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Vest 14.50' of the East 104.50, of the Vest 145.00' of the South 188.00: of the North 200.00of the North 1/2 of Lot 14 Lot 15 Boundary • Survey M I)A► Tn)-t 9 DI li tj A R. ki r r AUL: S. Market Aveni 60' Right-of-V-flay 22' Pavement _ 0 � l2' RCP1 �1ff�4t`5� 104.50' 14.50 90.00' Else. Septic Sign Area Post Cone. 4 . SCANNED BY St. Lucie County OHUL EP EP -ANC (R/W) VPP 4.56' CLF O a00 10.80' O a F Vell C/S "PP �I EY i I - C/S OHUL � a N Concrete � al Ramp N } Lot a• Co 14- o % ct 1—Story I Metal O y Warehouse The Ea at 90.00 of the Sf IO P North 200.00 of the Vest 145.00 of Lot 14 Less the North 12.00 lU II 9R fl7� e. �c 4.18' 104.5U T Lot 14 �I ?emu a c®1II,9ty Q� 90 O09 if • �y 1p� RE VIEW D BYEVIEWEFOR CO FILE COPY ADE®//DATE Lvll PLANPERMIT VL '�i/�`�� MUSTBEK PTONJOB OR' NO INSPECTION WILL BE MADE EZ-LOK 3.00' WALL SYSTEM Aluminum BLilding Systems D9.A. White Aluminum Products, Inc. 1107 Nam+ Thom.. Road L.6ttx Q FL 34748 Tel y (352) 787.7786 FAX (352) 787-4517 —Floc 1-800.342-90T7 NetlorW 1-800-874-0002 JnB PIA.ME Lawrence E. Bennett, P.E. ON. SYGMEbi - DEVELOA.E77T CONSLLTANT P.O. BOX 4388. SOLrrH DAYTONk FL 3M 7F1BHOrE (904) 767-4T7A FAX (PU) 787-8558 SEAL \I I OF r. 11 mri A4s• -� .D48 A76 DP x .015 R �oq b r x f>0 (3) iW J I , 46'D0' r PROPERTIES : A = 0.315 in. 2 IX -y = 0.443 in` S X -y = 0.265 in'. 10 TOP AND BOTTOM CHANNEL ry-y = 1.187 in. ' alzs A45 sou f� e T- A DP x i A 5 R 9 � A%T x a0(3) g Aar TYP. (3) 17,07 + e Mr. 23ar ,384• PROPERTIES A = 0.281 in.' IX -y = 0,3 in SX-Y = A� jh Aluminum Building Systems / PAG DBA Lawrence E. Bennett, P.E. - DEVELOPMENT CONSUL rANT 2 White Aluminum Products, Inc. P.O. BOX 4388, SOUTH DAYTORk FL 3212i Thomas 1107 North Road Leebi Q FL 34748 TEU314OPE (904) 787.4774 Telephone (352.) 787-7768 FAX (352) 787.45T7 FAX (904) 787-8558- j FIO W 1-BDO.342-9077 Netbnd 1-800-874-0002 S AL OF 11 s12B 3.0is to .015 DP e xD15R b D10' H r x 00(3)y 'D3r TYP. (3) TD'O' o �F } 1 p 'y It D9r Dar 2mr sw PROPERTIES : A = 0.332 in.' IX -y = 0.497 in. SX -y = 0.309 in. 3Q 3.00' MALE CHANNEL ry-y = 1.223 in. sn0� to s02(r (a r rZ D10' H x w (3) L PROPERTIES A=0.318 in.' IX -y = 0.2Vy n. S X -y = 0in.' ry-y = 0 Aluminum Building Systems p^� D9.A Lawrence E. Bennett, P.E. QVL � MF - DEVELOCONSf.LTANr ^ White Aluminum Products, Inc. P.O. BOX 4388. SOUTH DAYTONA FL 32121 `J( Tq7 North Tlanae Road Leabv0. FL 34748 TOFPHOIE (804) 787-4774 Telephorb (352) 787-7788 FAX (352) 787-4517 FAX (804) 787-8558 y Fbrida H800.342-8077 Nxeavl 1-800-874-0002 SEAL OF 11 Aluminum Building Systems DBA White Aluminum Products, Inc. M7 Nate Those Roe4 LeebwQ FL 34748 TeLep (352) 787-7786 FAX (352) 787.4517 FWIde '�8OD-342-8077 N.5Dnel I-SDo-e74-0002 375- 387P 05 CORNER POST Lawrence E. Bennett, P.E. GVC SVG EEi - DEVELOP).O CONSLCTANT P.O. BOX 438$ SOU1H DAYTON& FL 3ZO T&EP14OE (804) 787-4774. FAX (904) 787-6558 PROPERTIES A=O.564m.2 V 4 SEAL OF 11 239T 984- A28' i D57 b .Dii DP � 0 a .90 W SAW © 3.00' PANEL ADAPTER 29N .DV OF :.90W e PROPERTIES A = 0.164 in.' 1X-y = 0.102 in.4 S X -y = 0.129 in3 ry-y = 1.493 in PROPERTIES A = 0.138 in.2 IX-Y = e in. MMIAMIJ Aluminum Building Systems v PyGE DBA Lawrence E. Bennett, P.E. �/ - DEVF10P1.OIr CO%WkTANT 5 Whto Aluminum Products, 474 P.O. BOX Lawrence SOUTH DAYTONA FL 3212 7107 North Thomas Road laebr¢ FL 34748 TELEPHONE (904) 787-4774 TSeph" (M) 