HomeMy WebLinkAbout9503105 - 540 SUNRISE DR - PAPERWORKFes• VL••1.7. FO. WNc. Mo- 5Yo C�\NAL- Lar 5S �sr 5:0 tssr 5"1 S. Fig•36'W. 595.92'M. BARBED WIFE 5.99�32'U1 5�5. c•o'P• VCL. r FENCE E 653-D .. 4-AA 625 SEP,e FLSZO Ea or av-> ST VmLE Kr.EL•S3. N. 89-3Z' E. 595 So P 1 Id. FA'36'E S�JS. Y�S'M• \ IF AREA OF DRAINFIELD IS SUBJECT TO ,SATURATION FROM ROOF DRAINAGE, ROOF MUST BE GUTTIRED PRIOR TO FINAL APPROVAL. NOT VALID L.TNLESS BIaNED.DATED AND BTAn[PED WtTFI EMBOSSED SEAL I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ATTACHED SKETCH OF SURVEY OF THE HEREON DESCRIBED PROPERTY IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOW -EDGE AND BELIEF AS SURVEYED UNDER MY DIRECTION. I FURTHER CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY MEETS THE MINIMUM TECHNICAL STANDARDS FOR LAND SURVEYING IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA (CHAPTER 81017-6) PURSUANT TO SECTION 472.07,17LORIDA ATUTES. SUMCT TO THE OUALIFICAMON5 NOTED HEREON/ [r a.r�u E. YFILIRBT sto�ID� yeRns�rR�asow Ro 4416 nos+ THIS PERMIT IS ISSUED B:,SFD C)Ni Al APPLICATION MADE FOR A TI BEDROOM PRIVATE RES'DEf USE OF DEN, STUDY, OR OT;'CR Re- CREATIONAL ROOM AS A BEDROOM WILL VIOLATE SYSTEM DESIGN AND A dAY CAUSE SYSTEM FAILURE � , LGYa •m«„•T _ LOCATION MAP j N.T.S. I LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ALL OF LOT 5 )) b0,BLOCK e N r N Z �{�OI�ICAI. �\CF:ES I S ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN (� j PLAT BOOK S , PAGE ZOOF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF 4T. Lucic 6D. , FLORIDA. SAID LANDS LYING IN -vcl,_ Cc, , FLORIDA. CONTAINING I •5LP ACRES MORE OR LESS SURVEY NOTES: 1. LANDS SHOWN HEREON WERE NOT ABSTRACTED FOR RIGHTS —OF —WAY AND/OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD. Z NORTH ARROW SHOWN HEREON IS ORIENTATED AS SHOWN. 3. ELEVATIONS (IF SHOWN) HEREON ARE RELATIVE TO ASSUMED DATUM, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. __:.4. REPRODUCTIONS OF THIS SKETCH ARE NOT VAUD UNLESS SEALED WITH AN EMBOSSED SURVEYOR'S SEAL. 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION SUPPUED BY CUENT. 6. BEARING BASE AS SHOWN. 7. SO. FT. OF HOUSE (IF SHOWN) SUPPUED BY CLIENT. 8. LEGEND OF SURVEY ABBREVIATIONS ON BACK OF SURVEY. -! St. Lucie County Health Unit CERTIFIED TO: Environmental Health Ji>1 UJ,-\LTEF?, 1-10KICS, Ir-IL i Site Plan Approved For Construction S RO DOL O h. SaL�z�K Supercedes All Previous Site Plans For OSDS # 3 g Z SCANNED Reviewer St. Lucie County LIM iTS of FkX7- j'pp of B! NI HAYIiURST LAND SURVEYING INC. A LAND SLTRVEYIDTG COMPANY 112E OLD DDCIE I OT-rWAY Si7I'TE 13-2 VERO HEACEK, FL. 32900 PHONE: (407) 569-6680 FAX: (407) 770-3446 + I As 4 4 o° 3 b � o SET WF" I.7/AF -14ILP 4I g 1- FLOOD ZONE X • TY r_�nur, r DATE REVISIONS. INT. PANEL No.120[85 � NDICAlZ MMELEVAIION D. B -. mr>er ts, /! ?•7 90fN jGMMOMD IO.EVAWO Yi ` r TIPAEA0.E 10WFILioRSCPOc3 I,1 KII �.�1..� ,-_ .-.. �. ter._. -. n¢ Mfllei lOU.P OFFROfFRIY IRILERS ONLY. 4A 1 LEGEND OF SURVEY ABBREVIATIONS A ARC LENGTH PG PAGE .. AC AIR CONDITIONER PK PARKER KALON NAIL _ AVE AVENUE P PLAT - BM BENCH MARK PE PLAT BOOK -- BLK BLOCK _ PC POINT OF CURVATURE BLVD _ _ BOULEVARD PCP —PERMANENT CONTROL POINT CALC CALCULATED PI POINT OF INTERSECTION CB - CHORD BEARING PL PROPERTY LINE C.B.S. CONCRETE BLOCK PM POWER METER STRUCTURE POB POINT OF BEGINNING CO CHORD DISTANCE. PRM PERMANENT REFERENCE MONUMENT CL CENTTRLINE PP POWER POLE CL. CLEAR PT POINT OF TANGENCY ' CM CONCRETE MONUMENT R. RECORD BY PLAT or DEED CONC CONCRETE RAD RADIAL OR RADIUS COR CORNER R/W RIGHT-OF-WAY CT COURT S SOUTH GS CONCRETE SLAB SEC SECTION D DEED SIP SETIRONPIPE DR DEED BOOK SN SETNAE. DF DRAIN FIELD SQ.FT. SQUARE FEET DIST DISTANCE SR STATE ROAD DRA DRAINAGE RETENTION AREA ST STREET DR DRIVE STA STATION D/W DRIVEWAY STRUC STRUCTURE E EAST SUB SUBDIVISION ESMT EASEMENT T TANGENT ' ELEC ELECTRICAL TBM TEMPORARY BENCH MARK EL. ELEVATION TEL TELEPHONE FF FIRST FLOOR TR "TRACT or TRAIL FD FOUND TWP TOWNSHIP ' FH FIRE HYDRANT UTE. UTILITIES FCM FOUND CONCRETE MONUMENT W WEST _ FIP FOUND IRON PIPE WE WOOD FENCE _ FIR FOUND IRON ROD WM WATER METER FM FIELDMEARSURED WV WATER VALVE- FN FOUND NAIL d DELTA ANGLE {. GOV'T GOVERNMENT - CENTERLINE OF ROAD GR GRADE M NUMBER ONO GROUND HW HEAD WALL -. HWL HIGH WATER LINE NOTE: SQUARE FOOTAGE OF LIVING AREA - (� HORZ HORIZONTAL PROVIDED BY CLIE"Nr. . ID L LENGTH LP LIGHTPOLE - ME MAN HOLE MEAS MEASURED' I N&D NAIL and DISK N NORTH NO NUMBER OE OVERHEAD WIRES MAY 1 61995 a51 ....... . IR ' 101" 00 DATE FILED: PR DIETMIM' FLAN REVIEW FEE. RECEIPT NO.: V'0 503 PERbffr NUMBER' —NCURlRFNCY FEE: c9) RECEIPTNO- -75595 CERT CAP NO. DRIVEWAY PERMIT ST. LUCIE COUNTY REQUIRED DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AR No mw vRGM AVENUE, FKM 2M Yes FORT POM Fl. 34982,54W W7-462-15W A�— i Dat APPLICATION for BUILDING PERMIT CERTIFICATE of cApAcrry/zoNING COMPLIANCE < rll� CD PROJECT INFORMATION SCAgNED LocAmoN/srrE ADDRESS- Q-AY)6-5c, -Dp-tv(, -7- R St. Lucie county, .S/D NAME- 9 j C- C-9tD SITE PLAN NAME. P90PERTYTAXID#: 4, LEGAL DESCRIPTION (anach mma gwaft N nwnswA: RON Trams 1?1Z bk Sul' v7u 5. 