HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING PLANSI HOME ADDI'i" [ON FOR Daniel * Melissa 4 �_q -QRM feet h e rfo rd LRECE'v")-----Fort Pierce,-FLORIDA 2 S2019county, Permitting WINP Lopv COMPLIMM De5LT Fara &ea and Assi Oiat Used; I, 'bri Mictwv 5tLuc1e CaRIN 2. Florida PuMi q Code 201-1 (60 Editim with N/ A 5ipplemert5 and A5CE 7-10 3. RnldN De5igi 16: Fndosede X Fa-tially Enclosed; Open Nildin 4, VIA eategorq, I DUI — III IV Expowre Category _y__D 5. N51m Wind Velaitq: 160 Mr'U ( 5 sec, qnt) _A512 -LITO Width of End 7cre�<4'— t. 5.1, basic INind N5wre: 65.54 p5f 6. MEamUnfF4s t N/A W Pkdl: N/APxapAN/A ft. 7, Canponent5 & Claddvq 17eslgn Pressure Used: (F5F, based m Actin 51' @ 30' MR1( worst case) 8. 17e51m Loads; Plan/ Dead 25 N5F Plat/ Live 40 1`51, Roof/ Dead 10 F51', P.rW/ Live 50 P5F Pd ru N/ A P51, Dak N/ A P`.P, Deck N/A P51, 5t&5 40 1`5F, Fence N/ A F5F, VW N/ A PLF 9. 5hear Walls Considered fa- 51mcbre? Yes =_ No (1f No, at+ach eeplanaGcn) 10. Caittruws Load path promded? Yes _Y No ( if No, auad, explawum) II. Pamm 5A Geari q Fressure: N/ A P5F 501113minq Regulred Yes X No ( based upon section 1805.2 exception) 5cope Of Work - Femo✓al of �xi5tlnq Concrete Pablo - New Slab And Pearinq Wall and Knee Wall for New i ocf Lxpan5lon Over �xlstirtq Pablo - New Nectrlcal for New Pablo LOCATION MAP ---rova5WA — — Coot rlo rim & P.cof Ltne AOOI EI6dricipi - A002 Footer & Ludel5d,edxde A005 Wall & Durknetah A004 Ele abm AM; whdm & Dar 5dezue A006 W Delab A001 i Flats to dav: _ I. Skyahme and zeal of even p afez b N 2. Code oralitwi edfa desicn 3. Desbn bask wlyd speed (If apol�aUe) -, 4. Neiojit aba+e craaid (if �plirable) `'I Lim E CM P Y REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOCC M I H Ks - SCANNED BY Lucie Cour m N N L •• fK5 DOOUAM 15 PROPNEfM AND 15 51.151CT fO NON-DIxI.OM. FOR 115E 6Y CLIENf ANn M5104M 12 MCIPIM MY. OFFICIAL FLAN5 6Y JAM 05NM05. Pi. Mf f NAVE RA15ED SEAL OR MIMI? SrAWP WtM M61NAL 51RMAM. %wit d And (wren zl Notes - All Written Dimenslo On These nravmg5 fake precedence Over Scaled 19men5ion5, 00 NOT SCALE VIZAW1NG5. ANY 015CFI�pANCIE5 5HO J P BE BROLaff TO Tit DE516N VN61NEEl"5 ATTENTION FMOR TO COMMU1N6 ANY Wow, - The Contractor, 55ubcartracto-, 5uppller, Etc 9,141 Verify NI l9i"5tcns, Measurements ml Conditions At The Job Site Glans And Specifications prior to Any Constridion Work aid Orderuci Materials_ Co Amction Shall Follow The Florida Bulldirq Code (FIX) As Adopted N The Canty or City In Which The