787-7788 FAX (352) 787-4517 FAX (9D4) 787.8558 Florida 1-800.342-9077 Nlbond 1-800-874-0002 SEAL OF �� Aluminum Building Systems DBA White Aluminum Products, Inc. 1107 NoMh Those RomQ LeebLm FL 34748 Teleplpne (352) 787-7788 FAX (352) 787.4517 FW44 1-800-342-8077 N4bonal FB00-874-0002 ATTACH SHINGLES TO COWOSITE ROOF PANEL WRH FDUSTRIAL ADHESIVE (2) CONTWOUS 1/4' LINES PER SHINGLE 4' TO 8" O.C. • CHEM REX-PL PREMUA 848 URETHANE ADHESIVE • OBI - RF740 ALUMf M FAC14G EXPANDED POLYSTYRENE OR POLYISOCYANJRATE NOTE M 7&M SLOPE V4' PER FOOT WHEN NDUSTRLkL ADHESIVE IS USED FOR ATTACHMENT THESE DRAWINGS ARE INTENDED AS A MNMJM GUIDELINE TO NORMAL PROPER INSTALLATION SPECIAL APPLICATION OR LOCAL CODES MAY REOURE REVEW BY ENGIFfA SHINGLE ATTACHMENT Lawrence E. Bennett, P.E. C1V1. 093NFi - DEVELOPMEW OONSLLTANT P.O. BOX 4308. SOUTH DAYTONA FL 32121 TELEPHONE IWO 767-4T74 FAX (904) 787-SSM I SEAL „7 GE 6 OF EZ-LOK 48' x 0.024- ROOF PANEL Allowable Roof System Spans for EZ-LOK Composite Roof Panels Aluminum Alloy 3105 H-14 or H-25 Foam Core of 19 E.P.S. Density NONE 1•-0- _ 16'�S- 16V• 151.5- 15.0•. 13 -0 13'-2' --- z 4" %48" 0.024" Pan el nel with R Value of 15.d4 �_____ Open Buildings _ Enclosed Suildin— gs —� Wind Applied -_Overhang Condition Wind Applied Overhang Condition 'RegionLoad NONE r•o• 2'a' _ r-0-__ Region Load 114•_ ra__ ra- 102 M.P.H.17 19'a- to.t• 191•5' _ 19'-n_ 102 M.P.H. _ _NONE 29 14'-7' —_ 14-61 t5'-1-_ 15_T 110 M.P.H. _ 20 17.6- 1)'-V _ 17-n- _ te_a- 110 M.P.H. 35 13'-3• t3'-V t3'-to tea•" 120 M.P.H. _ 23 to'1- 16'-6' 16'•10' _ _17'.5-120 M.P.H. 12'-3 12'-5• 12'-1t_ 13'-6• t 125r M.P.H.— 26 15_-5'_ 15'fi' 15'-n' _i 6'L- 125 M.P_H. _41--- 45 •-_ 11_-6' 11'-10' 12'4' 13'•7 I140 M.P.H__32 _ 13_-1D u•-0• 1<'s-_s'-r 1d0 M_P.H._ 56_ tab- 10'4- 1r-3_12_r --___.. .. .._._-- 15" z d8" x 0.024" Root Panel with R Value of 19.30 - - Open Buildings Enclosed Buildings ! Wind •Applied _ _Overhang Condition Wind Applied Overhang Condition Region Load - NONE _ ro- 2•4• 9A_ - Re ion Load NONE ra• ra- r-0- -102 M.P.H. 17 110 M.P.H. 22=1- _ 27•2' 22'•5- 2r-10' '20.9• ' 10_2 M.P.H. _ _29 16'41' 19'-0- 194- _19-IT i 20 2o'r 20'-Y _ 2,_ Y _110 M.P.H. 35 17'.3•— v'e• 17.4• 18•-Y 1120 M.P.H. 23 16'q:- 1s-1- to-.¢- _9_tt- 120 M.P.H. 41 15'-t t• 16'4' 16'-5- 11'41- ' 125 M.P.H. - 26 1d0 M.P.H.' 32. 11-10' 17'.11• 16_3• 18'-10- 125 M.P.H. 45 1s-r 15•e• 15-F 16'e• _ 16'-r 1s'-T _ 1s'a- n•-2' 140 M.P.H. 56 13'a' 13'-F 14•.2- : 14'.11' 0.024" Roof Panel with R Value of 23.16 Open Buildings Enclosed Buildings Wind ,Applied _ _Overhang Condition Wind Applied Overhang Condition ! R¢g)00 _Load NONE r4- rc- 3•-0_ Re log n Load NONE 1.-0• 2•1• 3•-0• 102 M.P.H. _ 17 21'-F 21•n0- 25'_0- 25-5 102 M.P.H. 29 IT-0. 1s-4- is-10- t10M.P.H.20 22.e- 2ntr 23'-2 _ 23'a__110M.P.H._. . 35 .___ n'.3-_ 1r1- 1�4-le-3• - 120 M.P. 23 2r 2- ere- 2r4' n'-r 120 M.P.H. 41 _ t5' lr 16'-r _ _16.51 _ n•-0- _ 125 M.P.H. 26 1E" 20-1- 20'-5- 20-10: 125 M.P.H. 45 16-2- 15'e' _ 15'-F 16'e _140 M.P.H. 32 16'-c- 16'-Y te-5- _ le'-n__- 140 M.P.H. _ 56 _ 13'-7• IT.e- le-Y la•. •_ Notes: For Live Load�Dead Load requirements the following conversion applies. For panel span use 'Room Projeclion 'Overhang' (See drawings). Panel span under wind load is from altachmen point on existing building to front wall add overhang desired to obtain total panel length. Aluminum Building Systems D9A Lawrence E. Bennett, P.E. U - DEYaOPh4ENT LIONS(4.TAN7 7 White Aluminum Products, Inc. P.O. BOX 4388, SOUTH DAYTOHI FL 321Z 1107 North Thomsa Roc4 LeebrrG FL 34748 TELEPHONE (904) 767.4774 Tejepo (352) 787.7768 FAX (352) 787-4517 FAX (904) 767-8558 y Raid. }800-342-9077 N461nel "D6874-D002 SEAL OF 11 Allowable Wall I Upright Heights for Components of Complete Standard Room • - 3" EZ-LOK Panel System for Screen, Vinyl and Glass Rooms Load Width Upright Height for various Load Condition s plie _Apd Load _ 19# Sq.