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73 91 *Must be located away from doors, windows, and fresh air intakes and in accordance viM local codes. ctbn .5Wi1%?�,g911ri cL2K1.Vi4v-Qt.RaM ConsWctionLrdtrssYl973 C 2tl4 l320P-01-01 RevB.prr1 FEATURES D O success in pmddfng the mostmlfabie generalorspuss@le. Generac's G-Force engine lineup offers added peace of mind and reliability for when you need it the most The G-Force sodas engines are purpose built and designed to handle the rigors of extended Tun times in high temperahnes and extreme operating conditions. O TRD£ PCPaW ELEUMCAL TECH1101. 3: Superiorharmonics and sine wave O form pmduce less then 5%Total Harmonic Distortion for utility quality power. Thts allows confident opaullm of sensffive electronic equipment and micro-chfp based appliances, such as variable speed WAGsystams. Note: Ga certification onlyapplies to unbundled unftsandwgs packagedwith !trolled c6cultswMes. Nnllspaciagedwith the SmertSMIGh are VI-cerlified In the NSA only. THESE PL *NS AND ALL PROPOSED WORK ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS MAY BE NECESSARY IN ORDER @59AXTRAM6Pr7PENRNLTkt+£RE M. This state-0f4o-ad power mafthring regulation system is standard on all Gmerec models. It provides optimhed FAST RESPONSE to changing load conditions and MAXIMUM MOTOR STARTING CAPABILITY by electronlcafy torque-malrhNg the surge loads to the engine. Digital voltage regulation at±l%. SDdIiL£BCURCEBERUIL'EREBPIJRS£GomGenersc's�ensivedealer,t network provides pads and service know-how for the entire unite from fie engine to the smallest efecbonlc component, ---0--IMMIM ------ — - O DENERAC-TRAN IFERSWITCHES: Long life and mifabllllyare ✓ PROTOTYPETESTED it NENAMOI 22 EVALUATION synonymous with GENERAL POWER SYSTEMS. One reason for this J SYSTEMThnsla"L TESTED ✓ MOTORSTARTINGABRITY confidence is that the GENERAL product line includes fts own transfer systems and controls fortotal system compatibility. 0 MILE Um- RE8 M wMaRm- FREE with emy Guardian Series Home m P w sfandly tionerafor. Allows you to merger the status afyourgeneralorhmin anywhers In 018 -IGENERAC �. world using a smarfphome tablet; or PC. Easily access Information such as the current PROMISE operating shWsand ma6denancealerts. e.Withyoarelinkouaretkauthorized beforservice A dealer forfast.biendlyandpmaclive service. With Mo611elinl�youa2 taken am ol6elore /gKi�D�- theredpowerouiage. !�J 16/20/22 kW faatwes and benefais 0 Generaoa-Force design NO Maximizes engine"bnathing"forIncreasedfueleffciency.Plateauhonedcylinderwallsandplasmamolyringshelpstheengine run cooler, reducing oil consumption resulting in longer engine life. o "Spiny-lok" cast Iron cylinder walls Rigid construction and added durability provide long engine life. o Elecbonic IgnitiaNsparkadvance o Fullpressum lubrication system These features combine to assure smooth, quick starting everygme. Pressurized lubrication to off vital hearings means befforporhamance, less maintenance and longer engine fife. Now featur- Ing up to a 2year/2O0 hour oil change interval. o Law oil pressure shutdown system Shutdown protection prevents rlastrophic engine damage due to low oil. o High temperature shutdown Prevents damage due to overheating. G?nt'StiP7 o Revolving field Allows for a smaller, light weight Unit that operates 25% more e(ficlentlythan aravolvingarmature generator. o Skewed stator Produces a smooth oulputwevefomtfor compatibilitywithelectronic equipment. o Displaced phase excitation Maximizes motorstarting capability. 