HomeMy WebLinkAboutPROJECT INFORMATIONwrightsoft• Project Summary Entire House Job: Date: 19 MARCH 2O19 By. COPY Pro'ecf1hiorrination For. 101 RIDGE CIRCLE EMAR CEIVED SCANNED 2 2 2019 BY Notes: St. i_uCle County ounty; Pgrni tting Weather. Fort Pierce, FL, US Winter Design Conditions Summer Design Conditions Outsidedb 42 OF Outside db.' ° Insidedb 70 OF Insidedb 75 F Design TD 28 OF Design TD 15 OF Daily range Relative M humidity 50 % Moisture difference 61 grill Heating Summary Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure Duds 24263 Btuh Structure 8786 Btuh 0 Btuh Duds 0 Stuh Central vent (0 cfm) 0 Btuh Central vent (0 cfm) 0 Btuh none (none) Humidification 0 Btuh Blower 0 Btuh Piping 0 Btuh Equipment load 24263 Btuh Use manufacturers data n Rate/sv ingg multiplier 0.95 Infiltration Equipmentsensible load 8347 Btuh Memos Construction quality Simplified Averag Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Fireplaces 0e Structure 3308 Btuh Duds 0 Btuh Central vent (0 cfm) Btuh Area Heating Cooling (none) (fI 380 380 Equipment latent load 3308 Btuh Volume (fP) 3602 3602 Airchah es/hour Equiv Al (cfm) 1.00 60 1.00 Equipment Total Load Sen+Lat) 11654 Btuh 60 Req. total capacity at 0.70 SHR 1.0 ton Heating Equipment Summary Cooling Equipment Summary Make Make Mitsubishi Trade Trade Model AHRI ref Cond MZGL12NA Coil Efficiency 81 AFUE AHRI ref Efficiency 10.5 EER, 23.1 SEER Heating Input 60 Btuh Sensible cooling 8400 Btuh Heating output 49 Btuh Latent cooling 3600 Btuh Temperature rise 0 OF Total cooling 12000 Btuh Actual airflow 400 cfm Actual airflow 400 dm Air flow factor 0.016 chVBtuh Airflowfador 0.046 cfinOtuh Static pressure 0 in H2O Static pressure 0 in H2O Space thermostat Load sensible heat ratio 0.73 Calculations approved byACCA to meet all _ 'T wrightsoft- RigtrSuteA Uherw12018 18D.19 RSU12886 r-VwmVaWilOoonerbXWn94softWACU loNnp 031c-M8 F(031)"fbes N J 8th Ed. 20MNIar-1909d714 Page 1 t� FIDE CpFORMS Residential Building Thermal Envelope Approach FORM R402-2017 Climate Zone 201 R402 for single• and multlple-family residences of three stories or (ass in height, additions to existing residential buldings, aherations, renovations and building systems in existing buildings, as applicable. To comply, a building must meet or exceed all of the energy efficiency requirements on Table R4D2A and all applicable mandatory requirements summarized in Table R402B of this form. If a building does not comply with this method, or by the UA Attemetive method, it may still comply under Section R405 of the FWdda Dui0.i/ng Code, Energy Conservation. PROJECT NAME BUILDER; AND ADDRESS: 1rp1 X•AiCimir- OWNER: (4-Pia-Ce-1 FioC1 PERNma1GOFflCE: IF*. jP 1 CI'C G JURIS13ICTIDN NUMBER: PERMITNUMBER: Games] Instructions: 1. Fig In sit the applicable spaces of the -To Be Imtalled" column on Table R407A with the Information requested. Ail "To Be Inamnow'vatues must be s equal to or more efficient than the raquisd lards. 1 2 Complete pale 1 based on the To Be fnmallmr column infonnffiWrt 1 3. Read the requirments of Tahle R40M and chaikaxh boxto Indic"yorlit4nttocompyvdthsilaPpgohIebarns. 4. Read, sign and date the 'Pmpwed t W oedBleeUon shad namotOm bottom of page t_The ovmer arownar'e agent mustafuo sign and dam ere loran. 