-_ 23# ISq. Ft_26 #(Sq. Ft 29 #ISq. Ft 36 #ISq. Ft _ Wind Load 702 M.P.H.- 110 M.P.H. 120 M.P,H. 125 M.P.H. 140 M.P.H. . 3" x 48" x 0.024" Wall Panel 3105 H-14 or H-25 Alloy _..__ 17'-2" _ 16'-2' 1.5'-4" 13'.9" . H-Channel Extrusion as an Upright ._12 6063 T-6 AIIoY '' -- 18' 10' 17i1".. ._ 16'-1" 15.3"" 13'-8" ..__13'-0" 13'-11" 13,_2"-.._<..._ 12•_5•• .-- 11'-2" i 24'' .___ ..1t-5• 12'.p .__— - 30"11'-11"-.. _-_. 10, 36" - 10 10, 9 94-4' ._.-8'-10" T-11" 42'r- 10'-t'-_ _ 9'-2• _' 8•_7" 8'_2" T-4" 48"- 9' 5' 7" ._.._ 8 1" T-7" 3"z TO50"Extruded Corner Post 6063 T-6 Alloy_ -- . _ .__.. 16--11" _-14'-T' - 15'-0" 14' S" 13-8 12' 3" 24"_. _ 13'-3" _12'-6' - 11' 10" - 10' T 30" - -_ 13' l" 11'11' 2" ...- 70' 7• 9' 8•— _ _ _ 36" 71,-';.,___ _. 10'-10"- - 10' 2" 9' 8" 8' 8" 1 W S" 13'-7" 12'-10" 11'-T 24•r- - 13--9" _. _ . 12_-6�. _ _ — 11' 2" 101_0" 91- 36"-3" B' 7-- 9'-1" 8'-2" -6• .. - .B'•11' —._ 8'-5" 7•_7.. 48" 9.4r 8;-10" ...__.._ _ 8-0" - T-11" T-1" 2" x 3" x 0.656" Mated Extrusion with Male Adaptor (T ( Side 6063 T-6 Allow 2 19' " -_- - 18'-2' 15_8" 14-10" 13'-4` 30" 14'-2" 12'-11" 12'-2' ._-_ 117-6" .. 10'-4" 38" 12'-11" 42" 11'-11" 10'-11" 1p•:g•" " 9:-9. _ .___ _ 8'-9 - 48" 11' 3" 10' 2" 9' i" 9'-1" _ _8'_-2• 2" z 3" x 0.056" Mated Extrusion with Male Adaptor (LSide'6063AID T-6 12" 25' 1" 22' 70" - 21' S" 20'-4" _.7_ 3"— 18'.7" 1T-6' _ . 16._7"__.._._ - 14' 11" 12 15'-2" - ..74'-4°_ - - 11' 30" _ _ 15'-10" _ 14•_5• - 73. 7•12' 70" - 111_8• 13'-2" --- 77'-9. 70'-6• 42" .13'-5"- 12'-2' t 1'-6' 10' 10' 9' 9" 48" 12'-7' _ 11'-5" 10-9'-_._..._.9-1 Engineering properties of panel are in lineal feet of wall. Example: For 2" x 3' x 0.050" Mated Extrusions; Load Width = Upright Spacing, Width use Load Width to enter table; For upright spacing of Load Width = 30' enter table on left @ 30' and read span under appropriate load. For comer post use 1/2 upright spacing. Thus; For 102 M.P.H. Wind Load or Live Load of 19 # / Sq. Ft. and Load Width = 30': Allowable Upright Height for a 2" x 3" x 0.050' Mated Extrusion: Wind Load to Snow Load Conversion Table 50 Year Snow Load Design Snow Load _ _ Equivalent Wind and Bulldlng Condition 5.25#/Sq. Ft.= 3-15Z/Sq,Fl. _ 95 M.P.H._ Open Building 26-30#/Sq. Ft. = 15-17_/So. Ft. - _ .__-__100 M.P.H.�O:-en Building___ 31-35#/Sg. Ft. _ 17-19#/Sq_Fl. 120 M.P.H.: Ooen Building 36-60#/So. Ft. 19-34#/So. Ft. 110M1'.H.Enclosed Building 34 - 39 # / So. Ft. - _ _ 120 M.P.H.: Enclosed Building Load Conversion Table: Dead Load Live Load Wind Load ` _22#/Sq..FI. _ 100 M.P.H. 32 # ( Sq. Ft. _ 110 M.P.H. Alt Sq. Ft _ �_t20.M.P-H 'Aluminum Building Systems - DEVs OP1494T C P�E \ DaA Lawrence pVL SOUTH Bennett, P.E. E]4ONM 7 Y7SU.7ANT E. /1 White Aluminum Products, Inc. P.O. BOX 4368, SSOUTHDAYTOhLt, FL 32121 j`(J North Ttzxnae SO-4 Leegrq. FL 34748 TF1514OIE (DD4) 767.4774 Telephone (352) 787-7788 FAX (352) 787-4517 FAX (904) 787-6558 Florlde 1-800-342-DO77 NetbrW 