HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL_ d' r Product Approval FILE COPY USER: Public User w Product Approval Mena > Product or Application Search > Application List > Application Detail FL # Application Type Code Version Application Status Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/Email Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Subcategory Compliance Method Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Evaluation Report Florida License Quality Assurance Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Validated By Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) FL14317-R10 Revision 2017 Approved SCANNED BY St. Lucie County aP RFc F FFB2 �Fo s���riO9 'Ip�9 Gp�e�pp4 Co4'7 ®' Boral Roofing / Monierl-ifetile F 7575 Irvine Center Drive Suite 100 Irvine, CA 92618 (602) 269-2288 Ext 8320 thomas. jem melt@ bona I.com Thomas Jemmett thomas.jemmett@bomi.com Adrian Cooper 135 NW 20th Street Boca Raton, FL 33431 (954) 520-5461 acoopeer@minierilfetile.com Roofing Underlayments Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer " Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received RobertJ. M. Nieminen PE-59166 UL LLC O8/21/2020 John W. Knezevich, PE a Validation Checklist Hardcopy Received FL14317 RIO COI 2018 01COI NIEMINEN.odf Standard Year ASTM D1970 2015 FRSA/TRI (April 2012) 04-12 2012 UL 1897 2012 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Date Submitted Date Validated Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved Method 1 Option D 10/12/2018 10/15/2018 10/22/2018 12/11/2018 I KItXtStt�!•} � rd7 � � v' ° �-�`"�n-�tit'Tk�i...��R �� #„�' utlet, ` bero> Plante DettnpGo' ; a 14317.1 Boral Roof Underlayments Roof underlayments for use in prepared roof assemblies Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL14317 R10 II_2018_10_FINAL ER_BORAL Underlayments FL14317- Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes RSO.odf Impact Resistant: N/A Verified By: Robert ]. M. Nieminen PE - 59166 Design Pressure: +N/A/-210 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Other: 1.) The design pressure in this application Evaluation Reports pertains to a particular underlayment system for FL14317 RSA( _AE2018 10 FINAL ER BORAL Underlayments FL14317- R10.Ddf use under foam -on tile systems. Refer to ER Section 5.6.4. 2.) Refer to ER Section 5 for Limits ' Created by Independent Third Party: Yes of Use. A ,N' extl Contact Us :: 2601 Blalr Stone Road. Tallahassee Fl, 32399 Phone: 850-487-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer. Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida :: Privacv Statement :: Accessibility Statement :: Refund Statement Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your a -mall address released in response to a public -records request, do not send electronic mail to this amity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mail. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. -Pursuant to Section 455.275(1), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address if they have one. The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, Please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public. To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please click hglg-. Product Approval Accepts: MROWERE -1 . 0 OWN h[t`tlt'.t tt lll;7'1t.1 {'S IoridaBuilding Code Online` "If, - —I n"' r ��5lpl �....