'PLAT 41 PAGE 7. BLOCK BOOK NO. NO. 9. Pmcascm AcREs=Fr. LOT DIMENSIONS I OO 10. DESCRIPTION OFCONSTRUCTION PROJECTOR woRKAcwrm. v)) � C)pQ6-\j 8. Lorr NO. ALI —2f 11. SETBACKS (ACTUAL) FRONT: Z I O BACK RIGHT SIDE LEFT 17-c) SIDE: lz TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION (Check as appUpdale b0m) I I NEW CONSTRUCTION EXPANSION/ADDITION INFI31ORFeMATION RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL OTHER (SPECIFY) 13, DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE: 14. Sq. FtJCONSTRUcnON- 15. S% Ft 1st Flow. 16. VALUE OF CONSTRUCTION. $ MwvWue of cmmtuedw Is und toddenninathe wount dpw&*mto be *mane& SL Lucia Cau* reaw4mon rW** question and/or cno&Ytm Sr.11 COL"ry SLOCOWFOrmwZ07140 'APPLICAUM for BUMNG PEFUT STATE OF FLORIDA PERMIT # '35`r' 29 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH .AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES .DATE PAID <--- Z,-:�� ONSITE. SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM FEE. PAID $ 7r,-t+' CONSTRUCTION PERMIT RECEIPT # Authority: Chapter 381, FS &Chapter 10D-6, FAG CONSTRUCTION PERMIT FOR: IVII New System [ ] Existing System. [ ] Holding Tank [ ]=Temporary/Experimental [ } Repair [. ] Abandonment [ ] Other(Specify) APPLICANT:t� -� /J AGENT.' PROPERTY STREET ADDRESS: ` s LOT.' � . %--n 'ELOCKO SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY ID #: 2 3 ?) :? _, 6 � �.N [ J ` 3 [ SECTION/TOWNSHIP/RANGE/PARCEL .NUMBER] 1j !..-. `F'� - [OR TAX ID NUMBER] - ---- — --------- _________V,_ _ SYSTEM MUST BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS' OF CHAPTER 1OD-6, FAC REPAIR PERMITS AND :HOLDING TANK PERMITS EXPIRE 90 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF ISSUE. ALL OTHER PERMITS EXPIRE ONE YEAR FROM THE DATE OF ISSUE. HRS APPROVAL OF SYSTEM DOES NOT GUARANTEE SATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE FOR ANY SPECIFIC PERIOD OF TIME. ANY CHANGE IN MATERIAL FACTS WHICH SERVED AS A BASIS FOR ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT, REQUIRE THE APPLICANT TO MODIFY THE PERMIT APPLICATION. .SUCH MODIFICATIONS MAT RESULT SIN THIS PERMIT BEING MADE NULL AND VOID. --------------------------------- BY SYSTEM DESIGN AND SPECIFICATIONS St. LUC12 County A I^ v+ �] 1 G'ALLONS GACLO?YNS/ GPDGRUJ SEPTIC TANK/hEROBIC UNIT CAPACITYCAPACITYfj ' MULTT-CHAMBERED/IN SERIES:[[ N [ ] GALLONS GREASE INTERCEPTOR CAPACITY [MAX:IMUM'. CAPACITY SINGLE TANK: 1.250 GALLONS] K [ ] GALLONS PER DOSE DOSING TANK CAPACITY DOSE RATE [ ]. PER 24 HRS NO. OF PUMPS:, [ J D [ Y`I-] SQUARE. FEET PRIMARY -D Ii FLELD SYSTEM R [ f ] SQUARE FEET �� - - -- - -SYSTEM-- A TYPE SYSTEM: [ ] STANDARD [ ] FILLED. r ] �+IOUjID l [ ] I CONFIGURATION:a[%f ] TRENCH [ J. BED [�] s. i -� h F'�' ;iiJ` F 'LOCATION OF BENCHMARK: I ELEVATION OF PROPOSED SYSTEM SITE I !.t]j]YNCRES/FT]_f_[ABOVEjBELOW)BENCHMARK/REFERENCE POINT E BOTTOM OF DRAINFIELD TO BE [ t]` [INCHES/FTj [ABOvJBELOW] BENCHMARK/REFERENCE POINT L D FILL REQUIRED: [',(trJ ] INCHES EXCAVATION REQUIRED: [.± ] INCHES o T 2 7' ; H r" IF ARFA OFoBRl4INFI�L6 IS 4ATURATltlm_ rnun11 ROOF unnutiAyt, R SPECIFICATIONS BY: TITLE: FINAL APPROVAL. APPROVED BY: ' TITLE: -- " CPHU DATE ISSUED: THIS PERMIT IS ISSUED BA3MFMT3. T DATE. APPLICATION MADE FOR A THREE (3) BEDROOM PRIVATE RESIDENCE. ANY USE OF DEN, STUrDy, OR OTHER RE. HRS-H form 40.16, .mar 42 (06sotetes previous edit ors which may not *s�IONAL ROOM AS A BEDROOM Page 1 of 2. (Stock. Number: 5744-001-4016-0) ILL VIOLATE SYSTEM DESIGN AND, MAY. CAUSE SYSTEM FAILURE BUILDING DEPARTMENT INSTRUCTIONS: PERMrr NUMBER: Permit tracking number assigned by CPHU. APPLICATION FOR: Check type of permit, if "Otbee zecify typein blank: APPLICANT:.. Property owner's full name. TELEPHONE: Telephone number for applicant or agent: AGENT: - - -- - Property owner's legally authorized repreaenfative. MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. boz or street ma:iiing address for applicant or agent. LOT, BLOCK,: SUBDIVISION or PROPERTY IDN`.. 27 character id number for property. (CPHU may require property appraiser ID p or, sectionitownship/rangetparcel number) SYSTEM DESIGN AND :SPECIFICATIONS:: TANK: Minimum specifications from Chapter IOD-li, FAC. DRAINFIELD: Minimum specifications from Chapter IOD-b, FAC. OTHER: Other specifications, such as operating permit requirements, low-volumeflush toilets, variance provisos. ' SPECIFICATIONS BY: NaiV. of individual proviQing spuifcations. If designed by a registered engineer must be scaled. APPROVED BY: County Public Health Unit (CPHU) personnel rcviewmg and approving permit.. DATE ISSUED: Data permit is issued by CPHU- EXPIRATION DATE: One.. year from date issued if thesystem has not been installed. Permits for system repairs become void 90 days from the date issued. . THOMAS W. CAREY PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER —PLANNING 7 6 7 F I D -D L E W O O D R O A D, VERO B E A C H F L O R I D A 3 2 9 6 3 T E L E P H O N E 4 0 7- 2 3 1- 2 4 3 1 F A X 4 0 7- 2 3 1- 0 6 2 6 SCANNED Mr. Charles B. McDermott, Codes Supervisor BY St. Lucie County Building Department St. LUCie County 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, Florida, 34982-5652 April 24, 1995 