HomeMy WebLinkAbout21020383 PAPERWORKI Code compliance Division 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft Plerce, FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (T72) 462-1148 City/State/Zip Permit Page I Zoning Lot # Future Land Use I Residential Medium = Subdivision I Block = APPLICATION INFORMATION Add Building Application >> ApplicationType [Master Permit w/subs Status lVold Acflvity Type Confirnnation Other - Specify Permit Type lCommercial Renovatio Date Applied Taken By Location Date Issued Issued By Manual Valuation Date Finaled Finaled By 6CEANIDR JobAddress 15�90t Expiration CONTACT INFORMATION Add Application Contact >> tractor Name Name Wdress ate/Zip Email Open Contractor Registration Form Phone F(561) 871-5888 F Fax Mobile Pager :SUB TRADE PERMITS Attach Sub Trade Permit >> Sub -Trade Permit # Sub Trade Permit Status 20070276 PermitType jElectrical Taken By 20070276 EP Contractor 117619 1 Issued By Company I E W G ELECTRIC INC Finaled By Owner/ Buildier Date Applied Finaled Sub -Trade Job' Description Issued Expiration CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION Unitsri WoM Floors = Buildings # Bedrooms # Bathrooms Total Sq. Ft. Minimum Flood Elevation Flood Map Flood Zone FCC Job Description NOC Required E] NOC Received E] Drivemy Permit Setbacks (Actual) in Feet ---1 Right Side --] Front F0-00--] BackFo oo � Left SkIeFo oo FO 00 T� Code Compliance Division 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FIL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1148 Permit Page 1 —] F— Address OCEAN BLDA � (Unit#) City/stafle/zip IJENSEN BEACH FFL Owner(s) I Parcel # 13535-701-0000-000/4 1 jurisdictionEstwu—cle County I Zoning Lot# Future Land Use I Residential Medium I Subdivision Block AdditionalInfo 1. BE SURE THAT REPAIRS ARE BEING WORKED ON 1 BUILDING ONLYO#9490 2. MUST HAVE FINALAS I BUILT SURVEY ON FILE PRIOR TOOFINAL INSP. Code Compliance Division 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FIL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1148 Permit#: SLC- 20060177 Conf M Issued: 07/2012000 Job Location: 9490 OCEAN DR Jurisdiction: St. Lucie County Parcel: 3535-701-0000-000/4 Subdiv: Owner: OCEAN TOWERS CONDOMINIUM ASSOC, INC, INSPECTION CARD Type: Commercial Renovation Double Fee: No City: JENSEN BEACH Lot: Block: Flood: Elev: Flood Map: N/A Project: JobDescription: REPAIR ON CONCRETE BALCONIES &WALKWAYS Contractor PHILIP ROSS TRIMBLE TRIMBLE CONTRACTING INC (561) 871-5888 Property Owner OCEAN TOWERS CONDOMINIUM ASSOC, INC, 9490 OCEAN DR S BUD A I JENSEN BEACH I Setbacks Left: 0.00 Inspection Notes: Permit # Status PT Cert # 20070276 Vol EP 17619 Permit # Roo Description 20060177 100 Threshold/Affidavits (Legacyinspection) 20060177 999 Final Inspection (LegacyInspection) Right: 0.00 SUB -PERMITS Front: 0.00 Rear: 0.00 DBA Owner I Builder Job Description E W G ELEMIC INC INSPECTIONS - For Requests, Call: (772) 462-1261 Pr Date Schad. Res Description 0 2 Insp Datelnsp. MOSBY ANDASSOCIATES., INC. 61wmak9p <9V&Za-& 2455 14th Avenue Post Office Box 6368 Vero Beach, Florida 32961-6368 Telephone: 561-569-0035 - Facsimile: 