HomeMy WebLinkAboutMANUFACTUREDHOME INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONSbbliuketwea Home _Instalt�tipn: Sped csit3ion8. i&t be completed anal snbmitied w tkyaur a`ppllmdan) Appdaant y1 an IrAMIL. Address REcelvea F£B 2 7 2010 Perrnitting Depart St. lucle Countyent Petmit# ft)-c11M NaofSeebons_9P, W3dtb Year AQM stew # Tnsmll�ionStanderdused(dudc)MaaoSaa>metsbdawei ISGl sir: Prepwadon DabriseodOrB+edettemoval �� A'azet Dreioage Natural b\vale Pad Odmr Powdmiw SCANNED BY St. Lucie County Page # Jr Page# Jr lasd beartnB'so$ datft —L5AU-,F— or essnmed F.oco psf FootbrgVM Poured ra place t Fie # po `— xtable MaInWi aafeblock Sia. 'p a o� ]�� .G j Perimeov6loaking page # "7 Iav �/� S:a nsr_ . NnmLer Y.aeatica# �dVbmm �pPork.`Nmnbv _ o�� glee 1�7X�S laeadon SCC 4•f je,&4LICd Pap# Ni Ceawuneblowft: Number `� g� ~% dort $ee e�%F4e/,f cr Pam# !D page# 11 S�aafalsapparEsrego{md($rey)segbwiadaw) YQ Pie# a3 _ Naftsof.Units. bda6ugga&w ��}Tb / s�e , Pew Page#_1g ' ( s�rRoof Type RW.0g :az ao. Pw#.1.5 Eedwau Tyrseg spp=g JJ oa Paga#)7 Pharos Type/ 3 o,a Awbora: �, Page# 19 Tw6M 3,150 Lspa�g Heigh;of Uta {top offow dedonto @aw 14I{ , k —r o paged 23 _TN`n Aagleofatr*. pW U Nambaroffrmnetla (y Sparing 'oGJe t oA. fie# �a Nombao£ava-roofGas(dragoired) of/. Ntanbarofsideual{ancborasrr4rt page# 20 y�jJ�Q :C—..=Fg�o—p--°#—_►=^ �# 3z »+mberofcmuar{inaanc _� 1Wm6erofstabilieera� �— Page# 32 vents airbdior m4 unaetp�tdag(Isgls6sf8oaruea):rro. es+rcui �;n.l - - Y Paged-�- - Prepared bye . Date RMrarruaora OLI V ER TECHNOLO W E5. INC. FLONDAINSTALLATION INS71WCfi0NSFC UM IutoDEC,tot ^lms>:Rids:ALYSiEE1:FSl�Jaliano)uslrsrran ENGINEERSSMMP ENgMM STAMP 1, SPECIAL CRi41NlSTANCE&lithefollowingcmncflttomoma•3TOPLContactoghgTedmologfesati-8 284-7437. a)Pier height hs¢eeds48" c1Roof eaves exceed a e)Location iswithin ISWfeet ofcowl engtfoeexeeds76' d)5ldewaliheight exceed96" b)Ihahmc INSTALLATION OF BROUN6 PAN 2. Remove weeds anddebris in an approxtmatetm foot square to." ' seWn4 soil foreach §found pan (C) . 3. Place.ground pan (C) directly below chassis I-beam, Press ordr ire pan firmly Into soil until flush with or below soil. SPECIAL NOTE The longitudinal V"bravasystemservesasapierunderthehomeandshouldbtloadedasanyotherpier. It is recommended that after -leveling pleas, andone-th(rd lnih 11/31) before home is lowered completely on to piers, complete steps4thfough 9 below, STABILIZER PLATES EVERY YCNERTICAt.T1ESMEALSO 4. Choose one of the approved Longitudinal tube Installations, either Diagram A or &.Then selectthe correct square'tube (q%ngth from the diagram for appropriate pler.haight at support location or cut and drill15"squaretube to achieve appropriate length. PIER HEIGHT 1230 Ur PIER HEIGHT 1SU" (40"M1n.-45'Max) Tube Length Fubelengtlh sns•m�.lstZ7tro� (40"Min.=60'Max) Tube Length 73lA tp25u g•43/$''-'tet32"+ff/ Diagram A J 1 eio 25 20, .305tm40" 44, Parte-- _ .r N N I" s . ea Diagram B S. WMIl (2) of the 15W srjuaretubes (Ef16" tube)) intothe grbmcket(J);rnsert carriage boltand leave nut loosefor final adjustment. 6.Place I-beam oonnectot (F) loosely on the bottom flang6ofthEl-liaam. 7. Tot Diagram A Installation) 51rd6the selected 1.W tube (E) Intoa 1SV tube (E) and attach to I-beam connectors (F) and fasten ioasely with bolt and nut: (For Dlabrani o Installation) Attach the selected 1 S'tubas (E) to th&F,beem'connectors (F) and fasten looselywith bolts and -nuts. & Repeat steps 6 through 7'to createthe "V" pattern of the u(uara tubes loosely inylace. 9. Using standard hand tools tighten all nuts and bolts. (For Diagram A Installatldri only, seedre 1.260 and 1 SW tubes using four(4)1 /4%:14x3/40 self -tapping screws in pre -drilled hoIW PATENTR684150S OTHERPATWHENDING Aug IDI(28r8 467 Swan Ave a Hahenwald,TN 3840 s-(800). A44-7437:i www.gllvertechnologles.com • Fax (931) 7%.8811 OLIVERTEGHNOLOGIES.INC. INSTALLATION INSTRUfTION$VOR FLORIDA MODEL 1101 "V° SEIDES ALLSTEEL FOUNDATIOAI'SMEM PAN jkQQNCRETE'Irevlsion Sl18) PATENU."HISO & OT(►EN PATENT PENDING Aug242ald www.clivertechnolegies co[n e INSMALLIMON U51NG.CONCRETErMMWFOOTM. 