HomeMy WebLinkAboutINSTALLATION MANUAL - NOBILITY HOMESNOBILITY HOMES, INC. Fire Separation Fire separation distances must be in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 6 ofNFPA 501A, 2003 edition (incorporated by reference, see § 3285.4) or the requirements of the LAHJ. The installation instructions must clearly indicate this requirement in a separate section and must caution installers to take into account any local requirements on fire separation. Flood Hazard Areas Prior to the initial installation of a new manufactured home, the installer is responsible for determining whether the manufactured home site lies wholly or partly within a special flood hazard area as shown on the LAHJ's Flood Insurance Rate Map, Flood Boundary and Floodway Map, or Flood Hazard Boundary Map, or if no LAHJ, in accordance with NFIP regulations. If so located, and before an installation method is agreed upon, the map and supporting studies adopted by the LAHJ must be used to determine the flood hazard zone and base flood elevation at the site. Manufactured homes located wholly or partly within a special flood areas must be installed on foundations engineered to incorporate methods and practices.that minitnie flood damage during the base flood, in accordance with the requirements of the LAHJ, 44 CFR 60.3(a) through (e), and other provisions of 44CFR referenced by those paragraphs. Appliances installed on the manufactured home site in flood hazard areas must be anchored and elevated to or above.the same elevation as the lowest elevation of the lowest floor of the home. Appliance air inlets and exhausts in flood hazard areas must be located at or above the same elevation as the lowest elevation of the lowest floor of the home. For related guidance refer to FEMA 85/September 1985, Manufactured Home Installation in Flood Hazard Areas,1985 (incorporated by reference, see § 3285.4). In flood hazard areas, foundations, anchorings, and support systems must be capable of resisting loads associated with design flood and wind events, and homes must be installed on foundation supports that are designed and anchored to prevent floatation, collapse, or lateral movement of the structure. The foundation specifications are not designed to address floods loads. RECFN� FEB 2 7 2018 Per t. W.I.pe St. LuclCounty got O ANC. INSTALLATION MANUAL iml LU C OCT 1 6 2008 70. G Keep this booklet with your p. rn manufactured home. Tltle IV of the tL Fedemt Manufactured Home Construction ® Housing and Community Development and safety stanaRaa _ _ _ — _ _ Act of 1974 provides you with protection --- — _ against certain construction and safety hazards in your manufactured home. It is important that you keep this booklet and give it to any person who buys the SU-63 manufactured home from you. 58 NOBILITY HOMES, INC. G Uj INTRODUCTION a OCT 16 2008 PLEASE READ THIS MANUAL BEFORE BEGINNING SET-UP Fedeml Home Cconstruuction And Safety Standards Thank you for purchasing a Nobility Home. Your home was designed, engineered, inspected, tested and approved to be in conformance with the Federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards in effect at the time of manufacture. This manual is intended to famish information for site preparation, foundation and piers, tie down and electrical, plumbing and utility connections. THE IMPORTANCE OF CORRECT SET-UP CANNOT BE OVEREMPHASIZED. Correct set-up is absolutely essential to homeowner satisfaction. If you are not certain of the proper procedure, or you encounter unusual conditions, please refer to the procedures contained in this manual, or contact your dealer or factory service representatives. Set-up should be done only by qualified and preferably professionally trained installers. Installer means the person or entity who is retained to engage in or who engages in, the business of directing, supervising, controlling or correcting the initial installation of a manufactured home, as governed by part 3285 of this chapter. The contractor or dealer performing the set-up must be licensed and bonded in the state of Florida. The homeowner, with the dealer and set-up crew supervisor, should inspect the work to see if the home is properly set-up and any problems found should be corrected as soon as possible. Manufactured homes are designed to meet specific wind, thermal and roof load zones. The zone maps are included on the following page. The data plate is located in the master bedroom closet and specifies which zones the home was designed for. A home placed in the wrong zone does not meet the requirements of the Federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards. Installation suitability. (a) Site appropriateness. Before installing a manufactured home at any site, the installer must assure that the site is suitable for installing the home by verifying that (1) The site is accessible; (2) The site is appropriate for the foundation or support and stabilization system that is to be used to install the home in accordance with the federal installation standards or alternative requirements in part 3285 of this chapter; (3) The data plate required by §3280.5 of this chapter is affixed to the home, that the home is designed for the roof load, wind load, and thermal zones that are applicable to the intended site; and (4) The installation site is protected from surface run-off and can be graded in accordance with part 3285. (b) Installer notfication of unsuitable site. If the installer determines that the home cannot be installed properly at the site, the installer must: (1) Notify the purchaser or other person with whom the installer contracted for the installation work, identifying the reasons why the site is unsuitable; (2) Notify the retailer that contracted with the purchaser for the sale of the home, identifying the reasons why the site is unsuitable; (3) Notify HUD, identifying the reasons why the site is unsuitable; (4) Decline to install the home until the site and the home are both verified by the installer as suitable for the site under this section; and (5) Ensure that all unique characteristics of the site have been fully addressed. (c) Installer notifications offailures to comply with the construction and safety standards. If the installer notices and recognizes failures to comply with the construction and NOBILITY HOMES, INC. .o O m Temporary Blocking for Display Homes 0 All homes, new or used, must be temporarily blocked when used for display. Single section home blocking can be single block piers, metal piers or jack stands spaced no further than 12' O.C. under each I-beam. The hitch and the tires and axles can be used as supports. Place a pier 2' maximum from rear of home. Additional piers must be added along perimeter where door openings exceed 4'. For multi -section homes add piers at marriage wall support columns for openings 4' or greater. Temporary Blocking for Storage homes All homes, new or used, which are being stored for periods exceeding 30 days must be temporarily blocked under each I-beam. Piers must be located 2' O.C. maximum. from each end of the home and another pier at approximately the center of the home. Homes blocked for storage or display should be no higher than 4' above ground to bottom of I- beam. Q W OCT 1 6 2008 0 Q Federal Manufactured wtion HomaConstuction cc And Safety Standards DISPLAY HOME SUPPORT STORAGE HOME SUPPORT CENTER LINE OF HOME FIGURE 37 57 SU-2 SU-62 NOBILITY HOMES, INC. 4. Gas appliance start-up procedures. The LAHJ should be consulted concerning the following gas appliance start-up procedures: a. One at a time, opening equipment shutoff valves lighting pilot lights when provided, and adjusting burners and spark igniters for automatic ignition systems, in accordance with each appliance manufacturer instructions. b. Checking the operation of the furnace and water heater thermostats. NOTE: FITTINGS IN THE DRAINAGE SYSTEM THAT ARE SUBJECT TO FREEZING, SUCH AS P-TRAPS IN THE FLOOR, ARE PROTECTED WITH INSULATION BY THE MANUFACTURER. INSULATION MUST BE REPLACED IF IT IS REMOVED FOR ACCESS TO THE P-TRAP. Manufacturer additions to installation instructions A manufacturer may include in its installation instructions items that are not required by this chapter as long as the items included by the manufacturer are consistent with the Model Installation Standards in this part and do not take the manufactured home out of compliance with the MHCSS. 0 MWWON LU C3 OCT 16 Z008 a. a _ 4 FedeM Man�racpved Home conmucdm rn And Saft Standards 56 NOBILITY HOMES, INC. safety standards in part .i280 of this chapter prior to beginning any installation work, during the course of the installation work. or after the installation work is complete, the installer must notify theananufacturer and-retaileFof-each-failure to comply. -(d)-Rewiler notification, -The retailer nmst provide a copy of the notification. receiver in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section to any subsequent installer. This manual is approved and on file with Hilbom, Werner, Cater & Associates Inc. (HWC). the Design Approval Primary Inspection Agency (DAPIA) responsible for approving the manufactured home designs, quality control program, home owners manual and set-up manual. Prepared By: Nobility Homes, Inc Engineering Department 3741 S.W. 7TH Street Ocala, Florida 34474 Revised October 2008 March 2010 August 2011 March 2013 February 2016 LU Revised o APR 8 2013 0 CL C Q Federal MmufictUrW Home t„oastruction O And Safety Standards SU-3.2 II ' SU-61 NOBILITY HOMES, INC. LOAD ZONE MAPS OF THE UNITED STATES STRUCTURAL DESIGN �VIVIow._iaWACNVII Z liAN� rt0 HWOU4 No�ttlr DESIGN ROOF LOAD ZONE WP South 70116F pOddla MFSF North 40 PSF Basic Wind Zone Map for Manufactured Housing VJwA f �y IT xx 1 r��rt w.� Tx11/ SO 1 e0. le rr W J r, xe M IL W OII M xV aT CO ar we R1 VA G 1 �• / K NI GL AR GC� �a � .a b;nr m (� NO•m: see Section 3380.70S(e)(2) for areal leeluded la each Wind ZanL U/O Value Zone Map -; for Manufactured Housing INN m � Zones. 02 U Values 0.116 OCT 16 2008 Fedeml Muufaclmed Home CoaeWzwn And Safety Standards SU-4 III NOBILITY HOMES, INC. Utility system connections (a) It is recommended that the following procedures be used prior to making any utility system connection: 1. Where an LAHJ and utility services are available, that the LAHJ and all utility services each be consulted before connecting the manufactured home to any utilities, or 2. Where no LAHJ exists and utility services are available, that the utilities be consulted before connecting the manufactured home to any utility service; or 3. In rural areas where no LAHJ or utility services are available, that a professional be consulted prior to making any system connections. (b) Qualified personnel. Only qualified personnel familiar with local requirements are permitted to make utility site connections and conduct tests. (c) Drainage system. The main drain line must be connected to the site's sewer hookup, using an elastomeric coupler or by other methods acceptable to the LAHJ, as shown in Figure 36. 0iff LU 9 "0 0 OCT 1 6 2008It 0 9L c �) C- Federal Mnna&cnned m Home Construction And Safety Standards SUPPORT STRAP AT 4 FT. j (MAX.) INTERVALS TYP. CONNECTING PIPE & FITTINGS (NOT SUPPLED THE MANUFACTUR TO SEWER FIGURE 36 (d) Fuel supply system. 1. Conversion of gas appliances. A service person acceptable to the LAHJ must convert the appliance from one type of gas to another, following instructions by the manufacturer of each appliance. 2. Orifices and regulators. Before making any connections to the site supply, the inlet orifices of all gas burning appliances must be checked to ensure they are correctly set up for the type of gas to be supplied. 3. Connection procedures. Gas burning appliance vents must be inspected to ensure that they are connected to the appliance and that roof jacks are properly installed and have not come loose during transit. SU-60 55 NOBILITY HOMES, INC. 6. ACCESSORIES - All accessories (steps, carports, porches, external heating and/or cooling appliances, etc.) provided by the dealer or other independent contractor are installed properly 7. CONNECTIONS- All utility connections properly installed and operating correctly. 8. SYSTEMS- All systems (plumbing, heating, electrical, drainage) checked out and operating properly. GENERAL INFORMATION Planning and Permitting The planning and permitting processes, as well as utility connection, access, and other requirements, are outside of HUD's authority and may be governed by Local Authority Having Jurisdiction (LAHJ). These Model Installation Standards do not attempt to comprehensively address such requirements. However, HUD recommends that the manufacturer's installation instructions include the information and advisories in this subpart J, in order to protect the manufactured home, as constructed in accordance with the MHCSS. Moving manufactured home to location It is recommended that the LAHJ be informed before moving the manufactured home to the site. It is also recommended that the manufactured home is not to be moved to the site until the site is prepared in accordance with subpart C of this part and when the utilities are available as required by the LAHJ. Examples of related areas that might be addressed in the installation instructions for meeting this recommendation include: (a) Access for the transporter. Before attempting to move a home, ensure that the transportation equipment and home can be routed to the installation site and that all special transportation permits required by the LAHJ have been obtained. (b) Drainage structures. Ditches and culverts used to drain surface runoff meet the requirements of the LAHJ and are considered in the overall site preparation. Permits, alterations, and on -site structures (a) Issuance of permits. All necessary LAHJ fees should be paid and permits should be obtained, which may include verification that LAHJ requirements regarding encroachments in streets, yards, and courts are obeyed and that permissible setback and fire separation distances from property lines and public roads are met. (b) Alterations. Prior to making any alterations to a home or its installation, contact the LAHJ to determine if plan approval and permits are required. (c) Installation of on -site structures. Each accessory building and structure is designed to support all of its own live and dead loads, unless the structure, including any attached garage, carport, deck, and porch, is to be attached to the manufactured home and is otherwise included in the installation instructions or designed aregistered professional engineer or registered architect. LU OCT 1 6 2008 p tL M m CL Federal red Home Constr"doaa ® 54 �tL And Safety Standards SU-59 NOBILITY HOMES, INC. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................................... I & II LOAD ZONE MAPS OF THE UNITED STATES....................................................................I....................... III TABLEOF CONTENTS....................................................................................................................................IV SET-UP INSTRUCTIONS - --.SITE PREPARATION ................ .».._._......................... ..................................................................................... I SUPPORTREQUIREMENTS............................................................................................................................ 3 PIERTAGS..................................................................................................._....................................................3 POSITIONING................................................................................................................................................... 7 SET-UP PROCEDURE....................................................................................................................................... I I SINGLEWIDE SET-UP..................................................................................................................................... 12 MULTIWIDE SET-UP....................................................................................................................................... 13 MULTI WIDE ALIGNMENT PROCEDURE .......................................... _........................................................ 19 TIEDOWN AND ANCHORING .......... _.............................................. :.._... ... .................................................. 22 TIE DOWN SYSTEM OVERVIEW.................................................................................................................. 23 ENGINEERS LETTER, GROUND ANCHOR INSTALLATION ........................ _........................................... 24 TYPICAL SIDEWALL AND FRAME TIE DOWN.......................................................................................... 25. MARRIAGE WALL VERTICAL TIE DOWN.................................................................................................. 26 INSTALLATION STRAP AND SIDEWALL FRAME ANCHORS................................................................. 27 TYPICAL SINGLE WIDE TIE DOWN INSTALLATION......................................................................-.....- 28 TYPICAL SINGLE WIDE SHEARWALL TIE DOWN SYSTEM.......................................................... _....... 30 TYPICAL DOUBLE WIDE TIE DOWN INSTALLATION ....................... ... :.................................................. 32 TYPICAL DOUBLE WIDE SHEARWALL TIE DOWN SYSTEM ........ ........... .....................................-....... 34 LONGITUDINAL FRAME TIE DOWN INSTALLATION.....................................................................-....... 36 MAXIMUMTIE DOWN SPACING................................................................................................................. 37 TAG UNIT SET-UP / QUAD UNIT SET-UP.................................................................................................... 39 TAG/ MAIN UNIT CONNECTIONS............................................................................................................... 40 HINGEDROOF.................................................................................................................................................. 41 GENERALNOTES............................................................................................................................................ 41 DRAINPIPING INSTALLATION ................ ....................................... .................... :................................ ........ 42 WATER DISTRIBUTION PIPING INTERCONNECTION.............................................................................. 43 CROSS OVER ELECTRICAL INTERCONNECTION.....................................................................................43 SMOKE ALARM WIRING AND TESTING..................................................................................................... 44 UTILITY CONNECTIONS / INSTRUCTIONS WATERSUPPLY ............................................... -............ .......................................... :........................................ 44 W ATERDISTRTBUTION PIPING PRESSURE LIMITATIONS...............................:..................................... 45 WATER DI STRTBUTION PI PING FREEZE PROTECTION ...................... ... .................................... ......-......45 DRAIN CONNECTIONS...................................................................................................................................45 FLOODLEVEL TEST.......................................................................................................................................45 OPTTONALEXTERIOR UTILITY CONNECTION.........................................................................................46 CLOTHES DRYER EXHAUST DUCT SYSTEM ............................. .................. 46 FIREPLACE AND FIREPLACE STOVE AIR INLET DUCT.......................................................................... 46 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM .............. :..................................................................................................................... 47 ELECTRICALPOWER SUPPLY FEEDER......................................................................................................47 TYPICAL SERVICE CONNECTION ........................................................................................................_......48 EXTERIOR LIGHT AND CEILING FAN INSTALLATION...........................................................................49 ELT?.0 KICAL TBSTING........................................................... Q - GAS FUEL. CONNECTION....................................................... .....49 50 GAS PIPING LIMITATIONS....:............................................... LLI _...50 CROSSOVERS........................................................................... > Revised '-O .....51 GAS PIPING TEST FOR LEAKAGE ............ - .......................... 0 .....51 HEATING OIL SYSTEM........................................................... = MAR 15 2010 0 ..... 51 TELEPHONE AND CABLE TV LINES INSTALLATION...... G. C .....52 SKIRTING........ _....................................... .......... _..................... iL CRAWLSPACE VENTILATION .................. - ..................... I.... < Federal Manufactured rn .....52 Home Construction 52 BOTTOM BOARD REPAIR............................... -..................... And safety Standards ..... 53 FINALCHECK_................................................................................................................................................ 53 GENERAL INFORMATION PLANNING AND PERMITTING ................................... ...................... _........................................................... 54 MOVING MANUFACTURED HOME TO LOCATION ..................... _........................................................... 54 PERMITS, ALTERATIONS, AND ON -SITE STRUCTURES......................................................................... 54 - ---UTILITY SYSTEM CONNECT10Ns............................................................................................................... 55 MANUFACTURER ADDITIONS TO INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS.................................................... 56 .TEMPORARY BLACKING FOR DISPLAY HOMES...................................................................................... 57 TEMPORARY BLOCKING FOR STORAGE HOMES ...................... _............................................................ 57 FIRESEPARATION.......................................................................................................................................... 58 FLOODHAZARD AREAS.......................................................... _.................................................................... 58 SU-5.1 If NOBILITY HOMES, INC. C3 JEW(a W SET-UP INSTRUCTIONS 0 OCT 16 2008 - SITE PREPARATION a Fedeml µa„uf ch"d Ho n _KAT" All drainage must be diverted away from the home and must slope a minim nsuWtion 61"�ne- alI m°�c per foot away from the foundation for the first ten feet. Where property lines, walls, slopes, or other physical conditions prohibit this slope, the site must be provided with drains or swales or otherwise graded to drain water away from the structure, as shown in figure 1. The home must be protected from surface run-off surrounding area. Grade site that there will be no depressions in which surface water may accumulate beneath the home. Manufacturers must specify in their installation instructions whether the home is suitable for the installation of gutters and downspouts. If suitable, the installation instructions must indicate that when gutters and downspouts are installed, the runoff must be directed away from the home. This home is not designed for gutters and downspouts. a o MIUW SLOPE FIGURE 1 To help prevent settling or sagging, the foundation must be constructed on firm, undisturbed soil or fill compacted to at least 90 percent of its maximum relative density. All organic material such as grass, roots, twigs, and wood scraps must be removed in areas where footings are to be placed. After removal of organic material, the home site must be graded or otherwise prepared to ensure adequate drainage, in accordance with §3285.203. NOBILITY HOMES, INC. 0 BOTTOM BOARD REPAIR M The bottom board covering must be inspected for any loosening or areas that aright have been ® damaged or tom during installation or transportation. Any missing insulation is to be replaced prior to closure and repair of the bottom board. Any splits or tears in the bottom must be resealed with tape or patches. Plumbing P-traps must be checked to be sure they are well insulated and covered. All edges of repaired areas must be taped or.otherwise sealed Foundations for homes designed for and located in areas with roof live loads greater than 40 psf must be designed by the manufacturer for the special snow load conditions, in accordance with acceptable engineering practice. Where site or other conditions prohibit the use of the manufacturer's instructions, a registered professional engineer or registered architect must design the foundation for the special snow load conditions. Ramadas maybe used in areas with roof live loads greater than 40 ps£ Ramadas are to be self-supporting, except that any connection to the home must be for weatherproofing only. The soil classification and bearing capacity of the soil must be determined before the foundation is constructed and anchored. The soil classification and bearing capacity must be determined by one or more of the following methods, unless the soil bearing capacity is established as permitted in paragraph (f) of this section: (a) Soil test. Soil tests that are in accordance with generally accepted engineering practice; or (b) Soil records. Soil records of the applicable Local Authority Having Jurisdiction (LAHJ); or (c) Soil classification and bearing capacities. If the soil class or bearing capacity cannot be determined by test or soil records, but its type can be identified, the BOTTOM BOARD PATCH SMAIl NOTE OR TEAR APPROVED BOTTOM BOARD TAPE FIGURE 35 0 0 CL a FINAL CHECK E OARD PATCH BOTTOM BOARD TAPE mmmm OCT 1 6 2008 Fedad Moeuram rod M Home Comtruedon And safety stmdazds The homeowner, with the dealer and the set-up crew supervisor, should inspect the work to see if the home is properly set-up. The following items should be checked: 1. RECAULKING After the home installation has been completed, carefully inspect the exterior walls, roof, windows, and doors. 2. MOULDING Tighten and reseal any loose molding strips, rails, frames, seams or closures. 3. SCREWS- Replace or tighten loose screws as required. 4. BLOCKING Foundation, piers and blocking is proper for the size home. 5. TIEDOWNS- The home is adequately tied down. Tie downs and anchors located correctly. Anchors set properly and tie downs tensioned properly. 53 SU-6 SU-S 8 NOBILITY HOMES, INC. TELEPHONE AND CABLE TV LINES INSTALLATION It is the installer's responsibility to Iowde and install any communication lines without causing damage to heat ducts, water lines, branch circuits, and other components of the home. Care must be exercised by the installer in entrance selection and before drilling a thru-hole in the selected location. Telephone and cable TV wiring should be installed in accordance with requirements of the LAHJ and the National Electrical Code, NFPA No. 70-2005. SHIRTING Skirting, if used, must be of weather -resistant materials or provided with protection against weather deterioration at least equivalent to that provided by a coating of zinc on steel of not less than 0.30 oz. /ft. sq. of surface coated Skirting must not be attached in a manner that can cause water to be trapped between the siding and trim or forced up into the wall cavities trim to which it is attached All wood skirting within 6 inches of the ground must be pressure -treated in accordance with AWPA Standard Ul (incorporated by reference, see §3285.4) for Use Category 4A, Ground Anchor Contact Applications, or be naturally resistant to decay and termite infestations. Skirting must not be attached in a manner that impedes the contraction and expansion characteristics of the home's exterior covering. CRAWLSPACE VENTILATION A crawlspace with skirting must be provided with ventilation openings. The minimum net area of ventilation openings must -not be less than one square foot (ft') for every150 square feet (ft.) of the home's floor area. The total area of ventilation openings may be reduced to one square foot (W) for every 1,500 square feet (12) of the home's floor area, where a uniform 6 mil polyethylene sheet material or other acceptable vapor retarder is installed, according to § 3285.204, on the ground surface beneath the entire floor area of the home. Ventilation openings must be placed as high as practicable above the ground. Ventilation openings must be located on at least two opposite sides to provide cross -ventilation. Ventilation openings must be covered for their full height and width with a perforated corrosion and weather -resistant covering that is designed to prevent the entry of rodents. In areas subject to freezing, the coverings for the ventilation openings must also be of the adjustable type, permitting them to be in the open or closed position, depending on the climatic conditions. Access opening(s) not less than 18 inches in width and 24 inches in height and not less than three square feet (ft.2) in area must be provided and must be located so that any utility connections Iocated under the home are accessible. Dryer vents and combustion air inlets must pass through the skirting to the outside. Any surface water runoff from the furnace, air conditioning, or water heater drains must be directed away from under the home or collected by other methods identified in § 3285.203. UJ OCT 16 2ooa a QFHoetMannruoaed Home ConeDucdon rM And Surety Rsadlme NOBILITY HOMES, INC. soil classification, allowable pressures, and torque values shown in Table to §3285.202 may be used. (d) A pocket penetrometer, or (e) In lieu of determining the soil bearing capacity by use of the methods shown in the table, an -allowable pressure-of1,500psf may be used, -unless the site - specific information requires the use of lower values based on soil classification and type. (f) If the soil appears to be composed of peat, organic clays, or uncompacted fill, or appears to have unusual conditions, a registered professional geologist, registered professional engineer, or registered architect must determine the soil classification and maximum allowable soil bearing capacity. Table 1 Soo classification Soil description �0�� sell bear- Browcomd AS7M D Torque probes value< AMU D 2497-00 or D 2466-W fion number (incorporated by ref- tilt pressure1586-09 ' (mch-pounds)- I` see g32as.a) 7 ........... __. .—I ............ . ............. Rock or hard pan -._ ........... _............. _... 40004 ......... -......... 2 .......... _. GW. GP, SW, SP, Sandy gravel and gravel; very then dense 2000 _............_........ 40F More than 550. GM. SM. ardtor cemented sands; course gravelf cobbles; preloaded sifts, days and coral. GC, SC, ML. CL .._. Sand; silly amid; clayey sand; silly gavot 16W--._..------ _ 2499 351-550. mPdnum dense wanes sands; sandy gavel and very stilt at sand days. 4A ___.._ CG, MHe ...__.__.. Loose to medium dense sands; firm to 1OD0 18 23 276-350. stiff days and silts; alluvial fills. 4B ....-.._...- CH, MH2 ......... ....._.. lmsesands; fine clays; alluvial fills _._... 100D........ .._.......... .. 12-17 175-275. 6 .....„......... OL. OH, Pr ............ ak Dncanpacted fill; peg organk days ._... defer to 3265.202(a) 0-11 Less then M. I The values provided in ft table have not been adjusted for Overburden pressure, embedment depth. water table height, or settlement prob. k For 2or sol$ classified am CH or MH, without either torque probe values or blow court test results, selected anchms must be rated for a Q soil. sThe test probe is a device for measuring the to value of soils to mist in evaluating the holding capacity of the soil in which the ground rahchor uplaced. The shaft rout be of suitable Irmgth for tfre toil deeppth of the anchor. aThe torque valr� m a measure of the load resistance provided by the soil when su iect to Die turning or twisting force of the probe. If the space under the home is to be enclosed with skirting or other materials, a vapor retarder must be installed to cover the ground under the home, unless the home is installed in an and region with dry soil conditions. A minimum of six mil polyethylene sheeting or its equivalent must be used. The entire area under the home must be covered with vapor retarder; except for areas under open porches, decks, and recessed entries. Joints in the vapor retarder must be overlapped at least 12 inches. The vapor retarder may be placed directly beneath footings, or otherwise installed around or over footings placed at grade, and around anchors or other obstructions. Any voids or tears in the vapor retarder must be repaired. Q Mw VAPOR RETARDER PATCH 4 HOLE PATCH TAPE HOLE IN VAPOR RETARDER MUST HAVE PATCH OF EOUIV. MATERIAL OVER LAPPING AT LEAST ONE FOOT AND TAPED AT EDGES FIGURE 2 W C3OCT 1 6 2008 (L Federal cd Rome Maarrfmflon Rome Construction And Safely Standards 52 SU-57 SU-7 NOBILITY HOMES, ING. > 0 w NOBILITY HOMES, INC. L 0 OCT 1 6 2008 c OCT 16 2008 SUPPORT REQUIREMENTS C p tC CROSSOVERS C- m 0- Fedcai Manufeetwrd �" Fcdcal mw-&etmed The design loads -used in selection of the support structure are set forth in Tab 'IIfi9 Q acme cpmnne 9 nna��a�ae Multi -section homes with fuel supply piping in both sections require cross cohsl specified on these tables are for pier spacing and footing size. The design is base on a oor rve join all sections of the home. The crossover design requirements are located in, and must -be load of 40 pounds per square foot (P.S.F.) and a south zone roof live load of 20 P.S.F. in designed in accordance with, § 3280.705 of this chapter. Tools must not be required to connect conjunction with the home structural dead load. or remove the flexible connector quick -disconnect. (a) Foundations for manufactured home installations must be designed and constructed in GAS PIPING TEST FOR LEAKAGE accordance with this subpart and must be based on site conditions, home design features, and the loads the home was designed to withstand, as shown on the home's data plate. The gas system must be inspected and tested for leaks after completion at the site. The (b) Foundation systems that are not pier and footing type configurations may be used when installation instructions must provide testing requirements that are consistent with § 3280.705 of verified by engineering data and designed in accordance with § 3285.302(d), consistent with the this chapter. The gas piping systems shall stand a pressure of at least six inches mercury or three design loads of the MHCSS. Pier and footing specifications that are different than those PSI gage for a period of not less than ten minutes without any drop in pressure. Pressure shall be provided in this subpart, such as block size, metal piers, section width, loads, and spacing, may measured with a mercury manometer or slope gage calibrated so as to be in increments of not be used when verified by engineering data that comply with § § 3285.301(c) and (d) and are greater than one -tenth pound, or an equivalent device. The source of normal operating pressure capable of resisting all design loads of the MHCSS. shall be isolated before the pressure tests are made. Before a test is begun, the temperature of the (c) All foundation details, plans, and test data must be designed and certified by a registered ambient air and of the piping shall be approximately the same, and constant air temperature be professional engineer or registered architec% and must not take the home out of compliance with maintained throughout the test. After appliances are connected, the gas piping system in the the MHCSS. (See 3285.2) home is designed for a pressure that is at least 7 inches of water columu.