561-778-3617 February 13, 2001 Mr. Joe Cicio Building Department St. Lucie County 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 Subject: Ocean Towers Condominiums Building Permit Nos. 99444W & 20060177 St. Lucie County, Florida Engineer's Project No. 00-220 Dear Mr. Cicio: This letter shall serve as certification that Mosby and Associates, Inc. has been providing the required Threshold Inspections for the concrete restoration project for the subject project since 1999. Enclosed are copies of the inspection reports for your records. Should y.�ave any questions regarding the above subject, please call. 1111116FAII cc: Mr. Jose Vasquez Mr. Phil Trimble MAR 1 St, Lucie Cou tY Public Works MOSBY AND ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 2455-14TH AVENUE VERO BEACH, FLORIDA 32960 PHONE 561-569-0035 FAX 561-778-3617 PROJECT NLTMBER 00-220 COPY/FAXTO OCEANTOWERS V(PHILTRIMBLE 5LJ i'�' OCEAN TOWERS INSPECTION REPORT DATE01-05-01 FOREMAN PHIL TRIMBLE CONTRCTOR TRIMBLE CONTRACTING INSPECTED, ANGEL MIRANDA WORK INSPECTED BULIDING —8 r K,,�� 409 WEATHER Sunny MI— JOSE VASQUEZ 9'�Q-Ikn 1#pages --- A --------- Inspected deck reinforcing for balcony of units 409. The reinforcing inspected was found e in accordance with the desiqn documents with the followino eXCeDtions- 1 Existing concrete chairs to be removed or bar coated. ��. Minor touchup of bar coating needed to be done prior to concrete pour. 3. All safety precautions must be taken while job is in Droaress. a Countv P,, i ACTION REQUIRED ___j See Above PROJECT NUMBER 00-220 MOSBY AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Copy/FAX To OCEAN TOWERS CONSULTING ENGINEERS 5( 2455-14TH AVENUE PHIL TRIMBLE 4 VERO BEACH, FLORIDA 32960 D) JOSE VA SQUEZ Z2-q-?o PHONE 561-569-0035 FAX 561-778-3617 /CD 4 N ges OCEAN TOWERS INSPECTION REPORT DATE12-21-00 BUILIDING B FOREMAN PHIL TRIMBLE UNITS 209 CONTRCTOR TRIMBLE CONTRACTING UNITS INSPECTED ANGEL MIRANDA WEATHER Cloudy WORK INSPECTED Exposed reinforcing Inspected deck reinforcing for balcony of units 209. The reinforcing inspected was found to be in accordance with the design documents with the followiing exceptions. -- 1. Concrete chairs needed to be added to raise reinforcing from deck. :i.-Existing reinforcing at east door with lose of section needed to be removed and spliced to new reinforcing. 3. Two foot bar needed to be epoxy doweled at southern edge of balcony. P—� (C� I -=:�l I I \V/ 15 �') I r� ---71 2 21!0)l_j ACTION REQUIRED St. Lucie C.- 31,1C VVolks I See Above <�2 INSPECTOff MOSBY AND ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 2455-14TH AVENUE VERO BEACH, FLORIDA 32960 PHONE 561-569-0035 FAX 561-778-3617 pRoJECTNUMBER 00-220 COPY/FAX.TO OCEAN TOWERS P TRIMBLE HIL OCEAN TOWERS INSPECTION REPORT DATE 11 -1 -00 FOREMAN PHIL TRIMBLE CONTRCTOR TRIMBLE CONTRACTING IKIQD��T�n ANGEL MIRANDA ' WORK INSPECTED JOSE VASQUEZ BULIDINGB UNIT 2nd floor walkway UNITS WEATH6 Inspected deck reinforcing walkway level 2. The reinforcing inspecleu were found to be in accordance with the design documents with the following exceptions - Concrete chairs needed to be lowered to southern side ot walkway to prevent reinforcing from being to high. 2. Concrete chairs needed to be lowered to northern side of walkway to prevent reinforcing from being to high. 