Buildirq 15 To Be Constructed With All Applicable Amendments - The Entire BuildiN (or Addition) 15 Pa5icred A6 An Erd Zoe Co-dltio In Acardaxc With 5ed4m 6.5 ASCE 7-10 - The Puildng Is Peslcircd A5 An Endosed Structure In Accordance With Section 6.5.9 ASCE 7-10, This Design Asmsne5 That The External 6lazirq Meets The FBC 20115W. - The I.oadlrq Are In Accordance With ASCE 7-10, And Are To Be Multiplied By The Appropriate Shape Factors Structural Features Not Petalled On These Glen Will Be Addressed By The Ergineer As Costactio Prayesses - Use Clean., Compacted Fill And treat Fa Termites - All Wirdoni5, Pars, Mid Other Opemrq, Imbdirq protective Pevlce5 Are To Be Certified By The 5pecao Erngineer Of The product Mraufacturer Conrectas Catalcq Numbers Are based On Simpson 54q fie Corporation products. Unless Noted Otherwise, Fastenirq 15 To Be In Accordance With Maufacturer's 5pecifiratio. - Al 5tactnue Coaete, Slab FootN 5 Aid Grout Shall Nave A Minimum Canpres5lve Strength Of 5000 PSI At 28 Pays. See plan For 5ize And Steel Reclivernents. - Minimum Concrete protectlo to p Infacema t Pars: (teams l ", FaUrgs 5" - Lap Al Reinfoarg Steel A Minmum of 48 bar Dla lAers - Al S alclard Lumber Shall Be SPF, Or Stud Grade Wth Minimum rb®1200 P51 Or better Al Lumber In Contract With Coaete Or Masonry Shall Be pressure Treated. 5plltti q Or Cracking Of 5tructural Components Pue To Installation Of Hardware Is Not permitted LW659 Otherwise Noted, The Installation Of Specified Hardware Shall Cafam To The Mlaufachurers Instmdio And Standards Bearwq Pomte Of Headers, Order5, And beams Shall Have Vertleal Supports Sufficient To 5,pport Loads And Shall Be properly Arnckaed For Uplift As Will Be rated RwF Sheathing: �' CPX Exterior Grade APAFI ywad Installed PerperdicJar To The pouf Framing, With Erd Joints Staggered. Nail To Trusses W/ 8d Pfuq 5kank 6alva ized Nails @ 6" O.C. TIToughut, Gable Ends To Be Nailed @ 4" O.C. - Riess Otherwise NOW For Exterior Wall, Exterior- Flywad Sheathtrq and Interior Prywalls 15 to Cie Nailed With IOD Nails or Better, 6: O,C, and 8" O,C, Filled. Drywall SamO 1,5" Long And 0.151" in Piameter - For idge Vast In5t llaGo Block With 2x4 #21F Or Better Between fop Chords Or Trusses Aloq The Edge Of Plywood PirecVq Below The Vent - For Frame Segrnw; To Masonry Segment Conroet4o5 Use Pf Vertical Seared To M1a5aq With P&' Pia. Laq Screws l�' Embedment to 3 # Concrete Min,18" O.C. - Walls: The Poble Top Plate (GA Splices) 5na l Reslg 4000 b/ Splice. Al Wall