HomeMy WebLinkAbout3210 S LAKEVIEW CIR 206 - PAPERWORKopf 1&Vo5(7) OFFICE USE ONLY' DP #: SECTION Os- TOWNSHIP RANGE ZOO �jYJ MAP NO. f[/� ZONING LAND USE ^ , ` LOT CVG % TAZ NO. FLOOD ZONE FIRM MAP # 1ST FLR ELV GT CONST TYPE OCCUP TYPE MAX OCCUP # OF FLRS WATER S R SPRINKLERS STORMWATER LOT OF REC LOT OF REC (after LOT SPLIT LOT SPLIT (before 1/90 1/90 REQUIRED APPROVED ADMINST LIBRARY PARKS P VARIANCE IMPACTFEE IMPACTFEE IEE REPORT PUBLIC BLD HABITABLE RADON FEE CODE IMPACTFEE AREA (RADO SCHOOL GROSSROAD REDIT Y N TOTAL ROAD IMPACTFEE IMPACTFEE IMPACTFEE DUE SCHOOL CREDIT Y N TOTAL IMPACTFEE SCHOOL IMPACTFEE POLICE FEE FIRE FEE MISC FEE TOTAL POLICE/FIRE MISC FEES ADDITIONAL Y N SPECIFY TOTAL PERMITS of ALL REQUIRED FEES REVIEWS �� ZONING-. ,`. ZONING PLANS MISC. VEGETATION SEATURTLE MANGROVE REVIEWED BY EXAMING DATE COMPLETE INITIALS OFFICE USE, ONLY: DATE FILED: MI CS I P5 PLAN REVIEW FEE: RECEIPT NO.: CONCURRENCY FEE: RECEIPT NO.: PERMIT NUMBER: CERT. CAP. NO.: ALL INFO MUST BE COMPLETE & FILLED IN TO BE ACCEPTED L\E Cp St. Lucie County Building and Zoning 2300 Virginia Avenue SCANNED ��OR1D Ft. Pierce, FL 34982-5652 BY 561-462-1553 St. Lucie County APPLICATION for BUILDING PERMIT CERTIFICATE of CAPACITY/ZONING COMPLIANCE �`/C1ri%+/coY fe �j PROOJECT INFORMATION L �7 1. tLOCATION/SITEADDRFSS:p3 2N /4 ' / lia l fl' 2. S/D NAME• J N4 S T SITE PLAN NAME: 3. PROPERT #: .S� P �Y`tC� q/ ,-406�'003(o—GOG- 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION att ch extra sheets if necessary): 3aQ ,206 5. `PLAT 6. PAGE 7. BLOCK 8. LOT BOOK NO. NO. NO. 9. PARCEL SIZE: ACRES/SQ FT. LOT DIMENSIONS 10. DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION PROJECT OR ORK ACTIVITY: T Ill SETBACKS (ACTUAL) FRONT: _ BACK: RIGHT: LEFT: SIDE SIDE 12. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION (Check all appropriate boxes) [ ] NEW CONSTRUCTION [ ] EXPANSION/ADDITION [� RESIDENTIAL �t,G,OMMERCIAL y [1-3- OTHER(SPECIFY) Cln- c b �a2k rti ��tc L 13. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE: [ ] INTERIOR RENOVATION [ ] INDUSTRIAL 14. Sq. Ft./CONSTRUCTION: 15. Sq. Ft. Ist Floor: 16. VALUE OF CONSTRUCTION: The value of construction is used to determine the amount of permit fees to be assessed. St. Lucie County reserves the sight to question and/or modify the indicated value of construction if it is demonstrated that the submitted figures are not consistent with similar types of construction activities. If the value is $2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement must be submitted with this application. SLCCDV Form No.: 001-02 ti CERTIFICATION: OWNER INFORMATION NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: �Y ZIP 3IMLY PHONE (DAYTIME): email: IF THE FEE SIMPLE TITLEHOLDER (PROPERTY OWNER) IS DIFFERENT FROM THE OWNER LISTED ABOVE, PLEASE FILL IN NAME AND ADDRESS BELOW. /� n FEE SIMPLE TITLEHOLDER: �� �rndLO aa'd-� - ADDRESS: ;?02 / 2 Al' . A /A CITY: :TE: ZIP 3 tl 9y !/J PHONE (DAYTIME):) CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ST. of FL REG./CERT #: C' (;C 0 0 7 z S/_ ST. LUCIE COUNTY CERT #: 6 I594 BUSINESS NAME: QUALIFIERS NAME:Ytit n ADDRESS: d / CITY: One-� STATE: _ PHONE (DAYTIME): t�v i 1 Pi 32" y�i2/ FAX NO. y01 % s( 5166 ARCHIT/EN ADDRESS: u� CITY: -;I/ PHONE (DAYTIME): RjD_Z37 - ,2 U2 9 BONDING COMPANY: ZIP email: STATE: -;7/ ZIP 3 oq/ !Y-- 3 s2 3 ADDRESS: s r ri CITY: '- — STATE: MORTGAGE LENDER: / r 1 ADDRESS: CITY: �— STATE: ZIP ZIP IMPORTANT NOTICE: When a permit is issued and it is not picked up within 60 days after notification it will be voided and returned to you by mail. This application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated, and to obtain a certificate of capacity, if applicable, for the permitted work. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that separate permits may be required for ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS, AND AIR CONDITIONERS, ETC., not otherwise included with this building permit application. The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions, accessory structures (all types), swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms, utility substations & accessory uses to another non- residential use. NOTICE TO OWNER: FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. NOTICE TO APPLICANT: AS THE APPLICANT FOR THIS BUILDING PERMIT, IF IT IS NOT YOUR RIGHT, TITLE, AND INTEREST THAT IS SUBJECT TO ATTACHMENT; AS A CONDITION OF THIS PERMIT YOU PROMISE IN GOOD FAITH TO DELIVER A COPY OF THE ATTACHED CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW NOTICE TO THE PERSON WHOSE PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO ATTACHMENT. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. STATE OF FL RII COUNTY OF The foregoing ins before me this known to me or w Signature of otary Type or P ' t Name Commiss on No. nt was acknowledged of , 20_, by _, who is personally s produced as identification. .A�'Z V " CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE STATE OF FLQF4DA COUNTY OF aC-r �7 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thisQ�day of Q ,/ , 20� who i ersodall known me or who has produced as identification. Commission No. (Seal) NOTE: EI'WO (2) SIGNATURES ARE REQUIRED. EACH SIGNATURE MUST BE NOTARIZED. IF APPLYING FOR THIS BUILING PERMIT AS AN OWNER/BUILDER, THE OWNER MUST PERSONALLY APPEAR TO SIGN THIS APPLICATION IN THE OFFICE LISTED ON THE FRONT OF THE APPLICATION. For specific instructions see appropriate permit checklist. Property Appraiser - St.Lucie C,r' -' f r, FL Page 1 of 1 PROPERTY RECORD CARD Robert E O'Sullivan Record: 1 of 1 <<Prev Next » Spec.Assmnt Taxes Exemptions Permits Map Property Identification C19, Site Address: 3210 S LAKEVIEW CIR ParcellD: 1425-605-0036-000-6 ¢�`UCIE Seclfown/Range: 25:34S :40E Account #: 8808 y < Map ID: 14/25N Land Use: Condo Zoning: City/Cnty: ST. LUCIE COUNTY Ownership and Mailing Owner: Robed E O'Sullivan Helen O'Sullivan Address: 37 Johnny Cake Mountain Rd Burlington CT 06013-1603 Legal Description THE SANDS -SECTION I -PHASE III BLDG 3 APT 3206 AND PRO-RATA SHAREIN COMMON ELEMENTS (OR 445-1) Sales Information Assessment Final Value Total Land and Building Date Price Code Deed Book/Page 2004 Val: 140000 Land Value: 0 Acres: 0 9/1/1984 85000 00 CV 0445/0001 Assessed: 140000 Building Value: 140000 Ag.Credit: 0 Finished Area: 1305SgFt SCANNED Exempt: 0 BY Taxable: 140000 TotalTax: 3054.79 St. Lucie County Exterior Features View ExtType: Grade: StoryHght: Interior Features BedRooms: FullBath: 1/2Bath: %A/C: BUILDING INFORMATION 0010 - RoofCover: Base X153-SandSecl Phl YearBlt: NT - NT EffYrBlt: 0010 -1 Story No.Units: 1981 1981 1 2 Electdc: - HeatType: - HeatFuel: - 0 %Heated: 0 ❑x RoofStruct: Frame: PrimeWall: SecWall: PrmintWall: - AvgHVFI: STD Prm.Flors: - %Sp(inkled: 0 Special Features and Yard Items Land Information Type Y/S Qty. Units Oual. Cond. YrBlt, No. Land Use Type Measure Depth PUNT - PUD UNIT Y 1 140000 AV AV 0 1 0400-Condo N -No Land Val THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED TO BE CORRECT AT THIS TIME BUT IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND IS NOT WARRANTED. THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED TO BE CORRECT AT THIS TIME BUT IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND IS NOT WARRANTED http://www.pasle.org/PRC.asp?prclid=142560500360006 2/22/2005 REcEINJED MAY 0 7 2007 PpRMj,MNG St. Lucie County, FL To From: Gilbert L. Beeney, Ine. 1076 Sadie Lane Winter Garden, FL 34 78 7 Phone (407) 832-4421 Fax (407) 656-5506 Fax Cover Sheet SCANNED BY St. Lucie County Re: Date: � ' 7 -a 7 # of Pages Includes Cover Sheet — Fax #: Message:- Q5'6 6Sal, -O i / 6S62 - to /S/ 1 Should you have any questions regarding this fax, please call (407)832-4421. Thank you. Al RECEI�E� MAy 7 7 PERMITTING Gilbert L. Beeney, rnG St. Lucie County, FL 1076 Sadie Lane Winter Garden, FL 34787 Phone (407) 832-4421 Fax (407) 656-5506 Re: Fax Cover Sheet �Z� Date: ` 7 -a # of Pages Includes Cover Sheet R Fax#: Message: 47S6aZ - 04 / SCANNED BY St. Lucie County Should you have any questions regarding this fax, please call (407)832-4421.. Thank you. St. Lucie County Building and Zoning Depart e t 2300 Virginia Ave Fort Pierce, FL 34982 LS 561462-1553 SCANNED BY Design Certification for Wind Load Compliance St. Lucie County This Certification is to be completed by the project design architect or engineer. This Certification must be submitted with all applications for building permits involving the construction of new residence (single or multi- family), residential addition, any accessory structure requiring building permit, and any nonresidential structure. This Certification shall not apply to interior renovations (provided that no structural walls, columns or other similar component is being effected) and certain other minor building permits. For further assistance, please contact the Building Inspection Office at 462-1553 or 462-2172. Project Name 5 PMD.S Office Use On] Street Address ' • (jq a 3 a Q Permit Number OccupancyT Construction T Certification Statement: I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, these plans and specifications have been designed to comply with the applicable structural portion of the Building Codes currently adopted and enforced by St. Lucie County. I also certify that structural elements depicted on these plans provide adequate resistance to the wind loads and forces specified by current code provisions. Design Parameters and Assumptions Used: (Please check or complete the appropriate box.) 1. Florida Building Code 2001 Edition ASCE 7-98 X 2. Building Design is (check one) Enclosed Partially Enclosed x Open Building 3. Building Height: G 3 0 1 4. Wind Speed Used in Building Design: 140 Mph 3 second gust 5. Wind Exposure Classification (refer to exposure tables in Building Code identified in Line #1): G -6. Average Wind Velocity Pressure on Exterior Faces of Structure o- ill• $ PSF -7. Peak Wind Velocity Pressure on Exterior Faces of Structure PSF / 8. Importance/Use Factor (obtain from Building Code): 1 J O 9. Loads: Floor O PSF Roof/dead 2S PSF Roof/live 2 O PSF 10. Were Shear Walls Considered for Structure (check one): Yes X No _(if No, attach explanation) 11. Is a Continuous Load Path Provided (check one): Yes X No (if No, attach explanation) 12. Are Component and Cladding Detail Provided (check one): Yes X No _(if No, attach explanation) 13. Minimum Soil Bearing Pressure: 20oo PSF As witnessed by my seal, I hereby certify that the