HomeMy WebLinkAboutEMAILSChristopher Lestrange From: Christopher Lestrange Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 11:31 AM To: 'Dreyer, Noreen' Cc� twinoil@bellsouth.net; eric@crossroadsenvironmental.com; Yvette Alger Subject: RE: International Kirport Business Park - Request for Building Permit Extension As requested in your 1/22/10 letter, Building Permits 0807-0168, 0807-0170 and 902-0,109 f r the above project have been extended 6 months from the current expiration date of 2/8/10. The new expiration date is 8/8/10. Thank you, Christopher Lestrange, PE, CBO Code Compliance Manager/Building Official St. Lucie County BOCC Code Compliance Division 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 (772) 462-3755 (phone) (772) 462-6454 (fax) _0i07- From: Dreyer, Noreen [ma ilto: Noreen. Dreyer@ruden.com] Sent: Monday, January 25, 2010 5:05 PM To: Christopher Lestrange Cc: twinoil@bellsouth.net; eric@crossroadsenvironmental.com Subject: International Airport Business Park - Request for Building Permit Extension Please see correspondence attached. Thank you. k9t 4 06/6 cotl,17 4, IRS Circular 230 Disclosure: Please note that the views expressed herein or in any attachments hereto are not intended to constitute a "reliance opinion�' under applicable Treasury Regulations, and accordingly are not intended or written to be used, and may not be used or relied upon, for the purpose of (i) avoiding tax -related penalties that may be imposed by the Internal Revenue Service, or (ii) promoting, marketing or recommending to another party any tax -related matters addressed herein. 145 NW CENTRAL PARK PLAZA SUITE 200 PORT ST. LUCIE, FLORIDA 34986 (772) 873-5910 FAX: (772) 873-3110 NOREEN.DREYER@RUDEN.COM January 22, 20 10 Via E-Mail and US Mail Mr. Christopher Lestrange Code Compliance Manager and Building Official St. Lucie County Public Works Department 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Re: International Airport Business Park / Building Permit Extension Dear Mr. Lestrange: As you are aware, a building permit was issued for the above referenced project in August 2009. As set forth in Resolution 09-003, prior to issuance of a Notice of Vegetation Removal Permit or Exemption, the applicant must obtain all other required permits, including a permit from the US Fish and Wildlife Commission ("USFWS"). Although we have obtained all other permits, due to circumstances outside of our control, the USFWS permit has not yet been issued and we do not expect that it can be issued prior to the current expiration of the building permit. We are therefore requesting an extension of that building permit for good cause shown. The applicant has diligently pursued the USFWS permit and has promptly complied with each and every request of the USFWS. Nevertheless, due to USFWS workload and processes, the permit has not yet been issued. According to our last communication from USFWS on January 15'h, the permit package has been sent to the Division of Policy Directives and Management (PDM). After PDM approval it needs to be sent to the Federal Register for publication and a 30 day comment period, after which any comments can be addressed and the permit finalized and signed. Once the USFWS permit is issued we will need time to complete the required documents for issuance of the Notice of Vegetation Removal Permit or Exemption, including an improvement agreement. Attached is a copy of the January 15 th e-mail to me from Ms. Elizabeth Landrum of USFWS and I believe that you already have received a January 15 th e_ mail directly fi-om Ms. Landrum confirming that the delay in the permit issuance is due to no fault of the applicant. RM:7134313:1 RUDEN, McCLOSKY, SMITH, SCHUSTER & RUSSELL, P.A. ROCA RATON , PT. I Al HIFUDAI F I MIAMI I NAPI FS , ORi Awn , POk 1 %1. 