Subject: Relocation of Existing Residential Building. Monte Carlo Model -Jim Walter Homes, Inc., Rudolfo Salazar, Client. Amenda to Working Drawings to Update Code Requirements. Sirs: This is in regard to the several changes made in the form of Addenda to the original working drawings as prepared for the subject constructed building. As it is the proposed plan of the subject Client to move the building from its present location on the Jim Walter Homes, Inc. sales campus to another location in St. Lucie County, these changes are here presented on the original working drawings as marked in red. The original details on those drawings are left in black. It is felt that this one time presentation will emphasise the necessary updating to the best of my ability to do so. The following Addenda are here presented. 1. SHEET ONE A. Five footers located at each end of the building and as shown on the foundation plan are to be increased in dimension to 3 ft. x 3 ft. x 1 ft. w/ 4 ea. #4 Bars each way w/ 1 #5 bent bar installed as a vertical dowel-(2.5 ft. x .5 ft). B. All other footers shown on the the 10 enlarged footers described 3" x 2'- 3"x 1 t. T is is an incre the original plan. Foundation over are to be z' is shown on C. To stabilize the sills, add doubled 2" x 8" sill as shown in red on the Foundation Plan. (Transverse) 2. SHEET TWO A. Note Roof Bracing Detail. Nail brace wit 2 - 1 common nails drawings. the 2x4 Purlin to each diagonal as shown in red on the B. Note Knee Wall Brace Detail. Add SEMCO CC 3-1/4-6 eccentric column caps tote top o each porch post to fasten post to porch beam, etc. Add 1-18 x 18 gage strap to fasten top wall plate to knee brace to rafter. An approved Simpson column cap may be used in place of the SEMCO cap mentioned above only if the eccentricity, or offset, is available. STRUCTURAL, HYDRAULICS, INVESTIGATIONS, INSPECTIONS, WATER, SEWER o- THOMAS W. CAREY PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER —PLANNING 7 6 7 FIDDLEWOOD R O A D, VERO B E A C H F L O R I D A 3 2 9 6 3 T E L E P H O N E 4 0 7 - 2 3 1 - 2 4 3 1 F A X 4 0 7 - 2 3 1 - 0 5 2 5 PAGE TWO C. The Porch Beam Detail also shows the added SEMCO column cap as cited in "B" above. 3. SHEET THREE A. Typical Wall Section. Add Simpson SP-2 clips connecting studs tote toplte and Simpson SP-1 clips connecting the bottom sill plate to the studs. Add Simpson H-5 clip to connect every third rafter to the top plate. B. Add the note to use 1/2 inch gypsum wall board on the inside of the wall. This construction is considered to be able to accommodate up to 70 pounds of shear per foot and will provide the necessary shear reduction required in all four wall cases to the best of my knowledge, considering the fact that each wall is diagonally braced at the corners. C. Fix the 2" x 4" sill plate to the band beam using 1/4" x 4" lag screws at 3' centers. Pre -drill for the screws. D. Extend the 14 gage gal. strap to tie the concrete block pier directly to the boxing band beam and the 2x8 sills at each footing location. E. Note the addition of the sill plate laging in the Typical Window Header Detail. F. Note the added Simpson clips at each stud in the Typical Door Detail. G. Add the Typical Gable End Bracing detail showing the construction of additional bracing at each gable end. The plans here presented are intended to be modified to provide updated code requirements where possible to do so. It is my opinion that the changes drawn in red on the subject plans will accommodate these requirements. The revised plans, as shown will, to the best of my knowledge, provide a building which will withstand the wind loadings specified in the SBCCI 91ed. Chapter 1205. Please let me know if you matter. Si erel 10 Thomas W. Carey, Florida Registration 574 have any questions regarding this Copy: File STRUCTURAL. HYDRAULICS, INVESTIGATIONS, INSPECTIONS, WATER, SEWER I MONTE CARLO MODEL Client: Salazax L W L+OH Bu.ildtng Stze- L x W 40 24 42 Ridge Height 14.51 Rtze above .top Plates+4-1/2"= Eave Hetght 9.34 Vent.Le9/Slope-Rt.6e=0.3333333 Roo4 Slope + OH. 14.757295 0 Tangent= 0.333333 W.Lnd Loadtng q'= 25 0 Wtnd Pnezzune @ 154t 25 Wind Pn.e.6.eune @ 20 28 Cortgn-Roo4 Slope 0.9486833 X Dtmen.6ton Equal 20 Z Dtmenzton-(.4xeave ht. Equal 3.736 W.Lnd Loadtag Bazed on SBCCI-91 Foundation Style Roo4 Pno4tte- Gable Roo4 Pno4tte Ra4tex/Tnu66 .6pactng 2 Stud SpacLng- ext./ 1.33 0 TRANSVERSE DIRECTION INTERIOR MAIN FRAMING 1. LOAD CASE- FLORIDA REGION INTERIOR ZONE A. B. C. D. I. GC x q' x ev/x4 d 0.7 0.75 1 0.4 Net load pen 400t 163.45 276.69929 368.93238 93.4 II. 0.3 0.35 0.6 0.8 Net load pen 400t 70.05 129.12633 221.35943 186.8 do Uze 4tguxe s/tnu.6.6 deztgn END ZONE do I. GC x q' x ev/44 d 0.95 1 1.4 Net load pen 400t 221.825 368.93238 516.50533 II. 0.55 0.6 1 Net load pen 400t 128.425 221.35943 368.93238 2. LOAD CASE- FLORIDA REGION I. [WALL -ETC] Adjurted - GC x q' II. Adjurted - GC x q' I. [WALL -ETC] Adjurted- GC x q' II. Adjurted - GC x q' W+OH Roo4 4actz 28 n.L.6e/400t= 4.375 Gable/hLp= SUM (Wall) 256.85 p/Foot 256.85 'do' 0.7 (Wall) 163.45 385.275 1.1 256.85 385.275 LONGITUDINAL DIRECTION END ZONE 2E 3E 5E 6E 1.4 0.8 0.5 0.7 35 20 12.5 17.5 1 0.4 0.9 0.3 25 10 22.5 7.5 INTERIOR ZONE 2 3 5 6 1 0.65 0.25 0.55 25 16.25 6.25 13.75 0.6 0.25 0.65 0.15 15 6.25 16.25 3.75 REQUIRE GABLE ENDS Aneaz Z anea = 4on 5E&6E=ZxEave Ht.