- �' a I acts xome I Li m, ('user itegtstraxan J' xoC 7upirS S; suemrc'sard,aroe. ( stats s Factsi NbxIUM S con"cactus i a[IS Site Mao j; uniis j saazct,I. pr P ew, NbicU royal FILE COPY x. ' USER; PYbik Us¢r ` P.aeua�vmINai Menu>eroaact arAo$7tFat °n searchsAanYitaei il'n>°�ppxiadon oetan �00� �2 �Fp APRiica`tion'rype Affirmation N P'UO Code Version 201Y ��NED - Applicat on Status Approved St. Lucie County Comments Archived ` Product Manufacturer East Coast Metals,, Inc:: Address/Phon`e/Emalt 2301 West 8 Lane - Hiaieah, AFL 330f 0; (305) 88i ;6g9I. ocastellanos6leastcoast-metals com Authorized §ignature Technical Representative Address/Phone(Email Qua)ity,Assurarice Representative AdaressjPhone/Emaii Category Subcafegory ComplianceMethod Florida Engineer or Architect Name whodegeloped the 'Evaluation Report Florida:Llcense Quality Assurance Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date -validated By — - Certificate of Independence: ,tomb Casteganos , 'acasteiwtios64iastcnast-metals.com Tom Castellanos 2301 West'8 Lane Hialeah,0 , PL 3301. (3U5)885-9991 _ tcastelianosleastoast-metais.com, Howard Callender Ir. 2301 west e. Lane Hialeah; Ft, 33010 ''pas):885-994 ,Nealfenderoeastcoast-metals:com Rooting Roofing Accessories that are an, Integral Part, of the Roofing. system EvaluationReportfrom a Floilda'Registered Architect or aLicensed,. Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report = Hardccpy Received RobertNieminen PE-59166 Architectural Testing, Inc., an Intertek.Company 1213Il20zq ._ 'John W. Knezevleh, PE Valldation,Checkiish- Hardccpy`Received fittp8)/wwW.OoriAabuildingot9/PrJp� app dtlaspx4p"aratn::wGEVXQw'tbgtYSv8n700FXfTAZV6GME6Upp1e6Y8w7Vh%3,tl Paget of. lorke Building; Code Dnline 'Referenced.Standard and Year (of. Standard)' 4=. EquiValence of Prdp iu# Standards Certified By _ :Sections frointhe Cotle, FRSA/Tkl April 2012 (04-12) 2012 `RASti18 1995 'RA5 119 1995. PAS 120 1995 SE&I SS7D'11 1997` TAS.101 1995. I Affirm that there are no changes in the riew FlorIda ..Building Code sp{�tcfi affect tnp�producf(s), and Yny prQduet(s) are. In compliance with -the new. Florida Building Code. Documentation from approved ;Evaluation of Valldatlon Entity f,Yes Ziwo IA iProductApproyal Method Date Submitted Date Validated Date Pending FBC Approval Date'Approved e r [• 0�� su [ method,i Option D 07I05/2017 U9Ig6/2o17- 09/10/2017 PL "# Model, Humber 0 Name 5374i1 " - East Coast MeteisiCbannei Metals Preformed metal channels,designed for uie as a filp,& ridge- base to which roof tlles are,bondedt _ is of.Usa _ Installation fnstrucHans _- _ "ER Approved for usa'in HVHV yes , 'El.53.7 !!� Fi>\AL ECM him Lork L5374_., _R�",.ii_ry01, Approved for.use outside HVHZ: yes impact Resistant: k%A R4.af. 'Verified By. Robert Nieminen PE-59166 Design vre:fsore: +N/Al-178_ Created by in'dependentTfi9rd Party' Y"s Other. 1.) Refer to Evaluation Report sections 5 2 afi&Si3 Evaluation Reports F for Umits of Use'in HVRZ ani3 non-HVHZ'jurlsdictionsr Fi [� Trim' ck 74- FL5374 R5 AE_2015- Qa,FFJNA�Eg_��� F 'R4.odf_, Createtl by Independent Third Party Yes. respectively2•) The designpressdrehereigPertains 'touse In non-HVHZ. jurisdictions in canjuncdon witfi'Tab1e 1A of FRS Pj Ap,#12012 Aefer to Tables,2A and ,28 in the. . EvaivatIon Report for all options and,assbclated allowable '.. onto 1�:;$$$ji BI i fto11eR ^d,,j�311ahoi- eFl �3? 4PAo e' 650-457-197C.. The State'Gf Floada is an WEEP: emplWM, :AY.d7ht 26a72n13 §fate a'r lo%L . 