[4oz./in.2 or 0.25 psi] (d) Alternative foundation systems or designs are permitted in accordance with either of the and not more than 14 inches of water column [8oz./in.2 or 0.5 psi]. if gas from any supply source following. exceeds, or could exceed this pressure, a regulator must be installed if required by the LAHJ. 1. Systems or designs must be manufactured and installed in accordance with their listings by a nationally recognized testing agency, based on a nationally recognized testing HEATING OIL SYSTEMS protocol; or 2. System designs must be prepared by a professional engineer or a registered architect or It is recommended that the installation instructions include the following information related to tested and certified by a professional engineer or a registered architect in accordance with heating oil systems, when applicable: acceptable engineering practice and must be manufactured and installed so as not to take 1. Homes equipped with oil burning furnaces should have their oil supply tank and piping the home out of compliance with the Manufactured Home Construction and Safety installed and tested onsite, in accordance with NFPA 31, Standard for the Installation of Standards (part 3280 of this chapter) Oil Burning Equipment, 2001 (incorporated by reference, see § 3285.4) or the LAHJ, whichever is more stringent. PIER TAGS 2. The oil burning furnace manufacturer's instructions should be consulted for pipe size and installation procedures. All pier locations required at the mating line, perimeter, shear wall, and any special pier support 3. Oil storage tanks and pipe installations should meet all applicable local regulations. locations, as required by these instructions, will be identified from the factory by a pier tag, 4. Tank installation requirements. paint, or other means and must be visible after the home is installed. The pier designs, support a. The tank should be located where it is accessible to service and supply and where loads, and footing construction shall be as indicated in the appropriate, tables and instructions. it is safe from fire and other hazards. Refer to Figure 4 for an approved foundation and pier arrangement designed by Nobility Homes, b. In flood hazard areas, the oil storage tank should be anchored and elevated to or acceptable for all Nobility models, using readily available concrete footing slabs and pier caps above the design flood elevation, or anchored and designed to prevent flotation, with cellular concrete blocks. Before an installer provides support or anchorage that are different collapse, or permanent lateral movement during the design flood. than those methods specified in the manufacturer's installation instructions, or when the installer c. Leak test procedure. Before the system is operated, it should be checked for leaks encounters site or other conditions (such as areas that are subject to flood damage or high seismic in the tank and supply piping, in accordance with NFPA 32, Standard for the risk) that prevent the use of the instructions, the installer must: First attempt to obtain DAPIA- Installation of Oil Burning Equipment, 2001 (incorporated by reference, see approved designs and instructions prepared by the manufacturer; or if designs and instructions § 3285.4) or the requirements of the LAHJ, whichever is more stringent. are not available from the manufacturer, obtain an alternate design prepared and certified by a registered professional engineer or registered architect for the support and anchorage of the manufactured home that is consistent with manufactured home design, conforms to the 51 SU-8 SU-56 NOBILITY HOMES, INC. GAS FUEL CONNECTION Connection to a natural gas supply is provided througfi locals utility systems. The installation of a supply line and connection to your home is the responsibility of the utility company serving your home. Connection to a liquefied petroleum (LP) gas supply is provided through various local LP gas distributors. The installation of a storage tank, supply line and connection is the responsibility of the distributor selected by you. If a gas fuel supply system is provided with your home, the gas supply inlet is through a standard % inch pipe fitting. This connection is identified by a tag on the exterior of the home labeled "Combination LP Gas and Natural Gas System". The gas system of your home was tested at the factory and should be tested again at the time of connection by qualified service personnel. Before turning on gas, the person making the connection should make certain that all gas connections have been made tight, all appliance valves are turned off, any unconnected outlets are capped, the appliances are designed for the type gas connected and they are equipped with the correct orifices. CAUTION: GAS APPLIANCES INSTALLED BY NOBILITY HOMES, INC. ARE NORMALLY EQUIPPED FOR NATURAL GAS. EACH APPLIANCE MUST BE CHECKED FOR THE CORRECT ORIFICES FOR THE TYPE GAS CONNECTED. ANY GAS APPLIANCE INSTALLED IN THE FIELD IS PART OF CONSTRUCTION AND MUST BE COMPLETED UNDER AN AC (ALTERNATE CONSTRUCTION) APPROVAL. After turning on the gas, the technician should immediately test the gas piping and appliances for leakage with approved bubble solution. If no leaks are found then all of the pilot lights should be lit and the appliance controls checked for proper operation by the technician. When not connected for use, the gas inlet should be securely capped. - No additions, modifications, adjustments or repairs should be made by other than qualified personnel. Replacement parts must be listed or certified for their use. GAS PIPING LIMITATIONS The gas piping supply system has been designed for a pressure not exceeding 14 inch water column (1/2 PSI) and not less than 7 inch water column (1/4 PSI). This pressure range is the limit for safe and effective operation of this gas piping system. The installation of an LP gas tank or natural gas supply line always requires the installation of a pressure reducing valve since the supply pressure in both cases is higher than the maximum 14 inch water column (1/2 PSI) design pressure. Qam �I LU C3 OCT 1 6 Z008 0 0_ CL QHome Feda ti Manufactured CousWadon G M 50 And safety Sundards SU-55 NOBILITY HOMES, INC. requirements of the MHCSS, and has been approved by the manufacturer and the DAPIA. In _ making the certification of the installation required under part 3286 of this chapter, upon effect, an installer must certify that it completed the installation in compliance with either the manufacturer's instructions or with an alternate installation design and instructions that have been prepared by the manufacturer or by a registered professional engineer or registered architect. FIGURE 3 Piers supporting columns in one half of multi wide or columns in single wide r"'; '°vrrfr t♦ a_�,. � �.n , a ► OCT 16 Z008 a d CL' QNome Fodeml Masufaetwed Coaetruction And safety stodards "A" and `B" piers are designed to support the tributary distance "a" and "b" (half the length of the span between "A" and `B")" "C" pier is designed to support the tributary distance "c" (half the length of the span between „C„ andl„) "D" pier is'designed to support the tributary distance "d" (half the length of the span between „C„ and "E") "E" pier is designed to support the tributary distance "e" (half the length of the span between I'D„ and ,B„) When piers are to support columns on two sections, use the same method as above then add together for total tributary distance. Use Table 2 for required footing size. Table 2 Max Pier Spacing ' SOIL PRESSURE Floor Footing 1000 PEP 1500 PSF 2000 PSF 250D PSF Width 140- 16x16 29- so- 70- 90. 16x32 47- 78- 308- 120- 159- 16x16 26- 43- 61- 79- -- 16a32— '41- 68- 95- ' 120- SB3-/ 3.6x16 22- 38- 54- 70- 186- 16x32 37- Go- 84- 107- 'Max Tributary Spans Footing• 1000 PSF 1500 PSP 2000 PSF 2500 PSF 16x16 16x32 4' 8 8' 12' 12' 38' iv 24' Joint wall and sidewall column support pier footing sized per soil pressure in pounds per square foot (P.S.F.) for each half of double wide. • 4- Thick Pre -cast concrete pad with compressive strength of 4,000 P.S.I. MAIN SEAMS PIER SPACING AND FOOTING SIZE PER SOIL PRESSURE IN POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT (P.S.P The pier spacing and foods shown in the Dbove table do not consider flood or sdfamic loadg and are not intended for use in flood or sciamtc hazard arom in those areas, the foundation support system Is to be ) designed byRprvFesaidnal engelnetrorarchitcct. SU-9 4 NOBILITY HOMES, INC. TABLE 3 PER SPACING TOTAL PIER LOAD Q Mwe (UNDER 7BEMM) 12' 14' 16` W > 4' O.C. 2104# 2409# 2729# 0 OCT 1 6 2008 6' O.C. 3155# 3613# 4090 tl n' Federal Manuftcmmd 8' O.C. 42079 -48189 5458# Home Construction And safety Standards Notes for TABLES 2, 3 and FIGURES 3, 4, 5. 1. Materials approved for footings must provide equal load -bearing capacity and resistance to decay, as required by this section. Footings must be placed on undisturbed soil or fill compacted to 90 percent of maximum relative density. A footing must support every pier. Footings are to be either: a. Concrete. i. Four inch nominal precast concrete pads meeting or exceeding ASTM C90-02a, Standard Specification for Load bearing Concrete Masonry Units (incorporated by reference, see §3285.4), without reinforcement, with at least a 28-day compressive strength of 1,200 pounds per square inch (psi); or ii. Six inch minimum poured -in -place concrete pads, slabs, or ribbons with at least a 28-day compressive strength of 3,000 pounds per square inch (psi). Site -specific soil conditions or design load requirements may also require the use of reinforcing steel in cast -in -place concrete footings. b. Pressure -treated wood i. Pressure -treated wood footings must consist of a minimum of two layers of nominal 2-inch thick pressure -treated wood, a single layer of nominal %-inch thick, pressure -treated plywood with a maximum size of 16 inches by 16 inches, or at least two layers of %-inch thick, pressure -treated plywood for sizes greater than 16 inches by 16 inches. Plywood used for this purpose is to be rated exposure 1 or exterior sheathing, in accordance with PS 1-95, Construction and Industrial Plywood (incorporated by reference, see § 3285A) ii. Pressure treated lumber is to be treated with a water -borne adhesive, in accordance with AWPA Standard U1-04 (incorporated by reference, see § 3285.4) for Use Category 4B ground contact applications. iii. Cut ends of pressure treated lumber must be field -treated, in accordance with AWPA Standard M4-02 (incorporated by reference, see § 3285.4) c. ABS footing pads. I. Abs footing pads are permitted, provided they are installed in accordance with the pad manufacturer installation instructions and certified for use in the soil classification at the site. ii. ABS footing pads must be listed or labeled for the required load capacity. d. Other materials. Footings may be of other materials than those identified in this section, provided they are listed for such use and meet all other applicable requirements of this subpart. SU-10 NOBILITY HOMES, INC. UJ OCT 1 6 2008 C EXTERIOR LIGHT AND CEILING FAN INSTALLATI4& m D Fear MmMmc When the home is installed, exterior lighting fixtures and ceiling -suspended (p4e) 11Caon aam6 permitted to be installed in accordance with their listings. All the exterior lighting fixturesaan' d G ceiling fans installed must be grounded by a fixture -grounding device or by a fixture -grounding wire. Where lighting fixtures are mounted on combustible surfaces such as hardwood, a limited M combustible or noncombustible ring, as shown in Figures 33 and 34 in this section, must be installed to completely cover the combustible surface exposed between the fixture canopy and the wiring outlet box. On exterior lights the junction box covers must be removed and wire -to - wire connections must be made using listed wire connectors. Wires must be connected black -to - black, white -to -white and equipment ground -to -equipment ground. The wires must be pushed into the box, and the lighting fixture must be secured to the junction box. The lighting fixture must be caulked around its base to ensure a watertight seal to the sidewall. The light bulb must be installed and the globe must be attached. Ceiling -suspended (paddle) fans must be connected to junction box listed and marked for ceiling fan application, in accordance with Article 314.27(b) of the National Electrical Code, NFPA No. 70-2005. The ceiling fan must be installed with the trailing edges of the blades at least 6 feet 4 inches above the finished floor. The wiring must be connected in accordance with the product manufacturer installation instructions. CIRCUIT RATING If a manufactured home is factory -provided with an exterior outlet to energize heating and/or air conditioning equipment, the branch circuit rating on the tag adjacent to this outlet must be equal to or greater than the minimum circuit amperage identified on the equipment rating plate. ELECTRICAL TESTING After completion of all electrical wiring and connections, including crossovers, electrical lights, and ceiling fans, the electrical system must be inspected and tested at the site. The manufactured home must be subjected to the following tests: An electrical continuity test to ensure that metallic parts are effectively bonded; operational tests of all devices and utilization equipment, except water heaters, electric range, electric furnaces, dishwashers, clothes washer/dryers, and portable appliances to demonstrate that they are connected and in working order; and for electrical equipment installed or completed during installation, electrical polarity checks must be completed to determine that connections have been made properly. Visual. verification is an acceptable electrical polarity check. TYPICAL INSTALLATION OF CEILING FAN TYPICAL INSTALLATION OF SURFACE —MOUNTED EXTERIOR LIGHTING FIXTURE COIIPM@R GRommam COWUMOR tow or emm rm 611' MR. FROM FLOOR FIGURE 34 CONDUCIORS Rol EQUIPMENT GROUNDING j WIRE CONNECTOR CONDUCTOR — 1 _��� iOUTLE LOOM �COMB��iIBLEOR rM F¢ =) RIND Box -LIMITED COMBUSTIBLE OR NONCOMBUSTIBLE RING (IF REQUIRED) FIGURE 33 49 SU-54 NOBILITY HOMES, INC. TYPICAL SERVICE CONNECTION FLOOR JOIST C3. MW11"W Q D LU OCT 16 2008 Q_ a a' Q Federal ManufaMrrod SafetyC StaAdudt n� TO SERVICE Atnd y CONNECTION A — 4—WIRE FEEDER CONDUCTORS B — FEEDER CONDUIT C — CONDUIT CONNECTORS D — RACEWAY E — JUNCTION BOX F — APPROVED ELECTRICAL CONNECTORS MF ONLY THE RACEWAY IS PROVIDED BY NOBILITY HOMES. ALL OTHER PARTS MUST BE SUPPLIED BY THE INSTALLER FIGURE 32 CAUTION: THE ELECTRICAL WATER HEATER SWITCH AND/OR CIRCUIT BREAKER IS PLACED -IN THE OFF POSITION AT THE FACTORY. THIS SHOULD BE RECHECKED BEFORE APPLYING ELECTRICAL POWER DO NOT APPLY POWER TO THE WATER HEATER CIRCUIT UNLESS IT HAS BEEN COMPLETELY FILLED WITH WATER. HEATER OPERATION IN A DRY CONDITION MAY DAMAGE OR BURN -OUT THE HEATER ELEMENT. ALWAYS DISCONNECT POWER FROM THE WATER HEATER WHEN DISCONNECTING —AND/OR DRAINING THE WATER SUPPLY TO THE HEATER. NOBILITY HOMES, INC. 2. Placement in freezing climates. Footings placed in freezing climates must be designed using methods and practices that prevent the effects of frost heave by one of the —following methods: a. Conventional footings. Conventional footings must be placed below the frost line depth for the site unless an insulated foundation or monolithic slab is used (refer to §§ 3285.312(b)(2) and 3285.312(b)(3)). When the frost line depth is not available from the LAHJ, a registered professional engineer, a registered architect, or registered geologist must be consulted to determine the required frost line depth for the manufactured home site. This is not subject to the provisions in § 3285.2(c) that also require review by the manufacturer and approval by its DAPIA for any variations to the manufacturer's installation instructions for support and anchoring. b. Monolithic slab systems. A monolithic slab is permitted above the frost line when all relevant site -specific conditions, including soil characteristics, site preparation, ventilation, and insulative properties of the under floor enclosure, are. considered and anchorage requirements are accommodated as set out in § 3285.401. The monolithic slab system must be designed by a registered professional engineer or registered architect: i. In accordance with acceptable engineering practice to prevent the effects of frost heave; or ii. In accordance with SEUASCE 32-01 (incorporated by reference, see § 3285.4). c. Insulated foundations. An insulated foundation is permitted above the frost line, when all relevant site -specific conditions, including soil characteristics, site preparation, ventilation, and insulative properties of the under floor enclosure, are considered, and the foundation is designed by a registered professional engineer or registered architect: i. In accordance with acceptable engineering practice to prevent the effects of frost heave; or ii. In accordance with SEUASCE 32-01 (incorporated by reference, see § 3285.4). 3. Sizing of footings. The sizing and layout of footings depends on the load bearing capacity of the soil, footings, and the piers. See § § 3285.202 and 3285.303, and Table to 3285.312. 4. Place piers on both sides of sidewall exterior doors, patio doors, and sliding glass doors; under porch posts, factory -installed fireplaces, and fireplace stoves; under jamb studs at multiple window openings; and at any other sidewall openings 48 inches or greater in width. Piers are to be installed at each end of joint wall openings 48 inches and greater. See Figure 3, 4, and 5. For roof loads of 40 psf or greater, a professional engineer or registered architect must determine the maximum sidewall opening permitted without perimeter su=rts1dW1MMad 1 igned for 40 psf roof loads. 11 -0 OCT 1 6 2008 0 G m Q Federal Meaufaonaed Ald SdeUyRStandard's 48 SU-53 SU-11 NOBILITY HOMES, INC. 5. Additional end wall piers are to be installed under double wide joint edge joists at the point of end wall juncture. They should span both joint edge joists and be located adjacent to the end cross member/outrigger. The pier should be capable of supporting a 3100 pound load. See Figures 4 and 5. 6. Additional side wall piers maybe necessary. Concentrated weight along outside walls (like a piano) may create a sagging condition. This can be corrected or prevented by installing piers under the edge joist. POSTTION1NG Determine the appropriate foundation system for the local site and wind exposure conditions as described in the Support Requirements section. Establish the location of each pier and tie down point for the length and width of the home and the locale in which the home is being installed. Install any components that might be difficult to place after the home is in position. An example of this would be ground anchors, poured footings, etc. Then move the home into the desired final position. Reminders before jacking... 1. Use only jacks in good condition with minimum rating of 10 tons. 2. Use jack reinforcing plates when jacking the frame main beam to avoid damage to the beam or home structure (see Figure 6 for typical). 3. Use a firm support or footing under the jack base to prevent tipping or settling of the jack under load. 4. Always follow the sequence of jacking outlined below to avoid overstressing structural members. 