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-� -0'7 tr.. :`::�:..:a.'•:.;..'v'�.:.n ny: t�"hr3n'[.<7<^••ii: n.. _J` 5.. ::Ex wW." "%ao. "e�x`..j'::.u.+<`VE: 'uQ��<ttW'\T<�.'f�S 5 �I(F' t � C!,. yf■ _� �2' •i L tf tT FC ������i�'�}������!�1� .X E:'9: y■■ 5 f fN :; yw .5 _ •V R Y,. 2., ��.OSS i���X'\%"F�:� i1 CRC SCK2 x� iX�'4 SECTION .. I :TOWNSHIP:. ..� ... .. RANGE: ... , .4 O.E MAP NO.: ZONING: KS-4 LAND USE: U LOT CVVG %: TAZ NO.: FLOOD ZONE: A H FIRM MAP #: 2 8 I G 1 ST FLR ELV: I MAX HGT: 3� CST TYPE: OCCP TYPE: MAX. OCCP: # OF FLRS: WATER: V V lil I SEWER: &10�G SPRINKLERS STORMWATE - R LOT OF REC (befr 1/90) LOT OF REC (aftr 1190) LOT SPLIT .. LOT SPLIT • REO'D APPRV'D DECAL LIBRARY PARKS PERMIT NUMBER IMPACT FEE IMPACT FEE F I REPORT PUBLIC BLDG - .. HABITABALE 'RADQN FEE CODE 2q IMPACTFEE- AREA _ (RADON)i ` ROAD �'^�-- 1� ----- D — --- C IT Y —N TOTAL ROAD -- M ACT ZONE q• "DUEMPACT FEE IMPAGTFEE" G.':.?;.s:.x. .....:,- >.;:;o. X, .:.'C:.o;'<'.:: qd ::'• .': �.«...:. 3a%; `,a.'^r , SCHOOL CREDIT ?i'^:'za thE�r,,'•o,A'� TOTAL.- .- IMPACTFEE - -' ME y y 4;3y�v 'h".: 131. ,` SCHOOL "s,..sx<>— IMPACTFEE' ;,a,Dw:%e�'s°:fiko:<.'ic::':: <t MISC FEES: �:2:'rks2:h.;Ei:•..:`s Y POLICE FEE FIRE FEE ' r TOTAL . POLICE/FIRE/ ' -._.... .MISC.FEES - ADDITIONAL SPECIFY: C. _,; c ; , TOTAL ALL PERMITS ��,' FEES . REO•D. i. .............................. REVIEWS: ,- ;-3 ZONING ZONING PLANS I 'VEGETATION SEA MANGROVE ."•�—.•�' .REVIEWED BY EXAMINING TURTLE DATE :...: COMPLETE - ...... `� to J /dim INITIALS DATE FILED: J l q?V D no/, PLAN REVIEW FEE: D RECEIPT NO.: PERMIT NUMBER . / `P (/ CONCURRENCY FEE: RECEIPT NO.: C ERT.' CAP. NO.: ALL IN FO MAST BE COMPLETE{U FILLED IN TO BE ACCEPTED ,y Gym ST. LUCIE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING $ ZONING:DEPARTMENT -- - 2300VIRGINIAAVENUE '20R10P FORT PIERCE, FL 34982-5652 ' 772-462-1553 APPLICATION for BUILDING PERIMT CERTIFICATE of CAPACITY/ZONING COMPLIANCE SCANNED ,' PROJECT INFORMATION By 1. LOCATION/SITE ADDRESS: 6gcisy��/lKch )V�_ I { St. Lucie County, 2 S/D NAME: n � j(% I✓ SITE PLAN NAME: -Lh I Ll I- Cam— . PROPERTY TAXID#:'"_`YOZ'(O�-l�IFS�j^OHO :.J•• ' VP,✓��k�1es- 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION (attach extra sheets it necessary): --rn6an`la U ni -V 8-- 13 11c 5-7 - Ilk 5 ( NA w 34'/ l 5. PLAT. I'� 6 ' PAGE BOOK NO. 73 7. BLOCK NO.' 7 303- IlroS� 8'. LOT NO. PARCEL SIZ :ACRES/ FT. ©. Z3 LOT DIMENSIONS n I ZS Ipp1$ 1 ' 10. DESCRIPTION OF CONST RUCTION PR OJECT OR WORK ACTIVITY: Gl unk slA►mminq pool. 11. SETBACKS (ACTUAL) FRONT: / 12. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION (Check all appropriate boxes) 7 0 (( r l0 RIGHT SIDE �j iJ I 2- G LEFT SIDE: 2 J ✓ ✓ -tV [ NEW CONSTRUCTION [ ] EXPANSION/ADDITION [ ] RESIDENTIAL [ ] COMMERCIAL [ ] OTHER (SPECIFY) 13. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE:�c'S I� [ ] INTERIOR RENOVATION [ ] INDUSTRIAL 14. Sq. FtJCONSTRUCTION:— - 15. Sq. Ft. 1st Floor. 16. VALUE OF CONSTRUCTION: $-��a�"1 ; 9� The Value of cdnsbuctlon is used to determine the amount of permit fees to be assessed. SL Lucie County reserves the right to question and/or modrTy the Indicated value of construction if it is demonstrated that the submitted figures are not consistent with similar types of construction activities. If the value Is $2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement must be submitted with this application. fI SLCCW4 o.:001-02 OWNER INFORMATION: NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: PHONE (DAYTIME): �1 -- --CERTif tCATiM----- ------ - -- - -- - --- - -- ?11Qk2 ►L r,) (� �(� e ('( ma This application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations. as indicated, and to obtain a certificate of lGr 1 1 1� t r capacity, if applicable, for the permitted work. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction 1 understand that separate permits may be regliired,for ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES BOILERS, HEATERS-, TANKSAND"AIR'CONDITIONERS; ETC:, not otherwise included with this building permit application: ' STATE:. .. ... .LP TANKS, ." . ... ... .. .. IF THE FEE SIMPLE TITLEHOLDER (PROPERTY OWNER) IS DIFFERENT FROM THE OWNER LISTED ABOVE, PLEASE FILL IN NAME AND ADDRESS BELOW. FEE SIMPLE TITLEHOLDER: ADDRESS: _ CITY: — PHONE (DAYTIME): CONTRACTOR ST. of FL REGJCERT #: L BUSINESS NAME: _ 4 QUALIFIERS NAME _ ADDRESS• • CITY: l PHONE (DAYTIME): f l / ARCHIT/ENGINEER: ADDRESS:1_ CITY: PHONE (DAYTIME): L BONDING COMPANY: ADDRESS: CITY: MORTGAGE LENDErt: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: I• ,a00 ST. LUCIE COUNTY •IWA �� •"MrA ZIP STATE F I V I ]tL.X-U ZIP �. FAX NO. 4(p / — )b STATE: ZIP STATE:: ZIP The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions, accessory structures (all types), swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms, utility substations & accessory uses to another non- residential use. NOTICE TO OWNER: FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. NOTICE TO APPLICANT: AS THE APPLICANT FOR THIS BUILDING PERMIT, IF IT IS NOT YOUR RIGHT, TITLE. AND INTEREST THAT IS'SUBJECT TO ATTACHMENT AS A CONDITION OF THIS PERMIT YOU PROMISE IN GOOD FAITH TO DELIVER A COPY OF THE ATTACHED CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW NOTICE TO THE PERSON WHOSE PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO ATTACHMENT. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable laws,regulating construction and zoning. �' O CONTRACTffi SIGNATURE CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE STATE OF FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF Sl}-W c . %. COUNTY OF SAr LAALL.t_, IMPORTANT NOTICE. When a permit is issued and it is not picked up within 60 days after notification it will be voided and returned to you by mail. The foregoing ifls�trument was acknowled eg d ��b��e''fror//e'me this ] 1_ day of (, 20�, by ��?"�'� r�m+�•whvis peFseRal{Wca or who has produced 9riv�lsCCll�entl�tigtion. Signature of Notary TCJCTf lCio_rn. Q,%c.........................................� PATRICIA M. GIUNTA Type or Print Name of Notary,,;w� Co.m,u D006015e03 Notary Public Tite ''� B00°a00vu(0°°H3i4P0t? ..........'.......Fb... Narn............i �Dmmission Number (seal) The foregoing it sttrument was acknowledged beforem his-1 day of COY , 20 n— • by o Is Personallycnown o�Is per�sonal�lylcn�ow�n o�n� or who has pFoduGed asR Signature of Notary �airlclu L- Type of Print Name of Notary Notary Public Title ,�-��C�............................................ M(� y PATRICIA M. GIUNTA" �ommission Number e Comm& D0050=3 `t F,¢inis W26—M-10 (seal) Dan ®mk.A WU (.00)432a251: tl.i.i.um RoWs NOLM AM.. Ina nuuuu.............m.nnu...8 NOTE: TWO (2) SIGNATURES ARE REQUIRED. EACH SIGNATURE MUST BE NOTARIZED. IF APPLYING FOR THIS BUILDING PERMIT AS AN OWNEEtBU1LDER, THE OWNER MUST PERSONALLY APPEAR TO SIGN THIS APPLICATION IN THE OFFICE LISTED ON THE FRONT OF THIS APPLICATION. e nzN.-'n,F /,voiz "/••P MIN, SETBACK REQ. �1 c lll� t� FRONT 2if'tl / SIDES' %"72 CNR SIDES —0 'C \7 REAR \' ZNG, R54 TT77�� ��11 p f�U -O 41 TECH. 1.-•t'1- 1 tL-esow 7IRV; 1 n N r Lot 5 , [?lock 57, in .the SUQC1.!