'A All rlphriQ np�riq fn hp r-lpnrp.ri nff fnrm rfpr.k nrior to concrete pour. Quantities of ACTION REQUIRED See Above 2nd floor MU m e COUNY Publ-ic W01'KS St . LUCI i—NSp—ECTOR PROJECT NUMBER 00-220 MOSBY AND ASSOCIATES, INC. COPY/FAX TO OCEAN TOWERS CONSULTING ENGINEERS 2455-14TH AVENUE PHIL TRIMBLE VERO BEACH, FLORIDA 32960 CS;(0 �-LUNJOSE VASQUEZ -XIES-) B) PHONE 561-569-0035 FAX 561-778-3617 OCEAN TOWERS INSPECTION REPORT DATE11-1-00 BULIDING B FOREMAN PHIL TRIMBLE UNITS 2nd floor walkway CONTRCTOR TRIMBLE CONTRACTING UNITS ' INSPECTEDANGEL MIRANDA WEATHER SUNNY WORK INSPECTED Exposed reinforcing Inspected deck reinforcing walkway level 2. The reinforcing inspected were found to be in accordance with the design documents with the following exceptions. -T.Concrete chairs needed to be lowered to southern side of walkway to prevent reinforcing from being to high. 2. Concrete chairs needed to be lowered to northern side of walkway to prevent reinforcing from being*to high. 3. All debris needs to be cleared off form deck prior to concrete pour. Quantities of repairs: 2nd floor walkway: 697 sq. ft. of full depth repair. ACTION REQUIRED See Above INSPECTO I - pROjFCT NUMBER 00-220 MOSBY AND ASSOCIATES, INC. COPY/FAX TO OCEAN TOWERS CONSULTING ENGINEERS PHIL TRIMBLE 541 2455-14TH AVENUE VERO BEACH, FLORIDA 32960 ED JOSE VASQUEZ PHONE 561-569-0035 FAX 561-778-3617 OCEAN TOWERS INSPECTION REPORT DATE10-17-00 BULIDING B FOREMAN PHIL TRIMBLE UNITS 216 CONTRCTOR TRIMBLE CONTRACTING UNITS INSPECTED ANGEL MIRANDA WEATHERSUNNY WORK INSPECTED Exposed reinforcing Inspected deck reinforcing for balconie of units 216. The reinforcing inspected were found Co be in accordance with the design documents with the following exceptions. 1. Concrete chairs needed to be added to raise reinforcing from deck. Balcony 216: 288 sq. ft. of repair. I Fn) E—; CC- Al \v/ L-2�- I j I MAR qt 1; ',4;1� public Works ACTION REQUIRED See Above INSPECT 02�� co PROJECTNUMBER 00-220 MOSBY AND ASSOCIATES, INC. COPY/FAX TO OCEAN TOWERS CONSULTING ENGINEERS 2455-14TH AVENUE PHIL TRIMBLE VERO BEACH, FLORIDA 32960 (5&1) JOSE VASQUEZ 7z-zq-8(fb PHONE 561-569-0035 FAX 561-778-3617 EF: OCEAN TOWERS INSPECTION REPORT DATE10-10-00 BULIDING 13 FOREMAN PHIL TRIMBLE UNITS 216, 516, 616, & 3rd floor walkway CONTRCTOR TRIMBLE CONTRACTING UNI INSPECTED ANGEL MIRANDA WEATHER SUNNY WORK INSPECTED Exposed reinforcing Inspected deck reinforcing walkway level 3 and balconies for units 216, 516, and 616. -fh-e reinforcing inspected were found to be in accordance with the design documents with the following exceptions. 1. Concrete chairs needed to be added to southern side of walkway to raise reinforcing from deck. 2. Concrete chairs needed to be lowered to northem side of walkway to prevent reinforcing from being to high. 3. Touchup of bar coat needed to be done to existing reinforcing. Quantities of repairs:: 3rd floor walkway: 213 sq. ft. of surface repair. 379 sq. ft. of full depth repair. 