5. Use a minimum of two experienced installation men and closely coordinate jacking and blocking activities. 6. Keep clear from under the main frame beam to prevent injury should the home suddenly drop by accident. GLU OCT 1 6 2008cc 0.. CL G M (L QHome Fedaa] Maa,d'aeaaed cmu radon And safely Swdwds SU-12 7 NOBILITY HOMES, INC. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Your home is designed to be connected to a service nominally rated 120/240 volts, 3-wire AC, .with grounded neutral. The connection to the home is a feeder, not a service and is through a 4- wire feeder system. When wiring the feeder, a grounding (green) conductor must be installed, and the neutral (white) conductor must not be grounded in the home distribution panel. A raceway is provided from the distribution panel to the underside of the home. A suitable conduit fitting or a junction box must be installed on the exposed end of the raceway as shown in Figure 31. See Table 7 for junction box sizes required. The connection location is identified by a label on the exterior siding of your home which reads "This connection for 120/240 volt, 3-pole, 4- wire, 60 hertz Ampere Supply". The blank will contain the required supply ampere rating. ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY FEEDER The electrical power supply feeders from the service pole to the electrical panel in your home are not provided by Nobility Homes. It is important for your safety that the power supply wiring to your home be installed by a qualified electrician. This installation must be done in conformance with the "National Electrical Code', The Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards, and any local codes. DISTE.ZM=CN PANEL SIZB Gro;=Umg Grotmdeed �t„v IIa�COPPERz ed Ungraimdmeed GrroToR AMPS (Power) (Neutral) (Power) (Neutral) 50 8 8 3 3 8 8 6 2 6 2 fi 6 100 200 3/0 1/0 6 4/0 2/0 4 Calculated for Type 90 C f-.Ule TABLE 7 ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY FEEDER JUNCTION BOX SIZES DISTRIBUTION RACEWAY TRADE STD SOX SIZES PANEL SIZE SIZE, INCHES ANGLE OR U PULL, AMPS INCHES L.G. X WMTS I DEPTH 50 1 BX 8 X4 100 1 1/2 12 X 12 X 6 150 2 16 X 16 X 6 200 2 is X 16 •X 6 TABLE 8 Box depth is based on the minimum width of wiring gutters. All dimensions given are for standard avail esaj�t will satisfy the requirements of the conductor fill. w C3 OCT 16 2008 C 47 d Federal Maeufmand Home Cominledon TT �f rn S �,/ -S 2 ..;d e.rr., a..w.ee. t a 5.� CD w m � fQ cwowo w 00 Al L1 o P rJ o APPROVED g S'A ��pP 00 ,a 8 rn w D�Q� C y ' o P a gr Do ®3ADaddd . N o �, C< a � m CIO p cN r C H+ 01 Un ci 1 Fes•+ LN useALRTYP) TYPICAL PIER SPACING (SEE TABLE 1) OCT 1 6 2008 Federal ManolkeDuW Honor Constnwtion And Safety Standards W ��o J m0 TYPICAL PIER SPACING ' HIRE TABLE 1) TYPICAL PIEn .���..�... NOTES: I) PIERS MAY BB SINGLE BLOIX a• X ED 16-A BE[OHT HMCIR OTOP OF CAP BLOCK OR DOUBLE BLOCKED 16• X 16• TO A NEIOHTOEM MUSTER OF DESIGI-BEAM.I[D DY APATER HE[GRTB, THE FOUNLVNOINZER 9YSIEMMU[.TBfi OFSIGNED BY A REOISTERFJ] PROFE99IONAL ENOINRER. 1) ALL➢IMENSIONS SHOWN ARE MORMONS UNLESS OTHFRWISEHOIEO. 3) ADDITIONAL PIERS ARETO BE INSTALLED UNDER DOUBLE WIDE MARRIAGE WALL EWE JOISTS UNDER THE STUDS ON EACH END OF ALLOPENINOS OREATEH TRAM 48• INWIDTH THE PIERSTOBE PLACED (CEHFEREO)SO AS TOEQUALLY SUPPORT TUEEDOEARSTSINBOTHMODULES. RBXIE BEAM UP41FT ANCHOR&BTRAPS MUST MUST BE SECURED TO GROUND ANCHORS PER SPECIFICATIONS ON OTHER DRAWOTOS. 4) ADDITIONAL PIERS ARE TO BE INSTALLED UNDER B%TMUOR SIDEWALL EDGE JOISTS UNDER THE STUDS ON EACH END OF ALL DOOR OR PORCH OPENINGS GREATER THAN FI' IN WIDTH AND BROW THE EM OF SHEAR WALIS. SIDEWALLOP-UFTANCHORSNSTRAPS MUST BB SECUREDTOGROUNDANCHORS PER SPECIFICATIONS ON OTHER DRAWINGS. Fl O:� rrI t2 ;;u ."D Z rTT nz o mp4 A O N z 0 SCItEW TL — ANCHOR. MLEEN ADDITIONAL PER DETAIL (NOTRJ G7) S) LUMBER PIATES WrAT N M ON TOP OF PMR CAP ELOCYS MUST BE PRMME TREATED. 6) PIERS ANDSURROM MOGROUNDAREASHOULD RETREATED FORTBMOTE PROTECTION.(OPRIHRSRCNTRACFORBRBBPUNSMUSIY) 7) ADDRIONAL PMS ARE TORE INSTALLED UNDERDOUELEW WF.MGEICHM OMM TIE ENDWALLS AT EACH MATELINE TFIS PIERS MUST BE PLACED (CENTERED) SO AS TO EQUAILYSUPPORTTHEFDOEIOtm IN BOTH MODULES. CONSTRUCTION 8 ACINGANDfURFLACEDIENT AND PLATE ANDSHIM CONSIRUCION SPECIFICATIONS. ALL E00070138 BELA)WIERS TITIB ENDS OF SHEAR WALLS. SJHAAH.W ORAILF LLUPM�APICHORRMTRAPS MUBI'BHBECUREDTO GROUND ANCHORRPERBPEChTCATiONSONOTBER DRAWINGS. CURE 4 NOBILITY HOMES NOBILITY HOMES, INC. Fitting the Valve Troubleshooting Guide A Wb® PLATE QUIT tXCECEDU E. EN THI KM=) PLATE: OR �R AND THE STEEL BEar AM LEAST 4• I2" x g' x 16' staff plate or miWm aominal 40Utick as x 16' Solid mmreb Cap block sbel plates rma tie pmat red by a minimum ate le mil Main I-beam meting of on =latergrada pabs oven equivalent comedian coating resistant protection. Single open cell a &did ecumae blocks 9' x B' x 16' contomriog n ASTM G90, GradeN Installed with 16' dimension PM=Hcdm tb the Soon fill= Ned bmm m open call blacks mud have the calls inat filled vmiedi v on the fx)t-mg. Morn' is col requited bnwera the blocks rialens speelhea atha wree m ao approved drawing or specified an as Approved foundation design Prepared O by a profeAWW w9braer At mgabred Addled. Ip in locations Subjected to fig, the tooting most upland below the frost depth es wen as below all orgadtc muha located at the she n.A^tS A!!0 9\�6�TYP Scanote incap bloelydeaaiplien nM BETWEEN TrEs CIF THE Am 61 jy FITTTID Anna TayapiaoTdat6oeodtingSowlid®twnacraegeoaldherfoo dust *mvcdlbr&EpPbc&onadwWam"Ift ire dcoffibepInattention. 5uwllba dlu)mneabd egmveblelood be�toBeapomtY. In tin ab—ow of Valid dean ® con emdifime; the footings mail 1m�n� bei� Ito va�he scit ei madam Clay n ihemillos�rxrryivgaapaib sand beginntngematNetim 112- xIex 16"meal 16'x 19 solid corm+ thick SISc16" solid a `I,Ny %00 4 a yip e&eprA 4ran'a t 9/P$/09 ATE cisir E1�a�IN W THE STEM BEAN mien] 4' finds blo mmnieal 4" odAt are 10 mg quwatcpt mro&ion ItIO usedard gee cop Double snaked concrete bloris, mild or open call, conforming to ASTM C-90, Gradi Mob centers is to be inl=locked wtlh lbe x immt courses as Shown. open cell blacks moatblm the cell' htstdltd vediedly on the footingg.. Maim is not requieed between the blocks anions spcifed otherwise oil an approved drawing or specified an car apPtoved foudntice design propaied by A pmfasionai enitlfleer Orngtstesed Architect. � duct f Soedaon rfootingpro aroor application installed In ecrnSdmwtdilk 9pprovet/listing Feelings mad only be placed on film, w•dng, uodrnebed soli or on cantroged, compacted flit with a In locations subjected a fr dommented allowable Load burring CepadtY• In the absolute the reaft mat extend below elm ofvatid data an sell conditions, do footings mid be located t depth as well es below all aminimum or it below We natural! made., Clay soils mini IN IN c mail= located at no site be investigated to verify the soil I canYing capacity before beginning construction. ro ro OCT6 ZOoa Z, sea Figure 4 fat additional mom. 1. O- FIGURE 4a NOBILITY HOMES C Q Fedora an Home ComtruenoQ And Safety stmdmds SU-14 • The mixed water outlet from the valve should be used to supply outlets used primarily for personal hygiene purposes. • It Is recommended that the valve is Installed as close as possible to the point of use; however, It may be fitted anywhere on the hot water supply pipe. Y4® nor t al,Oxar msmnaWn" aNnpie earner Faucet rficlallaean' Diagram 3 - Typical Installations TEMPERATURE ADJUSTMENT • Prior to setting the valve It is necessary forthehotwater source to be switched on and delivering hot wateratthe designated temperature. • Test the mixed water temperature at the nearest outlet being supplied by the valve. This should be opened to allow a flow rate of t to 1.5 gpm (4 to 6 L/min). • A thermometer must be used at the nearest outlet to the valve to ensure the correct mixed water temperature is achieved. • Allow the water to run for at least one minute to ensure the mixed water temperature has settled. • To adjust the mixed outlet temperature of the valve, remove the cap to gain access to the adjusting spindle.The spindle should be rotated -clockwise to reduce the temperature, counter -clockwise to increase the temperature -until the desired set point Is reached. (Refer to diagram 4). za " Once a set ten)q% attire is achieved the can should be snappe onolfieval`veto'coverthesp e. - Diagram 4 - ValveAdjustment CHECKING / SERVICING THE VALVE • We recommend that the valve is checked at least once per yearto ensure its continued function. For installations with poor or unknown water quality, orother adverse supply conditions , it may be necessary to check the valve at more frequent intervals. • The temperature should be checked at the same outletas was used for commissioning in the first Instance. Ifthe temperature is more than 3•F from the commissioning temperature, refer to faultfinding guide on the next page. • There maybe some variation in the temperature of the water 9 from the thermostatic mixing valve due to seasonal temperature variations in the cold water supply. • If the water supply is of poor quality, a filter or strainer should be fitted to the system. X R t.Thedesiredmlxed Inlettemperaturesare • Ensure Inlet wanrnmpardture not within specific I temperaturesare cannotbsobtairledor limits. withinthospeciffed oche lsdimcultmset.- - Iimlm corona valve. • Hot and cold supplies' • Reftthavalvewlth " arerevareed. I HotlCold supplies fftedto the coned connections. x. Mix bmperW.chan • Fluctuating aupPlY afire changing pressures. regulatingon it overtrain. wartlma. And id bothh Wltl - supplies. supplies. 3. Either full hot or full •Velvelslneorredlyset, •Adjustmlxtemperatum cvldwater pwin a etf -. I.._aa.requimd. • d pplies - suave es e •+ •HOBeceld are rnrvamad. erred� supplies flood mthacorrnd connections. 4.1oflawiromthe • Hot Druid water • Restam inlet supplies valve outlet supplyfallure. andcheckmix • Filter Is blocked. temperature. • • clean fitter. S.Flowratemducedor • Fluctuatingsupply Install creature fluctuating. pressures, regulating valves. • Fllteris blocked. • Cleennxer. S. Mixed water • Hot and cold supplies l - Rentme valve Wm tempereturedoes are reversed. i rColdsuppa.ennea notchangewhen , m tharmecteo,s,eotbnr: temperature adjuster ' Isanered. i 7. Valve is noisy. Excessive water • Reduawsmrvamde velocity. (best btltiertdtrynaid a previous ragwamp.N.). • Valve sized Incorrectly. . Chaakvaweapecamuom w,densusedfarr num- _. ... _ valvakusearorrepultea_ ••. —, now. Notes: in ��w LU OCT 26 2015 cc IL Q Federal conanctwed apace Cpmbl6d r And Safety Standards I Installer, please provide the following information and leave these instructions with the client: Installed By: 45E Date: Pressure At the Valve: PSI Mix Temperature: °F SU-50E J Thermostatic Mixing Valve IMPotaTatrr Installation Failure to Comply with all aspects of these instructions may result In • • Manual unsafe performance. I Ail installations must comply with relevant state and local authority requirements. — — t _ _ Flush the -system thoroughly before fitting the valve. - It is CRITICAL that- all debris Is flushed from the pipework prior to installing the valve. Not flushing the system property is the most common cause of system difficultiE& commission the valve: - _ Every valve Is factory -set to a nominal temperature of I OS*F.. Every . valve must be adjusted on -site to ensure correct delivery of the desired mixed water temperature, as installation conditions can „ . •. ®®� Varyfrom site to. site. —. •. . •. - . • r - ; et1eCIC Measure and note all site parameters (pressure, temperature, eta) and check against the specitioations'ofthe chosen valve. If the site conditions are outside those specifiedforthevalvethentheymust be rectified prior to Installing the yaly% • ��-...- •Valve MUST NOT be' subjectedtdheatduring installationasthis may damage the valve intemals. • Valve MUST NOT be fitted an steam-s6lied systems, butt , ' watersystems only. - • Valve -MUST NOT be used on low pressure or. Instantaneous heating systems. - Valve MUST NOT be frozen. If thevalvefs installed in a situation ' where freezing Is a possibility, then'suitable insulation mustbe fitted to prevent damage to the valve. • DO NOT useexcess thread sealant (in liquid, tapeor other form) as this may cause the valve to fail. up 0 C7� 'S/7/ Leave a these Instructions ®ASSE i017&107OApproved o 1� "O copy of with the cIiLfor future reference. D.I ° ® > -0 Reeommead to the OBantthatthe valve be checked annuallyto p OCT 26 2015 M ensure Its continued function '- GC C3 �- C _. . a Federal Mmufacmed Nome COo Icon - Q IT1 v And Safety SNodads VALVE SPECIFICATIONS Outlet temperature range: 95=115eF(35-4690) Temperature, hotsupply: 180•F max(82C). Temperature, cold supply: 40-80aF(4-27`C) Temperature stablllty(mominal): ±5•F(±2.8`C)-See Note1. Temperature differential: [1/21±10-F(11'0)-See Note 2. (between got supply and outlet [3/41±10"F(11`C)-See Note 2. Temperature) Hydrostatic pressure: 125ps1 max(1000kPa) Permitted supplypressure variation: 2:20%a-See Note 3. Flow rate @ 45psi pressure loss: [1/219gpm- [3/4111gpm Flow rate,minimum: 0.Sgpm(2L/min) - "-Flowratvmaxhnam: 117271-Ogpm•@EOpstpressare'lost- .. 13/4112gpm @ Sops] pressure lost Notes: 1.As tested in accordance with ASSE 1070. 2. This is. the minimum_ difference required between the valve outlet temperature and the hot supply temperature to ensure shut-off of outlet flow in. the event of cold supplyfailure,in accordance with ASSE 1070. ' 3. Maximum permitted variation In either supply pressure in order to control the outlet temperature to with ±5•F. Excessive changes in supply pressure may cause changes in outlet temperature,that exceed±5•F. Tempered Outlet DIMENSIONS A B C 1/2"torvcl 5.3-(134mm) 4.8'(121in 2. 9'(75mm) ,.1/2"abo 5. 4'(136mm) 4.9•(125mm) 3. 1'.(e0mm) fl2]iria�)= ,.9."-f7bmm).- 60 do Dirgram 1- Vive Dimensions Flow Curve NOBILITY HOMES, INC. PIERS AT CENTERLINEOF FRONT _ REAR DO A TTROZEE 2 (NOTE 4) PIERS AT SHEARWALLS (SEE FIGURES 19 h 21) I 1 N� 1 . I l r BEAY-1 p p 0 M O M • I EID PTO T BEAMMAX. I PIER SPACING s I SPAHL (SEE Rolm 5) 1 FROM TABLE 1 1 I I 1 mow' 1>O6 1 I I 1 IERS AT F2TGI SIDE IGPDM Q T0OORP (NDTE a) �r eEAY Y 1 I 1 1 I t flu, 1•B• MA, MAIL 1 PIERS ARE NOT REWIRED AT OPEN= IN THE MATING WALL THAT ARE LESS THAN 48 INCHES IN WIOM PUCE PM ON BOTH SIDES OF MATING WALL OPENINGS MY ARE Q D CIW5 OR GREATER m WIDM FOR HOOF LOAD" OF 40 PSF OR GREATER. A PROFESSIONAL ENOREGISTERED ARCHITECT MUST DEFERV E RYAR�GW MATING WALL OPENING PERMITTED WITHOUT PIER OR OTHER SUPPORTS. MATE —LINE tbWON SUPPORT PIERS ARE INSTALLED WITH THE LONG DROWN OF THE CONCRETE BLOCK PERPENDICULAR TO THE RIM J06Pa AMAILASLEMMED OS BY CARAM TTAAMHAVE THETHE RE 7wrUNErOiRME CHID 2 OR MORE PLLRS MAY BE USED, THE TOTAL DESIGN CAPACITY OF ALL PIERS AT EACH SUPPORT POW SwLLL. BE AT LEAST EQUAL TO THE lII1D$ SPECIFIEDQ p1 THE TABLE W� FOOTINGS AND PIERS SHOWN FOR OJISTRATWELLI •� PURPOSES �ESSONLY — ANY APPROVED SYSTEM> .� NOTE y OCT 6 2008 �. (REFER TO TABLE 2, 3) 1 ATEDGE 0. C E wAIL 0- Q Fodast Mmufacturod Home Construction FIGURE 5 And Safetystanmrds SU-15 10 Flow Coro. caves" SU-50D NOBILITY HOMES INC. NOBILITY HOMES � Quick -Connect Installation ■ To Adjust Temperature (Figure 3) ■ A. 3/161' x 4" x 1 B" LONG C-CHANNEL B. 114" x MYTI x 18" LONG STEEL STRAP C. PIPE COUPLER or EQUAL 1 " APPROX. DEPTH W/ 1/9" CLEARANCE FOR JACK HEAD. TO BE CENTEREL N LU OCT 16 200E C CL C a _ 4 Home Coosbrm8oa FHomeedonal M Construction O And Safety Standards TYPICAL. I -BEAM FRAME JACKING REINFORCING PLATES FIGURE 6 SET-UP PROCEDURE This procedure is provided as a manufacturer's method of set-up. If for any reason there are questions unanswered in this procedure, it is suggested that before proceeding in a questionable manner that the manufacturing plant be contacted for approval from Corporate Engineering of any methods different from these. A minimum clearance of 12 inches must be maintained between the lowest member of the main frame and the grade under all areas of the home. CAUTION: BEFORE GETTING UNDER THE HOME, MAKE ABSOLUTLY CERTAIN THAT IT IS ADEQUATELY SUPPORTED TO PRVENT A SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH FROM AN ACCIDENTAL COLLAPSE OF THE HOME. To Connect 1. Mark pipe as shovm. This Is pipe insertion depth. PIX tubing only M ' tnpasamre< I to preen It using PIX tubing, insed pipe stiffener (provided) into end of pipe. To Disconnect 2. Clean pipe end. adaaro 4. Push boring no tafpdece up to mark 5. Insert eclat clip. 1. Remove collet clip. 2. Depress collet. 3. Pull tubing from tailpiece. Figure 3. Turn Ali,go i ll i� 1. Letthe waterflowfor atleasttwo minutes to allow supplytem- perature to stabilize. 2. Place a thermometer in the outlet water stream. 3. Loosen handle screw with hex wrench. 4. Handle must be lifted K" to adjust temperature. Rotate handle clockwise to decrease temperature and counter -clockwise to increase the temperature. 5. Lower handle and tighten screw. 6. Check for outlet temperature. Pressure Differential between Hot & Cold Water Supplies must be less then 25%. It is recommended that shutoff valve(s) be installed on the inlets) to facilitate service of the LFLM495 valve. Repair Kit ■ k✓Tdr 4"r,rMotie':m— „Part$ Iq"c ",l�lir Desariptlon, ,....._ UW495 495100 1 Plunger/Motor Assembly Troubleshooting ■ Fluctuating or erratic hot water temperature at fixture: Unbalanced pressure. Install balancing or throttling valve at the hot and cold water supplies and adjust accordingly for demand. Hot water backing up into cold water line: Hot water pressure is higher than cold water pressure. Examine check valves for dirt & debris, clean as necessary. Cannot adjust water temperature to desired temperature: Install balancing or throttling valve at the hot and cold water supplies and adjust accordingly for demand. High pressure drop through the tempering valve: Valve undersized. Install larger thermostatic tempering valve. Insufficient hot water during peak demand: Check flow requirement during peak demand period. Use larger thermostatic tempering valve. Cutler I H. Wre"a, For valves with CPVC or PEX end connections, do not exceed l rwe ,Uftcap the tubing manufacturers pressure and temperature ratings. to mien Refer to the tubing manufacturers product specifications for that 0 M D information. LU O ca 9 WARNING: This product contains chemicals known to the ee MAY-7 2015 p State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or y y m other rep oductive harm. Warranty■ ;,, a 1 For more information: www.watts.com/prop65 nms�ysammar The Seller warrants that the equipment manufactured by it and covered by this order or contract is free from defects in material and workmanship and, without charge, equipment found to be defective in material or workmanship will be repaired, or at Seller's option replaced F.O.B. original point of shipmem, if written notice of failure is received by Seller within one (1) year after date of shipment (unless specifically noted elsewhere), provided said equipment has been properly installed, operated in accordance with the Seller's instructions, and provided such defects are not due to abuse or decomposition by chemical or galvanic action. THIS EXPRESS WARRANTY IS IN UEU OF AND EXCLUDES ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, GUARANTEES, OR REPRESENTATIONS, EXPRESS OF IMPLIED.THERE ARE NO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.Tha Seller assumes no responsibility for repairs made on the Seller's equipment unless done by the Seller's authorized personnel, or by written authority from the SellenThe Seller makes no guarantee with respect to material not manufactured by it POWERS" A Watts Wafer Technologies Company USA: Tel: (800) 669-5430 • Fax: (847) 229-0526 • P0WeraCentrele.0em 11 45 Canada: Tel: (905) 332-4090 • Fax: (905) 332-7068 powemccntrols.oa SU-16 Tel: (52) 61-1001-86M " powersoontrols.com IS-P-LM495 1427 EDP# 6511208 ST T—S OC 0 2014 Powers Teffi N�>r�l�il°>re ➢IIi.