5 � (7n1 a600Written. r'. Signed. ;seai led and de {cnf liP t.,- STATE oFf FLOiRIEM COUNTY OF Sr- L01 1 HEREBY CERTIFY than— this .dos. Is" euthmined to the Stets doggiest end in the Coaory ahnaaledanrnu, PsmmIli approved . CMM C. SIFln2S aald F91I41 E. S42Mo m ms htnle4 to tr the ,penm� d,w,ihd is cad lan,otry iwtsument mot, }lew arYnowledtrd hAnn mmttd thr Yale. 71, WITNM or hand and olllehl �aJ„ i Star list elmeuid this �Y!¢ Septm �Klt Jill, to pry. ;, I •'I„ to:o Ysmined to Iho ..... . I fr Ike bnelnsals, hrredllamenl, and appwlsnenre, IINnb .bollmBing ar in any. 1 hold , Ike ,atne In Igo simple {crow,. •y; , ,: _ sby moments with said Giant" Thal Ike gronlur to "I"lly seised of sal:'irad now has Bood right and lawful authority to'w11 and Cenwy sad land) Am Ike us the lilt, to said land and Will defend Ili came agawl the lawful elms of Id that said lad Is fm of all ontunibronn.. eempt laass atYrning ,u6xtyunp Iri Ike said grantor has signed, and sealed thew prasnls.16 day "and Joan 5 } L� . J%" .. ..... ..... .. ...._�.. i. i A!® nedfru k. Fcrrel. ` _j DTI \I me, .. V.CI YlCI1 rat ,KOKIO M sa Wfim door rt�2p kMDo ojTY FED `L • Yorrlud m Yls 1f• ROGER P011g,S I,y I hi8 teife Dt tll SEP 12,-..7s�PM'1S .m rYmted w. ttr INt thlty ? !^ p A 12e�p� a 'l c001IcTi :fAtk � 4 11 Ir f, .5 e b,, Y .. �' } 3 ,i -� ... 3 1 S S x [..Dn.[rs•. �N.r� w..a Pirom Dupont .,.. 976 Coker Road Pt. Pierce, YL 34 This ,,.w �a� W. If, Jr. 2689 Divine Road Pt. Pierce, FL 34 rmea,r Aepekeo rasa ww*rm wY1l4MT oaaD FsrGo ZOOM o, i,' ir�K1 115 5S1 PRGEC 1G C73 A.H. orent"m e.e. " new Nole nw Lea Mel Noa®w ,wu eM X Now"uy Foi,eooa•o oafs �v V 108O ,Made the 4th daY of March A.D. it 94 6Y y and ana:a 8. ptur®v 752 Coker Road Ft. Pierce, FL 34945 Aereiagllel QQQelri49 ptsME4�' qt , P1rom Dupont whose Pat go1m odirve to 976 Coker Road Ft. Pierce, YL 34945 hereisgt7er called &W greats: Q,','Iyr'=j r.s e�li 1L's "ri4'. w,ri,om e=,i"",eM.a+•w cad Other /ItRtrfti'tt)I no Me gmsfor, fir oed ds couWerstlaa �of t�hpey tea of 0 1.00 vWu" omidniU M, no@W SAVI /U hereby ao4sor {edpdt sd Prow. Gana m. etue, amm, rowGte, �,....- DOa m and 00mul" Y ewfo CU gromw eW Mel errea`a fo eitsaw N it. Lucie loot of South 199.46 east of last 211.06 Last oe West 235.56 feet 3.36 fast Of Ymet 255.56 east of South 160 fast of South Mast quar met quarter of South West quarter section 9, T 35 8 R 39 S. 1 d Memo 6elenyiu9 a• %A aaYwta a�tt4lF, aifM aY t4e fesesreste, AersdioaaNab sad appsrteraacee, go 3l m tfoa to 3 w. Me Saws is Jn etwatelarerea A s eiwph NNN " tttl.d �F �( wrist www Y t IL �� st two awrrisp Sswafsest to ffwamber al. is 3i. WeaWpriawrhaeeissedosdeealedMenpnawthedoYnadv�m+�JCret_gboor I in At tm+me of O,L R erx • Ifs% :_y � - ST ' '�`'" .,? Imoeabrbbe WeDw®—ivWe�J taeddeaweul �.;_ "t ryelW.ere.drtlnikdapOeWwbY�R_tY . a3a I kaeb t�rb, W tN ode b.6,an ew. � i,w d.b eeekwlwi N iteYewNINNd,etee�e.led�eah.erreerbel9ased ' ' St. Lucie County Property Record Card �� of 3 St. Lucie County Property Apprdiser Geographic Infortuat on Services SCANNED Real.Property Record for Parcel Number: 230933300050002 Record Number: 1 of 2 BY Location: 988 COKER RD CTY ### Section: 09 Township: 35S Range: 39bt. Lucie County Show Location Map Owner, Legal Description, Deed & Total Assessment Name: HALL, RICHARD G Name: HALL, ROSE M Address: 988 