FEB 16 2019
' ST. Lurie County, Permitting
'St Lucie COUnty
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Nuelle Engineering
Donald J. Nuelle P.E.
816 University Boulevard Apt. 301
Jupiter, FL 33458
Cellular 561-629-6975
GHO Homes
590 NW Mercantile Place
Port St, Lucie, FL 34986
Attn: Bill Handler
Re: Termite Treatment Option
Dear Mr. Handler.:
Date: 10/17/2015
"t. Lucie Co
FEB 15 2019
ST. Luele Cauntyr RtlrMIRIng
Per your request, I have inspected the termite treatment requirements in
the FBC and rind the baiting method (which is used on all GHO homes) should
have been specified on the foundation notes instead of the soil treatment. The
soil treatment note is an error and should be omitted.
If a registered lermiticide formulated and registered as a bait system is used for
subterranean termite prevention, Section R318.1.1 through Section R318.1.6 do not apply;
however, a signed contract assuring the installation, maintenance and monitoring of the
baiting system that is In compliance with the requirements of Chapter 482, Florida Statutes,
shall be provided to the building official prior to the pouring of the slab, and the system must
be installed prior to final building approval
If you or any other interested party has any questions or requires
additional information please feel free to contact me at any time.
Nuelle P.
P.E. #
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