0 Automatic voltage regulation Regulates the outputvoltageto+l%preventsdamaging voltage spikes. o UL2200listed Foryoursafely, Tmns'? €VJIish 02 awwa b-) O F-ulfyautamatic Transfers your vital electrical loads to the energized source of power. ® NEW SR Can bebstalladInside oroutside for maximum flexibility. ® Remote mounting Mounts near your exisfngdistribution panel for simple, low-cost Installation. Evice:uron' C ea tr�ta ® Auto/ManuaWff Illuminated buttons Selects Via operating made and provides easy, al, -glance status indication in any condAl on. a Two-line LCD multilingual display Provides homeowners easily visible logs of history, maintenance and events up to 50 occurrences. 0 Sealed, ralsed buttons Smooth, weather-resis[artuser Interlace for programming and operations. 0 Utility voltage sensing Constantly monitorsutifiiyvoltage,setpoims66%dropout,80%pickup,ofstandardvoltage. o Generator voltage sensing Constantly monitors generator voltage to ensure the cleanest power delivered to the home. 0 U81ily interrupt delay Prevents nuisance start-ups of the engine, adjustable 21500 seconds from the factory default setfing of 5 seconds by a qualified dealer. o Engine warm-up Ensures engine is ready to assume the load, setpofntappurdmately5seconds. 0 Engine cool -dawn Allows engine to cool prior to shutdown, setpoirdapproxfmately 1 minute. e Programmable exercise Operates engine to preventoll spal cityling and damage between power outages byrionninit the gooratorfor5 minutes every other wee& Also offers a selectable selling for weekly ormonthly operation providing flaxibii ty and potentially lower fuel costs to the owner. 0 Smart battery charger Delivers charge to the baiteryonlywhen needed atvarying rates depending on outdoor air temperature. Compatible with lead acid andAGM-styIe batteries. 0 Main line circuit breaker Protests generdarfrom overload, A Elechonlcgovemor Maintains consm60Hzfrequency. 9i'sai3 ® SAE weather protective enclosure sound attenuated enciosurrs ensure quiet operation and protection against mother nature, withstanding winds up to 150 mph. Hinged key lacldngmof panel forsecurfty. IJ@out front for easyaccess to all routine maintenance gems. Electrostat- loallyapplied textured epozypafntforaddeddurability. - (3 Enclosed critical grade muffler Oulek critical finufa muffler Is mounted inside the unit to prevent Injuries. a Small, compact attractive Makes for an easy, eye appealing inslalfation, as close as 184away from a building. W.,AM m 1 R (305 mm) flexible fuel line connector Absorbs any generatorvibraffon when connected to rigid pipe. O Direct-to-dfdcomposite mounting pad Complex-lattIce design prevents segliogorsinldngofthegenerator system. 0 Integralsecumenttrap Prevents particles and moisture from entering the fast regulator and engine, prolonging engine life. 16/20/22 k Model Rated Mapmum'CouUnuousPmver Capably (I.P) Rated Mamum Canunuousp&a Capacity (NG) R,ale"ollage RaledMWmum Continuous Load cmfent-24OVolts((P/NG) Total Haii6a6Ofshution Main Line Circuit Breaker Phase. . . . Number of Rotor Poles HaleaAGFrequency- Poweflectm BageryRegNreinent(not included) unitWelghtollft) D-unegslpns (LXWX N) in/mm Sound nutputin dB(A) at 23 it (7m)with aeneraioropeafinitaterrand load" Sound aftot in d8(A) at23 R p-m1-WRhgeheatorin Quiet -jest"' low -speed maf4se modo— GD07035-0, 00070W-➢, 0907038-0, G➢07039•0 G007042•11, R➢➢M43-1 9907037.0 (16 kM 120 kW) (22 kW) 16,000Watis" 20,09g Wags• 24000 16,000 Watts` 18,DBO Walls. 19,500 240 240 240 66.WBS.6 SUM 91.6/81.3 Less than 5% Less than 5% Less than 5% 70 Amp 100Amp 100Amp 1 1 1 2 2 2 60 Hz 60 Hz SOHa 1.0 1.0 1.0 12 Veils, Group 26R 54Q DOA Minimum or Group 35AGM 650 GOA Minimum 40W186 4481203 460/211 48X25929/1218 X 638X732 65 66 67 58 •58 58 - Type of Engine GSWC G-Fame 1000 Series Nambarof GyOnders 2 2 1 2 Dlsplacamonl 999 cc 999 co 999 cc Leyllnder;Hleck. Aluminum W/ Cast Iron Sleeve ValmArrdnti menl Overhead Valve OvmhaadValve Overheadvalm Ignition Syrsltm SoBd-statew/Maglalo Solid-s(alew/Magnsto Solld-sialew/Magnelo -6ovemusyslem Elednanfe Eleeirnnle FlecOollo Cpmpress(on Ratfo • 9.5:1 9.5. 