HomeMy WebLinkAboutWARANTY DEEDFED-04-2009 17:13 TWIN OIL COMPANY 305 699 5470 P.09/15 RESOLUTION SCANNED BY 05=258 St. Lucie County " I wi Villilml-103 ik DEED FOR THE DEDICATED RIGHT OF WAY LOCATION:305 688 5470 RX TIME 02/04 '09 15:03 FEB-04-2009 17:14 TWIN OIL COMPANY 305 688 5470 P.10/15 >1 L4 3 J >1 RESOLUTION No. 05-258 ARUOLUTIONAtCEPTINGA WARRANTYDEED ON BERALF. OF ST...LUCIM COUNTY, FLORIDA, . BE IT RESOLVED by the Board Of ItOuntiy COnimaksioners of St Lucie County, Florida, that: The foregoing Warranty Deed is duly accepted on behalf of St Lucie County this'28 June, 2005. COURT ATTEST: CLERK G'-'ACQ'WPJAUL%Doundon'MmuzzloCSYLWaaudSLLmdaBlvdUtmIsiLemwN LOCATION:305 688 5470 RX TIME 02/04 '09 15:03 green, W; I I Aftea; Wile�mwapnsiaridb'-. Terry JwaWn FIwF1d,l4y7VIa1= abl. WCIMda 35tal SW (]orparita Parkway suiulal ?.I.CI1Y,F1.rWA34M U a necessary incident to the fulfflimear of ­mWant =minrd is I We kawranvo; conwranvial IW,-d by iL Property Appraisers Paracl 1.1). O?alio) Numbe*): Gyantoccs) S-S.#(S)! File No. 404934 SPECrAL WARRANTY DEED (cogpo"Tg) This Special Warranty Deed Made thm -7-M day of Dcacrubtar, 2005, by Denuzda Investmenit Group, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, a carporation. a,,isting under the laws of Florida. =d having iIH place oftnisintsm, at 6100 Boulevard of Cluemploos� North lAnderdalc, Florida 33o6s, hereinafter called the grarmor, to SL Lucia County. a political subdivision of the Suite of Florida, whose post office addre- is: 2300 Virginia Avenue, 3rd Floor Admits Annex, FL Plexce� Florida 34982-SM, hereinafter called the gantac, WrINEMETH: That greattori for and in conedenition of ft even of 320.00 Collins Had other viduablo roonipt wbarcof is Inanity ackcarvIodged, by Mass, priminats does Stood, bargalst, sell. alien, tannise, releaRe. couvcy and confirm unle gractee, Ali tbatoermb Ind altuto, hi St. Lucia County. Florida, vizz Paocel 'nm 11210 f6atof Lam I duough 18. BlWk37, and Q=F= 3 laetafLat 1. DWC 15A, togtVacroriththe E=3 feet of the wmtcd right arway for lUvabortax; Read. all being in SAN LUCIE PLAZA. UNIT ONE. according to the pint dIcroof rucarded itivas Dook 5, Page 57, af the PublicRccords ofSL Lucia County. Florida. ?iate] 2: The Norlh3t) fact ofLot 1, Black 37. ofSAN LUCIEPLAZA.UMT ONE, according 0 thaRlat tharao4 =cited in. Flat Book 5, Page 67, of the Public Rzams of'Sr. Weis County. Florida, TOGE17HER With all the ICUMPTCHMOVied1ho—M Hod thirtc, beloaging or In anywim appetudning. To Have and 19 field, the varne i- &B simple f&T*Ci- CuANTOR-S WILL WARRANT and to. d&rA the riou MA fide 0 the sbo�dcaribcd ivid Property nee the Graracia Dpinst the clama of all pusep, not ethanol". - 0 11141.1FUOM end IN WITriggS WHM=V, the Wanter has �--- antan ptceem, to be cricatod In Its name and its ewrporalt seat to be hareamocIffixodibyNyroperaMr, thereanno dulyautherizod, the dayand yostrilm above wrimiL Sipod.scadedaraidclivcrvdinoarp� ATrE9P ScCiretR12 Ded=o Investment Group. LLC Win= Signat"o 's- Printed Narran. By.- Wittom Signiffille.. r Pfintcd'Namin. SrATS OF Florida COUNry OF IAC�4-111� The t[mcgoing malhis__�7 day of Detzmber, 200.% by Ralph D. Dantm:tla He Managing Member of DePU=dD TnVC3t3nCWt Group. LLAC. a Florida limited liability company, on behalf of tbm eDrpamfwa. He is persomilly, knovon to me cr has la� MyCommisalantExpirez. IrrInfed Name: Notary public 808ARA MOEIROS ScrislNumber So rAgy pljitjr� STp.It OFFLODA My COMSSIUM jxP. M,2EL N(LD00=40 LOCATION:305 688 5470 RX TIME 02/04 '09 15:03 FEB-04-2009 17:15 TWIN OIL COMPANY 305 688 5470 'P.12/15 F 3 L4�7 > < 0 < 0 uff m !F7 x 0 =7 ELOCX 36 ISA 4 SKETCH AND LEGAL.FOR RIGHT OF WAY DE[ _j DENUZZIO INVESTMENT. GROUP Y�n uRm3mmu sWNUD2 KAS WT M6 Fmvma A �W TITLE W11GUN OR ARSTP-'ZT IF PA� AFFECTM TITLE M 11MR40W 10 THE nnLr= PRMXTY. IT IS FlISSIPLIZ TMT Td= ARE rA= m R==, uKqEc�= EezmL EASP� M [ITHER m2TRu"S TWAY �, � �MT THE SOLVDAR= 40T A BOUNDARY Mv SO 06-14-0 aD WX 0M � GOOLAMC vzlylv a Omminia & CansuLtIng Engineers, Ptanners,Surveyors 6100 Bou(evcxrci of Champlons North Lauclerdate, Florlda 33068 1_33 N13. 