1 _ 1 2. Single4®ngy detached or multiple-hvtgy asached 3. N mu9ylwmniy, number of rmha mined by this otbmileolm 4. Iathiva waelcam7 (yeahm) S. Condblonedflooarea(sq.M.) 6. Windows, type end Me a) Wactm: b) Solar Heal Gan Coef clam (SHOO) c) Area 7. to Wft a) ufattor: IS) Soler Heat Gen Caenidem (BHGC) & Floor typo, area ar parimoer, and Insulation: a) Slab-on-Vrade (Rvalue) b) Wood, ralsod (R value) c) Wood, common (RATdue) d) Cor"ela, Weed (RxWue) e) Concrete, common (R-value) 9. Wall type and Insulatlem a) Edadur. 1. Wood frame (Insulation Rvalue) 2. Massey (Irsubfion R-value) b) Adjacent 1. Wood frame (Insde9oo Rvalus) 2. Masonrylinsuletimr R-velue) 10. Ceiling type and ins"Im a) Atlb am ufttlon Rwalu6) b) Singla -M mlly (Insulation)VveNe) 11. Alydistributen system: a) Duct because. Insulation b) AHU location e) Total duct leakage. Test report attached. 12. Coaling archer: a) typo b)eakiency 13. Hsagng aydem: a) lype b) efficiency 14. MIAC airing calcination: altoched 16. Water hosting system: a)type b) efficiency 2. 5•n!S�c - e. 4. n0 - S 3LI&O as. 1, Or] - 6b. �S - 6G 7a - 7b. - as m. - ee. - m. - ea get. to ny-.�'� O $ ^ `s Bat. - 961. - eb2. - ttl.. lab. _ 11s 11b. _ 1e 1 erm+tloasl. Yea❑ Now` 12e. pk rt nle- Y2h. _ i 13s. 04 XNP- 13b. _ 14. yes 3P"%13 ,�. 7 = In eomp0ance with t ds Q Energy ser Teflon compliance with the Fladda Bidding Cade, Energy Comauvadem Before PREPARED BY: eZA�onebusUm is complete, title building will be Inspected for eonpffaxs in Ihoeby certUY I 01 mnip mwfth th FlorldnauDWng eocordarrmvdth Sectbnfi98gaB,FS. Casfe, enew Conservation CODE OFFICIAL: OWNERIAGENT: Date. Dde: FLORIDA BUILDING CODE - ENERGY CONSERVATION, 6th EDITION (2017) R-55 FORMS TABLE R402A BUQOWO COMPONENT 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 i I I I 1 1 I 1 1 1 I I I I 1 I i 1 I I PRESCRIPTIVE REQUIREMENTS' INSTALLED VALUES Climate ZoneI Climate Zone2 Windows aFador=NR ILFedor=0.40- UFador= tool SHOO=025 SHOO=025 SHOO= a5 Skylights U-tctor=0.75 Wacwr=a65 Ulactor. . SHGC=0.30 SHGC-0.30 SHGC= Doom: Exterior dam iLFactm=NR Weemr=0AOx lilactor= — Room: Slab-an-0Grade, NR NR Over unconditioned spaces' R-13 R•18 H•Value= d WaOs': Extend Ad} Frame R-13 R•18 R•Value= I I Maus IrnsWaDpt an wag inMrbr R-4 R4i Vvlk Insulation an wag exterior R•9 Fl•4 Jj r fiVelue = CelOngs^ R=3D R*38 fLVakre =SID Art Itration Blower door last is required on the building envelope to verify leakages l ACH. Total leakage -ACH test report provided to code mNGal. Test repel anacmed7 Yes ❑ No W Air distrphu0at system': Ale he+ttffng w8 Not allowed In attic Location: Duct (;-value H-value 2 R-B (supply in area) or 2 RE (a4 other duct locallone) NVa4n Air leakage°: Duct test Pou"teaHon lest Total leakage54atn(100W. Total Rotrghtn tell Total leakage 54 dnJ100 W. (air handler part)dalutga=_ s El100o Vea❑ i4o0 h not Total leakage53 drN100 at. prat handler trot bt9aYe0) i�0reanpdtAlladred? Wcic hi conditioned apace Test not required It all ducts and AHU am in conditioned apaw Ak con4idoning system: Minimum federal standard required by NAECAx: Centmleysum 565,000 BtWn SEER 14.0 SEER='d3al Room unit or PTAC EER (tram Table C4032.3(3)l EER = Other. Sae Tables CW3.2.3(1)-(11) Heating system: Minimum federal standard mquimd by NAECAt Heat Dump Sfa5,000 Btu/h HSPF92 HSPF- 1BAo Gas furnace, rtmt�rreathortzed AFUE 80% AFUE= Oil tumeca, nan.weamedme AWE 83% AFUE= Other. Water neamng system (storage type): Minimum federal standard required by NAECAr: Fdamk' 40 get. EF -0.92 Gallons - SD 50 gat EF-0.90 EF= r q7 Gas fired' 40 gal: EF =0.59 Gallons = 50 gat EF= 0.59 EF= Other (desdme): NR=No requirement (1) Each component present in the As Proposed home must meet or exceed each of the applicable performance criteria in order to comply with this code using