COKER RD FORT PIERCE, FL 34945-0000 Legal: 9 35 39 BEG AT SE COR OF SW 1/4 OF SW 1/4 OF SW 1/4 RUN W 201 FT,TH N 225 FT,TH E 201 FT,TH S 225 FT TO POB (1.04 AC) (OR 5�3_/706, 563-1708) Book: 0563 Page: 1708 Sale Date: 19871101 JjSale Amt. 67000 Sale/FT: 43.85 SgFt. Insp. Date: By: Date Valued: Permits: C92-05314 Exempt.:'25000 Land:9360 Improve.:51 30 Class:0 Total: 60990 Taxable:35990 Neighborhood & Use Built: Imp. Type:RS Class: ]ID+ 10. Stories: 1974 Eff: 992 Baths 2 ❑���� Bedrms: 3 Fooi: v F Ic: N A r: Y Living Area: 1528 SgFt. Under Roof, 1804 SgFt. wall: CB Stucco Building Perimeter Sketch and Photograph TT 4 2309 5433-0-0 0 0 N Improvements Improvements / Extra Features No. Area Act FCTR YR RG Rate Val No. Code/Cat Size ®RG Rate Value 0 BAS 1528 00 0.96 26. 1 39490 53 0.96 3.65 50 0 PAl 192 0.1 0 0.96 2® 490 � 3F,CD,NT �� 0.96 1701 1630 OP3 84 0.3 � 0.96 7.98 40 Cost Calculation this Record CL Units: 0.04 CNST Units, 1,03 SP Units: 0 Tot Units: 1.07 Base Rt: 24.87 APR Rt: 26.61 SQFT Rt: 27.22 Imp Val: 40160 EXF val: 6980 Phys Dep: 0.96 Obsol Dep: 0 Tot. Imp. Val: 47140 http://l O.1.28.101/webmap/scripts/prc.pl?10142786,230933300050002 6/8/00 r �r 0-G This Ja&a urer.lfade it -is FREDE1i1CK SI•ANLEY FRENCH and ELIZABETH DALE FRENCH, his wife, of ll.e Cuuafy o/ St. Lucie - and Slule of Florida p.,rlws o/ the /Ird port, anti IQilsi W IOSEPH SHIPLEY and SHEILA MONTLEN SHIPLEY, mhuee mailing add resf s . b Q Roue 3, Box 534 Ft. Pierce, FL 33450 of Ihr Couaty of St. Lucie N, and Slate of Florida ponied '`,ICSSnl the second purl. WIG:Ytr that the avid parties of the first kwrl, farcited in roiuidernliun All floe Scene a/ $10.00 Dollars, and other yuuJ and valuable conaideruliurm to thhem in blind paid• the reveipt wherru/ is hereby pcknowl• rdyrd• lu,VO granted. barliuinrJ, e.dd and (-unveiled. and by three prea,vds do grant. bar. gwa• sell, ro eveg and em:11rnt little, Ihr said part ea of Ihr arrond purl and their and ne.ypu /orn,er, all thin (-(-(-talon pnr(-rl u/ told lying mid Mnug In the Countu u/' St. Lucie ,tied State ill Florida , more µirlirulurlg drarribrd as /ulfuna: ' SCAf uugnuting at the SE corner of the SW 1/4 of the SW V4 of [hu SW 1/4 of Section 9, B '1'uwndhtic 35 South, Range 39 East, go thunco West along Ulu 1/4 Section line dintunce of 201 fuut (+or •) to a point; thent:o run North of right MWICa to aai�t Lucie Suction linu'u distance of 225 feet (h or-) to a point; thunca rut East a distance. of 201 fuut (+Or •) to the 1/4 Suction line of the horuin daacribad property; thanes rut South a distuncu of 225 fact (+or •) to point of beginning. Ties above doaerthad prupurty constituting{ 1.04 acted, Moro. or IONS, In tlla SE' curnur of the abovo dcscrtdnud Property. Said pureal F110joct to uarutocnt an thu Saut11 Boundary for IngteaS and 09tc . J' Together u.fth a 1 the tenentrids. hereditament- and appurtenances, with every privilege, right. title• interest andate, dorr and right o/ diluter, reversion, remainder and euaemanf thereto4. �ddw belonging or in di yu.iar appertaining: TO Witt VW to NOW the rarne in Ire simple forever. a the And the said parties of thebirot Pori dord o/ the suidnpre,m ses,t with efhaflh 8r �re.free from sremid purl that they / J and that good right and lain all encumbrances' f ul authority lu sell lfie, sane•; and the, snit parties o/ the, first purl do hereby fully warrant the title to said land. anti irill defend the s,ttne, against the lawful claims of all fwrsvw whomsoever• in i8bM"UhMilf, the said parties of the first purl have hereunto set their h..... A and -rahthe dug and gear above WHIM- i,. 