1-BDO-874-0002 SEAL 6F �1 CONNECTION TO EXISTING STRUCTURE W/ FILL PANEL CONNECTION TO EXISTING STRUCTURE W/ MALE CHANNEL Aluminum Building Systems DBA White Aluminum Products, Inc. T107 North Thq Roe4 LeebLm FL 34748 Tekphcm (352) 787-7788 FAX (352) 787.45V Fb11d4 F800.342-OOT7 NeBmd 1-800-874-0002 Lawrence E. Bennett, P.E. OYL &"EU? - DEYB-OMAWF CONSLl7M? P.O. BOX 43M SO DAYTONA, FL 32tt1 TELEPHO`E (904) 767.4774 FAX (804) 787-8558 0 OF 11 CONNECTION OF MALE AND FEMALE CHANNELS CONNECTION OF 'H' CHANNEL TO FILL PANELS CONNECTION OF FEMALE CHANNEL TO FILL PANEL CHANNELS TO P Aluminum Building Systems �� AGE DBA Lawrence E. Bennett, P.E. (7VL OvaNMR - DE130P&fW coNsLk7ANT 10 White Aluminum Products, Inc. P.O. BOX 438A SOUTH DAYTONI FL 3M 1107 North 7Ta�ue Ro.4 Laebi FL 34748 TELSn4OfE (804) 787-4774 Tel y (352) 787-7768 FAX (352) 787-4517 FAX (904) 787-e&% FbrW "00-342.8077 N.tbrw 1-800-874-0002 SEAL OF 11 CORNER CONNECTION W/ MALE CHANNEL CORNER CONNECTION W/ FILL PANEL CORNER CONNECTION W/ FILL PANEL Aluminum Building Systems E o8A Lawrence E. Bennett, P.E. - DEVaOP NT C06-%L7ANT 11 White Aluminum Products, Inc. P.O. BOX 4388, SOUTH DAYTONA, FL 32121 T107 4or Tnh o Roe4 Leebii6 FL 3474 7IIFPFK)tE (BO4) 787.4774 7�e (352) 787-7788 FAX (35y 787-d8T FAX (B04) 787-8558 y Fi10 i1 4 1-800-342.8077 NeBonW--800.B74-" SEAL OF I Jeb Bush Governor March 10, 1999 Mr. Matthew Dalton 705 South Market Road Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Dear Mr. Dalton: RM* Robert G. Brooks, M.D. SCANNED BY St. Lucie County This letter is to notify you the Department has received and reviewed your request for an existing septic system approval located at 705 South Market Road in St. Lucie County. On March 10, personnel from this office conducted a site visit and found the septic system to be Operating in what appeared to be a satisfactory manner. No sanitary nuisance or public health hazards were noted at the time of inspection. It is our understanding you are proposing to enclose an existing car porch and make it a storage room. The Department has no objections to this proposed construction. Should a sanitary nuisance/public health violation be reported to this office and confirmed, you will be required to connect to public owner sewerage. THIS APPROVAL DOES NOT GUARANTEE PERFORMANCE OF THE SEPTIC SYSTEM AND IS VALID FOR A PERIOD NOT EXCEEDING THIRTY (30) DAYS FROM THIS DATE. If you have any questions concerning this matter, you may contact me at 462-3939. Sincerely, C_`WVUJ J.C. Duncan Environmental Specialist II t St. Lucie County Health Department Environmental Health•Storage Tank 714 Avenue C•P O Box 580 Fort Pierce FL 34954 (561)462-3939•SC 259-3939.Fax (561)462-3948 Daly wgl{s 2sf� NEW Roo gXIS rl � a4' ELEcTRic zy- An N rW I -cry �.,,A 1 i it iy K- I i X •Ir 1 PA'ss; boo P I View 1 Allowable Wall / Upright Heights for Components of Complete Standard Room 3" EZ-LOK Panel System for Screen,,Vinyl and Glass Rooms LoitiWidth ---.- -- U'richt NH9ht for Varloua Load Conditlona - --- --- APpliedLoad_.1901SgFt _ 270/sg•Ft _ 26t/Sq. FL_ ' 29 /ISq. Ft 76//Sg. Ft Wind Load 102 M.RM. 110 M.P.N. 130 M.P.M, 125 M.P.N. 140 M.P.M. ,-3" x 48' x 0.024" Wall Panel 3105 H-1! or _ Ally _ _.._. 12" 18'-17- 17'-Y 13'-9' ' . H-Chinnel Eitrua ton as an Upright 606J TE AIIoY -y'--' •12" '---'"--- Is'•i0' .. 77•_7. 18--1---_.._.. .- 15_3' -__ 13,-8-- .. - is. 15'4' 13'-11'. 