/ll1G1An oLie LVU M /dV&? £7A7£S UN17 8, os Rpc� in A&i Book 10, Pace 73, o/ .the. /W. L 1?ecardrl o�e St. Lucie Ccunty, 7&z&a. Slli 6101'S NOTES: 1. Lands Mcwx hew -on &eae not at✓ttact d 4/e 2ijcVA oe wry arrl/o/t eaeepwntA lte a By this o#ice.. 2. Lem de/cu'py-wn Lw wpp2ied P.y ceizni- 3. p o/ #wez unkna n. 4. Le6end o� amLv aBBawirciicv+h on Poch o�e 5. 7hi s eumrey eW/ not ORdmed ar, an AL7A orri/o2 4 SP7 hurusey #�.it rrr4l not meet the wrplinement o�e hrrme. 6. %cd Zcne #1 1 I N I I I ,Z / •5'>J.' Lunen f:(ArrJF_ 32. o ti III V/� 9 p ,U 0 Exisr�•�, v /5.0 c3'c�`PriC I , SANK G•r • I � �I I V A!9 lAE BOUND4Rq SdRV£y CER71FIED 70. FF/t/CE fn'o. 5e '/ Ir RaAgoA 7ede/ca2 Sauiny.a Bank Supe,cio,c 7itee Se22)iceh, Inc. Commonwea2ih'Land 7iiie Inhu/zance Company Ka.the,zine a. 1101eman T- TWs oerdAutioa is mule only to above named parties for purl" andler mortwe of hcmW dellooeled property by above named purdwsa. No wponsibility or tiabillty Is assumed by wneyor for use of survey for prey otlrr Papox including but not limited in, use of survey for survey affidavit, resde of prvperty, of to any otbu Verson not it" is eadflcatfao either directly or indirectly. 1 hereby certify, that the attat� slieizitw survey of the hereon described property is true and corroct 6 ,the, bij�, of yty i nowlcdp and belief sti survcyod under my di'rcdiyrr.."' l.toctheppo 4,1that this pro' mew the MCLau Ii Land Surveying, Inc. minimum technical st/ttid6scls for land stirveyiiiS In the State of Florida 98 Maple Avenue (chapter GIG1761 purwr�nr to rect(on 47x.o27, Ffodda atatulw to Pierce, FL 34982 the qualifications; notes! herood: (407) 465-0250 X�- I FAX: (407) 48"730 MICAAEL P. MCLAUGHLIN PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR FLORmA REGISTRATION NO.2960 DATE: 5 - 15 - 2OOD I SCALE: ) ZO ' DWN. BY: M, P M . 1,10a NO.: s2 OcP 2 000 ' LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 5 BLOCK 57 INDIAN RIVER ESTATES UNIT 8 PLAT BOOK 10, PAGE 73 SAINT LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA HOFFMAN RESIDENCE 5408 BIRCH DRIVE FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA LOT 24 BLOCK 57 LOT 4 BLOCK 57 1 i 91 SCALE I" = 30' JOB NO. 4379-07 FIELD BK. NO. FIELD WORK DATE 6-21-07 DATE B-1-07 SHEET I OF = FD #5 Rebar NO CAP Q = SET #5 Rebar 6 CAP #LS4015 NOTE: POOL FINAL, SURVEY ONLY George Aylor, Jr. 738 SW Colleen Ave. Port St. Lucie, Florida 34983 772-335-4403 Office & Fax Number .OT 26 ILOCK 57 LOT 6 BLOCK 57 CHECKED BY TS DRAWN BY GA REFERENCES FLOOD ZONE "AH" St Lucie County Tnspectionsl�'&.. 2300 Virginia Avenue C�®� Ft Pierce, JAL 34982 (772) 462-2172 St p4 13?007 4`Q erjc IV, - CoV rks CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE' TREATMENT CONSMUCTION SOIL T111RTM1rNT PERNUT # Q'L I,; OD JOB R & F. Pest PI?ST CONTROL Inc 0 Port St Lucie, FL �4984 "uunr PEST CONTROL LICENSE it Iwo We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above -described construction for subterranean tore;cites in accordance with the standards of the National Pest Control Association. Square feet of area treated: Chemicals nsed:. Percentage of solution: ° e% . Total gallons used: / U Date of. treatment: 7/1a/o7 Time of Treatment; 3- s� ❑ rooting ❑ 1stTreatnent ❑ Re -treat ❑ Slab ❑ 1st Treatment ❑ Re -treat ❑ Driveway ❑ IstTrea[men t Re -treat l{d fools " ❑ Ist Treatment ❑ Re -treat ❑ Other ❑ 1st Treatment PBC104.2.6 Cartifrcate of Protective Treatment forpreventlon of leraltes. A weather resislant jobsile posting boardshall be provided to receive duplicate Ti'earment Certificates as each regntred protective treamiew