5UMS s t y r i P LL I ! �h f'7 t zr IN THE MARRIAGE OF JOHN.V. SHIPLEY, Husband land SHEILA SHIPLEY, Wife 11. having g determin subject wife now the part: ! is there% OADF ' SHIPLEY be i each of then �. heretofore Y therefrom.'% 2. ' - JOHN JOSEPH q SHIPLEY, d/O` J .. SHIPLEY, grad 4. right' of via , responeibili s'. 44 ' ' .! religious port :i IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR ST. LUCIE--COUNTY,-PLORIDA CASE NO. 62-788 F.R. . FINAL JUDGMENT DISSOLUTION.OF MARRIAGE use came on for trial January 1, 1903 and the Cart full consideration to all the evidence, finds aa: this Court has jurisdicticn,of the parties au%i *ha ar of this suite that the relation`of husband anal its between the parties, and that the marriage between; .e irretrievably broken and shculd be dissolve?. It L a AND ADJUDGED as follows: The marriage between JOHN J.-SHIPLEY and SHEILA d the same is hereby dissolved, and the 'parties and 1 '..- are 4ereby'forever freed'fram.the boudc.'of ratrimday toting between then and from the obligations arising. 'he primary residential Custody of t!u minor children,,tt IPLEY II d , /o/b January 24, 1970,'and TERRI LYNN August 30, 1973, is awarded to the Wife, SEB]!LA ing unto the Huaband, JOHN J. SHIP' L6Yr reasonable "#r - tation. .A 0 Each of the pasties. sball share the parental, ; as to the minor children's nedical'y"llbeing' F cipation, education,, general welfare and all otwnr _ uw canes ENROL •. WILLES �''•' P. O. eon ass .. ..a:1 FORT Weser rtonen asaM O'1`7 _ an • aa,;none v! N 1 Frx• SR:. St. Lucie County Property Record Card �i gage 2 of 3 Oi7(/ '/ �`/, 09- aWY,230933300040005 6e/5—Oc{/6 val II_ Land Use Value St. Lucie County Property Appraiser Geographic Information Services Real Property Record for Parcel Number: 230933300040005 Record Number: 2 of 2 Location: 984 COEER RD CTY ### Section: 09 Township: 35S Range: 39E Show Location Map Owner, Legal Description, Deed & Total Assessment BY St. Lucie County Name: PEAVY, HARRELL L Legal: 9 35 39 FROM SE COR OF SW 1 4 OF Name: PEAVY, VIRGINIA W SW 1/4 OF SW 1/4,TH W 201 FT FOR Address: 984 COKER RD POB,TH CONT W 217 FT, TH N 180 FORT PIERCE, FL 34945- FT,TH E 73 FT,TH N 45 FT,TH E 0000 144 FT,TH S 225 FT TO POB (1.05 AC) (OR 893-1147:899- 2528) Book: 0893 Page: 1147 IlSale Date: 19940329 ISale Amt: 30000 jSale/FT: 10.71 SgFt. Insp. Date: By: Date Valued: Permits: Exempt.: 16240 Land:9450 Improve.:6790 Class:0 Total:l 240 Taxable:0 Neighborhood & Use Built: Imp. Class: Stories: 1975 EfE Baths 0 ����❑ Bedrms: 0 Pool: N F Ic: N Air: N Type:MS B42 10 1920 Living Area. 2800 SgFt. Under Roof: 2800 SgFt. Building Perimeter Sketch and Photograph a THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED TO BE CORRECT AT THIS TIME BUT IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND IS NOT WARRANTED ,asag 6/8/00 4 5�Q;; - 11417 d i Pnnlad let lawyism Title Guaranty Fund, Ortdo, Florida 1.. I a.rran y Beed IDgie 3lnamturr, Mode Nis ERASTUS S ul Ihv C.uely al Browilyd JOHN P. BARROW and ELN, and MARY PFAU, his wife, whuw ectt