HomeMy WebLinkAbout24 03/15/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE 1 FZABWARR WARRAN LIST #24- 09-MAR-2024 TO 15-MAR-2024 FUND: 050 - General Fund-Fees Operations CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0009475 Green, Michael 0 Reimburse External Hard Drive 34.98 !0009480 Automated Direct Mail Service P.O. # 2024 -18 New Voter Card 437.49 10009481 Gannett Media Corp dba Gannett TD Notices of Application/VAB/ 6,161.25 10009483 Main Street Focus QTR Pg Ad - Clerk Services 175.00 !0009484 SMI Systems & Methods Inc February 2024 CDU Reimbursable 426.67 H0011369 Internal Revenue Service SOC SEC TAX PAYABLE & EMPLOYEE 760.13 SOC SEC TAX PAYABLE & EMPLOYEE 3,250.37 CHECK TOTAL: 4,010.50 FUND TOTAL: 11,245.89 03/15/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE 2 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #24- 09-MAR-2024 TO 15-MAR-2024 FUND: 055 - General Fund-Clerk to Bd Operations CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0009481 Gannett Media Corp dba Gannett TO Notices of Application/VAB/ 715.21 TD Notices of Application/VAB/ 254.02 CHECK TOTAL: 969.23 H0011369 Internal Revenue Service SOC SEC TAX PAYABLE & EMPLOYEE 796.57 SOC SEC TAX PAYABLE & EMPLOYEE 3,405.87 CHECK TOTAL: 4,202.44 FUND TOTAL: 5,171.67 03/15/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE 3 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #24- 09-MAR-2024 TO 15-MAR-2024 FUND: 060 - General Fund-Court Rel Operations CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 10009486 Treasure Coast JJ LLC dba Jimm Juror Meals 3/7/2024 82.43 Juror Meals 3/7/2024 3.99 CHECK TOTAL: 86.42 00476890 Mendoza, Daniela Jury Replenishment 2,205.00 H0011369 Internal Revenue Service SOC SEC TAX PAYABLE & EMPLOYEE 1,965.62 SOC SEC TAX PAYABLE & EMPLOYEE 8,404.61 CHECK TOTAL: 10,370.23 FUND TOTAL: 12,661.65 03/15/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE 4 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #24- 09-MAR-2024 TO 15-MAR-2024 FUND: 172 - Information Technology CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0009473 Golden, Eric Educational Reimbursement Cert 1,431.00 !0009476 Minor, Tameka A Project Mngmnt Certification P 705.00 H0011369 Internal Revenue Service SOC SEC TAX PAYABLE & EMPLOYEE 1,722.59 SOC SEC TAX PAYABLE & EMPLOYEE 402.90 CHECK TOTAL: 2,125.49 FUND TOTAL: 4,261.49 03/15/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE 5 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #24- 09-MAR-2024 TO 15-MAR-2024 FUND: 691 - COCC Trust Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0009472 Almeida, Pedro 562011CJ000391 B RESTITUTION P 56.50 !0009474 Gray, Hallen 562011CJ001176 A RESTITUTION P 26.50 10009477 Recor, David 562011CF002342B Restitution St 26.50 !0009478 Veatch-Jalil, Jessica M CS#562018CJ000240A Restitution 26.50 10009485 St Lucie Co Tax Collector Tax Collector Fee 12.50 Omitted Years Taxes 291.67 Tax Collector Fee 6.25 Omitted Years Taxes 387.68 Tax Collector Fees 12.50 Omitted Years Taxes 190.46 CHECK TOTAL: 901.06 00476858 Aguilar, Fernando L 562023CJ000336A Restitution St 46.50 00476859 Al Razin, Mr Mohammad S 562022CF000227 A RESTITUTION P 96.50 00476862 Bakers Management Cs# 562016CF000357D Restitutio 71.50 00476863 Bean Brook Properties Real Auction Refund 22,495.00 00476865 Blue, Johnnie L 562023CD000024B Restitution St 96.50 00476867 Catherine Claudia Bennett Overpaid Traffic citation 23.00 00476868 Dav Gra LLC Real Auction Refund 5,500.00 00476869 Deleon, Delfino CKS 467621 & 580902 $ 96.50/$ 96.50 CKS 467621 & 580902 $ 96.50/$ 246.50 CHECK TOTAL: 343.00 00476870 Desir, Jean J 562018CF003052A Restitution St 46.50 00476871 Diequez, Raul 562012CF002254A Restitution St 24.01 00476872 Dontay Lashard Macon Overpayment due to case correc 29.59 00476873 Dwight Arscott Real Auction Refund 4,163.40 00476875 Eduardo Souza Real Auction Refund 3,890.00 00476876 Engleman, Koren 562002CJ001730A Restitution St 21.50 562002CJ001730 A RESTITUTION P 21.50 CHECK TOTAL: 43.00 03/15/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE 6 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #24- 09-MAR-2024 TO, 15-MAR-2024 FUND: 691 - COCC Trust Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL l 00476877 Florida Department of Correcti Overpayment St v Jacob Peter S 50.00 00476881 Jonathan Jean Overpaid Traffic Violation 25.00 00476883 LaTortue, Karl E 562021MM001636A Restitution St 36.50 00476884 Law Offices of Rick Kozell Refund overpaid recording fees 51.00 00476885 LGBS CS# 5620220000373A Restitutio 41.97 00476886 Luxe Homes Investments Inc Real Auction Refund 35,000.00 00476887 Mahler, Breann 562022CJ000327A Restitution St 26.50 00476889 Mc2 and Associates LLC Real Auction Refund 2,150.00 00476891 Miller, Nicolette 5620230000602 A RESTITUTION P 96.50 00476892 Montgomery, Jacob 562011CF000462 A RESTITUTION P 26.50 00476893 Noemi Delgado Real Auction Refund 120.00 00476894 NuSigma Capital LLC Unused Application Fee Refund 17.00 Refund to Certificate Holder $ 3,504.37 Refund to Certificate Holder $ 684.99 Unused application Fee refund 17.00 Refund to Certificate Holder 739.90 Refund to Certificate Holder 3,674.68 CHECK TOTAL: 8,637.94 00476895 Orth, William I Unused Tax Deed Application Re 17.00 Refund Certificate Holder $382 3,046.78 CHECK TOTAL: 3,063.78 00476897 Patel, Nayanaben M 562014CF001980A Restitution St 26.50 00476899 Penn Credit Overpayment Case 562020TRO1992 38.46 00476902 Phoebe Marshall Refund Overpayment St v Phoebe 11.48 00476903 Publix CS#562023MM001268A Restitution 26.50 00476905 Rick's Bail Bonds 562023CT000408A William E Dens 2,122.00 00476906 Robert N Burns Real Auction Refund 5,000.00 00476907 Susan Durham 562019CJ000889 Juvenile Restit 453.00 03/15/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE 7 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #24- 09-MAR-2024 TO 15-MAR-2024 FUND: 691 - COCC Trust Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 00476909 Torres, Raul R 5620030002303A Restitution St 26.50 00476910 Treasure Coast Title & Escrow Unclaimed CY 2022 Overpaid Rec 17.00 Unclaimed CY 2022 Overpaid Rec 93.50 Unclaimed CY 2022 Overpaid Rec 25.50 Unclaimed CY 2022 Overpaid Rec 17.00 Unclaimed CY 2022 Overpaid Rec 38.00 CHECK TOTAL: 191.00 00476913 Walmart CS# 562016CF001372B Restitutio 56.50 00476914 Wells Fargo Bank CS# 562014CF000831A St v Latai 199.00 00476915 Willard, Roy 5619980001317 C RESTITUTION P 46.50 H0011366 Florida Court Clerks & Comptro .10 OF EA $4 ADD'L RDNG PG 790.00 H0011367 Florida Department of Revenue DocStamps / IntangCTax / DL 754,869.49 DocStamps / IntangCTax / DL 20.00 DocStamps / IntangCTax / DL 194,551.28 DocStamps / IntangCTax / DL 346,633.42 CHECK TOTAL: 1,296,074.19 H0011368 Florida Department of Revenue 5620040000654A ST V J.J.H. FS 6.50 H0011370 Office of Attorney General Vic 5620050001717 A RESTITUTION P 21.50 FUND TOTAL: 1,392,320.88 03/15/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE 8 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #24- 09-MAR-2024 