13_2•-- _...._.12'-S ..... 11'-2- _ z4^ 13.4' 12' 1' _ 11•-S. ---' 10'-9' _ 9•_6• - . _ 30- 11'-11' 10•_70. . 10' 2' _ . -. __ 9.8 --' -. r.. B''2- 8'-7- - 48" 9'-5:- - ._.._ 6•_2• 7-4- 8'-7- 8'-1' 3" i 3"_x 0.05Y' Extruded Corner F_ost 606J 7-6 Ally. _ -' 7-_7• _--' --" 6'-10' - 12^ - - - 20'-8' 19'-10' 17'-8' ---- - 16'•9' 15,-0- _ 18" . ._ -. 16'-11' 15'4' _ 7i'.S' -'_- --13'•B'------- _ - 2!" 14'-7' 13'•3' .v' 12'$' .11 .-11'-10' ---i�•7---- 10'.7- . __ _ 1T-1' 11'-11' 2- ._ _ _ 9'-6•- .. 3fi" _ 11._� 1:. a2:. - 10'-10' 10,_2- ' _'- --' - B'-8- -8'-11• 8•-8- _ 11,.1: 10._�. 9. 5. _- 8._0- .___ 24 t3'-9' j276.------71..g• -- ��,_Z= 101_0. 30" - �12'-4" 11'•2' ---_ -__ 10'-8't- .. - ---'-36" 11'•3' 10'-3' .... 9.-7. 9._1- 8'-r iv-.. 70.-6• 9..6. '. _ 6- _ V.S._- T-7. 2" x P x 0.656- Mated Extrusion with Mile Adj tor(1) Side 6067 T•6 Allo 1Z" _ __22'-5' _ 20•-5: - 19'_2• 8'-2" 16'4-- 1B' _ t8" 18'•4' tfi' B' .. _ 15'-8' 14'-10' ._-13'4- 13'-7'it'•6- 70" ... 14'2' 12'•11' 12'•2' 75" 12'•11' 11'•9 11'•1' 10'•69'-5' i2" 11••11- 101-11• 10'-3' go.9: - - - g.•9-- 48" 11%3' 10'•2' 9.•7' g• ¢ 8•.2- 2" x 3" x 0.050" Mated Extrusion with Male Adaptor (aside 6063 T-6 Alloy 22'•i0- 21'•5' 70'-4' ---- -'18'•3'- ( 18" _ 20'-6' 18'•7' 17'-6-. _- . 15'_7'-. 14 11' 24" 1T.9' 16'•1' J _ 15'•10' 19'•5' 13'-T --- 1'4r.6^ t3•t2 12•_5' IV-9' _ 10'-6' `r12'- `7 J'=5'2'=2' ._ .11 6' 10'-10' 91-9• is- jZ•.7• 1j:5- _. - .70•10-2_ _ 8 _7_ 1 • Engineering properties of panel are in lineal feel of wall. Example: For 2' x 3• x 0.050- Mated Extrusions: Load Width - Upright Spacing, Width use Load Width to enter table: For upright spacing o1 Load Width - 30' enter table on left @) 30' and read span under appropriate load. For comer post use 112 upright spacing. Thus: For 102 M.P.H. Wind Load or Live Load of 19 0 / Sq. Ft, and Load Width - 30': • Allowable Upright Height for a 2' x 3• x 0.05(' Mated Extrusion: ( Wind Load to Snow Load Conversion Table 50 Year Snow Load Design Snow Load _ _-Equivalent Wind and Building Condhion •___ 5.25a/ .Ft.= - 3.15q/Sq_Ft. _ _ 95 M.P.H._ Open Building 26. 30 0 / So. Ft. = _ 15.17 0I§S.. FL 100 M.P_H.: Open Building i _ 31-350/Sg. Ft= i7-190-/Sq,Ft.------120 M.P.H.: Ocen Buildino 1 - 36. 609 /Sq. Ft. 19 - 34 1) / Sq. FL - _- 110 M.P.H.: Encosed Building 61 .70 0 / So. Ft. _- _ _ 34 -39 01 S,,. FI. 120 M.P.H.: Enclosed Building / _ Load Conversion Table: .. Dead Load ♦ -1 Load 'Wend Load 100 M.P.H. . - 32 x // SS. Ft. 1 i 0 M.P.H. _ ... 420/Sg,FI._ -_120 M.P.H. Aluminum Building Systems ORA. Lawrence E. Bennett, P.E. CIVIL EMVJEER - DDELORA9W 001V .LTAIVr ' White Aluminum Products, Inc. P.O. BOX 4384 SO M DAYTON& Fl. 32e 1111oi North Ttxxrra Road Laabvy Fl. 3474a TELEP1401`6 (904) 767.4774 _a!aphorr (552) 7874788 . FAX (352) 787-4317 _ -FAX (904) 787-SSM eridi rit }800.342.0077, Neda1-800-974-0002 SEAL CW -�1 EZ-LOK 3.000 WALL SYSTEM Aluminum Building Systems D.B.A. White Aluminum Products, Inc. T107 NoM Tn�. Ro.4 Lv.&.a. rL 34748 T,kP'v (332) 787-T7ee FAX (352) 787-4e17 FMO. 1-800-342-9077 N.tIwW "00-874 0002 J^B P4.4? %.•�'_ �... Ala Lawrence E. Bennett, P.E. CM. DA72EER - wyacp.B7r CONSMTANr P.D. BOX 43e8, soon+ DAYTOMA, FL 32m TELEPHONE (ca) 707-4774 FAX (904) 7e7-e5545 SEAL \ I I OF 11 32W III I�• D75 OP �j DV Op X eo (3) 4sD0' L50• PROPERTIES A=0.315in. ' I X -Y = 0.443 in. S X -y = 0.265 in. 1Q TOP AND BOTTOM CHANNEL ry y - 1.187 12 D4S . 