utha d-Idots it c/o Barrow, ul the rowdy of Broward IVIFIIrgYrlh, Ib.t mid grantor, lot and In and •alha good urA roluoble conudemimn, t .6.iow4dged, hat grunlod. bargained and w dteribtd land, situate, lying and being In Beginning at the SE corns' Section 9. Township 35 So along said section line 201 westerly 217 foot to a poll said station line a dietanc 14 property; thence proceed north 5 5 feet; thence Prot ( 225 feet to point of begin it is the intention of this I with Mr, and Mrs. Barra Pfau, jointly being the otl 1 \\ 90t T"XLir(ANY Fl.7Rl A\-yeilr. TAX l net ,set lc tl \ C_.- ei and said grantor Loos hereby Wily ,arrant t Persons. whomtoew,,,. > e "Grantor" and "gro �n $9itnrea i'i7gerraf, Gronta Signed. I delivered in our presence, 410100 FORM —SECTION 689.02 F.S.) SCANNED BY St. Lucie County by: �/ This untmmeM was prepared 3 0 3/a,l ROYAL FLAGG JONAS.'Atwrer! 230 .714 9troee - RtAIp rBGAC$ r1AW aalal . - -day of — - May _19 78 r frtwtftl and BETTY SIMMONS. his wife 51.1. of, Florida , grant.,-, and M. BARROW, his wife; and. EDWIN PFAU 160 S. W. 46th Avenue, Ft.' Lauderdale, Florida - 5101. of Florida giant"'. t1l / if. amide,allon of the tom of $11, 000. 00 I. _ Dollars, Ilsoid grantor in hood paid by said grantee, the receipt whersof it hereby I to the mid grant", and gruntsi t ACounanassign, rya Florida, rorM"r, the lollowing St. Lucie ith of the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4, the Range 39 Easte thence proceed West - feetfor point of begianingg thence proceed;. I thence proceed north at right angles to Iof 180 feet to a point of intersection to asterly 73 feet to a point; thence proceed ad eBaterly 144 feet to a point; thence mouth .y "t �d to create in the grantsea a tenancy in camarnfon M' jointly, being one equal tenant; and 9�s el rs. equal tenant. ntrR )01TRtS ' :!rFc yr!R;4111 CC_ Jet 18 1 35 AM'78.. 3�001 410100 1 in, to said loud, and vritl defend the soma against the lawful claims of og, yL " ore used for singular or plural, as context reouirx t hares,, set grantors hand and seal else day and ye Nnt_ afore wrieea " ;r.�• R yc n E- r star immortal ISea11 y ens (Snail qh i STATE OF FVrida ? COUNTY Of Broward drat this day Eytia. nvf..M oeiu, duly quaffed la ee>`. a� g `e' Personally aDpeored p Ipp HEIC:aY CEItTIiy on 'M. '• Eraatua Simmons and Betty Siounons, his wife, IFe Jones," i°at"eab o,td ad,tawMdped be1"e Ymwn ro Ira the perran ■ described mode taaatud Iq'o,d . r j'' 49 ," Ethe y notated nip: some. 2 �� der d 1s�ay ', e bond, and onidd ted Fe M CoteMl' end;ibst .. �t{ WITNESS my 7111. # Iabls _Ip sgoa "Pyty/%�,'�• .smdt hisroyr a . �I .. ;fit '}fly I1 iCCm�' i 14, y S uQ't•(WM DiL4 li.crruled Ibis 6 day al -' A. 1). 19 79 �1 by JOHN P. MWW and EIM4 if. FARROW, his �et and MM PFAl1 and MW PFAU, his wife, ij y first Party. to jar, S 'ERAMS sut= and BEM SMINS, his wife, whose posiolfla ddre.. le Route 5. Boot 775A. Cotes Road. Fart Puce C second Party: q IWirn,•r u„d tonic Jr a.o. •'Ivu r" d "weed eu,i' Jun Mud. J..ely W pW.J, b�.•, YW..