HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVALa � I eqs Nan+e I term ium.awimauw,. i xxrnwa r. sumna er,n. a 'con la I anssae np 'omo I, sm�a i. prsddA .vmeaxm bw.aio.seem,r ya urte, terryplb0or,➢alva Pie ht 9 - _ _ .. 1117022-R7 APPI(oa8dr Type Reyisio0 title Version 2017 Application Status Approved Comments alfiltwU17v. data reapply 08/21/17 Arcbived , - °ie C °UntyProduct Manufacturer Extreme Metal Fabdcatots, LLc. RECEIVED CO(M° (°p PIERS OR ATTACHMENTS P ilm �' �� o �ESPONSIBLIIY OF THE (77t) 872-Bb34 FEB 2 2 CTOFi OR RECORDRvaiMaWn�yaho .cam ZDIB Audionaed Signature Technical Representative Address)Phone/Etna➢ Quality Aswrarxe Representative AddresslPhone/Emaii Category Subc0"arri tompnance Method Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Evaluation Report Florida tkense' Quality Assurance Entity Quality Asaurame contract Ei0ration Date Validated BY CertlRuite of Independence Referenced Standard and'Year.(of Standard) Equivalence of Produtt.5tandards Certified By Settlers form the Code Product AppmvalMethod Date Submitted Date Validated Date Pending FEW Approval Nate Approved Suet ansow4 ioste..: maned Md When Permittfn9 Depenmant nvatidatiari�yahoo.tom St... Lucie County Richard. McKtmm 2160:SW voma On- Palm Oty;.R 34990 (772).872-8034 nmacd®emlai-net THESE PLANS AND ALL PROPOSED WORK ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT NIAY BE NECESSARY IN ORDER TO CO/iRPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE, CODES. Roofing Metal Roofing ., Evaluation Report from a f orie, RegisteredArchteet er a licensed Floida pr0[eelAO"I Engoear C, Evaluation Report- Hardropy:Reaived- LOCKE:8t1WDEN PE-49y04 Koystoro Cerifficatla ia, ire oa12*2024 Sachery R. Pry, P.E. A Validation checklist Mardcopy Received 2 By C DI 1 5 V CRIMP 551129 PLI70 EL 171122 simwaw Yset TAS125 2003 UL 1897 - '2012 UL 580 2006 �T�v`LT`'L ST. LUCIE COUNTY BUILDING D SION REVIEWED FOR COMPLIANCE Method l optke, D REVDATI da11B/2p17 PLANS AND PER IT MUST BE KE O.' ]OB 0312511017 SITE OR NO INSPECTIONS) W L MADE 0912812017 10/10/2017 FL s - j Modol, Numberer Name Description 17022.1 1 'SV CY+inp" (lib) 26 Gauge steel, 318" rib. height, 24' wide 13PPed raaf Pan J meCha0caily attached to 25/32" plywood or wood Deck with fasteners �— Limit of use Snabnatla" rn ou.. f S V CRIMP < Approved for use in NVN21 No Approved for We ouuide Form- ves FL11022'R7 tt FL 1702 Iblf Verified By: Locke Bowden, P.B. 497" Impact Restsbi No Created by independent Third party: Yes Da iiRn Premium +N/A/ -Table A Evaluation RePdrta othet:Refer to evaluation report far conditOnt. hadaltthe a0mbiy In 00mpilance FL17022 R7 FRI 702215 V CRIMv ssr.odf with. the Installation method listed In this report and applicable Code se8mnsof FB- created by independent Third Party: Yes Refer to manufacturer's Installation instructions. 17022.2 2 -'SV ( R6) 0.032- Aluminum, 3I0• Rib 1—N61- It' wide lapped met panel, mechanically attached >. to 15/32' plywood or Woad tit exposed fasteners Umita of Use _- Installation Instru Approved for use in HVHZ: No F " i - 5It CRIME P.IB22ALUM isscedf Approved for uwbutalde HVHZ% Yes Verified Byi.Lodce Bowden, . P.E. 4970/ Impact Resistant: No. Cr c4leYindependentThlyd Party: Yes ;Design Prmmmn"+N/A/•Tsble A Evaluation Bapbrm Orther: Rekrto evaluation report for mndltions.7nstall the assembly In compliance FFl 1702 R7'A P 17B J 7 c V CRIMP 9.912 ALUM ss ao1 with the