� adjustment � � .� NOBILITY HOMES, INC. MBS PB-550 a>1 d?B-550-NSS shower valve. MODERN BRASS SOLUTIONS - SINGLE WIDE SET-UP - - _ Tile jacking -and -blocking procedure - is as follows: - Remove handle. 1. After the home is located in its final position, level it front to rear by using the hitch jack. 2. Jack up one side of the home by placing one jack just forward of the front spring hanger and the other just behind the rear spring hanger. These two jacks must be operated simultaneously to raise the home. Install footings and piers; one just forward of the front jack and another just behind the rear jack (taking care not to exceed the correct spacing selected from Table 2). 3. Next, jack the main frame beam at the front and position a pier within V V of the end of O Unscrew cap from valve. the beam. At the completion of this step, this side of the home should be approximately level lengthwise. 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for the other side of the home. The home should now be roughly level from side to side. 5. Place remaining pier supports under the main frame beam on each side taking care to maintain maximum distance of no more than the spacing determined from Table 2, with piers located within IT" of each end of the beam. See Figure 4. 6. -Level the home using a 6 foot carpenter's level, water level or similar equipment. The Using a co' screw, driver or finger nailremove red limiting final height adjustment is obtained by jacking the main frame beam and placing adjustment ring. hardwood shims between the piers and the beam, or other approved methods such as adjustable piers. The home will be adequately leveled if there is no more than '/ inch difference between adjacent pier supports (frame or perimeter) and the exterior doors and windows of the home do not bind and can be properly operated. 7. Install additional edge piers as required. See Figures 4, and 5. This leveling process is important for appearance and is essential for the proper operation of Rotate ring to the desired limiting position. doors, windows, and the drainage system. Excessive and/or non -uniform jacking during the leveling will cause the home to be racked or twisted. This may result in damage to the home. • To adjust limit stop, tom red ring counter clockwise formore hot water Care must be used during jacking and leveling to not distort the home. Check for proper or clockwise for less hot water. +/- indicators are on the limit stop ring far operation of all doors and windows. easy, adjusting. . _'M LU IV MAY-7 2015 _ p CL C^_ Home dw FRoml Manefz9,= ®�r3' Smm fety S�sn Md Sadmds Hot temperature limit stun * Reinstall everything in reverse order SU-50B Should the pier height need to be adjusted after the initial set-up, to compensate for any pier settlement, follow procedure in item 6 above. CAUTION: WHEN RELEVELING THE HOME, LOOSEN ALL THE TIE DOWNS PRIOR TO JACKING THE HOME. READJUST THE TIE DOWN TENSION AFTER _ _ _RELEVELING IS COMPLETYM WWAM 0 00 1 6 2008 p 45B tL rn CL - Federal Manufactured 12 QHome conswedun SU-17 And Safety Standard+ NOBILITY HOMES, INC. Your home is designed for a foundation system which supports the main frame beams. Nobility Homes does not recommend My support system which does not directly support the main frame beams as aprimary system as this may result in damage to the home. Additional edge piers, as required by Nobility Homes are considered as a secondary part of the support system which must be included CAUTION: CONSEQUENCES OF INCORRECT BLOCKING (Single Wide) Incorrect blocking and leveling of your home could produce a sagging home including but not limited to these related conditions. • Buckling and/or loosening of walls, partitions, siding, ceilings, doors, floors, linoleum, carpeting, insulation, wiring, sinks, tubs, toilets, weather stripping, and miscellaneous fixed original fixtures of the home. • Leaking windows, doors, roof, ceiling, walls, floor seams, and junctions. • Improper closing, binding and sagging of windows, cabinets and insideloutside doors. • Malfunctioning of plumbing, water outlets, lighting fixtures; electric heating and air conditioning systems. Upon completion of blocking and leveling,refer to Tie down and Anchoring Section on Page 22. Note: The symptoms listed above could also occur as a result of pier settl—=j� occurred follow the releveling procedure. 0UJ �( MULTI -WIDE SET-UP 0 OCT 16 2008 Set-up Instructions a ed m FR m e co nufaction Home Conseumion Read these instructions completely through before starting set-up. and safety standards 1. Remove plastic covering and shipping strips from all sections and ends (if installed). Failure to do so may result in condensation problems. 2. Place sections close together (3 to 4 in.) with toter. 3. Set piers under "I" beam, locating them in accordance with the pier loading chart Table 2 and the accompanying notes. Also make provisions for required exterior wall, joint wall and/or end wall blocking piers. 4. Block and level the heavy section as per the single wide set-up instructions. 13 NOBII,ITY HOMES, INC. ANTI -SCALD VALVES Anti -scald valves have been installed on all tubs, tub/showers and showers in the home. After water Imes.have been flushed, the outlet temperature at each tub, tub/shower and shower MUST be tested to ensure that it does not exceed;120 degrees F (49 degrees C). Water should run for at least two minutes on the hottest setting before taking temperature reading. Temperature may be adjusted using the instruction provided with the valve. In no case should the temperature exceed 120 degrees F (49 degrees C) as this may result in. serious bodily harm and/or death. REFER TO INSTALLATION MANUAL PAGES 45B AND 45C FOR VALVE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS. (ALSO 45D,45E) TO ADJUST THE TEMPERING VALVE FOR A GARDEN TUB OR WHIRLPOOL TUB THERE WILL BE A ACCESS PANEL LOCATED AT THE TUB INSIDE THE HOME. THE ADJUSTMENT FOR A SHOWER OR TUB/SHOWER COMBINATION WILL BE AT THE FIXTURE. i W M > -O 0 OCT 26 2015 G a � e- QHome Com tioe m v AM s.rly samdar& 45A SU-18 SU-50A.1 WATER DISTRIBUTION PIPING PRESSURE LIMITATIONS Wheri-thelocaL%vatersupply- pressure-exceedSM-Psi-to-the-mannfactured home,, a-pressum reducing valve must be installed. An identified and accessible shutoff valve must be installed between the water supply and the inlet- The water riser for the shutoff valve connection must be located underneath or adjacent to the home. The shutoff valve must be a filll flow gate or ball valve, or equivalent valve. WATER DISTRIBUTION PIPING FREEZE PROTECTION (Refer to Figure 26) Water line. crossovers completed during installation must be protected from freezing. The freeze Protection design requirements are located in, and must be designed in accordance with, § 3280.603 ofthis'chapter. If subject to freezing temperatures, the water connection must be wrapped with insulation or otherwise protected to prevent freezing. In areas subject to freezing, or subfreezing temperatures, exposed sections of water supply piping, shutoff valves, pressure reducers, and pipes in water heater compartments must be insulated or otherwise protected from freezing. Only pipe heating cable listed for manufactured home use is, permitted to be used, and it must be installed in accordance with the cable. manufacturer 'installation instructions. The water system must be inspected and tested for leaks after completion at the site. The installation instructions must provide testing requirements that are consistent witb § 3280.612 of this chapter. The water heater must be disconnected when using an_air-only test: A GFCI protected electrical receptacle is_provided on the outside of your home near the water supply inlet for the installation of a heat tape. NOTE: IF A HEAT TAPE IS USED, IT MUST BE LISTED FOR USE WITH MANUFACTURED HOMES DRAIN CONNECTION Your home is designed for a single drain outlet connection. A drain piping schematic is provided along with the necessary pipe and fittings to properly complete the plumbing system. FLOOD LEVEL TEST NOBILITY HOMES, INC. S. Remove the tires and then the axles and the tongue (if removable) and lower unit with jacks if necessary. The front piers may be temporarily located behind the tongue until the 6. Using hydraulic. jacks and come -a -longs, move the second section against the heavy section. Insert electrical connecting cables in raceways or junction boxes as necessary. Refer to Figures 27, 28 and 29. CAUTION: SOME UNITS MAX HAVE ELECTRICAL INTERCONNECTIONS IN THE CENTER AREA OF THE UNIT. THESE SHOULD BE LOCATED AND PLANNED FOR AS THE SET-UP PROGRESSES. 7. Install mate -line gasket on the joint edge joists, lower part of the ridge beams and joint edge of walls. This material forms as air seal at the floor, ceiling and end walls. Refer to Figure 7. The gasket is designed to resist the entry of air, water, water vapor, insects, and rodents at all mate -line locations exposed to the exterior. 8. Any gap between the two sections maybe closed up by sliding the second section against the first using: (a) Greased paneling and winch or "come -a -longs", or (b) Other mechanical devices designed for this purpose. 9. Block and level the second section. Repeat Step 3 as necessary. Additional piers are to be installed under joint wall edge members under the sides of all openings in excess of 48 inches. Piers are to be placed (centered so as to equally support both edge joists). Additional piers are to be installed under exterior wall edge member at the sides of all door openings in excess of 32 inches. Additional piers are to be installed under end wall junctures. 10. Raise and wedge the outside of the second section to bring the roofs together. Check the alignment of the joint wall openings and ceiling. Refer to the Multi -wide Alignment Procedure Section, page 19. 11. If.the tops of the end walls are not flush, refer to Figure 14 for flushing procedure prior to connecting the roofs together. A flood level test is required after the home is set-up and level. Plug the main drain, all fixtures shall be connected, the WO and entire system shall be filled with water to the rim of the, water closet a bowl. Tub and shower drains shall be. plugged. After all trapped air has been released, the test W shall be sustained for not less than 15 minutes without evidence of leaks. Then the system shalt O OCT 1 6 Z008 be unplugged and emptied. The waste piping above the level of the water closet bowl shall then cc be tested and show no indication of leakage when the high fixtures are filled with water and �' 114 emptied simultaneously to obtain the maximum possible flow in the drain piping. ' C- Fedeml Menufacaund Home Conswickt, And Safety SWduds > E15VISED � FEB-3 2015 O CL c c. ftd o M. ud.w d m ONorm Comamoov Aod3zl+YSIaMmds 45 - NOTE: MATE -LINE GASKETTO RUN ENTIRE LENGHTH OF UNIT AND END WALLS FIGURE 7 MATE. -LINE GASKET ON ONE HALF OR BOTH HALVES PER MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS 14 4915711111 SU-19 k acei DOUBLEWIDE ON -SITE FASTENING CEILING BOARD ROOF FASTENING NOTE: ALL NAILS MUST BE GALVANIZED STEEL — ALL SCREWS MUST BE GALVANIZED STEEL OR CORROSION RESISTANT STEEL FLOOR DECKING S RIM JOIST FLOOR JOIST _—* WIND ZONE 2 & 3 OCONTINUOUS WOOD BLOCKING EACH HALF -- (MAY BE FULL HEIGHT RIDGE BEAM —NOT SHOWN) ©FROM SIDE TO SIDE AT 30 DE ANGLE FROM�HORRIIZONTAL* OR 5/16' X 4' LAG SCRWS 16- O.C. STAGGERED FROM SIDE TO SIDE AT 30 DEG ANGLE FROM HORIZONTAL* ®26GA. x 1-1/2' STEEL STRAP LOCATED ABOVE TRUSSES SPACED AT MAMMUM OF 96' O.C. IN ZONE 2 AND 80' O.C. IN ZONE 3 FASTENED AT EACH END WITH 10-15GA. x 1-1/2" STAPLES OR 6-81) COM NAILS OR 51 10 x 1-112' WOOD SCREWS OR 7-120 x 1-1/4 NAILS IN LIEU OF®AND @ ABOVE MAY INSTALL A CONTINUOUS 30 GA x 6' MINIMUM STEEL ROOF CAP OVER 15# FELT WITH: (2) #10, x 1-1/2' SCREWS EACH TRUSS AT 16' O.C. OR (3) .120-X 1-1/2' ROOFING NAILS EACH TRUSS AT 16- O.C. (3) #10 x 1-1/2' SCREWS EACH TRUSS AT 24' O.C. OR (5) .120'x 1-1/2- ROOFING NAILS EACH TRUSS AT 24' O.C. FASTENING CROSS SECTION O #10 x 4' WOOD SCREWS 10' O.C. STAGGERED FROM SIDE TO SIDE AT 30 DEG ANGLE FROM HORIZONTAL* OR 5/16- X 4- LAG SCRWS IS- O.C. STAGGERED FROM SIDE TO SIDE AT 30 DEG ANGLE FROM HORIZONTAL* O26 GA x 1-1/2' STEEL STRAP SPACED 32" O.C. WITH 5-8D COM NAILS OR t#10 x 1-1/2" WOOD SCREWS OR 6—.120' x 1-1/4 NAILS EACH END OR 1-26 GA. X 2-1/2- STEEL STRAP 48' O.C. V41H 8-8D COM NAILS OR 7—#10 x 1-1/0 WOOD SCREWS OR 10—.120' x 1-1/4' NAILS EACH END. (ALL FASTENERS MUST PENETRATE INTO FLOOR JOISTS) NOTE BOTTOM BOARD NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY. HOLES IN BOTTOM BOARD MUST BE PATCHED WITH A VINYL TAPE DESIGNED FOR REPAIRING TEARS AND HOLES. *NOTE INCREASE FASTENER LENGTHS FOR ANY GAPS FLOOR FASTENING BETWEEN THE MODULES TO OBTAIN THE SAME PENETRATION AND FILL THE GAPS AT THE LOCATIONS THE FASTENERS WILL BE INSTALLED FIGURE 8 WITH SPF LUMBER, OSB OR PLYWOOD BEFORE INSTALLING THE FASTENERS. P.E. SEAL THIRD PARTY REVISIONS �T 7rr�� ��1 NOBIMT- HOMES lKe 11, nFlca\°py xu oorie41 •f � \,Tpa/�t'j��• i ` 4/20/15 w B$VI8EI7' ❑= c APR 27 2015 a F^�M'"°6m° v Q i4v°s'�`HS10a'a' LTR: BY: DATE N/A WK 2/15/06 N/A WK 10/6/09 DOUBLE WIDE CONNECTIONS FIELD INSTALLED N/A WK 12/5/09 N/A WK 4/20/LS DRAWN 6Y: TC DATE: 1/2B/96 DAPIA NO.: 1' SC: N.T.S. SU—Z23 NOBILITY HOMES, INC. SMOKE ALARM WIRING AND TESTING — If smoke alarms are located on more than -one -unit in-the.home then an -interconnection is _ _ _ required between units this is accomplished by snapping together the crossover connector. Energize the smoke alarm circuit (all alarms will be on the same circuit). For single wide homes, press the test button on the smoke alarm until alarm sounds, then release, check all other smoke alarms to verify they are alarming at the same time. Move to the next smoke alarm and test the same as above checking that all alarms are sounding at the same time. Continue this process until all alarm have been tested. For multi wide homes, energize smoke alarm circuit. Test all smoke alarms in all units as outlined above. If one or more alarms fail, check wiring; check battery, check smoke alarm installation then retest, if failure continues, replace alarm. Retest until all alarms are working properly. UTILITY CONNECTIONSANSTRUCTIONS WATER SUPPLY The potable water supply is connected through a standard '/ inch pipe fitting to the supply inlet mandatory master shutoff valve. This valve is not factory installed and must be installed in the water supply line underneath or adjacent to the home. This connection is identified by a tag on the exterior of the home labeled "Fresh Water Connection". The water system must be inspected and tested for leaks after completion at the site. A typical test adapter assembly might consist of the following: 0 1. % inch threaded inlet connection fittingLLr 2. Water pressure gauge to 100psi minimum 3. Air injector inlet with valve C OCT 1 6 2009 �. 4. Water hose supply connector with valve The test procedure should include the following: CL Q Fedm i Manufacnued Home Coosmmdion M And Safety Stmdmds 1. All hot and cold piping is tested. 2. All faucets are closed. 3. The float arm in the toilet tank is raised to the shut-off level. 4. All shut-off valves are in the open position. 5. The -water heater does not have to be tested, if not tested, connect the hot and cold together at the water heater. When using an air -only test, the water heater must be disconnected. 6. Pressurize the system to 100psi minimum then isolate the pressure supply (by valve or disconnect). 7. Maintain pressure for 15 minutes, if pressure drops, make repairs and retest. SU-49 Lri IN I-1.11 Z NOBILITY HOMES, INC. WATER DISTRIBUTION PIPING INTERCONNECTION FOR MULTI SECTION UNITS When multiple sections of a multi wide unit have water requirements, the water distribution lines protrude through the bottom of each section at the marriage or joining wall. A union is installed in each line to interconnect the two sections. Make certain the hot and cold water lines of the first section are connected to the proper hot and cold line of the second section. Since these interconnections are outside the home they are subject to freezing. Proper precautions will have to be taken to prevent freezing damage to these lines by the installer. See Figure 26 and page 45, WATER DISTRIBUTION PIPING FREEZE PROTECTION. IL WEER COpbTF9 THE utm E IAnml � .�AA,oR mo ronmt O&Wa �vaFism Rcs m C3 WATER SUPPLY CROSSOVER . WTU WATER DISTRIBUTION PIPING NN a,w W FREEZE PROTECTION aw"al � OCT 1 6 2008. FIGURE 26 tl Federal Manufetion Q Home Cona4ltcdon And Safety Standards CROSSOVER ELECTRICAL INTERCONNECTION (Refer to Figures 27, 28 and 29) Power between the sections of a multi wide unit is provided by interconnections at the joining wall. Most interconnections are of the snap together type. If the snap together type is not furnished then the interconnections are to be made in a junction box located in the end wall of the section in which the main distribution panel is located. An extended length of cable is provided on the opposite section for on -site interconnection. The interconnection must be made inside the junction.box provided using proper size wire nuts with insulating covers. The interconnection may be made in the main distribution panel box if it is located at the crossover location. The various leads are marked so that proper interconnection can be performed. However, it is the responsibility of the installer to check for proper circuitry before and after interconnection is completed. FIGURE 27 �� ACOM SIDE mL SIDE RUT Ma HOK SI (P�).WEU30AR0 FACmRr R6TALLED [!RE P FIGURE 29 arrA m.m.e vw.