Iscompleted, providing a copy for the person the permil Is issued to and another copy for the building permit files. The Treatment Ceraf7cate shall provide the product used, identhy'of the applicator, time and date of the treatment, site location, area treated, chemicdl used, percent concentration and dumber of gallons used, to esraGlish a verifiable record of protective trcntnent.. If the soil chemical barrier method for termile prevention Is used, final exterior treatment shall be completed prior to final building approval. St Lucie County reilnires for the final inspection for CO, a Permanent Sticker to be placed on We electrical panel box cover, listing all (lie treatments and dates of applicn'tions. ❑ Re -treat ❑ Perimeter for Final Inspection NOTE: There mist be a completed form for each required treatment or re -treatment and this form must be on the fob site to be picked rip by the irispector at time of each inspection or the schedriled hispection 011 .fail acid a re -inspection fee charged, COASTAL TESTING LABORATORY, L.L.C. PO BOX 2023 W o y� PALM CITY, FLORIDA 34991-2023 > 3 U 772.220.6688 W 0 0 V � COMPAMON rtsr W � a3 2Epog ASTM cD 2922 -05 DATE Ju.Ly 05, 2007 JOB NUMBER 07-0706 iERMIrNUMBER : 0706-0067 CLIENT A Fr (i P&oLy CONTRACTOR A & G ,poolk ON" JOB LEGAL N/A JOB ADMESS 5408 BircTvl)rWei FortPfercei, FL SOIL CLASSIFICATION 4r REMARKS A3 Rrvvbrown/ sandy soa rfSrSAMPLE LOCATION : 10' IS LF Corner - Center of Pad. - 10' IS RF Corner Ili[ PLAC n9YDENSIjYMAXlMU n9y 12TN.CrrY Y COMPACTION 1) 101.0 102.8 98.2 2) 100.6 102.8 97.9 3) 101.6 102.8 98.9 REST ECT'FULLY.SUBMIM-D: U CAD ERNESrO VELASCO, p.E. COASTAL TESTING LABORATORY, L.L.C. PO BOX 2023 PALM CITY, FLORIDA 34991-2023 772.220.6688 MOISMIRE DENSITY RELATIONSHIP ASTM cD 1557-02E1 �� CONTRACTOR JOB NUMBER PERMIT NUMBER 112 sa Jtay 05, 2007 A Fr q Poo 4- 07-0706 0706-0067 U I 12 14 Moisture - potent bt 1)ry Wright COASTAL TESTING LABORATORY P0. Box 2023 Palm City FL 34991-2023 Q a W A XiF U — e V a� a'3 WEST PALM aEACH 9 L 3:34 -•. j. L C)7 JUL -2100 PM ST. LUCIE COUNTY BLDG. DEPT. 2300 VIRGINIA AVE. FT. PIERCE, FL 34982 i i i Code Compliance Division 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1148 httpJ/stiucieco.gov/ce BUILDING PERMIT Page 1 Issued: 06/21/2007 Conf #: 623 Permit #: SLC- 0706-0067 Job Location: 5408 BIRCH DR City: FORT PIERCE Permit Type: Pool/Spa Job Description: INSTALLATION OF GUNITE SWIMMING POOL, SPA & DECK PE# 0706-0069 . Subdiv: Indian River Estates Unit 8 Lot: 5 Block: 57 Contractor ALLEN ARTHUR H Parcel: 3402-609-0183-000/8 A & G CONCRETE POOLS INC (772) 878-7752 410 NW SAEGER AVE FT PIERCE, FL 34982 Property Owner KATHERINE J HOFFMAN 5408 BIRCH'DR FORT PIERCE, FL 34982-3824 Property Owner ROGER L HOFFMAN 5408 BIRCH DR FORT PIERCE, FL 34982-3824 Setbacks Left: 23.00 Number of Units: 1.00 Minimum Floor Elevation: Job Value: $ 33,222.96 Right: 22.00 Front: Rear: 16.00 Zoning: RS-4 Floors: 1 Buildings: 1 Square Footage: 0.00 Flood Map: 281g Flood Zone: AH Elev: 17 Permit holder acknowledges through acceptance of this permit that separate permits must be obtained as required by the Florida Building Code Including those for all electric, plumbing, mechanical, roofing, and structural work. Further, he/she acknowledges responsibility to comply with all requirements of the 2004 Florida Building Code. NOTICE: In addition to the requirements in this permit, there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in the records of this County, and there may be additional permits required from other governmental entitles such as water management districts, state agencies, or federal agencies. s:553.79(10), F.S. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. s.713.135, F.S. Christopher Lestrange ' r /' V / Building Official Date For Automated Inspections, Call (772) 462-1261 For Questions, Call (772) 462-2172 St. Lucie County Land Development Code Section 11.05.01 (A) (2) states; Building Permits shall expire and become null and void if work authorized by such Building Permit is not commenced, having called for and received a satisfactory inspection, within six (6) months from the date of issuance of the permit, or if the work is not completed within 18 months (permit by contractor) or 24 months (permit by owner) from the date of issuance of the Building Permit. ST. LUCIE COU T''i' BOARD OF COUNTY COW -_ I SIONERS 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE, FT. PIERCE, FL 34982 oj uto- otloli PERTMIT# Residential Swimming Pools, Spa, and Hot Tub Safety Act AFFIDAVIT OF REQUIREMENT COMPLIANCE. I (We) acknowledge that a new swimming pool, spa, or hot tub will be constructed or installed at 51408 T i rch "DO \kC and hereby affirm that one of the following methods will be (Please Print Sucet Addrm) used to meet the requirements of Chapter 515, Florida Statutes. (please initial the method(s) used for your pool). The pool will be isolated from access to the home by an enclosure that meets the pool barrier requirements of Florida Statute 515.29; The pool will be equipped with an approved safety pool cover that complies with ASTM F1346-91 (Standard Performance Specifications for Safety Covers for Swimming Pools, Spas, and Hot Tubs); All doors and windows providing direct access from the home to the pool will be equipped with an exit alarm that has a minimum sound pressure rating of 85 decibels at 10 feet; All doors providing direct access from the home to the pool will be equipped with self -closing, self -latching devices with release mechanisms place no lower than 54" above the floor or deck. I understand that not having one of the above installed at the time of final inspection, or when the pool is completed for contract purposes, will constitute a violation of Chapter 515, F.S., and will be consid- ered as committing a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable by fines up to S500.00 and/or up to 60 days in jail as established in chapter 775,F.S. I understand that the St Lucie County Building Inspections Department assumes no liability for the final inspection of one of the above protective devices, or the lack of maintenance, or the removal of such after the swimming pool has been finalized. I, the contractor, agree to instruct the owner of the proper use and maintenance of such safety device. Cemm DD0503303 EsWm 3Q6f2010 BMdad thr, (CGOM33i: Y PUBLIC, STATE OF FL. DATE - .. ATU�U DATE -: \ [ \ lr io 'M AAk_&! NOTARY PUBLIC, STAT6F.QF:F1.!-t AS TO CONTRACTOR AS TO OWNER PERSONALLY KNOWN t/ PERSONALLY PRODUCED ID PRODUCED ID -- TYPE-AJ>6 — TYPE THIS FORM MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH ALL POOLISPAIHOT TUB PERMIT APPLICATIONS. Co01m0 D00003303 Ellpim 3rMO10 Banded thm (000)432i1 }pl,{d date I III$101 JLtE C G St. Lucie County Building & Zoning +=gyp BUILDING PERMIT �Fl SUB -CONTRACTOR SUMMARY A & G CONCRETE POOLS (Company/Individual Name) project located at �C will be using the following sub -contractors for the i rcKD.r( vex address or Property Tax ID Il) It is understood that if there is any change of status regarding the participation of any of the sub -contractors listed below, I will immediately advise the Building and Zoning