installation method listed In this report and applicable code seWOns of FBC. Croaml by independent Third PoutV Y" - Refer W manufaeturer!t Installation Instructions. - 17022.3' '.3 --1.5',MechaNcal Seam' (R5) 1.5' db helyhg46'vdde, 24 gauge steel, standing seam mat Panel mechanically " - _ attached to 15/32' plywood or wood deck with digs and fasteners - Umib of the -. , .. _ . - - . Installation Instrectorw:. - _ _ _ _..: e J Approved for use in HVHZi No Approved for ase outside HVHZ: Yes fl n)n>), 7 11 EL 17a22 i l R MECHANICAL seam 24ea s="egf Verified By: Locke Bowden, P.E. 49769 Impact Resistant: No Created by independent Third Party: Yes - DmIgn pressmen +WA) -Table A Evaluation Raba t , - Other. Refer to evaluation report for coMlNoas and firehadom of me. Install the ' t 022 R7 AE EL 1701 MCa'K^ul 24 aaySl pd[ assembly in compliance with the Installation method IBted in tale report end applicable Created by Independent Third Party: Yes code sections of FBC. Refer an manufadumrh Installation Instructions. - 17022A 4 -'1.5' Mechanical Seam' IRS) 1.5- hb height, 16' wide, 0.032' aluminum, standing seam roolPanal mechanically ,a ". attached to IS/32'plywood or Woad Deck, with dips and :fasteners. _ Um(as of Use _ InslAHotioolnstructlom Approved far use to HVHZ: No Approved for Mae delusion HVHZ.- Yes fl 7022 R7 R' EL 1)a22 4 MECHANC1nL SEAM ALUMINUM sarodf .Verified By! Locke Bowden, P.E. 49704 . Impact Resistant: No Created by. IndepcndentThlyd Party: Yes Design Presturm+WA/-TableA ltvalpattan Reports IM1N M _ "Omer. Refer to eve mbonreport for conditions and limitations of use. Install the R170221_0.ft 17022&CUMMAUEAM A' SS ndr assembly In compliance with the Installation method listed in this report and applicable : Cmatel by Independent Third PBrtV: Yes code sediom of FBC Refer to manufacturers installation Instructions. 17022.5 5 - -1 in. Nail Sblp' (R5)„ 1' re height, 16-wide, 26gauge steel, standing seam rant panel mechanically `...:-- aGazhedto 151321 plywood or wood deck with ferstenem. _ _ Llmtts ar Um InstaitsuoninstruNons R 7 a1RIP Appraved for use In HVHZ: No Approved for 1rsa outside HVHZ%Yes FL17027 11 FIL 1701)c IONAI ESUNIt Verified Bys Laded Bowden. P.E. 497M Impact RaWstam: No _ Created kyindepandent Third Party: Ye. Dentin pressure: +WAI-Table A Evaluation Report Otheri Refer to Cv.IUBU.n report for and undurlma of use: Install. the fIFt )n^ R AE 1_1 70>c 10 NmLti Dci ' assembly in compliance With the'InstallaVOn merhod listed In this report and applicable Greeted by Independem Third Party: Yes man sections of FBC. Refer to manufacturer's installation i newct)ens. - 17022.6 -'I In. N.0 Ship- (AS) 1' db height, 16-wide; 0.032' aluminum,. standing seam mot panel memanimliy I6 attadred to attached ce 15/32' plywood or Wood Deli wfth fasteners, Limits of Use Iwseailatlon Inu mcthme ssr-odf - Approved for use In HVHZI No Approved for use outside HVH29 Yes 17022 R7 L FL L70276 1 O'NAIL STRIP 0 032 ALUM Verified By: Wrke Bowden, P.E. 4SrNA1 - . Impact Resistant: No " Crested by IndepmdentTMrd Party: Yes Design Vfasium: +WAI-Table A � BvsiuSUdn Reports ' 0032 er OM = Other: Refer to evaluation report for conditions and limitations of use. Install me 7UZ RJ Ft 170 6 ION RP odr assembly, in compliance With me Installation method listed In this report and applicable. Created by independent Third Party:. Yes code sections of FM Refer tom0nufacrunn s