information included with this certification is true and correct, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Name: hM EV./ pype2 r P.E, Certification#: 4Jr3S0 [Seal Here] DesignFirm: _P y PC-R ENG ttil Et R tN 11"r—, DaJ/12 S SLCCDV Form # 020-00 ` 4 PYPER ENGINEERING, INC. Structural Engineers 6Z*7 PAC-"riALCTr ) $TE, D Ft_ Myers, FL 33919 (239) 437-2029 (239) 437-2031 Fax/Modem 6(_6 JOB c5NDD S /� SHEET NO S_ 1 46[.r _ 1 OF DATE CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY DATE scaLE IJTt. I I ik Orr. L,-Wes �. i -$T. k t[—COUNTI Bd Dl I 1 L 414 t REVIE D BY I Ea5i1 f — o pATE t NO INSPECTION WILL B ylE To-, 24 erc, ; I r o 3 E` i y_ 'C i is r q34 2e a2l` 4oRi c Fre;A. VHtrr a 2x f, r QckT� — C{ju1 K �" •c +oLiD CM4 C'ofJ� r Fldi � �o � , j STuc.o ! I Sourr I ..' 1Uk�� aif Ifs° X 231q`'f04C. W,.s,vme t—z-rru 1-%rL C 4 �', `� ,. ._ `` _c v•. ` ti-� �s F _.. 1 v �_ :� - fi APR-7-2005 15:05 FROM: c. A.1313 PYPER ENGINEERING, INC. Structural Engineers 1-249 PAP *&-rrrALCT, r $SrE. D Ft. Myers, FL 339r9 (239) 437-2029 (239) 437-2031 Fax?Modem 0 + ' Sr,eenttW444tL.A, 1 7" W - TO:B7B36227724622522 P.2 C l B DSO -o Joe (e . • l /(OW R+SE ' ) — SHEETNO CwW—1 OF •_____ CALCULATED BY DATE.1"1%- O.3 CHECKED BY DATE SCALE NTS il �. � �+ 4 e wit-Ub�t• i' � __ . ; _y _., _ � _ _; . J. f� - xN16, t i I.� I :�R34C 4oc Frei-rp.,s Z�cb V2A.'r.rj'o?2x(, Pr• PLATE.): 5iuuo 2Xb P.Rj Gal4r,Fm7e* 7P $a4b CAW 36mr W6�v w�Ij4° x 23I rAP s 6 0.c. -- - _ w15TUr,� 5�7+ GcaEQlr-0 (FoR �ot:�O ToP OFGN.v W &Lt CExIS?� 6MCC C-N1) AEpAt Wc-TAy- ANDREW Fi F f , P5 # 4M ► PYPER ENGINEERING, INC., CA # 7313 GM PRESIDEI•CM CQUFM SURE D FORT MYERS, FL 33919-3525pq (M) 437-2029 / APR-7-2005 15:05 FROM: -�7836227724622522 P.1 j Gilbert Lynn Beeney Inc Gilbert Lynn Beeney, Inc. 827 Chicago Ave Ocoee, FI34761 COPY To: St. Lucie County Attn. Ed Fax number: 772-462.0418 From: Gilbert Lynn Beeney, Inc. Fax number: 1-772-461-3043 Business phone: 407-466.6853 Home phone: Date & Tlme: 4!712005 3:04:04 PM Pages: 1 eF 3 Re: Permit Dept r., �� Y � 4 f DATE: a151 TO: COMPANY: utPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Buila ��I & Zoning (772) 462-1553 TRANSMISSION COVER FORM FAX # (772) 462-1735 (772) 462-2522 SCANNED BY St. Lucie County FAX: -Z-�ou DFP-ARTM-E-NT: - RE: NO. OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER: SENDER: Mtc2--� PHONE COMMENTS: 1} aPPcprsp Uou reyerg�� 4 one >P5• Upon P� le- - we rlccd 4Lu 1 O.t� I.7 � ri iU On 2. OE it pb. C-O'n1plRtk, rp aYA4Mp,np ry ��0. IS Wh0.� you S��lieclt�. x Pror,,,erty Appraiser - St.Lucie Cw—, FL Page 1 of 1 PROPERTY RECORD CARD Robert E O'Sullivan Record: 1 of 1 «Prev Next» Spec.Assmnt Taxes Exemptions Permits Map Property Identification �UCIE'g Site Address: 3210 S LAKEVIEW CIR ParcellD: 1425-605-0036-000-6 Sec/rown/Range: 25:34S:40E Account#: 8808 w < Map ID: Zoning: 14/25N Land Use: Condo City/Cnty: ST. LUCIE COUNTY - Ownership and Mailing Legal Description Owner: Robert E O'Sullivan Helen O'Sullivan THE SANDS -SECTION I-P ASE III BLDG 3 APT 3206 AND PR - A Address: 37 Johnny Cake Mountain Rd SHAREIN COMMON ELEM TS-jOR-445- Burlington CT 06013-1603 Sales Information Assessment Final Value Total Land and Building Date Price Code Deed Book/Page 2004 Val: 140000 Land Value: 0 Acres: 0 9/1/1984 85000 00 CV 0445/0001 Assessed: 140000 Building Value: 140000 Ag.Credit: 0 Finished Area: 1305 SgFt Exempt: 0 Taxable: 140000 TotalTax: 3054.79 Exterior Features View ExtType: Grade: StoryHghC Interior Features BedRooms: FullBath: 1/2Bath: %A/C: BUILDING INFORMATION 0010 - RoofCover: Base X153 - SandSecl Phi YearBll: NT -NT EffYrBlt: 0010. 