HomeMy WebLinkAboutEMAILSPage 1 of I Lydia Galbraith - International Airport Business Park, resolution 05-149 & 07-125 From: Lydia Galbraith To: Kristin Tetsworth Date: 7/18/2008 11:59 AM SCANNED Subject: International Airport Business Park, resolution 05-149 & 07-125 BY CC: Christopher Lestrange; Diane Flanigen; Paula Bushby St. Lucie County Hello Kristin, We have the first permits in for above site plan. According to the resolution the developer needs to dedicate 30' on the north of the property for future road widening and 3' on the east side for future road widening. The dedication needs to be finalized before the first CO. The resolution also states that they might be considered eligible for Road Impact fee credits. When will be determined if they are eligible for credit? They need to pay the impact fees when the permit is ready for pick up. If the credit will be determined at time of CO they have already paid their fees and we need to do a refund, which we would like to prevent. Please let us know if they are eligible for a Road Impact fee credit and if so what the total credit amount is going to be. thanks, I Lydia Galbraith Zoning Technician Code Compliance/Zoning fileWC:\Docurnents and Settings\galbraith\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\488085BDSL... 7/18/2008 Lvdia Galbraith From: Yvette Alger Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2009 1:45 PM To: Lydia Galbraith SCANNED Cc: Paula Bushby; Christopher Lestrange; Amy Mott By Subject: RE: International Airport Business Park. St Lucie county Hi Lydia, They've submitted an application to revise their development order to allow for issuance of the building permit prior to Veg Permit and FWS Incidental Take Permit. The application is under review by the DRC, with comments due 7/23. So we're looking at a while before this goes before BOCC, and of course you all wouldn't issue building permit until it's approved. We then won't issue veg permit until FWS Permit is approved. Hope that makes sense. Yvette From: Lydia Galbraith Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2009 1:41 PM To: Yvette Alger Cc: Paula Bushby; Christopher Lestrange Subject: International Airport Business Park. Importance: High Hello Yvette, Can you please give me an update from above site plan? Are the problems with the birds solved? Is there vegetation permit issued? Thanks Lydia Please Note: Florida has very broad public records laws. Most written communications to or from County officials regarding County business are public records available to the public and media upon request. It is the policy of St. Lucie County that all County records shall be open for personal inspection, examination and I or copying, Your e-mail communications will be subject to public disclosure unless an exemption applies to the communication. If you received this email in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete ail materials from all computers. Please Note: Florida has very broad public records laws. Most written communications to or from County officials regarding County business are public records available to the public and media upon request. It is the policy of St, Lucie County that all County records shall be open for personal inspection, examination and or copying. Your e-mail communications will be subject to public disclosure unless an exemption applies to the communication. If you received this email in error. please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete all materials from all computers. "A Lydia Galbraith From: Yvette Alger Sent: Friday, January 23, 2009 11:12 AM To: Lydia Galbraith Cc: Paula Bushby Subject: RE: International Airport Business Park They have now rec'd their SP extension approval, but they are still working wl FWS to mitigate for scrub jays - this (and any other relevant COAs) must be resolved before site clearing. From: Lydia Galbraith Sent: Friday, January 23, 2009 10:24 AM To: Yvette Alger Cc: Paula Bushby SCANNED Subject: RE: International Airport Business Park SY Importance: High St. Lticie cojrty Hello Yvette, Can you please give me an update about above site plan? Are they still working on it or did they comply? thanks, Lydia From: Yvette