11 sq. ft. of edge repair. -9-a-Icony 616: 26 sq. ft. of edge repair. Balcony 516: 1-28 sq. ft. Of fUll dGPth FOP air-�. Balcony 216: 288 sq. ft. of demolition. Ila A5- /=,o 17.7 4�P4e ACTION REQUIRED MAR See Above (-,Ouniy Public WOIKS IWjl!'ECT0 V MOSBY AND ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 2455-14TH AVENUE VERO BEACH, FLORIDA 32960 PHONE 561-560,0035 FAX 561-778,3617 PROJECT NUMBER 00-220 COPY/FAX TO OCEAN TOWERS OCEAN TOWERS INSPECTION REPORT DATF:9-27-00 FOREMAN PHIL TRIMBLE CONTRCTOR TRIMBLE CONTRACTING INSPECTED ANGEL MIRANDA WORK INSPECTED Exposed reinforcing BULIDING B I Imn-CZ816 & 316 WEATHERSUNNY PHIL TRIMBLE JOSE VASQUEZ Inspected deck reinforcing of unit 816 & 316. The reinforcing inspected were found to be in accordance with the desiqn documents with the followina exceDtions. 1. Sufficient clearance is required under all existing reinforcing that has been excavated onor to new concrete Dour. 2. Existing exposed reinforcing to be sandblasted and bar coated. -T—All existing reinforcing that has insufficient cover needs to be replace with new 4. All safety precautions must be taken while job is in Proaress. ACTION REQUIRED ............................... PROJECT NUMB 00-220 MOSBY AND ASSOCIATES, INC. COPY/FAX TO OCEAN TOWERS CONSULTING ENGINEERS 2455-14TH AVENUE PHIL TRIMBLE VERO BEACH, FLORIDA 32960 JOSE VASQUEZ PHONE 561-569-0035 FAX 561-778-3617 .............................. . . . . OCEANTOWERS INSPECTION REPORT 9-14-00 B Dr�TE SULIDING FOREMAN PHILTRIMBLE UNITS 5th floor walkway Z;ONTRCTOR TRIMBLE CONTRACTING UNITS [Nf�PECTED S)ANGEL MIRANDA WEATHER SUNNY .......... VVORK INSPECTED Exposed reinforcing inspected deck reinforcing walkway level 5. The reinforcing inspected were found to be in accordance w ith the design documents with the folloWng exceptions. 1 Concrete chairs needed to be added to raise reinforcing from form. 2 Touchup of bar coat needed to be done to e)dsbng reinforcing. 3 All safety precautions must be taken while job is in progress. nra�'l ICULSI. ACTION REQUIRED See Above INSPE7 . 6'R ................ . ....... MOSBY AND ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 2455-14TH AVENUE VERO BEACH, FLORIDA 32960 PHONE 561-569�13M FAX 561-778-3617 8-10-00 FOREMAN PHIL TRIMBLE PROJECT NU1,1BE 00 0 COPY/FAX TO OCEANTOWERS INSPECTION REPORT CONTRCTOR TRIMBLE CONTRACTING INSPECTED B�ANGEL MIRANDA WORK INSPECTED Exposed reinforcing BUILIDING B STACKS 16 111PIrw, WEATHER SUNNY OCEAN TOWERS PHIL TRIMBLE 056 ) JOSEVASQUEZ 22q—f(6 V li: /6--� 0GU 1 Feg-as - j - - - - - - Inspected deck reinforcing of stacks 16. The reinforcing inspected were found to be in accordance with the design documents with the following exceptions. 1. Sufficient clearance is required under all e)dsdng reinforcing that has been excavated prior to new concrete pour. 2. E)dsting exposed reinforcing to be sandblasted and bar coated. 3. All existing reinforcing that has insufficient cover needs to be replace with new reinforcing. Epoxy new reinforcing into existing slab, wall, or column,'with a -minimum of five inch embed. 