�W) N®m R v�m�' �NmI¢vs raa m CROSSOVER ELECTRICAL INTERCONNECTION MULTI-SECM ELECTRICAL •CROSSOVER• CONNECTIONS - FIELD INSTAUATION PROW -W M F / FROM *W WLLF DDY I I I 14'I r. PARKED *CONDUCTOR L-L.LJJJ_ OR TAPED FOR TO A• FIALF AND MATCH ATCroH UP. TO •A' HAIF TO A• KiLf DOUBLE CIRCUIT FIGURE 28 SINGLE CIRCUIT 2-15A 2-20A 1f2-A-22 &19 WINPE�) or 20A L115A (1a-22-2 vWI11pEtRE) rn rn I-15A ♦ 1-20A SU-48 NOBILITY HOMES, INC. 12. Secure floor halves together, leveling and aligning the two floor halves as the floor joists are screwed together. See Figure 8. MATING LINE FRONT OR .REAR CROSSMERIBER #8 BARE GROUNDING "a COPPER LUGS VRE m FIGURE 9 13. Connect the ridge beams together with (1) #10 x 4" wood screw 8©.C� staggered and fasten 26 GA. straps per Figure 8. ff�� W 14. Check the inside joint wall openings and shim out as necessary. > OCT 1 6 2008 �G G 15. Hang interior doors as provided (some models). _ m Federal Mantdaemttd Home ConaH1i0fi0n M 16, Trim out interior openings. And safety Stand" 17. Electrical circuit connecting wires are snapped together or spliced, stowed in their junction boxes and the covers installed. See Figures 27, 28, and 29. Connect #8 bare copper wires to each unit chassis. See Figure 9. 18. Install the bottom starter strip, lap siding, vertical panels, and/or "T" trim on.the end. walls. '8, KW .19. Install window flashing and/or windows as necessary (some models). 20. When installing lap siding, careful cutting and trimming is necessary. Be sure Iap is tight in its lock before fastening. 21. Install hood splice caps. 22. For ridge set-up of shingle roof, install the roofing felt strip, cut the cap shingles provided into thirds and install with roofing nails or staples. See Figure 10. 43 16 SU-21 FIBERGLASS OR ASPHALT SHINGLE RIDGE CAP FIBERGLASS OR ASPHALT SHINGLe OVERLAPPED ROOFINO FELT STRIP FIBERGLASS OR .. _.. ....... . ... _: - '._ASPHALTSHWGI:FS ._ _. .. ... .... ROOF SHEATHING � IUDM BEAM MAT'e-LINE GASKET NOTE: ROOPINO SrAPLESMA1Ln1MaO�TS14DWN, REFER TO MANLIFAC'1T110ER'S Rc:.vIV1EN6ATIONS. FIGURE 10 _ Carpet joints may be hot seamed, sewn or molded. as necessary. 24. Connect any erossoverwater, drainage, and gas lines. Water line connections should be insulated in areas subject to freezing temperatures. 5. Connect the air ducts with the Sex tluet'a;ti. hardware.pmvided with the unit Where an. external heating andb'or cooling-umt isfi$ld provided, the.copnecting:ducis are also field provided (i.e., not provided by Nobility Homes). Sdgpoit ft ducts clear of the: ground with straps. See Figure 11. MAIN MAIN. DUCT DUCT DUCT DUCT CONNECTOR CONNECTOR VERTICALDUCT ... VERTICAL DUCT . - RISER RISER JOINT WALL EDGE TO DUCT CTOR �SUPFORT STRAPS";, A/C CROSSOVER;Dyj{:TD2-8 MH.] WARM AIR _DUCT -CROSSOVER SYSTEM ALL JOINTS ARESECUREO WITH�SHEET METAL SCREWS AND SEALED.IT(Tp+HEAT: DUCT WE, DUCT IS NOT TO TOUCH THE-OROUND. FIGURE 11 im..SWIM 'a Lu _$»wI9Bi7 m CC DUNE-5 2074 C Q--A�esrm�ao� -D. SU-22.1 UNIT -1- 17 NOBILITY HOMES, INC. Typical materials, components and methods used in anchoring systems are shown in Figures 15 through 17. Anchoring materials and installation may by furnished by the home dealer or by a separate anchoring company. Typical spacing and location of tie downs are as specified in Tables 4, 5, and 6. CAUTION. A FIELD DESIGNED TIN DOWN AND ANCHORING SYSTEM MUST BE DESIGNED BY A REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT AND TIE DOWN POINTS PROVIDED BY NOBILITY HOMES MUST BE USED. DRAIN PIPING INSTALLATION (Refer to Figure 25) A. Crossovers. Multi -section homes with plumbing in more than one section require drainage system crossover connections to join all sections of the home. The crossover design requirements are located in, and must be designed in accordance with, § 3280.610 of this chapter. B. Assembly and support. If portions of the drainage system were shipped loose because they were necessary to join all sections of the home and designed to be located underneath the home, they must be installed and supported in accordance with § 3280.608 of this chapter. C. Proper slopes. Drains must be completed in accordance with § 3280.610 of this chapter. a. Drain lines must not slope less than one -quarter inch per foot, unless otherwise noted on the schematic diagram, as shown in Figure to § 3285.604. b. - A slope of one -eight inch per foot may be permitted when a clean -out is installed at the upper end of the run. D. Testing procedures. The drainage system must be inspected and tested for leaks after completion at the site. The installation instructions must provide testing requirements that are consistent with § 3280.612 of this chapter. See flood level test on page 45. O NOWON DRAINAGE CROSSOVER DOUBLE WIDE OR SECOND BATH CONNECTIONS o OCT.1 6 2008 :. MAIN BATH SECOND BATH W/C DROP W/C DROP \y}� ccC Cl. m V SHIPPING CAPS L.J a Ciif Feder Manufactax4d Home ConatmDtlon Standards P/4 And Safety INSTAEDSUPPORT STRAP FOOT SLOPE) 4' O.C. FIGURE 25 SU-47 42 NOBILITY HOMES, INC. NOBILITY HOMES, INC. HINGED ROOFS AND EAVES The following are a few suggestions on things to do and not to do when setting up a home: Hinged -roofs and eaves must be -completed during -installation -in -compliance with all-- - — - — — requirements of the Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards (24 CFR part 3280) 1. Make sure you have enough help to do the job; at least two experienced people. and the Manufactured Home Procedural and Enforcement Regulations (24 CFR part 3282). Unless exempted by the following provisions, hinged roofs are also subject to a final inspection 2. Make sure you have the proper equipment. for compliance with the Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards (24 CFR part 3280) by the IPIA or a qualified independent inspector acceptable to the IPIA. Homes with 3. If two people are working together, make sure you do things together. Especially in hinged roofs that are exempted from IPIA inspection are instead to be completed and inspected jacking and lowering the home. in accordance with the Manufactured Home Installation Program (24 CFR part 3286). This includes homes: Dthe 4. When jacking the home up, never get under or between the beams! 1! Stay clear so in event it falls, you won't be pinned under it. 1. That are designed to be located in Wind Zone I; LU 9 '0 2. In which the pitch of the hinged roof is less than 7:12; and O OCT 1 6 2008 717. 5. If you set your first blocks just behind the hitch, until you have it lowered it will be a 3. In which fuel bunting appliance flue penetrations are not above the Iffge. p lot easier to get the hitch out. Then move the blocks up to the proper spacing using CL MauftcWred GENERALNOTES Fx mec G m jacks. And safety standards 6. When fastening the floors together, have someone inside to make sure they are even on Tie down table does not consider flood or seismic loads and is not intended for use in flood or top. This also holds true with the ceiling.. Sometimes it is necessary to use a jack to seismic hazard areas. In those areas, the anchorage system is to be designed by a professional level the ceiling before installing the screws. engineer or architect. 7. If the floors are flush on both. ends but the front top of one section is sticking out in Sidewall vertical tie down straps are used along with the diagonal tie downs. A vertical tie and a front of the other section and the rear ends are the opposite, this will not let the ceiling diagonal tie are located at the same place; both ties may be connected to a single ground anchor, lineup. This must be corrected before the top is connected together. To eliminate this provided that the anchor used has an approved double tensioning head. problem, put one jack under the outside front corner of -the section sticking out. Place the other jack under the rear outside comer of the opposite section. Now jack up both Materials not famished by Nobility Homes which will be necessary to complete the tie down comers at the same time until the ceilings line up. Then screw the center beam system must meet the requirements set forth below. Such materials would include: together before removing the jacks. See Figure 14. 1. Galvanized steel straps, for vertical and diagonal flame ties, with a breaking strength of at Q� least 3,150 pound working load (4,725 pounds ultimate). Type 1, Finish B; Grade 1 steel strapping, 1 '/ inches wide and 0.035 inches in thickness, certified by a registered O 2008 M professional engineer or architect as conforming with ASTM standard specification OCT1 6 p D3953-91, standard specification for steel strapping, flat steel, and seals. CL m 2. Galvanized.strap buckles shall berated at 3,150 pound working load minimum. (4,725 0. Federal Manufiedued . 6011 Q and �darda pounds ultimate) 3. Ground anchors capable of withstanding at least 3,150 pound working load (4,725 pounds ultimate). Anchors must be installed as specified by the anchor manufacture. 4. All anchoring equipment exposed to weathering shall have a resistance to weather deterioration at least equivalent to that provided by a coating of zinc on steel of not less than 0.30 ounces per square foot of surface coated. 5. All other type of construction must be completed under an AC approval by H.U.D. 41 SU-46 18 .. SU-23 NOBILITY HOMES, INC. Multi Wide Alimment Procedure (Double, Triple and Quad section) 1. Position and level the first section of the home per instructions. Excessive and/or non- uniform jacking during the leveling will cause the home to be racked or twisted. This may result in damage to the home. Care must be used during leveling to not distort the home. 2. Move the second section into position within 4 inches and alongside the first section. 3. Draw the two floors together using jacks, set at an angle at or near the outside spring shackles, or winches (come -a -longs). Figures 12 and 13. 4. With the two sections together, but with no fasteners installed, check the alignment of the end wails, interior walls, roof, and floor. Determine if the walls and/or the roof of either section must move backwards or forward with respect to the floor. Any corrections required can be accomplished during the leveling of the second section. 5. Alignment Procedure En z a) Position the second section to bring the floor seams flush, keeping the roof slightly apart and the end walls aligned at the floor. At this time place piers only on the inside frame z beam. z O U b) Close the gap in the ceiling by raising the outside frame beam using two hydraulic jacks placed ahead of and behind the wheels. z z c) IF THE TOP MUST BE MOVED FORWARD... With the frame support beams evenly supported, carefully raise the outside rear comer of the second section (and lower the outside front comer) with the hydraulic jacks. The roof should shift forward until the end walls comes even at the top. When the walls are even, raise the outside support frame beam evenly to close the gap. d) IF THE TOP MUST BE MOVED BACK... With the frame support beams evenly supported, carefully raise the outside corner of the second section (and lower the outside rear comer) with the hydraulic jacks. The roof should shift back until the end.walls come even at the top. When the walls are even, raise the outside frame support evenly at the front and rear to close the gap. e) Fasten the top of the ridge beam together. When the top and walls are aligned and fastened, proceed with leveling of the second section. W OCT 16 Z6o8 a FHOM � oi W constnm .d saruy SWUWas NOBILITY HOMES, INC. 3 u o� W ;.xw[q s� APPROVE �i F. rod�LL un� NO Gwo OnbOu �o xom - pO O .- zmm m ��y�o nY lv��c°Qi O Xci Xu aq gWwty F xnN O o _ LEIN yjC�9C, W W GI .- � nF NiJD ~ � ppCy C O Q ` Q r•I '�V NN Zi C3 0 z U P N z z O W O 45 33 L a 03A01Jddd m mC u,L ¢ N.. W e �< gi< U 2E zm 3o uS u vd � zW o0 LLN 6 om mZ fim RR C-a rz-6 ZV F G N....r Gm �u1~ so iia�pw� � me nYW4CW\ XFMO 1 11 1 1 1 Nmowox �.. as W Z a m o m1 a m z OW x m ZNI ¢o ON m� n��l60 uxxax.n U O O.N,1,V"' n5.4.mb ��LL\pnz <Z NNFiG UCI�oW °S.5J1 �z R Q a li m rn zz m d W 2 C Q r� o00 m 4 z 19 SU-24 SU-45 40 NOBILITY HOMES, INC. TAG UNIT SET—UP (WITH RIDGE BEAM SUPPORTING TAG UNIT TRUSSES) LINE BE AND TAC DWG'S. IN ADDITION TO STD CHASSIS PIERS, INSTALL PIERS BELOW TAG UNIT AT EACH CORNER, BELOW EACH END'OF SHEAR BELOW RIDGE BEAM WALL, 'SUPPORT COLUMNS, AND AT MID POINTS' Of TAG UNIT ENDWALLS AS SHOWN. INSTALL STANDARD - VERTICAL TIEDOWN WITHIN 2'C' OF EACH STEEL' BFAM (TYP. EACH'ENOWALL) FLOOR (TYP.) INSTALL VERTICAL AND FRAME TIEDOWNS ON MAIN UNIT PER SPECS FOR HDMFS WITHOUT TAG UNITS. f/ / V STAND GRASSES PIER DARSPACING PER STEEL OTHER DRAWINGS CHASSIS BEAM ASAME WN UNIT). AS INSTALL STD- RIDGEv% BEAM VERTICAL TIEDOWNS BELOW EACH END OF RIDGE WALL BEAM ADJACENT TO PIER (TYP.) FIGURE 23 QUAD UN(T SET—UP STANDARD SIDEWALL VERTICAL AND FRAME MEDDWNS PER OTHER DRAWINGS. , INSTALL ON -SITE S FASTENERAT J-1 FAST UBETWEEN MAIN UNIT ANO ATTACHED I PER FIGURE 24. SHEAR 4 AND AMC DESIGN D-UNIT T ' SIDE WALL 1 9fi EDGE JOIST FLOOR PERIMETER JOISTS LAODED TOGETHER WITH T i S/B• x 3 1/2" ALL THREAD AT 3B D.C. MAX. KEY 0 = STANDARD SIDEWALL VM"CAL TIEDDWN e = SHTARWALL VERTICAL TIEDDWN 0 - mMMM nCT BIAR YMIFA GI M PIERS S PER ZxS JOISTS (TYP) STEEL CHASSIS INSTALL ONE (1) LONGITUDINAL TIEDOWN STRAP WITH GROUND ANCHOR BELOW EACH STEEL BEAM AT EACH END OF FLOOR PER SET-UP WANUAL- SPECIFICATIONS (TYP.) INSTALL SHEAR, WALL VERTICAL TIEDOWNS ON EACH END OF SHEAR . WALL, ADJACENT TO VIER AS SHOWN (LOCATION MAY VARY ALONG SIDEWALL) INSTALL ONE (1) , ' LONGITUDINAL TIECDWN STRAP WITH GRDUND S-UNIT ANCHOR BELOW EACH STEEL BEAM AT EACH ---•— END OF FLOOR PER SET-UP MANUAL SPECIFICATIONS (TYP.) - STANDARD CHASSIS PIER.SPACINC PER OTHER DRAWINGS JOINT WALL SPACING PER i DRAWINGS STD. CONTINUOUS RIDGE BEAM ME DOWNS PER OTHER DRAWINGS A -UNIT FIGURE 23a im LU 3 t� OCT 1 6 2008 0 a a Federal Manu&a=d Homo ConsWc6on c M And Safety Standards SIDEWALL .ENDWALL FLOOR DECKING t0UK JD6 I -BEAM. CHASSIS OUTRIGGER 3/Irx3 I/ram . ALL THREAD LAC SCREWS 36' O.C. MAX WIND ZONE 11 (100 MPH) WIND ZONE III 010 MPH) SU-44 39 NOBILITY HOMES, INC. 6. Alternate Alignment Procedure a) Position the second section so that the floors aretogether with the ceiling seam flush and the end walls and ceiling joints even at the top. Close the gap between the roofs by raising the outside frame support beam. b) With the ceiling positioned and the ridge beam halves snug, fasten the top of the ridge beam together. . c) With the roof securely fastened, attach a winch (come -a -longs) between spring shackles of each section. Shift the floor and lower end of the walls into alignment by tightening the winch (Figure 13). d) Secure both floors together (refer to Figure 8). With the top, walls, and floor aligned and fastened at the marriage line, proceed with leveling of the second section. LU 0 OCT 1 6 2008 0. a Q Fedend Home Conmucdan Rome co v And Safety Shade* 20 SU-25 cn N N w 00 n Ic z r* Y ..A MAXIMUM TIEDOWN SPACINGS rn = z 84o� ;�� m K n u n Corn Dwc c m n m u ii� %Z9 PPROVE DII �' Iv l II �� o $ f7 y II II � z x (13ADUddd WIND ZONE 3 m� I La -0 a aQz x f.m zso Rv� m D w w w r°t ° 0 = HOME SI ZE WIND ZONE , ; MAXIMUM- SIDEWALL , %. ;: HEIGHT MAX.',SIDEWALL ' . -':. FRAME 1EDOWN SPACING , - AND LOCATION MAX. MARRIAGE _ WALL FRAME TIEDOWN SPACING MINIMUM STEEL BEAM HEIGHT MAXIMUM STEEL BEAM HEIGHT GROUND ANCHOR BACKANGLE 116", FLOOR W/ 3" O.H.. DOUBLE WIDE :' 3': 7._6„ .. OC .. .-NEAR N/A •• 24,. 40" Oa 116" FLOOR ' W/.3" O.H.. :. DOUBLE WIDE ;: .'-3. 7 _6 - -0" O.C. FAR BEAM N/A -, >40" 72" 200 r Uv 2 H 2 u 11 0 HEIGHT FROM GRADE' To TOP of STEEL BEAM O.H.= MAX: SIDEWALL ROOF SAVE OVERHANG a < ROOF PITCH < 20 DEGREES C' Ta ml Mw"fuarW m ler Hom,Co="gQA AndSFRC•Sta&rds ® . ALL GROUND ANCHORS'SPECIFIED::ON':iHIS:DRAWING MUST BE b161141ED.:..: BY A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OR A;RECOGNIZED TESTING•LASORATORY ' TO ADEQUATELY SUPPORT A 315D.L3:ALLOWASLE-VATHDRAWAL LOAD. ' (ULTIMATE LOAD - .4725 LB) MIN.•.WHEN LOADED AT A 45' AN FROM "THE ANCHOR SHAFT AND A 3150 LB ALLOWABLE•.'4NTHORAWAL LOAD (ULTIMATE • • •,,0,6+r'-K�}�;� LOAD - 4725 LS)'MIN. -WHEN LOADED PARALLEL TO THE ANCHOR SHAFT. . a.J•`imivrc"�R'. SPECIFICATIONS ON THIS' DAAVANG:.SUPERSEDE ALL OTHER SPECIFICATIONS SHOWN ON OTHER DRAWINGS AND/GRAN THE SET-UP MANUAL REV..CALC#1-NOV; 2;8, 20;13;0;:;:.:... NOBILITY HOMES 0 ANCHORAGE SYSTEM I SHEET WILLIAM J. KALKER, JR., P.E. Flae"iryryaF ci°ueemF SW-G-3 mosmTw0 ° atw n IFOI) F61-116] 3C F�o o O o 0 s Q J V'�' N N N N Z� w O z ¢N Q Q >Q � �PPROVE® e Qzz UO N��O O a O Q � Q G� O t"y � w lil lil d pp 0Z °mZ NZ OZ°- � F ¢ • ❑3R0!ldd� tea~ 4 � �NS �D O m 0 i' O m 0 ow �N M M Mi M ao 00 oa co a zdd n 0 N os€�Yu��.ox �S WSW$4 W 4'mu�$ I�'W W�,q •YYC.nGq¢i�i 7„m5�i� oy� m3 w s o y Fyn gym' � ax& a•-i a rc a W -, g O z.