this method. (2) For impact rated fenestration complying with Section R301.2.1.2 ofthe Florida Building Cods Residential or Section 1609.1.2 of the F76ridaBuifd ng Code, BrdGBr(g, the maximum U-facer shall be 0.65 in Climam Zaoc 2 An area weighted average of U-facor and SHGC shall be accepted or meet the rtrtqquiremmu, or up to IS square feet of glazed femeslretionm eu am exempted from the U-factor and SHGC requirement based on Sections R402.3.1, I R402.3.2 and R4023.3. (3) One side -binged opaque door assembly up to 24 square feet is exempted from this U-facto requirement (4) R-values are for insulation material only as applied in accordance with manufacturer's installation instructions. For mass walls, the "interior of wall" requitrnmet mire be and except if a least 50 percent of the insulation required far the "exterior of wall" Is installed eeedurof. or integral m. The wall. (5) Ducts & AHU installed "substantially Icak free' per Section R403.3.2. Tat required by either individuals as defined in Section 553993(5) or (7). Florida Sweater, or individuals licensed as set forth in Section 489.105(3)(0. (g) air ON Florida Slants. The total leakage tee is not required for duds and air handler located entirely within the bolding thermsl envelope. (6) Minimum efficienciex arc these set by the NatimudADplionce EnerRy Cmummion Act of 1987 far typical residential equipment and are subject to NAECA odes and regulations. Far other types of equipment, sea Tables C403.73(1-11) of the Commercial Pmvisions of the Florida Building Cade, BnerRy Conservmiun. (7) Fm other electric storage volumes, minimum FF=0.97 - (0.00132 • volume). (8) For otheroairml gas storage volumes, minimum FF= 0.67 - (0.0019 • volume)_ R-56 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE— ENERGY CONSERVATION, 6th EDMON (2017) +e l TABLE R40M MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS component Section Bummu f of RequUmmnt(s) check Air lockage R402.4 To becaulud.geskmed. wea0rersoipped or omerwlsesealed per Table R402A.1.1. Recessed llghfi4. IC -rated as having 5 2.0 elm tested to ASTM E 28& Wktdows and doors: 0.3 dMsq. 2. (swinging dwm 0.5 de&O when tested to NFRO 400 or AAU WDMAIGSA 101A.S. 21A440. / Foeplanax Tiglafilurg f1w dampers 8 outdoor combustion air. V Programmable R40&12 A progmmmehie thermostat Is required for the pdmery heeding oT voting system. thermostat R40332 Ducts wall be tested as per Section R403.3.2 by enividu ter individuals as defined In Section 553.993(5) w (7), Florida Air d'smLutldt system WED Sfsedss. orindMdums licensed as am" in Section 489.105(3) (1), (g) or (1). Fbods SteNres Air handing mits are not slowed in attics. Water heaters R403L Comply with efficiencies In Table C4042. Hot water pores Insulated to a R-3 to ldtdi outlets, alhm®sea C midafng systems to have on sutoma0c or eooessbk mbtual OFF mWch. Heat crap remr&ed Mvedicad pipe daers Swimming pools 6 spas R403.10 Spas and heated pools must have vaporTetardand coders or a liquid cover or other means proven to reduce heat lose except it MT. of heat from eltexeravemd energy. OILUmerswfich required. Gas hemers minlum Mewal efficiency is 8E%_ Heat pump pool heaters minimum COP is 4.0_ Cowngibeavog R403.7 SI2aV calculation pedommd 8 altached Special occasion waling or treating capacity requires separate system or equgnent variable capacilyrsyetwn. ✓ Lwftg equipment R404.1 Alleast 75% ofpemn2nemly Installed 9ghft fidures shag be hd"Ifiraiy lamps. FLORIDA BUILDING CODE— ENERGY CONSERVATION, 6th EDITION (20M R37