Alger Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2008 11:52 AM To: Lydia Galbraith; Jennifer L. Evans; Amy Mott Cc: Paula Bushby Subject: RE: International Airport Business Park Lydia, Yes, they are currently under review for site plan extension approval, No Veg Permit has been issued. They are coordinating w/ the FWS b/c the site contains scrub jay habitat which will require federal permitting before site clearing can initiate. Yvette From. Lydia Galbraith Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2008 10:15 AM To: Jennifer L. Evans; Yvette Alger; Amy Mott Cc: Paula Bushby Subject: International Airport Business Park Importance, High Ladies, We have a permit in forthe convenient store and canapy forthe gas station for above site plan. Yesterday the contractor told me the project was put on hold by the County because they have found a protected bird nesting on this property. Do you know about this? What is going to happen? Please let me know if you have any information. thanks, Christop er Lestrange From: Christopher Lestrange Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 11:31 AM To: 'Dreyer, Noreen' Cc: twinoil@bellsouth.net; eric@crossroadsenvironmental.com; Yvette Alger Subject: RE., International Airport Business Park - Request for Building Permit Extension As requested in your 1/22/10 letter, Building Permi -0 0807-0170 and 0902-0109 for the above project have been extended 6 months from the current expiration date of 2 8 10. The new expiration date is 8/8/10. Thank you, Christopher Lestrange, PE, CBO Code Compliance Manager/Building Official St. Lucie County BOCC Code Compliance Division 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 (772) 462-3755 (phone) (772) 462-6454 (fax) From: Dreyer, Noreen [Mailto: Noreen. Dreyer@ruden.com] Sent: Monday, January 25, 2010 5:05 PM To: Christopher Lestrange Cc: twinoil@bellsouth.net; eric@crossroadsenvironmental.com Subject: International Airport Business Park - Request for Building Permit Extension Please see correspondence attached. Thank you. SCANNED BY St. Lucie County IRS Circular 230 Disclosure: Please note that the views expressed herein or in any attachments hereto are not intended to constitute a "reliance opinion" under applicable Treasury Regulations, and accordingly are not intended or written to be used, and may not be used or relied upon, for the purpose of (i) avoiding tax -related penalties that may be imposed by the Internal Revenue Service, or (ii) promoting, marketing or recommending to another party any tax -related matters addressed herein. 145 NW CENTRAL PARK PLAZA SUITE 200 PORT ST. LUCIE, FLORIDA 34986 (772) 873-5910 FAX: (772) 873-3110 NOREEN.DREYER@RUDEN.COM January 22, 20 10 Via E-Mail and US Mail Mr. Christopher Lestrange Code Compliance Manager and Building Official St. Lucie County Public Works Department 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Re: International Airport Business Park / Building Permit Extension Dear Mr. Lestrange: As you are aware, a building permit was issued for the. above referenced project in August 2009. As set forth in Resolution 09-003, prior to issuance of a Notice of Vegetation Removal Permit or Exemption, the applicant must obtain all other required permits, including a permit from the US Fish and Wildlife Commission ("USFWS"). Although we have obtained all other permits, due to circumstances outside of our control, the USFWS permit has not yet been issued and we do not expect that it can be issued prior to the current expiration of the building permit. We are therefore requesting an extension of that building permit for good cause shown. T'he applicant has diligently pursued the USFWS permit and has promptly complied with each and every request of the USFWS. Nevertheless, due to USFWS workload and processes, the permit has not yet been issued. According to our last communication from USFWS on January 15th, the permit package has been sent to the Division of Policy Directives and Management (PDM). After PDM approval it needs to be sent to the Federal Register for publication and a 30 day comment period, after which any comments can be addressed and the permit finalized and signed. Once the USFWS permit is issued we will need time to complete the required