TO 15-MAR-2024 FUND: 693 - Court Registry Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 00476861 Atlantis Cove LLC Atlantis Cove LLC v Linday Cas 500.00 00476864 Ben-Hamo Law PLLC PennyMac Loan Svc v Denva Jenn 5,881.61 00476874 Earl Anthony James Earl Anthony James v Thomas & 1,256.67 00476879 Housing Authority of the City Housing Authority of F.P. v Ra 729.00 00476880 Janice Aleixo & Rickie Roman J Aleixo & R Roman v Port St L 860.81 00476896 Panchoosingh, Rajdai Court Registry Interest Atlant 713.91 00476898 Patrick James Finnegan Freedom Mrtg Corp v Patrick Ja 8,848.38 00476900 PennyMac Loan Svcs LLC PennyMac Loan Svcs v Denva Jen 4,253.00 00476904 Rapid Surplus Refund LLC Freedom Mrtg Corp v Patrick Fi 3,235.00 00476908 Tiffany Park Partners LTD DBA Tiffany Park Prtnrs LTD v Chev 1,800.00 00476912 Village at Tradition LLC dba V Village at Tradition v Traci B 2,400.00 00476916 William Wong PA Atlantic Bay Mrtge Group v Est 18,629.55 FUND TOTAL: 49,107.93 03/15/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE 9 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #24- 09-MAR-2024 TO 15-MAR-2024 FUND: 695 - Cash Bonds Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 00476866 Broward County Clerk of Courts Out of Co Bond---Brandon Patal 500.00 00476878 Habib Pirani 562023MM002446 Cash Bond Refun 1,000.00 00476882 Latasha Nicole Mabray 562023MM001061 Cash Bond Refun 250.00 00476888 Mario L Price 562022MM001401 Uncashed Ck 472 750.00 00476901 Philip Ippolito Case # 2024MM000131 Bond Refun 150.00 FUND TOTAL: 2,650.00 03/15/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE 10 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #24- 09-MAR-2024 TO 15-MAR-2024 FUND: 696 - COC-Ordinary Witness Fee CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 00476860 American Express - BTA Airfare A. Ortiz 3/8/24 St v L 123.10 Airfare Jose Sierra 3/9/24 St 122.09 Airfare Jose Sierra 3/3-3/7/24 355.20 CHECK TOTAL: 600.39 FUND TOTAL: 600.39 03/15/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE 11 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #24- 09-MAR-2024 TO 15-MAR-2024 FUND: 801 - Bank Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0009482 HealthEquity Inc. Flexible Spending & Dep Care P 1,697.90 00476911 US Department of The Treasury WG2404781 MICHAEL GREEN 218.60 H0011365 Fla Dept of State ST OF FLORIDA CHILD SUPP DISBU 386.00 ST OF FLORIDA CHILD SUPP DISBU 4.50 CHECK TOTAL: 390.50 H0011369 Internal Revenue Service SOC SEC TAX PAYABLE & EMPLOYEE 16,783.44 SOC SEC TAX PAYABLE & EMPLOYEE 3,925.22 SOC SEC TAX PAYABLE & .EMPLOYEE 19,952.71 CHECK TOTAL: 40,661.37 FUND TOTAL: 42,968.37 03/15/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE 1 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #24- 09-MAR-2024 TO 15-MAR-2024 FUND SUMMARY FUND TITLE EXPENSES PAYROLL 050 General Fund-Fees Operations 11,245.89 0.00 055 General Fund-Clerk to Bd Operations 5,171.67 0.00 060 General Fund-Court Rel Operations 12,661.65 0.00 172 Information Technology 4,261.49 0.00 691 COCC Trust Fund 1,392,320.88 0.00 693 Court Registry Fund 49,107.93 0.00 695 Cash Bonds Fund 2,650.00 0.00 696 COC-Ordinary Witness Fee 600.39 0.00 801 Bank Fund 42,968.37 0.00 GRAND TOTAL: 1,520,988.27 0.00 03/15/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE 1 FZABWARR VOID LIST# 24- 09-MAR-2024 TO 15-MAR-2024 FUND: 693 - Court Registry Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 00476856 William Wong PA Attorney IOAT 18,629.55 FUND TOTAL: 18,629.55