0003444 m LOCATION:305 688 5470 RX TIME 02/04 '09 15:03 FEB-04-2009 17:16 TWIN OIL COMPANY LC= GENERAL NOTES' I -Flo p I: ve ummw= ?mffm = Tw a mT fmciff V= M um Im � oxtumr W 2suwa� nm PROPM.- � NO MOW" Ml V= LVOK 1% U� DEWWONC ftf� axw. Tm PR,,AAam Or Tma IM AM " w%wAmm WOJIIED N,Mr , MOM " DMMMK FOR AW OTIUKPIO� wmowW ARC TAWI AT vwa= � OF LFRMIOd= Fgm� V�w� � taw I—=.= sav� V= III ur na wx =600 a IrA, � %Is &A�M IN 'd Cam LIC W W. W= 015- Tcm� nNCWI= W M FLMM aQ=—yr4 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: THE EAST 3 FEET OF LOTS I THRU 18, BLOCK 37, AND THE EAST 3 FEET LOT 1. BLOCK 15A, rOGETHER WITH THE EAST 3 FEET OF THE VACATED RIGHT OF WAY.FOR HAWTHORNE ROAD. ALL BEING IN SAN LUCIE PLA7A, UNIT ONE, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED.iN PLAT BOOK S. PAGE 57. OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA. "NOT A BOUNDARY. SURVEY" RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION DENUZZIO INVESTMENT GROUP �x MpMIGWD smVaM-KAS NOT MEN PAOV= A WSOUNT nyLr UPPOIN M AUMWZY W MTT�4 IFFUMNd TITLE OR =MARY TO TW SUFXCT FRmpmTy. FT = pm=mx TKAT nutE Aw- BMW or Rzc=, L*M=R= bi=. EAWOITS OR OlIIC2 vivpu�Qffz TgAT LuLl) Arrm me BMNWA= �= �14� - M9 lIC7C RLv= ofi-m-m - GuimAL NaTEs Consu(ting Enginiersi Pwnners.Surveyors 6100 Boulevard of Champions North LauderdaLe, Florida 33068 LB Nil, 0003444 ml 305 688 5470 P.13/15 LOCATION:305 688 5470 RX TIME 02/04 '09 15:03 FEB-04-2009 17:17 TWIN OIL COMPANY 305 688 5470 P.14/15 LOT. 17 BLOCK 65 LOT IS LOT $6 Kc=gR: kFN. SEC.32- 34S �4ol N S -r. L U C I E: P L V �' C= OF PAVEMW �MFR. r. �O8 0 N89*50'36"W 141.24' w F— NNEM c cl) I LOT 36 141,28' S89*50'36"E = z F r I LOT 2 > L13T 35 C-) L BLOCK 37 0 . LOT 3 r) -0 in >. � LOT 34 z < 17�NTIT SAN LUCI�, PLAZA ONE N LOT 4 PB.1 5, P G, 7 LOT 5 "NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY" 7I.C. SKETCH AND LEGAL FOR RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION DENUZZ10 INVESTMENT GROUP si �w VAUD ymaff Tw &I TWE UNDERSJ�D swtvMa WS MT BUX PROVIDED I WWOT � mii� OR ADSTRADT W M17EI?S AFr=W YITLE OR DOWDARY = THE Mk'Cy PRopuzTy, rr is Pazint: TMT THEW- ARE WEDS Or AfCMD, L"�Eccizou =Ps. CASMSTS OR CIDER INSTRL%ENTS TMT m, b AFP=T THE ]IMMDARIM lkl�r4 B. %2=35110 2� Asullvid2s., Consut-ting Engineers, PlanriersjSurv'e) 6100 BouLevard of Champions North Lauderdale, Ftaricia 3306a LB NO, 0003444 Hl LOCATION:305 688 5470 % RX TIME 02/04 '09 15:03 FEB-04-2009 17:18 TWIN OIL COMPANY LPOCM� %WON RWM IM� W� ST My n== 7= w- � �m � x M 003m, w THM ARE 00MNEM 9F Rr=u w gmxw�n � .. ""', M M MW AW bc� AM A� w TM Wow. k'� A=OtLM REU*VM M =A a W T� q N M TW MIT W W FEPF,0M= K W pAAr IK PAM M a ASSXV= M TH14 X� �Lt� V�, =-� BY �TOX A-Q?� W � � �M�Tyw wM I LEGAL DESCRIPTION: THE NORTH 30 FEET OF LOT 1, BLOCK 37. OF SAN LUCIE PLAZA UNIT ONE ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAr BOOK 5. PAGE 57, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA. "NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY" SKETCH AND LEGAL FO RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION DENUZZIO INVESTMENT GROUP THE M�TW= SWVEYER K#S Nay RCEN PREIVICED A MFXW TITLE aftHIM M ARM= W NOYMS �GCTM V= M 0010MY To THE =XcT PR3'MTY, 17 15 �ULE THAT THOM MM � OP KIM, WRECOR YERS, rA50QW3 IR OTHER MMLOENTS TWAT CMU AMECT THE UMMARIM -RTVI=b M-14-M AbD WIE ItEVISED %�-= GD93114L NOTES b000 P. Consulting Engineers, Pttinners,Surveyors 6100 Boutevard of Champions North LauderciaLe, Ftericla 3�3068 TE LB NEI. 0003444 OMAN QeO-=lnM "I In", -�M NEI 305 68e 5470 P.15/15 LOCATION:305 688 6470 RX TIME 02/04 '09 15:03 TOTAL P.15