+1/2xxoo4 ztopexZxZ Fon Load Ca.6e 1-3 5E&6E= 34.89424 (Ttl. E.wall anea-Z anea) 5&6=189.26576 Aneaz X anea = 4on 5E&6E=X x eave ht. + .5 x 44.ztope x X Fox Load Caze, 2-4 5E&6E=253.46667 (Ttl.E.Wall anea-X anea) 5&6= 18.693333 'do' 'do' c� THOMAB w CA1tEY fSS74 .A 4 Inche.6 pen 400t PAGE 2 OF 3 Htp Roo4 Pao4tte Rtght Watt Shean Watt Segment= 18.5 Feet Le4t Watt Shean Watt Segment= 18.33 Feet Front Watt Shean Watt Segmt.= 20.25 Feet Rean Watt Shean Watt Segment= 27.67 Feet TRANSVERSE WIND LOADING LOADING INTERIOR ZONE Hon.izontat A. B. C. D. Wtnd Loads 3269 5810.685 7747.58 1868 5137 1401 2711.653 4648.548 3736 5137 IntenttoadLng acnozz entrance .6dde 04 bu.Ltd.ing - wtnd 4x.om 4nont (one hat4) END ZONE 4436.5 7747.58 10846.612 3269 7705.5 2568.5 4648.548 7747.58 5137 7705.5 End Zone toad Lng.6 acxo s.s entnan.ce .6tde o4 bu.Ltdtng - Wtnd 64om 4nont (one hat4] Totat zhean .toad dtvtded between end watt.6 equats---- 5137 7705.5 Sum o6 Sh- 12842.5 Note; Con.6.Lden totat .shear divided az nequtned. Sheathtag capacity dependz on maten.Lat uzed and natttng nequ.Lned Net Shean= 6421.25 Dtvtde Net Shean by .bum o4 SWS pen wa to get unit pen boot Ahean 4on zheat Rtght watt zhean = 347.09459 pound.6/4t@SWS-Rt.Wt= 18.5 Le4t Watt Shean = 350.31369 poundz/4t@SWS-Lt.Wt= 18.33 Front Watt Shean= 196.98436 poundz/4t@SWS-Ft.Wt= 20.25 Q 1p Rears Watt Shean= 144.16094 Pounds/6t@SWS-R4.Wt= 27.67 THOMAS �rk W. "� CAREY #5574 Tabte 04 Longttudtnal Loadz Net Load Load Caze-1,2. 5 5E 6 6E I 1182.911 436.178 2602.4042 610.6492 4832.14 II 116.83333 3168.3333 257.03333 4435.6667 7977.87 III 3075.5686 785.1204 709.7466 261.7068 4832.14 IV 303.76667 5703 70.1 1901 7977.87 TRUSS OR RAFTER UPLIFT LOADINGS ----- TRANSVERSE LOADING End Zone (-D.L.) End Zone (-D.L.) Wn.3t.UL Wtndwand Roo4-B. 738 498 443 203 472 Leawand Roo6 -C. 1033 793 738 498 752 Int.ZOne Int.Zone Wtndwand Roo6-8. 553 313 258 18 17 Leawand Roo4 -C. 738 498 443 203 472 NOTE: Subtnact Dead Loadz 4nom above 4on Net Uptt4t Let Roo4 Dead toad equat 10 Pound.6/SF x apactag NOTE: Let End Zone equat 1/4 buttdtng Length -each end Let Intenton Zone equat 1/2 buttdtng Length - at mtddte. Fors Oventunntng Uptt4t Unttz mutttpty above 6tgunez by 1/2 btdg"L" SHEAR WALL MATERIALS TO BE CALCULATED AS FOLLOWS: A.Fon tongttudtnat toadtng CASE 2.= Unfit Watt Shears Fnont Watt = Uze Ptywood on OSB Natted az Unit Watt Shean Rean Watt = Ube Ptywood on OSB natted az B. Fon Tnanzvenbe toadtng HOntz.WL = Untt Watt Shean Rt. Watt= Uze Ptywood on OSB Natted Untt Watt Shean Lt. Watt= Uze Ptywood on OSB Natted u.6e wonbt cage. 7977.8667 196.98436 40ttow,s: 144.16094 6ottowz: u,6e a,d a.6 End Load Cage: 7705.5 208.25676 6ottowz: 210.18822 4oltowa: Conatden tnanevenze zhean pouted to 112 Inch gypzum watt coventng coupted with the ]x4 dtagonat connen bnactng. The tonne& bnactng taken pant o4 the zhean neductng the toad on the gypzum watt boand to 8 fleet to 4/12 o4 208 = 69 p4 < 70 p4 (Gyp boand natted 7"ct4z.) Atzo 4112 o4 210=69.93<70 thene4on atzo acceptable PAGE 3 RESIDENTIAL COOLING LOAD ESTIMATE FROM MANUAL J TBA- �,e number `Insta'llation by TRIMM AIR Estimate by TMM n.�� ..�....__ Direction House Faces WEST Vol esign Conditionst Sr. Floor Area gcj Gr.Inside l p Degrees Dry -Bulb Wet -Bulb _ IGURES-MAY BE -ROUNDED -►�o+ th Latatudo._._.__TvmpearaturtalF�= 4amparatur-0lF..1 28 ----------------- 67 5 ' ---- --------- _ _- .- -ITEM--- --------- ------------------ __9711LHR- (A) WINDOWS North (Gain from sun) Largest load used .-Nor..theast 17 East Southeast 36 - -�SnutkL- 0 3642 `Southwest "- -- __._. _. P: West O __.Nor_thwest__...... ... __...._-.._.__ .. 23 (8) WINDOWS.'. (Heat gain) Single alas, 94 Total all windows 99 _--T. sul.ati.on.. _._... .._ ... 1 in. or •2S/,32 sheathing 2 in. or more PRgTITIONS — _ .. ...... l�tween eonriitic+n�y R unconditioned ROOFS_..._....__w.__.. _.'...... (a) Pitched or flat w/vented air space -•-_ldo.insulat�on__....._ No insulation w/attic fan 2;in. insulation --__9_in.__Ans4lat ion... tb_) 'Flat w/no air space Flo insulation 1 1/2 in, insulation -� 3 in. insulation CEILING -' Under unconditioned rooms only FLOORS -Over unconditioned room --.J]ker.._.aperi"crawl space' OUTSIDE AIR Total .sq . ft of floor. area PEOPLE _..Minimum of 5 people' SUBTQTPL LATENT HEAT ALLOWANCE 30% OF ITEM 9 0­­-­­.--­. 0 _. 1021 0 O 0 Ise2 _• O 0 ' 2042 E 0 0 0 .3144 O 0 0 0 0 0 U % 4192 0 O0 .. _.. .. 0 C�j�/�j r' 2096 1000 1799E - 5399 TOTALt SUM OF ITEMS 9 AND 10 24397 RESIDENTIAL HEATING uyer T(RA stiMAte "umber quLpment ­10-4—A tea LOAD ESTIMATE. FROM NANUAL.:j.... -Installation by TRIMM-AIR.. Estimate by-TMM .,.? � Date I Iran 03/16/93 erection of house WEST Gr. F I oo ... asign- Cond it Ions -�b -Sti. Ihside-Vol Dry Bulb 1E) FIGURES MAY BE ROUNDED 35 ------ ITEM 'AREA ------------- WINDOWS 99 Do b In-glaso or glass block 0 3962 WALLS No Ck venow-ri 'n- insulation or e0.03e In ii insulating shtiAthing 0 4.ft. 0 air SPacib ands No i1h4ulaiio,n-,.