4. All safety precautions must be taken while job is in progress. r ACTION REQUIRED See Above q umT NUMBB:� 316 INSPECTED ON; � BALCONY FINISH: — COATING CARPET x TILE —STONE HURRICANE SHUTTER: YES x NO STRUCTURAL CONDITION:. —SEVERE DAMAGE x L40DERATE DAMAGE —MINOR DAMAGE —NO DAMAGE —NEEDS FURTHER INVESTIGATION LE<04D k FULL DEPTH REPAIR B. SURFACE SPALL SLAB (3- MAX) C. SURFACE SPALL BELLOW (3- MAX) D. CRACK IN CONCRETE COLUMN E. PREVIOUSLY REPAIRED AREA OUANTITIES: 1. FULL DEPTH REPAIR CU. FT. 2. SURFACE SPALL: SLAB 7 So. FT. 3. SURFACE SPALL OVERHEAD 50. FL 4. CRACK IN CONCRETE COLUMN im7 CU. FT. COL 63 . 12 . 4 SOFFITT 9 X 12 X 3 3CEAN TOWERS BALCONYO INAMOSBY � ASSOCIATES, INC. CONDOMINIUMS CONST+RUCTI 2� - � A� RETORATION IXACK K�A JENSEN BEACH. FLORIDA I UNCT NULqBER 216 MPECTE) ON - BALCONY FINISH: X COATING . CARPET TILE — STONE HURRICANE SHUTTER: YES X NO STRUCTURAL CONDITION: _SEVERE DAMAGE X MODERATE DAMAGE MINOR DAMAGE —NO DAMAGE NEEDS FURTHER INVESTIGATION LEGEND, A. FULL DEPTH REPAIR EL SURFACE SPALL SLAB (3- MAX) C. SURFACE SPALL BELLOW (3' MAX) D. CRACK IN CONCRETE COLUM14 E. PREVIOUSLY REPAIRED AREA QUANTITIES.- i- FULL DEPTH REPAIR 331 CU. FT. 2. SURFACE SPALL SLAB —So. FT. SO. FT. 3- SURFACE SPALL OVERHEAD .113 4. CRACK IN CONCRETE COLUMN —CU. FT. W :7-1 �T )CEAN TO�WERS BALCOICNTYIIO MOSBY Ato ASSOCIATES, 4JUMS J� CON CONDOMINIUM C Nic 2� - WTH AVEIM vuw KAM � � R. E' NA �Iwvm� � m 00-220 mm A.M. CH83W RL�M DATE xNE 200( F flD sr—uc,� EMO mr.,24129 BALCONY FINISH: — COATING — CARPET X TILE —STONE HURRICANE SHUTTER: YES X NO STRUCTURAL CONDITION: SEVERE DAMAGE X MODERATE DAMAGE —MINOR DAMAGE —NO DAMAGE —NEEDS FURTHER INVESTIGATION LECiNa A. FULL DEPTH REPAIR B. SURFACE SPALL SLAB (3- MAX) C. SURFACE SPALL BELLOW (3- MAX) 0. CRACK IN CONCRETE COLUMN E. PREVIOUSLY REPAIRED AREA QUANTITIES: 1. FULL DEPTH REPAIR 3T8 SO. FT. 2. SURFACE SPALL SLAB —SO. FL 3. SURFACE SPALL OVERHEAD —SO. FT. 4. CRACK IN CONCRETE COLUMN 37 CU. FT. N ILT 110EAN RS BALCONY MOSBY Am ASSOCIATES. TOWIE' CONDOMINIIJIM14 CONSTRUCTION 2� - � A� RETORATION � BEACK FUXIIicA JENSEN BEACH. FLORIDA I m � 9.6 �" RIM MTF JUNE 2000 uNT NUMBER: 516 INSPECTED ON: e BALCONY FINISH: - COATNG CARPET - TILE STONE HURRICANE SHUTTER: - YES -NO STRUCTURAL CONDITION: -SEVERE DAMAGE X * MODERATE DAMAGE -MINOR DAMAGE -NO DAMAGE -NEEDS FURTHER INVESTIGATION LEGEND' A. FULL. DEPTH REPAIR k SURFACE SPALL SLAB (3- MAX) r- SURFACE SPALL BELLOW (3- MAX) (L CRACK IN CONCRETE COLUMN C PREVIOUSLY REPAIRED AREA OUANTITIES: 1. FULL DEPTH REPAIR, 128 SO. FT. 2. SURFACE SPALL SLAB U3 SO. Ft 3. SURFACE SPALL OVERHEAD -SO. FT. 4. CRACK IN CONCRETE BEAU CU. FT. CZL3Zx4 Irr. 4 COULD NOT INSPEDT NO ACCESS 1.5 CF BEAM SPALUNG HIE )unty Pub!'c Works U5110- InLym 3CEAN TOWERS BALCONY 00� 0 INAMOSBY Am ASSOCIATES, INC. CONDOMINIUMS CONSTRUCTI A_m 2� . RLM JENSEN BEACH. FLORIDA RETORATION 13EACK ��A � D47E JUNE � IWO �w I PROJECT NUMBER 99-259 M L Engineering, Inc. CCNSULTING ENGINEER 116A3rd Ave. SW VERO BEACH, FLORIDA 32968 Phone (561) 569-1257 Fax (561) 5694041 PROJECT NAME COPY/FAX TO Mr. Jose Vazquez St. Lucie County Bldg. Dept. OCEAN TOWERS CONDOMINIUMS THRESHOLD INSPECTION REPORT Ocean Towers Condominiums