9.51 Slider 12Vde 12 We 12 We OR CapdslylAutuding S(fer APPmx 1.9 gV1.8 L Approx 1.9 gVIA L Apprm 1.9 gVIA L Operating Ram 3,600 3,600 3,bDO FULCogsdmption 14iimaJ Ghs 8e/lu (mitt) ' 112 Load 218 (6.17) 20A (5.78) 22B (6.46) Fall Load 309 (8.75) 301(8.52) 327 (9.26) Lhold Propane foAr(gal"[Uhrj • 1/2 Load 91.6 (252)19.53] 86 (237)18.99) 92 (Ze) [9.571 Full L6ad IOtto (294) [11.111 129.6 (3.56)113.481 142 (3.90) [14.771 241ne Plain TodMularmnual LCD Display Supple user Nellie Go forme of operation. MddeBultonsekvio Automatic Start an DOfilyfuture. 7 day exerciser. Manual Shut with setter cartel. unitslays on. 9uMlyfails. baosferto load takes place. Off . . Stops unit Power is removed. Coolant and charter still operate. fleady10 flavaimenaoce Messages Standard EngineAun Hours MAcatfan Standard Pmgrmmnable sbadelay between 21500secmnds Standard (pmgarrumable by dealer only) UOfdyVollageJnss44etan to;WITyAJIustable, (BlavnoulSelting) Fidm 140-171 WIRA-M611 FuhueSetCapable FxercisW2mrdseSet FrmrWandng Standard ADn/Aiami4dainfenanee Logs' 5DBianlsEach EnglaoSMSeg(emce - Cyclic canUng., 16sec on, 7 rest (9D=M@xIn= duration). 'Slader(eck-but Stedercannot m-mgaae ontil5 secaAerengkre hasslopped: SmartRelterychaya ,Standard Cla}gel,FaulV/✓U*ilyAC Warah(g Standard 1m9Bagery/Ba2myproblem PmRcllon and Battery Condition Indication Standard Autorda9cVoltage ffegulition tM Overand OrfderVallige Protection Standard ----Dnder-Frequency/OvedoadJSlepperDvacunenl PmlecBarr - -Standard- SafelyFosed(Fuse Problem Prolecoun Standard Aulomatic Loss Off Pmssu WHigh0117empealure Sheldon Standard Vre(crpnkfftrspaod (.f ? 721G)JrymSense IomsShutdmm Standard f8gh Dillow Temperature Shutdown Standard Idem Moonco efw1ang:Proleerap - Standard Cnmmon Unrest Fault CapablfiBr - Standard Field UjaghBablg Fjmmare Standard ^$��ndleelsarchl¢atromlhefimtANepeaemlm.Sa�mdlaelshkmhom oNualddev o4tl¢Acnvalvn¢ybe NghudepeMdg onLnsWhlionA�oelm. AalSpde;midons-SPndby.AppLahtefws�pp(ying onerymrypwrzrfar0a dmadon o10er6a1ypoweroidage.M' werlmdrryeh7L(yfsa+mlaElefWU¢s29n9.(AAa9e9+taaemdaneewUB55514.1609g46a.MOgv'6271).'Manmim6kmAmnpsmiduarWareaobjWNandWuiNtrymrkGclwsrsfuerBWme9aloufe makMamElNteaPuaP�Rannh+dSenaimpmeuardmWidml,tl¢ N�awmPa�rd=ueazesaboNaipertndlnrearbl,QDOfeet(9nlemalus)aSWes®LvekandalsovAldegmseabmdipuceNlmrarha°C(10'F)abeval6°C(fig'U. '--�` .' � ;�� ° �^ rim' i :•� � �, �1:ifl�lf�lo'.�IC Sii�piFf Tli:'I�S(�f sl' ii�i t� 100 - 400 Amps, Single Phase c UL us usieo —; *CnL only applies to non-seMce rated switches Description Generac Automatic Transfer Switches are designed for use with single phase generators that utilize an EvolutionTM or Nexus' Controller. The 100, 200, and 400 amp open transition switches am available in single phase in both service equipment rated and non -service equipment rated configurations. The 150 and 300 amp open transition switches are only available in a service rated equipment configuration. Standard Features Service rated (RXSM Generac Automatic Transfer Switches are housed in an aluminum NEMA/UL Type 313 enclosure*, with electrostatically applied and baked powder paint. The Heavy Duty Generac Confactor is a UL recognized device, designed for years of service. The controller at the generator handles all the timing, sensing, exercising functions, and transfer commands. All switches are covered by a 5 year limited warranty. Non -service raced (RXSG) switches are housed in a steel enclosure. --DPMTechnology —- --- - Through the use of digital power technology. (DPM), these switches have the capability to manage up to 4 individual HVAG (24 VAC controlled) loads with no additional hardware. When used in tandem with Smart Management Modufes, up to B more loads can he managed as well, providing the most installation efficient power management options available. In®-400 ; MPS9 Bungle Phase Automatic Smart Trapislev Snatches �ya�e:r'EtJu13 Y All timing and sensing functions originate in the generator contmller UtilftyvBlfafie drop -out................... --.