- -2--iA. AABU Lat 4 iA ij)sulaticA No insulation 25132 In insulation 3 Sn, insulation Basement 006h crawl space No iidgO insulation ihi ihsulatioh A . IN q ftj 0 I . . tW.t, 0 2096 0 0 0 0 0 ­0 g- 0 V/ 8384.... 0 0 0 0 0 loses" '11: �l d Department of Community Affairs SN: 5048 FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FORM 60OA-93 Residential Whole Building Performance Method A PROJECT NAME: Monte Carlo (BUILDER: Jim Walter Homes AND ADDRESS: !PERMITTING !CLIMATE !OFFICE: St Lucie Cou1ZONE: 4! ' 511 OWNER: Salazar ;PERMIT NO. !JURISDICTION NO 1. New construction or addition 2. Single family detached or Multifamily 3. If Multifamily -No. of units 4. If Multifamily, is this a worst case 5. Conditioned floor area (sq.ft.) 6. Predominant eave overhang (ft.) 7. Porch overhang length (ft.) S. Glass area and type: a. Clear Glass b. Tint, film or solar screen 9. Floor type and insulation- b. Wood, raised (R-value, area ) 10.Net Wall type area and insulation: a. Exterior: 2. Wood frame (Insulation 11.Ceiling type area and insulation: a. Under attic (Insulation R-value) 12.Air distribution systems a. Ducts (Insulation + Location) 14.Heating System: 15.Hot water system: 1. New Construction CENTRAL 61 f 661000 - CK attached 2. Single -Family ____ 3. O ____ (yes/no) 4. _-__ 5. 896.00 __-- 6. 2.00 7. 6.00 Single Pane Double Pane Sa. O.Osgft 153.70sgft ____ 8b. O.Osgft O.00sgft ____ 9b.R=11.00 , 856.00 sgft R-value) 10a-2 R=11.00, 869.0Osgft____ 16.Hot Water Credits: (HR-Heat Recovery, DHP-Dedicated- Heat Pump) 17.Infil.tration practice: 1, 2 or 18.HVAC Credits (CF-Ceiling Fan, CV -Cross vent, HF-Whole house fan, RB-Attic radiant barrier, MZ-Multizone) 19.EPI (must not exceed 100 points) a. Total As -Built points b. Total Base points -------------------------------------- I Hereby certify that the plans and specifications covered by this calcu- lation are in compliance with the Florida Energy Code. PREPARED BY: DATE: I hereby certify that this building is in compliance with the Florida Energy Code. OWNER/AGENT: ------ ------------------- DATE:------ %-!W _cJ--------------- 11a.R=19.00 , 896.00sgft____ 12a. R= 6.00 , uncond 14. Type: Heat Pump ---- HSPF: 6.80 15. Type: Electric ---- EF2 0.94 ____ 16. 17. 18. 19. 19a. 19b. 2 93.64 21555.77 23020.82 ---- --------------------------------------- Review of the plans and specifications covered by this calculation indicates compliance with the Florida Energy Code. Before construction is completed this building will be inspected for compliance in accordance with Section 553.908 F.S. BUILDING OFFICIAL:____________________ DATE: SUMMER CALCULATIONS BASE __- ; _-= AS -BUILT GLASS----------------- I ORIEN AREA x BSPM = POINTS 1 TYPE SC ORIEN AREA x SPM x SOF = POINTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N .3.40 82.2 2745.E 1 DBL CLR N 16.7 -47.8 .92 730.4 1 DBL CLR N 16.7 47.6 .94 746.4 E 66.60 82.2 5474.5 1 DBL CLR E 22.2 102.0 .42 947.3 1 DBL CLR E 22.2 102.0 .75 1700.4 1 DBL CLR E 22.2 102.0 .75 1700.4 S 17.00 82.2 1397.4 1 DBL CLR S 8.5 90.9 .90 698.0 1 DBL CLR S B.5 90.9 .90 698.0 W 36.70 82.2 3016.7 1 DBL CLR W 11.2 102.0 .75 857.8 1 DBL CLR W 8.5 102.0 .60 518.9 1 DBL CLR W 8.5 102.0 .60 518.9 1 DBL CLR W B.5 102.0 .60 518.9 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .15 x COND. FLOOR / TOTAL GLASS = ADJ. r. GLASS = ADJ GLASS 1 GLASS AREA AREA FACTOR POINTS POINTS 1 POINTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .15 896.00 153.70 .874 12,634.14 11,047.68 ; 9,635.13 NON GLASS------------ 1 AREA .. BSPM = POINTS 1 TYPE R-VALUE AREA .. SPM = POINTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WALL_S---------------- 1 Ext 869.0 1.0 869.0 1 Ext Wood Frame 11.0 869.0 1.90 1651.1 DOORS ---------------- Ext 42.2 4.8 202.6 Ext Wood 42.2 7.20 303.8 CEILINGS------------- 1 UA 896.0 .6 537.6 1 Under Attic 19.0 696.0 1.10 985.6 FLOORS--------------- ; Rsd 856.0 -3.4 -29.E+6.1 1 Rsd Wood-Pier/Post 11.0 856.0 -1.00 -856.0 _INFILTRATION--------- 1 896.0 10.9 9766.4 1 Practice #2 296.0 10.90 9766.4 -TOTAL SUMMER POINTS ; 19,487.16 1 21,486.07 ----------------------------- TOTAL x SYSTEM COOLING ------------------------------------------------ 1 TOTAL :: CAP x DUCT x SYSTEM x CREDIT = COOLING SUM PTS MULT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POINTS 1 COMPON RATIO MULT MULT MOLT POINTS 19,487.16 .37 7,210.25 1 21,486.07 1.0i 1.070 .325 1.000 7,461.70 WINTER CALCULATIONS r.•'X'iE'xi4'x'Yt#'Y'#� •h'Y:#'Yt##irk''T"�"qf'�"�"nc'Yf'YC''k'Yt'�"}�"�"�"�"%",�'X'g"y"y¢'viC"�"�'y"#"�"*"p"y['�"�"tt"�"p"y{'x"y"p"y"it'iY'$"p"y'}Q"iE'YC'�"y'y".X";Q"#"y'!y"Y"Yi"}?"Yf _-= BASE ___ __= AS -BUILT GLASS ---------------- 1 ORIEN AREA x BWP`1 = POINTS 1 TYPE SC ORIEN AREA x WPM x WOF = POINTS N- - 3. ,40- ---3a4 -11-.6 L-DBL CLR - N - 16.7- -5.6 1.G-7 - 99. 