611cta[emen[ :,t ACCmIl iltY Statement .,* o^Rtnd s•*±eeacenr, PtodiictA[provai Aixeplq;_ z'OR `w 9- q Psge2f https:!lWww.iloridabuildi g.o glPrjprp_dSl b _aMft DMUQp1e6Y8wivk%3d " � RagmxsananngcrlrWGa + ,tw � "�•� � " ' t.°. 4 � ± r ,,. °'b=wa '��° a -� a =° - gfzan rsst na,,ao'vipMf eoapl•aaa+aagdec.sdcaFlf Product Approval FILE /\/\OP) USER! PubkUser d' "r# 7roducEAooroval Menu R pn7(Ifu+or Aovlication_`u'ar h >-pdol cation the Pi llpDligNonDet$11 FL - FL7473 _RS ---- - - - Application Type Revision Code',Verslon 2017 f Application Status c Approved. Comments .Archived. Product Manufacturer , Address)Phone/Email CONCEALED FASTENERS OR ATTACHMENTS ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR OR RECORD = Authorized Signature Technical Representative.. Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance 4Rapresent6tive AddreS's/phone/Email category. Subcategory IN EAGLE ROOFING PRQDUCfS FLORIDA:LLC SCANNED 1575 East CR 470 5urritervilie, FL33858 BY (Sob) 4604245 St. Lucie County annettes@eagteroofing.com Annette. Sindar- annettesi%eagierooflng.com Tyler Allwood 1575 East Country Road 470 'Sumtervllle,,FL 33585' (941) 302-7826 tylera@eagleroobng_com, ST. LUCIE COUNTY BUILDING REVIEWED FOR COMPLIANCE 'Roofing PLANS AND PERMIT MUST BE KEPT Roofl6gTi1e6ITE OR NO INSPECTIONS) WIY Compliance Method Evaluation Report from'a Florida Registered Professional Engineer Q.Evaluation _Report -.Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect°Name who developed the Evaluation Report. Florida. License QualityAssurance"Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date, Validated By Certificate ofindepenclence Referenced Standard and Year (oustandard), Robert Nteminen P.E-59166; Architectural Testing, Inc., art Intertek Company .12/31/2020 Sohn. W. Knezevich, PE Validation Chkidlst - Hardcopy Received • :: • t r • � -u r-t r A'STM C1492 FRSA/TR1 April 2012 a Licensed Florida Year 200R 2012 hops:/Jwww.fioridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app=dtl:aspx?param=WbEVXQWtbgiaBwwtgvl7PtVBTji%2fZ4t7a%2fuMUFZfIIM%gd* Pege.t of iorida Building Code Online SSTD,11 1997 C Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections. from the Code e Product Approval Method Method,)-0ptionD Date Submitted .10/16/2017 Date Validated ].0%18%2l)17 Date Pending ffl Approval. 10/19/2017 Rate Approved) 12/12/2017! 5u oducts FL # Modei, Namber or Name Descriptior 7473.1_ _ - Eagle Roof Tiles Low {flat), medium and high profile concrete roof `tiles, _ _- �. "- ' fi0 Installation Instructions . pproved far use in HVHZ:,No ' EL7g7.i-B8 r 10 FINAL U FArLE -NbN Approved for Use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: IJ/d ' HVH7 FL7473AII odf 'Verified By:, Robert 1, M. Nleminen PE-:59166 ' - - Deslyq Pressure: N/A 'Created by IndependenETh_rd Party:.Yes Other: See Section S of Evaluation Report;for Limits of Use. 'Evaluation Reports,- _ Pile roofs are analyzed -for wind'. resiistance,through `FL7473, Re_AJt241L10 FINAL R A LE NON. overtu Mng moment. Refer• to FRSA/TR1:07320 for overturning HVHZ'FL74 Nil ndf . moment Iimitations,of mechanically attached) the systems and Created by Independent Third' Party:. Yes thetile,adhesive manufacturers`.Product°ApproVafs for = adhesive set tlie.systems_ - 76ei Blair stone R a `*`U M' FL 9T+09 Phone• 850-487-1824 The fibte of Flonda IS an AA)EE0 enlylOyM r^'^Vrht 2007- OIn'�� nr FlnAda Pr15e +Statement';: Accessi@Ilav statement.. Refund ___S mmaT Ptodu<t APPtrG"I AM053. Page 2 oft