�� W W J O U o, w O a W O fV w 0 _z � b � A '��bF�d `•' IJ'CV \ =CIE. w N M m 8K p �6 O '$ R 1i0 4.F.y F Cr J . BV' ti KWK.O -wJ ' W m 6qV w = ozzFm aw y�j� z U Zf-'�a.00 o? Q zz� w�$�w aN Z 6 aQ��ow W= n z•ma Wpb az N O 029 OQJ L] op W C p` Q (,Zp W rn Bqr�M�l9 VJ Za C9 O O VI ZZZJ FpM. z �rNjj K ¢¢C ulWAnQZ NQ V Q We pJdppE �O X ? z0,p o� y Np U>A Qr,. ZF UN W. zo�Qv=ia az o a0 f9a��0 d � wo -- Q¢F�a w o x am��a� cow 38B NOBILITY HOMES, INC. Should your home need to be releveled, follow the procedures under Multi -Wide Set -Up instructions. CAUTION: WHEN RELEVELING THE HOME, LOOSEN ALL THE TIE DOWNS PRIOR TO JACHING THE HOME. READJUST THE TIE DOWN TENSION AFTER RELEVELING IS COMPLETE. Your home is designed for a foundation system which supports the main frame beams. Nobility Homes does not recommend any support system which does not directly support the main frame beams as a primary system as this may result in damage to the home. Additional edge piers, as required by Nobility Homes are considered as a secondary part of the support q�, be included. �/ CAUTION: CONSEQTJENCES OF INCORRECT BLOCKgG OCT 16 2008 C (Double Wides) a T ILFcderal Manoracnccd � Home Comuuction Incorrect blocking and leveling of your. home could produce a sagging home incTilEin1iitstw"Wuds limited to these related conditions. • Buckling and/or loosening of walls, partitions, siding, ceilings, doors, floors, linoleum, carpeting, insulation, wiring, sinks, tubs, toilets, weather stripping, and miscellaneous fixed original fixtures of the home. • Leaking windows, doors, roof, ceiling, walls, floor seams, and junctions. Improper closing, binding and sagging of windows, cabinets and inside/outside doors. • Malfunctioning of plumbing; water outlets, lighting fixtures; electric heating and air conditioning systems. Upon completion of blocking and leveling, refer to Tie down and Anchoring Section below. Note: The symptoms listed above could also occur as a result of pier settlement. If this has dccurred follow the releveling procedure. TIE DOWN AND ANCHORING All homes must be securely anchored to the ground to resist the sliding and overturning effects of high winds. Your home was designed and constructed for the wind conditions of Wind Zone II or Zone III. Where any part of a home is installed within 1,500 feet of a coastline in Wind Zones II or III, the manufactured home must be designed for the increased requirements, as specified on the home's — --data plate (refer to § 3280.5(t) of this chapter) in accordance with acceptable engineering practice. Where site or other conditions prohibit the use of the manufacturer's instructions, a registered professional engineer or registered architect, in accordance with acceptable 22 SU-27 w s o y Fyn gym' � ax& a•-i a rc a W -, g O z.�� W W J O U o, w O a W O fV w 0 _z � b � A '��bF�d `•' IJ'CV \ =CIE. w N M m 8K p �6 O '$ R 1i0 4.F.y F Cr J . BV' ti KWK.O -wJ ' W m 6qV w = ozzFm aw y�j� z U Zf-'�a.00 o? Q zz� w�$�w aN Z 6 aQ��ow W= n z•ma Wpb az N O 029 OQJ L] op W C p` Q (,Zp W rn Bqr�M�l9 VJ Za C9 O O VI ZZZJ FpM. z �rNjj K ¢¢C ulWAnQZ NQ V Q We pJdppE �O X ? z0,p o� y Np U>A Qr,. ZF UN W. zo�Qv=ia az o a0 f9a��0 d � wo -- Q¢F�a w o x am��a� cow 38B NOBILITY HOMES, INC. Should your home need to be releveled, follow the procedures under Multi -Wide Set -Up instructions. CAUTION: WHEN RELEVELING THE HOME, LOOSEN ALL THE TIE DOWNS PRIOR TO JACHING THE HOME. READJUST THE TIE DOWN TENSION AFTER RELEVELING IS COMPLETE. Your home is designed for a foundation system which supports the main frame beams. Nobility Homes does not recommend any support system which does not directly support the main frame beams as a primary system as this may result in damage to the home. Additional edge piers, as required by Nobility Homes are considered as a secondary part of the support q�, be included. �/ CAUTION: CONSEQTJENCES OF INCORRECT BLOCKgG OCT 16 2008 C (Double Wides) a T ILFcderal Manoracnccd � Home Comuuction Incorrect blocking and leveling of your. home could produce a sagging home incTilEin1iitstw"Wuds limited to these related conditions. • Buckling and/or loosening of walls, partitions, siding, ceilings, doors, floors, linoleum, carpeting, insulation, wiring, sinks, tubs, toilets, weather stripping, and miscellaneous fixed original fixtures of the home. • Leaking windows, doors, roof, ceiling, walls, floor seams, and junctions. Improper closing, binding and sagging of windows, cabinets and inside/outside doors. • Malfunctioning of plumbing; water outlets, lighting fixtures; electric heating and air conditioning systems. Upon completion of blocking and leveling, refer to Tie down and Anchoring Section below. Note: The symptoms listed above could also occur as a result of pier settlement. If this has dccurred follow the releveling procedure. TIE DOWN AND ANCHORING All homes must be securely anchored to the ground to resist the sliding and overturning effects of high winds. Your home was designed and constructed for the wind conditions of Wind Zone II or Zone III. Where any part of a home is installed within 1,500 feet of a coastline in Wind Zones II or III, the manufactured home must be designed for the increased requirements, as specified on the home's — --data plate (refer to § 3280.5(t) of this chapter) in accordance with acceptable engineering practice. Where site or other conditions prohibit the use of the manufacturer's instructions, a registered professional engineer or registered architect, in accordance with acceptable 22 SU-27 o, w O a W O fV w 0 _z � b � A '��bF�d `•' IJ'CV \ =CIE. w N M m 8K p �6 O '$ R 1i0 4.F.y F Cr J . BV' ti KWK.O -wJ ' W m 6qV w = ozzFm aw y�j� z U Zf-'�a.00 o? Q zz� w�$�w aN Z 6 aQ��ow W= n z•ma Wpb az N O 029 OQJ L] op W C p` Q (,Zp W rn Bqr�M�l9 VJ Za C9 O O VI ZZZJ FpM. z �rNjj K ¢¢C ulWAnQZ NQ V Q We pJdppE �O X ? z0,p o� y Np U>A Qr,. ZF UN W. zo�Qv=ia az o a0 f9a��0 d � wo -- Q¢F�a w o x am��a� cow 38B NOBILITY HOMES, INC. Should your home need to be releveled, follow the procedures under Multi -Wide Set -Up instructions. CAUTION: WHEN RELEVELING THE HOME, LOOSEN ALL THE TIE DOWNS PRIOR TO JACHING THE HOME. READJUST THE TIE DOWN TENSION AFTER RELEVELING IS COMPLETE. Your home is designed for a foundation system which supports the main frame beams. Nobility Homes does not recommend any support system which does not directly support the main frame beams as a primary system as this may result in damage to the home. Additional edge piers, as required by Nobility Homes are considered as a secondary part of the support q�, be included. �/ CAUTION: CONSEQTJENCES OF INCORRECT BLOCKgG OCT 16 2008 C (Double Wides) a T ILFcderal Manoracnccd � Home Comuuction Incorrect blocking and leveling of your. home could produce a sagging home incTilEin1iitstw"Wuds limited to these related conditions. • Buckling and/or loosening of walls, partitions, siding, ceilings, doors, floors, linoleum, carpeting, insulation, wiring, sinks, tubs, toilets, weather stripping, and miscellaneous fixed original fixtures of the home. • Leaking windows, doors, roof, ceiling, walls, floor seams, and junctions. Improper closing, binding and sagging of windows, cabinets and inside/outside doors. • Malfunctioning of plumbing; water outlets, lighting fixtures; electric heating and air conditioning systems. Upon completion of blocking and leveling, refer to Tie down and Anchoring Section below. Note: The symptoms listed above could also occur as a result of pier settlement. If this has dccurred follow the releveling procedure. TIE DOWN AND ANCHORING All homes must be securely anchored to the ground to resist the sliding and overturning effects of high winds. Your home was designed and constructed for the wind conditions of Wind Zone II or Zone III. Where any part of a home is installed within 1,500 feet of a coastline in Wind Zones II or III, the manufactured home must be designed for the increased requirements, as specified on the home's — --data plate (refer to § 3280.5(t) of this chapter) in accordance with acceptable engineering practice. Where site or other conditions prohibit the use of the manufacturer's instructions, a registered professional engineer or registered architect, in accordance with acceptable 22 SU-27 NOBILITY HOMES, INC. engineering practice, must design anchorage for the special wind conditions. This home must not be installed within 1500 feet of a coastline in Wind Zones If or III. Installation of a tie down and anchoring system as required by Nobility Homes will also meet the overall design requirements of Wind Zone I, Standard Wind. TIE DOWN SYSTEM OVERVIEW Tie downs are separated into four categories: 1. Sidewall vertical and frame diagonal ties 2. Shear wall ties (single wide/multi wide) 3. Ridge beam vertical ties 4. Longitudinal ties 1. Sidewall vertical clips are painted white, a diagonal frame tie and a vertical.tie, from this clip, must be connected to a double headed anchor with an allowable load of 3150 lb. min. Refer to Figures 15, 16, 17, 18, & 20 and Tables 4, 5, or 6. 2. Shear wall tie clips are painted brown, a vertical tie from the clip must be connected to a ground anchor with an allowable load of 1150 lb. min. if thereis no brown tie at the marriage line, then, anchor the I-beam closest to the center line of the home. Refer to Figures 19 or 21. 3. Ridge beam/column vertical tie clips are painted green; a vertical tie from the clip must be connected to a ground anchor with an allowable load of 3150 lb. min. Both halves may be connected to the same anchor. Refer to Figure 20. 4. Longitudinal ties are required on units less than 52' in Wind Zone II and 63' in Wind Zone III. Connect the ground anchor with an allowable load of 3150 lb. min. Refer to Figure 22. All tie down strap locations will be indicated on the house by a painted clip. For maximum tie down spacing refer to Table 4, 5 or 6 for Wind Zones 11 and III. 0 OCT 16rM 2U08 a. Federet Manufactured QHome consyucuoo And Safety Standards 23 �O U z z �ZU O O O O r'Qm �mx o 0 0 0 �Nx a �wl—y N N N N � m w m• Z gam¢ aQN �3e z z z z �PARCIVE® F � J o }}a a F w w w w o�yv cim m V m m G) � Q O N�ZJ �Q.�� C] ./]Z �a �Z �° mZ IDZ m m Il3noadald zaw DNS too mo iao `mo I 1 1 I I o, i. o, n c, ow Z $+N N N N N pwp �d a' oi# "'3� a: wig ¢ w�faa' N �m �G`y¢m N G?C,�i � ridylp�= f�O,y o¢� w grWzqq� mi5 � $^z�� .�mt5z�� 3,`1i � 9i L/] �= c N 3 N m .tu F a; r-1 a � a m� d m h � 7 �V dI W'J� o� a � a w m W N a W Z o O w a Z_ o tiP ra a w 8 oaf o ,9� �a N. a Fmo_'r�i a „4 �� t- D:Q 0 Pat 'M s wm<aacz.> pw,< of to mg3a 0a on 0 z O Qe m e�J QW z = -I yUOJmQ MM,C W a F-�Ja7ip0 W ri 1w n - J. �a O 4.. W'LQm�� KO N c o z M CZ G d' O WU1 as-'O� d' r/1 �I�aZ a O Ww OJ?¢O m� 1=� .h X 0 O" Z�r dam GW Q �, V� Q41Jr,�O 9 Z� 44 w oNF-J N O U rn =O¢Q19Nz VO ao Sa pwMQ O r. O KO SU-28 38A MAXIMUM NOBILITY HOMES, INC. TIEDOWN SPACINGS FIELD INST4IL� HALIr'a17 s@EW '4—' KAl OISTANl MIM Mt't •E HAXO ¢t•t it c,2Gtl•ID WUO MA;e4lt 5�1T " YT , r TE,�OWN, I 1iY7�N MbLiNGE WA'� S% R3 A°I I STD al I I All BAOWIGL ZRE FEIGHT S-AI n L.00ATIoN Fl TEDONN STRA^5 FEIGHi HEIGHT _ 71 NFJs t3fr\ ITT!' I �• !o Hine eµ I I z N' I I n 6'6L Fat=6M I ultr I alr" I 71' I `• n>: tie. 2- 4,0 0,a. Air I Bit I I I I 14 I. T*e I 7,T I cmnr® erau+aem>�I eIIZesn r I +F "M FFTM I M TO CA , 156Ell RO'F weaunc TO of nIM I �y .,...,....�,s ELnac $N. WI VEvs. �rn�lra�ra+�"Tsrsn ev h+ 4te os �E5 �5 uar c WtN9 - Note U" RPM „y"_..�_, mvewoelcslrT - :.,,<.,_:•, : ' ,,,t aAASSOC_ wLLLLsArvM w1KAtFmS n1 ON TIMMl6 9l13i &Le,l g=W SHOWON CIf81 s, V�IAVOME AN6CIPA ESTS . .; oT'. ®m�,,�1'S7rNTn�FaSF[eFrJ�nLLla9�V®YIrT.Tta�o ta1re6 a X,,�awvNTEgirnwL. ,'; t i as xss TABLE 5 NOBILITY HOMES :1pX.k3"f:UK-.[_ IEDOWN SPACINGS FIELD IhISTALL_-"D . .. <:.. WRD ATtim'L.n " Ha>;ns+'1 etrv�,r� IW,Ir4M 06TArC- MMMa7 �' nlwrniT •t �-�y,1% TEDOWN r1 MdZ2IA� Wil' s = Mal s = CAM I I I QWLIND I A1DIG3 YL.. I IFJGHTTSPAMM PO LOCATION F,7A`£ T®DW SM1TA"5 FELSFIT Fell,'tif BACKAIIr1 e w "ar l ti I R" S n,wa l Nln I vF' I as o 079 •sIN ,� I I I' I &'Fiat Fat 511 I I I I I I I Ik'� I i I I Nrt3Al NIA-T" I 2.4s' FaR T" I I I I I I I I I I I ( I I I WIND 7CNE� II (100 MPH) l I I I WIND 70E I11 (110 MPH)711, ' C UL . I =EML L Ill OVISIMo LI [-_a Fedl ct Home construction �m am n� maim mw Of And Safety StandaNs * ICr To FTAt1 wAN t9tiFZDe ATot Lpca✓�t Ol At Iff".tJ� TOAffia7aTST surom A 35M 70OF sn37. t¢ArL OF QSGc,e wlwKD �* lsnfirotwS +yA„!atTmatn�TrroosnaleLmMZW"l a ss nat FPv+TIE AN7[R suF r Aw'a •1ROaufLLO,D OLTfASE LOtosr-.r9 HOL I �, 11+J G4to'r5GI K�F NoexLITY i40M •ra+�a wdtymmma"LI' To11CN4a1L8YFT. �. w0.l.lAl4 4550G ...".e y; 1}FiTR6 ON no; al mrstsm _\ror> Ll1JILiAGE � '-.- nOLSfiOf naT RnmY®,nALL ; NIy ;iiw gu.i/l°�°b ,� '� I" 1 we 38 TmOrer 57tr.�'s aT at.>.ar'trnH� �:r+ \ TABLE 6 SU-43 NOBILITY HOMES, INC. William J. Kalker, Jr., P.E. Consulting Engineer 33 Rockwood L_a_ne Monroe, Connecticut 054613 203/261-1167 May 1.7, i999 Nobility Homes ❑ 3741 S.W..7th St. > Ocala, FL 34474 Uj 10 0 OCT 16 2008 c SUB: Ground Anchor Installation p" C 0. Federal Mm,ufaetured nl Ho. Construction To Whom It May Concern: And safety standards This letter certifies that unless otherwise noted on the tiedown installation drawings, all ground anchors connected to diagonal frame tiedowns along the sidewalls must have the ground anchor heads located within six (5) inches of the sidewall (i.e., within six inches of the vertical plane which i s created by the outsi de surface of the si dewal 1 ) . All such.ground anchors must also be provided with stabilizer plates to minimize horizontal movement. Also note, all ground anchors located below the mate lines of double wide or multi -wide units which are connected to. diagonal frame tiedowns must have stabilizer plates connected to the ground anchor shafts to minimize horizontal movement. All ground anchors connected to longitudinal tiedown straps and/or used as longitudinal tiedown anchors must be provided with stabilizer plates to minimize horizontal movement. Stabilizer plates are not required on shear wall anchors, marriage wall column anchors,. porch post anchors and/or any other anchors which resist only vertical uplift wind loads. *yr,` No 00333341�'7 ,F 1 ' ,o STATE OF ,,,���gFF9310 N Very truly yours, Willie. J. Kalker, Jr., P.E. SU-29 24 NOBILITY HOMES NOBILITY HOMES, INC. ADDENDUM TO NOBILITY HOMES SET—UP MANUAL: THIS LETTER AMENDS THE SET=UP MANUAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE GROUND ANCHOR LOAD CAPACITY FOR GROUND ANCHORS CON— NNECTED TO SHEAR WALLS AS NOTED BELOW. ALL SHEAR WALLS RATED MORE THAN. 4.50 PLF MUST BE ANCHORED TO THE GROUND WITH A GROUND ANCHOR APPROVED ,FOR A MINIMUM 4000 POUND ALLOWABLE LOAD PARALLEL TO THE ANCHOR SHAFT AND MINIMUM 50D0 POUND ULTIMATE LAAD PARALLEL TO THE ANCHOR SHAFT. ALL OTHER INSTALLATION AND/OR ANCHORING REQUIREMENTS ARE UNCHANGED. THE SHEAR WALLS WITH RATINGS GREATER THAN 450 FLFMUST'BE IDENTIFIED BY NOBILITY HOMES ON A FLOOR PLAN DRAWING PRO— VIDED TO THE HOME BUYER WITH THE.SET—UP MANUAL. w -o AUG-3 2011 0 p. G IL Federal Maoafarnrred m AndSa ftv Mdara And Sefciv Srmde:ds SU-29A NOBJI. 1 HOMES MAXIMUM I If=—L)C)WN JIr/At l(N ZZ - _rlG nvl ' MUVLM =Mr— � VOL' ne+eun � I� lrI nczoar�+� I am 1 yr, 7-5 waa nrsenr: ur_-W°'�i vsr. L K � �r�e ImemowSD°S rEvrr rBw .t.ac I I la-C' cM^ ea- I z I �Oa I r �. ueu¢ EM NI► I 2+ I 4-v" I a I I mi I arF 3 I I u_ I L ud a "✓a I Nin I I I 40° I' I o '�' i I L'ta Fna.Sra nrlk I 7i^ I S) c I I r,I w' l� z I i-0 l IMcm r I r av Nana. 5rk I' Nlk '' �' I vN' I -{zn I • .� AI 3 I I I. Grob Fwa 6M I Ik'r'v ' . m4C i 7%! I R �itrc I I.. I �tfi �a0a�ro� w ,R QLfa`nCE)IQIMJ<+OW""ADA !IS✓ �• •qua �R1L�0 0f�1747E LDOiifd9lQ1 AQ71[I�14Y1••'� 7DMYOO19Yc•L �6 lO�rDiffi7e�r M6T!¢ � 70�iW. 799zm Sllrw•S II rrLL ow =wom WIND WE II (100 )ea) WII) zaE III file m .art . rum cnCW.l.I_ IsfF WOWIri iF Tv � s78r CFSMS. eoe:te Tr drde pLDNCiNratamrS��R)'� 1tNGlka?5 v-'s uqu. T wlt" 4-®0 Au.Onm Ines:mwcNmm tI . p®iMO16tNTE RTalKY717L ?yam � ��' TABLE 4 owma -� C °C OCT 1 6 2008 X. a a o Federal Manufecwrcd Home Oonabucaoo m .� And Safety SUndu& agwo REVISED DEC 2 4 199E Fcdc d )AobUc 37 24A SU-42 I e NOBILITY HOMES; INC. LONGTUDINAL FRAME TIEDOWN INSTALLATION ONLY REQUIRED WHEN LONGTUDINAL TIEDOWN ANCHORS INSTALLED ON BOTTOM OF STEEL - One I11 F➢ m Tismm WITH B00m1B mmum NOBT BE ImTAMM ON BACK WNO. 7 23X5RH AHCIOa WS1Dm TO B0T7OM OF EACH STEEL BISN. USPi=r BACH 9TEQ. DUN TO VmTFY THB RwulwT ANCWFL LAUTTOHB. mov. Exxom Dow ARD a>mawo ANNOB MY BF— aamy'aD @ TD la ®. 16L. F DOOR, NNM AN NOalt _ =mrm= ams atama =v m ODOR Imm. Tmaxw ane0 NWO•a nm=z=an Ems nx-mP II /1 II ". POR a run. XTRam AND aae®N — &.-IDt— RL90r[m r®10. nm01O "mum mm Wi &OUrt -m DmTw OF sam vrai7. Emu 1T Am AFL'BOI. aPltCm OF IV' O.C. FROTH CAM ® OF FLM IT" "OU STMO' OU Ml PLAN VIEW 101 ± All BEAM DOUBLE HEAD GROUND ANCHOR LONGITUDINAL TIEDDWN ANCHOR (SEE DETAIL 'A' BELOW] % 1 SE I " Luj 4 � OCT 1 6 2008 DOWN0 0 1ls CUP d 26 Q' Federal Mnugcaaed MI Home Couuucwn And Safety" Standards ilEt30WN RADIUS CLIP smai CDe1mal s 51w LOOM Muax N 9DT N LN7611WNAL =OWN ANCHOR LONG local ANWOR TIN FAM EM OF SWAP / 1H0EAOED TNIHOUtaI I0H01lD l .-. ANCH01t BIItY lSDTS l � •R DETAIL "A" Q' DmuE W.AD Wa= ARMOR Atl. Qi Rmv aN nYa� OA YIOR aM1191G Ia16T m c�'0•» N A aROPAa BU = A 32 OA n R6 TSB= Siamu AB Ta I1 MEN. R BBPPoIO' A alee0 raga 1^+'^` B D l7seal IQMO WM r0a® "M ratAVa TD ffi ARaalaA aRaR am AT A 4e GROUND D xn FROM rlll BE vm 811I v ae• AB==MR ZW Tzma® mmNro aaoRaas rmar as FFaP»r!N ermR aTAa^+'s° a1.aTsa ao NIDm m HmErvarvaL vavmG T. �t 1 F I C,y'�.,� ✓P' o0033841�,�1�I .E STATE OF I )vR THIRD PARTY Tc *MAULER 10 FABMrATE RM O OW Br nX MXCH1 S LENOTH OF I-JIC ..Ws TEN N AN Cim aBT AND MANUALLY BE70010 THE TO ilE Ia1NRC MTON SNOML FIGURE 22 SI ON S WIND ZONE M110 M M N05114T f ROWE5 A FIELD ORAGE NSTALLEDSYSTEM " BY: Tc BAIm MB' SW—FI-5 t jzI/ae sc-W.rs 36 SU-41 NOBILITY HOMES, INC. TYPICAL SIDEWALL AND FRAME TIEDOWN 1 1/4" X G. TIEDOWN STRA (TYP) GROUND AN( STABUZER P FIGURE 15 C3 Lu 0 OCT 1 6 Z008 o CL m CL Q Fcdaal MMufae= Home Consauedae And Safety Standards /STEEL BEAM FLANGE CLIP LISTED FOR 31508 ALLOWABLE LOAD. TIEDOWN STRAP W/ SEAL AND CRIMPS. INSTALLED PER MFG, SPECS. AT UEdPP�D i'��� ��trt•1 J. Kkj, Nz TF�✓�, N00033841�1T n a L STATE OF Q o LL:y�I 7v fsr•1c Ctu� R ',xc=Hn �� cfi( �� 9'�+u`� FIGURE 17 FIGURE 16 0 'rvtia,� GROUND ANCHOR - STABILIZER PLATE SU-3 0 MAIN BEAM 25 NOBILITY HOMES, INC. NOBILITY HOMES, INC. 1415 D0 AlL 15 120 10-r - USED _e7w WA ,�- erAW UU 51"UP ANj4, w OCT 16 Zoos r Foderal Mmufaetmed QHome r9'tadvd And Safely Sread�� L,Oo r- • 51'CAP •'I u Go L) 5L--R (IN 4611:�,AL, --�POWI.I AN,--Nv� AIJP cdoui of- .AGU N WP 'o V67UBL- O�A2 eAeouIJD AIJGNor l N00033841' } } I ,o STATE OF J PO4�%� OR10.P% j. AL.�'l�`C WIND ZONE M(110 MPH) ALL ' MArZIAmf ��DoIJ►�I PET FLaag -riE ovww �N�No� t�/zA�lus GLI P API US c.Lt P GV Down AfAfm WL 5�w VvI;fi:GAL �lvp IwW ANGHOCS ACE 10 WH NALW6 A'T SAFIK LOeOoO; Gd N� poi 51'CAP 'ro Ac H N o>31 �.iTy dl� rlo SU-31 26 DDU�L=WID= SH=t�rZ W �! 1 Ti-=DOWN 51'5_71=—M * C3 W "0 OCT 1 6 2008 p a 0- eCHome Fedeml MAnafa0lmed Coaslnutio0 m And Safety SHemarde ExEPT FGR. FULL wEDiH g{EM w i&EL _ �ALL CONNFZT EACH DEN To A DOt m� F HEAD == ANCHOR NTTH. STRAP PLACED VERTICALLY wm r OF SHEAR WALL / GRMIND ANCHOR INSTALL. PEER WTTHIN' g- OF SHEAR I/ (��) WIW. BELDW'EDGE JOIST OYPICALl LOOP STRAP THROUGH SLOT IN SHEAR WALL VERTICAL TIEDOWN ANCHOR AND CONNECT EACH END TO DOUBLE HEAD QHITUND ANCHOR SEE DETAIL 'A' ABOVE * WSTrEEL BEAMSF CLOSEST TO MARRIAGE RAME TIEDowNS CONNECTED LLTO TIEDOWN ANCHOR W/ RADIUS CUP EDGE OF HOUSE OR CHASSIS BEAM CONTINUOUS TIEDDWN STRAP p=—TAIL 0A" GRADE TIEDOWN STRAP INSTALLATION DOUBLE HEAD GROUND ANCHOR CONNECT 4 STRAPS ON TRUSS ABOVE SHEAR WALL TO BACONG IN OTHER HALF WITH (4) 010 x 1—I1'Y SLIM AT EACH DID. FOR FALL WIDTH SHEAR WALUL LOOP STRAP THROUGH SAT IN SHEAR WALL VERTIOM MOWN ANCHOR AND CONNECT EACH END TO DOUBLE HEAD GROUND ANCHOR. L PIDt BELOW EDGE JOir OPPOSITE SHEAR WALL SHEAR WALL 7ETDNNA7Ei OVER MIST CMIDEVER NOTE: ALL 71EDDNN STRAPS AND CONNECTING HARDWARE MUST CERTIFIED BY A PROF69ONAL ENGNEER OR A -RHS 2CM TESTING LABORATORY To ADEGUATELY SUPPORT A 31504 MINIMUMMA.DWABLE LOAD (ULTIMATE LOAD 4 MINIMUM) ANDJOR To COMPLY WITHASTM D3453-21. ALL GROUND ANCHORS SPECIFIED ON THIS DRAWING MUST BE CERTIFIED BY A PROFESSIONAL ENONEER OR A RMOGNIZED TESTING LABORATORY To ADEGUAIMY SUPPORT A 31501 ALLOWABLE WMWRAWL LOAD I@I-(UL7NATE LOAD 47251 MIN.) *EN LOADED AT AN ANGLE 45 FROM THE ANCHOR SHAFT. 