Installation lnslmctions. - 17022.7 7 - -1.5 its- Nail 5mp= (R5) 1.5'rib height, 19' wide, 26'gouge steel, standing seam roof Panel mechanically attached to ISM' plywood or wood dock with (enlarges. Lim es of Use - -" I.. l re tiattm Dlatr oars 1 5 Na I c �+o J6GA ssrsilf Approved for use In HVHZ:. No Approved for use outside'HVH2: Yes �L1J022 jt� It FL 17@)J Verified By: Locke Bowden, P.E. 49704 Impact Rmhti No Created by.lndependent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +WA/ -Table A Evaluation Reports Omen Refer to evaluation report hu conditions and limitations of use: Install the E -' ^' ":a' Rp+ _ ndr assembly In compliance with the Installation method listed in this report end applicable Created. by Independent Thud PaM Yes code sections of ESC. Refer to manufacturer's Installation )nstnidionA . 27022.8 B • "EMAX Rib' (45) 29. gauge steel, lapped roar panel mechanically attached t YS/32' Plywood brwaod ' deck wim exposed fasteners. .. Umhs of Use ... - InateiWion lmtm m Znd for ma lrl Z NO of Ear use autaide HVNZ: Yes `/ft 'RJ I�YRIn s=-hdf Verified By: U*e Bowdon, P.E. 49709 Impact Ras hank NO Cleated by independent Thbd Parry: Yes , Design Pressure: +WA/ -Table A Evaluation Report v Other. Refer to evaluation report for. conditions and limitations of usa.Install the F11� F 7'7a22 S Fr1RIb ttr odf assembly in compliance with the installation method nsted in this report and applicable Createa'by independent Third Party: Yes code sacbmO of fac% Refer to manufacturer's installation Instructions. _ 37022.9 9 •' D00. MAX' (RS) 26 gauge steel; lapped roof panel medfaludellY attached to 15/32' Plywood or woad deck win exposed fasteners. UmHs of Use - Ingratiation instructions Approved for me in Hvi l: Na Approved for me 00"Ide HVHZ: Yes 1j170J2 R7 ti Fl t70J> 9 PBRR18 ssi.adl Verified BY: iodce Bowden, P.E. 49704 Impact Resistant: No Created by: Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +WAI-Table A EVNaaUan Raperse -- Other: Refer to evaluation report forconditiom and li ndatione of use. insmll'na m 170'2 7 AE E 1702) 2 EBB BiLlau ndf assembly Incompliance with the Installation maenad listed in this reporcand applicable Cmaled by Independent Third Dady: Yes coda sections of FBC- Refer to manufacturer's Installation instructions - onµ x f W$il 'Rwrgncked +,-mdre'9ea+BM1lRla 1M Sun W nP9da hen M2£O C(ngryar. r.....u.M ]M]:Saf=^m nlRdMo.':, $ay�jDj�:f ApS11It1g[9d[901N:: BdYaQ$(B� dMel nabale,,. mulWLeisetert WNk rt[maa."trYDw ao rctventYdrervtf Mel rek.ma MRryroara. puW�o,nvda rtGmt.Mmt MtddwwkmertA title NwBaaY.InrrCna, mNN ew dllu MPhui'WW 'a:R =runwMte &aVon+ss.2rslO, rMp9'SaWurl WedM Wmrr I.>p[Lllmvtlrlxtnvad vMa, Q.Eer K9. fps trNbo+NmaL nYW nave eMaaMbna lice. a,na<a50.4¢Lrr99. I�u4 f�Ora.H^ m emaaa seeuirduR.vl..corer. meemW we.lace m.yeermMenxvl cemmuNOnm.M ow lwemee.xe.Nn mux.ee..sse. re ee04rmoaa nrov de mr.ente..mnve ae 'aepa�tme4wts en muiaEGioswKT Ga W made rvllyde to ae W[Ac TideWnYM aYae M r 6tmae wdtr OdDare99. 13rrl..0 tlkl j6'ta.. Pn.1WADPay.1/mPV: • e n •• Report Product - eta I Fabricators, LLC. 21 . Poma. Drive t. J Palm City; FL 34990 , j812-8034 _ . .. .. - <;777=7 Compliant with Florida Building'Code 2017 (6ti ' et(:) Compliant with'Florida Product Approval Rule # 611320 3 u _ Compliant:. Keystone-Certificatiions.,, , Product: 5 V Crimp 26GA Steel Roof Panel FBC Sec.1507.42 " Yield strength: SO ksi niin Attached to min=,15j32"plywood or Wood 4 beck w/ min. OA2 specific gravity with screws: 24s„Coverage Rib^ Helght 3/8" _ Corrosion Resistant Compliant: FBC rSee. 1507.4.3 Fastener 1(Method 1 Attachmerit):,#9 x 1-1/2" Hex Wosher Head wood strew*'to.penetr'ate 4 3/16" mine. thru deck or S/8" embedment Into wood plank. (*or sufficient length to'meet _requirements] Fastener. 