-.... ... ...... ........ —........ .......... _.-.....-------- ..... ... _............................................. _......... _... _.._......... ............ .............. c65% Tunert6 generator start .............. ....... ........................................................... .... 10 second factory set adjustable between 2-1500 seconds by a qualified dealer' Enginewarm up delay ............ ...... .... ........................................... ......---.......-.........._...._...._.................................._._.-....--....._._..............................-5seconds Standbyvoltage sensor ............................................ _....................................... ........................... _ ................ _.................... ...... ......... _............ ............ 05%for 5 seconds Ufilifyvoltagepickup. ............... ........._._................._.................................................._._........_.............._................................._..........,......................................4>80% Ae-transfer time delay ................................ ......... _.............. ................................... ............................ .......................... ............... ............... ............. ............. .....15 seconds Enginecool -dawn dmer............. .... ........ ......_................ _............ ........................ _.......... _.._.......................... ............. ....... ...... .._........ ......._...... ...... .........0,60 seconds Exorciser . ............ ....... ........ .................................. _.._...................... ...... ........ ............ ...................... ...... _.........5 or12 minutes adjustable weekly/81-weeldy/Monthly.* The tmnsferswitch can he operated manually Withoutpower applled. 'When used in conjunction with units ulllmng Evolution- controls "Adjustable via the controller Pilot RXSC100A3 RXSWr100A3 RX81,11150A3 RXSC200A3 RXSW20OA3 RXSWSOOA3 RXSG400A3 RXSW400A3 Amps 100 100 150 200 209 300 400 400 Voltage 120/240,10 120/240, i9 120/240,10 120/249.19 1201240.10 120/240,19 120/240, 1e 120/240, is bad imnsitionType Opentiansition OpenTransiticn- Open1hinasition Open7ransitian Open'lhosition OpenTraosition OpenTransitian Open Tmosition (AuNmabe) Service hated Service Rated Service Rated Service Hated Service Hated Enclosure Type NBLWL 311 NEhbWLSH NEMA41L 3fl NIJAWL 33 NS ALSR NEMA/UL 3fl NI3v1/WL 38 NEM7WL 38 UL IUIing UUCUL UL UL UUCUL UL UL UUCUL UL Withstand Rating (Amps) ID,000 10,000 22,000 10,000 22,000 22,900 22,000 22,000 ' Wg&go 111-#14 250 MCM-#6 boo MCM-#4 or 1/0-250 MCM Dimensions ModellR%sc100A31AYSWt00A31RX5W150A3111XsC240A3 IMIN201191WIM300A31 FIX5C460A3111MMOLY N1 1724/437.9 17241437.9 2375/579.4 17.24/4379 26.75/679.4 4291/IOB9.9 3125//t4W8112'1'9'2 Heighl CmJsunl H2 201508 20/50B 30/762 20/39B 30/162 4B/12f91 36/919 WI I 125/317.5 I 125)MT5 I 10.52667 123/d17.3 I 10.57266.7 16.69/421.9 r 9.191487 WidN P01nun) W2 14.6/370.8 14.61370.8 1 13.513429 14.6/370.8 1 laW429 21.05542 241699.6 DEP91 Cmlmm) 17.09/f80.1 17.09PRI 133/160.1 17.091180.1 I r6.3/160.1 Weffllt llbs,Adlos) I 20/9.07 122.511021 139117.69 120.07 139117.69 1140/635 I ISSRO-33 1140163.5 I Mf GENERAU Generac Power Systems, Inc. - S45 W29290 HWY.59, Waukesha, W153189 • generac.com �"�"=®7a17 Generac Powtt eysfem;Inc. All 6ghisreserved. Allspecficadons are su6fect to change tcMoutnotice. Bulletin 10000013459-A 04/24/17 i' 10 2ti �� klj �EPAENQC available accessavies mhtlel!