documents for issuance of the Notice of Vegetation Removal Permit or Exemption, including an improvement agreement. Attached is a copy of the January 151h e-mail to me from Ms. Elizabeth Landrum of USFWS and I believe that you already have received a January 15'h e_ mail directly from Ms. Landrum confirming that the delay in the permit issuance is due to no fault of the applicant. RM:7134313:1 RUDEN, McCLOSKY, SMITH, SCHUSTER & RUSSELL, P.A. MCA RATON -IT, I At JIItnnA'F - WAW - NAPIF% - ORtANOO - PORT it. I I WIF - rAt I AHMIFF -I ALIPA - �f PAI It RFACM Page 2 In light of the foregoing, we respectfully request a six (6) month extension of the building permit. Please advise me of your response as soon as possible. Sincerely, I Noreen S. Dreyer NSD/pw Enclosure cc: Gabriel Volante, International Airport Business Park, LLC (via e-mail only) Eric Haermi, Crossroads Environmental (via e-mail only) RM:7134313:1 RUDEN, McCLOSKY, SMITH, SCHUSTER & RUSSELL, P.A, IVOCA RATON -FT. I At JIIFRnAfF I MIAMI - NAVIFS I 09)ANnO ' FORT ST. II.rIF - TAI I AH��Sff -TAMPA - lAflIS5. I PAIMftFAO­J Page 1 of I Dreyer, Noreen From: Elizabeth—Landrum@fws.gov Sent: Friday, January 16, 2010 4:47 PIVI To: Dreyer, Noreen: e(ic@crossroadsenvironmental.com Subject: IABP NOA Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Red Ms. Dreyer, SCANNED By St. Lucie County Yes! We got Paul's signature today, and I faxed the package to PDM. As soon as we get their approval (anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks), I can send it to the Federal Register for publication. The biological opinion, set of findings, and incidental take permit drafts will be written during the 30-day comment period. As soon as the comment period ends, I will address any comments received, and start the drafts up the chain to become finalized and signed. Liz. Elizabeth Landrum Fish and Wildlife Biologist U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1339 20th Street Vero Beach, Florida 32960 Tel.: 772-562-3909 ext.304 Fax: 772-562-4288 E-mail: Elizabeth—Landrum@fws.gov 1/25/2010 Christopher Lestrange From: Elizabeth—Landrum@fws.gov Sent: Friday, January 15, 2010 5:17 PM To: Yvette Alger; Christopher Lestrange Cc: Amy Mott; Lydia Galbraith; Paula Bushby Subject: Re: International Airport Business Park Yvette, Thank you for the information. I would be willing to coordinate with anyone necessary from the County because the delay is completely due to our complicated procedures and processing times, and not because of anything the Applicant has either done or failed to do. I faxed a draft public notice to the Office of Policy and Directives Management today, and I should hear from them any time between a few days to a few weeks from now. When I get their approval of the draft, the notice gets sent to the Federal Register for a 30-day advertisement. It will take a few days to a few weeks after the advertisement period closes to address the comments, finalize the biological opinion (allows the amount of "take") and set of findings (NEPA review), and get Paul's signature on the permit. The last item is probably the most difficult because Paul is often away attending meetings, but as Field Supervisor, he is the only person with the authority to sign incidental take permits, and he can't legally delegate the authority to anyone else in his absence. My guess as to a best -case date for completing this is the end of February, and that is providing there are no delays caused by extensive edits imposed by PDM, and that I can hand -walk this up the approval chain all the way to Paul. Liz. Elizabeth Landrum Fish and Wildlife Biologist U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1339 20th Street Vero Beach, Florida 32960 Tel.: 772-562-3909 ext.304 Fax: 772-562-4288 E-mail: Elizabeth Landrum(cDfws.gov Yvette Alger <a1gery(cieflucieco.org To '"Elizabeth—Landmm@fws.gov <Elizabeth Landrum0fws.go cc Amy Mott <motta@—stlucleco.org'�, Christopher Lestrange <1estranqecCa)stluciieco.orq>, 01115/2010 01:48 PM Lydia Galbraith <qalbraithlPstlucleco.orq>, Paula Bushby 4BushbVPCd,)stluci1eco.orq> Subject International Airport Business Park HI Liz, I checked with our Building Dept, and this project's Building Permits are set to