� aps�uJ.... W .'Jre• d iedirimw4 ud de ss vn W rYr sl ccle fiss, b I des wee. se 10IIIIriid, That the said flnl party. for and in cowderelion of .he suns of S 10.00', in hand paid by she sold Second Pasty. the rewipt whereof I. hereby acknowledged, does hsoby ren.6e, re• nowt and gaa4leim onto the said second Party forever. a0 the o9hl. Glb, Wsrm4 claim and detund which the Said foe p.rly has in and to the lo"Ino described bl. Piece ar parcel of lar& shoo'*, lyemi and being in the Co.nly7ol St. irsie seats of Florida . to.M: .. Beginning fit the SE corner of the SW k of the SW k of the Si k, Sectia 9, �7o;,"bip 35`South, Range 39 East. dielce Proceed Wrst along said sectitya line '201 feet fcrjthence point of beginning; Proceed westerly 217 feet on a point; theide proceed north at right angles to said section lice a dietimoe;: of 180 feet to a point of inuxyection to thine prr'� °°°�� $ ,73 feet oo'i point; thence proceed north feet, tbalm prod aeet�ly 144 feet 1:64 point; thence south 225 feet to point of. beginning.' 'lode Deed ie. intended executed d shall act as arantors hem te satisfaction. of at to grantees herein and t�othis D ed the tat acknowledge that grantors ' by eccePtof this Deed, gran are no lacger obligated t6 t + grantees is any arising out of said, purchase coney rortV811• y This Deed is tendered as a omveYonce of title and rot as further amoxV Y i crlbed Purchase �Y >mrt89W whiff tire. 6rsniaaboue for the befe¢edea described strl prape'tY• t on jug -4 1% 1= OT 3 Wd to IW14 the Same together with,sa and s4wdv the aopurismanu;Lar e 1:L-6 ➢ing W N:inyw4e opperlanWq. tad all the male. right. ulle, Interests. limb paityien% Cline mAd- soeuer of des sW lint pare). eid.ar in law or pun), to the only Proper wee bmesfit and behoel of 66 sa d second pony Iss]•�t1,��� ! Is Ti. ..d firet party less ..msi and ...WJ.theee t.•.b fie Joy "a year i first .boos .eut.b. SW.S .Wfassd delivered in s eaeace, aj: H^ •+ r�✓sees - '� •,l y �.9,.1, � ,•'�irru�771 �.e�____� iYllra 1 YOWY CiR771Y Into m ii 6t, Ylae IIR one 1i and EUlA N1i mar bb rift:; sod 00 YOU r Me A. pesese siva id in sad A ssn.rel de Inmariy Nellrr.e ad thq adnar.lydoe/ my esKWd W eem. geed ad elfeiel d Y M Caey ud Use W e1" n►.s 04;514(` tbp d tin W9' ywrllstcttayotwes.aystq i ;..x.._._._.,ir�t�aet�rtn,vae-it>r.•',"...'P I' ul,Uyem Title Insurance (goporation INDIVIDUAL it I"? 0� This Warranty Dud made this/ day of/ 9LF Era9Lus Simmons and Betty S1nmone,his wife M,rarnaher called the Grantor, and between 331.06 James 0. Bane ; and Peggie A. Bane ; Virginia L. Bone ; and Dirk L. Bane .. Whom mailing address it: Route 8, Boa1775A Ft. Pierce,'Fl 33451 Harelmfter cellad the Graham, WITNEIIsaTM, that the Grantor, for and I1 consideration of the wen of ten dollars (10.00) and other valuable considerations the raaipt wttm• of Is hereby sanowledged has granted, bargained, and old unto the Granma, and Grantee's helm or wceeuork and assigns forever, all that certain par al of lend In the County of St. Lucia and Sun of Florida to wit: Boginning at the BE corner of the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4. Section 9, Township 35 South, Range 39 East, thence proceed West along said section lino 201 feat for Point of Eaginningi thence proceed Westerly 217 feet to a point; thence proceed North at right angles to said section lino a distance of 180 feet to a point of intanuction to proportyl thence proceed Easterly 73 feet to a point; thence proceed North 45 feet{ thence proceed Easterly 144 feet to a point. thence South 225 feat to Point of beginning. RUBJE(,T TO the Purchnao money First Mortgage of even date, 14 JN-4 P3rWp�(QO� FI 0 AN AECORO.O U pQ q p01piRAS• CLEFRN tjA`7 I' I '" F i:01.410 A 5t• UCIE COUNTY, FL, ^. ,,p41iR^tytnxr,., s,nMl� r.xl �` lil Pl, b/ htYLhdt 1 659059 •4 3 3 7. 