1 DBL CLR N 16.7 5.6 i.05 98.5 E 66.60 -3.4 -226.4 1 DBL CLR E 22.2 -5.6 -.67 83.1 1 DBL CLR E 22.2 -5.6 .43 -53.6 1 DBL CLR E 22.2 -5.6 .43 -53.6 S 17.00 -3.4 -57.8 1 DBL CLR S 8.5 -14.0 .96 -11.3.0 1 DBL CLR S B.5 -14.0 .96 -113.8 W 36.70 -3.4 -124.8 1 DBL CLR W 11.2 -5.6 .43 -27.0 DBL_ CLR W 8.5 -5.6 .03 -1.2 I DBL CLR W 6.5 -5.6 .03 -1.2 1 DL-tL_ CLR W 8.5 -5.6 .03 --1.2 .15 x COND. FLOOR / TOTAL GLASS = ADJ. x GLASS = ADJ GLASS 1 GLASS ------------------•------------------------------------------------------------- AREA AREA FACTOR POINTS POINTS 1 POINTS .15 896.00 153.70 .874 -522.58 -456.96 '1 -84.15 NON GLASS------------ ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA x BWPM = POINTS I TYPE R-VALUE AREA WPM = POINTS Ext 969.0 DOORS-------- Ext 42.2 CEILINGS------ UA 896.0 1.1 955.9 5.1 215.2 .6 537.6 FLOORS ---------------- Rsd 856.0 -.2 -171.2 INFILTRATION --------- 896.0 4.1 3673.6 Ext Wood Frame Er.t Wood Under Attic 11.0 869.0 2.00 173e.0 42.2 7.60 19.0 896.0 1.00 Rsd Wood-Pier/Post 11.0 856.0 1.50 320.7 B96.0 1284.0 Practice #2 896.0 4.10 367.3.6 TOTAL WINTER POINTS 4,754.16 1 7,828.17 TOTAL SYSTEM = HEATING 1 TOTAL x CAP x DUCT x SYSTEM x CREDIT = HEATING WIN PTS^ MULT POINTS 1 COMPON RATIO MULT MULT MULT POINTS 4,754.16 1.10 5,229.58 1 7,828.17 1.00 1.070 .500 1.000 4,188.07 WATER HEATING BASE ___ __= AS -BUILT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NUM OF x MULT = TOTAL 1 TANK VOLUME Er= TANK x MULT x CREDIT = TOTAL PEDRMS I RATIO MULT 3527 a (? i n ,, 56I .-Clo I 4ci _ .94 - 1 .-Ow 33o2. 0 -1 . 00 -9 , 906. 00 ############################################################################### SUMMARY BASE ___ __= AS -BUILT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COOLING HEATING HOT WATER TOTAL 1 COOLING HEATING HOT WATER TOTAL POINTS + POINTS + POINTS = POINTS 1 POINTS + POINTS + POINTS = POINTS 7210.2 5f229.6 105B1.0 23,020.32 1 7461.7 4188.1 9906.o 21,555.77 ################# # EPI = 93.64 # ENERGY GUIDE For detailed information of the EPI rating number or for any ITEM listed, ask your Builder for EPI= 9.3.6 DCA Form 60OA-93 or Form 60OB-93 0 10 20 30 40 0 60 70 80 90 100 ---- -------------------------------- X---,-- - - - - - -The maximum allowable EPI is 100. The lower the EPI the more efficient the home RESIDENTIAL ENERGY PERFORMANCE RATING SHEET ITEM HOME VALUE Low Efficiency High Efficiency SINGL CLR DBL TINT WINDOWS .....................Double Clear ------------- X------- INSULATION.................. R-10 R-3 i.) Ceiling R-Value......... 19.0 I --------- X------------ I R--O R-7 Wall R-Value......... 11.0 I -------------------- Xi R-0 R-19 Floor R-Value......... 11.0 ----------- X--------- I AIR CONDITIONER ............. 10.0 SEER 17.0 SEER...................... 0.0 i---------------------I HEATING SYSTEM .............. 6.8 HSPF 12.0 Electric. HSPF............ 6.8 IX--------------------i WATER HEATER ................ 0.88 0.96 Electric EF.............. 0.94 I --------------- X ----- ! 0.54 0.90 Gas EF.............. 0.00 '---------------------i 0.40 0.60 Solar EF....... --------------------- OTHER FEATURES .............. ............................ I certify that these energy saving features required for the Florida Energy Code have been installed in this house. Builder Address: ----------------------- Signature s----------------------- Date :---------- City/Zip----------------------- Florida Energy Code for Building Construction - 1993 Florida Department of Community Affairs FL-EPL CARD93 1 J DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DFVELOPMENT (GROWTH MANAGEMENT DIVISION) MEMORANDUM TO: Heather Young, Assistant Cou ty Attorney FROM: Jan Urso, Zoning Supervisor °UA DATE: June 1, 1995 SUBJECT: Surety Bond Review - PR 51063 SALAZAR SCA St tUci�y The attached $4,000 Bond was submitted in conjunction with a building permit application to construct a foundation for a single family residence that is being relocated (moved). Please review the documents for legal compliance and advise. In the past your office has retained the original Bond documents and returned same to the appropriate party acknowledging compliance upon receipt of our memo advisement to you. Please let me know if you will be changing the procedure. Thank you. JU:en BOND wu DER: 23SIO0619392-238 BOND RN()wN ALL men BY THESE PRESENTS, that a Jim Walter Homes, Inc. , as Principal, -and- AETNA A - -COMPANY __ as Surety, are old and firmly bound unLe t e aosRD or cocnrrx COM1881OnERS, RT. LDCZZ CODA Y, TLORIDb, 23O0 VZWipIA AVi1NE, PORT ?YE�$ FLORIDA 34982, an Obligee, in the sum of FOUR THOUS for the payment of which said Princ pa an surety bind EFe—aseives and their successors and assigns firmly by these presents. The condition of this obligation is such that: W0822 d, the principal ham applied for a permit to move a building pursuant to Article IV of Chapter 1-17 of the St. Lucie County Code; -and W49RT °, as a condition of the issuance of such permit Principal must post a performance bond in an amount determined by the Community Development Administrator to be equal to the cost of bringing the relocated building into compliance with the standard Building Coda, as amended and adopted by St. Lucie County. XO11, TERNWORS, if the Principal within ninety (90) days "of the date of relocation. of the building brings the relocated building into compliancs with the. Standard Building Code, an amended and adopted by St. Lucie County, then upon certification by the Community Development Administrator that the obligation of this bond is fulfilled, this obligation shall be null and void. If the - Principal does not bring the relocated building into compliance within the ni.A (90) day period, tho Obliges shall give the Principal tea (10� days written notice of noncompliance and of the Obligee's intent to have the bond forfeited_ Following expiration of tan (10) day notice period, this bond shall be payable to Obligee. ZA WXTtlAB M$EAiOF, the -Principal and Surety have caused this Bond to be executed by their tops fiaers theraunto duly authorized this 24TH day of PArc 990 JIM WALTER HOMES, INC. ��zrezrAL BY •ATTEST: AETNA CASUALTY & SURET-Y ECOMPANY SURETY BY:�• 19�2 .:. ��.. ,.... .._ ...