3015 (e ' I � D15 OP � z D15 R b x 90(3) 'D3f T1P. (3) b n•aTr � $ �1 I Dar. 239r 'r-384• PROPERTIES A = 0.281 irL7 I X -Y = 0,3 in SX -Y 02 3.00e FEMALE CHANNEL ry y j Aluminum Building Systems F Ac D9A Lawrence E. Bennett, P.E. aVL OYOFE i - DEVELOPAE?!r O0N57.LTANr ^ White Aluminum Products, Inc. P.O. BOX 4368, SOVn4 DAY70N& FL 3221 L 7107 North Thomas Ro.4 Leshro. FL 34748 TaEPHdf (904) 757.4774 7e Wy (35M 787-7768 FAX (352) 787-4517 FAX (904) 757.6356 FTv1da 1.800.342.90T7 Naoo,,w 1-s00-w4-0002 7AL OF 0 10f6• i i W W OF - x M R Ax7 H C-1 f, x v3 (3) a y 'A3f TYP. (3) 3 n My c y r p �i ,00r A37 . 2397- +��- 354' . @3 3.000 MALE CHANNEL i 312P i Jo 5020' i re r� f xx DOW PROPERTIES A = 0.332 in.x IX = 0.497 in. SX -y = 0.309 in.' ry-y = 1.223 irL PROPERTIES A=0.318in.2 IX-y = 0.2/h6//,, irL S X -Y = 0;J6 rrL3 ry-y - 0 Aluminum Building Systems "1 oe.A. Lawrence E. Bennett,.-P.E. OWL &4NEM - �� CONUL7ANr 3 White Aluminum Products, Inc. P.O. BOX 4M. sarrn OAYTOKk FL 320 7107 " Th r Ro.a L&Mxra FL 34748 18.814OW (aa) 757-4774 Wapy au (352) 787.7706 FAX (352) 787-43V FAX (904) 757-0350 y FW1d4 1-500.342.0077 RxOoW "00-874-0002 SEAL OF 1� I 3120' SD20' ZS � 37S 3870' Aluminum Building Systems DBA White Aluminum Products, Inc. 1107 NwVi TAonre RovL Lee&ra FL 34748 T,&, n (352) 787.7788 FAX (352) 787-4517 Fbr1Ce 1,e00-342-son N.now "00-e74-DO02 (a) CORNER POST Lawrence E. Bennett,. P.E. OVL e"AEE i - OEV8.OF1.Q TANT P.O. BOX 4388, SOUTH DAYTONA. FL =21 TMEPHO E (004) 767-4774 FAX (964) 7e7-E558 PROPERTIES ' A 0.56 iIX-y nn'no SX- ry-y 4 SEAL II I OF 11 2.30T .W D17 DP x 90(3) I PROPERTIES A = 0.164 h' IX -Y = 0.102 h SX-y = 0.129 h ry-y = 1.493 cL 0 6 3.000 PANEL ADAPTER My rP x 90(3) it �I I b i 7� 3.00' INSERT CHANNEL (D.R.C.) Aluminum Building Systems DEA Lawrence E. Bennett, P.E. CIVL e43NEER - DSnC M@? CONSLL7AN7 white Aluminum Products, Inc. P.O. BOX 43ee. SOM DAYTONA. FL•321M rW North Than. Road. (wGr& FL 34748 TELEPHONE (1004) 707.4774 TW,0 0 (352) 7e7-nee FAX (352) 767.45n FAX (404) 757-655e Fkx1C� �eDD•342-D077 NLeaW FeOD-e74-0002 PROPERTIES A = 0.138 irL' IX-Y=InC161 c� SX-Y iLrV-v= V5 SEAL OF 11 Aluminum Building Systems D.B.A. WNte Aluminum Products. Inc. m7 Noah 11m Road Loohro. FL 34748 TWIP'o (354 787.7788 FAX (352) 787.4517 Fbr441.6OD-342-9077 Haft "00-074-0002 ATTACH SHINGLES TO COMPOSITE ROOF PANS WITH FDUSTRAL ADHESIVE (2) CONTWOUS V4' LINES PER SFWGLE V TO 6' O.C. • CHEM REX-PL PRF]AUM 948 URETHANE ADHESIVE • OSI -.RFµp - -- ALL&IUM FACf4 EXPANDED POLYSTYRENE OR POLYISOCYAN.RATE NOTE MFAMLd SLOPE V4'PER FOOT WHEN IDUSTRAL ADHESWE IS USED FOR ATTACHMENT THESE DRAYMM ARE MENDED AS A MQIAA/ GUDELFE TO NORMAL PROPER INSTALLATION SPEOAL APPLICATION OR LOCAL CODES MAY RECURE REVEW BY ENG7EER SHINGLE ATTACHMENT Lawrence E. Bennett, P.E. am ENGFFSt - DEVELOPMB? DONSULTANr P.O. BOX 4308. SOUTH DAYTONA, FL 3M TELE144OtE (904) 767-4774 FAX (904) 767.65M 1 1 6 SEAL OF �� EZ-LOK 48' x 0.0240 ROOF PANEL Allowable Roof System Spans for EZ-LOK Composite Roof Panels Aluminum Alloy 3105 H-14 or H-25 Foam Core of 1i E.P.S. Density 3" X 46" z 0.024" Roof Panel w)th R Va ..Open Buildings _ Wind Applied _ Overhang Co i Region Load_ _ NONE +•o• 7 102 M.P.H. 17 _ +7•-n- +r-n• v 110 M.P.H. 20 _ :120 M.P.H. 23 125 M.P.H. 26 _ :<'t- t<•.;- __ ,: - 140 M.P.H. 32 13'a- ,:•.T 1: 7 4" z 48" z 0.024" Roof Panel with R Value o(15.44 Open 0=ilildings __ _ Enclosed Buildings Wind Applied Overhang Condition Wind Applied Overhang Condition _ Region _ Load NONE r-o• 2•a- _ a•a• Region Load N=_ ra- oN .7a_ 3.4- 102 M.P.H._ 17 191•1' to- 5- _ :5=;r _ 102 M.P.H. _ 25 :<:-;<'.e- _ �'-,•_ t5•-c . . 