fop plates 5kAl Be lapped A Min. Of 24"@ Splices W/ 7-16d Nails Mm. Lap C&&-r i, Of Wall Shall Be 4' W/ 9-I6P Nails. - At Gable, Pro&L 2x4 Full Pockinq To The Trusses For The First two truss Sp&Nq, Spaced at 4' O.C, Nalirq 5ha Be 4" O.C. At F -A Truss. - Apply Plywood Roof Sheathmq Face Gram Perpendiadar to 5uppat5 - Al Roof Co irq Shall Be Applied per Mavfacturas Recommendatlos Or Per FBC And Loral Codes Whichever 15 More %reruou5 _ ppair A9_WA15 In Accordance With Petals In This Prawirq And In Accordance With The Applicable Florida Buildirq Code(s) . Repair Al Electrical Wrong. Low Voltaoe Wirmq, HVAC/ Puctts And Flumbirg By Qualified Conntracto- Sane Electrical 5witche5 Did Not Connect fo Any dram Box Or Outlet But Are Shown For Clarity, New 24" ovaharq Ustinq 24" Ovahaq Roof Line flan In _ li 8 EXl5uq 24" 0-+-Iq Plans to 5kow: I. Slgrahse and seal of deAT professional 2. Code and edition fa da" 3. Desrgr basic wind speed ( if oppll AHO 4. Haoitb above gamd ( if aptliraHe) I SS 16 • ``N`, • N WE lo CM O W TH15 DOCUMiNf 15 PROMIEfP N AND 15 5W ECTTo NON-PISCLO9a. FOR USE BY CLIENT AND JE516NA917 MaPIENf5 ON.Y. OFPIQN. GLANS 6Y JAVIER QSVEROS, P.E. M415f NAVE RA15ED SAL OR RU36ER SfAW' WiiN GpGWPL SIGNA'fl�. Imm CPFOON MONO>'MVE - KW WITO CA'd30N MONOY E VE1eCfOR W/ 6AMV 0PfXJP 15 REOUMP W THIN 1O' OF EACH 5 Fil\16 ROOM ARC -FA L!r INIEF.k MIZ (MI - AM ON &I- ML Cf MMa5IN Al MOOM5 6POtNV-FNLf INiEt amr (Cfl) - CiFI IN ALL MOM UZCTCPL VEVICE50R WA1U GROVE PMA5 5MOM MSCfC'R - INTkCOMCf ALL 5MOKE MSCfM l;lectrical Panel Schedule NO Ve5aiptlm Pdes frlp Vdts Wire Cadet (watts) I. General LIghuq 1 20 120 12 1/ 2" 1800 2, AMiU Unit 10 KW 2 60 240 6 5/ 4" 10,000 5, Raw 2 50 240 6 5/4" 7500 4. Water Heater 2 50 240 10 5/ 4" 5000 9.1 Clothing 17rga 2 30 240 10 3/ 4" 5000 6, WashN Madame 1 20 120 12 1 / 2" 1500 7. Microv c I 20 120 1 1/2" 1500 8, Receptedee I 20 120 122 1/2" 3000 9. Refrwrata I 20 120 12 1/2" 1500 10, 1914hwahser I 20 120 2 I/2" 1500 II. 12, pvOl 10N& XpV 15.1 6ewr.4 L4 tmq I I 120 1120 1 12 1 y" 1 1440 14.1 Receptades 1 I 1201120 1 12 1 y" 1 1440 15, PANEI, C&CILMON5 A. Total 17emand (above mim largest load: AC) 51,160 WATTS P. First 10,000 @ 1007 10,000 WAM C. Remainder @ 50% 10,590 WAM D. 5ubwu Load 20,990 WATTS E. Lage5t Iced (APW Unit) 10,000 WAM F, fotal Lead 30,590 WAM G. I liq Area x 3 8,406 WATTS H. P. cNmedAmps 128 AMP5 Cvra)t Paid - O.K, NO IB MWR MQUIF. 