HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENTSPERMIT# ISSUE DATC PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES - Building & Code Compliance -Division - BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT SCANNED BY St. Lucie County RECEIVED FEB 15 2019 ST. Lucie county, Permitting have agreed to he tltcJAUACk Sub -contractor for GRBK GHO HOMES, I.I.C. ('I'ypu orTra le) (Primary CoiltruclorF For the project lottated at Tex It is understood thpi, if there iv any change of stntus regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,the B Iding and Code Roguletion Division of St. Lucie County will be -advised pursuant to the filing c u Chq�tgt� of Sub -contractor notice. S IN1.YClli'II'A'I(INNIIAtUAII�... Y6 Slntonrillorldn,CLunlyllf e ',. Tl,e forepinp Inrirumonl tr>tr signed before me Ihln 28 doy or SN .c7 N't'nncaY)lt YftiNA'MS , touulinro Me6214;,J PLAINT NAMP, 5lfitfs 31YS-2C, 'eIIN'19' CI:RTIPICa1'19nNN11MlIYn State of4lorldn,County orJ0.o.a. (WiL The forgnoinitlnstrument rrm rimed heatm me this ja dAY or 75�% 1114, by " J Irhu Is prnnnully hnuiru, or hits produced a orhladl0enWrAmil Inn, Stgnotura of Nnhry Phhlle V141*4& C./or Prisnt Name or Nulory Public �, Rebecca utllt° 76 " '% - 4 Commission GG0608 / * F,cpires: Jaau n'Notaty Reviled 1111612016 Bonded t ru VAMP ,H+' , vlc7oRw L CLO>s �4 � MY COMMI0810N A OGo70645 7/ fi%PIRBR P�bN�7 07, 2021 I• PERMIT # ISSUE DATE - PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICE, S Building & Code Compliance Division 1!m.M12, the for the project located at BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT RECEIVED FEB 112111 I H 5 N have agreed to be Sub -contractor for GRSK GHO HOMES, LLC• (Primary Contractor) SCANNED or It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Buildin and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of n Change f Sub -contractor notice. I COUn"r1' 6iR'1'IFICA7`IO\ NU\I11 Sbtte or Florida, Cramp• or(� e '1'hr fun{:aing Instrument was signed before ntr lids L8 day of ,20101by IAN1-a �1yxl.l,n� Will is Penounlp• kno,en -Zur has produced is STAIIII' Aw�. Um Commission o, t a.T 3SM,�B d8d omw y�•.., Bon Revised II/16/21116 S66 MC 132- -7323 COUNIT CEI(I imc rlm NIhlllr���//��l�Eft,, ,,y�.,,/� stoic or Florida, Cuunly or�aLLd.,c3•w " TThe`foregnhig instrument was signed beforeall, ntills � d,,ne.Iof \PPP f I(.�I'I�l! (A , 2Dn, by - I ( hen I V V:II P, trhu Is prmallally known _or Imsluts produl.dn . !%y+W4 CHRISTINE M KOSAKOWSKI My COMMISSION* OGOOIS03 ':?�$�io.RR• EXPIRES June 13, 2020 40713a66103 FkrWpgom 9oMcs.rem County PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES. Building & Code Compliance Division RECEIVED BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT FEB 15 2019 ST. Lucie county, Permitting RIDGEWWAY PLUMBING have agreed to be P (Coagi N GameQndividual Name) the Sub -contractor for GRBK GHO HOMES, LLC (Type of Trade) / (Primary Contractor) so For the project located at "/ 2 � /'I 3 n /,I ce7 v,/L ad �. �i P/G� �t {�,- llNF /�(0o or Property Tax ID #) / .,0 cotop�41 It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Changi of Sub -contractor notice. William State CBC051145 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER state or Florida, County of St Lucie The foregoing Instrument was signed before me this,2-6 day or , a^- ,2aLby 14APd1-4i who Is personally known X or has produced a SU ONTRA RSI ATURE(Qualifier) GREGO K07AN PRINT NAME 19-15354 State CFC0577 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER state or Florida, County of FLORIDA 9 The foregoing instrument war signed before me t1 B day or RA— 20ij by GREGORY KOZAN who is personally known X or has produced a 'asidentlacalion. STAMP v' 61.L�� D ���YI--I--FdI� STAMP Sigaliture or Notary Public Print Name officiary Public I.-- �GGU6ualo Vim'-. Commission 2021 9, *`= EVITE ; Januarl nNolary ':" yi KATHLEEN M. HALL Y. r. BOndedmNo r,, _ NoWryPuhiic- AateolFlarida ��!�'•" ��` `. �; Commission:: GG 190510 Revised 11/16/2016 xorrr °s %'c...� My Comm. Expires Jun 17.2022 "' Bonded through National Notary. Assn. PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEV-E-LOPMENT—SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division r- =- — — - =---- BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT FEB 15 2019 ST. Lucie County, Permitting ly c`l-L'Gt G C bV1 n e G I ✓ <] have agreed torl�a'i,,, eY�F'0 (Company Name/Individual Nuin the &(-e- G-r .-7 GA.0 Sub -contractor for GRBK GHO HOMES, LLC. C�4h� (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at or It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the riling of a Changj of Sub -contractor notice, -ztt 0(OSS CouNn, CEn11IsICATION NUAIBER Slate or Florida, Counlyor�(l e- Stale of Fluridn, County of `�i— 1.17 l •e 7'he forego Ing forregoInng Ills lnunenI n•as signed �before the Ihis—dray or `r The foreaning Ins[ rumen tens sip rod before me this � dray of by �(L L 6cJ11 f 1 l a .. \P - s71'!r r ) , 201a, by (` s' ersnm.11, known �ur has produced n who Is Iscrsonnlly knoss'n,Xpr has produced n itxj •nOfiu Dan. itstticutilieollui Signnn}S re of Nolnr • J Signnun•e nfRulnry 19i die %_ Cop missian� 9s 2�, �•'y"gig SITYAN T BROAELOW `X a FX fires; JanuaN +A��� Notary Public -State of Florida ihm �IOn �(Iili 1 j"/ CommIsslon Y GG 263711 'o ff Bonded \+;orn'i My Comm. Expires Oct U, 2022 BIP raun" ` Bonded through National Notary Assn. licvis¢d 11II62UI0 the �%ztv b PERMITS I I ISSUE DATE A7t PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICE �� "�`�� RECEIVED Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT ST. Lucie County, permitting 2 /22 Nametindividual Name) (Type orTrade) For the project located at Sub -contractor for /`fa (Primary Contractor) Property Tax ID have agreed to be It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the tiling of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. State of Florida, County of, C�C The foregoing Instrument was signed before me thisZS�af ei l-. .20j� by k)')l I iu ky9 a»Iof who is personall known ✓ or Ims produced a :u ide IB Iealion. W�ao Revised 11116f+016 STAMIs O�ma 16 ��Go�p21 SUB- / ro IGNATUREJQuolincr) 117— PRINT NAME v ys COUNTI'CER IFICATION(N�UMBER state or Florida, County of fJ— 4'16�e- p� The foregoing insirumcnl was signed before me this�J Jay of �, 2011by C iu.l rj aYn r//-v. } who is personally known _or has pruduccd,o L ✓ '' as lJen OcaJt' /(W -5 —ZSI - y6 - yl9-o glebe` a$ A mO \Ival9lio