CLIENT Ocean Towers Condominiums CONTRACTOR Trimble Contracting, Inc. INSPECTED BY Michael Lue, P.E. WORK INSPECTED 4th floor baciony Final Punch List Trimble Contracting, Inc. file DATE 12/23/99 LOCATION Jensen Beach, Florida FOREMAN Phil Trimble WEATHER overcast The existing aluminum handrails have been re -installed by coring the slab and grouting. Ali handrail connections have been completed including ends and to intermediate masonry rail wall. Concete curing compound has been placed and ready for waterproof membrane and finish as directed by the Association. The following item was noted and is to be corected. There is an exposed dowel at the underside of the new slab near the elevator -which is to be chipped out and cut back, coated with rust inhibitor and the concrete patched. ACTION REQUIRED See above n2� �W� INSPECTOF( L Engineering, Inc. 11643Td Ave. SW Vero Beach, Florida 32968 (561) 569-1257 Fax: (561) 569-4041 December 27, 1999 Mr. William Hatcher, Building Official St. Lucie County Building Department 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 Re: Ocean Towers Condominium - Building A Walkway Concrete Restoration 9490 S. Ocean Drive Jensen Beach, Florida Engineer's Project No. 99-259 Dear Mr. Hatcher: The structural repairs to the 4th floor walkway balcony is complete, and we have performed periodic inspections during construction. Please refer to copies of the attached inspection reports dated from December 10 through December 23, 1999 which were sent to your office after each inspection. To the best of our knowledge the construction has been completed in substantial conformance with the design specifications. If you have any questions, please give us a call. Respectfully, Michael A. Liie, PZ Consulting,Engiheeir cc: Mr. Jose Vazquez, P.E. - Ocean Towers Condominiums M.L. Engineering, tric. Consulting Engineer 116-43rd Avenue S.W. Vero Beach, FL 32968 Reinforcing for 4' floor walkway replacement Steel. reinforcing was in place and in accordance to specifications with the following exceptions. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Three #4 bars running in the cast -west direction bottom mai needed to be straightened. One #4 bar needed to be splice at the north end of the elevator walkway. Tow #4 bars needed to be added at column band 57. Two #4 bars needed to be added at column band 53, One #4 bars needed to be added at column band 55. Two #4 bars needed to be added at column band 62. One #4 bars needed to be added at column band 63. Two #4 bars needed to be added at column band 65. Deck cans for electrical lighting for 3' floor were bar coated. Contractor to bar coat inside of dock cans after concrete forms are removed. � � '' J'I TO 39vd 0GSSV GNV ASSON L1968ZZT991 6r:01 6661/9T!ZT UNrr NUpABM. 