9 �— - Im:andexent Light Flz+u-e .Ve t]M OO4 — - - - - wall Momked Receptacle ( API I.We5s Othorwise Noted) $ - Wall Mnmted 5®Itch SI RAR1NAtt� SAP. WPU, E21222L 8 11I o II Glass to 4m: I. 541ahre aid Seal of de50 profe%iad 2. Cale ad eJDm fa destm 3. Vesk brim wind speed (if vAvaHe) 4. Haw, above gaamd(if apphcd-W e� O O (n -5 _o o6 e� ce O Q O Q fW5 VOCUWNf 15 PROPRIeM ANV 15 51DfCf f0 NOWPI%1,051.9. FOR 15E 6Y CLIENf PNn M51GNAieV MCIGIEN5 ONLY. OFFICIPL PLAN513Y,1AVIER 0%5R05, G,E. MH RM RA %I2 LPL OR MMV 5fAMP W11H 006INAL 516NAM, Exist q rooter 3 " Mm. Ne Concrete rooter L 68' Min 5 L,ebar WO Min. 611—j` Penetrabcn Into Exiam rooter With Concrete Ep @ 16" O.C. Imy 6" Mln, i *I -L 6" Min. FoAcr Anchor Petal FAPI III =I' 8'5 UC O ON WALL (2) fAPCON OIZ EQIAVUW SEE Ty" POOP OFENING DE1A '01?. VEn AI 5PACING I'm 1900K f0 PUCK PER MWAC LITR 5PECIFICATION5 WOOF 1AVW, fsUCK y"6w,v ON IX3 P.T. W. FLING s aP5 DUCK Mf& FOB ROOF' YZ" 1 I' 8")(6" Filled Cell In kmmq Pend Mas q Wall Sn WP1i One (1) Ve FICA Fa An Celli With # 5 L+N (aade AO r 3000 P51 Concrete LoJ block Pebil - P121 Nf5 beam 19avirAkn: cm4v c Keinforced Concrete Peam5 U51rq Pre'Ca5t All Pre -Stressed Concrete LW15 ( "Ca5t-Crete" on Eq.) & 51;andxcl Ma5wq IimBh Nanind Hecht \ Mmber OF # 5 Pars at Nome \` /Pottan Of Llrtel W '-BF16-I13/ 1T i\ N6miber Of # 5 Pars Filled Or At fop Of Lintel Unfilled 5NEARW&I, Pla to shm: I. 51gabve and seal of denim professloral 2. Code and edtion for 6e5im 3, Ve5l* bask Wind speed (if apOkAk) k. Neioyit abaae nand (if applk% c) \7 tb o pr� o� sizf O O =C,5 S v N C)6 O � � o 'MI5 VOCUMENf l5 PRgffl fM AM715 5W,fCf fO NON-Pl5CL05U. FGK USE 6YCUENf ANi9 M51GNASt2 MCIPIENf5 OM.Y. OFFICIAL PLAN5 f3YJAWl? CI9VO5, F.E. MLIX HAVE RN5617 SEAL GK UIXlZ 5fAW WfH OWINAt %NAM. t• T L t` 0 ro N \ Provde Cast Until Or ''-` ._.. to shay: 26 Gage Coastal 5V Crimp Roof Panel In5tiled Over Mmimnn Ors Layer of 30# Felt or All Par 5dld 8" Deep (Mo.) f4pical Concrete I. 54k4ore and seal of design professlad Climate Sdf-Acbermg L4ideiia4ment W/ Min. 4" 51& Laps And 6" Erid Laps Over 9" CTJX At Each Dour Openlrq Band Beam 2. Cade ad edltvn for dezkf Ny" r Exterior 6radc APA PI oo �. Design bask wmd speed <If appincalte) 2 4w'd In-,Wled Pe rpcmdlalar fo iite Roof• Frammq W/ End Jomts 6 . 