110 M.P.H. 20 17� Ira- _ 1;•-n- _ ,e'a- 110 M.P.H. 35 13:"-13•.5'=2'.tv__,<_r .120 M.P.H. 23 16'a- +6'6• 1s•-,P _ -ir•5' 120 W.P.H. 41 17_5- ,7.1,•_ 13'd .125 M.P.H. 26— u'5- 15n_r _i6*6* 125 M.P.H. _ 45 _i7.3- _ ,ra 1r.10-- ,z<- u•-r 140 M.P.H. _52 .131O-_ :ra- 1a. S _1sn- 140 M.P.H. 55_ _--.__ _ -- 5" z 48" z 0.024' Roof Panel with R .. ..__..___ Value of 19.30 .. ... ..—.__._--_—.. .-Open Buildings - _ Enclosed Buildings ' Wind Applied _ _Overhang Condition Wind Applied Overhang Condition Region Load NONE _ r-0- 2, • _ 3'-0_ Region ___Load NONEy4- r-0 3'4• PH. .102 M.. _17 ;i r _ 22'-r 22'-V _22-00* 10_2 M.P_.H. 29 1a=:1• 1sa- s.-___1s•ty t 110 M.P.H. 20 20'1- 20.5- 20-r err 110 M.P.H. _ _ 35 - �r.3-.._ ti•—i•---era- -trio• .120 M.P.H. 23 y26 1e'-1 :- _ 17n- is-5'_ woi- 120 M.P.H. 41 u'nr 1s'-t• ,e-s ird 125 M.P.H. 1n1r 17-11• 4-:r Ia-1o• 125 M.P.H. 45 15••r 15'1' 15'-r 16t' ' 140 M.P.H.' 32 +E'-r 16'-2' 6-a• it-r 140 M.P.H. 56 13•-7' 131.9* u'-r : 1.••1r Roof Panel with R Value of 23.16 ' Region _load NONE r.o• 7-0' s'a_ Region Load NONE - 1'4r ra• 3 ' ' 102 M.P.H__ 17 2er 2e•-10- ii'L _25'-5_102 M.P.H. 29 tr-ii- trio- 1Pa• ' ilmor ' 110 M.P.H. _ 20 27-r 27n1' 23'•2' _ 23'•7' 110 M.P.H.35 17*.r Ira' 1,-•s /r-r 120 M.P.H. _ 23 2r•r 21'a' 2vF 27.1-_ 120 M.P.H._ 41 15'-11- _ 16'-r 125 M.P.H. _ _ 26 :r.::- 2O.r 20'-57 2O-io' 125 M.P.H. 45 +sa• +s-s tea M.P140is'-r _740 .H._- _ 32 :r-r 1r.r 1r.5- ir.' r140 M.P.H. 56 - 13.7- 13.9- . 14-2- 14'• - Notes: For Live Load -Dead Load requirements the following conversion applies. For panel span use 'Room Projecfon'•'Overhang' (See drawings). Panel span under wind load is from adachmen point on existing building to front wall add overran desired to obtain total Po 9 9 0 panel length. Aluminum Building Systems 7 DBA Lawrence E. Bennett, P.E. CrVL 0",E147 - t>eVELOMENT COMM-LTANT 7 White Aluminum Products, Inc. P.O. BOX 4388. SOUn1 DAY7ONA FL2 21 3 707 Norm Thomas Roaa Lnebra FL 34748 TELEPI1 (904) 787.4774 Tdepha (352) 787.77e8 FAX (352) 787.4517 FAX (904) 787-8550 yy Florida 1-BDO.342.9077 NahorW "00-074-0002 SEAL OF 11 Allowable Wall / Upright Heights for Components of Complete Standard Room n 3" EZ-LOK Pael System for Screen, Vinyl and Glass Rooms Load Width UjEri-g t He(ght for Various Load Conditions Applied LoaE__ 19C/Sg Ft.- 23#/SQ•FL _ 26IIlSq. Ft 28iISq. FL 76 ilSq. FL _ Wind Load 102 M.P.H.110 M.P.H. 120 M.P.H. 125 M.P.H. 140 M.P.H. 7" a 48" x 0_024" Wall Panel 3105 H-14 or .-_. .. ..,._._._. .. .. 17'-2' 16'-2_ 15'4' 13'-9' ' ._ H-C_hannel Extrusion as an Up_iy_ht 608J.T-6 Alloy ..._ . • 12" 18'-70' 17'-1-... 13..2" __. 12' S' -- 11' 2' .. 24' 13'�' _. 12'-7' .11'-5- _—. 10'-9' 9'-8' . _. . 10'-2' .- 9'-8' 8'-8- ---. 36" 10'•7D' • 9'-11' _9'-4 -9'-2' 8'-70' 7411" - 10'-11•-_.__ _ 8.7' - - 8•-2- T-I" ._.. 48_' 9-5' 8'-7- _ 8'-1- T-7' 6'-10' - 3- x 3" x_0.050"_Exlr_uded to orner Post 6C 63 T-6 Ally__ _ 17'-8' 16'-9' . _.. 18" _ .__. _ 16'•11' 154r 74'_5•-_.-_ 13.-8•.-__ 12'-3-- __.._ 13'-3' 12'-6' 11'-10' 10'•7- 30" _ 13'-7' _ . _. • 11'-11' _ 11'-2' ._ -_ .10'-10' 10'-7" 9%6' .. 36' 11'_71-W-2- --Zr_ _ _. 