� - PrnduDt_ Duce+plion - The Wf-H enabled LP fuel Ieval monforpmvldes constant mondodng of the connected LP fuel tank. Mon. 0007095.9 Wi-HLPFuel Level Merger itoring the LP inks fuel level is an impoulantstrip In making sure yourgeneralarks readYto run during an unexpected powerfalluro. Status alerts are available through afreo application to notifywhen your LP tank is in need of a refill. Genemc's Mobile Link allows you to checkthe status of your gimandorfrom anywhere that you have ac- G996463-4 MobileUnk" cess to an Internet connection from a PC orwgh any smad dovlae,You will even be cogged vla. a-madl or textmessagewhen a change in the generator's status occurs. Available in the U.S. only. GODS819-0 26R Wet Cell Battery Every standby generator requires a battery to start the system. Geneme offers the recommended26R wet cell beeryforiese with all air-cooled standby product (excluding PowerPact(D). G007101-0 'Battery Pad Warmer The pad warmer restsunderthebattery.Recommendedforuseifthetemperatureregularlyfallsbelow0°F. (Not rteeessaryfor use with AGM -style batteries). G007102-0 Oil Warmer Oil warmer slipsdimc8yovertheoffiter.Recommendedforuselithetemperatureregularlyfallsbelow 0°F. 6905621-9 AuxillaryimnsferSwaah The auxiliary fransferswitch contactkita8ows the transfer switch to lock out a single large electrical load Contact lut you may not need. Not compatible Will SOamp pre -wired switches. Fascia Base Wrap IT The fascia base wrap snaps together around the bottom of the new air cooled generators. This ofiersa ;Gg07o270-Bisque (Standard on22kU17 sleek contoured appearance as wag as ofterfngprotectimfmmmdentsandlnsectsbycovering the lf0ng holes located In the base. lithe generator enclosure is scratched or damaged, it is Important to touch-up the palntto protect from -G995793-0-Bisque Pali felons corrosion. The paint kit Includes the necessary paidift to properly maintain or touch-up a generator enclosure. 'G996485-9 Scheduled Maintenance lilt Geneme's scheduled maintenance kits provide all the hardware necessary to perform complete routine - maintenance on a Geneme automatic standby generator. G096873-9 ,SmartManagementModule Smart Management Modules are used to conjunction with theAutomaiTran sfer nsfer Switch to increase its (50 Amps) power management capabilities. Uprovides additional powermarolipmentflexibliftly mitfound In any other power management system. �r�v�w dimenshi s A PCs Infooslorushwmemapprctinale.aElerlo UslalWlot1 m awlfireaddenensrons.DDNOTUSETEUDA SIONSfor INSPIUAMPIPUAPOS$ FR .raw Model UPC G007035-0 696471070354 G007036-0 696471070361 G007037-0 69647ID70378 GDO7038-0 696471070385 0007039-0 696471070392 G007042-0 596471070422 G007043-0 696471070939 t4aJE wV ERAA d® General; Power Systems, loc. - S45 W29290 HWY.59, Waukesha, WI53189 - generac.com ��� ©2or7Denerac Ponersysiems, NaAed9hlsreserve4Mepeclrivalb+rsaresubjedra change wlNnNnoGce. Pa�No. r000Ueeer94-FS/a/17 Small MaInagemeni M lles t, MM) Model G007000-0 UPC 696471070002 C &US LISTED FEATURES Generac's Smart Power Management System Is designed to optimize the performance of a standby generator. The system can consist of up to 8 individual Smart Management Modules (SMM). Unlike other load management systems that depend on another control device, the SMM modules are actually self -aware and operate autonomously. Frequency is the true measure of generator engine performance and does not need to factor in increased ambient temperatures, elevation changes or generator fuel type. The modules monitor the frequency (Hz) of the power being produced by Genarac's standby generators. If frequency falls below a certain threshold, the module will automatically follow a power management algorithm to reduce the chance of a generator overload condition. The modules can be set to a load priority between 1-8, or be set In a lock -out only mode for loads that just simply do not need to ran In an outage. This reduces the minimum size of the generator fora more