Department of St. Lucie County. Trade Name of Company/Contractor St. Lucie County/ State of Florida License Number Electrical E06 F,(kd-nL 6C�1�3 Plumbing A & G CONCRETE POOLS 19104 CPC 057200 HVAC/ Mechanical Roofing Gas OFFICE USE ONLY: PERMIT I C)l NUMBER: W d/_,�t-I ISSUE DATE: 1 ST. LUCIE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT F OR10P'. BUILDING PEPIMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT St. Lucie County Contractor Certification Number: f90 State of Florida Certification Number (If applicable): 01,z7VC_ � have agreed to be the L� &i 77Z/Cpl, sub -contractor for A—+ 6)—(e)IJC_19,77, ► 1) LS (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) for the project located at It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, I will immediately advise the Building and Zoning Department of St. Lucie County by personally filing a Change of Contractor notice. (Form: SLCCDV No. 004-00) BUSINESS QUALIFIER , (Name of the Individual shown on the Contractor's License) ORIGINAL SIGNATURES ARE REQUIRED SIGN PRINT N�AM�Ey� DATE Business Name: •�� • �� ��� f /U Address: /- U C 1 /C ci City/State/Zip: OA-- 257 , ZxO/f • EL 7DY57!/-2,, j Phone: 7-7)� '7e-(00a7� email: OFFICE USE ONLY: PERMIT # �. ISSUE DATE �� Ob- DDT 1 N ST. LUCIE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT F�ORIOP BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT St. Lucie County Contractor Certification Number: 19104 State of Florida Certification Number ([[applicable): CPC 057200 i A & G CONCRETE POOLS have agreed to be the (Company Name/Individual Name) PLUMBING sub -contractor for A & G CONCRETE POOLS (Type of Trade) ''rr/�(Primary �nt Contractor) for the project located at sqop Ti rc ] �n vC.. (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID 9) It is understood that, if there is any change of status. regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, I will immediately advise the Building and Zoning Department of St. Lucie County by personally filing a Change'of contractor notice. (Form: SLCCDV No_ 004700) BUSINESS QUALIFIER (Name. of the Individual shown on the Contractor's License) ORIGINAL SIGNATURES ARE REOUIRED ARTHUR ALLEN SIGNA PRINT NAME DATE Business Name: A & G CONCRETE POOLS, Address: 410 SAEGER AVENUE City/State/Zip: FORT PIERCE, FL 34982 Phone: 878— 7752 email: OFFICE USE ONLY: CpG `JL\E M� ST_ LUCIE COUNTY BUILDING & ZONING ,C�pR 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE FORT PIERCE 112-5652 O I55] FILLED LANDS AFFIDAVIT - I, the undersinnPri :2,m th, ,., . ,,c.�_ c_u_ . for which I have applied to St. Lucie County for a Final Development Permit. In accepting this Final Development Permit, BP Number—�1�(p- owner of the above described property, anI acknowledge that as d in accordance with Section 7.04.01(D), St. Lucie County Land Development Code, I shall be responsible for assuring adequate drainage so that the immediate community WILL NOT be adversely affected. I further acknowledge that in granting this permit for the development of this property, St. Lucie County is neither obliged nor liable to proyd.e for,_or_maintain-in-any form --adequate drainage off my property which will not adversely affect the immediate community. 1I n` L� 4�uFiFr�W►'� �W/� -:-0� Property Owner Name Property Owner ignature Date STATE OF FLORIDA. COUNTY OF S:� . ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS =];—�—DAY OF 20 BY 0-1, U E OR WHO HAS PRODUCED ^ sye4s AS IDENTIFICATION. �.lC�n SIGNATURE OF NOTARY TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF NOTARY NOTARY PUBLIC TITLE gpb5U5COMMISSION NUMBER ,,,,,,,,, (SEAL) PATRICIA M.GIUNTA ......... oY ii�. COmm7 DD0505505 b&gc Y+ EIWIOa Y18r1O10 @a dds` Baaaa ON fc0aH�25r: uuu a......,,"" Fb00u Nquy Atsn.. Ine cY"uuu uu uu...nuud EDWIN M. FRY, Jr., CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE N 3052145 OR BOOK 2' ' PAGE 1463, Recorded 05/08/2007 at 0 FM Permit No. 0I0"101ol Stare Of Florida NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Tax ID N County of THE UNDERSIGNED hereby gives notice that improvement will be made to certain real property, and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida Statutes, the following information is provided in this Notice of Comro se,on ot. Fee Simple Title holder (if other than owner) NA Address contractor_p & G CONCRRTF. POOLS TNC. Phone N1772) 878-7752 Address 41n SAEGER AVE_ FT. PTERCE. FL 34982 FaxN(772) 467-1624 Surety NA Phone Address Floc N Amount of Bond S Phone Persons within the Stale of Florida designated by Owncrupon whom notices or other donmtcats may be served as provided by Section 713.13 (1) (a)7., Florida Statutes: Name IJ JA Pbe= Address Fax# In addition to himself, owner designates of� (Phone N Fax N ) to receive a copy of tbn cools Notice as providetl in Section 713.13(I)(b),Florida Statutes. Expiration date ofnobcc of commencement is one year from the daft ofrecordiag unless a different date is specified. SPATE OF FLORIDA. COUNTY OF $}" "aye , Acknowledged before me this-l- day of J C^' � 206-% �by—F7i.ty i lap( �y,.,, whohasproduced DRIVER LICENSE-fiasid'90cation. � � or (A4A(i..........e...... ..( IT3Ri i �tti `1 1 \ jl.C� A'17JRF OFNOTARY PAMQA Y. GhRrTA E GGa0001N a®'G r>oM TYPE ORPRINTNAME OFNOTARY (Ah paaluo a< �eiaau eN GaallatNall .P..."°a'.""..a'Wr.:'.. NOTARYPUBLIC TPFLE b01oH1� OMIv1ISSlON NUMBER STATE OF FLORIDA ST. LUCIE COUNTY ON T€IS STOCER iFM TTI11JU+A r3�� T(i€! 9P8D CQti .ct:::i r r- s !r �: r is 4i'( iy y )• D�4e: `� Property Appraiser - St.Lucie C!-�^ty, FL Page 1 of I PROPERTY RECORD CARD Katherine J Hoffman Record: 1 of 1 <<Prev Next» Spec.Assmnt Taxes Exemptions Permits Home Print Property Identification Site Address: 5408 BIRCH DR ParcellD: �UCIE g 3402-609-0183-000-8 Sec/Town/Range: 11:36S:40E Account#: 37737 h ' Map ID: 34/11 N Land Use: SF Res _' Zoning: RS-4 City/Cnty: ST. LUCIE COUNTY .. • Ownership and Mailing - Legal Description Owner: Katherine J Hoffman Roger L Hoffman INDIAN RIVER ESTATES-UNIT-08- BLK 57 LOT 5 (MAP 34/11 N) (OR Address: 5408 Birch Dr 1303-1165) Fort Pierce FL 34982-3824 Sales Information Assessment Final Total Land and Building Date Price Code Deed Book/Page 2006 Val: 134800 Land Value: 58400 Acres: 0.23 5/262000 74000 00 WD 1303 / 1165 Assessed: 73172 Building Value: 76400 3/11/1993 71000 00 WD 0833 / 0249 Ag.Credit: 0 Finished Area: 1212 SgFt 2/1811993 6500 01 QC 0833/0248 Exempt: 25000 11/1/1985 6000 00 CV 0482 / 2651 Taxable: 48172 8/1/1978 0 01 CV 0293 / 1806 TotalTax: 968.62 BUILDING INFORMATION Exterior Features View: - RoofCover: SA -Asph Shingle RoofStmct: GA - Gable ExtType: HD+ - HD+ YearBlt: 1986 Frame: - Grade: D+ -D+ EIYrBlt: 1986 PrimeWall: WS-Wood/Sheath StoryHght: 0010 - 1 Story No.Units: 1 SecWall: - Interior Features Bed Rooms: 3 Electric: MX-MAXIMUM PnnlntWall: DW-Drywall FullBath: 2 HeatType: FHA - FrcdHotAir AvgHf/FI: STD 1/213ath: 0 HeatFuel: ELEC- Electric Prm.Flors: CU- Carpet %AIC: 100 %Heated: 100 %Sprinkled: 0 Special Features and Yard Items Land Information Type YIS City. Units Qual. Cond. YrBIL No. Land Use Type Measure Depth 3CHT - 3CHT S 1 1 AV AV 1986 1 0100SF Res 215 -Front Ft 80 - 125 SDSF - SITE DEV S-F Y 1 1 AV AV 2001 THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED TO BE CORRECT AT THIS TIME BUT IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND IS NOT WARRANTED W "10 oa MIN. SETBACK REG. FRONT / SIDES CNRSIDES Z0" REAR 15/ 1 ZNG.92A R•IN http://www.pasle.org/prc.asp?prclid=340260901830008 TECH. 4/23/2007 5.