4. Nek t ab� a Pamd (If app kab e) �C�s 5tzggered. Nail to fmu 5 W/ 8d Pm Shank Natls Min, 6" O.C. iisagha6 hid Gable • U erids Shall Be Nailed W/ I0J Common, Galvanized Nab @ 4" O.C. C \ c See Detail TR-I fcr truss Gh r„�s Arj ra•e� a� -X., v # 6 Reba (aa74ne to ta55 connection Up, j Lap Steel 25" Min. D-Ib x 2 a' Flat - - - - - - 12 IJse aved F4mcaie I:eslstarit N Head Tapca IX4 Vv1W, Dracinq M Batt or 4 APpr J ' @ 14" O.0 Max, @ 8" O,C, Qown Ins dati n Truss Andes @ Each End Of Al Concrete Trusses Installed Per MPG'5ln5tructon5 Dlak Wall I N v Almnuum Drip Edge' ., l Vxle I I115tall %" 4,0 Y V `13 a0 V les q" X 6" On fru55es 2X6 Sub Fascia Weed Buck 11 I' Band Bean 8" Cont. With One 2.5" Min. Edge SX8XI6 # 5 Grade 40 Rebar Lap Vinyl Fasc a & Vented 1 Distance ( fypJ I Caerete Aromd Ca. 25" Min And Ovednang 5ofik T. (iypJ Grad 5dld With Coe, --------�---------------------- -- --1 \Pre-Caal,mtd5 Bottom of 1 a over Each Opemrq Fatter �O - 4 12 ------------------- ExlStmgNeel fyplcal Opening In Block Wall Detail Scale: Nf5 a y5w=O Exteriorcement Plaster lnnee Coat Wait ] 'V NOTE: TIME IN5f&LATiON OF GLAZING WOTE0101\1 MVICE HA513MN o Over Cast In -Floe O � CONSInEIt7 IN 1NE f7E51GN OF THE SUpf'Op1 S1PUCIUFE Precast Concrete of 0,625 v '+ `:.'�. Irehe5Exdu5NeOFTexture Provide CaetLmtd Or lbplr� Concrete Eastaq Truss With Marblecrete- Flnl5h � Par 5did 8" Deep ( Min) O Pt Ead Des Bond Bean open � MXI6 Colo Block � M d O - - — -- - r 24" Ovc&-m ° O �-_- -- -- --i N # 6 Reber (aade 40 Lap Steel 25" Min. V Vale Existing Heel (fypJ #SRebaEpoxy5et6"Into Exi5tmq p i n g lid New Block. Place 3 From Bottom And fop � Concrete Height Detail 0 space Every 16" O.C, Thereafter Block Wall Provide Cast Low or RI 4 - 1 P] -� Par 5dld 6" Form/ Pa Mln, 31 L O 0 Lap Stee 25" Min.RI 6X6/ IOXIO W,W.M - -m 5ee Detail rml to connect 4" Cac, `� WA Fiber Mix - -.-- - - - � _— fop Of Proposed 51ab N ezistmq slab to new slab I Exlstmg Finish Flar Elevatia O \ 8X8XI6 v SL 1 Concrete : •: ;; .,. .q• C I) #5 Rebar In Grated kA fo ock (fypJ I Vertical Cell Lap 5ted A _O -------------I----------6 MJL Vis p- --L-- ----- eer, 25" Min.- - - ^r a : - - Davwm OF Lap I2" Taped At Jo** Fovter I, Termite Treated FBI I ':• . ' N 2. Compaction To Min. of 957 , \ O `U -------------- — — — — OfASTMDI667Max. Deneiti a 20"Y TYPICAL BEARING WALL _� � \ fyplcal Knee Wall netall #� Re bedar 29 e 40 � steel zb" Min. Scale: N15 3, Min. Compaction Density (3) # y Reba Grade 40 SECTION DETAIL W 1 Shall De 3000 P51 Cat, 25" Lap g„ NOTE: THE INSTALLATION OF GLAZING p�0fEC110N t7EVICE NA5 C3EEN AramdOut5ldeCaners 4 - 1 CON51f?Ei,�l7 IN fNE M516N OF TIC 5UPPOK 5TRUCT0 � iM5 DOCUMENT 15 PRDFREfPKYAND 15 51,31Ci i0 NON-DISCLOM. FOR IISE BY Q.IENf ANI7 DESIGNAfED MCIPIENfS OM-Y. OFFICIAL pdANS BY JAVIEK CIS,EROS. Pi. Mt15f NA4i RNkt7 SAL OR NDDER STAMP WYM L�IGINOL SICNAtU'�. EL. U-O" AFF TV. rIN. i EL. O' ir. FIN. RR, EL. 0,011 rla to shay: I. 54�bve"seal of de51M profeesbal 2. Code ad edom fm denim 3, I7os basic wind speed (if apoval le) k, Nelajtt abo+e grand ( If appilcklc) I.aSt I.