1 Story No.Units: 1981 1981 1 2 Electric: - HeatType: - HeatFuel: - 0 %Heated: 0 N RoofStruct Frame: Prime Wall: SecWall: PrminlWall: - AvgHVFI: STD Prm.Flors: %Sprinkled: 0 Special Features and Yard Items Land Information -Type Y/S Qty. Units Qual. Cord. YrBlt. No. Land Use Type Measure Depth PUNT - PUD UNIT Y 1 140000 AV AV 0 1 0400-Condo N -No Land Val THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED TO BE CORRECT AT THIS TIME BUT IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND IS NOT WARRANTED. THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED TO BE CORRECT AT THIS TIME BUT IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND IS NOT WARRANTED C*1 0-?P http://www.paslc.org/PRC.asp?prelid=142560500360006 2/5/2005 TRANSMISSION VERIFICATION REPORT DATEJIME FAX NO./NAME DURATION PAGE(S) -- RESULT MODE 02/05 09:45 814076565506 00:00:54 03 OK -- STANDARD ECM TIME 02/05/2005 09:46 NAME FAX 7724622522 TEL SER.# BROL2J853904 -DATE: aI51 o COMPANY: DEPARTMENT: RE: DEPARTMEN- �, F PUBLIC WORKS Buildii ,& Zoning (772) 462-1553 TRANSMISSION COVER FORM FAX # (772) 462-1735 (772) 462-2522 .SCANNED BY St. Lucie County FAX: (40'+1 LO U -COI NO. OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER: SENDER: COMMENTS: X, PHONE #: (`+-j-Z) 4u:l. is53 Yle.e 6 E)wr",s Irv% CompLeU, � o• is Whod you su{7Q�jec��. Z7 V\J_ . c,1t� 2. of Property Appraiser - St.Lucie Co FL Page 1 of 1 Michael H Whitfield Record: 1 of 1 Property Identification Site Address: 3209 S LAKEVIEW CIR Sec(fown/Range: 25 :34S :40E Map ID: 14/25S Zoning: Ownership and Mailing Owner: Address: PROPERTY RECORD CARD <<Prev Next» Spec.Assmnt Taxes Exemptions Permits Map Michael H Whitfield Patricia M Carlin 3209 S Lakeview Cir#206 Fort Pierce FL 34949 Sales Information Date Price 10/31/2003 172000 7/8/1992 73000 6/29/1992 100 5/1/1986 0 8/1/1983 90000 Exterior Features Yew: �UCIE ParceIID: 1425-605.0024-000.9 aN Account#: 8796 r Land Use: Condo City/Cnty: ST. LUCIE COUNTY Legal Description THE SANDS•SECTION I- ASE II BLDG 8 APT 8206 AND P SHAREIN COMMON ELE Code Deed Book/Page 00 WD 1835 / 0243 00 WD 0801 / 1259 01 QC 0801 / 1269 01 CV 0502 / 0747 00 CV 0410 / 0792 �I 0010 Assessment Final Value Total Land and Building 2004 Val: 140000 Land Value: 0 Acres: 0 Assessed: 140000 Building Value: 140000 Ag.Credit: 0 Finished Area: 1305 SgFt Exempt: 0 Taxable: 140000 TotaRax: 3054.79 BUILDING INFORMATION RoofCover. Base ExtType: X153-SandSecl Phi YearBlt: Grade: NT -NT EfY`rBlt: StoryHght: 0010 - 1 Story No.Units: Interior Features BedRooms: 2 Electric: FullBath: HeatType: 112Bath: HeatFuel: %A/C: 0 %Heated: Special Features and Yard Items Type Y/S Cry. Units Qual. Cond. PUNT - PUD UNIT Y 1 140000 AV AV 0 • RoofStruct: 1981 Frame: 1981 PrimeWall: 1 SecWall: PrmintWall: - AvgHtlFl: STD Prm.Flors: - 0 %Sprinkled: 0 Land Information YrBlf. No. Land Use Type Measure Depth 0 1 0400-Condo N -No Land Val THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED TO BE CORRECT AT THIS TIME BUT IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND IS NOT WARRANTED. THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED TO BE CORRECT AT THIS TIME BUT IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND IS NOT WARRANTED —fCsx 2D �n�o OrN G-PP tat 1eYSu eQ 7 C)K %o l r1 pLa Q�L-� die �c5.xc :s:7 'tom on cs.� http://www.pasle.org/PRC.asp?prclid=142560500240009 2/5/2005