2"{Method 2,3, & 4 Attachment):: #10 x i-1/2" Hex -Washer Head wood screw•,to . penetrate 3/16" min. thiu deck ar 5/8" embedment Into waod:plank, (*or ufficlent length' ..tomeet requirements)a' Underlayment: To be compliant with FBC Sec, Chart 1507.1.1 Slope: Shall be in compliance with FBC Sec.1507. t ' s- ee a War Install Details: -,Taliie A m _ Allowable loads - METHOD 1 METHOD 2 A- METHOD 3 METHOD A DESIGN PRESSURE" -86 PS-93 5 PSF 11 101 PSF " ' • 428 PSF ROw,SPACING _ ": 16" O.cr, 16" O.C. 8" O.C. 60,o.c 'FASTENER SPACING ALONG Panel AtIdth , 12" o.c- 22" O.C. 12" O.C. 12" O.C. - FA5TENERSIZE #9" . - #10 : �; #10:' �.;.. #10 Reference Data: "ARCHITECTURAL TESTING, INC. TST`ID#:1 7 UL 580-06 & 2897-041 Test Report . -`_ 0�893. 05/02/14 -.,-Test Report' F3366 01-4 IS, 12/18/15 TAS 125-03 t` Test Report D05893 02-4504 8- 07/22/14 ­ "Design pressure margin of safety 2:2',, *EQUIVALENCY-UL 1897-04 is equivalent to testsbndard UG 1897 „�' ;-;Locke Bowden, P.f, does not have, not will acquire a financial InLi ct0� I under this evaluation. - Locke 8ovrden, P.E. Is not owned, operated, or controlled by a& coAp it#Omi d&&turer/ report j�o !! r.distdbuting products Ling products under this 7 F117022.1 5V ( p°(26GA Steel), 24" Wide Roof P I - Details Limitations: 1. Underlaymentto be compliance with current FloridaBuilding Code (FBC)2017.Wh ad. 2.. Minimum slope to be compliant with Florida Building Code 2017 6th ad., and per with Manufacturer's installation reference. 3. Products are compliant for State of Florida product approval per Rule 61G20-3. Compliance Method: 1-D 4. Engineering analysis for "project specfic approval by local authorities wflurisdiction is allowed by other registered engineers. 5. Fire classification is not part.of this acceptance. Shear diaphragm values are outside this report 6. Support4ramiggJn compliance w/FBC 2017 6e ad.. Chapter 22 for Steel, Chapter 23 for Wood and Chapter 16 for —Structural loading. 7. This report does not imply warranty; installation, recommended product use;outside of this report.. —Fasim - g9 z i-11r Min. ar #10xl1 -Min. pvRft A',rarRow Sj adng andOeargn An rim i Hail Washer Head Wood Sdtev»s cr 1i XT `.OPr�Y11:5 Panel Profile IN.it1iL11 SV O' V Rod PWA Fasten - x 1-1/2" Min. or #10 x 1-1/2" Min. per 'Table"A" HexVWasherHead Screw Spaced 12" o.c. across the Panel Wdth Panel Refer to Table "A" for Spacing Along Panel overlap Length Deck-15132" or greater Plywood, or Wood plank Instailatior� �of;30# ASTM .I?226. �u l: nrlar�lavmr�nt �ta�or�rl �tn ;�-�r1 n v SQUARES Actual Squares: Total Squares (Inc. Waste at 6 %): PITCH MEASUREMENTS Pitch 5/12: MEASUREMENTS FILE COPY LINE MEASUREMENTS RFCF B2 pst ��ri�9 21p,B <V�, Oepd coyn� elk 5.00 Sqs. Eaves: 73 Ft. Rakes: 26 Ft. 5.31 Sqs. Ridges: 37 Ft. Hips: 0 Ft. Valleys: 0 Ft. Step: 0 Ft. Wall: 0 Ft. Pitch Change: 0 Ft. CATEGORY MEASUREMENTS 5.00 Sqs. Ice & Water Shield: 0 Ft. Ridge Vent: 0 Ft. Rake Edge: 0 Ft. Eave Edge: 0 Ft. Step Flashing: 0 Ft. Apron Flashing: 0 Ft. Gutters: 0 Ft. Gutter Toppers: 0 Ft. Down Spouts: 0 Ft.