0 5 1. W and the Grantor does hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful Claims of ail parson whomsoever. ascot tau for year 1984 and subsequent. and restrictions, reservations, limitations, covemnts, and easements of mcoud, if ray. 1"Grantor and Grantee" are used heroin for singular or Plural, the singular shall Include the plural, and my gander shall include ill gmdan, as context requires.) " Sun of Floriia ) j County of St. Lucia I HE/�RESY CERTIFY, that on this o7y Lay of and Gouniy e.w mid to uke acknmiedgemmn, Parwnall appeared Eraattut Sitcom and Ditty Siaasooss his wife (BEAU (SEAL) (BEAU ' before an, an officer duly authce)md in elm Stan to me known to be the person(') described i Iand who executed the fon*Wng tonceytmce and acknowledged before me thJDQp, 'ft Aty� ea• waned the sum. . 4e.-r YINTNEtB my dmasure"oflicl uN In the county and state last ofw mkt y MY Commission dap, IWuo N,WI IN ML•rp eeMl AID trttaant preps[ bys Kathy R. Dournay Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation ee CM161ee W. gay &*-IN@ 500 Virginia Atanua, Suite 61 Ft. Pierce, Florida ?33450 ; Incident to the fasDalaCe of a title losursoce toet[ast. � r `'• mBOY000m eesaggOgp TO LTICeeee 1MOLT M LTIC No, 0.20 �. �r ,�,: . ,;; �'rt [ �. � � i - � • t r' i L;, y> t, TIlle Insurance Gq pot$llon t:401C23 659059 i INGIVIGUAL •--�—•�—{, T his W.rrentll Dead made dtiseA/ dayof%. to o, /9d}' between •1`J erantue Simmone and Betty Siasona, hie Wife t r tAlc c I LLftICp.,Ii Hereinafter Wlad Fee Grantor. and I J4(FN1A 7 �tAIII ,A?I I IIi 41'h LVLNVL a" •• ��. Jaeee 0. Bane ; and Peg list A' Bane ; ; ; L u ee 1 r �, T— 0 0; .1 I 3' Virginia L. Bane ; and Dirk Bane• — , ^' _Who" mailingaddnte ir_Route_ 8. Box 775A Ft. Pierce, F1 -13451 Hereinafter allyd the Granua WITN6aeETH, that the Grantor, for and In col ii"arktion of the wan of ten dollars (10.Oo) and other valuable considerations the raoPpt where• oil thist.se of Is heeby eoknrrMedged hagranud, barpslned,and Mid unto the Granw, and GnnteYehalnor wagumm altdeuiPnproBuuaf Florida towle 7. parwl of land In tint County of St. Lucid _ "i Beginning at the BE corner ofg•the Big 1/4 of the 8W 1/4 of the SW 1/4, Section 9, .�+;.. To•ltahlp 35 South, Bang@ 39 Best, then@& proceed West along said section line 201 feet r'ge for Poisti. of Beginning$ thenps proceed Weaterly 217 feet to a point{ thence Proceed North at right angles to saldr'sectlon line a distance of 180 feet to:•a point of interaeotion to propartyt tbsppce Proceed Seetarly 73 feet to • polatt thsaes Proceed „, 'North 45 test thence proceedi,Bsaterly I" feet to a point{ thanre South;4l5 feeF Lo Point of Beginning. Togather:rith Double Wide Mobil Nome; ID 110265408AG-T1tlo Number 10145774 and ID 10765408B0-Title Number 10248772, Make being NILLC Year;1974. BUBJBCT To the Purchaeo MoaeyAytrat Mortgage of even date, THIS DS1'O IB BEING Rg-RECO .r 'TO.NDD MOBIL NQMB,TO l=AL. .1 g , sp 1 r� 1 _ S�' .. 