�eya�lOn Ib � bn f t V ~��^S Xik`.xyy'xr♦ .Rl. h �. ��}� Ell�(� a s f ! �,s , _ s KWE MO, i. f� .: S 'yt' 3 .s`fy4't ya �*fv+'i x , iy(�� t��� •'���.�.{� r .T-�i uv > 1 AU 1O 's e.' .1,��y,' ��"�z'.xa_`�1 .x' Fa. z' �1 4 �r4' )« . � <V�xti^ �y %�yr � A ink � F Y• 'P�����^ e��ti�ah���f�� - - 1 a.�-s= r !.. �xsw �'1fi�l' f %e�.%fw:� p"� v �`'� . North elevation 311 r - 1� ip O V � o v o s I v O � �O N 3 t V\ V, � rn S N � O � Q fHl5 70Q1MENf 15 PROM fPKY M P 15 5W,ECf fO NON-015aO5N. FOR LIT 6Y CLIENf ANI9 M516NAt P REOPM5 OWY. OFFICIA PLANS 6Y lAN R CISV ROS, P.E. MllSi HAVE RA15E 7 SEPL OR R I3DER SfAMF NATN GpGINN S GVNI}�. WINPOW & 1200V 5CH�PLU OPENING PROf/LCf CONI71110N WNp FRE5m5 (P5F) MANI�ACiI R N,O.A a FL GLA55 ROUGH OPENING QUMIfIN FEW APPROVED Ib ProAAApprwal fn HxW METMOn OF AffKHMENf W W n" P.eplace 46.1 / -50.0 50/ -50 GUAM Win" 15-0502.02 Glazed 40,5"_x 5q5" 6 Elm Ultramn, Embed I ', Min. Edge Symms nlstan e—� , Max �' Load Pearuq Shims W2 Window Remain N/A N/A N/A N/A Glazed N/A I N/A W3 Window P.eplae qb,l/ 50.0 50/ 50 Custom Wuubw 5-0302.02 Gazed 52.5" x113.5" I Elm ult acon, Embed I ', Min, Edge Systems 17istaxe 2 �', Max �' Load Dearirq 5h1m5 Wq Wndow P.eplace 46,I/ -50.0 50/ -50 Cu5tan Window 15-0302,02 Glazed 28.5" x 285" Elm Utraa , Embed ', Min, Edge 545tem5 V15& nce 2 �" Max �' Load Dearlrq Shims W5 Window Replace g6,1/-50,0 50/-50 tom Cu5 Win" I5-M2,02 Glazed q0.5"x59.5" EImL&Gaa.Embedl ',Mm.Edge 54�s 17istaice 2�", Max' Load Dearhq 511UfY nl 19m Replan 46.1/ -50.0 50/ -50 xxx m gazed 82.5" x 585" 2 xxx 172 P7 Remain N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A V5 qaa Replace q7,5/ 51.9 55/ 55 the ma Tr" 19cor5 FL10975,2 Glazed 82.0" x 75,25" I b KW fapran with Mtn. I �' embedment, See Gkxk Petal fa a Irr 5pacirq RI Raf Repla e N/A -156.5 Cdf Coast Supply & Iq-0520.02 N/ A N/ A I May. Spam Field @ 12" O.C., Perimeter and cane c Mamfacbmirq, LLC. 6" O.C. Single Strap t?atc f?I Plans to shay: I. 54uhre M 5ed of des* professlaid 2. Code aid eAlm fa demur 3. Design bask wind speed ( If applicable) He* ebme gaad ( if .04dle) (8)a'xl2ill 5P5 5crew5 C7ML TP\-2 2) 51mp5on Hr50 rw15t Strap For rru55 to truss Connection Nr5 Straps Installed 5tra