9'-8- 8'_8" _. _ _ _ _ ._-. d2" _ _ 77 1 _ . -__70 1 9-5' - _ 8'-11' 8'-0' 48" 10'�-- 9' S' 81.10" 8'4' 7'-6" 2" x 3" x 0.050" Mated Extrusion 6063 T•8 Allnv 42" 70'-5' _ 9'-6' _ .B'•17' - 8'-5' T-7' 2" x 3" x 0.050" Mated Extrusion with Male Adair (1) Side 6063 T-6 AII�_ __--_ 16'-2' 8' 14-10" 13'•4' 1b'.10' 14'-5' 13'-T - - 12'-70'-_ 11. 5•_ 30" ---- 74'-2' 12'-11' 12'2---- ]6" 12'•t 1' 11'-g' 11'-1' 10'-6" ?'-5' _ 42" 11'-71- 10'-11' 10--3' 9'-9' - - -- - 8'•9' 48" 11--3- 10'-2" 9%7° g'-1- - _ gC2_• _ 2" x 3" x 0.050" Mated Extrusion with Male Ada tot (2) Si 6063 T{ All 22%10' 21'-5' 20'-4' --- - 18'.3'— 18" 20'-6- 18'-7' 1T-6" 16'_7-._ _._.. 14' 11' - 24^ 1T-9' 16'•1' 15'-2' 74-4' - 12•11' 14'-5' 13'-7' 12'-10' 11'-6' ... ..... 12' S' --_. t1' 9' __- 10'fi' _ 42^ ..71'E' _ 10'-10' ?••9• 1i.•5- _ _ iD'_9"-10-2-_._. Engineering properties of panel are in lineal feet of wall. Example: For 2" x 3' x 0.050- Mated Extrusions; Load Width = Upright Spacing. Width use Load Width to enter table; For upright spacing of Load Width = 3D' enter table on left @ 30' and read span under appropriate load. For comer post use 12 upright spacing. . Thus; For 102 M.P.H. Wind Load or Live Load of 19 # / Sq. Ft. and Load Width = 30': Allowable Upright Height for a 2' x 3' x 0.050" Mated Extrusion: Wind Load to Snow Load Conversion Table 50 Year Snow Load .Design Saow Load - Equivalent Wind and Building Condition 3-159/Sq_FI. 95M.P.H._Open Building 26 -30 # / So. Fl. _ _ 15.17 _!� FI. _ - - _ - -__100 M.P.H. Open Building___ _ 31 - 35 # / Sq. Ft. = _. _ 17 - 19 #'/ Sg, FI. 120 M.P.H.: Ocen Building 61 - 70 # / Sq. Ft. = 19 - 34 # / So. FI. _ _ 110 M.P.H.: Enclosed Building 61 - 70 # / Sq. Ft. _ _ _ 34. 39 # / So. Ft. 120 M.P.H.: Enclosed Buildino _ Load Conversion Table: i Aluminum Building Systems ! P D.S.A.Lawrence E. Bennett, P.E. C7VL ENCIINE i - DEVEi0A.Blr �; LTA!/T ^ White Alum num Products, Inc. P.O. BOX 43M SOUTH DAYTON& FL 32721 T07 North Thorns Road Leeds FL 34748 Tt3.EPi1DhE (004) 7e7-4774 m Talegte (352) 787-7788 FAX (352) 757.4517 FAX (904) 767-ee5o 1 I Flora" 1.800-342-9077 NadorW 1•BOO-874-0002 SEAL OF 11 i CONNECTION TO EXISTING STRUCTURE W/ FILL PANEL CONNECTION TO EXISTING STRUCTURE W/ MALE CHANNEL Aluminum Building Systems DBA White Aluminum Products, Inc. T1107 NW1h Th+ Pu4 Loab, FL 34748 T4aOt (3W) 767-7768 FAX (352) 787-4517 FWIda 1,800.342.9077 w90rW 1-800-874-0002 Lawrence E.. Bennetf, P.E. 0m. EA NYSM - DEmopm9Jr OONSLTAM P.O. BOX 43M SOUTH DAYTON& FL 3Mi TFOFPHq (904) 767.4774 FAX (904) 767-SSU E OF 11 I. CONNECTION OF MALE AND FEMALE CHANNELS CONNECTION OF 'H' CHANNEL TO FILL PANELS CONNECTION OF FEMALE CHANNEL TO FILL PANEL Aluminum Building Systems U AGE DBA Lawrence E. Bennett, P.E. WL 8"JEER - DEMMOP&BJr cot- ,LTANr O White Aluminum Products, h368, o. P.O. BOX 4" H DAYTON& FL 32t21 107 North Tt m Road Loab u FL 34748 TFIBNOIE (904) 787-4774 TaaOp (352) 787-T768 FAX (352) 787-4517 FAX (904) 767-6556 Florida 1-800-342.9077 NaeorW $.800.874-W02 SEAL OF CORNER CONNECTION W/ MALE CHANNEL CORNER CONNECTION W/ FILL PANEL SLEEK WIDOW LNT �/ Vl v: FA18 .r. .. / CORNER CONNECTION W/ FILL PANEL Aluminum Building Systems f E DEA Lawrence E. Bennett, P.E. V OYL 0XVEER _ DEYBOPFB77 COVSU-TAW 11 White Aluminum Products, Inc. P.O. BOX 4388, SOUTH DAYTONA FL 3221 T107 No M Thq Rowt LeeGrCL FL 34748 7IIEPHC*E (804) 787-4i,4 i T.6phv (352) 787.77W FAX (352) 787.451 FAX (904) 787-8558 11 FIxW 1-800342.9077 N48o,W 1-800-874-00 SEAL OF