expire on Feb 8, 2010. That is probably why the applicant has been calling you so regularly. I believe the Building Dept can consider extending the time to expiration, but the applicant would need to coordinate with our Building Official, Chris Lestrange on that issue. He, in turn, would likely also want to coordinate with you, to ensure that the delay in IT permitting was not due to any lack of diligence or good faith effort on the part of the applicant. How does the expiration date compare to'y.u'[P anticipated date of IT permit issuance? Yvette 1,ktu (%- Environmental Planning Coordinator St. Lucie County Environmental Resources Dept. 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Fl, 34982 (772) 462-2866 Please Note: Florid a has very broad public records laws. Most written communications to or from County officials regarding County business are public re cords available to the public and media upon request. It Is the policy of St. Lucie County that all County records shall be open for personal Inspection, examination and I or copying. Your e-mail communications will be subject to public disclosure unless an exemption applies to the communication. It you received this email In error. please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete all materials from all computers. Page I of I Lydia Galbraith - Fwd: Re: International Airport Business Park Resolution 05-149 & 07-125 From— Ron Harris To: Lestrange, Christopher; Licausi, Jan et; Powley, Michael; Satterlee, Mark; West, Don Date: 8/12/2008 12:39 PM Subject: Fwd: Re: International Airport Business Park Resolution 05-149 & 07-125 CC: Brillhart, Michael; Bushby, Paula; Galbraith, Lydia Chris, SCANNED I believe that Michael Brillhart is handling Impact Fee Agreements. BY Ron Harris St. Lucie County >>> Christopher Lestrange 8/12/2008 10:55 AM >>> can someone please tell us if impact fee credits were considered when this ROW was dedicated. If no, who shall we tell the applicant to coordinate this with? >>> Janet Licausi 8/12/2008 >>> Resolution 05-258, OR 2453, Pg 485 accepting a Warranty Deed for 30ft on St. Lucie Blvd and 3ft on Cayuga. I don't know about the Impact Fees Credits. >>> Paula Bushby 8/12/2008 9:27 AM >>> Good Morning Janet, We have permits in house for the above Site Plan. According to the Resolution the developer needs to dedicate 30' on the North of the property and 3' on the East side. This has to be completed before the CO is issued by the Building Department. Do you have any information on this? Was this done, or are they in the process? Also, the Resolution also states that they might be considered eligible for Road Impact Fee Credits. Do you know if this has been determined? The Impact Fees are paid when the permit is issued, and we would rather not have to issue a refund. I would appreciate any help that you can provide. Thank you. file://C:\Documents and Settings\galbraith\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\48A18475SL... 8/12/2008 __0__ ___ Lydia Galbraith - Fwd: Re: International Airport Business Park Resolution 05-149 & 07-125 From: Paula Bushby To:— Christopher Lestrange; Lydia Galbraith Date: 8/12/2008 9:57 AM Subject: Fwd: Re: International Airport Business Park Resolution 05-149 & 07-125 Attachments: Re: International Airport Business Park Resolution 05-149 & 07-125 Hello again, See Janets reply. As far as the Impact Fee Credits, lets charge them the standard fees and if they have a credit a refund.will have to be given. Keep your e-mail regarding this and my e-mail; then make a note on the Property Screen that we have contacted Planning and the Attorney's Office regarding the Impact Fees and have received no reply. Thank you. file:HC:\Documents and Settings\galbraith\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\48Al5E9FSL... 8/12/2008 --0- - -- - Lydia Galbraith - Fwd: Re: International Airport Business.Park Resolution 05-149 & 07-125 From: Paula Bushby To:— Christopher Lestrange; Lydia Galbraith Date: 8/12/2008 9:57 AM Subject: Fwd: Re: International Airport Business Park Resolution 05-149 & 07-125 Attachments: Re: International Airport Business Park Resolution 05-149 & 07-125 Resolution 05-258, OR 2453, Pg 485 accepting a Warranty Deed for 30ft on St. Lucie