wrapped over truss Blocking not shown for clarity Debar may vary n�r�It r EMDEDOEv .. TO MA50M W5 Install Half Of Fa5tener5 @ each end Of 5trap I o� o° o e� I I o o0 00 0 o�p000 coo�ao 0000 � I 0 0 I4-I0d each Strap Single Strap Dated For #990 I65 Uplift PML TP'1 51mp5on Mrs 5trong-rle pl For Truss to Truss Connect Nr5 II I• O s OL 0 o v o S � r- o O SY SL L o � � o N s � -73 � N C ei n CV L O nz (Q 1L G 1 MV l5 ",fCT f0 N0N-Pi5a0519. FOR USE 6Y a EW MP <r5I6NASP RECPIEW5 ONLY. OFFICIA PLAN5 6Y-iAMeP CI%UOS. Ff.. MISTHAVE RP15E17 5EAL OR RWD R SrAMP WTH ORIGINPL 51GNAiW. y"-I Aa9/ 8 "Stud, XI, (1'-0" O.C.) 5V Insde Gown 1 # 10-12A" PH Woodecrew (1'-0" OL.) Moisture Darter (N Others) 5V- C" Panel 1 5e4e Dead tape Seal 5V- Crimp X-Clo re #9-16d" Wo"decrew - 5ee RPP Petard 5h4e Dead Tape 5celat 11" Nicie/Nip Carer MoKtre Darner ( Dy Others) f'oof - PIJ616 With Z PC -Lail 511 - 1' 5V-Crwp Panel s Roof - �ndlap netall 511 - I' Poof - Gutter betail 51i-1' Flans to4 w: I, 54nabre ad ee 1 of desk prof slant 2. Code aid edium faccow 5. Resign bask wind speed ( if appltcMe) \4. HebHt above ofand ( if applLable) #9-16d" Woxlecrew 5ee Wr pew Single Dead Tape Sealed Moisture Parr& (N Ohere) 9'-14x7/ 6 " Sint k XL (11-0" 0,0 5V- Crimp Pad 5NIc Dead fare Sealant 5V "de Cloaae 5w4c Dead tape 5edant #9-16d" Woadzcrew - 5ee RrP petad 111, Ride/Hip Co er Moktuve Darter ( Dy Others) goof - Pidge Pctail #9-Idd" Woudzaew 5ee kip 17etad 5V Inside Gown 5c-4e Dead tape 5ealart. Moi5bmel Darner ( Dy Others) 5-- Crimp panel \ \ / L '2 "MN 5k4e Dead fax 5ealad 5V Inside Cl wre #9-164" Wadscrew - 5ee ITT Petal 5l4e Dead Tape Sealed U"Neral a4ter/ V7 epwt Strap " z g' pop Rivet I per Cut, Strap) Da Gutter �'-146/ 6 " Stitch X6 (11-0" O,C.) 5V- Crimp panel F'oof - Valleu f7AA 511 - 1' Roof - Hip Petal 311 - I' #10-12d" PH Wccd5uew (1'-0" O.C.) Moisture Darner _ (Dy Othere) 5V-Crimp Pad 1 goof- Fave befall 511 - 1' 5Me Dead tape 5ealad 5V Z-Goeu-e (YD 49-Ibd" Wood m - 5ee RPP Petal 5m4e Dead fape 5eala t Moistre Darner (Dy Others) II" Ridge/Nip Cover #9-16d" Wooclecrew 5ee RPp PAM � U Smote Dead Pape Sealed �1��-i�g� ` 5k4e Dead �s fape 5aalant ,1 G yr teat #10-12d"pH S �• wooddwew 0'-0" O.L.) e� o #9-Ibd" Wocdsvew 7 fi PastenLq pattern 5V-Crtrrp goof - Fa5tening Pattern kFF netad 311 - 1' T O � S � � o lH5t2OaMNfl5PMO fM W 15 5tC ICT fO NON-DI5CLOM. PM ti5E L5Y O ENf AN71T51CNAtL9 MCIPIENf5 ON.Y. OPPIGPL PLANS DY iM ER GSNEROS, pE. MllSf NAVi RA15EI7 LPL OR id136ER SfAAN WiM Op(tlNN 5 GNAi .