1rat;(srpllTty.R�.IiE �pr`ffa�t fi, t �j,l H I l_ tllr f'" r' Yi��%'�1 t FVYIilYYY1117,�1 L.N I. DQCtIN+LNSAItVr...1 ••� pfat hiX[rtxui. q q' .r 1't� q r. pJe•,'aa l 33 1.05 x wri Ibe< ! end the Grantor don hereby fully warrant tl,. no to ald land,'end will defend the same against the iswfal claimer of afl Itaraaq whe"naoawr except taxer for year 1984 and subsequent.' and, ranrictlonf, nasreetiom, limitatlons, cmu.,&W. ewmanu of rear, if aay"i 1"Gnntor and Grantee" am used herein for YrlPlin or plural. the singular Ad1:iMluda Mlle -duns and MtY 6a!!dar hall include d hands t a context sequins.).. i¢ . Y'r i Signed. Soled. ed Delivered inyr�enw :' ;. UgEa FILED Nti0 f rtiB0E0 GERJ y tJ i ST. LUCIE COUNTY. FL, am of Florida ', ,,t :; dl•itCDi�� 668439 ninny of . St,_ Lucia. J -_ y /4d1� ' bMon rose, el off ow duly authorinu Inthd Bi HEREBY CERTIFY, that on this a `df - dlCounty ardnaud M take pertaW a�Pewd n .. n Sreetw Slaawoa /red Bent 8 s. hls wife y ice?,. so s mr known to be the peraaels) da«md In } who axaauud the lampdng apMW= and edmowlNped before 1na.tlrYKO)a, d'+G 1hey) alud the was{ '' _ d ar, to and oHid WI H 11N red tote last dareal4 F: s' •' ' fS� ' IITNEp my ai{M,dua �pynry ... � • 4�. . 5" gaq 1 + t ay Ceaamlalon a I&wo r.. 1 + , Ao trumat propad byf - • F f;- t o • 4h %i - . i ej► ltath7 N. Dwt&ay rifee � . :. W, r Latgars Title Irouraace.Coiporattan ' . A gellNtN . , ifk-V thim \ +: 80>11firglola Areew, Laip.6l � CryC�' � I tr, i Ft 'Pismo Florida 37130 Iorldeet to:,ehs.isaeeneu•of & title lsseven= Wetreet. ilae�RROW TO IsiCMN v riC No. 90 �7E. ij t t r' ..,A /f Ye',S itf."• tr' tit Y•i`�?IIllIsit: P '97b'i97 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA. -. PROBATE DIVISION. Q i` FILE' NUMBER: 0_536-C �' IN HE; ESTATE OF •, M- PEGGIE AM BANE, m sNrn go DSCeased. ORDER OP SUNNARY ADMINISTRATION TBBTATE On the Petition of JANES OP WAZ for Summary Administration , of the Batato Of ; WalC AM'w BAMB, Doceaaod, the Court findlrq that the docedont: died on tho 28th day of March, 19681 that a1:. interoatod persons have been served proper notici of this hoWring, or havog, waived notice thoroofl that 'the'. material allegations of the petition arc true that the Will bearing date Juna 28, 1983, hot boon admittod to probate by order of thiy court as and for" the Last Will of the Decedent] and; that the ' Dn.:edent!_e estatel.qualifies for Summary administration and an Order of Summary Administration should be entered, it4o . ADJUDGED that there be immediate distribution of,,; the aaeeta' a 3'•n Od the decedent as- o11oWs: ASSET, SHARE, .. , NAME -- ADDRESS OR .AMOUNT '. JAIM 0.'BANE 1064 Highway.60 East+. All remaining. 'Lake Wales, Florida 33853 .assets ., . 'ADJUDGED FU@T�, that those to specified parts of the 4 _ J , . dacedent,!s estate are assigned by this order shall be entitled to a and collet same, and to ;maintain actions to `enforce -the receive L right.L k I kt, „ ADJUDGEDp0*X=, that debtors of the decedent, those holding property of the decedent, and those with whom�aecuritios.` or other propertytof decedent are registered, are authorized and empowered to. comp }y with this Order. by;paying, delivering, or , '' -transferring to those specified above the parts of the docedent!9 " estate assigned to them by this Order; and the personl:60 payinS; F noL645 Pxf �; 416 , x Is A� ✓ \� . .� . � %� ; -zzz delivering, or else for Paw ORDERED ti I Copies Furnished �i 73 4"" 33553 . (\\ \�§ . 91 2 2 'y 1� q FILEAND D 001) LAS DelaXOMMIC11"' S1