- .._ . �.. -- ....<_..� ........ ....... ��... , ,� ,..,. ,.,.,..:,:,.,.,... ,. van ,»r THE lETNA CASUALTY AND dSURETY COMPANY Connecticut 06156 t LIFE a.CASUALn POWER OF ATTORNEY AND CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY OF ATTORNEY(SHN-FACT KNOW ALLMEN BYTHESEPRESENTS.THATTHEATitACJSUALTYANOSUREiYCOMFANY, awnondanduryorgarmdunderthe IawsofMe State of Connecticut and having in principal office in the Gry of Hanford County of Hartford. Some of Connecticut. Been made, constituted and appointed. and does by Mesa promma make, coosdutta and appoint Dana Snyder, L. H. Vass or Elizabeth A. Kiser — of " Tampa. Florida , its Me and lawful AhomeylslJufFacr.with full power and auoeriry, hereby conferred to sign, execute and acknowledge, at any place within Me United States, or. R the fallowing line be filled in, within Me area. Mere desig- nated , the fallowing instnmends): by his/hersole signaure and ant arty and all Cords. wcogniaanw. centnm of indemnity; and utherwritinga obligatoryin the nano of a band. recognizanm or conditional undertaking, and any and all constants inetlems Mares and Be bind THE k-MA CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY. thereby ee fully and M the same mien[ as If the acre v,ers iigned by the duly authorized offimnof THE k-MCASUALTY ANDSURETY COMPANY, andalithe am of saidAbomMsl•in*,i= pursuamm the sudtodry herein given, am hereby ratified and mnfirmM - This appointment is made underenE by auth(glity ofthe following Snuggling Resolutions of said Comparrywhich Resolutions are now in full force and effect. VOTED: That eachoftheallowing officers: Chairman•VwChaimun,Presiia%AnyFsomtivaVlwlhaaidantAntSmaVirnPrmidentAnyVice Presidem.AnyAssimntlfrce Presidmt Any Sanmry,Am Ahoiatan Secretary,may fmmdme dons appointResident Vita Presidents• fleaident AnimntS=Cmli s.ARomeya+n-Faetand Aga WsaforandonbehalfafMe Companyaedmaygivg,amyw happoiI suchautrariryahis certificate of authority may Prescribe s sign with the Cempanys name and Beef with the Compurys col bonds recgn®pen, amtnm of indemnity. and otherwridngs obligatory in theruwnof a both, neogmiance. or conditioal undertaking, and any of said officers orthe Board of Direction may ee curry, time remove any wen appointing, sed make the power and authariry given hint VOTED: That a" band. recovirim .rpmnelonndemdry, orwrieng obligatory in the natunofs band; recognitvmesorconditional undertaking shall be valid and binding upon Our Company when IslaignQd by Me Chairman, Me Vim Chaimun, the President an Executive Yee President a Senior Vim President a Vice President an Auteeam Vies President or by a Resident Vio President pursuant to Me power prescribed in Me certificate of authority of Mich Resident Vim President and duly an" and seeled with McCompanys asi by a Sacretaryor Assistant Secretary executed (under seal, if required) by arse or coon Anomsy g$n see puauam to Me power prescribed in his or their agnifica e authority. This Poweraf Ahomey and Cartificate ofAuthariry issigned and sealed by facsimile under and by authority ofthe foliowfrg Sanding Resolution voted by the Bead of Direesn of THE ATM CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY which Resolution is now in htd far and eff c VOTED: Thatthesignsmn of each ofthefallowirg Officers: Chairman. Vice Chairman. Presider .Am/ Executive Vim President Am•Senior Vice PrnidmLAnyVeen Preaidmt.ArryAssbta Vk@Presidm AM Seaeury.Any AssisamSeamary,mWMasalalMeCmmarrymaybeaffixedby facsimile to any power of sparmy or to any w . =a [elating Menem appointing Resident Vice Preiderms. Resident Assistant Secretaries or Anomrys-in-FaaforpurposnoMy ofencvbngand ataaang bo dsand undanatingaand otherwritingaabliganry in Merman thereof.and any such power of adorgHormudfimg, bearing such ammilesignawnerfadmle sal shall bevaldand binding upon eta Company and any such Power see remained and andfiad by such facsimile signature and facsimile sal shall be valid and binding upon Me Carman , in me future with respect Be any band of undMuting s which it is spaced. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE A-rNA CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY has mused Mia.iosphnmem s be signed by is Senior Vice President . and is corporate seal a be hems alfored this 18th " Bay of December •19 92- ^i THE AIM CASUALTY /AND EN COMPANY Sias .