1 t jrif - TM I Al AWt I TAMPA I WTS I PAI M HFAC11 Page 2 In light of the foregoing, we respectfully request a six (6) month extension of the building permit. Please advise me of your response as soon as possible. Sincerely, i�rww= Noreen S. Dreyer NSD/pw Enclosure cc: Gabriel Volante, International Airport Business Park, LLC (via e-mail only) Eric Haenni, Crossroads Environmental (via e-mail only) RM:7134313:1 RUDEN, McCLOSKY, SMITH, SCHUSTER & RUSSELL, P.A. ROCA WON - ff. I AtJOFRnA1F -MIAMI - NAVIF1 I ORIANDO - PORTSTAUCIF I TAI I AHA�Ml -I AMPA , "�[ PAIMRFACH Page I of I Dreyer, Noreen From: Elizabeth-Landrum@fws.gov Sent: Friday, January 15, 2010 4:47 PM To: Dreyer, Noreen: efic@crossroadsenvironmental.com Subject: IABP NOA Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Red Ms. Dreyer, Yes! We got Paul's signature today, and I faxed the package to PDM. As soon as we get their approval (anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks), I can send it to the Federal Register for publication. The biological opinion, set of findings, and incidental take permit drafts will be written during the 30-day comment period. As soon as the comment period ends, I will address any comments received, and start the drafts up the chain to become finalized and signed. Liz. Elizabeth Landrum Fish and Wildlife Biologist U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1339 20th Street Vero Beach, Florida 32960 Tel.: 772-562-3909 ext.304 Fax: 772-562-4288 E-mail; Elizabeth-Landrum@fws.gov 1/25/2010 Christopher Lestrainge From: EIizabeth—Landrum@fws.gov Sent: Friday, January 15, 2010 5:17 PM To: Yvette Alger; Christopher Lestrange Cc: Amy Mott; Lydia Galbraith; Paul@ Bushby Subject: Re: International Airport Business Park Yvette, Thank you for the information. I would be willing to coordinate with anyone necessary from the County because the delay is completely due to our complicated procedures and processing times, and not because of anything the Applicant has either done or failed to do. I faxed a draft public notice to the Office of Policy and Directives Management today, and I should hear from them any time between a few days to a few weeks from now. When I get their approval of the draft, the notice gets sent to the Federal Register for a 30-day advertisement. It will take a few days to a few weeks after the advertisement period closes to address the comments, finalize the biological opinion (allows the amount of "take") and set of findings (NEPA review), and get Paul's signature on the permit. The last item is probably the most difficult because Paul is often away attending meetings, but as Field Supervisor, he is the only person with the authority to sign incidental take permits, and he can't legally delegate the authority to anyone else in his absence, My guess as to a best -case date for completing this is the end of February, and that is providing there are no delays caused by extensive edits imposed by PDM, and that I can hand -walk this up the approval chain all the way to Paul. Liz. Elizabeth Landrum Fish and Wildlife Biologist U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1339 20th Street Vero Beach, Florida 32960 Tel.: 772-562-3909 ext.304 Fax: 772-562-4288 E-mail: Elizabeth Landrum (a).fws.qov Yvette Alger <algervA!stlucleco.orq To `Elizabeth_Landrum@fws.gov`" <Elizabeth Landrum(aNws.qov cc Amy Mott <mottaOstlucieco,or_q>, Christopher Lestrange <Iestrangecto�stiucieco.orci>, 0111512010 01:48 PM Lydia Galbraith <qalbraithl(@,stlucieco.or:i>. Paula Bushby <BushbyP(Q)_stlucleco.orq Subject International Airport Business Park Hi Liz, I checked with our Building Dept, and this project's Building Permits are set to expire on Feb 8, 2010. That is probably why the applicant has been calling you so regularly. I believe the Building Dept can consider extending the time to expiration, but the applicant would need to coordinate with our Building Official, Chris Lestrange on that issue. He, in turn, would likely also want to coordinate with you, to ensure that the delay in IT permitting was not due to any lack of diligence or good faith effort on the part of the applicant. How does the expiration date compare tc,'i_�.; anticipated date of IT permit issuance? Yvette 11Q.m I%. Environmental Planning Coordinator St. Lucie County Environmental Resources Dept. 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. -Pierce, FL 34982 (772) 462-2866 Please Note: Florida has very broad public records laws. Most written communications to or from County officials regard ing Coumv business are public records available to the public and media uuon request. It is the policy of St. Lucie County that all County, records shall be open for personal inspection, examination and or copying. Your e-mail communications will be subject to public disclosure unless an exemotion applies to the communication. 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