616 BALCONY FINISH: COA TING CARPET x DUE STONE HURRICANE SHUTTER: x YES -NO STRUCTURAL CONDITION: SEVERE DAMAGE x MODERATE DAMAGE -MINOR DAMAGE -NO DAMAGE NEEDS FURTHER INVESTIGATION LEGBYE); A. FULL DEPTH REPMR B. SURFACE SPALL SLAB (3" MAX) C. SURFACE SPALL BELLOW (3- MAX) D. CRACK IN CONCRETE COLUMN E. ' PREMDUSLY REPAIRED AREA QUANTITIES: 1. FULL DEPTH REPAIR 30 SO. FT. 2. SURFACE SPALL SLAB SO_ Fr. 3. SURFACE SPALL OVERHEAD SO. FT. 4. CRACK IN CONCRETE COLUMN -CU. FT. PILTS, J�m MOSBY � ASSOCIATES, INC. 2�- A� 3CEAN TOWERS CONDOMINIUMS jENSEN BEACH. FLORIDA BALCONY CONSTRUCTIO RETORATION uNT NLqABB:t. 716 NSPECTEDON 9-7-00 BALCONY FINISH: — COAnNC CARPET — nLE STONE HURRICANE SHUTTER: — YES NO STRUCTURAL CONDITION: —SEVERE DAMAGE X MODERATE DAMAGE —MINOR DAMAGE —NO DAMAGE —NEEDS FURTHER INVESTIGATION LEGEND: A. FULL DEPTH REPAIR EL SURFACE SPALL SLAB (3- MAX) C. SURFACE: SPALL BELLOW (3' MAX) D- SPALL IN CONCRETE COLUMN E. PREVIOUSLY REPAIRED AREA OUANTITIES: 1. FULL DEPTH REPAIR 27.5 CU. FT. 2. SURFACE SPALL SLAB 34a2S SO. FT. 3. SURFACE SPALL OVERHEAD SO. FT. 4. CONCRETE COLUMN REPAIR —Cu_ FT. S. DUST WALLS 2 f . U-31 . i HALL [0// e0imoi0o MAR 12 2001 1 � MIST St. Lucid County Public Works _t r-q- 3CEAN TOWERS I BALCONY MOSBY Am ASSOCIATES, INC.1 "m 00� CONDOMINIUMS CONSTRUCTIO DIMM A.M. 2� - U� A� CHS211m RLM JENSEN BEACH. FLORIDA RETORATION VIM0 DEACK F� MTE JUNE I m � 1� � LW NuMBB:t 816 9_: 7A _00 W%�ECTED ON: 17-00 BALCONY FINISH: — COA71NG CARPET — TILE STONE HURRICANE SHUTTER.- — YES _No STRUCTURAL CONDITION: —SEVERE DAMAGE x MODERATE DAMAGE MINOR DAMAGE —NO DAMAGE —NEEDS FURTHER iNvEs nGAnON LECEND� - A. FULL DEPTH REPAIR B. SURFACE SPALL SLAB (3- MAx) C. SURFACE SPALL BELLOW (3- MAX) D. SPALL IN CONCRETE COLUMN E. PREVIOUSLY REPA]RED AREA OLIANTITIES. 1. FULL DEPTH REPAIR 34.00 CU. FT. Z SURFACE SPALL SLAB 56.00 SO. FT. 3. SURFACE SPALL OVERHEAD —SO. FT. 4. CONCRETE COLUMN REPAIR —CU. FT. 5. DUST �ALLS 2 HALL MAR 12 200", St, Ludie " rr��la"ic �Vorks :)CEAN TOWERS I BALCONY CONDOMINIUMS CONSTRUCTIO I JENSEN BEACH. FLORIDA I RETORATION MOSBY miO ASSOCIATES; INC. 2� - UM A� IWACK �A mu �� la 00-220 CH� RLM DAM JUNE 20DO BALCONY FINISH: HURRICANE SHUTTER: UNIT NUMBER. 916 94SPECTED ON: 9-7-00 — COATING CARPET — TILE STONE YES _NO STRUCTURAL CONDITION: —SEVERE DAMAGE MODERATE DAMAGE — MINOR DAMAGE NO DAMAGE — NEEDS FURTHER INVESDGA nON LECO& A. FULL DEPTH REPAIR EL SURFACE SPALL SLAB (3- MAX) C. SURFACE SPALL BELLOW (5- MAx) D. SPALL IN CONCRETE COLUMN E. PREVIOUSLY REPAIRED AREA QUANTITIES: 1. FULL DEPTH REPAIR 40.50 CU. FT. 2. SURFACE SPALL SLAB 20.00 SO. FT. 3. SURFACE SPALL OVERHEAD —SO. FT. 4. CONCRETE COLUMN REPAIR —CU, FT. 5, DUST WALLS ......... %D0's 5 -AN TOWERS NDOMINIUMS JENSEN BEACH. FLORIDA BALCONY CONSTRUCTIC RETORATION MOSBY Amo ASSOCIATES, INC. 2� - um A� �CK Fl.� RUM LW NuMBEFt 1016 INWECTED OM 9-7-00 BALCONY FINISH: — COATING CARPET — TILE STONE HURRICANE SHUTTER-- — YES —NO STRUCTURAL CONDITION: � SEVERE DAMAGE X —MODERATE DAMAGE —MINOR DAMAGE NO DAMAGE -NEEDS FURTHER INVESTIGATION LEGEN> A. FULL DEPTH REPAIR B. SURFACE SPALL SLAB (3- MAX) C. SURFACE SPALL BELLOW (3- MAX) D. SPALL IN CONCRETE COLUMN r PREVIOUSLY REPAIRED AREA OUAN TIRES: 1. FULL DEPTH REPAIR 16.25 CU. FT. 2. !-.JRFACE SPALL SLAB 173 So. FT. 3. SURFACE SPALL OVERHEAD —SO. FT. 4. CONCRETE COLUMN REPNR 1.25 CU- FT, 5. DUST WALLS I - JA. MOSBY ASSOCIATES, INC. ,EAN TOWERS BALCONY ONDOMINIUMS CONSTRUCTIO I,VTH A� JENSEN MCH. FLORIDA RETORAT16N c m" L mw_ JUNE 2000 1