� Co:ini�..ica l 7r 9yh . :ut:r:w.: County of Hartart )( a•Ha'd°te Senior Vice President On mix 18th day of December .19 92 . before me Minimally came JOSS 3H P. KEER N Its me known. who. being by Me duty sworn. did depose and say: Mat he/she is Senior Vice President a! THE lcTNA CASUALTYAND SURETYCOMPANY, the corporation described in and which executed Me move VicenPMatidene knows of sealofaid corporation: thatMesaal affixed stheaid instrument is such mrpontesal: and Meehe/she aearred Me said irsswment on behalf Of the corporation by authority of his/her ON= under Me Standing Resoludiam Hereof.' •e~ amra Mara31.19 4j Nunn Public CERTIFICATE Rosalind R. Christie L Me undersigned. Secretary of THE ATNA CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY, a sack cam ued.n of He State of Connecticut DO HEREBY CERTIFY that Me foregoing and attached Power of Attorney and Certificate of Authority remains in tuft force and hisnot peen revoked: and tunBemwre,Mat Mesnnding Resdutiaa of se aaartof Direuon, see satfarH in Me Certifvcru W Auanariry, ary now in force Tedand Sealed at Me Home Office of theCompany.i 2 4 t h day at a y' .19 in Ha Gry of Hartford State q Cannstiac Dated this 95. z 1 % Oif- Helch - IS-t922-FIIM19/a9 $ AIMTI� M U.S.A DISCLOSURE Thank you for doing business with Aetna. Your purchase brings with it the backing of a financially sound company and the services of an Aetna licensed independent agent or broker who is subject to the highest professional standards. Aetna has continuously met its obligations for more than a century, and we are pleased to have the opportunity to be of•service. If you have any questions, please contact the independent agent or broker through whom you purchased this bond. >23`-32 (3-93) Mail message HEATHERY BOND DOCUMENT REVIEW Oa Items in Current Envelope aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (Tab next item) aG ° MESSAGE ° 0 0 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai From: Janet Urso (JANET) To: HEATHERY Date: Monday, June 5, 1995 9:38 am Subject: BOND DOCUMENT REVIEW I AM FORWARDING A SURETY BOND TO YOUR ATTENTION FOR REVIEW. I THINK WENDY DID THE LAST BOND REVIEW WE PROCESSED, HOWEVER IN MR. MCINTYRES ABSENCE, PLEASE OVERSEE THIS GOING TO THE APPROPRIATE PERSON. WE DO HAVE A PERMIT PENDING APPROVAL OF THE BOND. THANK YOU. Ctrl-F4 Move to Folder; Alt-F7 Launch Application; 1 Next (Read); 2 Delete; 3 Save; 4 Info; 5 Previous; 6 Forward; 7 Resend; gHeather Young 06/05 09:43 BOND DOCUMENT REVIEW -Reply Oa Items in Current Envelope aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (Tab next item) a4` 0 MESSAGE 0 0 0 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai From: Heather Young (HEATHERY) To: SLC.EN:BDS(JANET) Date: Monday, June 5, 1995 10:48 am Subject: BOND DOCUMENT REVIEW -Reply Okay, I'll be happy to look at the bond. FYI - I spoke with Bill Hearn on Friday regarding Highway One Estates. I am waiting for a call back from Speedy Fee and will let you, and Mr. Hearn, know as soon as we have resolved your question. Ctrl-F4 Move to Folder; Alt-F7 Launch Application; 1 Next (Read); 2 Delete; 3 Save; 4 Info; 5 Previous; 6 Forward; 7 Reply; H /r /wH • / U v�craw FORM A INSPECTION REPORT TO MOVE A BUILDING NAME:_ J 1iY1 i�iA\lr \ j( i�i�s INSPECTION ADDRESS 4tsr q TAX IDJ I14i.p - cot.) l - 00)- ! - I'` cv), SUBDIVISION � METES S BOUNDS PHONE BLOCK. `L SQPhD1./ LjbF NEW LOCATIONADDRESS TAX IDU_ p o - SUBDIVISION �t off, C ' AC(eS LOT'-711 * `q{ � BLOCK METES 6 BOUNDS DESCRIPTION �-1.�_9S QW,euw� � �d �w-cu��Ati wee j�—.AOw.0 Ii i.oid rr .a.. ��7�f _ y ZONED: .577 TO BE COMPL ED BY INSPECTOR TYPE OF BUILDING: WOOD FRAME CBS OTHER ` EXTREME DIMENSION OF BUILDING: (LENGTH/HEIGHT/WIDTH) f 0 - STRUCTURAL CONDITION: OK I /lFnITTDVC ,a PLUMBING CONDITION: OK ELECTRICAL CONDITION OK BOND REQUIRED $ O 01 �� � (for moving house) BUILDING PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED (see attached instructions) AND RENOVATION AND CODE COMPLIANCE COMPLETED WITHIN NINETY DAYS (for moving house). SECTION 2204 - SOUTHEnN STANDARD BUILDING CODE - A, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS May 30, 1991 Mr. Norman Zlinkof£ 4521 S.W. Bimini Circle Palm City, FL 34990 RE: Tropical Acres, Block C, Lots 58 & 59 Dear Mr. Zlinkoff: DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR TERRY L. VIRTA. AICP In response to your letter, the referenced two lots combined have been determined a nonconforming lot of record; and is approved -for the construction of a single family dwelling. The lot width requirement of 150 feet is waived, as well as the lot area requirement of 2.5 acres; however, all other requirements must be complied with or a variance applied for. This property is zoned AG 2.5. The requirements for this zoning are highlighted 'on the enclosed lot size and dimensional requirement chart. If you have any questions or if I can be of any assistance, please let me know. Sincerely, �0rs Zoning Administrator JO:en Enclosure HAVERr L FENS; D6o-ia No. 1 • JUDY CULPEPPEtt Di ... I, No. 2 • JACK KMEGER. Disrria No. J • R. DALE mEFELNER. Distna No. 4 • JIM MINIX. District No. 5 County Adminisnoror — JAMES V. CHISHOLM 2300 Virginia Avenue • Fort Pierce. FL 34982-5652 Director. (407) 468-1590 • Building: (407) 468-1553 • Planning: (407) 468-1576 Zoning: (407) 468-1553 • Code Enforcement: (407) 468-1571 PORT ST. LUCIE TELEPHONE NO. (407) 878-4898