cost-effective solution. SMM SPECIFICATIONS PowerSupply Source...........................................................................................................................................................................240 VAC (from Line Input) ContactVoltages.....................................................................................................................................................................................................220/240 VAC ContactorColl Voltage................................................................................................................................................................................................... 240 VAC CoilVA Inrush.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................—so CoilVA Sealed........................................................................................................................................................................................................................6.5 Poles......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 ResistiveAmps.................................................................................................................................................................................................1......................50 KInductive Amps.....................................................................................................................................................................;...........................................40 LockedRotor Amps....................................................................................................................................:::.........................................................................180 Enclosure Rating.......... Frequency Selectability ............ UL 50 50 Hz/60 Hz Smart Management Modules (SIT) Mode*H2 GOD7000-0 Heigh 6.1711 56.8 2.36/60 Width7.C6/179.4 4.72/120 Depth (iNmm) 3.7/94 Weight(Ib/kg) 2.06/994 Shipping Weight (16/kg) 2. 44/1.11 uPCcode 696471070002 SHIM Controls (located behind the module cover) LED ON=LUAO CONNECTED LID FLASHIS=LOAD SHm PRIORITY I LOCKOUT LED FLASH 3S=30 MIN LUCKUIIT 5 LOAD ON GENERATOR LED FLASH 63= GEN LOAOLOCKOUi 7 LED OFF =NO MODULE POWER ® TEST I e LOCKOUT DISABLED lip PriorifyWal(A) Sets module priority, Lockout Switch (0) Prevents load from operating when system isopemtingunder generator power. -Test 8u0Gn(C) -'Wabfescontactoroulputfor aspecified itme. -- LED (0) pfMdes module states with easy viewing through the eAmalitlawing window located In the upperdght comerof the module. GEN ERAC® Generac Power Systems, Inc. • S45 W29290 HWY. 59, Waukesha, WI 53189 • generac.com vn. _-ty"1 02018 Genem; PomerSystems, Inc. MAble resevee.Affspecifications are subject to change nbhcut notice. Pad No. 1000029407 revD (11114118) Balaton 3.4 Site sift sobcdon Selection, {/?���({f( 1 �(f �$��f �{ ljJ(� l,/��/(/y�� jj{�{/(8fft�(e Sd -a Lion and Preparation 3R(jO a1 m) A-91 re M. Insf.WINfen Cfea'3atrees rD Dessription comments A Top of generator — !d RUNE MdOndelearanae A3u Mumole rdWamascarmotincudeshmbs,bushes,nrhuw. C t2ear oleaancs 9Ss. (dS7 cm) rninfm ore mnoeperNFPAW", labenag, and Yung. tmL= smor7Dcal,des dfcEaie ofheiwiss. D Windows and oparigs No oper&s wndows, doors, oropenings in the wall are permiftzd wMfl 6 Y (1,52 m) from any point of the generator, E El3s6ngwall tJmehadrnrereiedwaisallow closerptecementoMagenera€orsetEoniLmbefnlelnsbliatinn, F Removabfe ftea Removable fence panels forservicing cannotbepfaoed less f =,9 ti (0,91 m) fn ffonf oflhe genarator. Q Overheadolearanae 6fr(1.52m)mntmamdsfanceiromanysWcme orerhang,orpfaJecfomsfromthaw.ay, ft70N07'ifaiaflfmderwoodendecksorsrruciuresrWessthlsr5stancersrnaimtained. tnefalfafinh (4nfrtcflaae I:nr Fn Idz Afa-Cmnt»d RP..np..rAfnr. 14