15. Aconcreteronne,R factor orslab may bewed Inpiaceofthe steetgmundpaa. a) The concrete shall* minlrhum 2S0o psi h id b) A concrete ranner may be either longltudinal ortransyersg, and must be atninimum of86deipwnh a Minimum Width of 16Inches longitudinally or IA jpches transverse toalloW proper tl*nee) etween the concrete bbltand the edge ofthe concrete (see below). c) Footers must have minlmuth surface areabf441 so; In, (Le.211 square), and mridt bea.idinlinum of E" deep. d) Ifa full slab Is used the depth must be a V minimum. Spedal Inspection ofthesys,bracket lnsWatich Ii not required. Footers must allow forat least 4" from the corterete bolt tothe edge of theconc ete. NOTE -The bottom of all footings, pads, slabsIM runnersmust be perloo(judsdictlon. TONG NAL',INIode1/1n1:LC V9 16. When using Part#1101-W-CPCA(wetset)simpiyinstBUftbradwtlnmmner/fo6terO)RWhen1nstallingtnanedconareteuse Partd 101-0-CPCA (dryset).The ll101(dryset) CA.biacket Isattached tothe concrete using (2) 5*kil3 concrete wedge bolts (Simpson part a S162300H SW X 3" or Powers equivalent). Piacethe CA bradeet.in desired location. Ma(k6olt hole locadohs, uteri using a S/8' diameter masonry bit Oil a holeto a minim6m depth of 3". Make sure al(dustand concrete Is.bfown out of the holeL Plate wedge•bahs Into drilled holes than place 1101(*set) CA bradretantowedge bolts and start wedge bolt nuMUlma hammer and lightly chtwtWWadge bolts down by hittlngthe nut (making surenotto hit the top of threads on boWnta steeme b#cenerele wedge boll needs to beator helowthe tysLQ u& Completibytlghtening'duts. re "Q• :1 i1idlTew"1 17. For wet set (partd1101-W-TACMInstathtionsimplyInstall the anchor bolt Into rumvrffootecFordry set Installation (part#i101-D-TACA) mark bolt hole locatlons, then udng q 5.Ir dram, masonry bit drill a hole to a minbnumdepth of 3: Make sure 60 dustand concrete is blown out ofthe hole. Plpce we¢ggbylts jS6npson part #S162300H 51W XW or Fower;egbivalent) Into (D) concrete drytrerrsverse eonnectorand Into drilled hole; (fneeded take a hammer and lightly drive the wedgebOfts down by hitting the nut (maWng sure not to hit the top ofthreadsonbol* then remove the nut.7f]n.SLESYPofeohctetewedd needs tob at or low tepoff nA [fete. 18. When using parts 1101 t Wv (wetset) or7101 CVD (diyset), Install persteps n& IS. N1.LLENr2TH.OF*MVSEIST. ACTUALB.OXStZE 2.13—=f.O1C WNOFTRR MMRSkBRACINGONLY. 3 K)=LO.W(ON0FLONCR-WINALBRACING ONl:1f 4. k3-=TRANSVERSEAND LONGRu01NAL LOCATMNS ALLW(DTHS AND LENGTHS;UPTO 52' ALL WIDTHS AND LENG7HSOVER5rTO 80" HDMESWrTH912 ROOF PifCHRtQUI*, PER FLORIDA REGULATIONS 6 s"ysteids for home (engthsup.to Ni' and 8 systems for homes Ever SX and up W. PATENT# 6634150 &OTHER PATENT PENDING EW RevWon O8l73/18 2017 rmrraaaauae,�coae Resideadai Satttoa OU and M2 MIL72 Headroom_ R3ii.751 Rtsec Netetrt. R3 UMTtead Dep h Rd3L7.&HandreRs- MLZUCiv tnallq R3zL78:3 Ha ndraE! Slip Size. R912LZ6umdt RSffi13G'uard C7rentng u� 91�7R9NaiQ70®61AT weuaeoareauuszeaopo mmwm T Ramlrraas+a r�•� 4�l�aea k6 '4X•i1Z��sffir�wsaom'r �Otltis®ir • �i1a8Ait�t7�pF�Y'Xda` ' NSfJLii� 73/4•te�4 r . i�#'i9EJLfTspeD� FY1PRAt, fCHL.PJ7RaF�k9lii'AN hOc7C ..' 7 ita{wv �s y�.i��sitPYsai9.'G�sa ._ � Ol7H3iLl76i L'F#RIlG � A�vJNf(Ey i ._ILHI.S'.TSCK'1!'ECtliplS,11YEiJ:KTH4'�E[?S Pocket Penetrometer Test x -x j�}Go - — -- - x r�e0--- - -- - - t • Test the ,padmeter of the home at six (6) locations. • Take the reading at, depth of the War. • Using 600 LB increment take the lowest reading and round down to that Increment, x mb j x 156b x 150b Perimeter T Testiowtions This Site Rounded Down to tS�U PSF Test muet be performed; by a licensed Installer. Date Tested: Licensed installer License Number: ygia Amy Large hereby certifythat this test was performed at the address. Licensee Sigfiature