� Building Code Compliance Division Receipt 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft Pierce, FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-2522 httpJ/stl ucleco.gov/ce Date: 05 June 2007 Receipt M 0000054704 Job Address: 5408 BIRCH DR ermit Number: SLC- 0706-0067 Received By: spe0sv Amount: $100.00 Paid With: CK .redit Card Number: Check Number: 53585 Paid By: A & G CONCRETE POOLS Sign: r Building Code Compliance Division Receipt 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-2522 httpJ/stiucleco.gov/ce Date: 21 June 2007 Receipt #: 0000055190 Job Address: 5408 BIRCH DR emit Number: SLC- 0706-0067 Received By: speUsv Amount $405.00 Paid With: CK .redit Card Number: Check Number: 53725 Paid By: A & G CONCRETE POOLS, INC Sign: ZONING TECH REVIEW CHECKLIST RESIDENTIAL &/OR COMMERCIAL DATE OJU nc, 11()-1 PERMIT # cq of -Vuo TECH: l_-Cei1 I PAGE 1 OF 3 APPLICATION OK MISSING NOTES A. ADDRESS ✓ B. S/D - SITE PLAN NAMES ✓ C. - PROPERTY TAX ID & LEGAL DESCRIPTION MATCH D. LOT & BLOCK NOS. E. PARCEL SIZE & LOT DIMS F. DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY G. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION H, ACTUALSETBACKS I. - SED USE (L.D.C. CHAPTER 3) PERMIT ED? CONDITIONAL? ✓ IS RIANCE REQUIRED? Y N L/' J. SQ. FT. OF CONSTRUCTION K. VALUE OF CONSTRUCTION L. OWNER INFO (MATCHES GEO) M. CONTRACTORINFO ✓ N. PAGE 3 SIGNATURES & NOTARIES O. OFFICE USE PAGE COMPLETED ZONING EASEMENTS ilOYle FCC CODE ✓ IMPACT FEES REVIEW SIGNATURES / APPLICATION DOCUMENTS: A. GEO B. RECORDED WARRANTY DEED. C. LAND CLEARING PERMIT # OR COPY OF D. FILLED LANDS AFFI APPROPRIATE SUB FORMS - ORIG SIG'S F. SUB SUMMARY G. MISC: ,. OWNER BUILDER AF I'S GROUND SIGN LANDSCAPE AFFI GUEST HOUSE AFFI UTILITY RECEIPTS OTHER 4OTES: DATE TECH DIMENSIONAL CONFORMITY' SURVEY: ;ITE PLAN ZONING TECH REVIEW CHECKLIST RESIDENTIAL WOR COMMERCIAL PERMIT # PAGE 2OF 3 O MISSING NOTES ZONING MIN LOT SIZE MIN ROAD FRONTAGE MIN LOT WIDTH SETBACKS BASE BUILDING LINE MAX LOT COVERAGE MAX HEIGHT IF PROPERTY DOES NOT MEET ANY OF THE ABOVE CRITERIA, CHECK FOR NON- CONFORMING LOT OF RECORD RESEARCH. IF PROPERTY DESCRIPTION DOES NOT Re A7�W DonoFRTY APPRAlSFRS DESC OR MAP. LOOK FOR LEGAL LOT SPLIT OK MISSIN NOTES RAISED SEAL BY SURVEYOR PROPERTY MATCHES ALL DESCRIPTIONS HEALTH DEPARTMENT STAMPS A EASEMENTS ORIENTATION OF BLDG MATCHES PLANS ✓ VERIFY FLOOD ZONE BUILDING DIMENSIONS SHOWN 20 FFE SHOWN COPIES OF APPROVED SITE PLAN COPIES OF RESOLUTIONS HAVE CONDITIONS BEEN MET? .AND DEVELOPMENT CODE COMPLIANCE: 15cz(e) CHAPTER 4 - OVERLAY ZONE CHAPTER 6 - ENVIRONMENTAL CHAPTER 7- PARKING LANDSCAPING STORMWATER SUPPLEMENTAL STANDARDS CHAPTER 8 - ACCESSORY USES & STRUCTURES TOTES: j DATE TECH: ZONING TECH REVIEW CHECKLIST RESIDENTIAL WOR COMMERCIAL PERMIT # LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE COMPLIANCE (CONTINUED) CHAPTER 9 - SIGNS CHAPTER 10 - NONCONFORMITIES/ VARIANCES Property Main Parcel Size: PAGE 3 OF 3 OK MISSING NOTES N/A � Notes —.. -. Legal ✓ Prop. Owners Ph.# vv n It Permit Pg. 1 Type & FCC Match Units Floors Bldgs, Bedrooms. Baths vy__.__.._......._ _ . _.. Valuation -- Improvement & Existing Reviews Traceable wl correct - - types ✓ and forward to � review step Fees Types & Amounts