Blvd and 3ft on Cayuga. I don't know about the Impact Fees Credits. >>> Paula Bushby 8/12/2008 9:27 AM >>> Good Morning Janet, We have permits in house for the above Site Plan. According to the Resolution the developer needs to dedicate 30' on the North of the property and 3' on the East side. This has to be completed before the CO is issued by the Building Department. Do you have any information on this? Was this done, or are they in the process? Also, the Resolution also states that they might be considered eligible for Road Impact Fee Credits. Do you know if this has been determined? The Impact, Fees are paid when the permit is issued, and we would rather not have to issue a refund. I would appreciate any help that you can provide. Thank you. file://C:\Documents and SettingftalbraithEocal Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\48Al5E9FSL... 8/12/2008 Lydia Galbraith - Fwd: International Airport Business Park, resolution 05-149 & 07425 From: Lydia Galbraith To:— Kristin Tetsworth Date: 7/24/2008 10:43 AM Subject: Fwd: International Airport Business Park, resolution 05-149 & 07-125 CC, Christopher Lestrange; Diane Flanigen; Paula Bushby Kristin, Did you have a chance to look at attached e-mail? thanks, Lydia >>> Lydia Galbraith 7/18/2008 11:59 AM >>> Hello Kristin, We have the firsi permits in for above site plan. According to the resolution the developer needs to dedicate 30' on the north of the property for future road widening and 3' on the east side for future road widening. The dedication needs to be finalized before the first CO. The resolution also states that they might be considered eligible for Road Impact fee credits. When will be determined if they are eligible for credit? They need to pay the impact fees when the permit is ready for pick up. If the credit will be determined at time of CO they have already paid their fees and we need to do a refund, which we would like to prevent. Please let us know if they are eligible for a Road Impact fee credit and if so what the total credit amount is going to be. thanks, Lydia Galbraith Zoning Technician Code Compliance/Zoning file://C:\Documents and Settings\gaIbraith\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\489C47BDSL... 8/12/2008 FILE # 2772795 OR BOOK 2453 PAGE 485, Recorded 01/03/2006 at 03:37 RM >1 0) r 1. 0 r 0 0 U 0 RESOLUTION NO. 05-258 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A WARRANTYDEED ON BEHALF OF ST.LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA on behalf of St Lucie BOARDOFCOUNTYo St. LUCIE COUNTY, I �---dlm 0 W.�. 7 -DD:D o", N� V��. this 28 R,w. w: Nme: Add.: This Immment Pnaured by; TIrt,, Jivad... F1.1 Fidelit, Tat, Im, Ata WILT 71fle 3500 SW Cara ... I, P.,iu,sy Suite 201 palm CRY. Florida 34990 AS a necessary incident to the fifififim,n, of conditions CMW.cd in 8 fide inSURNM 11mmareent issued by it ) a S.S.#(S) 404934 'y �Vcu rwa�� (JOY—If-Dellinbeir, 2005, G roup, , a lorida limited liability company, a corporation existing under the low, of Florida, and having its place of business at 6100 Boulevard Of Champions, North Lauderdale, Florida 33068, hereinafter called the Brunton, to St. Lucie County, I political subdivision of the State of Florida, whose post office address is: 2300 Virginia Avenue, 3rd Floor Admin Annex, Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982-5652, hereinafter called the grantee, WITNESSETH: That gmatcur, for and in comideration of the sum of $10.00 Dollars and other valuable considerations, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, by these presents does Start, bargain, sell, alien, mouse, release. convey and confirm undo grantee, all that certain land situate in St Lucie County. FI , mida. viz: 57, 30 fuel R 71w 3 feet to the TOGETHER with all the tenements, and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anYwise appertaining. To Han And to Hold, the same in fee simple fomva. GRANTOR'S WILL WARRANT and fimner defirral the right and title to the abov"escribed real property unto the Gramm against the claims ofall person, claiming by, thmugh or under Gramor's, but not otherwise. (n— -ed hc�i- M� Amm -g.t.," and -a,.,." idda .11 the pmj. m a" um—ext. axd the Uht, k9-1 e,�Aaiw� ad fig-1 of�Md..11, aud Me .daxn�,. of,mx.) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the grantor has caused these presents to be executed in in name, and in corporate sea] to be hereunto affixed. by in proper officers themunto duly authorized, the day and year first above written. Signed, stated and delivered in our presence: The foregoing Instrument was acknowledged before me this _I _ day of Demamber� 2005, by Ralph D. Den tentio as Managing Member of Denunio Investment Group, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, on behalfof the corporation. He is penonally known an me or has produced driyepiceme(s) as identification. My Commission Expires: 4r-j2i�� rinted Name: Notary Public BARBARA MEDEIROS Serial Number NOTARY FUBLIC. STATE OF FLORIDA My COAMOSSION EXF. FEB. 28. 2DO6 NO. DD096240 L LOT 0 LOT M LOT 4 LOT 5 WE Z' LOT a F - - >' -<CLj L, LOT 9 LOCK 37 BLOCK 30 N 0- L WT 10 LOT Is LOT R z < 14 LOT Is LOT 16 17 54 LOT 19 MVTK MD 34, RCAD WACATED) (NUT OPM LOT I LOT 6 3 BL= 36 r ILO /RIPHT OFMNMEDIC)MON I I 'AllIIIAND D�E�UZZIO IN��TMENT��01J� Val D MUT TOO RAISED D UN IU5�laa\kl� N�O-T �EEM PR IDEM (::L-� :D A EIT TITLE. TERS HIM OR QtTRAU -47 t �rght EC%� C OR a OUNDARY TO THE SUBJECT FROPERTY. IT IS POSSIBL-E T14AT THERE ARE DEEDS OF RECORD, UNRECORDED DEEDS. CASEM04S OR OTHER .z A DONALD INSTRUMENTS THAT COULD AFrECT THE BOUNDARIES. F Consulting Engineers, Planners,Surveyors 6100 Boulevard of Champions North Lauderdale, FLoricia 313068 ..103-14-05 LB NO. 0003444 150' C19A) QrQ—q1nn CAV SHEET NIL 1 OF 2 GENERAL NOTES: 1: � UNDERSCNED SU� M IT, FMM,, W FIRST FID1111Y TRIL INQ DMID 3-08 d 7-18 2M IT IS �M THERE ARE �ENTS OF RUCORD UNRECORDED DffiS. kA�&ONT, OR OMER I� OUT COIX.B AFFSoT TNE MUN,,,,0 To M SMM F'ItWERTf. 2� DiRi SKETCH AND D�N WON INS BY � cuaiT. 3: MIASURMENIS SHONN MOON ARE UPRICISM IN FEET AND D� FM THEREOF. 4! � D. DORIMO A 7: a: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: THE �A T �3F T�OF LOSl WAY LA1111ORI ACCC %RDIN THE L OF THE P L REC awasm N."lliffimll"I M. 3 A7 WAY -PMJ S.R. 615 ) I I no OR frHavr E IN NO AN R41 AND OF V Ul LU E E S 5 UN TEI AICAL ST 0 TIVE CDVC 18, (BLOCK 37 THE UNDDMGRM SURVEYOR HAS NOT —BEEN PROVIDED A CURRENT TITLE OPINION OR A3STR4CT, OF MTTERS AFFECTING TITLE OR BOUNDARY TO TRE SUBJECT PRWERTY. IT IS POSSIBLE THAT THERE ME DEEDS OF RECORD. UNRECORDED BUIS, EAS�TS OR OTHER DRY IMTRUNENTS THAT COULD aFECT TAE BOUNDMIES. FLOR Consuttlng Englneers, Ptanners,Surveyors 6100 Boutevard of Champions North Lauclerclate, Ftorldo. 33068 LB NO. 0003444 sc"J-D 7:. 1'- 50' ,sNEET ml 2 13F 2 I LOT 17 K LOT 16 LOT 36 N.E' R N.W.1/4 EDGE OF PAVEMENT SE 2- 34 T. E (SIR. Or PAVEMENT N89*50'36"W 141.24' p 6 �) F— cy) LOT 36 141.28' S89*50'36"E z L T 35 co Li BLOC 7 Cie P<or z v < u <1 Lo I ED -i T im) U-) c T 34 -1 >- rQ < - . D SAN u LUCIE PLAZA UNIT ONE N LOT 4 PB.1 5 PG. b7 LOT 5 11 N IRIIGHT Ofr--VAY/ DEDICATION T RV ':#'1�7 V 2, .6 I:'S VISE I 5 TW.-: EffvISE 6:1,4 - =C N IWT S wya—e. � D EUNAL 11 AL 11 —EM I SEA 7 �E�UZZIO lklkE�TMEN)TG�0 tp Sl 4APP SIOW RV ft" �DER EYOR"OT BE0,PIR/QVIDED TITLE OPINION OR ABSTRACT CF MATTERS AFFECTING TITLE OR BOUNDARY TO THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. IT IS POSSIBLE THAT THERE ARE DEEDS OF RECORD, UNRECORDED DEEDS, EASEMENTS OR OTHER DON& INSTRUMENTS THAT COULD AFFECT THE BOUNDARIES. mag ConsuLting Englneers, Planners,surveyo r 6100 Boutevard of Champlons North Lauclerclate, FLoricl(x 33068 03 -14-05 LB NO. 0003444 SCALD V= 50' 954) 969-3100 FAX (954) 969-9(Deo SHEET NO, I OF 2 GENERAL NOTES: 1: THE UNDERSICKED SURVEYOR HAS RI � CCNIATVM,S PREPARED IN BY FIRST FOELUT TM-E INC. DKIED 3-0 GIN! 7-18.2004. IT IS POSSSa INAT ME ME DOCWENIS OF RECORD WRECORDED DEEDS, EISE)JENTS OR PRO OTHM W�VENIS MAY COtLD AFFECT THE NtRKIARIES TO THE SMIECT PERTY. 2i THIS SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION ARE BAsCB UPON ME LED& DESCRIPTIONS �SHED BY ME WENT. 3: W�RIONENYS SHOWN MMEON ME EXPRESSED IN FEET AND DECIAL PARIS THEREOF. 4: RkPN 0. DENJUM & ASSOCAM� NC� RE. 1� 5; 0 ON OF THS I A'� ARE AS VM.OF : A OF A M L U. a. 1 17 LH T� N SI TrA;..T I TO 15 WAY, I S.R. 7: MS SWCH OT 82P YET B N AN PERIUSS04 X D. 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