3WHEEN LOADED PARALLEL WITH LANCHOR SHAFT.OAD AIE .IAAD 5n THIRD PARTY P.E.,.SEAL K�iLl iy ZREMSIONS SYSTEM -r ,ANCHORAGE FAR BEAM METHOD 4 N" s I SW-FI-4 t: STAT--OF o" `\-kX \\ a!> v FI;uRF 21a DEC 2 4 1998 F..ril Mmilt F44 Jim.cm.weaw +�p Aad Sx6ety 9Atndard. SU-40 35 DOUBLEWIDE SHEAR WALL TIEDOWN SYSTEM WIND ZONES 2 & 3 EXCEPT FOR FULL WIDTH SHEAR WALLS, INSTALL TIEDOWN STRAP OVER THE STEEL BEAM AND CONNECT EACH END TO A DOUBLE HEAD GROUND ANCHOR WITH STRAP PLACED VERTICALLY WITHIN 8" OF SHEAR WALL. SEE DETAIL 'A' ABOVE _ TIEDOWN ANCHOR W/ RADIUS CLIP EDGE OF HOUSE �� OR CHASSIS BEAM `� CONTINUOUS TIEDOWN STRAP DETAIL "Ar GRADE TIEDOWN STRAP INSTALLATION DOUBLE HEAD L� GROUND ANCHOR INSTALL PIER WITHIN 8" OF SHEAR WALL BELOW EDGE JOIST (TYPICAL). LOOP STRAP THROUGH SLOT IN SHEAR WALL VERTICAL TIEDOWN ANCHOR AND CONNECT EACH END TO DOUBLE HEAD GROUND ANCHOR. SEE DETAIL "A" ABOVE CONNECT 4 STRAPS ON TRUSS ABOVE SHEAR WALL TO BLOCIONG IN OTHER HALF WITH (4) #10 x 1-1/2" SCREWS AT EACH END. FOR FULL WIDTH SHEAR WALLS, LOOP STRAP THROUGH SLOT IN SHEAR WALL VERTICAL TIEDOWN ANCHOR AND - CONNECT EACH END TO DOUBLE HEAD GROUND ANCHOR. L PIER BELOW EDGE JOIST OPPOSITE SHEAR WALL SHEAR WALL TERMINATES OVER JOIST CANTILEVER. NOTE: ALL 'TIEDOWN STRAPS AND CONNECTING HARDWARE MUST CERTIFIED BY A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OR A RECOGNIZED TESTING LABORATORY TO ADEQUATELY SUPPORT A 3150# ALLOWABLE LOAD MINIMUM (ULTIMATE LOAD 4725# MINIMUM) AND/OR TO COMPLY WITH ASTM D3953-91. ALL GROUND ANCHORS SPECIFIED ON THIS DRAWING MUST BE CERTIFIED BY A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OR A RECOGNIZED TESTING LABORATORY TO ADEQUATELY SUPPORT A 3150# ALLOWABLE WITHDRAWL LOAD MIN. (ULTIMATE LOAD 4725# MIN.) FIGURE 21 WHEN LOADED PARALLEL WITHTHE ANCHOR SHAFT. P.E. SEAL THIRD PARTY REVISIONS NOBILITY HOMES �q J, if IC �'?Li ocae.f `mac r `a� II/la/09 C3 ��� D LU REVISEly v 0 DEC -9 2009 0 < a AvaSaery1 0 LM: BY.' DAM- ANCHORAGE SYSTEM NEAR BEAM METHOD DRAWN BY: TC DATE 11/io/09 JDAPIA NO.: sa N.rs. SW—FI-4 NOBILITY HOMES; INC. INSTALL STRAPS Follow the instructions below to conned straps from the home to sidewati frame, end wall frame and vertical anchors. Always protect straps at sharp comers including around 1-beams with radius clips or other methodst t). Radius dips may be fabricated from 26ga (min) by two inch wide galvanized steel strap formed to fit around comers: - - - Bradmt PgAatlTaPmN tmmm.l lamm iv s®Pawwnpp"p.e NrwM Wmn SIDEWALL FRAME ANCHORS Install straps to sidewall frame anchors as follows: 1. Connect strap to home. Connect one end of the strap to the home connec- tion point using approved buckles or clips (swivel or hook clip preferred). r (D. CmnxllaW to mpofmi, . b.am are cmnva Dram raR mat, m.een"r Fart 2. Connect strap to anchor. Connect the other end of the strap to the split bolt in the anchor. Leave enough strap length to be able tom' fuve complete turns around the bolt before it.baoomes.tight (app'roximately 2-112 inches per. turn or 13 inches total). Fewer than five turns and the strap may not hold onto the bolt when force is applied. Conversely, too many turns may not fit within the U-channel of the anchor head. Follow the procedure outlined in Figure 87. LU r�°o C3 OCT 1 6 2008 0 CL < CL Federal Manufaci ued Home Contraction m And Safety Standards . Strap to beam connection61r, vs;1t Strap to beam connection. Regardless of the strap suppliers recommenda- tions, the strap must be connected to the top of the main beam to prevent damage to the structure. r, wrw.e.P rmme�l O e.mrcl ro.xmmP mr�n a�' toeno,. �•w milmae (�wew yr el,y, e.v,Pn nesml Dram me cm.yneumrrw rmiv lmWam bc..y ran amole.ncnv nma eb nm me .n.mr ero. edm,ew.,erry. ,mmam. OW.I. 15.1r. kclrNm'N �Onc.leMimuEm NV IbmM OOrce&by bmlmvlWTly �I aigteVrC pj'Irr'mviaAavm. -•een.wr.nw.;.e.,� euwr-cix..�ummm amure metmae mn.me awmie nue.�cnvemnn.uel m. etrep vgmv ye,eniipnny vyPfar.. u.v. a'a'apenvtl avure rCtma�n ll¢mClpl®1 larmm CuppW .M.et! ' rrersn mhvl00�e.pwmm ram G9manar nv ml TluN a�•�^.ir.Plram'v4.Tvnv, vnil.rapmltiWnO me1914 OAV Ow Mvlap.lne.oM l�R art aleprml0e®rn etryhY mmbnnm r.en<nm evsu eyewnimnrnm Pa.a FMor Slewauv.upnr Clm ieiu,dra�-c. Hepvii nr iveLm .11.w b wcb mar 3. Pretension anchor. For anchors with stabilizer plates, pretension the anchor by pulling it up fo the stabilizer plate using the strap and take-up bolt to move the anchor head. Continue pulling the strap until the plate moves a small amount (about 1/2 inch). This is called packing the plate and it will yield the strongest resistance (the bottom of the anchor head should be maximum one in ch above the top of the stabilizer plate). 27 SU-39.1 34 SU-32 NOBILITY HOMES NOBILITY HOMES TYPICAL SINGLEWIDE TIEDOWN INSTALLATION (STANDARD TIEDOWN_ INSTALLATION - NOT AT SHEAR WALLS) HEIGHT FROM GRADE TO TOP OF STEEL BEAM SPECIFIED ON DWG SW-G-3 X .035' TIEDOWN (TYP) HORIZONTAL GRADE FOR ALL GROUND ANCHORS CONNECTED SIDEWALL FRAME TIEDOWNS (TYP) UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE ON OTHER DRAWINGS, ALL.TIEDOWN STRAPS AND GROUND ANCHORS SPECIFIED ON THIS DRAWING ARE IN ADDITION TO THE TIEDOWN STRAPS AND GROUND ANCHORS REQUIRED AT THE SHEAR WALLS. P.E. SEAL '''nv""" ' • 'S/20/10 THIRD PARTY OMAY 25 2010 0 Qvawmum,m A WIND ZONES 2 & 3 EXCEPT AT SHEAR WALL VERTICAL TIEDOWNS, INSTALL A FRAME TIEDOWN STRAP AT EACH VERTICAL TIEDOWN LOCATION AND CONNECT THE FRAME TIEDQWN STRAP TO THE SAME DOUBLE HEAD GROUND ANCHOR AS THE VERTICAL TIEDOWN STRAP (TYP EACH SIDEWALL) INSTALL VERTICAL TIEDOWN STRAPS AND/OR SECURE THE VERTICAL TIEDOWN STRAPS TO GROUND ANCHORS AT OPENING STUDS WHEN THE OPENING WIDTH EXCEEDS 49' AND AT A SPACING NOT TO EXCEED THE VALUE SPECIFIED ON DRAWING SW-G-3. 1. ALL REDOWN STRAPS AND CONNECTING HARDWARE MUST CERTIFIED BY A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OR A RECOGNIZED TESTING LABORATORY TO. ADEQUATELY SUPPORT A 3150$ ALLOWABLE LOAD MIMMUM'(ULTIMATE LOAD 47250 MINIMUM) AND/OR TO COMPLY WITH ASTM D3953-91. 2. ALL GROUND ANCHORS SPECIFIED ON THIS DRAWING MUST BE CERTIFIED BY A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OR A RECOGNIZED TESTING LABORATORY TO'ADEQUATELY SUPPORT A 3150# ALLOWABLE WITHDRAWL LOAD'MIN..(ULTIMATE LOAD 40000 MIN.) WHEN LOADED BOTH PARALLEL WITH THE ANCHOR SHAFT AND AT A 45' ANGLE FROM THE ANCHOR SHAFT, 3. THE GROUND ANCHORS MUST BE INSTALLED TO THEIR FULL DEPTH IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS (IG. APPROVED FOR INSTALLATION IN THE SOIL, TYPE WHICH EXISTS AT THE SITE, ETC.) AND MUST EXTEND BELOW THE FROST LINE. 4. ALL GROUND ANCHORS CONNECTED TO THE SIDEWALL FRAME TIEDOWNS MUST BE PROVIDED WITH STABILIZER PLATES TO MINIMIZE HORIZONTAL MOVEMENT.' REVISIONS BY: I DATE NOBILITY HOMES s/m/10 ANCHORAGE SYSTEM NEAR BEAM METHOD DRAWN BY: TC OAPIA N0.' SW—FI-1 DATE 1/26/BB SC: N.TS TYPICAL DOUBLEWIDE TIEDOWN INSTALLATION* (STANDARD TIEDOWN INSTALLATION - NOT AT SHEAR WALLS) INSTALL A 3/8'X3-1/2- LAG SCREW W/FuNGE WIND ZONES 2 & 3 CUP ON THE INSIDE FLANGE OF EACH MARRIAGE WALL STEEL BEAM ON EACH JOIST WHICH HAS A LAG SCREW INSTALLED ON THE OUTSIDE FLANGE (18ESE LAG JOISTS WHICHHS HAVE A LAG CREW ALRETO BE UAD INSTALLED DO NOT REWIRE A LAG SCREW) 1 �� HEIGHT FROM GRADE TO. TOP OF STEEL BEAM SPECIFIED ON DWG SW-G-3 STANDARD PIER (TYP) _ GRADE BACK ANGLE FOR ALL GROUND ANCHORS. CONNECTED TO SIDEWALL FRAME TIEDOWNS PER DWG SW-G-3 (TYP) EXCEPT AT SHEAR WALL VERTICAL TIEDOWNS, INSTALL A DIAGONAL FRAME TIEDOWN STRAP AT EACH VERTICAL TIEDOWN LOCATION AND.CONNECT THE FRAME TIEDOWN STRAP TO THE SAME DOUBLE HEAD GROUND ANCHOR AS THE VERTICAL TIEDOWN STRAP (TYP EACH SIDEWALL) INSTALL VERTICAL TIEDm STRAPS AND/OR SECURE THE VERTICAL TIEDOWN STRAPS TO GROUND ANCHORS AT OPENING STUDS WHEN THE OPENING WIDTH EXCEEDS 48' AND AT A -SPACING NOT TO EXCEED THE VALUE SPECIFIED ON DRAWING SW-G-3. - * W/FRAME TIEDOWNS CONNECTED TO STEEL BEAMS CLOSEST TO MARRIAGE WALL INSTALL VERTICAL TIEDOWN *STRAPS AND/OR SECURE THE VERTICAL TIEDOWN STRAPS TO GROUND ANCHORS AT EACH VERTICAL T MV94 ANCHOR INSTALLED ALONG MARRIAGE UNE. WHEN VERTICAL 71EDOWN STRAPS ARE IN BOTH HALVES AT THE SAME LOCATION. CONNECT BOTH STRAPS TO THE SAME DOUBLE HEAD ANCHOR WITH RADIUS CUP (SEE RADIUS CUP DETAIL). X .03Y TIEDOWN (TYP) INSTALL ALL GROUND ANCHORS BELOW MARRIAGE WALL VERTICALLY AS SHOWN 1. ALL TIEDOWN STRAPS AND CONNECTING HARDWARE MUST CERTIFIED BY A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OR A RECOGNIZED TESTING LABORATORY TO ADEQUATELY SUPPORT A 3150# AND/OALLOWABLE R TO COMMPLY WITH NIMUM ASTMMD3953ATE L-091. 4725 MINIMUM) 2. ALL GROUND ANCHORS SPECIFIED ON THIS DRAWING MUST BE CERTIFIED BY A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OR A RECOGNIZED TESTING LABORATORY TO ADEQUATELY SUPPORT A 3150¢ ALLOWABLE WITHDRAWAL LOAD (ULTIMATE LOAD 47256 MIN WHEN LOADED AT, A 45' ANGLE FROM THE ANCHOR SHAFT AND A 3150# ALLOWABLE WITHDRAWAL LOAD (ULTIMATE LOAD 4725# MIN. WHEN LOADED PARALLEL TO THE ANCHOR SHAFT. 3. THE GROUND ANCHORS MUST BE.INSTALLED TO THEIR FULL DEPTH IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS (IG. APPROVED FOR INSTAUATION IN THE SOIL TYPE.WHICH EXISTS AT THE SITE, ETC.) AND MUST EXTEND BELOW THE FROST LINE. 4. ALL GROUND ANCHORS CONNECTED TO THE SIDEWALL FRAME TIEDOWNS MUST BE PROVIDED WITH STABILIZER PLATES TO MINIMIZE HORIZONTAL MOVEMENT. P.E. SEAL THIRD PARTY. REVISIONS NOBILITY HOMES G iffW41 a LED Br. DARE N/A YM 5/20/10 �•+>���t�vGr�°'''- w m mu SYSTEM 'a MAY 25 20. 1 's \ snrz ov x c D_ m FAR BEAM METHOD DRAWN BY: 1C DAPU NO.: SW :??q ',���p1 • CL a vrm�w bas�rsmm.m 5/20/ID DATE 1/2S/96 S0: N.T.S FIGURE 18 SU-33.1 28 FIGURE 20a SU-38.1 33 NOBILITY HOMES NOBILITY HOMES TYPICAL DOLIBLEWIDE TIEDOWN INSTALLATION (STANDARD TIEDOWN INSTALLATION — NOT AT SHEAR WALLS)_- WIND ZONES 2 & 3 INSTALL VERTICAL TIEDOWN STRAPS AND CONNECT THE VERTICAL TIEDOWN STRAPS TO GROUND ANCHORS AT EACH VERTICAL TIEDOWN ANCHOR INSTALLED ALONG MARRIAGE HEIGHT FROM GRADE TO TOP LINE WHEN VERTICAL TIEDOWN STRAPS ARE IN OF STEEL BEAM SPECIFIED ON BOTH HALVES AT THE SAME LOCATION, CONNECT BOTH DWG SW-G-3 STRAPS TO THE SAME DOUBLE HEAD ANCHOR WITH RADIUS 11 CUP (SEE RADIUS CUP DETAIL). HORIZONTAL INSTALL ALL GROUND ANCHORS BELOW MARRIAGE WALL VERTICALLY AS SHOWN 90' FOR ALL GROUND ANCHORS CONNECTED TO SIDEWALL FRAME TIEDOWNS (TYP) (TYP) x .05W MEDOWN EXCEPT AT SHEAR WALL VERTICAL TEDOWNS, INSTALL A DIAGONAL FRAME TIEDOWN STRAP AT EACH VERTICAL 71EDOWN LOCATION AND CONNECT THE FRAME TIEDOWN STRAP TO THE SAME DOUBLE HEAD GROUND ANCHOR AS THE VERTICAL TIEDOWN STRAP (TYP EACH SIDEWALL) INSTALL VERTICAL TIEDOWN STRAPS AND/OR SECURE THE GENERAL NOTES: VERTICAL TEDOWN STRAPS TO GROUND ANCHORS AT OPENING STUDS WHEN THE OPENING WIDTH EXCEEDS 48' 1, ALL TIEDOWN STRAPS AND CONNECTING HARDWARE MUST AND AT A SPACING NOT TO EXCEED THE VALUE CERTIFIED BY A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OR A RECOGNIZED SPECIFIED ON DRAWING SW-G-3. TESTING LABORATORY TO ADEQUATELY SUPPORT A 315011 ALLOWABLE LOAD. MINIMUM (ULTIMATE LOAD 4725# MINIMUM) AND/OR TO COMPLY WITH ASTM D3953-91. 2. ALL GROUND ANCHORS SPECIFIED ON THIS DRAWING MUST BE CERTIFIED BY A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OR A RECOGNIZED TESTING LABORATORY TO ADEQUATELY SUPPORT A 3150# ALLOWABLE, WITHDRAWAL LOAD (ULTIMATE LOAD 4725#) MIN. WHEN LOADED AT A 45' ANGLE FROM THE ANCHOR SHAFT AND A 315D# ALLOWABLE WITHDRAWAL LOAD (ULTIMATE LOAD 472M MIN. WHEN LOADED PARALLEL TO THE ANCHOR SHAFT. 3. THE GROUND ANCHORS MUST BE INSTALLED TO THEIR FULL DEPTH IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS (IG. APPROVED FOR D INTSOIL TYPE 1EXTIIJD NOTE EXISTS AT THE SITE. ETC.) AND MUSN BELOW THE E FROST UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE ON OTHER DRAWINGS, TINE ALLTIEDOWN STRAPS AND GROUND ANCHORS SPECIFIED ON THIS DRAWING ARE IN ADDITION 4. ALL GROUND ANCHORS CONNECTED TO THE SIDEWALL FRAME TO THE TIEDOWN STRAPS AND GROUND ANCHORS TIEDOWNS MUST BE PROVIDED WITH STABILIZER PLATES TO REQUIRED AT THE SHEAR WALLS. MINIMIZE HORIZONTAL MOVEMENT. P.E. SEAL THIRD PARTY REVISIONS NOBILITY HOMES O &ffrpye a L7R 9Y: DATE ou ANCHORAGE SYSTEM I'= o� rnrz� a MAY 25 2010 o NEAR BEAM METHOD ' <�o Il FelN nwom�e m O ouxN 9wv6�c DaFATpI SW—FI-2 GRADE TYPICAL SINGLEWIDE TIEDOWN INSTALLATION* (STANDARD- TIEDOWN INSTALLATION — NOT AT SHEAR -WALLS)- - WIND ZONES 2 & 3 �k W/FRAME TIEDOWNS CONNECTED TO FAR STEEL BEAMS. INSTALL A 3/8-X3-1/2- LAG SCREW W/FIANGE CLIP ON THE INSIDE FLANGE OF EACH STEEL BEAM ON EACH JOIST WHICH HAS A LAG SCREW INSTALLED ON THE x .035' TIEDOWN OUTSIDE FLANGE (THESE LAG SCREWS TO BE (TYP) SITE -INSTALLED;' JOISTS WHICH HAVE A LAG SCREW ALREADY INSTALLED DO NOT REQUIRE A LAG SCREW) EXCEPT AT SHEAR WALL VERTICAL TIEDOWNS, INSTALL A FRAME TIEDOWN STRAP AT EACH VERTICAL TIEDOWN LOCATION AND CONNECT THE FRAME 71EDOWN STRAP TO THE SAME DOUBLE HEAD GROUND ANCHOR AS THE !� VERTICAL TIEDOWN STRAP (TYP EACH SIDEWALL) BACK ANGLE FOR ALL GROUND ANCHORS CONNECTED TO SIDEWALL FRAME TIEDOWNS PER DWG SW-G-3 (TYP) 3HT FROM GRADE TO TOP STEEL BEAM SPECIFIED ON SW-G-3 INSTALL VERTICAL TIEDOWN STRAPS AND/OR SECURE THE VERTICAL TIEDOWN STRAPS TO GROUND ANCHORS AT OPENING STUDS WHEN THE OPENING WIDTH EXCEEDS 48' AND AT A SPACING NOT TO EXCEED THE VALUE SPECIFIED ON DRAWING SW=G-3. 1. ALL TIEDOWN STRAPS AND CONNECTING HARDWARE MUST CERTIFIED BY A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OR A RECOGNIZED TESTING LABORATORY TO ADEQUATELY SUPPORT A 3150)) ALLOWABLE LOAD MINIMUM (ULTIMATE LOAD 4725# MINIMUM) AND/OR TO COMPLY WITH ASTM D3953-91. 2. ALL GROUND ANCHORS SPECIFIED ON THIS DRAWING MUST BE CERTIFIED BY A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OR A RECOGNIZED TESTING LABORATORY TO ADEQUATELY SUPPORT A 3150# ALLOWABLE WITHDRAWAL LOAD (ULTIMATE LOAD 4725#) MIN. WHEN LOADED AT A 45' ANGLE FROM THE ANCHOR SHAFT AND A 3150# ALLOWABLE WITHDRAWAL LOAD (ULTIMATE LOAD 4725#) MIN. WHEN LOADED PARALLEL TO THE ANCHOR SHAFT. 3. THE GROUND ANCHORS MUST BE INSTALLED TO THEIR FULL DEPTH IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS APPROVED FORON IN THE SOIL TYPE HEHFROST (EXISTS NOTE: � AT THE SITE,INETC.) ANSTALLATW TI D MUST EXTEND BELOW UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE ON OTHER DRAWINGS, TINE ALL TIEDOWN STRAPS AND GROUND ANCHORS SPECIFIED ON THIS DRAWING ARE IN ADDITION 4. ALL GROUND ANCHORS CONNECTED TO THE SIDEWALL FRAME TO THE TIEDOWN STRAPS AND GROUND ANCHORS TEDOWNS MUST BE PROVIDED WITH STABILIZER PLATES TO REQUIRED AT THE SHEAR WALLS MINIMIZE HORIZONTAL MOVEMENT. P.E. SEAL I THIRD PARTY 1Y �C Al u \ G.11 a MAY 25 2010 0 a FdvY MmP m,td m Q llomc Womumm III \ ...n ... NN Wery SuoAud, REVISIONS NOBILITY HOMES TCA% DA N0: SW—FI—I FIGURE 20 SU-37.1 32 FIGURE 18a SU-34.1 29 NOBILITY HOMES, INC. =ING-L FWID;= SPEAR WALL TIEDOLLN 5Y51 M - - -WIND ZONE Z j 3 WIND ZCNE I (100 MPH) WIND ZONE III (110 WK) HVTALL PM WITHIN 5- OF SHEM / V MAW ~WALL BBDW mm JOS'T (Tm:AL). LOOP STRAP THROUGH SLOT IN SHEAR WALL %9MCAL TIEDOWN ANCHOR AND CONNECT EACH END TO DOUBLE HEAD GROINO ANCHOR wE DETNL W ABOVE TIEDOWN ANCHOR W/ RADIUS CLIP EDGE OF HOUSE CONTINUOUS TIEDOWN STRAP DETAIL "A" GRADE MEDOWN STRAP INSTALLATION DOUBLE HEAD GROUND ANCHOR �. ^� ��, ► miiIII UJI 0 OCT 1 6 2008 o. . tZ IL QHome Fedeml Manufactured Consouction m ® And Safety Standards ` FOR FULL WIDTH SHEAR WALM LOOP STRAP THROGH SDT IN SHEAR WALL VE M=& TIEDOWH ANCHOR AND CONNECT EACH END TO DOUBLE HEM GROUND ANCOOR INSTALL PIER BBAW EDGE JCRST OPPOSITE SM&R WALL WHEN SHEAR WALL TEAMMATES OVER .MIST CAIIRLEVEiL NOTE ALL I®OWN STRAPS AND COHNWDNC HARDWARE MUST CERTIFIED By A PRDF=17NAL ENGINEER OR'A RECODNDFD TESTING LABORATORY TO ACEDUATFLY SUPPORT A 7150f AUDWASLE LOAD MINWUM (ULTIMATE LOAD 47W Mom) AND/OR TO COMPLY WITH ASW OU53-M ALL GHCUND ANCIaM SPECIFIED ON THIS ORAPIRC WLST BE CERTM S BY A PROFEIDOJAL DI@IE79! OI A RELOGr® TEMM LABORATORY TO A13EOUJLIMY SUPPORT A 3150* ALLOWABLE YRINDRAwAL I = MM-(ULTWATE LOAD 4'i2LPW') WHEN LOADED PARALLEL IWTH ANCHOR SHAFT Fs£"'S�14L THIRD PARTY REVISIONS k0V AGE SYSTEM t ` R ` a-' N64R BEAM METHOD STATE OF 5W—Fl-3 IoAm r/Ra/w 1= wTsl �•�nummon"•'v SU-35 30 NOBILITY HOMES, INC. 51NG-LEWIDE SI-IE;4F- WALL `i IEDOWN 5`r'STi�1 OCT 16 2ooa c CL _Q Fedem, Mn"ufs HomoC"""o v AdS5n IOMEPr FOR FULL WIDTH 91FJ1R WAIL. NWALL STRAP OVER THE STEEL BEAM AND COIBIECf EACH um TO A DOUBLE HEAD mRDI1ND ANCHOR WITH STRAP PLA® VERTICALLY WITNM S OF STIR WAU--7, /micumD ANCHOR �vcsiAu, PIER wrm E- OF SHEAR CrIPICAL) WALL samw mm JOIST (ronEAI.). I/ LOOP STRAP THROUGH SAT IN SHEAR WALL VERTIMAL TIEDOWN ANC1 NELT EACI-M M D HEAD GRCRNO REVISED e JCL 2 -t 1990 Fsau.t Mobil. M se,od..a, TIEDOWM ANCHOR W/ RADIUS CUP EDGE OF HOUSE OR CHASSIS BEAM CONTINUOUS TIEDOWN STRAP DETAIL "A" GRADE MEDOWN STRAP INSTALLATION DOUBLE .HEAD GROUND ANCHOR * W/51DEWALL FRAME TIEDOWNS CONNECTED TO FAR STEEL BEAMS (TYP) FOR FULL. WIDTH SHEAR WALLS. LOOP STRAP THROUGH SLOT IN SHEAR WALL VEIMMC BEDOWN ANCHOR AND CONNECT EACH END TO DOUBLE HEM GROUND ANCHOR INSTALL PIER BELOW EDGE MIS UPPOSTE SHEAR WALL WHEN SHEAR WALL TEAMMATES OVER JOIST CANIMLEVEX NOTE. ALL MOAN STRAPS AND CONNECDNG HARDWARE MUSr CERTIFIED BY A PROFESSIONAL ENGNEER OR A RECO,N® TESTING LABORATORY TO ADEDUATELY SUPPORT A 3150E AUDWABL E LOAD MINIMUM (ULTIMATE LDAD 4.775( MINIMUM) AND/OR TO COMPLY WM7H ASTM DMI53-BT. ALL GROUND ANCHORS SPECIFIED ON THIS DRAWWG MUST BE TESTING LABORATORY TO ADE AWSSUPPORTRECOm1® ALLOWABLE WTHORAWAL LOAD ION..(I1L7MATE LOAD 47ZW MIN.) WHEN LDADM AT AN ANGE AS FROM THE ANCHOR SHAFT. AND A 31W ALLDWABLE WrTHCRAV& LOAD MN.(UL7WATE LOAD 41'*09 WHEN LOADED PARMIEL 1ATH ANCHOR SHAFT. I EA,L THIRD PARTY RE SONS ,,ulin"I Y C.•. .r: _ II ANCHORAGE SYSTEM FAR BEAM METHOD /`x>cO;�c;^�'•I1,•_ A `... �• ,•. I I IDa.r we OAAAxna 5W—F1-3 '.•,�_ e�•.�..�':, � I I la•ie 3/1019" Is N.TS SU-36 31